
Imagine Your OTP - Wheesa Edition

Wheein let out a sigh as she stood in front of her classroom door. The bell had yet to ring but she knew that if she wasn't here, she probably would've been surrounded by Jennie and her stupid cronies. Wheein grasped the handle of the door and slid it open to reveal that she wasn't alone in the classroom. Sitting in one of the desks was Ahn Hyejin, one of the schools popular girls. Wheein quickly scurried past and made her way to her desk where she sat down hoping that Hyejin hadn't noticed her. Luckily for her, Hyejin had headphones in and was looking at her phone. The bell's ring echoed throughout the school and the room soon filled up with students. Wheein instantly began to drift as the teacher began the lesson and instead focused on Hyejin. 

Wheein had a crush on her. Simple as that. However, there was no way she would ever become something more than the poor girl of the school. So, to compensate, Wheein would look at Hyejin from afar. There was something about her that always attracted Wheein's attention. Wheein suddenly came out of thought and ruffled through her bag to pull out her beloved sketchbook. She had a taste for art and sketching Hyejin was her favorite thing to do, as creepy as it might've seemed. Wheein fixed her gaze onto Hyejin as she started to sketch out the girl on the blank piece of paper. As soon as she started it seemed like she had finished when the bell rang. Students began leaving the classroom to go towards the cafeteria, but Wheein waited until she was left alone to make her way down. 

"There you are!" a familiar voice said as Wheein approached the one safe table in the room.

The two people she was friends with sat at the table. Moonbyul and Youngsun were upperclassmen, but they treated Wheein well and cared for her. 

"Sorry. I was waiting until everyone was gone." Wheein said as she placed her sketchbook next to her.

"Did you draw again?" Moonbyul asked as she grabbed the sketchbook and flipped it open.

"Unnie~!" Wheein whined as she made a half-hearted grab for her sketchbook. She hated it when Moonbyul did that. Both Moonbyul and Youngsun knew about her crush, but they didn't understand why Wheein never went after Hyejin.

"Wow. Your drawings make her look even more attractive than she already is!" Moonbyul said as she showed Youngsun.

"Well, speaking of her..." Youngsun started as she pointed to who had just walked in.

Wheein cast a glance over her shoulder to see her crush walking into the lunchroom, girls bunched around her asking where she wanted to sit. Hyejin just waved them away, a smile on her face as she told them something.

"You're staring." Youngsun chuckled.

"Am not." Wheein muttered as she turned her attention back to her friends.


Wheein sat out in the courtyard for her free period. She enjoyed the sunshine that filtered through the tree leaves and the soft breeze that would occasionally come through. The best part about it was the fact that Hyejin always sat by the fountain in the courtyard as well. Wheein was making yet another sketch of Hyejin, but this time she had brought her colored pencils. Hyejin was beautiful, her skin golden as the sun shined down. Hyejin also had pure black hair that shined and bounced as it moved. Wheein knew all of Hyejin's detailed expressions since she had drawn so many, but she was always entranced by Hyejin no matter what the latter's expression looked like. But the silence was short lived as her sketchbook went flying from her hands and another pair grabbed her wrist.

Wheein was taken away from where Hyejin was sitting and she bit her lip in annoyance. If Jennie was going to hassle her, why now? Wheein was pushed against a wall and a manicured finger made its way to Wheein's chin, forcing her to look into Jennie's eyes.

"Hi little pup!" Jennies said as she playfully flicked Wheein on the cheek. 

"What do you want?" Wheein said as she eyed the other three girls behind Jennie.

For some stupid reason, Jennie Kim and her other three friends, Lisa, Rose, and Jisoo felt the need to torture Wheein. It had started out as simple bullying when they found out that WHeein was poor. Poor people didn't attend private schools so they had started a rumor that Wheein had slept around to get money, which in no way was true. WHeein had actually gotten a sponsor to pay for her schooling. 

"Don't talk back to me pup! You just looked even more annoying today than usual and I felt like we could fix that." Jennie said as her smile become a thin line.

"What's going on here?" a voice called out. 

Wheein grinned as she saw Moonbyul start making her way over to them, a frown on her face.

