All I Want For Christmas

By My Side

A/N: Today is the third anniversary of this fic! Crazy how time flies...I know this isn’t the final chapter or anything but I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has ever liked/kudos/upvoted, reblogged, subscribed, and especially commented on this story so far. Without you, I never would have made it to today, so consider today’s chapter dedicated to you, my loyal and lovely readers! <3

* * * * *

"Let's run through it again!" Kibum threw his head back, quietly groaning, and Minho smacked his arm, chuckling. "Head back out and come in again when the doors open."

It was Christmas Eve, and while everyone else was having their dinner in their common rooms, the Champions, the Headmistresses, and their partners were stuck rehearsing the opening of the Ball. To make sure everything ran smoothly, of course...but still. Kibum dragged his feet as he led the way back out into the hallway, and the great double doors closed behind Genadi as he crossed the threshold. "This is getting ridiculous."

"Maybe this will be the last time,” Minho said, sighing like he didn’t believe it.


"Doubtfully," Turner said.

Kibum snorted in amusement as the doors opened once again, his hand going to Minho's arm. Miloni led the procession of three, heading down the candlelit aisle to the cleared dance floor.

The Great Hall, while still not fully decorated for the following night, was stunning. Large round tables flanked either side of the aisle they were slowly walking down, with three more on the other side. A stage was set up off to the side before the hearth where the Hufflepuff table usually was, a myriad of string and woodwind instruments playing themselves. Five large Christmas trees had replaced the professor’s table on the dais, so far undecorated like the rest of the Hall.

Miloni and Genadi veered off to the left, Turner and Roselyn to the right, and Kibum and Minho stopped as soon as they reached the dance floor, all assuming the much-practiced first position. The music from the unmanned instruments changed, sweeping them all into an easy waltz. McGonagall joined them first, led to the dance floor by O’Neely, and they were followed by Nakova and Krum, then Madame Maxine and Hagrid, and finally, Harry and Fleur.

There was a nearly overwhelming urge to meet Minho’s eyes while they danced together, but every time he failed to fight it and looked, Minho was looking away, watching the others. Hopefully, he wasn’t regretting taking him...he did sort of force him into it, now that he thought about it. It’s not like he could back out now, no one would be able to learn this dance in time for the ball, no matter how simple it was. He glanced over at Minho again, doing a double-take when he found him watching him.

“I’m getting hungry,” he mouthed, and then, as if to emphasize his point, his stomach grumbled loudly.

Kibum nearly broke the quiet atmosphere by laughing out loud, but he was able to contain his amusement to a few rough shoulder pats. Minho grinned, looking away again. Well, hopefully, Gil was saving him some food.

It wasn’t the last time they had to run through the waltz. McGonagall made them do it twice more before she let them go. Kibum slumped in relief and let himself be led off the dance floor by Minho. They were followed by the other pairs, though they split off to go downstairs while they made their way out to the courtyard and out onto the lawn. Kibum grabbed Minho’s arm, tugging him toward the secret room behind the stairs. He lit his wand when they ducked inside, and he finally turned to look up at Minho, whose expression was curious.

“Are you really sure you want to take me?”

Minho nodded emphatically, his brow furrowing. “What’s this about?” Kibum shook his head, shrugging halfheartedly. “ not want to go with me anymore?”

“No, no, it’s not that! I just...I’m just worried that I forced you into it and -- “

“Kibum,” Minho said with a soft laugh that sent a flutter through Kibum’s heart. “You’re a force of nature, to be sure, but I asked you to come with me, remember?” Kibum nodded, melting a little when Minho smiled. “Now, let’s go before my stomach eats itself.”

They parted like usual at the corner and Kibum unlocked Slytherin with Mistletoe. Analecia’s idea. He walked in, happy to find that most everyone was still eating. Analecia made a spot for him by the fire after he dished some food up. “How’d it go?”

“Good. I swear I could do that dance in my sleep, though.”

She chuckled, and Callum put down his fork, looking across the coffee table at him. “Is it weird dancing with a guy?” Aaron smacked his shoulder, and Callum let out a quiet, “What? It’s just a question.”

“Why, is that a problem?” Chloe, surprisingly, said. Kibum glanced around Analecia at her to find him glaring at Callum.

“I -- “ Callum looked between her and Kibum, who was struggling not to show his amusement. “I was just curious.”

“Some guys are into guys, some girls are into girls. It shouldn’t be a big deal.” Kibum’s eyebrows shot up as he looked back at Chloe. Was she..? Amelia, who was sitting in the armchair beside her, was overly interested in her salad, her face tinged pink. Were they..? It wouldn’t be a huge surprise if they were, but --

“I know it’s not, I’m just -- “

“Chloe, it’s okay,” he said, placating her with a wave of his hand before he looked back at Callum. “To answer your question, it is a little odd, but mainly because it feels like everyone is staring at us. I don’t think it’d be that weird otherwise, though.”


“I don’t know about you guys,” Aaron said, cutting through the awkward silence. “But I don’t feel prepared at all. It’s weird to say, but I don’t think the lesson with Slughorn was long enough.”

"Just let Arabella lead then, mate."

"She'd probably love that," Aaron said, nodding thoughtfully. Kibum grinned into his pumpkin juice before he took a drink.

As soon as they finished eating, Kibum, Analecia, and the other Prefects sent all the non-seventh years to bed. They tidied up the room so it wouldn't be a total mess when the house-elves came in to clean, and then went to bed themselves.

Kibum lay there, staring up at his pictures in the soft glow of the Muggle twinkle lights Aaron had strung around the room. It must be midnight now. Christmas day. The day he would tell Minho how he felt about him. He let out a long sigh, then gulped. He couldn't deny that it was long overdue, and yet the what if's plagued his mind.

What if he wanted nothing to do with him, afterward?

What if he did, but didn't return the feelings?

What if he used up all of his luck finding Minho in the first place? Who's to say that he'd be lucky enough for him to like him back?

What if...what if he said he liked him, too?

It was a possibility. One that he hadn't completely ruled out. Yet. But still…

What if?

