Auld Lang Syne

By My Side

", I wish they'd stop doing this," Minho said as he cast a glance at Filch, who was sweeping up yet another pile of yellow and black confetti from the buttons Anaelcia and the girls had made all those months ago.

Kibum chuckled, and Minho smiled at the sound. "Everyone is just excited. It's just been a few days, tomorrow everyone will be too caught up in exams to care who you are and what you did for the school."

"Thanks, Bum."

"That's what I'm here for. To keep you grounded."

Minho rolled his eyes, smiling as he looked back over his shoulder at Filch. Some flecks of confetti were caught in Mrs. Norris's tail, her penetrating gaze on Minho and Kibum as they followed the others down the corridor. Kibum swung their joined hands, tugging Minho's attention back to the present. He tore his gaze away from Mrs. Norris as they reached the courtyard, some of the other students parting to let him and, by extension, Kibum pass through to the lawn.

The Durmstrang ship and the Beauxbatons carriages were caught up in a flurry of activity. Some of the older Beauxbatons students were helping Madame Maxine and Hagrid attach the winged horses to their leads. And, even though they were farther away, it was obvious that the Durmstrang students were bustling around the deck before they made their way back home.

It was such a weird thought: that they'd be going home. After the whirlwind that seventh year turned out to be, he couldn't have imagined it any other way.

"Have you gotten to see them at all since?"

Minho shook his head, his gaze shifting between the carriages and the ship. "I want to go say goodbye, but -- "


"Would that be weird?"

He looked down at Kibum when he snorted. "Would you think it'd be weird if they did the same?"

"Well, no, but -- "

Kibum released his hand, nodding toward the carriages. With a heavy sigh, Minho shoved his hands into his pockets as he started down the winding path, picking up speed as he descended the hill. He called out Turner’s name as he drew nearer, grinning when he poked his head out of one of the carriages. Turner slipped out of it and jogged up to meet him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I...I just wanted to say goodbye.”

Turner started to smile, his gaze flicking to the distant Durmstrang ship. “If we hurry, we might be able to catch Miloni.”

She was already making her way down the plank, dodging the other students in her rush to meet them on the shore. “I was hoping to catch you guys,” she said, immediately snagging them in a tight hug. “I know we were supposed to be competitors, but…” Her voice trailed off, and her embrace tightened around Minho’s -- and assumedly Turner’s -- middle. Minho smiled, closing his eyes. She didn’t have to finish the thought; he understood. “Genadi!” she called out after releasing them, and he poked his head over the ship’s banister. “Did you find my camera?”

He nodded before he disappeared for a second, then he held it up so she could see. She dug her wand out of her pocket. “Accio camera!” It zoomed to her, and she caught it, rearranging it so the lens faced her. “Do you guys mind?”

Minho shook his head, positioning himself behind her. “Kibum has a camera similar to that one.”

“Can we all get a picture?” Turner asked as he draped his arm over Minho’s shoulder.

“Sure!” She leaned her head against their shoulder, holding the camera up before them. Minho immediately smiled, but she lowered it a second later. “One of you take it. Your arms are longer.”

“Here,” Minho said, chuckling. He positioned it in his hand, feeling for the familiar capture button at the top. “This button?” She hummed her assent, and Minho smiled again. “One...two…three…”

He snapped a picture, waiting for the first polaroid to spit out of the front. When it did, Miloni caught it, and Minho hit the button again, and then one last time. Miloni snatched the last picture, then passed one to each of them.

“We’ll have to keep in touch,” Turner said, his attention trained on the developing portrait.

“Yeah, let us know when Roselyn has her baby!”

“And if you name them after one of us.” Turner snorted, smacking Minho’s shoulder for the comment.

Someone aboard the ship called out for Miloni to board, drawing her attention away from them. “I guess I should go…” She hugged each of them in turn before running back up the plank, waving at them until they turned away to return to the Beauxbatons carriages.

“They’re probably waiting for me, too.”


They strolled back across the lawn, looking over their shoulders when the boat creaked behind them and stopping in their tracks to watch it dip below the surface. Waves lapped onto the lawn in its wake, and Minho’s throat grew tight as he stared at where it had been. There was a certain finality hanging in the air with the other two schools leaving. The Tournament was truly over now; seventh year was really coming to an end.

There was no escaping that.

After one last hug, he waved goodbye to Turner as he stepped up into the carriage, his mouth slightly agape as the winged horses drove the carriages over him on their way back home. Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched them disappear behind the clouds. He’d be boarding the Hogwarts Express soon. Indefinitely saying goodbye to the friends he had made.

To Kibum.

The thought of leaving the wizarding world behind -- a place where he now felt so at home and at peace -- only to return to the harsh realities of the Muggle world. It was too dreadful, he didn’t want to consider it, and yet... He blinked hard, a tear or two cascading down his cheek. Minho wiped at them, but they kept coming of their own accord.

He didn’t want to go.

The whisper of approaching footsteps forced him out of his musings, and he dried his cheeks again. He turned his head to see who it was, though he didn’t need to. Kibum stopped at his side, his arms slipping around his waist. Minho immediately relaxed in his embrace, more tears falling. He rubbed his back when Minho let out a shuddered sigh. “We can head back in when you’re ready.”

Minho nodded, even though he wasn’t sure if that moment would ever come.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Has everyone passed up their notecards?” Minho asked, weaving through the clusters of seventh years gathered around the loft. Kibum glanced around at everyone -- it was mostly Hufflepuffs and Slytherins, but a lot of the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws were here, too. He leaned over, snatching a handful of notes out of Eli’s hand before he made his way back to where Kibum was, meeting his eye with a playful smirk and a wink. He sat behind him and started shuffling through the notecards, and Kibum shifted on his cushion so that he could see him.

“Which subject are you being tested on tomorrow?”

“Charms is first, I think.”

Nodding, Minho scattered the different piles searching the varied text before he help up a familiar set of colored notecards. Analecia’s. “Okay…” He drew out the word as he shuffled them like they were a deck of cards before holding up the first one. “What is the wand movement and the powered-up variant of the Bombarda charm?”

