Shallow End Of A Dream / Chapter 5

Shallow End Of A Dream

Chapter Six: Happy Birthday


       KyuJong was talking on the phone in the office, his and YoungSaeng’s. YoungSaeng was out buying coffee for both of them, the older man always liked skipping the boring job every once in a while.

-          Ok, so everything’s ok, then?

-          Yeah, it is. Don’t worry.

-          Just wanted to make sure… and Junie, would you please do me a favor?

-          What is it bro?

-          Well… since I have to bring YoungSaeng with me, I can’t go and pick up EunAh. She’s waiting for me… So, can you just go and pick her up at our place?!

The truth is that he could go and pick up his sister, but he just wanted HyungJun do it in order to give him a chance of talking to his sister. He knew how happy the younger man was. Biting his lower lip in order to keep from laughing at the immediate answer HyungJun gave:

-          Yeah, sure… I will… sure…

-          Ok. Good. I should hang up now. Thank you.

-          Ok. Goodbye.

-          Goodbye.

They both hung up, smiling and staring at the phone in their hands.


      After hanging up, YoungSaeng came back with the coffees. Taking the coffee from his friend, KyuJong smiled and thanked him then took his phone to send a message to Nagisa:

                    From: Kyu Jong Sempai

                    To: Nagisa

                          Don’t forget to come… see you at 8, tonight.

Sending the message, he took a sip from his coffee and busied himself with some papers and checks on the desk while keeping an eye on his phone. A few minutes later his phone beeped, reading the message he just smiled and went back to his work;

                  From: Nagisa

                  To: Kyu Jong Sempai

                        Sempai this is the 10th time you are telling me this… ok… ok… ok… I will :D



       Happy he could be with EunAh and talk to her, HyungJun stared at the phone still in his hand smiling; “It really made my day man… Thank you!”

       He had fallen for EunAh from the very first day he’d met her ten years ago, when he was in high school, and he was in love ever since, never giving up on his love for her; even though she chose someone else to be with and left HyungJun alone with a broken heart. It was not her fault though, because HyungJun never told her about his feelings or how much he was in love with her. When, after some years, she came back with a broken heart, HyungJun broke down, seeing his love like that. The guy she was with had just betrayed her. He didn’t know what to do when she got back; he knew he loved her and he still wanted to be with her, but he couldn’t do anything. Since EunAh was so broken hearted, she couldn’t trust or love anyone. So HyungJun just waited again, it was hard, very hard, but he knew if he wanted her, and that he did, he should wait for her.


       Humming to himself happily, the young man was getting ready to go and pick his love up. He took a quick shower, put on his best clothes and wore too much perfume. Smiling to himself in the mirror, he was satisfied with his looks. Grabbing the car keys on the way out of the house, he locked the door to his apartment, saying goodbye to the loneliness for a good amount of time.


       Arriving at the house he hesitated before ringing the doorbell.

Since EunAh was waiting for KyuJong to come and it was about time he showed up, without hesitation she stepped out.

Seeing HyungJun instead of her brother she said; “Oh, it’s you… Where is Kyu?”

“Yeah, it’s me… sorry to disappoint you Miss, but your brother was busy bringing YoungSaeng, so he just called me to come and pick you up.” He answered, smiling, “At your service ma’am.” He said opening the car’s door for her to get in.

Smiling happily at him, EunAh got in the car, “Well, let’s go then!”

HyungJun started the engine when they were both ready. It was a little awkward since they were both silent, not knowing what to say. “So this was your idea?” EunAh asked, breaking the ice, “The party thing and all?!”

       Looking at her from the rear-view mirror, the young man nodded his head; “Yeah… it’s good to be together every once in a while… and YoungSaeng’s birthday was a good reason.” 

       The fact was that he wanted to be with his friends more. He hated to be home, he was alone all the time and he hated it. Besides, it was times like this when he could talk to EunAh and have a good time. So they started talking about the party, making the drive to the hotel pleasant for the both of them.



       Back in the hotel, HyunJoong and JunMin made sure everything was ok for the night, one last time. Now they were waiting for the others to come, sitting in their especial spot in the lobby. HyungJun and EunAh were the first ones to arrive. After them, YoungSaeng and KyuJong arrived. Walking in the room anxiously, YoungSaeng stopped when he saw HyungJun and others talking and laughing joyfully, then he looked at KyuJong behind him angrily but said nothing. Instead, he scooted to his piano at the corner to play and calm himself down. KyuJong just shook his head warily.


       “Is it just me or YoungSaeng’s blood is really up?!” JungMin whispered into KyuJong’s ear, who was now sitting beside him.

Looking at JungMin, the older man sighed and said: “Well… he didn’t want to come here tonight, saying he’s tired and needs to rest… I couldn’t tell him why we are gathering here because it was supposed to be a surprise for him so … ohm… I just lied to him!”

“And what exactly did you say?!” JungMin smirked at the other man.

“Uh… well… that HyungJun is having a serious problem and we are gathering here to help him with it.” KyuJong answered nervously.

Looking at HyungJun’s happy face, JungMin giggled; “Well… no wonder he’s angry then… never seen HyungJun as happy as he is now!”

KyuJong groaned at that and eased himself more into the sofa, avoiding looking at YoungSaeng, who was still mad at him.


       Ten minutes later, when YoungSaeng felt better and joined the others at the coffee table, HyunJoong took out his guitar and started playing a happy birthday song. At the same time a waitress came in holding a big birthday cake with colorful candles on it and then everyone started to sing “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUNGSAENG.”