He pulled his comforter over his shoulder as he rolled onto his side with a huff. Well, he'd be finding out sometime tomorrow...but when? Before everything started? During the ball? Before they parted ways for the night? He frowned, contemplating the matter until he drifted off, dreaming of things he would forget the second he opened his eyes.

He dressed casually, unsure of what the plan was for the day, in his green sweater, a pair of jeans, and his warmest socks. Analecia was already awake, serving herself a cup of coffee when he walked out into the common room. "Good morning and Merry Christmas!"

"You're sure chipper," he said, scratching his back as he made his way over to her.

"I'm always chipper on Christmas morning."

"Hm." Had she ever stayed back during the winter holidays? He couldn't remember. "I wouldn't know."

"I guess that's true." She passed him his cup, already doctored up the way he liked it. "Sleep well?"

He shrugged, taking a tentative sip. Still too warm. "Bit restless."

"Nervous?" Sighing, he nodded and she offered him a sweet smile. "I'm sure it'll be okay."

"You owe me if it's not," he muttered as he trudged over to the couch.

"Oh?" Her amusement was clear in her voice, but it was too early for him to respond with playful snark. Even for him. "I'll keep that in mind."


She sniffed a laugh as she sat beside him, propping her feet up on the coffee table. "How are you gonna do it? Or would you rather not talk about it?"

He shook his head. "No, it's fine. Uh...I have a letter that I wrote when I got back here, but…" Wait, where was it? He took it out to give to Minho weeks ago, but did he put it back in the book?

"That's so sweet. And romantic. Letters are so -- "

Whatever else she said was lost on Kibum. Instead of paying attention, he was mentally combing his dorm room for where the he had stashed it. And he was coming up blank. He hadn't thrown it away, had he?

“Hey, Ana,” Amelia said as she came into the room, cutting Analecia off and drawing Kibum slightly out of his panic. “Are you still gonna do my hair tonight? When does it start, anyway?”

“Six,” Kibum said absently.


“Pays to have a Champion’s date here,” Amelia said as she started to serve herself a drink. Knowing her, probably tea.

Kibum looked up at her, his eyes wide, and Analecia touched his arm. “I don’t think she meant anything by it,” she said as he stood. And it was true, she probably didn’t.

He moved past her, heading for his dorm room. The other guys were starting to stir as he rummaged through his nightstand drawer, but everyone was awake by the time he was halfway through his trunk. “What are you looking for?” Frederick asked, sleepily rubbing his eyes.

“My…” his eyes fell on his shiny black shoes that he had gotten from Madame Malkin’s. He covered them with a crumpled robe and continued digging. “My dress shoes.”

“We have hours, mate. You don’t worry about that yet,” Callum said, patting his back on the way out the door.

One by one, they all left him to go eat breakfast in the common room. In their absence, he searched high and low, getting more frantic the longer he looked. Not in Unfogging the Future, or any of the textbooks, nor was it under his bed, or behind the bed, or under the mattress. No, he found it, still crumpled in the back of his dresser drawer, Kibum started to unravel it, relief flooding through him, when the door opened.

“Hey…” . Minho. He held the letter behind his back, pressing up against the dresser to hide it as Minho came in, inspecting the mess. “What happened?”

“I...I lost my bowtie.”

Concern furrowed Minho’s brow, and he closed the door behind him. “Were you able to find it?” Kibum nodded quickly, his gaze darting to the mess he had made. “Good. You wanna go with me to Hogsmeade for breakfast?”

Kibum sighed, looking back over at him. “I should probably clean up first.”

Grinning, Minho whipped out his wand, gesturing to the clusters of mess. “Proprioloco!”

Everything on the floor and his bed floated up, zipping around the room. His trunk opened, the articles of discarded clothing folding themselves as they glided back inside. His textbooks pages fluttered as they closed and shuffled back together under his bed. The drawer behind him slipped shut, startling him enough to turn around.

“Is that garbage?” Minho asked, and Kibum hummed in question, only to realize a second later that he was referring to the letter. “I can toss it for you on my way out.”

Kibum blinked rapidly, holding it behind his back again. “Uh, no, I can do it. I’ll be right there,” he added when Minho looked like he was going to say something. “Just need to get my coat and shoes on.”

Minho’s expression brightened -- the garbage seemingly forgotten. “Okay. I’ll be in the hall.”

“Okay.” Minho closed the door behind him, and Kibum leaned back on the dresser with a groan. He unraveled the letter, then, gritting his teeth the further along he read. It was too wrinkled, now, he’d have to rewrite it...but would there be a moment today where he could? No matter, he’d have to find the time somehow.

He picked up the letter, folding it and sticking it in his jeans pocket as he went over to the wardrobe for his coat. Now that he had found it, there was no way he was going to let it out of his sight until it came time to hand it over to Minho.

* * * * * * * * * *

The wall had just finished reforming before it dismantled again to reveal Kibum, now clad in his winter boots and coat. “Ready?” Minho asked, unable to stop himself from smiling at the sight of him. Like, yes, he just saw him a minute ago, but he was whipped, okay?

At least he was aware.

“Do I look ready?” The wall shuffled back together as he stepped up before Minho, crossing the arms of his overly puffy coat.

“It depends on the activity.” Kibum scoffed, turning away before his half-smile became a full one and started for the stairs, muttering under his breath. Grinning, Minho bounded after him.

There wasn’t a hint of a cloud in the sky, which was a shame. It would have been nice for it to snow on Christmas. He turned, walking backward for a few steps as he looked back at the snow-capped castle. Kibum glanced over his shoulder. “What?”

“I was just looking for clouds. Hoping it would snow later so we could have a white Christmas.” Kibum stopped walking, giving Minho the most incredulous look, which in turn made him laugh out loud. “No, I’m aware that we already have snow, I’m just saying...Fresh snow would be nice.” Kibum shook his head, smiling as he started walking again. “What? You can’t deny that I’m right this one time, can you?”

“You underestimate me.”

Minho smirked at that and watched him for a few seconds before he jogged to catch up to him, casting a furtive glance his way. He was stressed again, like he had been at the end of last year. He’d known that from the second he walked through the door. He had just been coming in to ask if Kibum wanted to head down to Hogsmeade after breakfast, but…

Maybe some time away from the bustle of the castle would help. It was their first Christmas here with so many other people, maybe that’s what the problem was.

