Shallow End Of A Dream / Chapter 3

Shallow End Of A Dream

Chapter Three: Friends


       The lobby of the Cosmos hotel (PJM and KHJL’s Hotel)

A Business party.


       The Hotel is very luxurious. Inside the lobby, the big, golden chandeliers, shining from the ceiling, make everything sparkle beautifully. The lobby is furnished with beautiful, big and new leather furniture. The dining table is something you can’t get your eyes off; every edible thing imaginable is there, from seafood to meat and poultry. Different kinds of sweets and jellies, all kinds of drinks and everything was tasty. You could tell just by looking at them.


       Some people were sitting; some were standing and chatting while the waiters and waitresses served them with the best wine of the country. Everyone’s happy; but among all those happy faces, there is a young man standing by his father’s side, uneasy. The father gave his son a grieving look, “it’s ok if you want to go, son. “He said, “You’ve done enough being by my side today.”

Bowing his head politely at his father, the young man left for their special spot at the other end of the lobby, which is usually vacant. Only the five boys are really interested in being there. Seeing the grand piano in the corner he smiled and went to it and touched the keyboard smoothly. He’d never thought he would give up on his dream of becoming a great composer or a singer to be a businessman. He felt sorry for himself and his lost dream. Silently he sat by the piano and started to play a beautiful pleasing song.


       The boy’s name is YoungSaeng, Heo YoungSaeng, son of the owner of Hana bank; the most important bank in Korea. He is an attractive, tall and slender boy with black, straight, silky hair which keeps coming back to his face persistently. Wearing a black suit and a striped, black and white, silky tie, he was the most gorgeous guy in that place tonight. Hearing the soft sounds of footsteps getting closer and the sound of a person settling in the leather couch, YoungSaeng smiled at the fact that the new guy didn’t disturb his playing.


       The new guy sat on the couch silently with legs crossed and closed his eyes while listening to his friend playing the piano. He loved that song which was YoungSaeng’s favorite song, and he loved listening to him playing like this. But things won’t always be the way you want them to be, especially when you’ve got two energetic guys as your closest friends.

They both smiled at the sounds of laughter and protests coming from behind. A tall guy with brown hair sat in front of the other guy in the couch and grinned at the other two getting closer; one of them pouting while the other was still making fun of him. Not ever getting tired of it.


       Looking at them all, the first guy laughed at the youngest with a pout on and said: “What’s wrong? What’s with the face HyungJun?”

The youngest was about to talk when the redhead said, “Well… he was just staring at this beautiful lady coming to the lobby and he couldn’t see the great Mr. Park , so he bumped into him and spilt his drink all over his shirt…” The redhead laughed again.

“They’re talking about EunAh, KyuJong, she’s here.” The guy in the black explained.

The man called KyuJong said: “Well, I think your father’s going to be very angry now that his clothes are wet JungMin ah.”


       The redhead nodded, he always called his father Mr. Park, since he didn’t really feel like having feelings for him as a father; “You should have been there to see their faces, especially our Baby’s face, he was so scared, he could have cried at any moment…”

“Was not.” HyungJun protested, still nervous about the incident earlier.

“Was too.” the redhead insisted.

“Horse face.” HyungJun said under his breath, but the other heard and gave him a sharp glare. Shrinking back into the couch a little at that look and also seeing the lady coming their way, HyungJun stood up and neighed loudly like a horse then ran to hide behind that lady’s back. It was EunAh, KyuJong’s elder sister and HyungJun’s first and only love, though it’s a one sided love due to many reasons.

“You did it HyungJun.” the oldest guy said laughing.

“He won’t let you get away with that!” KyuJong pointed out while laughing.


       The redhead never liked to be called a horse, so he would react to any joke in that matter, especially if it was coming from HyungJun. Following the baby, he stopped to see him hide behind EunAh’s back, “You really deserve to be called a baby”, and then he turned to EunAh, “Hi noona”. He said with a bright smile.


       Laughing at them, she could guess what all this running was about. “You’re never going to stop bullying him, are you?” She said, smiling at them; the guy hiding behind her and the redhead in front of her. “No…” JungMin replied joyfully, “I mean why would I? He’s fun to bully!”

HyungJun stuck his tongue out at him and looked away.

“Anyhow, spare him this time JungMin ah! Ok?” EunAh smiled at him knowing he’ll agree. She was with them from the very beginning of their never ending friendship, and they all treated her like their own sister. They all respected her and loved her and she loved them all and cared about them so much. They were like a family, a family in which they could be who they wanted to be not whom they should be.


       “Well... If you are asking me, then I think it’s ok.” He smiled and then turned and called to his partner: “HyunJoong, I’m leaving… need to use this great opportunity and talk to some of Seoul’s great businessmen, so just relax, ok? I’ll take care of everything.”  Then he turned to leave, but before, he took his chance and hit HyungJun hard on the head and started to run away laughing like crazy, happy he could take revenge.

