Shallow End Of A Dream Chapter 15

Shallow End Of A Dream

Part 15: The Holiday

       They were getting ready for work and once they were all set to go, HyunJoong smiled at MaeRi then kissed her once again before leaving. She responded, smiling into the kiss: “I should go, you know!” she said against his lips.

HyunJoong tightened his grip around her, pulling her closer, “I know!” he wasn’t letting go, but just when he wanted to pull back, suddenly the door opened and a very cheerful JungMin stood in the doorway.

It took a moment for them to realize the situation and MaeRi blushed then buried her face into HyunJoong’s neck, who was still holding her. JungMin smirked looking at them; “Sorry… bad timing!” he said.

       HyunJoong was looking at them with a blank expression and when he saw how embarrassed the girl in his arm was he smiled at her shyness then turned to JungMin nearly shouting at him; “Knock before you enter a room, HORSE!”

       The only one who could call him horse without getting hurt was HyunJoong, and he usually wouldn’t call him that unless it was necessary. And now it was necessary.

JungMin neighed loudly and kicked the door, laughing.

“Sorry!” HyunJoong said, caressing MaeRi’s soft hair, “He’s always like this.”

“Hey! If your rende-zvous is finished, we need to talk Boss!” JungMin said teasingly from behind the closed door.

MaeRi squeaked at the comment and the red spread to her neck.

“Shut up!” the man in the room shouted.

Chuckling, JungMin said; “We’ll be waiting in the office.” And he started to leave. When they couldn’t hear his laughter anymore, HyunJoong cupped MaeRi’s red face in both hands and smiled apologetically; “Sorry! I should have known he would come!”

“I-It’s… O-Ok!” the girl stuttered.

“Wanna leave now?” he asked.

       She shook her head from side to side; “No… you go… I’ll leave in a few minutes!” she needed time to calm down. Well, she was a very shy girl.

The young man nodded and kissed her head then he stood at the door, turned around and looked at the girl who was now sitting at the edge of the bed, recovering; “By the way,” he opened the door, “You look cute when you turn into a human tomato!” then he laughed and ran out and closed the door.

“Yaaaaaaaaaahhh…” MaeRi shouted at him and threw a pillow at the closed door. There was no way she could leave the room anytime soon.


       When he entered his office, the other four were waiting for him, grinning widely.

The room was huge, two desks for him and JungMin who was his partner and a set of white couches in the middle of the room. A beautiful round rug on the floor and closets for their documents.

He closed the door and went to sit at his desk, “What?!” he asked, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Correct me if I am wrong,” YoungSaeng said, “You were kissing a girl… in your room, right?”

HyunJoong nodded but said nothing. YoungSaeng chuckled.

“MaeRi, right?... Wi MaeRi!” KyuJong asked and got a yes when the older man nodded again.

“And what happened to the I like my privacy and I’m not going to give it up to some girl, part?!” JungMin smirked.

HyunJoong glared at him, “I remember you were the one who persuaded me to go after her!” he said.

“Since when you are obedient and listen to what I say?” JungMin mused still grinning.

HyunJoong stared at him before smiling wickedly; “Since the day you started skipping work and went to visit that little girl! She’s cute, boy! CONGRATS.” It was HyunJoong’s turn to smirk now.

The smile fell from JungMin’s face as the others looked at him questioningly.

“Darn!” he cursed. He was not going to get away, he should answer their questions.

“Well?!” YoungSaeng asked with a raised brow.

“Don’t tell me the horse got a girl, too???” HyungJun asked desperately and ducked his head in time when JungMin threw a cushion at him.

 Glaring at him JungMin said; “Well… She’s just a friend!”

“You know JungMin?” Kyu Jong started; “You have never been a good liar!”

JungMin huffed; “I… I like her, ok??... but I haven’t asked her out… yet!”

“What?” YoungSaeng nearly screamed; “You like her and yet you are acting like a cute ‘just friend’ ?... What are you?... An idiot?”

“Hey Dr. Love, calm down!” HyunJoong said; “You know he’s an idiot when it comes to love and relationships.”

“He’s an idiot no matter wha__URGH__ “ HyungJun rubbed the back of his head and looked at KyuJong who was smiling sheepishly at him; “Don’t give me that look Junnie! JungMin asked me to do so! Sorry!” KyuJong pointed at JungMin who was glaring at the poor HyungJun. HyungJun swallowed hard and then kept quiet.

“Tell her before it’s too late!” said HyunJoong smiling.

Looking up at the elder, JungMin grinned; “Why do I get the feeling I’ve heard that once before?!”

HyunJoong chuckled and shrugged, it was like they had switched places, “A crazy horse told me once!”

Wincing at the pain in his leg as he moved it, HyungJun said; “Forget about the ho… I mean JungMin’s confession for now! We came here to talk about last night!”

JungMin threw daggers at him through his sharp look at the change of words but said nothing, instead he nodded; “Right!”