Gil raised his hand but Priyasha blurted out “Bombarda Maxima!” and drew a triangle in the air.

“Correct!” Minho said, pointing to her without looking up from the notecard. “And what distance is the furthest you can be away from it with the most accuracy?”

“Half a kilometer!” Damien said, and Minho nodded, tossing aside the notecard.

“What are the dangers of using the Memory Charm and how can its effects be reversed?”

“Oh!” Kibum sat up a little straighter. “If you’re unfocused while performing it, you could go too far back and cause serious brain damage. And it can be reversed with the Memory Potion.” Minho’s eyes twinkled in the lamplight as he nodded at Kibum, and as Minho was switching notecards, Kibum glanced at everyone else. “The key ingredient of the potion is the stewed mandrake, which I know is probably a surpr -- “

“Oi, are we reviewing Charms or Potions right now?” Callum asked from across the room, his question followed by a tittering of giggles.

“Right, yeah.” Kibum scoffed, shaking his head. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay, Bummie.”

“Hey, no special treatment,” Gil said, earning a light shove from Analecia that almost made him fall off their cushion.

“Yeah, yeah. Okay, which simple charm was the one that famously brought about the demise of Lord Voldemort?”

Night had fallen by the time everyone dispersed from the loft, some of the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins lingering upstairs for a little while longer. Kibum, however, garnered Minho’s attention with a tap of his fingers on the cushion. He nodded to the open door, his eyebrows raised in question. Minho answered with a quick nod and stood, leading the way down the dark, rickety staircase. The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws were filing out of the room, and Minho closed the barrel behind everyone once they reached the corridor. They lingered a few steps behind the rest, Kibum grabbing Minho’s hand and pulling him off toward the kitchens.

“What’s this about?” Minho asked, a smile in his voice as the wall fell shut behind them.

Kibum shrugged, pulling him closer with a grin. “Thanks for offering to help us. You really didn’t have to.”

“Well, you know…” The mirth had faded from his voice, but he turned around, heading to pick up a pair of mugs, before he finished his thought.

Kibum frowned, watching him for a second, then went to put the kettle over the fire. He had been fairly quiet since the other schools left, even more so when everyone else started to study for their first N.E.W.T. tomorrow. Gathering everyone to the loft had been his idea, but now, judging by the slump of his shoulders, he knew for sure that something was bothering him.

When Minho turned back around, readied mugs in hand, Kibum moved to join him at their usual counter. He hoisted himself up just before Minho reached him, and once Minho set the mugs down, he grabbed Minho’s hoodie and guided him to stand before him. Minho slipped his arms around Kibum’s waist, looking up at him with a soft smile when Kibum’s fingers brushed against his cheek.

“What’s the matter, babe?” He let out a subdued sigh, shrugging half-heartedly. “You can tell me.”

“I know.” He went up on his tiptoes, just long enough to place a quick kiss on Kibum’s lips. Kibum leaned in, instinctively following him as he pulled away. “I’m just not ready for the year to be over yet. I don’t want leave the wizarding world.” Kibum nodded, and Minho kissed him again. A little slower this time. “I know it sounds dumb, but part of me wishes it would have been a normal year. I don’t think this would be as hard.”

“Maybe.” Kibum’s hand slid from his cheek to his chin, his thumb caressing the freckle just below his lips. “I think it still would be hard. Just, in a different way.” He lifted Minho’s chin when he started to avert his eyes, which then slid up to meet his own. “I wish you could come with me.”

“Everything would be so much easier, wouldn’t it.”

“Well, I don’t know about that. I’m still a pain in the . You are, too.”

Minho’s smile grew, his expression becoming one of quiet adoration -- just like it had been during their dance on the snowy lawn all those months ago. “We’d make it work.”

“We have to, now. If you think you’re getting rid of me after all this time -- “ His train of thought derailed, however, as Minho grinned and pulled him into a kiss just as the kettle started to whistle.

They ignored it for a little while, though.

The next day, when it came time for the written portion of the Charms N.E.W.T., Minho stayed with them until Professor Flitwick asked him to leave. The written test was arduously long, with three different essays they needed to write: one on the theory of non-verbal spells and their uses, another on the inherent creation and destruction of charms and how that shaped the wizarding world, and the last one on the importance of memorization and concentration when it came to using charms in one’s everyday life. And if that weren’t mind-numbing enough, as soon as they were finished, they had to line up for the practical exam, which took place behind an invisible barrier.

It was just like their exam from a few years back -- where they had to fend off a group of snakes -- but this time, they had to do it completely non-verbally.

Kibum sank back into his seat after he had passed, resting his head on his desk with a quiet thunk! But he didn’t get to relax for long, as they were dismissed when the last of the seventh years -- Eli -- returned to his seat. Kibum dragged himself out of his desk and trudged toward the door, his eyebrows raising when he found Minho waiting for him.

“I’m so proud of you,” he whispered in Kibum’s ear as he hugged him.

Kibum rubbed his back with a smile. “You don’t even know how I did.”

“Doesn’t matter. Still proud.”

The seventh years fell into a pattern, then. Every night, after dinner, they made their way to one of the common room, shooing the rest of the students out so they could all study for their upcoming N.E.W.T.s. Transfiguration and Herbology followed Charms the next day. Then Potions after that, and Defense Against the Dark Arts and Alchemy the following day.

Exhausted didn’t even begin to describe how he and everyone else felt as they found their way to the door of the Great Hall after the completion of their Defense N.E.W.T. and the adulation of O’Neely that followed them out into the hallway. Minho’s excited whoop! at the sight of them was almost immediately cut off by a glare from not only Kibum but about half of the others.

“What can I do for you?” Minho asked him as the others began to disperse. Kibum shook his head, all thought evading him except for the word nap. Which he said. Minho chuckled, slipping his arm over his shoulders. “Come on.”