 Yelping at the hard hit on his head, HyungJun cursed the redhead and ran after him, leaving everyone in the spot laughing at them. They were the most cheerful guys amongst the group, who always made others laugh with their weird actions.


       Turning to look at his sister, KyuJong said:” You look gorgeous sis,” then hugged her, “Must keep an eye on you tonight!” he teased kissing her cheek.

“Thanks… and you look handsome just as usual!” EunAh stated, hugging him back, “And pass on that… hate to have a bodyguard or something.” She teased back. “Well… you guys need to get back to the party since it’s yours and it would be considered very rude of the host to leave his guests by themselves.” She said to KyuJong and HyunJoong, who was now frowning at the girl coming inside with some papers in her hands. She smiled at the girl and continued talking to her brother.

Pouting at that, KyuJong said: “I don’t want to. I don’t like talking to those selfish, boring, old people who can only think of themselves and money. And dad knows that, why does he keep forcing me into these parties?” he was nagging again, like a child.



       Entering her boss’s especial spot, MaeRi walked to him with the schedule of the night’s program in her hands. Smiling back at the nice lady, her heart sank at the sight of her boss’s usual frown. The frown which he’d always show her only. Handing him the papers she thought about the reason she fell in love with this cold-hearted person who seemed to hate her for no reason. Then again, why does he hate her that much he won’t even look at her?!


       Going through the papers once, he nodded, then said a cold “thank you” and left. EunAh was dragging KyuJong along with her. MaeRi sighed and her shoulders slumped; “Why? Just why?” She grumbled in frustration, covering her face with one hand.

“Don’t worry!” a soft voice said and she nearly jumped at the sudden sound, turning around she saw YoungSaeng. “Give him time!” the guy said and sat down to play again, since he didn’t need to go back to that stupid business party.


       MaeRi blushed; why did she say that loud? Why didn’t she notice the silent guy in the corner? Shaking her head firmly, she excused herself even though she didn’t need to, and left. “I’ve got many things to worry about!” she murmured.




       Protesting from being dragged out into the party again, KyuJong suddenly stopped when he saw a familiar face he’d been yearning to see for years. He felt his heart skip a beat. Looking back at her brother then in the direction he was looking in , EunAh chuckled then whispered into his ear: “Just stay in sight so dad would see you and won’t get mad, ok?” turning around to leave she added teasingly: “And I don’t think you’ll be hanging around with selfish, boring, old people.”  KyuJong huffed at that but headed towards that person. Reaching the girl, not sure what to say: “Hai saishiburidesu ne, Nagi-chan” (It’s been a long time, Nagi.) he said smiling, embarrassed.


       Hearing that she immediately turned around to see whether it was the same person she thought it to be or not. “KyuJong sempai?” she mumbled questioningly.

“Thought you promised to be my dongsaeng forever!” KyuJong said, crossing his arms, looking at her with a jolly face.

“Never gave up on that!” she said frowning at him but the smile took over her face and she couldn’t resist the need to hug him. KyuJong hugged her back tightly; he couldn’t tell her how happy he was to see the girl after five years. The only one he had ever fallen for.


       Letting go after a while, KyuJong asked: “Where have you been all this time? I’ve been looking for you everywhere, but you were nowhere to be found!”

“Maybe you didn’t look for me well enough!” she said a sad expression on her face but she quickly smiled: “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Well, the whole party thing is about us and our families, and as much as I hate business I ended up being a businessman myself!” he answered a little hurt at the truth of becoming a businessman instead of a singer he wished to be. “I should be asking you though, what are you doing here?” he asked.


       Knowing KyuJong always wished to be a singer and not a businessman, Nagisa felt sorry for him. “I’m on a trip. And since I’ve heard the winters here are very beautiful, I came to have fun and take a picture or two!” she answered happily.

Narrowing his eyes, he said: “Not sure about the winter part, because you’re the only one deeply in love with winter and cold weathers. And wait a minute… by that… you mean… you’ve become a photographer?... I’m so happy for you.” He smiled and hugged her again.

Staring into his eyes, she nodded and sighed, “Yeah… just this single wish was granted!” a sad aura surrounding her.


       KyuJong was shocked by that and the sadness on her face. ‘What’s happened to her? What does she mean ‘Just that only wish was granted’?’ he thought to himself.

Smiling up at him; “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet ya, Kyu… let’s get together soon!”  She turned to leave when a hand grabbed her own and stopped her.

Looking down with black, silky bangs covering his alluring eyes, KyuJong tightened his grip on Nagisa’s hand, “I’m not letting you go, not again… not now.”


