Always There

Imagine Your OTP - Wheesa Edition

My mind is producing so many ideas after my break. Here ya go!



When she got the call, she could feel the sadness radiating through the receiver as she listened to the lowered voice of her closest friend.


“I-I can’t believe he really did it Wheein-ah.”


Wheein frowned as she sank further into her couch, her mind running with thoughts of how someone could treat her beloved like this.


“Did he offer up any reason as to why he decided to skip out on you Hyejin?”


There was a soft breath before a soft “no” made its way through.


Wheein’s eyebrows scrunched together as she took a deep breath. It was one thing to skip out on plans, but to let your plans fall through on such a day as this was absolutely selfish. It was Valentine’s Day and so Hyejin had made plans to go out with her boyfriend to celebrate the holiday but in the end he did what he always did. He let Hyejin trail after him until he dropped her for some other silly plans.


“Wheein, are you still there?”


“Yeah, sorry. I just got lost in thought.”


That’s when the idea struck her like a bolt of lightning.


“Hyejin! What if I took you out today?”




Wheein smirked to herself. She could picture the faint blush that was probably covering her best friend’s cheeks right now.


“I mean it. I’m taking you out today.”


“Wheein, you don’t have to. I could just stay in.” Hyejin offered weakly.


Wheein shook her head, her glasses becoming tilted as she did so.


“Nope. I’m coming whether you want me to or not. I’ll be at you apartment in 15.”


Hyejin frowned as the phone went dead leaving her in silence once more. She set it down and sighed as her gaze flitted around the room before landing on a picture of her and her boyfriend. She looked so happy in the picture, her smile wider than she knew she was capable of, but that seemed like a distant memory. Maybe spending the day with Wheein was just what she needed. She pulled herself up and off of the couch before moving over to the closet.




The loud rapping of knuckles against the door startled Hyejin for a moment before she realized Wheein was here. She walked over to the door, her heeled boots clacking against the floor as she went. She wore a red turtleneck sweater and a black skirt with black tights leading into her boots.Her long black hair fell over her shoulder in tumbling waves and her makeup was as fierce as it usually was. Hyejin opened the door to reveal Wheein standing there in jeans and a cream turtleneck sweater, the fabric hanging over her small frame. She had put her hair up in a bun and had opted to wear contacts instead of her black rimmed glasses.


“You look great!” Wheein said, her eyes soaking in Hyejin’s outfit making her blush.


“Thanks. You look good as well.”


Wheein grinned widely at that before she motioned for Hyejin to follow her.




Hyejin smiled as she shut her apartment door behind her before she followed Wheein. Once they were outside, they stood closer together in an attempt to escape the chilly bite of the February air.


“So where are we going?” Hyejin asked.


Wheein paused for a moment before shrugging slightly.


“I just thought it would be nice to walk around and look at things.”


“You didn’t plan anything?!” Hyejin questioned, her voice going up an octave in surprise.


Wheein smiled sheepishly.


“No? I mean, I am going to take you out to lunch and cuh, but I thought it would be nice to do things we find as interesting.”


Hyejin rolled her eyes but she was secretly glad Wheein just wanted to do what interested them. They walked for a moment or two more before they came to a stop in front of an arcade building. Wheein turned to give Hyejin a sly smile as she took a step toward the doors.


“Seriously?” Hyejin asked, her brow lifting in a ‘are you serious’ sort of way.

Wheein nodded.


“C’mon, it will be fun.”


Hyejin looked uncertainty at the building before she felt Wheein grab her hand and pull her along.


“Let’s go.”


The two went into the building. Hyeji’s eyes widened as she took in all the colorful machines and the yells and cheers of the various groups of people and couples that were playing.


“WHat should we play first?” Wheein asked as they walked down an isle of retro games.


Hyejin eyed each game before they landed on street fighter.


“Ooh! That one!”


Wheein looked over and nodded approvingly. They positioned themselves on either side, Wheein bending down to put in the coins to play. The starting screen came up and soon Hyejin and Wheein were locked in an intense button smashing brawl.