He glanced down at him again, finding his gaze trained to the snow before them. Minho reached out, patting his back. Whatever was bothering him hopefully would be okay soon.

The Three Broomsticks was practically empty, aside from a few of the locals who probably ate there every morning. Minho ordered two full Scottish breakfasts and teas while Kibum went to go find a table. Despite all the empty ones, he chose one in the back, tucked into the far corner of the tavern. “She said it’d be out soon,” he said as he sat across from him, setting his mug of tea down.

Kibum nodded, his gaze flicking up to meet Minho’s before immediately looking away again.

“It’s nice to get away from the castle, right?”


“It’s weird with there being so many people there right now.” Kibum sniffed a laugh and Minho searched his drawn expression, sighing. “What’s the matter, Bummie? Can I help?”

“It’s nothing, I -- “ he started to say, his mouth snapping shut as Rosmerta brought out still-sizzling skillets filled with fried eggs, sausages, beans, toast, grilled tomatoes, and wild cooked mushrooms. They both quietly thanked her, and as Minho picked up his fork and knife, Kibum continued. “I’m just nervous, I guess.”

“For tonight?” He nodded, reaching for his fork as Minho cut into his eggs. “Me too. At least we just have the one dance to worry about.”

“Can you imagine if there were multiple?” Minho threw his head back with a dramatic groan, and Kibum started chuckling. “Come on, it wouldn’t be that bad.”

“Easy for you to say. You’d probably remember all the steps.” Kibum smiled to himself as he stabbed the runny yolk of his egg. “Since it is Christmas...what should we do for presents this year?”

“You mean you don’t have some elaborate scheme figured out already?” he asked, tsking at him without looking up from his food. “I’m a little disappointed, not gonna lie.”

“I mean, I’ve been a little busy.”

“That’s fine,” Kibum said, picking up his tea with faux daintiness. “I don’t mind being neglected.”

Minho scoffed. “Yeah, I know better than to believe that.”

They finished their breakfast -- Minho’s skillet was scraped clean while Kibum left behind a wedge of toast and most of the beans -- and went on their way, though not back to the castle quite yet. Minho insisted on taking Kibum around the town to the open shops, but nothing jumped out at either of them for good gift ideas. It was about noon that they gave up and decided to head back to the castle, only to be distracted by the arrival of the Hogwarts Express.

“I wonder w -- “ Minho started to say as Kibum was starting back for the castle, only for the exhaust to clear and reveal Jonghyun stepping off the train, his guitar case in hand. “Jjong!”

Kibum stopped walking, whipping his head around to look back at the platform. Minho started for him, Kibum on his heels as they hurried forward. “What are you guys doing down here?” Jonghyun asked, a bit of the air getting knocked out of him as Minho pulled him into a hug.

“We -- “ Kibum broke off as two more guys stepped off the train.

Both taller than them, one with a mop of curly blond hair and the other with piercing green eyes. The green-eyed one inspected them as he walked up, his arm casually slinging around Jonghyun’s shoulders as Minho slipped out of his embrace. “Are these your friends?” he asked in a thick French accent, looking them both over with a bored expression.

“Yeah, uh, this is Minho,” he said, gesturing to Minho, who stuck his hand out for a handshake, but was ignored. “And this is Kibum.” Minho blinked, glancing over at Kibum who stepped up beside him, greeting the two handsome French guys with a tiny wave. “Guys, this is Pierre.”

“Hi,” Minho and Kibum said, a second apart.

Bonjour,” he said, inspecting them again before he whispered something to Jonghyun in French. Jonghyun nodded, looking back at the train, and Pierre patted his shoulder before going over to help the other guy -- Phillipe, if he remembered right -- with the luggage.

Minho frowned and, while Jonghyun’s attention was diverted, looked over at Kibum, who shook his head once. He must not like Pierre very much, either. “ guys need help with your luggage?” Kibum asked.

It looked like Jonghyun was going to say no, but Pierre turned back around. “Yes, actually.”

And so they helped, hefting their surprisingly heavy bags while the other three surged ahead with just their guitars. “This is a bit ridiculous,” Kibum muttered to Minho, quiet enough so it didn’t carry up to Jonghyun and the others. Minho huffed a laugh, switching the arm he was carrying Pierre’s luggage with when the other started to ache.

They dropped Nebulous Stardust and their luggage off at the Beauxbatons’ carriages, stepping back awkwardly as they were reunited with their old school friends. They were a few steps away, heading for the castle, before Jonghyun jogged after them. “Guys!” Minho stopped walking, and Kibum did as well, only after another few steps. “Sorry, I’ll come find you after we catch up with them?”

Minho nodded as Kibum said, “We’re both in the basement.”

“We’ll probably be in Slytherin.”

“Uh…” Jonghyun’s gaze trailed off, as if he were trying to visualize where in the castle that was. As a former Ravenclaw, he probably didn’t go down there very much.

“It’s close to the Potions classroom.”

“Oh, right, okay.”

“Password is mistletoe.”


Kibum turned around then, and Minho followed him. It wasn’t until they reached the courtyard that he stopped and glanced back at the carriages. “You didn’t like him either, right?” Minho shook his head, and Kibum nodded before he went inside.

The Slytherin common room was mostly empty when they reached it, as was Kibum’s dorm room. “I wonder where everyone is…” Kibum said as Minho rolled onto his bed, making himself comfortable.

“Who cares. I’m gonna try to nap.”

“Go ahead.” Kibum crouched by his trunk, opening it up. “I’m gonna start getting my stuff laid out.”

Minho nodded, rolling over onto his side as he closed his eyes. He didn’t quite sleep, but he did get close a few times. Instead, he just rested and listened to Kibum putter around, quietly opening and closing his trunk and drawer as he situated his outfit for tonight. He hummed occasionally, old songs he recognized from the frog choir. Once he settled somewhere off to Minho’s right, he listened to Kibum write something, the dull scratch of quill against parchment nearly lulling him to sleep.

He stopped eventually, and Minho languidly opened his eyes to watch him go over to his dresser where his dress robes were laid out. He rolled over then, laying on his back, and looked up at the many pictures.


