First Day

By My Side

“And this,” Charlie Watts, the Slytherin Head Boy, said as he pointed to a solid brick wall, “is the entrance to the common room. Low murmurs echoed in the dank hallway, and one of the girls from the back of the group of first years asked where? Charlie flourished his wand, the tip illuminating as he pointed to a specific brick.

Squinting, Kibum could see a tiny carving of a coiled snake in the top left corner of the gray brick. He would probably have to stand on his tiptoes to reach it for a while.

Charlie tapped it three times, and said, “Jade serpent.” The wall opened much like the brick wall in the back of the Leaky Cauldron leading to Diagon Alley. A chorus of whoas sounded around Kibum and he joined in as the bricks shuffled to reveal the Slytherin common room. His heart sank to his churning stomach as he stepped inside.

Green was his first impression. There were two huge stained-glass windows placed on either side of a crackling fireplace, a cool light glowing behind the windows and covering the stone floors in a mottled green light. Weapons adorned the walls, from spears to swords to bows with the arrows to foils. Above the mantel hung a large crest of a hissing snake, its eye the largest emerald Kibum had ever seen.

Darkness was Kibum’s second impression. The stone ceiling hung low, stalactites protruding from it. Though light came from the fireplace and the windows and even the torches on the walls, Kibum shivered, glancing around with wide eyes at the shadows that danced along the walls. He had heard that the Slytherin common room was an actual dungeon, and now that he was inside, he fully believed it.

He toed off his shoes and picked them up before he took another step inside, trotting to catch up with the other first years. As soon as he stepped out of the entrance, the bricks shuffled back into position, closing them in for the night. Kibum gulped and bit the inside of his cheek.

“This way,” Charlie said, waving his hand to gather the excited first years from exploring and bothering the other Slytherin students lounging about the common room. “Boys, follow me!”

“Girls,” Trisha Mc’Mann, the Head Girl, “with me. Let’s go!” The girls split off from the group, following Trisha down the stairs on the right and disappearing into wavering torchlight.

Kibum trudged behind the rest, taking one last look at the common room – his new home – before following them down the stairs. “The first year’s dorm is the first door on the left.” Charlie pointed to the closed door before thumbing over his shoulder to the door behind him. “This is the seventh year’s dorm, so if you ever need anything, I and my classmates will be right there. Rules here are pretty simple. Don’t go into the girls’ dorm area for any reason and be quiet and respectful of others. That’s it.”

Charlie reached around them, twisting the nob and opening the door for them. “Go ahead and get settled in. Again, any questions, my door is always open.” The first years filed in after Kibum, all huddling together and looking back up at Charlie, who gave them all a warm smile. “I know it’s exciting to finally be here, but get some rest! Classes start early tomorrow morning.” He waved goodnight and closed the door behind him, leaving the first years alone for the first time.


“I guess we should…introduce ourselves.”

Kibum found his luggage, the gold KK painted on the side of his trunk. He went over to his new bed and found two Slytherin robes and uniforms folded neatly at the foot of his bed. He sat down next to them and heaved a sigh.

“I guess I’ll start,” the tall, dark-skinned boy said. “I’m Aaron Davies. My mum was also in Slytherin.”

“That’s cool. I’m Callum. Callum Stewart,” a pale, freckled, red-headed boy said, smiling brightly at the group. “My mum was in Slytherin, too, but my dad was a Ravenclaw.”

“My sister is in Ravenclaw!” a boy with a mass of brunet curls said, his blue eyes shining brightly. “Fredrick Murphy.” He grinned at Kibum, who then sighed.

“Kim Kibum,” he said, forcing a smile. They looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to divulge his family information, but he couldn’t. His throat grew tight and words were scarce. It was all he could do not to cry.

The other two boys introduced themselves, but Kibum could not be bothered to listen to them. He could find out their names later. Sniffing, he rubbed his nose with the sleeve of his plain black robe, glancing up to find that Fredrick was watching him with a curious expression. Kibum lowered his eyes and slid off his bed, padding in socked feet over to his trunk and opening it. He fished around inside, stuffing his dad’s old Hufflepuff gear to the side before anyone else saw it, and found what he was looking for – his dad’s old wand.