He led him to the secret passageway and up to the seventh floor, letting them into their study closet. Minho lit a few of the candles as he passed it, but just so they were a few bursts of warm light flickering above them. He sank into the blankets where Kibum was already trying to make himself comfortable and patted his lap. Kibum’s gaze flicked up to meet his, finding him watching him expectantly.

Sighing heavily, Kibum scooted down so that his head rested on Minho’s thigh. His eyes closed as Minho carded his fingers gently through his hair. “You worked really hard, Bum. I’m sure you did well. And -- “

Whatever else his soothingly soft voice said was lost on Kibum as he succumbed to his most restful sleep in days.

* * * * * * * * * *

A flurry of owls soared into the Great Hall, like they had every morning for the past seven years. Minho didn't even bother to look up at their hooting and flapping. He only moved aside the butter dish and the pitcher of pumpkin juice when Nutmeg landed before Kibum, a crisp letter in his beak.

Kibum snatched it without comment, leaving Minho to coo his thanks at the tawny bird while Kibum broke the mustard yellow wax seal. A sign that it was a letter from his mother. When he leaned in to peak at it, Kibum quickly folded it shut, tucking it away. "She wants us to meet her for lunch this afternoon."

"She's coming up already? Graduation isn't until tomorrow! Plus, we have rehearsal this afternoon."

"I know. She says she has a surprise for us, though, so…" His voice died away, but his smile slowly grew until he hid it with a bite of his jellied toast.

"When does the train get in?"

Kibum shrugged, reaching for the pumpkin juice Minho had poured him once the food and drinks had appeared. Minho huffed, slouching a little as he grabbed his fork. As much as he liked surprises, he also liked to know what to expect. Although, he had a pretty good guess.

Jjong was probably traveling up with Mrs. Kim. Hopefully, it was just him, because he wasn't really in the mood to spend a lot of time around Pierre.

"I was thinking -- "

"Good for you."

Kibum smacked Minho's arm, and he shied away from the playful assault, grinning. "We can work on packing before we head down."

"Works for me. Do we want to do it together, or…"

"Together, I think."

Minho nodded, relieved. As tedious as packing was, he wanted to spend as much time with Kibum as possible before tomorrow afternoon.

When they would have to say goodbye.

As soon as they finished breakfast, they made their way downstairs to Slytherin where they got to work getting Kibum ready for the imminent departure. Minho worked on folding his clothes and arranging them in his trunk with enough room for all the books, pictures, and other trinkets Kibum had around his bed. Just as they were finishing up, Analecia popped her head in Kibum’s dorm room to ask if they wanted to head down to Hogsmeade now or later. And, even though they would have liked to have gotten Minho packed up as well, there just wasn’t enough time before Mrs. Kim’s -- and whatever her surprise was -- arrival.

So, they joined Gil and Analecia on what was probably going to be their last trek down the well-worn path to Hogsmeade. Minho’s heart sank with every step as he cast his gaze about, taking in as much of the surroundings as he could. Kibum squeezed his hand as they joined in the bustle of the main street, offering him a small smile when he sighed. They split off from Gil and Analecia then, as the other couple was off to Honeydukes to spend the last of their allowance before the journey home tomorrow, and fought their way through the crowd to get to the platform.

The Hogwarts Express was fast approaching, no doubt filled with family on their way to watch their children’s graduation. Minho slumped on the bench, his head resting on the curled back of it as he listened to the distant whistle.

“How long do you think it’ll take you to pack?”

Minho shook his head, his eyes darting between the clusters of clouds. “Not very.” He sighed, long and heavy. “We’ll have to clean out the closet, too.”

“, I didn’t even think of that.”

The whistle blew again, closer this time. Minho sat up, resting his elbows on his knees as he followed the train’s rapid progress across the Scottish countryside. Kibum scooted closer to him, his head resting on his shoulder as his arm slipped around his waist. Instinctively, Minho turned to press a kiss to the top of Kibum’s head before he leaned his head atop Kibum’s.

They didn’t move until the train appeared around the edge of the rest area for the incoming conductors and the Trolley Witch. Minho sat up first, scanning the doors to see where Mrs. Kim would appear. As soon as the doors opened, Kibum sat up as well, watching the parents mill about the platform, some greeting others, some hurrying down into Hogsmeade to find their children that were no doubt somewhere in the village.

Mrs. Kim stepped down from the back door of the third car, waving to the pair of them. Kibum stood first, starting to make his way through the crowd toward her before Minho was even off the bench. A plume of white exhaust engulfed her, and when it cleared, Minho smiled at the sight of Jonghyun and the way Kibum stopped in his tracks when he noticed it was him.

But Jonghyun was laughing, looking at someone still in the car. Was it Pierre? Why would he --

Minho froze, his expression going slack as his eyes widened.

Minseok followed Jonghyun out, grinning as he shielded his eyes from the glaring sun. Was he imagining things? Or was Minseok actually there, in the flesh? He met Minho’s gaze, his expression brightening as he hurried toward him to envelop him in a tight hug. Stunned, dazed, Minho could barely remember to return his embrace.

“What…I don’t…”

Minseok chuckled, hugging Minho tighter still for a second before he released him to get a good look at him. “We wanted it to be a surprise.”

“We?” He glanced over Minseok’s shoulder, meeting Kibum and Mrs. Kim’s eyes for a second before looking back at his brother. “What’d you tell Dad?”

“Not that I was coming here, that’s for damn sure.” Minho let out a clipped laugh, still staring at Minseok in disbelief. “Well, come on! Aren’t you gonna show me around?”

“I think we were planning on doing lunch first.”

“Oh good! I’m starving.”

They found a secluded table large enough for the five of them toward the back of the Three Broomsticks. Mrs. Kim insisted on paying, much to Minho's chagrin. He had saved a portion of his winnings from the Tournament before Caldwell took it away to put in his new vault at Gringotts. Just enough to tide him over for the rest of the year. But after everything she had done for him, he wanted to pay some of that back, if he could.

Minho took everyone's orders and Mrs. Kim's money before he met Kibum's eye. He nodded, almost imperceptibly, and they both stood to deliver the order to Rosmerta.