There was a surprising amount of just him. Newspaper clippings that he couldn’t read at this distance in the dim light, but from the pictures, he knew they were from the exit interviews after the first two tasks. They were scattered amidst polaroids from their many years together on... He focused on the delicate dried primrose tucked behind a picture taken at the party celebrating his selection as Hogwarts Champion.

Kibum didn’t seem like the type to pick and keep flowers for himself. That was more his department, and even then… Who had given him that flower? His brow furrowed slightly, his attention drifting a couple pictures over to one of him from ages ago skipping rocks in the distance. His gaze darted back to the primrose. Did he give it to him? If he remembered right, it had been because he successfully skipped a rock, but why would he keep it? Unless…


Eyes widening, his gaze darted from picture to picture, focusing solely on Kibum and the way he was watching him before or after looking at the camera. Did he...could he possibly...but he said…

“Oh, good, you’re awake,” Kibum said, jolting Minho’s attention away from the pictures. “It’s almost five, you should probably go get ready soon.”

“Y-yeah…” He pushed himself up, pausing for a second before he slipped off of Kibum's bed.

“I’ll meet you upstairs.”

“Uh,” Minho knew he was staring, but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t believe… “Okay.” He closed the door behind himself, ambling listlessly past Aaron, Callum, and Fredrick as he made his way through the common room and out into the darkened corridor.

Kibum liked him. He did, right? He...He… It was the only thing that made sense, he saw that now.

“Hey!” Minho looked up, struggling to focus on the approaching shadow. “Is this where Slytherin is?” Jonghyun, he recognized him now. Minho nodded, reaching for his wand to unlock the entrance. He paused, wand extended, his brow furrowed. “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head, dropping his wand and looking down at Jonghyun, whose face was illuminated in the pale green light of the corridor. “He likes me, doesn’t he.”

Jonghyun searched his expression, his smile slowly turning into a smirk. “That didn’t really sound like a question.”

“Does he?”

“Is it a bad thing if he does?”

No, it’d be the best possible...he’d be the luckiest…, he needed to sit down, this was too much to take in right now. He shook his head, unable to speak.

“Didn’t think so. Let me in, Romeo.”

He did, meandering away. His head was spinning so much, he was surprised he was able to find his way to his dorm room.

The others were there, all getting ready. Marvin was trying to slick the part of Gil’s hair that was sticking straight up in the back, with little success. Travis was already fully dressed and lounging on his bed, probably wrinkling his dress robes, and Seb was half under his bed, searching for his other dress shoe. Eli was halfway out the door, passing Minho as he came in. He called out for Rhesa, his date for the Ball, but Minho didn't hear anything else after the door swung shut.

Kibum liked him.

Actually liked him.

It seemed so obvious now...why hadn't he realized it before?

He didn't notice a thing that the others were doing, or when they left the room, as he was getting ready. His mind was too consumed…

This changed, well, this changed everything.

He couldn't wait until graduation to tell him. The thought was ludicrous now. How long had he liked him? It had to be sometime after he came out to him, or…

He just had to tell him. As soon as he possibly could.

It was as simple as that.

* * * * * * * * * *

As happy as Jonghyun was that at least one of them finally figured it out, it was still amusing for him to watch Minho stumble off and around the corner, dazed by the evidently mind-blowing information.

Whatever. At least he had caught up to the rest of them.

Shaking his head, Jonghyun turned to go into Slytherin, his eyes widening in amazement. He didn't remember much about Ravenclaw Tower, aside from the fact that it was draped in blue with warm brown furnishing...there was a statue of Rowena in there, too...but this was nothing like he had been expecting.

Yes, it was green, and yes snakes and skulls were adorning the hearth and walls, but it was so bright! He had heard rumors that it was like a dungeon in here, and if they were true, it was the most opulent dungeon he'd ever seen. If he did ever break a wizarding law, take him here instead of Azkaban.

"Oh!" a girl exclaimed, covering up her tank-top covered chest with her hands. Her hair and makeup were done, or nearly done, by the looks of it, but she was still in her pajamas and slippers. "Sorry, um, who are you?"

"I'm Jong -- "

Her eyes widened in recognition. "Oh, you're Jonghyun."

"Kibum's mentioned me?"

"Almost as much as he talks about Minho."

Jonghyun started to grin, moving further into the room. "That much, huh?"

"Okay, maybe not that much." She smiled at him as well and, keeping one hand covering herself, held her other out to him. "I'm Analecia. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Likewise." He grasped her hand, and she gave it a firm shake before letting him go.

“I think he’s getting ready. I’ll show you where his room is.”


She led him down the hall, her perfume trailing after her, and to the door with the number seven on it. After she knocked, she looked up and away, listening.

“Yeah?” a guy who wasn’t Kibum called out.

“Is Kibum in there?”

“What?” Kibum asked, sounding annoyed.

“It’s me, ,” Jonghyun said in Korean.

The door opened then, Kibum poking his head around it to peer out at Jonghyun and Analecia. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you think? Thanks again,” he said, returning to English for a second before he stepped through the door and closed it behind him. There were three other guys in the room, all in various stages of getting ready, and Kibum, who was just in his dress shirt, underwear, and socks.

“Don’t you have to get ready?”

Jonghyun looked him up and down, smirking. “You’re one to talk.” He laughed as Kibum let out a huff of disdain. “How are you feeling?”

“Can we not talk about it while they’re here?”

He glanced around at Kibum’s roommates, who were all trying very hard not to look interested in who he could be or what they were talking about. Like, sure, they were speaking a language the other boys didn’t understand, but that didn’t mean that Kibum was comfortable talking about this in front of them. He found Kibum’s trunk and made his way over to it, sitting perched on it while he waited for everyone else to leave.

The last one trailed out the door by the time Kibum was finishing off tying his bowtie. As soon as the door closed behind him, Kibum met Jonghyun’s gaze in the mirror. “I’m nervous, okay? Nervous as …”

“You’re still gonna go through with it, right?” Kibum gulped, nodding. “Good.”

“How was your trip up here?”

“Not bad. We got a nap in.”

“Probably needed that.”