“Whoa…is that yours?” Aaron asked, scooting forward on his bed as Kibum closed his trunk.

Kibum shook his head. “It’s my dad’s.”

“He let you take it? Won’t he need it?”

“Dude,” said one of the boy’s who earlier Kibum didn’t hear his name.

“Oh…” Aaron sat back on his bed, his eyes widening when Kibum looked up at him. “I’m sorry.”

“It…it’s okay. You didn’t know,” Kibum mumbled, tucking the wand under his new pillow.

“This is my wand!” Fredrick said, whipping his out from his trunk and brandishing it like a rapier. The other boys giggled excitedly and hurried to show off their own wands. Part of him wanted to join in, really, but for the moment, his exhaustion was settling in and all he wanted to do was sleep.

Maybe when he woke up, this would have all been a dream. He would still be at home with his grandmother, and they would leave for King’s Cross and he would arrive at Hogwarts and be sorted into Hufflepuff where he belonged.

While the other boys roughhoused on the bear-skin rug, Kibum opened his trunk again – dodging one of Callum’s kicks – and got out his pajamas and changed into them quickly. He slipped under the covers but didn’t lie down. Instead, he watched the other boys play until there was a knock at the door. They all froze as it opened, revealing Charlie.

“Light’s out. Get some sleep, guys.”

He closed the door behind him and Fredrick and Callum untangled themselves while the others found their pajamas in their luggage, changing into them quickly and tucking themselves into bed. The candles in the glass lanterns around the room dimmed until their light was almost nonexistent. Kibum rolled over on his side, tucking one of his hands underneath his pillow and grabbing his father’s wand.

“I’m so excited,” Callum said in a hoarse whisper.

“Me too,” one of the other’s said, Kibum couldn’t tell who. “Go to sleep.”

Kibum’s hand tightened around his father’s wand and he squeezed his eyes shut. Maybe Minho was right…maybe everything would be all right in the morning.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Minho.” A large hand clamped down on his shoulder, shaking him gently. “Minho, it’s time to wake up.” Minho pulled his head out from under his pillow, squinting at the blurry guy standing over him. “It’s almost time for breakfast.” Minho blinked several times, and the guy dropped his hand from his shoulder as he moved to sit up.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked around the room. Sunlight streamed through the small round windows on either side of the beds, dust glittering in the warm beams. Just outside the windows by Minho’s bed was what appeared to be Hogwarts’ backyard – grass and dandelions and wild violets as far as the eye could see. There was a proud willow tree almost out of view, its branches dancing lazily in the slight breeze.

“Are you hungry?” Minho looked up at the Hufflepuff Head Boy – Rhys was his name if he remembered right – and nodded. “All right, get up. Or you’ll be late for your first class.”

“Okay.” Rhys nodded and stepped out of the dorm room, glancing back at Minho before closing the door. Minho slid out of bed, shivering when his bare feet hit the cool hardwood floor, and hurried over to the door to make sure that it was completely closed. He relaxed, then, and went over to his dresser where he had already unpacked his belongings. He found his new uniform easily – he had placed it on top of his other clothes – and laid it all out on his bed.

Minho changed into it quickly, not wanting to have one of his dormmates come in on him while he was undressed. He fumbled with the tie, frowning. His mom would always tie it for him before he left for school and neither she nor his father had taught him how to do so yet. Worrying his bottom lip, Minho tucked it into his robe pocket. He grabbed his wand and class schedule from the dresser and then his backpack full of books and his shoes and rushed for the door.

Last night, when the first years arrived at the Hufflepuff common room on the heels of Rhys, Minho’s impression had been that it was warm and inviting. Now, in the bright light of day, he saw that it was rather accurate. It was a large round room, brick walls painted a soft beige and wood paneling that matched the floors. Potted plants adorned the walls, vines stretching their tendrils as far as they could reach.