After they reached the back of the line, Kibum glanced up at him. "You're paying, aren't you."

Chuckling, Minho met his eye. "Am I that obvious?"

"To me, yeah."

True. "Here." He passed Kibum his mom's collection of Galleons and Sickles, which he pocketed. "Figure out a way to sneak it back into her purse."

"I'm good at stealing gum without her noticing so we'll see if I can do the reverse."

Lunch, once Minho and Kibum had returned to the table, was laid-back and enjoyable, despite Minseok's non-ending supply of embarrassing childhood stories about him that Kibum was avidly listening to. The tour started in Hogsmeade, namely in Zonkos and Honeydukes, though they did pop into all of the shops just to give Minseok an idea of what it was like.

Mrs. Kim left them to get her room set up at the Three Broomsticks while Minseok and Jonghyun joined him and Kibum on their way back to the castle.

"I'm not sure how much of the castle you'll actually be able to see, today."

"It's okay, just being here is cool enough."

Minho frowned as he toyed with a thread in his jeans' pocket. "What did you tell dad you were doing?"

Both Minseok and Jonghyun snorted loudly, which only confused and concerned Minho more. "That I had a couple of old school friends who wanted to go camping for the weekend. And, since I'd already be at the train station, that I should just pick you up on my way home."

"And he believed you?"

Minseok grinned cheekily. "I'm here, aren't I?"

He usually tried not to think about the stark differences of their upbringing from the same parents, but like this…Minho blinked hard and looked away, his gaze landing on the Quidditch pitch. "Wanna fly?" He blurted out, looking over at Minseok to find his expression alit with excitement. "Come on, then."

Kibum let go of his hand, him and Jonghyun following them to the pitch. Walking instead of running the rest of the way there. Minho unlocked the door to the pitch with a thought of Alohomora and let them inside, pulling his broom down from the cupboard to show an amazing Minseok.

"You can actually fly on that thing?"

"Fly, play Quidditch, go up against a dragon…"

Minseok scoffed, looking up to make a joke until he realized that Minho was being serious. "What?"

Minho laughed, pleased now that he hadn't thought to mention the Tournament to him yet, and continued down the hall, letting himself inside the pitch. He allowed Minseok a few seconds of dazed wonder before he mounted his broom. "Let me do a few laps before I take you with me."

But he didn't wait for Minseok to respond. He just immediately took to the air, dashing around the pitch. Kibum and Jonghyun didn't settle into Kibum's usual spot until his second pass and after his third, Minho glided back down to where Minseok was waiting for him.

"Ready?" He was about to ask, but Minseok was already climbing onto the back of his broom. "Be sure to hold on tight!" he said once Minseok was settled.

His arms s snuggly around Minho, and Minho pushed off, flying as fast as he dared.

The warm summer breeze whistled over his ears as they flew around the pitch, but even that couldn't mask the peals of Minseok's laughter and his shouts of excitement. Grinning, Minho bore down on his broom, taking Minseok faster around the pitch, weaving through the goalposts before darting across to the other side.

Smiling still, he braced himself in the center of the tallest hoop of Hufflepuff's usual side, turning his head to catch a glimpse of Minseok. "What do you think of that?"

"That's ing amazing! I just...I don't...Why do you even come home?"

Minho scoffed, glancing over to where Kibum was. "That's the question I've been asking myself for years," he held back from answering.

"Do you do this? With him?"

Minho's eyebrows rose, looking over his shoulder again at his brother. "Kibum?" Minseok nodded. "Nah, he doesn't like flying."

"What!" Minho leaned harder on the hoop as he started to laugh. "How? What? Take me down, I'll talk some sense into him."

“I’d like to see you try,” Minho said as he pushed away from the hoop and shot across the pitch to where Kibum and Jonghyun were talking. Minseok clambered over the banister, drawing both of their attention.

“Why don’t you like flying?”

Kibum’s brow furrowed adorably, glancing between the two of them. “What?”

Minho leaned against the banister, resting his chin on this crossed arms. “Minseok, he’s afraid of heights.”

“So? Don’t you have to fly to New York soon?”

Kibum’s eyes widened slightly. “True.”

“Bum, don’t worry about it.” Kibum met his gaze, his eyebrow raised in question. “Muggle planes are a lot more secure than the back of a broomstick.” He started to smile, and Minho did too as he sat up. “Anyways, I think the run-through starts soon, so we should probably head back to the castle.”

“All of us?” Jonghyun asked, and Kibum shook his head.

Minseok glanced back at Minho. “Will you guys be able to have dinner with us?”

“Not sure.” His gaze flew to Kibum, who merely shrugged. “We can try, but no promises. I’ll meet you downstairs,” he said to Kibum before he pushed away from the banister and drifted down to the lawn.

Kibum was waiting alone for him just outside the door, watching the other two slip around the edge of the Forbidden Forest. “Well, this has certainly been entertaining so far.”

Minho sniffed a laugh, closing the hallway door behind him before they started for the castle. “Sorry if he was a bit overbearing about the flying thing, I didn’t ask him to say all that.”

“Oh, I know. Don’t worry. Still…”


“It’s an interesting thought.”

Minho frowned, glancing down at Kibum for a second. “What is?”

“Flying with you.” Minho blinked once. Twice. “Like, when will I have another opportunity to do so again?”

“ hate it. You always have.”

Kibum smiled, his gaze caressing Minho as he slowly met his eyes. “Maybe you’ll be able to change my mind.”

Minho’s grin turned lopsided as he followed Kibum into the castle. Honestly, the track record for anyone successfully changing Kibum’s mind was dreadful, but when had he ever backed down from a challenge?

* * * * * * * * * *

Graduation practice went both longer and shorter than any of them were expecting, somehow. Once they arrived in the Great Hall, all of the seventh years had to squeeze into the little room behind the dais where Kibum and the rest of the Frog choir used to wait before their performances. During the first run-through -- of three -- they tried to line up. Alphabetically, by last names. As they were instructed to by O'Neely and McGonagall.