Jonghyun nodded, cocking his head to the side, watching Kibum inspect his appearance. “What’d you think of him?”

“Pierre?” Jonghyun hummed, and Kibum’s eyes flicked up to meet his. “Not sure yet. Didn’t get a great first impression.” His brow furrowed and he sat up straighter, and Kibum turned around to pick up his forest green robe. “Could’ve just been me, though. I was really stressed when we met him.”

“What didn’t you like?” Kibum shrugged, returning to the mirror and tugging on the lapels to straighten his robe. “No, really, I’d like to know.”

“Jjong,” he said, his name coming out in an exasperated sigh. “I don’t know, try not to worry about it.”

“Try not to...That’s like me saying that I didn’t like Minho to you.”

‘But see, I know that’s not true, so…” Kibum turned around, finally meeting Jonghyun’s eyes. “As hard as it is to believe, I don’t want to argue right now. I know we're just pissy because we’re both anxious about tonight. I probably just need to get to know him better than the five minutes we interacted.” Jonghyun his teeth at him, and Kibum sniffed a laugh, gesturing to his outfit. “Do I look okay, at least?”

“He’s gonna lose his mind.”

Kibum smirked and looked toward the door when there was a knock. “Are you decent?”

“Yeah, come in.”

Analecia glided into the room. She was wearing her dress now, which was a gorgeous dark teal. The bodice was covered in lace and beading that glittered in the soft lighting of the room, and the skirt was cut in such a way that the panels of sheer fabric covering it looked like the petals of a lily. She did a little twirl, letting them flare up and away from her before settling as she looked back at them with a beaming grin. “I can’t stop doing that.”

“Can’t say I blame you,” Kibum said, smiling at her as she closed the door. “You’re gonna knock him dead.”

“Believe it or not, that’s the goal.” She smiled when they chuckled, and glanced between them before her gaze settled on Kibum again. “How are you doing?”


“Do you have the letter?” Jonghyun asked. Kibum pulled it out of his pocket. “Good.”

She clapped her hands together. “Ah, this is so exciting! I can’t wait!”

You can’t wait?” Kibum asked, giving her a questioning look as he stuffed the letter away. “How long have you been waiting?”

“Since third year.” She said it so matter-of-factly that Jonghyun burst out laughing, falling back onto Kibum’s bed.

“Third? I didn’t even know then, how did you?”

“I’m not blind, Kibum.”

“See, that’s what I always said!” Analecia looked over at him, then picked up her skirt as she made her way over to the bed beside Kibum’s. “I swear, they’re like actively trying not to see it.”

“That’s gotta be what it is.”

“Wow, I’m so glad I left the room and am not here to listen to you guys right now,” Kibum muttered as he sat down on the lid of his trunk.

“Me too,” Jonghyun said as Analecia continued, “It’s so nice to finally be able to talk to someone with some sense.”

Kibum let out a long sigh before he smacked Jonghyun’s leg. “Don’t you have to go be with your band or something?”

“Probably.” He slid off the bed, flashing Analecia a grin before he looked back at Kibum. “I promise you’ll think we’re funny soon.”

“I still don’t know how you guys can be so sure.”

Jonghyun rolled his eyes. “You can take that one, I’ve gotta go.”

“Good luck!” they called after him, and he shook his head as he closed the door behind him. In just a few hours, maybe less, his suffering would be over.

And then, the real teasing could begin.

* * * * * * * * * *

If it weren’t for the strict laws of gravity, Minho was fairly certain that he would have floated up to the main floor. Now that the shock had subsided, if only slightly, the sheer happiness was starting to set in. He barely noticed the others congregating in the corridors outside the Great Hall.

The doors were set to open soon, but Minho, the other two Champions, and their dates would be entering later.

He shoved his hands into his pant pockets and strode away, down to where the hallway was less occupied. He stopped by the courtyard, looking out at the coming night before he stepped out into the snow. There were clouds, now, and the promise of snow hung in the air. Minho took a deep breath of the chilly air, smiling.

What a perfect night.

“Hey,” Kibum’s voice drifted out to him, and Minho looked back to find him leaning against the open window, his arms crossed. “Do you want to get a ing cold? Come back inside.”


Part of him wished that he had had the opportunity to see Kibum all dressed up before this, so that he would know how to articulate what was going through his mind. But he was too stunning in those dark green dress robes, so much so that it rendered Minho momentarily mute. He couldn’t help but be drawn back to him, his shoes squeaking comically as soon as he stepped back inside.

“Bend down a little, I need to do your tie.”

He couldn’t look away as Kibum deftly tied his bowtie. He allowed his gaze to caress his face unhindered, no longer worried that he was doing something wrong. It was amazing how quickly his fear had been eradicated. He traced the sculpt of his cheekbones and the curve of his lips until Kibum finally adjusted his tie, stepping back and looking up.

“What?” Kibum asked, frowning curiously at him.

“Minho!” Miloni called from down the Hall. “It’s almost time!”

“You just look really handsome tonight, that’s all.” Kibum blinked at him, and even in this lighting, Minho could see that he was blushing. “Come on,” he said, grinning as he held out his arm. It took a second for Kibum to look away from him to realize that, but once he had, he slipped his hand around Minho’s forearm, and together they walked over to where the others were waiting.

Excited murmurs inside the Great Hall seemed to vibrate the double doors by the time Minho and Kibum stepped up behind Turner and Roselyn. Kibum let out a clipped sigh, his hand leaving Minho's arm to fix his hair.

"Something wrong?"

"It just feels off." Nodding, Minho reached up, lightly rearranging Kibum's fringe. "I think I'm just nervous," he said, adding a weak laugh.

Minho dropped his gaze to meet Kibum's and smiled. They were untouchable, now, despite what people might say or think. Or do. "We'll be okay, Bummie. Don't worry."

Kibum held his gaze for several prolonged seconds, releasing it when the doors cracked open. He grabbed his arm again, a little tighter this time, and Minho put his hand over Kibum's until they followed Miloni and Turner past the threshold.