“You can’t beat me! I’m too powerful!” Wheein yelled.


Hyejin smirked.


“Are you sure about that?”


Hyejin’s character uppercut Wheein’s giving her the first round win. Wheein let out a shocked gasp, giving Hyejin a wide-eyed look.


“That was rude.”


Hyejin grinned. Round two began and soon Wheein took the round leaving Hyejin flabbergasted at WHeein’s sudden increase in skill. WHeein chucked at Hyejin’s reaction.


“You were taking it easy on me, weren’t you?” Hyejin asked, her eyes narrowed in an accusatory look.


Wheein gave a playful shrug.




“Well, I won’t be beat again.”


Wheein shivered slightly at the low husky tone of Hyejin’s voice, but she wouldn’t let herself be distracted. The two began round three and it was a nail biter. They were fist against fist but WHeein had been saving up her power move contrary to Hyejin who had already used hers. Hyejin’s character was nearly beat but so was Wheein’s. That’s when Wheein used her characters power ending in a K.O. of Hyejin’s.


“YES!” Wheein shouted, jumping up and down, hairs escaign out of her bun left and right.


Hyejin crossed her arms and glared daggers at Wheein. WHeein came to a stop under Hyejin’s glare and gulped.


“Good game?”


Hyejin sighed as she let her arms fall down to her sides.


“Yes, good job.”


Wheein grabbed Hyejin’s hand and brought her over to another machine full of cuddly stuffed animals of all varieties.


“As a consolation prize, I will get you something.” Wheein said pulling out a few coins from her pocket and placing them on the machine counter.


Hyejin winced at the amount of money Wheein was willing to spend for her.


“Are you sure? It’s alright Wheein. You don't’ have t-”


Wheein held up a finger to Hyejin’s lips causing the words to stop flowing out.


“Let me do this for you.”


Hyejin nodded, to aware of the feeling of WHeein’s skin on her lips. Wheein seemed to notice and quickly pulled away her finger before bending down to put in a coin. The machine started up and Wheein’s eyes were focused.


“I’m going to get you that one.” Wheein said pointing to a fluffy lion on top.


Hyejin nodded.




Wheein began the process of trying to secure the line in the stupid metal claw. Soon she was five dollars down and the lion had only creeped closer and closer to the edge. However, Wheein was getting frustrated.


“I can do this!’ she muttered as she put in a sixth coin.


Hyejin peered over WHeein’s shoulders, her arms loosely resting on Wheein’s waist as she watched.


“You can do it!” Hyejin said.


She would be lying if she said she hadn’t gotten to into it. She wanted Wheein to succeed. The claw moved and it seemed like Wheein and Hyejin’s breath synchronized for a moment as they watched the metal descend an grab the lion by its head. They almost lost it when it fell into the bin signaling that they won.


“OH MY GOSH!!!” Wheein yeled turning to Hyejin and pulling her into a hug.


The two jumped up and down drawing the stares of the other occupants. Hyejin grinend as she held onto Wheein, her heart beating fast and feeling as though she were giddy on happiness. The stood for a moment more wrapped in each other's embrace before quickly pulling apart. Wheein coughed lightly and turned to retrieve the lion for Hyejin.


“Here you go.” WHeein said presenting the cute stuffed animal.


Hyejin took it in her hands, the soft fur pleasant to touch.


“Thank you Wheein. I’ll treasure it forever.” Hyejin breathed.


Wheein opened to comment when the loud sound of her stomach grumbling brought a pink blush to rise to her cheeks.


“Shall we go eat?”




They decided on a nice little restaurant that served a variety of foods. They sat in their booth waiting for their order to arrive. They had ended up stopping by a few boutiques as well so now the empty spaces next to them were filled with bags.


“Are you enjoying yourself?” Wheein asked as she absentmindednly sipped her coke through her straw.


Hyejin nodded.


“Immensely so.”


Wheein giggled at the way Hyejin spoke.


“That’s great. I really hoped to make you smile today.”