It went okay, but it was boring -- having to be called out one by one and sitting in alphabetical order in the first few places of the different house tables. Minho was stuck all the way over at Hufflepuff, and Kibum was sitting with his back to him at the Gryffindor table.

For the second and third run-throughs, they just clustered in their usual groups, talking quietly amongst themselves while leaving the door cracked to listen for their name.

By the time they were dismissed, the sun was just starting to dip below the tips of the trees of the Forbidden Forest. Minho reached for his hand, letting them swing between them with a smile despite the other seventh years joining them on their way back to Hogsmeade to visit with their families. Kibum, smiling himself, sidled up closer to him while Gil, who was on the other side of Minho, complained about how long the rehearsal went.

Supper was just like lunch -- loud and boisterous with the Choi brothers competing to tell the funniest story of the platter of scrumptious food that Mom /insisted/ on paying for this time.

They were not the first group of students to leave the Three Broomsticks, and they were not the last. The path back to the castle was empty, aside from another pair far, far away.

Kibum grinned and looked up at Minho, the movement catching his eye. He searched his expression quizzically. "What?"


Minho squinted. "No, I know that look. What are you up to?"

Kibum squinted right back for a second before turning up his nose, looking away. Minho let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head as he slung his arm over Kibum's shoulder, pulling him close enough to kiss his temple. Kibum closed his eyes with a sigh as he reached up to slip his hand over Minho's.

"Really, what's up?"

Kibum his lips, worrying his bottom lip as he glanced over his shoulder at the setting sun. He looked back just as the Quidditch pitch came into view, then grabbed Minho's hand, twirling out from under his arm before leading him to the pitch.

"Bum -- "

His confused laugh was cut short as Kibum turned back toward him. "Don't you want to change my mind?"

Realization glimmered in his eyes as his attention slid to the door behind Kibum. "I didn't think you were serious?"

Kibum nodded slowly, Minho's bright eyes meeting his again. "I trust you." Minho's eyebrows raised, and Kibum's smile grew slightly. "And I know you love me too much to let me get hurt, so."

"I mean, you're not wrong."

“When am I ever. Come on, babe,” he said, as he opened the door behind him and tugged on Minho’s hand, leading him inside the Hufflepuff tunnel. “Show me why you like flying so much.”

Minho let out a huff of a sigh, glancing behind Kibum for a second. “Why now?”


“Why wait so long? I could have shown you a long time ago.”

Kibum’s smile started to wane, if only barely. Admittedly, the idea didn’t sound appealing until earlier this afternoon when he had been watching Minho fly Minseok around. Jonghyun had made an off-hand comment about Minho’s enthusiasm for flying, which was then coupled with Minseok asking him why he didn’t like to fly with Minho. Sure, he was scared of it. There was nothing between you and the ground but a measly broom and the determination not to fall. But, he also /knew/ Minho was competent with a broom.

More than competent.

So, then, why couldn’t he trust Minho? He would keep him safe. In fact, he’d even probably make it fun.

“It’s our last night...together,” he said, stammering over the word. “Don’t you want it to be memorable?”

Some of the light from Minho’s expression dimmed, but he still nodded. “We just can’t stay out too late. I’ve still got to pack.”

“And we have to clean out the study closet.”

"Right." Minho reached around him, grabbing his broom from its stand, and nodded to the door. “Let’s go chase the sunset, then." Grinning, Kibum followed him out onto the pitch, waiting until Minho had mounted it before he sidled up behind him, hugging him tightly. Minho patted his hands, turning his head to where Kibum was resting his chin on his shoulder. "Don't let go of me, alright?"

"Why would I ever want to do that?"

His eyes wrinkled as he smiled, then, without warning, he pushed off the ground. Kibum squeezed his eyes shut, his arms tightening around Minho’s waist. The ascent was slow. Too slow. Having almost exclusively watched Minho fly for the past seven years, he knew that Minho was being cautious with him. By the time Kibum was able to pry his eyes open, Minho leaned forward, taking them past the stands where they glided high over the tips of the trees of the Forbidden Forest.

The sun was no longer visible, but the remaining light set the horizon aglow. The surrounding sky went from a warm gold that painted the underbellies of the indigo clouds a peachy pink to a rich purple that was casting the sky behind them in a net of stars. The waning sunlight highlighted the mountain range that skirted the Black Lake, deepening the shadows of their craggy faces. Kibum snuggled closer to Minho, sighing when Minho rested his head atop Kibum’s.

The wind rustled his hair, their clothes; it screamed in his ears as Minho started to pick up speed. They were way past Hogsmeade, now, soaring through the moors he had only seen from the safety of his compartment on the Hogwarts Express. Minho started to slow -- he could feel his shoulders contract as he lowered his arms. He pulled them to a stop, swinging them to the side so that they both could see the sunset unhindered.

Kibum rested the side of his head in the space between Minho’s shoulders. “Thinking about heading back?”

“I don’t want to, but…”

“Yeah, me neither.”

Minho hummed and Kibum straightened, holding on tight again as Minho started to move, the sun now behind them, the distant lighted castle ahead. For a second, Kibum thought Minho was taking them right back to the pitch, but he leaned to the left. To Hogsmeade. Confused, Kibum sat up with a frown as they flew over the village, slowing as they neared…

“The Shrieking Shack?” Minho hummed his assent. “We’re not going in, are we?”

He shook his head, flying alongside the slope of the shingled roof. “Here, get off.” Minho hovered closer, lower to the roof as Kibum shakily dismounted the broom. Minho was right behind him, leaving the broom perched in the air a meter away. “Sit,” he said as he did so himself after walking a few paces away from his broom. Kibum cautiously joined him, laying down to look up at the darkening sky when Minho did.

It was almost the perfect night for stargazing, aside from the few feathery wisps of clouds obstructing some of the constellations. Though it didn’t matter, really. It wasn’t as if they had a star chart to fill out tonight.