Minho stepped out of the round doorway leading to the dormitories and into the room, adjusting the strap of his backpack over his shoulder. He tossed his shoes on the floor once he reached the main entrance to the Hufflepuff common room and slipped into them. He crawled into the open hole in the wall and crept along until he reached the closed entrance. Tentatively, he pressed on the wood before him until it gave way and opened for him.

The side of the barrel closed once he stepped completely out of it. Minho blinked at it, and fished into his back pocket for his wand, tapping to the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff like Rhys showed them last night. The barrel opened again, and Minho relaxed, happy with himself that he remembered the password. He closed the door and looked both ways down the empty corridor, trying to remember which way to go.

To his left came the echo sound of chatter and laughter, so Minho headed towards it.

Students milled around the entrance to the Great Hall, whether entering or exiting, Minho was not sure. He bowed slightly to them as he passed and once inside, he searched for a spot to sit. It was an overwhelming sea of black robes. Minho blinked several times and glanced to the left and spotted Kibum’s face in the mass of strangers. He saw Minho too, apparently, because he waved.

Minho grabbed the straps of his backpack and hurried over, sliding into the empty space on the bench next to him. “Hi!”


“How’d you sleep?”

Kibum shrugged and looked back to his half-eaten plate of food. “Okay. How about you?”

“Okay, too.”

Kibum sniffed a laugh, smiling at Minho for a second before taking another bite of food. Minho looked around the table and found Kibum’s housemates watching the pair of them incredulously. He scooted a little closer to Kibum and tried to ignore their stares. He fished into his pocket and grabbed his schedule and placed it on the table between them. Kibum pulled it toward him, looking it over as he nibbled on a piece of jellied toast.

“Kibum, who’s your friend?”

They both looked up. “Minho.” The tall guy said something quickly in English, too quickly for Minho to grasp the meaning. He glanced at Kibum, waiting for his translation. Kibum nodded slowly and leaned over. “Apparently, you’re not allowed to sit here. You have to sit at the Hufflepuff table.”

“Oh…” Minho grabbed his schedule. “Okay.” He got up from the table and started the long walk to his table at the far end of the hall.

Behind him, there was the sound of running footsteps and then a hand latched onto his arm. Kibum turned him around and grabbed the schedule from his hand. “I have History of Magic during the fourth period, too. We can sit together then.” Minho’s eyebrows raised and he smiled, Kibum smiling back. “See you later!”

He let go of Minho’s arm and went back to his table to finish his breakfast, and Minho turned, his steps light as he went over to the Hufflepuff table.

* * * * * * * * *

Kibum smoothed his parchment out on the desk for the sixth time, frowning as it started to roll up again. He reached into his desk and pulled out his Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 and lay it open at the top. “There.”

“Having trouble with your parchment, too?” Fredrick, who was his desk mate, asked him.

“Yeah. Think I fixed it, though.”

Fredrick looked as though he was about to say something else when someone from the front of the classroom cleared their throat. They both looked up, and Kibum’s eyes widened when he saw the tiniest man he had ever seen. He blinked. This must be Professor Flitwick.

“Greetings, new students. I hope you all are ready for an exciting year of practicing and honing your magical abilities.” He paused as if waiting for a response. A weak applause sounded around him, and Kibum eventually joined in, stopping when Flitwick tapped his wand on the podium. “In my class, we will be studying charmwork – including charm theory, the history of certain spells, wand movements and proper pronunciation of the spells you will be learning.”

Kibum scooted forward in his seat, watching Flitwick in anticipation as he stepped off his high-back chair and onto a stack of books, and then another until he was standing at one of the chalkboards behind his desk.

“No, no, set your wands aside. We won’t be working with them for quite a while.” Kibum looked down, a little surprised to see his wand in his hand. He didn’t remember grabbing it. Pouting slightly, he set it on the top of the desk and returned his attention to Flitwick, who was writing Wingardium Leviosa in large, loopy cursive letters on the chalkboard.