Hyejin felt something flutter in her stomach at Wheein’s words. She watched as Wheein began to play with the straw wrapper and she smiled to herself. She really was lucky to have such an amazing person in her life. Wheein was like an angel to her. She had swooped in and pulled Hyejin out of the darkness that had threatened to take her over and now, it seemed like everything else prior to this day was a past memory. Wheein had dropped everything just to come and cheer her up and it made Hyejin swoon. Wait...swoon? What am I talking about?! Hyejin shook her head slightly. Luckily she was saved by the waiter coming over to deliver their orders. The two ate, having a conversation in between their bites.


“This is such a good sandwich.” Wheein said, full making it harder to hear what she said.


Hyejin chuckled as she finished hers up. Wheein continued on oblivious to the sauce that spilled onto her chin. Once Wheein finished, she finished up her drink but she still neglected to wipe away the sauce. Hyejin leaned over and took Wheein’s chin in her fingers causing the older girl’s eyes to widen slightly. Wheein felt her heart beat faster in her chest as she stared into Hyejin’s warm chocolate brown eyes. What was happening? Hyejin ignored the hammering of her heart against her chest as she took her finger and wipe away the sauce from Wheein’s chin. Hyejin wiped it on her napkin and sat back. There was something noticeable in the air between the two but rather than addressing it, Wheein abruptly pulled out her wallet ready to pay for their meal.


“I can do that.” Hyejin quickly said grabbing Wheein’s wrist to stop her from setting the money on the table.


Wheein shook her head.


“No, let me. This is your day and it is only right that I pay for you and I.” Wheein simply stated as she wriggled her arm free and placed the money down.


Hyejin pulled her hand back reluctantly but she let Wheein pay. Once they finished up, they headed out back towards Hyejin’s apartment, their arms laden with bags from shopping. When they finally reached the door, Hyejin unlocked it with her keys before pushing it open. They entered the dark room and set down their stuff before flicking on the lights.


“That was so much fun!” Wheein sighed as she plopped down onto Hyejin’s couch.

Hyejin nodded as she sat down next to her friend. Wheein rested her head on Hyejin’s shoulder, her body relaxing as she did so. Hyejin had been planning on asking Wheein to stay the night but it looked like she didn’t even have to ask. Wheein was drifting now, her eyes fluttering open and closed every now and then, her breathing slowing to a soft rise and fall.




Hyejin looked down at her friend, brushing stray strands out of her face.




“He doesn’t deserve you.”


Hyejin paused for a moment, ehr words catching in . SHe had completely forgotten about her boyfriend. The day had been going so wonderfully that she had forgotten why it had started in the first place.


“You could do better.”


Hyejin scoffed lightly.


“Really? How?”


Wheein paused for a moment, ehr eyes still closed.


“You could date me instead.”


Hyejin couldn’t believe her ears. However, she didn’t immediately think no either.


“Wheein I-”


A loud snore interrupted her sentence causing Hyejin to smile. She rubbed Wheein’s clothed shoulder as she closed her eyes. Maybe she would do just that. After all, no one could make her feel like this, not even her boyfriend who couldn’t begin to compare to the person she had by her side all along.


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I felt a little steamy 👁👄👁


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k2sappy #1
Chapter 2: Omg this was so cute!
NoNeyme #2
Chapter 16: will you update this??
Chapter 22: Wew didn’t expect a part two for this since part one seems to be a good closure. Thank you!!!
Iisherefortheunowuts #4
Chapter 22: Aksjwakkssjskskzosk thank you
Biclexual #5
Chapter 21: I have to admit I was expecting a whole other kind of story when I read the title, LOL. This is so lovely though!
Chapter 21: Her worst day turned into her luckiest day :D Honestly, this one shot could use a follow up ;]
itsmeh_04 #7
Chapter 20: ❤
Radish94 #8
Chapter 20: Welcome back!
Chapter 20: Yes, forget about that loser and stay with Wheein. You girls are made for each other :3
Radish94 #10
Chapter 16: Please update this :(