“It’s so weird.” The quiet rasp of Minho’s whisper tore Kibum’s attention away from the night sky. “I feel it came out of nowhere. The end of our time at Hogwarts.”

“Well, not nowhere.”

“You know what I mean.”

Kibum smiled to himself, returning his attention to the stars. “Do you have any regrets?”

“Sorta.” His eyebrows shot up as he rolled his head back toward Minho. “I wish I had told you sooner. About how I felt. Maybe then we would have, I don’t know...planned things better?” Minho finally looked his way, moonlight glimmering in his eyes. “What are we even going to do, Bummie?”

“Let’s -- “ He cleared his suddenly-tight throat. “Let’s not think about that right now. Not tonight, at least.” Minho blinked slowly, his chest rising and falling as he sighed. Kibum carefully rolled onto his side, leaning over Minho, who kept glancing between his eyes and his lips. “Can you think of a favorite memory?” he asked, his breath catching for a second as Minho reached up to caress his cheek.

“It’s so hard to narrow it down.”

“Before or after the Yule Ball?”

Minho started to smile. “See, that’s not fair.”


“N-no,” he said, stuttering a little when Kibum leaned in to kiss him. Minho’s arms s around him, holding him close as he deepened the kiss. The roof below them, the chill of the night air surrounding them, and the twinkling stars far above them seemed to completely fade away until there was nothing else in the world besides him and Minho. And, judging by the way Minho was clinging to him, he was feeling the same way.

He kept a hold on Kibum even after Kibum pulled away to trail lazy kisses along the cut of his jaw. “Can you think of anything?” he asked softly once he reached Minho’s ear.


He chuckled, smirking when Minho’s grip around his waist and hips tightened. “You know, memories? Any good ones coming to mind?”

“Well -- “ His voice cracked as Kibum continued slowly kissing down his neck. “This one is certainly rising to the top.”

“Is it?” he asked in faux surprise, lifting his head after one last kiss to Minho’s shoulder and smiling at the dazed look in Minho’s eye. “Anything else?”

He thought for a moment, his expression softening. “That moment when I came home from the pool and you were waiting for me there. You saved my summer from being absolutely abysmal.”

“Yeah, until Jjong came around the corner.” Minho snorted, looking away shyly. “I still cannot believe -- “

“Hey, think about it from my point of view. It made perfect sense at the time.” While that was true, he would never concede to Minho on that particular point. “Maybe this is a bit conceited of me, but I always loved when I could hear you cheering for me over the crowd during games. Even if I was a ty player at the time. No matter how the match went, I knew I could count on you for a bit of a boost when I needed it most.”

Kibum gulped, averting his eyes as he traced a light line down Minho’s chest. “It’s simple, but...for me, I really enjoyed our study sessions upstairs. It was nice having someplace to retreat. Plus,” he added, sniffing a laugh. “That’s where I realized I liked you.” Minho shifted beneath him, and Kibum’s gaze darted up to meet his for a second. “I don’t remember exactly when. We were studying or something and it hit me all at once. Really overwhelming actually. I had to leave so I could calm down.”

“I...I think I remember that.”

His eyebrows shot up as he met Minho’s eyes again. “Yeah?”

Minho nodded. “I wonder what I would have said if you would have told me then.”

“Then?” Kibum sat back a little, brow furrowing. “Are you crazy?”

Minho soothed him with a couple of pats to his side. “Well, I figured it out -- rather, started to -- during my last trip to Korea a few months before that.”

“How the do you think you would have responded to that?” Minho shrugged, humming his uncertainty in a way that made Kibum laugh. “You’re dumb.”

“So are you.”

Kibum smiled, comfortably settling once again over Minho as he drank the sight of him in. It would be one of the hardest things he had done so far, saying goodbye to him tomorrow afternoon. Hard and excruciatingly painful. If only they could have a little bit more time. If only they didn’t have to part ways.

If only…

Minho reached up, his thumb brushing against Kibum’s bottom lip. They should probably head back soon, before the castle was locked up for the night. If they planned it right, they could spend the night together in the study closet. With a sigh, Kibum pushed himself up, bracing himself against the roof as he stood. He extended his hand to Minho, wordlessly helping him to his feet.

The flight back to the pitch was short and cold, despite the body heat he was leeching from Minho. He slipped the silver snake charm off of the handle, pocketing it before he let Kibum out of the tunnel so he could lock up behind them. Once he finished, Kibum took his hand, and together they made their way across the dark lawn to the courtyard.

They got Minho packed up quickly, despite how rowdy the rest of Minho’s roommates were. Luckily, they only got distracted a few times, but they were able to finish and sneak upstairs before the lights in the corridors winked out.

“I guess we have to stay up here,” Minho whispered as soon as he closed the door.

“What a tragedy.”

Minho found him in the dark and pulled him into his embrace, kissing all the thoughts out of his head, just for a little while.

Daylight was seeping beneath the crack of the closet door by the time Kibum woke in the morning. He grimaced, burying his face in the crook of Minho’s neck. He wasn’t ready; he’d never be ready to leave him. Even though he was still sound asleep, Minho pulled him closer. Kibum fisted his hands in Minho’s t-shirt. Would the notebooks even work that far apart? Or would he have to buy a cell phone so they could text and call each other? Wait, would they be able to do that while Minho was enlisted?

Tears stung his eyes, but he blinked them away. No, it would be better if he didn’t dwell on it.

They’d be okay. This was just a minor setback in the grand scheme of things. They’d find their way back to each other’s side in no time.

Slowly, he pushed himself up, sitting up enough so he could look at Minho. He lightly brushed his hair back off of his forehead, which was surprisingly enough to make Minho stir. “Hey,” he murmured as soon as his eyes cracked open.

“Hey.” Minho tilted his chin up as Kibum leaned in, kissing him sleepily since neither of them was really awake yet. “I love you,” he whispered before Minho’s lips had left his own, only for him to capture them again.

And again, and again, and again; each kiss a silent I love you, too.