“What about last night?” HyunJoong asked confused.

       The truth is, when KyuJong called him last night, he just told him that HyungJun had broken his leg and that they were taking him to hospital. And he knew about YoungSaeng’s date.

“Well… I think we’re in trouble again, Hyun!” KyuJoong said anxiously.

“Trouble?!” HyunJoong was confused.

“Yeah… I think it’s about the new hotel!” YoungSaeng replied.

“You mean he knows about it already?” the confused man asked worriedly. He avoided saying his name because he hated the man they were talking about.

“Yeah!” HyungJun said with a serious face, “I don’t know why every time you get successful in the business he freaks out!”

“And how do you know?” HyunJoong asked shaking, not from fear but from anger. The memories he so badly wanted to forget about were rushing back to him; how HyuRi died, how he felt after he heard his baby was dead… everything.

“The truth is… is that…” KyuJong said hesitantly, “Jun and Saeng got into an accident last night… that’s why we were in hospital… and well… we… we think…” he looked at JungMin helplessly, he couldn’t continue.

“We think it was them… the Red Dragons!” JungMin continued.

“Just because of an accident? It’s not weird to have an accident nowadays!” HyunJoong chuckled nervously.

“No Hyun… no one would come into an alley like that with that speed and goes straight to a man who is standing in the middle… if it was anyone else, they would just stop, but they didn’t… and besides… their car… it was a red Ascari…” YoungSaeng explained. “You know that one is rare in Seoul and there only few people here who can afford to buy them.”

“So you mean he’s blackmailing me again?” HyunJoong asked through clenched teeth.

“We do!” JungMin said.

And suddenly, like he remembered what they had just told him, HyunJoong jumped out of his chair and went to his friends sitting on a couch; “You guys ok?”

YoungSaeng nodded and HyungJun smiled reassuringly at the elder who was worried.

“I’m sorry guys… it’s my fault!” HyunJoong said, looking down at his feet.

“Now we’re back to square one!” JungMin groaned.

“Hey HyunJoong…” Young Saeng said and put his hand on his friend’s shoulder; “We’re ok and it is not your fault!”

“Yeah!” the youngest of them all nodded, “It’s that jerk’s fault! I’m gonna kick his as… OUCH!” he cried in pain when he accidentally hit the table with his injured leg and caused everyone to  laugh, including HyunJoong.

“Don’t think you can kick his just yet, Jun!” YoungSaeng laughed again.

HyungJun pouted but he was happy to make his friends happy by his stupid actions.

“So?” KyuJong said after they recovered from the laughing session; “What should we do about it?”

       Still chuckling, HyunJoong said; “Be on guard is all I can say for now! And I hope you don’t get in trouble! I can’t lose any of you guys… and I can’t tolerate the pain!” he was remembering the incident four years ago in which he lost his family.

       The others just nodded in agreement. They could still remember those days when their friend was in hospital and he was having difficulty admitting HyuRi’s death. It was one memory they all wanted to erase.

“Hey! We’re all in this together, right?” KyuJong said.

“No….no … it’s just me… but you guys should watch out, he may want to teach me something again!” the older man said, chuckling anxiously.

“Sorry to say this bro… but you’re an idiot if you think we’ll leave you all by yourself…” HyungJun said; “We are not just best friends, remember?! We promised we will always be together and protect each other just like families do!”

The others agreed, “He’s right! We’re in this together, Hyun!” YoungSaeng smiled.

“Thank you!” was all the other man could say to his friends… no his family! “By the way…” he said after a minute of silence, “I think we all deserve a good holiday, since this year all of us worked so hard!”

“Yeah… I really need to rest!” HyungJun said.

       HyunJoong went to his desk, opened one of the drawers and took out five plane tickets; “Let’s go on a vacation!”

“Yay!... I love you bro!” HyungJun shouted cheerfully.

“Where?” KyuJong asked, smiling.

“Jeju island!” HyunJoong said.

“But it’s still winter and it’s cold!” JungMin pouted.

“Sorry guys… I’m afraid I can’t come…” YoungSaeng pointed out; “Sara… I promised her I’ll spend the holiday with her!”

“Kill joy!” HyungJun pouted.

“Well…” HyunJoong smiled at them, “Who said you are coming alone?” and he took five other tickets from the same drawer.

“But Hyun…” YoungSaeng was surprised; this was too much to accept.

“No “buts”!” the older man said firmly, “We’re going to Jeju tomorrow night.”

“But why ten tickets?” KyuJong asked, “It’s just you three who are in pairs!”

JungMin chuckled; “Nagisa and EunAh, silly Kyu!”

HyungJun was flying over the world and KyuJong smiled happily.

It’s going to be great holiday!” they all thought.


       Opening her eyes, she found herself in her bed and she could hear two people talking in the room; she felt dizzy and she couldn’t recognize the voices; “We should find a heart transplant for her before it’s too late!” a voice said.