It all happened in a blink of an eye and YoungSaeng was so overwhelmed with all the things happening that he couldn’t do anything but blinking several times to check if he’s seeing things or not. When they asked him to blow out the candles and make a wish, he looked at KyuJong and smiled at him sheepishly, then he closed his eyes and did as he was told to. It’s been a long time since he had a real birthday party in which he was really happy.


       The next shock was when he opened his eyes and saw his dream girl standing beside a familiar face, smiling. His jaw fell down at that. ‘Dreams do come true.’ He thought.

       Putting his hand under his friend’s chin and closing his open mouth, KyuJong smiled; “What is it?!” he asked looking at the same direction YoungSaeng was looking in; “It’s Nagi! Is it that surprising for you seeing her here?” KyuJong stated still smiling.

Not hearing a word the other man said, YoungSaeng asked; “Tell me I’m not day dreaming again, Kyu ah…” he was still looking at the girls who were now talking with the others.

Wondering what YoungSaeng was talking about, KyuJong said: “What?!... What would you be day dreaming about now?”

“The girl standing beside her, is she real?... Or just my imagination?!” YoungSaeng asked pointing to the girl who was now shaking hands with JungMin and the others.

“She’s real…. I think…” KyuJong answered and then gasped before saying; “Don’t tell me…”

Nodding his head, YoungSaeng looked at his friend with a bright smile, “It’s her…”


       HyungJun, recognized his old friend from high school and was very happy, hugging her tightly and talking to her happily. They were all in the same high school, studying the arts. Then one by one Nagisa greeted and hugged JungMin, who was as cheerful as usual, HyunJoong, the silent and always supporting guy and the rest of them.

The girl standing beside her, amused by their actions, was smiling and looking around when she saw the piano guy from a few days ago coming towards them. 

Standing in front of her, YoungSaeng took out his hand and said: “Nice to meet you again, Miss.”

Taking the hand in her beautiful, little one, the girl said: “Nice to meet you, too.”

“What?!” Nagisa looked at them in surprise, “You two know each other?”

Sara looked down embarrassed when everyone in the room stared at them. Looking at the shy girl beside him, YoungSaeng smiled shyly and said: “Yes… we do, but not much…” then he continued, “It’s been a long time Nagisa… Happy to see you again!” and with that, he hugged her.

Hugging him back, Nagisa just smiled and answered: “Happy to see you, too, YoungSaeng-San!”

“You’ve been hugging everyone since you came but me… “KyuJong pouted, standing beside them, “Mean dongsaeng.” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked away.

        Nagisa laughed at the childish expression on his face: “Come here you little boy” she gave him a long, warm hug, which caused the man smile happily.

       They had already forgotten about the cake when HyungJun said “I know it’s really good to see each other again after so long, but guys…. What about the cake? I want to eat the cake… come on, we can talk later!” he pouted, being a child again.

JungMin rolled his eyes and nudged the youngest in the ribs hard; “When do you want to grow up silly?”

The others laughed at them and at how hard HyugJun tried to retaliate the action. While eating, JungMin, who’s been eyeing HyunJoong for a while, sat next to him, “So… what’s eating you?!” he asked.

Looking at his friend for some seconds, the guitarist opened his mouth but then closed it. The thing is that he doesn’t know either. “I don’t know!” he said after a moment.

“Well…” JungMin said after swallowing a piece of cake, “I know!”

Surprised, HyunJoong looked at him curiously, “You do?”


       JungMin nodded, then whispered into his friend’s ear, “After two years, it’s the first time I don’t see her around… and you know who I’m talking about! I told you, she just might give up on you if you insist on being an .” Then the redhead stood up to take another piece of cake from HyungJun’s plate, bothering him again.

       HyunJoong was angry, confused and worried. Drinking the whole glass he murmured: “I don’t care.” But he knew he was lying.


       “Why don’t you guys play for us?!” EunAh said once everyone finished eating and they were just talking.

“I don’t see why not?!” JungMin answered looking at his friends.

“Fine… let’s play!” HyungJun loved to sing, so it was obvious he would accept the idea. “What do you want us to play, Miss?”

“I don’t know… something YoungSaeng likes maybe?!.... “ EunAh said. “It’s his birthday after all!”

“I think I know what is that!” KyuJong mused then looked at where the oldest guy was sitting, sipping at his glass; “Hyun come over here… we want to play a song… bring your guitar…”

Drinking another glass of wine, HyunJoong decided to put all his anger and worries at the back of his mind for now and enjoy the evening with his friends… his family.

“And what are we going to play?” He asked.

Looking at YoungSaeng, KyuJong smiled and then started to sing:


One day in my dreams, a small candle light approached me… then I would wake up unable to remember that dream…that short introduction and the small wind, I cannot forget now… I remember, we were the sky's day…the natural world and for that dream… we can do it, always the same dream, the happy smile, a full place… we can make it


       Looking at each other when they heard KyuJong singing, they all remembered the song which was very special to them and they all smiled. They performed it on the last day of school, the last festival. They remembered it well, because it was the day when they all gave up on their dreams of becoming singers for the sake of their families. And this song, all of them loved; it was the only time they could perform as a group they wished to become one day.

HyunJoong started to play his guitar… YoungSaeng started the piano… and they all sang it together. It was a beautiful performance, a beautiful night. They all had fun.


       When they finished the song they wished YoungSaeng all the bests once again and then after having a toast to him they decided it’s better to go back and have some rest since it was getting late.


       When they all left, HyunJoong paced up and down in front of the hotel then went in. He needed to talk to MaeRi! He was angry with her, but “Why are you doing this HyunJoong” was ringing in his head again and again and again….


To be continued…..


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