Shallow End Of A Dream Chapter 12

Shallow End Of A Dream

Chapter 12: Do you remember?


       “Come on in… it’s getting cold and dinner’s almost ready!” EunAh shouted out to the children playing outside, and then went back into the kitchen to cooking.

       KyuJong and YoungSaeng were doing their work in the living room. Sara and Haily were playing with Hara, Haily and JungMin’s daughter. MaeRi was out again, looking for a job; since they were staying there she needed to find a suitable income. JungMin was still in their room, resting; the ride from here to Seoul to visit his doctor was always tiring.

       Sniffing and shivering from the cold, HyungJun and his sons along with HyunJoong entered the house, still laughing and talking loudly. “We’re home!” HyungJun said loudly so that everyone could hear.

Coming to the door and seeing the energetic guys laughing, Haily and Sara chuckled and Haily said pointing to the boys; “Bathroom… Quick!”

Well, their clothes were soaking and their boots were covered in mud, so they really needed a hot bath.

“Sara , could you please take care of Hara while I bathe these naughty kids?” Haily asked.

Smiling brightly, Sara held the baby in her arms carefully; “Sure!” she said.

Haily kissed Hara and gave her to Sara then took HyunJoong’s hand in hers and they walked behind the naughty twins.

       Looking at Hara in her arms, Sara smiled and headed to their room, YoungSaeng and hers, to play with her. She loved kids and always wanted to have her own children too; but after what happened to YoungSaeng, she needed to take care of him and help him, so she just gave up on that dream years ago. They never talked about it after YoungSaeng lost his sight, they loved each other so much and having him by her side was enough to make her happy. Giving up on a dream for the one you love feels good, especially if it’s a sacrifice for love. And she did that without even regretting it once.

       Leaning against the doorframe, EunAh was smiling at the happy faces entering the house, talking and laughing. She loved her family, her friends, but on top of them all; she loved her wonderful husband and she decided to make it up to him, the years she was giving him a hard time unknowingly. Then she went into the kitchen.

“It’s really cold!” HyungJun said, standing behind her and giving her a hug.

       EunAh squeaked when HyungJun’s cold clothes and hands were pressed against her body. “Oh my God! You’re freezing!” she said turning around in his arms; “Let’s get your clothes changed.” But HyungJun didn’t move and tightened his hold around her; “Don’t want to move. Can we stay like this for a while?” he asked, putting his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes and enjoying the hug.

       The woman nodded; then HyungJun started humming into her ear and both of them moved together, they danced slowly. The young man smiled, leaned back and looked at her. EunAh looked back, smiling and knowing what that look meant. HyungJun bent down and kissed her, she responded eagerly. After the kiss, he put his head against hers, eyes still closed and the slow dance starting again.

“So you still remember?!” he said, opening his eyes.

“How could I ever forget??” she said, “It was our first kiss!”

“But you didn’t seem to like it” he pouted, “Because as far as I remember you left after I kissed you!”

EunAh chuckled, “I loved it, but It was just too soon, that’s all!”

“EunAh…” he whispered.

“Hmm?” she answered.

“Youknow, you are such a special person to me. ”

She smiled brightly and kissed him again; “Love you!”

 “Now I should go and take a hot shower before I catch a cold!” the younger man stated happily.

“Yeah, you should! And I’ll be setting the table while you’re at it!” EunAh said, still smiling.

       He left. EunAh resumed the cooking and started to set the table for dinner, still humming that song, and remembering that night again as if it was right in front of her eyes. The crowd, people dancing, a soft melody playing. She remembered the first time HyungJun held her in his arms as a man who loved her. Their first dance, their first kiss. It was such a good night and she wished it never ended.


       The kids got out of the bathroom after they washed away the dirt. Haily was still in the bathroom, cleaning things up and tidying the place, because after the kids left it was just a mess. She heard a lovely and baritone voice from behind and then turned around to see her husband singing the song he sang for her years ago when they decided to get married, when they promised to be together through happiness and sadness. She couldn’t help but smile at him.

       Seeing his lovely wife, reminded him of how much he loved this woman. Living with Haily was what made him happy, and it made him forget the fact that a life without feet to walk around is not as easy as it was when she’s around. So he just felt like reminding her that he’s thankful:

I-L-O-V-E-Y-O-U! have you gotten it?