The Great Hall looked as though it had been frosted over. In place of the candles hung suspended icicles, each one revolving slowly, sending sparkling specks of light on the blue draped walls and floors. Snow fell from the ceiling, accumulating on the edges of the room. The Christmas trees on the dais were all decorated in blue and silver baubles and shimmery tinsel. The instruments played themselves, like they had during rehearsals the night before, except now the stage was decorated to match the icy atmosphere of the room. Even the fireplaces were enchanted -- the flames burned a cold blue rather than the usual warm orange.

Kibum’s grip tightened on Minho’s arm, and he stopped looking around at the decorations to see what the matter was.

Muffled giggles followed them, cut off the moment he turned his head to inspect who it was. He would have thought that word would have spread throughout the school that he was taking Kibum… Maybe people just didn’t believe it. Why it was such a hard thing to grasp, he’d never understand.

He lifted his chin with a sigh as they stopped in their place on the dance floor, his hand slipping around Kibum’s back as the music changed to the familiar waltz. He could still hear it -- the barely contained laughter -- and he met Kibum’s eyes as the music swept them up into the simple choreography. There was anger, there, glittering in the light of the icicles, but it softened as he held Minho’s gaze.

“You okay?” he whispered, just loud enough for Kibum to hear him over the music.

He nodded. “You?”

Minho gave him a small smile and a nod, glancing away to see if McGonagall had started dancing yet. She had, as had Madame Maxine, and Headmistress Nakova. Harry was leading Fleur onto the dance floor right now, her glittering silver and white gown holding Minho’s attention for a second before he looked back at Kibum. People were still laughing, he could hear it when they moved closer to the sides of the dance floor.

“Hey.” Kibum’s eyebrows rose in question. “Do you want to give them something to laugh at?”

Kibum searched his expression, smirking. “What’d you have in mind?”

Minho thought back to the dancing competition he had walked in on his mom watching last summer, before everything went to . He'd only seen a few minutes of it, as he had been asking for the keys to her car so he could go to work, but it should be enough. It's not like he was trying to be a professional dancer right now.

He grinned. "Follow my lead."

It didn't match the mood of the waltz at all, but it did make Kibum smile incredulously at him as he backed away, still holding onto Kibum's hand. He didn't know the name of the dance he was trying to emulate -- salsa, maybe? -- but Kibum was quick to copy him, twirling away and back toward him when Minho did.

And yes, it did draw more attention to them than there already was. The laughter got louder, too. But wasn't that the whole point?

They finished the dance, fumbling back to their original ending position, Kibum laughing quietly as he held onto him. Minho, breathing a little heavier from the exertion, glanced around at the others.

Miloni and Turner seemed amused, as did Professor O'Neely. McGonagall looked a little shocked at the possible rule-breaking, and Harry and Fleur were grinning at them from across the dance floor.

Minho took a deep breath, looking back down at Kibum, who was starting to back away. "We're supposed to go sit now, right?"

"I think so," Kibum whispered back, the lights shimmering in his eyes as he met Minho's gaze.

Minho glanced up again, watching the others head over to the furthest unoccupied round table, and he lifted his arm for Kibum to take. Once he did, Minho led him away from the crowd and to their table, the remnants of the other students' laughter following them.

* * * * * * * * * *

Minho dropped his arm from under Kibum’s grip just as they reached their table. Everyone else had basically settled in their seats, given that there were name cards in everyone’s place. Minho pulled out his chair for him to sit first beside Genadi, then he took his place between him and Harry. Harry said something quiet enough that only Minho heard him, but Kibum still glanced over curiously when they both chuckled.

“What was that about?” Kibum whispered to Minho when he turned away from Harry.

Minho shook his head. “He thought our dance was funny.”

“Ah.” He searched Kibum’s expression, his gaze darting down for a second before his attention was taken away by the appearance of the food.

Crisp herb-crusted turkeys, glistening glaze-covered hams, mounds of roasted potatoes, steaming croissants, buttered peas, and jewel-like cranberry sauce materialized on every table. Everyone started talking then, the din filling the room as everyone started to dig into the Christmas feast. Kibum dished up half of a plate for himself, but his stomach was churning too much for him to even think about eating. The letter in his pocket felt like it was burning a hole through his suit.

Would there be a moment quiet enough for him to give Minho the letter? Or would it just stay in his pocket, unread and unsaid? Was it even a good idea?

He blinked, snapping himself out of his daze when Minho poured him some sparkling punch before filling his cup up.

What was with him tonight? He was being unusually accommodating, even for him. And the handsome comment? Kibum picked up his punch, hiding his growing blush as he took a drink. Like, yeah, that was the reaction he wanted, but what was he even supposed to say to that? Even now, he couldn’t think of what he could have responded with…

Everyone around him ate merrily while he stabbed peas with his fork, filling up the tines. He had tried to eat, but he could barely stomach the single bite of roasted potato he had had.

McGonagall motioned to Flitwick once everyone else seemed to be done eating, who left his table and took to the stage, clearing his throat as the unmanned instruments stopped playing and set themselves aside. He started to announce Nebulous Stardust, and across the table, Turner got up, his usually shy smile growing wider. Jonghyun, Pierre, and Phillipe all joined Flitwick on the stage. They had changed out of their traveling clothes, and they now wore jeans, various colors of leather jackets, and heavy boots. Turner shed his dress robe and suit jacket by the time he joined them on the stage, and Phillipe tossed him a tassel-covered black leather jacket. He donned it before he sat down behind the drumset that Kibum didn’t remember being there a second ago.

“Hey, everyone,” Jonghyun said, holding his guitar to the side as he spoke into the microphone, greeting the crowd. Minho cheered for him, which made Kibum smack his arm with a laugh. “Yes, hello, Minho.” Laughter rang out around the room again, and Jonghyun threw a half-smile their way. “We don’t really have an intro yet, so, uh…” He turned his head, facing his band before he looked back out at the crowd. “Let’s just get this started.”

Turner started a beat on the drums and was soon joined by the other’s guitar-playing. It was one of their original songs; Kibum recognized it from the summers he listened to Jonghyun play. It was, however, harsher than he remembered Jonghyun playing it -- more of a rock-and-roll feel than the acoustic version Jonghyun played for him.