* * * * * * * * * *

It was time for breakfast by the time they finished clearing out their study closet -- since they hadn't really gotten to it last night. They reluctantly parted at the corner, each taking what they had been keeping upstairs for years to their dorm rooms so they could pack them away.

Minho's throat tightened and tears welled up in his eyes as he rearranged his duffle bag to be able to fit everything.

Why couldn't they come back for another year? Why did they have to grow up and move on to their adult lives so quickly? It was ridiculous, honestly, how fast life moved when you wanted it to stay the same.

He took his luggage up with the others when they went up for breakfast, setting his duffle bag beside Kibum's trunk. The Great Hall was filled with excited chatter, no doubt everyone was ready for the summer holidays. It grated against Minho's nerves as he took his place beside Kibum to wait for their last breakfast at Hogwarts.

Though he couldn't bear to listen, he could tell by how animated Analecia, Gil, Callum, Aaron, and Arabella were that they were all excited about this next stage of their life. Kibum's hand rested on Minho's thigh, and he unconsciously scooted a bit closer to him.

Once everyone, or almost everyone, was finished with their breakfast, the room was cleared out so that the teachers could set up for graduation. Minho joined the other seventh years at the back of the Hall, looking through the graduation packs for the one with his name on it. Kibum found his first, making his way back to him before he spotted his. They filed out with the others, though they ducked into the secret passage beneath the stairs to change into their graduation robes.

Minho let his gaze wander to Kibum when he pulled off his shirt, allowing himself a second to take the sight in before he averted his eyes. Gulping, he dumped out his own pack, inspecting the new suit and robes between taking off his shirt and jeans to change into them. He slipped into the slacks first before pulling on the shirt, glancing back at Kibum only to do a double-take when he found him already watching him.

He fumbled with his buttons, missing a hole as he tried to refocus. Kibum chuckled as he shrugged on his robe and moved over to him. “Here. Let me.” Kibum’s fingers brushed against his as he moved his hands aside, ing the one that Minho messed up before he started it again.

Today was too much. Was there nothing he could do to draw out the time? He’d be willing to do almost anything for one more day. Just one more day…

Minho rested his forehead atop Kibum’s head as he finished up with the last few buttons, and Kibum’s hands slid from his chest to grip his waist. “How’re you doing, babe?” Minho shook his head, lifting it when Kibum shifted below him to look up at him. He rubbed Minho’s side as he searched his expression, his eyebrows raising in the middle. Sighing heavily, Minho reached up, cradling Kibum’s face with both hands as he pulled him into a kiss.

It started gently; tenderly. As most of their kisses did. But then, Kibum pulled him flush against him as Minho deepened the kiss. He needed to remember exactly how it felt to hold Kibum like this. To kiss him as if it were his last breath. To memorize the thrill of it all so he could carry it with him for however long...however long they would be parted.

“Min -- “ Kibum whispered when they broke apart, their breaths mingling in the minuscule space between them, smiling when Minho started peppering kisses across his face. “We’re gonna be late.”

“Maybe they’ll suspend us and we’ll have to come back for another year.”

Kibum let out a huff that probably would have been a laugh as he rested his forehead against Minho’s. “I meant to meet up with my mom. She wants to get pictures of us, remember.”

“Oh, right.”

He rubbed his nose against Minho’s before he slipped out of his embrace, his shoulders drooping as he turned back to grab something else from his pack while Minho reluctantly reached for his robe. “How the is this supposed to go on?”

Minho glanced over at him then frowned at the gold banner thing draped between Kibum’s hands. “What is it?”

Kibum started to shrug, then flipped it over. He let out a breathy Oh! as he flipped it over, holding it up for Minho to read. Head Boy. “Do you have one?” Kibum asked, slipping his banner around his neck as he came over to inspect Minho’s pack. Before Minho could, Kibum reached in to pull out a shimmery light blue banner, smiling as he read what it said.

“What -- “ He ducked his head so Kibum could hook it around his neck, arranging it so it hung straight around his shoulders. Minho held one side up, reading the embroidered text. Triwizard Tournament Champion.

Kibum’s gaze flicked up to meet his, his smile a little sad. “You ready?”

Minho shook his head. “Sure.”

Minseok, Mrs. Kim, and Jonghyun were already waiting for them in the courtyard. And by waiting, that of course meant that Mrs. Kim was snapping pictures of the two of them posing like idiots around the statue of Dumbledore. Minho joined them, though it took Mrs. Kim a few seconds before she realized that they had arrived. She shooed the other two away, though they trailed after them as they went out onto the lawn.

There was some debate on whether they should have some solo pictures or just take them all together. Minho opted for them to be taken together.

It was good, really, for Jonghyun and Minseok to be there. They kept the mood light when all Minho wanted to do was cry. They were a nice distraction, cracking jokes behind the camera to keep him and Kibum smiling while Mrs. Kim directed them. Everyone followed Mrs. Kim like a bunch of ducklings when she suggested that they head inside to get a few more pictures before they had to head to the Great Hall. Minho had to drag Minseok along as they hurried through the castle, heading to the open Transfiguration classroom. Kibum hopped up on the nearest desk and Minho draped his arm over his shoulders, both watching Mrs. Kim as she adjusted the settings on her camera.

“Do you want your robes?” Jonghyun asked, holding up the robes in his arms that they had slipped out of when they got a little too warm.

“No, there’s no time.” Mrs. Kim said, raising her camera. “Smile, guys.” Minho pulled him a little closer and Kibum cocked his head toward him, the bell ringing a few seconds after Mrs. Kim snapped the pictures. “Okay, you’ve gotta run. We’ll see you after!”

“Good luck!” Minseok called after them after Jonghyun tossed them their robes, and they ran around the back way to where most of the other sevenths years were waiting for them. It was hard to pull on their robes with how tightly packed the room was, but they managed, Minho helping Kibum adjust his banner and his hair and Kibum returning the gesture.

Chatter was almost non-existent within the room. The door was cracked just as it had been in rehearsals, and through the sliver, Minho could see movement of the families hurrying to their seats. Then, the door opened wide, revealing O’Neely, who stepped inside and closed the door behind them. Everyone packed in a little tighter to make room for their professor.