Before our ‘today’ becomes ‘yesterday’

Hey, because I’m with you, I’m able to go on

Hey, because I’m with you, I’m still here!

“Sleep well?” Haily said smiling as she stood in front of him and crouched down, taking his hands.

JungMin nodded with a sweet smile; “Yeah, very well, thank you!”

       “Good! I think it’s dinner time. Let’s go!” she stood up and helped him to turn his wheelchair around and move. At the top of the stairs they saw HyungJun ,“Hey, need help?” he said smiling at the couple.

“Who needs your help, turtle?” JungMin stuck his tongue out at him.

“Wasn’t talking to you, horse.” HyungJun said grinning, then looked at Haily who was laughing at the men turning into little kids again; “Need help madam?”

Still chuckling, Haily nodded; “Yeah. Thank you!”

“Ok… but I just need to change my clothes since they’re wet and dinner’s not ready yet, so you can wait here, I’ll be back in a minute, ok?”

“Ok! We will!” Haily said.

       HyungJun smiled at her and then he messed up JungMin’s hair with one hand before running away from him.

       When HyungJun messed his hair, he forgot he couldn’t move his legs anymore and was about to stand up and run after him when Haily hugged him from behind; “Hey… let him go honey, you can get him back for it later.” She said, not mentioning the fact that he was about to fall from his chair if he moved any further.

       It just hurt him to remember again that he couldn’t move around as freely as he used to. “Haily?!” he said with a quiet voice.

“Yes?” she replied.

“Aren’t you tired… of… of me?!” he stuttred.

       Hearing the question, she felt her heart sink in despair; “Why do say that? Did I do anything to make you feel like I’m tired?” she was about to cry.

“No… No… you never did anything wrong Haily…” he took her hand but averted his eyes trying so hard to avoid looking in those sad eyes; “It’s just… that I know how hard it is to live with a disabled man… I can’t walk and most of the times I just need your help or others to help me do my personal things. It’s hard on me, and I know it’s hard for you, too.” Just like always he tried to be the tough guy saying things he didn’t even wanted to talk about, but he had to, “I just want you to know, that no matter how much we love each other, if you ever felt like things are getting harder or that I’m just making things impossible for you, you can just lea…” cold fingers on his lips, hushed him. He looked into those watery eyes and he bit his cheek inwardly.

       Voice shaking, Haily slowly and softly sang to him:

What kind of tomorrow awaits us, no one knows, but everyday I’m always by your side, like usual!” she paused and took a deep breath; “Do you remember JungMin? We sang this song together and we made a promise that no matter how life’s going to be or how hard it gets, we will always stay together, we will always support each other. We kept this promise… and today, after all these years, you are asking me to leave you? Are you doubting my love for you?!” she was shaking now.

“No, no I’m not doubting your love.” He paused for a second, “I know… I’m sorry… it’s just hard to see you like this… you are giving up on everything just for me… to take care of me… you are always by my side and yes you did keep that promise. God knows how happy I am, but Haily…” he didn’t know how to say it. He didn’t want to hurt her.

       “Hush!” Haily said. “Just don’t say anything anymore…” she bent forward and kissed him; “Ten years ago, I chose you. I chose to be with you and I knew how your condition was. I knew everything about you, and I still chose you; and I never ever regretted it. I’m happy living with you, every single day I wake up to see your face and to talk to you and taking care of you is what I truly want to do.” She kissed him again; “I love you Min… please… if you love me; never say those things again. Please don’t ask me to leave you, because I can’t… I don’t want to!”

       JungMin smiled and hugged her; “I’m sorry. I promise I won’t ever talk about it again. But…” he paused and looked at her.

“What is it?” she asked worried that he might say something crazy again.

Smirking, he kissed the corner of ; “But now you have to promise, you will never ever even think about leaving me… because I can’t live a day without you Haily. Because I love you.”

She kissed him back smiling; “Promise!”

“I think dinner’s ready.” HyungJun said, coming towards them, smiling; “If you two are finished, we can move now!”

Jumping, when they heard HyungJun, Haily turned red and JungMin groaned; “Couldn’t you come a little bit later?”

“No… I’m hungry. Come on…” and then he whispered something into his ear which made him grin widely.

With HyungJun’s help they went downstairs and settled in at the table, waiting for MaeRi to come join them.