Students were already starting to gather down by the stage, the ones from Beauxbatons in the front. Evidently, they were just trying to work up a bit of energy into the crowd before the actual set began, given that Jonghyun set his guitar aside and reached for the microphone stand again, beginning to sing along to the song he had written.

Most of the tables were empty now, aside from the adults, Minho, and himself. And even then, some of the adults had gotten up to enjoy the music as well. Kibum sat back in his seat, his attention drifting to the Christmas trees on the dais until someone occupied Genadi’s vacant seat.

“Hey, you two,” Mom said, garnering both his and Minho’s attention.

“Oh, right, you wanted pictures.”

Kibum whipped his head to look over at Minho. “When did you two talk without me?”

“We do it all the time, dear,” Mom said, smiling when Kibum started to complain. “Come on, I think now would be a good time. Less distractions this way.”

That was probably true.

The sound of Jonghyun’s voice and the rock-and-roll music followed them out of the Great Hall. She took them to the Grand Staircase, sending them a couple of steps up to find the perfect lighting. As they were posing, Minho noticed his bowtie was askew and he helped him adjust it. They snapped a few pictures there, and after much complaining, Mom dragged them both outside to get a few pictures in the snow. It seemed like she was going to continue, but the air had grown chillier as snow was starting to fall, and she wanted to go back inside.

Kibum started to follow her, but Minho touched his arm before he drew away, walking across the courtyard to the lawn. Without a second thought, Kibum followed him, falling into step beside him as they walked past the gardens, heading toward the seemingly dormant Whomping Willow.

“I knew I shouldn’t have believed her when she said she wanted just a few pictures,” Minho said eventually. He could barely hear Nebulous Stardust, now, but the mood of the music seemed to have shifted to something softer.

More romantic.

“Imagine what it’s like growing up with someone like that for a mother. Everything is a photoshoot.”

“Explains a lot about you, then, doesn’t it?”

Kibum bit back a wry grin as he nudged Minho away from him, shaking his head. Minho chuckled quietly, the sound blooming warmth within him, despite the chill. Maybe now was the moment he’d been waiting for...They were alone, snow falling tranquilly around them...Would another moment like this ever come along?

Before he could work up any sort of courage to reach for the letter, Minho stopped walking, the sudden lack of the snow crunching beneath his feet stopping Kibum in his tracks. He looked back at him to find him watching the Great Hall, the lights of the fireplace and the icicles casting panels of the snow in pale blue. "Do you hear that?" he whispered, and Kibum stilled, straining to listen for whatever Minho thought he heard.

Gradually, it floated toward him. The faint sound of Jonghyun's voice, softly and sweetly crooning in the distance. He could barely make out the words, but Minho began humming the song under his breath for a few bars before his gaze fell back on Kibum. "May I have this dance?"

Kibum blinked. Of all the things he'd been expecting to hear, this was near the bottom of the list. Still…

" you want to lead? Or do you want me to?"

"Either way. I don't really care." Minho's quiet laugh came out in a white plume as he gave Kibum a half-grin. "I just want to dance with you."

Kibum stared at him for a second before he looked back down and reached for Minho's hand, his other sliding up and over his shoulder as Minho's went around to his upper back and pulled him closer, adjusting his grip so that their fingers interlocked.

Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as they started to sway, and Kibum barely registered the cold. He could only stare into Minho's eyes as they twirled slowly in the snow. Nothing like the joke they had been in the Great Hall. Then, they had leaned into it, laughing with the others.

But now, they were completely alone. No audience to hide from behind a mask of indifferent and unaffected amusement.

Minho's hand on his back slipped further down to his waist, and Kibum pressed himself a little closer, savoring the quiet moment. He put his head on Minho's shoulder, staring out at the inky night and thick flakes of snow falling around them.

"They're sorta funny, aren't they," Minho said, his voice a low whisper in Kibum's ear.

"What are?"

"The lies we tell ourselves when we're scared."

Kibum's brow furrowed and he glanced toward the light of the Great Hall when the faint song changed. "What do you mean?"

"'There's no way he could ever, would for me, like I do for him. We're just best friends. We can never be anything more than that.'" Kibum slowly lifted his head, meeting Minho's gaze once more. Did he just say..? He had to remind himself to breathe. "I've been scared...for way too long." He searched Kibum's eyes before his gaze dipped down to his lips for a second. "I'm not scared anymore."

His heart was hammering in his ears. Could Minho hear it too? Who was he kidding, he could probably feel it against his chest. He liked him back...he actually did. There was nothing to fear now -- no risk of abandonment to hold his tongue. Not any longer.

"Me neither."

Minho's gaze dropped to his lips again and Kibum stopped swaying. He lifted the hand on Minho’s shoulder and gingerly cupped his chill-bitten cheek, brushing his thumb over his cheekbone. Minho’s smile turned shy as he looked back up. There was a silent question in his eyes, dark and twinkling in the lights of the castle. Kibum answered it for him by going up on his tiptoes, kissing him.

The air surrounding them was pure magic, if only for this one moment.

The snow continued to fall, into their hair and onto their cheeks, little pinpricks of remembrance that this was real. Minho was kissing him; he was kissing Minho...this was actually, finally happening. Minho's hands slipped around Kibum's waist, pulling him closer still, while Kibum's hand on his cheek slid back to tangle into his hair and his other rested on Minho's chest, right over his heart.

This...this felt like coming home.

Minho was his home, and he had been for a while now. Did Minho feel the same way? He sure hoped so…

Kibum sighed, and Minho smiled -- he could feel it -- before he pulled away, albeit only barely. "We should head back inside," he whispered against Kibum's lips, and then kissed him again. A light peck.

"Yeah. I don't want my Champion to get a cold, do I?" He bit his lip to keep from grinning as Minho laughed quietly, his forehead resting on Kibum's shoulder until he could compose himself. “Hey, you’ve been teasing me about being Head Boy all year, what did you expect?”

A heavy sigh, then Minho straightened and looked down at Kibum. The affection in his gaze was nearly enough to stop his heart from beating.

It had always been there, he realized that now. Underlying in every look, in every touch. But even then it was muted. Unsure. There was restraint from both sides. But they could be wholly themselves.