He surveyed them all, his expression fond as he sighed. “I just wanted to drop by before it started and let you know how proud I am of all of you. It’s been a fun seven years, hasn’t it?” There were a few murmurs of assent, his fond smile growing at the sound. “I have faith that every one of you will contribute something amazing to the wizarding world, no matter how big or how small. And, if you ever feel so inclined, send an owl my way, because I’m sure I’d be happy to hear from any of you.

“And,” he continued, clearing his throat when his voice went a little thin. “I know I’ve been your mentor for a while now, but just know that that doesn’t end with you leaving Hogwarts. I’m still going to be here for you, if you need me, alright?”

“Yes, Professor.”

“Okay, sir.”

He grinned at them, winking before he turned and went back out into the Great Hall. Pandora cracked the door open again, peering out. “I think it’s starting. McGonagall is heading up to the podium.”

The room fell silent. Mary Abbott turned to Damien. “Do I look okay?” He nodded, smiling as he tucked her hair behind her ear. Her grin turned radiant as she turned away from her boyfriend, moving to the front of the line while she waited for her name to be called. Minho’s name was called a few minutes after hers, and he stepped out of the room and into the Great Hall.

The tables were no longer there. In their places were rows upon rows of chairs, filled with their fellow students and their families. Two nearly empty rows were set just before the dais, the few chairs filled with the seventh years who had already been called. Minho picked up his pace, hoping that he wouldn’t trip over his feet as he made his way up to where McGonagall and O’Neely were waiting for him. She didn’t look up, but O’Neely held out a thin roll of parchment and his hand for Minho to shake before he went over to sit beside Richard.

Analecia’s name was called as he sat down, and instead of paying attention, he unfurled the scroll to catch a glimpse of what it said.

Certificate of Graduation

This diploma is hereby awarded to
Choi Minho
for the successful completion of his studies at
Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
On the Twelfth of June, MMX

He pulled it open a little wider, scanning the signatures of McGonagall and all of the professors as well as staring at the intricate crest for the school.

“Kim Kibum!”

Minho looked up, dropping the diploma in his lap and raising his hands to clap for him until Analecia grabbed his hands. “We’re not supposed to, remember?”

“Oh, right.” Instead, he gave Kibum a subtle thumbs up as he passed them on his way to his seat, cracking a smile when Kibum rolled his eyes. Analecia brought his attention back to the present by flipping the tail of his robe off of his pants-covered knee. Minho let out a quiet gasp, starting her giggling as he dramatically covered his knee. “Please, I need to stay modest. What will everyone think of me?”

“Horrible things, I’m sure.”

Their little game distracted them from paying much attention to the rest of the ceremony, but Minho couldn’t imagine that it was much different than the usual graduation. Which, normally, consisted of a speech from McGonagall, one from their assigned mentor that usually had the crowd in stitches with the stories they would tell about the students, and one from the seventh year with the highest overall grades. And this year, that happened to be Rhesa.

The clock struck the first gong for noon just as McGonagall finished proclaiming, “Graduates of Hogwarts and our Class of 2010, congratulations!”

The candles above them burst into bits of red, green, blue, and yellow confetti, raining down around them as they all stood to the thunderous applause. Analecia reached for Minho, and he instinctively hugged her as he looked around the room, his eyes welling up once again. He blinked the tears away, though, laughing instead when he saw Minseok and Jonghyun standing on their chairs, whooping and hollering like no one else was around. Analecia patted his side then grabbed his hand, dragging him through the sea of students to where Kibum was.

He fell comfortably into his arms, his eyes immediately closing as Kibum rubbed his back. “Let’s go say our goodbyes, huh?”

Minho nodded before he lifted his head off of Kibum’s shoulder, and together they went up to the dais, thanking each of the teachers in turn. Both of them ended up getting a hug from O’Neely, who was teary-eyed before and after they left him. They found Danny in the crowd, wishing him luck in his remaining time at Hogwarts. Kibum even gave him his address in case he needed his help with anything in the coming years. Then, they found their family, both getting mobbed by Minseok and Jonghyun together.

Mrs. Kim brushed the confetti out of their hair before she hugged them both together, her tears wetting Minho’s shoulder.

The call for the seventh years to head downstairs to the docks came sooner than any of them expected. Jonghyun promised that he would save them a seat on the Hogwarts Express before they were ushered away with the others, starting the slow descent to the docks below the school.

It was surreal, almost poetic, returning here on their final day.

He couldn’t help but remember how absolutely terrified he was that first day, trudging up these steps that he was now descending. The air had buzzed with the excitement in a language he barely knew, and the shadows from the statues of the flickering torches seemed menacing then, rather than welcoming like they did now.

A cool rush of air greeted them as they stepped outside, once again meeting Hagrid who began directing them to their boats. Kibum grabbed Minho’s hand, holding onto it tightly as they waited for Hagrid to direct them. Once he did, Minho stepped in first, helping Kibum in before he sat, with Eli and Rhesa joining them. The boat propelled itself backward, driving them out into the Merlin’s Beard.

They made their way slowly through the little forest and into the Black Lake, the castle once again coming into view. Minho’s heart sank deeper and deeper the further away the boat took him from Hogwarts, an uncomfortable lump forming in his throat.

Kibum squeezed his hand, and, since Eli and Rhesa were also turned around to get their last look at the castle they had called home for so long, he raised their joined hands, kissing the back of Minho’s. Minho tore his gaze away from the castle, meeting Kibum’s red-rimmed eyes and giving him a trembling smile.

There was no going back, now.

His time at Hogwarts, and with Kibum, was over and done.

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Fan4manga #2
Chapter 80: Love the end ! I'm still a bit sad it's over but thank you so much for the story :)
Onew-1989 #3
Chapter 80: The End. 😭. For some reason I didn’t expect it to end. Great story!!
Chapter 80: Thank you for this amazing beautiful wonderful story! This is one of my favorite stories to read thank you again sooo much.