Would Minho be able to read his handwriting? Or even understand the class? Kibum hummed to himself and dipped his quill in the inkwell between him and Fredrick and started taking notes in Hangul. He felt Fredrick’s eyes on him as he dipped his quill again, but Kibum ignored him, instead focusing on translating the history of the levitation charm.

“I didn’t know you were Chinese,” Fredrick whispered, still watching him.

Kibum’s hand hovered over the parchment, ink dripping once, twice before he looked over at his desk mate. “This...I...I’m Korean.”

Fredrick shrugged and leaned away from Kibum, returning his attention to Flitwick. “Now, if you’d open your textbooks to page five you’ll see the illustration of Hobart’s first public demonstration of the levitation charm.” Kibum flipped through the pages, glancing at the hand-drawn picture of a rotund man hovering by the stained-glass window of an old church before going back to his note-taking.

Once Flitwick stepped back up to the podium and told them to close their textbooks, Kibum’s hand ached. He had filled almost the entire parchment with notes for Minho. He blew on the ink to dry it before he rolled up the parchment and grabbed his book. When he caught up to the other Slytherins, he clenched and unclenched his fist, hoping to relieve some of the ache before his next class.

* * * * * * * * * *

The chatter of Minho’s fellow Hufflepuffs and the Gryffindors seemed abnormally loud in the greenhouse. Minho sat still, hugging his full backpack to his chest, as he watched them all interact easily with each other. The Gryffindor girl next to him asked him a question, but he did not understand her. Her eyes were bright and cheery and her curly blonde hair was pulled back into a messy top bun. Minho smiled back and nodded, hoping that was a proper response to whatever it was she asked. It seemed to be since her smile bloomed into a grin and she turned back to her friend.

Should he have even come here?

He could barely understand anyone, which would seriously impede his studies...maybe he should just write his parent’s and see if they can come home. He would never fit in with these people.

Minho bit the inside of his cheek, sighing quietly, and hugged his backpack tighter.


Everyone turned to look at the front door at the sound of the little golden bell above the greenhouse door. In came a stout old woman, her eyes warm and her smile kind. Minho relaxed a little when he saw her. She blended in with the plants around the greenhouse, her robes a mossy and sage green and her pointed cap a dusty brown with small twigs and flowers and bits of moss around the rim.

“Hello, students. I’m Professor Sprout. Welcome to Herbology!” She went on, but she lost Minho after that. He caught a word or two: magical plants and medicine, mostly. She instructed them to get out their books, Minho assumed, since everyone else was doing so. He glanced at the book the Gryffindor girl got out and dug through his backpack to find the matching one.

He sighed in relief when the Latin letters changed to Hangul at his touch, the title reading, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. Kibum told him about this class on the train, and Minho had been excited about it at the time. He liked plants. His mom had a huge garden at their home in Korea and he would sit out there with her during the summer and weed around the flowers while she pruned the bushes.

Professor Sprout was now going around the room and pointing at different plants, no doubt identifying them to the students. Minho flipped through the book, looking for an index of some sort so he could follow along.

By the end of the class, Minho was excited, though confused. Less so than he was expecting if he were being honest, but still confused. He packed up his book and hurried out the door, giving Professor Sprout a shy smile and a tiny bow as he passed her by the door. She nodded back and Minho hurried out the door, jogging up the dirt path and catching up to his fellow Hufflepuffs before they reached the door to the castle.

* * * * * * * * * *

Kibum tucked the sparse Herbology notes he managed to take into his textbook and placed it atop the stack of his other textbook. He hefted them with a grunt and grinned at Professor Sprout as he rushed out of the greenhouse and to the castle after the other Slytherins and the Ravenclaws.

History of Magic was next – which he had heard from literally everyone that it was the dullest class at Hogwarts – and he was excited. He hoped that Minho was saving him a seat. If he was there, that was. If not, he would have to save him one.