“Yeah! But you know the chances are low… she might just reject the heart… it’s a risky surgery!” the other voice said.

“Well… that’s true!” the first one said; “But what else can we do?... If this goes on she might just… you know!”   

       She smiled; “Am I going to die?!” her eyes prickled with tears; “Stop it silly… it’s not like you didn’t know it from the beginning.” Fighting the tears back, she sat on the bed and looked around, “Sara!” she called.

       Wiping away her tears, Sara sat beside her on the bed and forced her to lie down again; “Sleep or I’ll tie you up!” she ordered.

“Hey Nagi! How do you feel?” EunAh asked a sad smile on her face.

“Great!” she chuckled; “It doesn’t hurt anymore, thanks!”

“What happened last night?” Sara asked. Last night when she came back to check on her, she was lying on the floor and was unconscious. She got worried and immediately called EunAh to come and help her. She thought she’d lost Nagisa.

“I should be asking you that question!” Nagisa narrowed her eyes at her; “Why didn’t you tell me about it earlier? Don’t you trust me? Aren’t we friends?” She pouted.

       Sara looked away, blushing a little; “Well… it’s not like running around and shouting Hey I love this guy or anything… and thanks, it went well!” then she frowned; “Why didn’t you call me?”

Scratching the back of her head, Nagisa smiled ruefully; “I’m sorry!... didn’t want to ruin the mood!”

“No way!” Sara folded her arms; “Apology rejected! What if something happened?”

“I’m ok now! Totally fine! Just let it go, ok?” Nagisa puffed her cheeks and gave her the cute puppy look.

Sara couldn’t help but laugh at her childish pout, “Fine! But I’m not going to leave you alone, ever!” she said firmly.

Nagisa clapped her hands in happiness and smiled, “It’s not like I’m complaining about that!”

       Looking at them and seeing how cheerful Nagisa was even after the heart attack last night, EunAh smiled at them, “I should be leaving now! Just take care of her, Sara!” she said, packing her bag.

“I will!” Sara said looking at her friend.

“EunAh?” Nagisa called.

The doctor turned around; “Hum?”

“Don’t tell KyuJong about it, ok? I don’t want him to know and worry!” Nagisa requested.

“But…” EunAh was about to protest when Nagisa said; “Please… Just don’t tell him! That’s all I’m asking for!”

EunAh hesitated a bit before nodding, if that’s what Nagisa wanted then who was she to go against her will?!

“What is it that you don’t want me to know about?!” KyuJong asked, coming into the room, smiling. JungMin was coming in behind him, “Close the door, it’s safer!” he teased the girls.

It was a really bad situation, “Did he overhear it?” Nagisa thought.  She felt as if she was going to have another attack when EunAh spoke; “If she wanted you to know, she would have told you! Right?” she looked at her brother.

KyuJong pouted and JungMin chuckled.

“What are you doing here anyway?” EunAh asked them.

“Aha! That!” KyuJong said smiling again and took out the tickets and waved at the girls; “We’re going to Jeju tomorrow! All of us! So get ready!” then he turned to Nagisa; “And it’s cold, very cold… you’ll love it!”

She smiled at him and said nothing.

Sara smiled, a trip together with all her new friends, and her boyfriend, it was going to be fun.

EunAh paused then said; “Have fun! I can’t come, sorry!”

“But I thought you said you were going to enjoy your one week holiday!” KyuJong stated, looking at her.

Damn, she was caught now; she couldn’t get away, “Well… um… I…” she stuttered.

“By the way noona!” JungMin said, “Could you come and check on HyungJun and YoungSaeng? After the accident last night…”

“HyungJun?” EunAh interrupted him anxiously, “What happened? Is he ok?” it was obvious she was worried about him.

“Calm down, sis! He’s ok!” KyuJong said, glaring at JungMin who was smirking now. “Want to see him?”

EunAh nodded and followed after her brother out of the room. But before leaving she blushed at what JungMin whispered into her ear; “I thought you were a cardiologist, not a doctor who treats broken legs!” he chuckled when he saw the red on her face.

“Has anyone ever told you, you are so mean, teasing people?” Nagisa asked grinning.

“Several times, yeah!” the redhead smirked.

“Haily’s coming, too. Right?” She asked him after a moment.

“Sure!” JungMin said and walked to the door; “I should go and tell her.”

Chuckling, Nagisa said; “You can call her, you know! No need to go to her workplace!” now it was her turn to .

“O-Oh… y-yeah… but…” he stuttered and smiled sheepishly; “I miss her… so… Mata ne Nagi, Sara!” and he left.

Sara laughed when for the first time she saw JungMin blush, “Oh girl, you’re horrible!” she said; “You’re the first one to beat him!”

Nagisa gave her a thumb up! “Thank you!” paused, “Now let’s pack!”

“Let’s!” Sara smiled and got up to help her pack.



To be continued....

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