"Nothing. We were just messing around." Jennie replied innocently as she released me.

"That's certainly not what it looks like. Get out of here before I tell the principal." Moonbyul said, her voice low as she eyed the girls. 

Jennie scoffed before waving a hand.

"Until next time Jung!" 

Moonbyul came over to Wheein and checked her over.

"Are you okay?" she asked the younger girl.

"I'm fine. I was handling it." Wheein said as she took Moonbyul's hand off her shoulder in annoyance. Now she was sure that Jennie was going to get her worse next time.

"Being pressed against a wall is not handling it." Moonbyul said as she stopped Wheein again.

"I was handling it! You just made it worse." Wheein exclaimed before turning and quickly stalking off leaving a perplexed Moonbyul behind.


It wasn't until Wheein was putting her books in her bag that she realized her sketchbook was missing. Panic welled up inside of her chest as she frantically went through her bag.

"No, no no, no!" Wheein muttered. 

It was one thing that it contained sketches, but even worse than that, they were all of the same person. If anyone found it, she would be ridiculed for sure. Wheein tried to think back to where she left it and realized it must've been in the courtyard. Grabbing her bag, Wheein made a mad dash down to the courtyard praying that her sketchbook was safe. As Wheein walked into the light of the setting sun, she quickly started to look around. Her pencils sat on a bench, thank goodness, but her sketchbook was nowhere to be seen.

"Come on!" Wheein cried as she balled her fists up.

"Looking for this?" A husky voice said.

Wheein froze. No way. There was no way. Wheein slowly turned around and her worst fear was confirmed. Ahn Hyejin stood there holding Wheein's sketchbook in her hand. 

"Uh.." Wheein stuttered as she tried to come up with a response. 

Hyejin let out a soft chuckle, one of the most beautiful sounds Wheein thought she had ever heard, as she leaned against the trunk of the tree that shaded the two girls.

"Your drawings are really good. You even made my bad faces look elegant." Hyejin stated as she ruffled through the pages of the sketchbook.

Wheein just stood in her spot, her face as red as a tomato. How was she supposed to respond?!

"I always knew you were watching me, but I didn't think it was because you were drawing me." Hyejin stated as she closed the sketchbook and held it out for WHeein.

"What did you think it was?" Wheein asked, her voice soft as she asked the question.

Hyejin grabbed Wheein's wrist causing Wheein to let out a shocked gasp before pullingWheein closer to her.

"What do you think?" Hyejin asked as she met Wheein's gaze with her own.

Wheein gulped as she tried to look away, but this was her chance!

"Because I might like you, like, a lot." Wheein muttered.

"What was that?" Hyejin teased, her perfect lips curved into a smile.

"Gosh dang it! I like you Ahn Hyejin! That's why I draw you!" Wheein shouted before realizing what she had just said.

"I- Uh...." Wheein started before she was cut off by Hyejin's lips pressing against her own. If Wheein's heart could explode, that would've been the moment. 

Hyejin pulled away, her eyes shining.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that." 

"So does this mean you like me as well?" Wheein asked, not really sure what was happening.

Hyejin let out a laugh as she threw her arms around Wheein.

"Of course!" she replied.

"It's because you are my crush too."



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I felt a little steamy 👁👄👁


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k2sappy #1
Chapter 2: Omg this was so cute!
NoNeyme #2
Chapter 16: will you update this??
Chapter 22: Wew didn’t expect a part two for this since part one seems to be a good closure. Thank you!!!
Iisherefortheunowuts #4
Chapter 22: Aksjwakkssjskskzosk thank you
Biclexual #5
Chapter 21: I have to admit I was expecting a whole other kind of story when I read the title, LOL. This is so lovely though!
Chapter 21: Her worst day turned into her luckiest day :D Honestly, this one shot could use a follow up ;]
itsmeh_04 #7
Chapter 20: ❤
Radish94 #8
Chapter 20: Welcome back!
Chapter 20: Yes, forget about that loser and stay with Wheein. You girls are made for each other :3
Radish94 #10
Chapter 16: Please update this :(