Chapter 11

The Vampire and The 'Shifter

The house was filled with a sort of energy after Jaemin and Yuto woke up to go make breakfast for themselves, only half remembering to make more for their other guests. Sungyeol had noticed how close the two were getting, but noticed Chani giving him a knowing smile, the unspoken words between them basically said they were nothing more than friends. Jaemin didn't really have anyone outside their coven, so having Yuto around was a definite change to the way things went between everyone.

"Ah, I got to work again," Yuto said with a scowl as he went to get ready after starting the coffee maker. "I guess I'll take him into Toronto," said Jaehwan as he came out of the guest bedroom. "Finishing missions?" Asked Hoetaek as he turned to Jaehwan. "Yeah," said Jaehwan. "Mind if I get a ride into town?" Asked Hoetaek. "I have some clients to meet up with before I'm done for the day," he said. "Where at?" Asked Jaehwan. "Same Starbucks Yuto works at," said Hoetaek. "Sure," said Jaehwan.

"I need to hunt, so go on ahead without me," said Zuho. "I'll drop him off," said Sungyeol. "Alright," said Jaehwan before he went to get ready. Seongwoo and Jihoon came out of the room to get breakfast, where Jaemin already had some on plates for them before he leaned against the kitchen counter to eat. Hoetaek, Jaehwan and Yanan came over to eat breakfast a few minutes later, with Yuto joining them not long after. After finishing breakfast Jaehwan left with his pack and Yuto and Hoetaek, heading to Toronto.

Zuho headed out with Sungyeol and Chani, going after yet another herd of deer. Sungyeol wasn't doing too well, his thoughts somewhere else entirely but Chani did everything to keep Sungyeol focused on the hunt. "Come on Sungyeol, I know your head isn't in the game but at least go hunt," he said. "I'm trying," said Sungyeol as he sighed. They continued their hunt, finding the herd they were after. After getting and burying their kills they headed back, with Sungyeol taking Jaemin and Zuho into Toronto.

When they arrived at the coffee shop Hoetaek was waiting outside, sipping on some coffee as he sat at one of the outside tables. "Having fun?" Asked Sungyeol as he got out of the jeep with Zuho and Jaemin following after him. "I guess," said Hoetaek. "I'm actually really surprised it hasn't snowed yet," he said, looking up at the overcast sky. "It probably will soon," said Sungyeol as Zuho and Jaemin headed into the coffee shop.

"Any news from the idiots yet?" He asked as he followed Hoetaek inside. "No," said Hoetaek. "But it's never a good thing when they're silent," he said. "So I'm keeping an eye out," he said. "You meet your clients yet?" Asked Sungyeol. "One of them, I'm waiting on the other team currently," said Hoetaek as they went to sit at his usual spot.

"Who was the first team?" Asked Sungyeol. "Taeseon's U.S. team," said Hoetaek as he shrugged, taking a newspaper and opening it, hiding his identity for now. "Who's the next?" Asked Sungyeol as he browsed through his phone. "Hobi, Doyoung and Hyunjin," said Hoetaek. Sungyeol hummed in response as Jaemin came over with a scone, munching on it as he sat down with Zuho joining them not long after. The three of them sat in comfortable silence, with Zuho checking his phone to see where Jaehwan and the others were while Jaemin nibbled on his scone, trying to make it last.

"You really like the scone don't you?" Asked Hoetaek as he peeked out from behind his newspaper. "Mhm," said Jaemin as he chuckled some. Hoetaek laughs before moving the newspaper back and sipping on his coffee.

The door chimed as it opened, with Yuto giving his usual faked enthusiastic greeting. "What can I get you?" He asked. "The usual," said Doyoung as he nodded. "And a sandwich," said Hyunjin as he went to grab one. "And a sandwich," said Doyoung. "10$, name on cup?" Asked Yuto as he went to grab three cups. "Hobi," said Hoseok as he swiped his card and Yuto had him sign a copy of the reciept before taking the customer copy and writing something down on it before handing it back to Doyoung. "Your order will be ready soon," he said, nodding before going to make their orders.

Doyoung examined the note before spotting Hoetaek's newspaper and walking over, with Hoseok and Hyunjin going to sit nearby. "Well, pleasure seeing you guys here," said Doyoung. "As always," said Sungyeol as he nodded. Hoetaek peeked out from behind the newspaper, nodding to Doyoung before getting the information from his phone and quickly writing it down before handing it to Doyoung. "Thank you," said Doyoung.

"How's Jungwoo and Jeno doing?" Asked Jaemin. "Fine fine," said Doyoung. "They're both busy with work so," he said, shrugging. "I see," said Jaemin. "Maybe we'll go see them again, if Sunggyu, Cory and Jisung don't come visit first," said Sungyeol. "It'd be nice," said Jaemin. "Then I can tell them about Yuto!" He said. Sungyeol chuckled some.

"Yuto's a nice change to everything," said Sungyeol as he shrugged. "Jaemin doesn't really have anyone outside of us so," he said when Doyoung gave him a questioning look. "Ah, I see," Doyoung said, laughing some. "He's human isn't he?" He asked. Sungyeol nodded. "I plan on keeping it that way," said Hoetaek. "Unless something forces me to let someone turn him," he added.

"I'm perfectly fine with being human," called Yuto. "Order for Hobi!" He called. Hoseok got up and went to get their orders before coming back and handing Doyoung's cup to Doyoung.

"So," said Doyoung. "I heard you were having trouble with other 'shifter packs," he said. "Give or take," said Hoetaek as he looked out from behind his newspaper. "We got it handled for now though," he said. "For now," agreed Sungyeol. "Alright, good luck then," said Doyoung before he got up and left with Hoseok and Hyunjin.

Everyone spent the day at the Starbucks, just sitting around and having fun. Zuho left with Jaehwan after he had gotten done with missions and Yuto gave them some pastries to go before getting the leftovers and taking them home. Sungyeol drove everyone home after getting dinner for everyone and Yanan.

Yanan and Chani were hanging out on the porch swing when they got home, with Yanan going to get his share of dinner and going back to sitting on the porch swing.

"Anything new?" Asked Sungyeol as he went to lean against the porch railing while everyone else went inside. "Nah, it's been quiet," said Chani. "I think you really scared him into running yesterday," he said. Sungyeol snorts. "It seems like it," he said. "Quiet usually isn't good though," said Yanan. "We don't know what they're planning," he said. "True," said Sungyeol.

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I don't stan any of the groups that appear in this, but I will subscribe to this <3
Chapter 20: aww my poor bb changgu
since I started reading this fic I started to pay him more attention, he's a bias wrecker
Chapter 18: finally
I hope that changgu gets well soon and maybe now hwi and sungyeol will some time to themselves
Chapter 17: I'm glad that Hyunggu is okay for now
And i can't believe that k finished the whole 17 chapters all in one shot hhhyhh
love it
please update soon
Chapter 12: my poor Hyunggu T.T
he's so bubbly it's hard to imagine him so broken
Chapter 2: but why Hui is running away from his pack ?
I wonder what happened
this is amazing
I have a long way to read but I don't care