       Shocked at the sudden tightness around her hand,  Nagisa took his in her other and squeezed it lightly, “And I’m not letting go, Kyu… I… Just… you know, I’m not into these parties and people… just need to go out for fresh air, wanna come?... since I assume you were never interested in these things either!” she was smiling at him.

“It’s raining outside, you know?” KyuJong said.

“Never had a problem with the rain!” Nagisa answered, knowing he would come.

       Relaxing a little at the touch and her words he looked up, embarrassed at what he just did, but didn’t let go of the hand in his. He thought about his father getting mad at him, but then started walking beside her and heading out. Screw everything; he’s got his dongsaeng by his side again… he’s got his love by his side.


       Seeing her brother leaving with the girl, EunAh just smiled and shook her head, “There’s gonna be a fight tonight, again.” She whispered.



       As he was still playing the piano in the spot, YoungSaeng heard the soft footsteps coming closer and closer until they stopped in front of him. He stopped and looked up at the girl standing facing him, confused.

       “Well… uhm… you know… ahh… it was really getting crowded there… and… I just… don’t like places like this… wanted to get away for some time… saw this place was the best… but… I didn’t think someone could be here before me…. I wanted to leave, but I heard the piano playing so beautifully… you’re an amazing pianist, did you know that?....” the girl was talking non-stop, due to being embarrassed and YoungSaeng was just staring at her shocked; “I take that as a compliment, I guess?!” he smiled.


       Chuckling nervously at that, the girl replied: “Ah… yeah… yeah… you really are great… believe me!” She paused. But then again: “If I’m disturbing or anything I can just leave…. I think I should go and find some other place… yeah… I should be leaving… sorry…” she turned to leave but stopped when she heard the young man; “There are no other places to relax.” He said, starting to play again, “And I don’t mind playing while you’re around.” Though it was odd for YoungSaeng to be like that. He wouldn’t play the piano for just anyone. It was just for himself and his friends.


       The girl smiled and sat down on a couch facing the pianist and closing her eyes to listen to the calming and resonating sound of it. The notes’ hovering over her and it was amazingly relaxing for her. They were both enjoying the silence and the soothing sound of the piano, when she suddenly said: “You don’t like being there either, do you?”

Without looking up or stopping, YoungSaeng replied: “I don’t belong to their world.”

Startled by the answer, the girl opened her eyes slowly and asked again; “What’s your world like, then?”


       Thinking about what she said he stopped his hands from moving for a short second: “It’s music that I’m interested in only… so I guess my world is somewhere I can be myself and do what I want to do.” He paused, “that’s my world I think.” He started playing again; “How’s your world like?” He didn’t know why, but he was completely comfortable talking to the stranger girl. Like he knew her from a half remembered dream. He felt strangely attracted to her. It was not like him, talking to people like this.


       “Honestly… I don’t know. I don’t belong to that world, but I don’t know where my real world is, either. They didn’t let me find it when I wanted to and then I got lost. I don’t want this world but I don’t know where to look for where I belong.”The girl said. Looking at the pianist, their gaze met for a while before her ringtone went off and she looked away to answer it, “Sorry!” she smiled sheepishly, pointing to her phone. YoungSaeng blushed, why was he acting so weird? Why was he acting like a teenage girl?

He looked down at his hand moving on the keys but he really was not seeing them, daydreaming. But he came back to reality when the girl said; “I should go now. Thanks for letting me stay… and thanks for playing for me.” She smiled.


       “Wait.” YoungSaeng said, looking at the girl for a moment to try and memorize her beautiful face, then he looked at his piano; “You like piano, don’t you?” he asked, not really waiting for an answer. “Then maybe… maybe you belong in this world; the world of music!”

Smiling nicely, the girl bowed to him and then left, saying only one word; “Maybe”.


       Watching her back as she left the spot, YoungSaeng got up and went to sit in the couch occupied by her just minutes ago and closed his eyes. Smelling her scent he smiled faintly; “What’s happening to me??” he whispered to himself.



       In the big, luxurious lobby, the party was about to end. JungMin and HyungJun still talking to some people about jobs and co-working. Having JungMin as a partner, HyunJoong really need not worry about anything, since JungMin always took care of everything very well. He smiled at the cheerful redhead and HyungJun, talking with those impossible-to-handle people. He was grateful for having these friends. Friends who were like his family. Friends who never left him alone and always supported him in everything.


       HyunJoong was standing in the darker part of the lobby near the bar, where no one could see him. Looking around his eyes fell on that special someone still in the lobby and smiling at people while talking with them. Silently he rose his glass of wine and drank it all for that person.

The night would end soon and he needed to rest. JungMin would come up with something to cover his absence; he need not worry about it. He smiled and left for his room upstairs.


To be continued….

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