Kibum hoped Minho was doing all right today. It was a lot for him to take in, and he had been preparing for Hogwarts his whole life. Kibum couldn’t even imagine how overwhelmed Minho must be feeling at the moment. Hopefully, his diligent note-taking would help him, at least a little bit.

Three floors up and two miss-directions from the moving staircases later, Kibum found himself at the seventy-second classroom, where History of Magic took place. He filed inside with the mass of Slytherins and Ravenclaws, and he stepped up on his tiptoes to see over their heads. He searched the students already seated and found Minho quite easily.

He sat at the back of the class by himself, his face buried in his arms on his desk. Kibum sighed and broke out of the group, heading to Minho’s side and dropping his books on the desk. Minho jumped up, staring wide-eyed up at Kibum, who simply smiled.

“Hi!” Minho beamed at him as he slid onto the bench next to him. “How’s class been for you so far?”

“Fun, I think? Mostly confusing.”

Kibum offered him a sympathetic smile before opening his books and taking out his notes. “I thought that might be the case, so, here.” He passed them over to Minho, who then unrolled his notes from Potions. “It’s not much, but it’s the best I can d – “ His breath was knocked out of him as Minho pulled him into a tight hug. Kibum looked over Minho’s shoulder at the group of Gryffindor boys watching them with odd expressions. He patted Minho’s back then, glaring at the Gryffindors until they looked away, and waited for him to relaxed against him before he pulled away.

“Thanks,” Minho said, sniffing. He looked back at the parchment, his eyes scanning the Potions notes again. A swirling gray mass behind the desk at the front of the classroom materialized into a man, Minho looking up with Kibum nudged his ribs with his elbow. “Woah!”

“Class, take out A History of Magic and turn to page three,” he said, his voice droning and monotone. “Let’s begin.”

Kibum unrolled another length of parchment and got out his quill and ink before reaching for his textbook. Minho dug into his backpack for a notebook and pencil and sat still, pencil poised over the lined paper while he waited for Kibum to start taking notes.

They started out strong, Kibum whispering terms that Minho expression confusion at, but eventually the dull voice of professor got the better of them. Minho started nodding off first, his head bobbing as he woke himself up only to doze off a couple seconds later. Kibum rested his head on Minho’s shoulder – just for a second – but woke up when the other students snapped their textbooks closed and shuffled out of the classroom.

Minho’s head was resting on top of his until Kibum started to sit up, the movement rousing Minho. “I heard that this class was boring but god…I wasn’t expecting that.”

Yawning, Minho laughed. “I needed the nap I think.”

“Me too.” Kibum cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms out in front of him. “We should probably head to lunch.”


Kibum rubbed his eyes and started gathering his things, Minho following suit and stuffing them all back in his backpack. He stood, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and waiting for Kibum to join him. Once he did, they started making their way to the Great Hall for lunch.

“So,” Kibum said, his lips before glancing over at Minho. “I was thinking. Would you want my help with studying?”

“W-with…English…and stuff?” Minho asked, grabbing onto the banister as the staircase shifted.

“Well, yeah. English and school work.”

“You’d do that?” Kibum smiled and Minho’s shoulders relaxed a little. He readjusted the strap over his shoulder. “That’s really nice of you.”

“We’ll have to find someplace to study, though, because I don’t think we’ll be able to go into each other’s Houses.” Minho’s brow furrowed. “But, we’ll figure it out.”


Once they reached the entrance to the Great Hall, they both paused at the door, looking to their tables at the opposite ends of the room.

“Tell you what, if there’s nothing happening after dinner tonight, we should look for a place to study.” Minho nodded and grinned when Kibum looked over at him. “See you after lunch!” Kibum said, watching Minho dart off to the Hufflepuff table and sit down before he started over to the Slytherins.

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Fan4manga #2
Chapter 80: Love the end ! I'm still a bit sad it's over but thank you so much for the story :)
Onew-1989 #3
Chapter 80: The End. 😭. For some reason I didn’t expect it to end. Great story!!
Chapter 80: Thank you for this amazing beautiful wonderful story! This is one of my favorite stories to read thank you again sooo much.