Jealous {Part 1}

Imagine Your OTP - Wheesa Edition

[I know this is a short chapter but I'm going to make this a 3-part story. The first two chapters will be short but the third...well, you'll see. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ]


Wheein and the rest of MAMAMOO sat in the dressing room they had been assigned to. Today they were doing a live for Starry Night and a few other songs plus a Q&A. Wheein was sitting on one side of the room next to Hyejin who was next to Moonbyul. They had just finished a little vlog for the next episode of MMTV4.

"Okay. I have something to say."

Wheein cast a curious glance in the direction of Hyejin.

"What is it?" 

Hyejin smiled, her perfect teeth gleaming in the light as she clasped her hands together.

"So you guys know how I'm going on Hyena's on the keyboard right?"

Moonbyul nodded.

"Well, they told me who I was writing a collaboration with!"


Solar looked extremely excited. The three other girls had been thinking of different people this entire week so they were excited to know who it was.

"It's Loco!"

Wheein's eyes widened in surprise. Wheein had listened to some of the rapper's songs and he was pretty good. However, Wheein also knew that Loco had a crush on Hyejin which was something the blonde didn't like. Wheein and Hyejin had started dating each other ever since the Decalcomanie era, which Wheein thought was the best decision she had ever made. Hyejin had confessed to Wheein first and Wheein had practically jumped with joy. She never thought she would've fallen for her best friend but she had. Of course, they hadn't told anyone, not even Moonbyul, and Solar. But that meant that they could only express their love for one another behind closed doors. Wheein was jerked out of her thoughts when she felt Hyejin nudge her lightly.

"Wheein? Hello?"

Wheein glanced around to see Moonbyul fighting to hide a smile while Solar was grinning.

"I'm sorry. I got distracted."

Moonbyul's laugh burst out from behind her hand.

"With how hard you were glaring at the table I'm surprised it didn't burst into flames."

Wheein felt her cheeks flush. She didn't want to make Hyejin uncomfortable. Hyejin was staring at Wheein, concern in her eyes. SHe didn't have to use any words for Wheein to understand what she was thinking.

Are you really okay?

Wheein just waved a hand.

"I'm just really hungry is all. I didn't eat much for lunch."

Afterward, no one said anything else about that topic.


Wheein and Hyejin walked hand in hand in the shadows of the night. They had finally finished their schedule and were heading back to Hyejin's apartment. The crew for the show was coming in two days to install a couple camera's which meant that this would be the last time Hyejin could have Wheein over for a couple of days. Usually, they didn't hold hands out in public, or at least until they couldn't stand it anymore, but Wheein refused to let go of Hyejin's hand. They finally reached the apartment door and Hyejin had to let go of Wheein's hand to pull out her key. After opening the door, the pair walked into the nice and cool room. Hyejin took off her coat and hung it next to the coat rack that was crowded with the multiple shoes she had clustered in her shoe area.

"Hyejin-ah! Didn't I tell you to clean this up? Your luck is going to leave!"

Hyejin looked over at the blonde but no excuse came to mind so she just responded with, "Okay."

Wheein shook her head, the corner of her lips curving up into a small smile. 

"Should I order something for dinner?"

Wheein plopped herself down onto Hyejin's bed as she watched her girlfriend in the kitchen.


Hyejin's house was small but nice. She had her bed in her living room and the kitchen right next to it. Hyejin also had an entertainment room that she set up. Wheein glanced over when she felt the bed dip slightly as Hyejin laid next to Wheein.

"What sounds good?"

Wheein peered at the phone screen, a variety of different delivery service names popping up.

"How about some chicken?"

Hyejin nodded.

"I have some beer in the fridge so why not?"

Wheein snuggled into Hyejin's shoulder as Hyejin ordered their food. It was moments like this Wheein enjoyed. After Hyejin finished, Wheein went to grab her change of clothes. The two didn't bother changing in different rooms but Wheein couldn't help but watch as Hyejin changed into her pajama's as well. Wheein's eyes fixated on Hyejin's toned stomach and her honey-colored skin.

"Careful, you might start drooling sweetie."

Wheein bit her lip as she pulled on her shirt.

"I can't help it when you are so attractive."

Hyejin smiled back. If Wheein wasn't tired she would've started something, but right now she just wanted to watch a movie and cuddle. Soon enough they had piled on various snacks onto Hyejin's table she had situated in front of the TV. Wheein clicked through the movies Hyejin had before she landed on Train to Busan. Hyejin came over with the chicken that had been delivered and sat next to the blonde.

"A horror movie?"

Wheein grinned.

"Why not?"

Hyejin shrugged as she opened up the box that contained the golden-crusted pieces of chicken. Soon enough they were immersed in the movie and the food.


 Wheein hadn't realized she had fallen asleep until she felt someone pulling some sheets over her body.


Wheein's voice was husky from sleep but she felt Hyejin's touch.

"Right here, angel. You fell asleep so I cleaned up a little."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

Hyejin brushed some hair out of Wheein's face as she wrapped her arms around her.

"It's alright. The sleeping face of my little Wheeinie is adorable."

Wheein smiled as she appreciated the warmth of her girlfriend's body pressed against her own.

"I'm sorry about earlier as well."

Hyejin frowned as she looked at Wheein.

"I mean, my reaction about the collaboration."

Hyejin's mouth formed an "o" of remembrance.

"It's alright."

Wheein closed her eyes again as she mumbled an I love you before drifting off to sleep again.


As soon as Wheein opened her eyes to the bright sun that filtered through the curtains she regretted falling asleep on the floor. The blonde rolled off the blanket she had draped over her. Looking around, she didn't see Hyejin. That's when she saw the note on the table. Wheein reached over and plucked the note off the shiny surface.

My Wheeinie,

I left a little early to attend to some things. I prepared a small breakfast for you and it is in the fridge. Make sure to lock up once you leave.

Love you lots,

Hyejin ♡

Wheein smiled as she set the note down. Standing up, Wheein stretched relishing the feeling of the small pops in her back. She bent down to fold up the blanket she had used before making her way over to the fridge. She opened the door to reveal a beautifully made golden waffle with sliced strawberries on the side. Hyejin had also placed a can of whipped cream next to the wrapped plate. Wheein knew it was against her diet but who cared?


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I felt a little steamy 👁👄👁


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k2sappy #1
Chapter 2: Omg this was so cute!
NoNeyme #2
Chapter 16: will you update this??
Chapter 22: Wew didn’t expect a part two for this since part one seems to be a good closure. Thank you!!!
Iisherefortheunowuts #4
Chapter 22: Aksjwakkssjskskzosk thank you
Biclexual #5
Chapter 21: I have to admit I was expecting a whole other kind of story when I read the title, LOL. This is so lovely though!
Chapter 21: Her worst day turned into her luckiest day :D Honestly, this one shot could use a follow up ;]
itsmeh_04 #7
Chapter 20: ❤
Radish94 #8
Chapter 20: Welcome back!
Chapter 20: Yes, forget about that loser and stay with Wheein. You girls are made for each other :3
Radish94 #10
Chapter 16: Please update this :(