############################################################################## ######

       After the hot bath, the kids rushed to the living room and to their uncle, KyuJong; “Let’s play uncle. Come on… you promised…” they said giggling and tugging on the man’s hands.

       YoungSaeng and KyuJong both smiled at the kids. After his dream earlier that day, he felt better, so he agreed to play with them.

       Since he couldn’t play with the children YoungSaeng got to his feet and decided to rest a little before dinner.

“Need help, Saeng?” KyuJong asked.

“No… go ahead and play with them, I’m ok!” he said.

“But…” KyuJong was about to say something when HyunJoong took YoungSaeng’s hand and said; “I’ll walk you to your room, uncle.”

       Feeling the little hand holding his, YoungSaeng smiled; “It’s ok young man. I can go.”

But HyunJoong didn’t listen and started to walk, YoungSaeng following behind him; “You remind me of your father… a lot!” YoungSaeng said after a moment.

“Really? How?” HyunJoong asked, eager to know more about his father and happy to know that he’s just so much like him.

“I don’t know how… but everything you say and whatever you do… it’s just like him… and I like it… I’ve missed him so much!” YoungSaeng said.

       HyunJoong said nothing and stopped when they reached YoungSaeng’s room; “I want to be like him, though I know so little about him.” The boy said before letting go of YoungSaeng’s hand; “I’ll be going then.”

“Thank you HyunJoongie!” he smiled.

       When the little boy  was gone, he heard Sara’s voice coming out from their room; she was singing that song, the one he sang to her the day he decided to confess. He opened the door and entered.

Hearing the door click open; Sara stopped and when she saw her husband in the doorway she smiled and scooted to him.

“Hey angel!” YoungSaeng said, a bright smile on his face as she hugged him; “Who are you singing that song to?”

Looking down at Hara, sleeping on their bed, she smiled and said; “For this little angel!”

       Then they moved to sit on the bed, still holding on to each other. YoungSaeng’s face changed when he heard Sara talking about Hara like that. He was sad. “Sara?” he decided to talk about it suddenly. About that matter they decided to forget about years ago. Sara wanted it but he knew it was all for him. But now he wanted to talk about it.

“What is it honey?” Sara answered.

Young Saeng kissed her lips; “Let’s have a baby.” He said.

Taken aback by the sudden request, Sara pulled back to look into her lover’s eyes; “What are you talking about?”

“I know you want it too, you just gave up on it because of my condition. I know everything Sara. I know how much you would love to have a baby and I want it too. I know I still need your help and I know that it may get harder for you, because you have to take care of the baby too, but… let’s just do it… ok?” he loved loved the idea of having a baby. His and Sara’s. It felt nice.

“But… I mean it’s just so sudden… are you sure?.... I mean… it’s just hard… and believe me Youngi ah… if it’s for me, I forgot about it years ago… as long as I’ve got you, I’m happy… you’re everything to me… you’re my whole world…” she was happy but also anxious. It would be hard to take care of them both, their baby and YoungSaeng, but hell, who cares… she loved him and she so badly wanted to have a child… YoungSaeng’s child.

The young man smiled, knowing that this made her happy. He kissed her again, “It’s not just for you… it’s for us Sara…”

“Ok!” she kissed him back. “I love you!”

“Not more than I do!” he said. He was happy to feel her become happy.

################################################################################# ###

       “I’m back” MaeRi said and came into the living room, smiling happily.

Everyone was waiting for her at the table. Her family was waiting for her. HyunJoong jumped out of his seat and hugged his mother. She hugged him back and kissed him; “I’ve missed you baby!”

“You were gone for so long today!” the boy pouted.

“I’m sorry!” she kissed him then looked up at the others apologetically; “Sorry, I’m late.”

“Welcome home!” EunAh said and then stood up to bring the dinner to the table.

“Where have you been?” Haily asked, playing with Hara who was sitting on her father’s lap.

“Oh!” MaeRi smiled, “Well… I found a job…”

“Really?” KyuJong asked, happy for her, “Good. Congrats.”

“Yeah… where?” HyungJun asked.

“Not far… the new restaurant in the neighborhood.” The woman answered, settling down at  the table.

EunAh came back with the food, Sara helping her.

       This was a good night. Everyone was happy. And just by looking at their faces you could say they were all thinking about something. Some of them about their past and some of them about their future. Life was getting better. 



To be continued…

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