No more holding back. No more hiding behind sighs or gazes that ended when the other turned their head. No more uncertainty.


His heart clenched as he reached out to cup his cheek again, overcome and overwhelmed as the faint song in the distance swelled. Minho’s hand immediately covered his, his eyes closing as he kissed Kibum’s palm. All those times, every single moment that he wanted to tell him, to kiss him, flooded back to the forefront of his mind. Seemingly on instinct, or maybe just the earnestness of the moment, Kibum surged forward again, tugging Minho close, letting the warmth of Minho’s lips against his fight off the growing cold of the wintery night.

The feeling of Minho kissing him, while also knowing that he returned his long-standing feelings, was so addictive...he didn’t think he’d ever get enough.

But then, now that he finally could, why would he ever want to stop?

“People…” Minho said, resting his forehead against Kibum’s when they eventually parted to catch their breath. “...Might wonder...where we are.”

“Let them,” Kibum whispered before he was kissing him again. Judging by the way Minho was smiling, he didn’t mind in the slightest.

The chill was nipping at his nose and ears by the time they finally decided that they really should head back inside. Hand in hand, they walked back to the castle. He knew he should probably stop grinning as broadly as he was, but he didn’t think anything in the world could wipe his smile off his face. Not right now. Minho lifted their hands, kissing Kibum’s fingers before he let go and let him walk into the castle first. This section of the corridor was deserted, but further on, closer to the Great Hall, the quiet chatter of other couples and students filled the empty space.

Other couples… Kibum couldn’t help but look up at Minho. He probably looked absolutely moony and lovestruck right now, and he couldn’t find it within himself to care.

“Should -- “ Minho started to say as he looked down at Kibum, but he stopped, his smile growing when he searched Kibum’s soft expression.

Alright, he needed to stop. They were back with the others now, and without having to discuss it, they knew they needed to keep this secret.

“What?” he asked after he took a deep breath, forcing himself to sober up a bit.

Minho’s smile faltered slightly, and he shook his head as he looked back to the Great Hall. “Should we let Jjong know?”

"Oh, …"

Minho stopped walking as soon as he started down the corridor, looking back at him, concern etched into his brow. "What's wrong?"

"We can't be together -- "

"What?" , no, he sounded so dejected.

He grabbed Minho's hand, not bothering to look if anyone was paying attention to them. "No, no, Min, I'm only joking." He blinked, confused. "Jjong is never gonna let me live this down, that's all."

"Oh…" He drew out the sound, smiling by the end of it. "Well, it'll be two against one. We can take him."

If there hadn't been people walking down the corridor, Kibum probably would have kissed him again. Instead, he just grinned, huffing a sigh as he forced himself to look away from Minho. "Let's go, then."

* * * * * * * * * *

“We’re gonna take a quick break,” Jonghyun said as the last note of the song they had just sung hung in the air. Analecia lifted her head off of Gil’s shoulder, watching the band as they dispersed.

“Want some punch?” Gil asked softly, his hands settling on her waist as they stopped dancing.

Analecia looked back up as she pulled out of his embrace, reaching up to fix the way his fringe was hanging across his forehead. “Sure. I’ll go find us a seat.”

After a quick kiss on the cheek, he left her to search for cups and punch, and she picked up the skirt of her dress as she left the dance floor with the others. She spotted Jonghyun waving her over to where he was sitting at the table nearest to the stage, and she changed course, heading for him. “You haven’t seen Kibum or Minho, have you?”

Frowning, she shook her head and plopped down in the seat beside him. “Do you think…”

“I hope so. Merlin’s ing beard…” She laughed quietly, turning to scan the room as Jonghyun continued. “I saw them leave with Kibum’s mom at the start of the set, but she’s right there.” She looked where he was pointing, toward the woman with a large camera on the table before her who was sitting beside Romilda Vane, the reporter for the Tournament. “And they’re nowhere to be found.” She looked back, smiling when she found him grinning.

“How long has she been back?”

“Like, fifteen minutes.”

“There you are!” Gil exclaimed, and she turned around in her seat to greet him with a smile. “I was looking everyw -- Oh, blimey, sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“Don’t worry, love.” She patted his arm as he sat beside her. “This is Jonghyun, Kibum and Minho’s friend.” Jonghyun winked as he turned a tiny wave into a finger gun. “And Jonghyun, this is Gil, my boyfriend.”

“You’re very good,” Gil said, blindly passing Analecia her punch.

“Thanks, I know.” Analecia laughed into her punch. She could see it earlier, when Jonghyun dropped in to visit Kibum in Slytherin, but now she was definitely sure why they got along so well. “Anyways, I -- “ Jonghyun stopped abruptly, staring past her toward the door. Curious, she turned to find Kibum and Minho reentering, walking side by side. Nothing looked out of the ordinary -- aside from them looking slightly cold -- but then, how much would have to change, really?

Jonghyun stood, waving them over. Minho whispered something to Kibum, who immediately whispered back. His response made Minho laugh -- she could hear it from here -- and they started for them, settling in the seats on the other side of Jonghyun. He scrutinized both of them, ignoring Kibum’s side-eyed glare, then he said something in Korean that made Kibum blush and Minho burst out laughing.

“Oh come on,” Analecia said, leaning toward them on the table. “That’s not fair!”

“What’s not fair?” Gil asked. Ah, to be blissfully unaware of the situation.

“We can talk about it later.”

Kibum’s brow furrowed with incredulity. “You haven’t told him?”

She scoffed. “I’m not an , Kibum. It’s not my place to talk about it.” He gave her a small smile before she leaned in a bit closer. “Well?”

He nodded, and she started to grin. “Hold on,” Jonghyun said, shooting up from the table and calling the band back to the stage. They huddled together around the drumset before Jonghyun took to the microphone again. “This one’s,” he started to say, as Turner started a slow beat and the other two guys started playing their guitars. Sort of a swing-era jazz sound. “For all the lovers out there.” The music came to a pause before Jonghyun cradled the microphone in his palm, singing, “At last…

He drew out the words for so long, Analecia was sure that he had no air left in his lungs, but he kept going.

My love has come along...My lonely days are over...And life is like a song…

Analecia looked Kibum and Minho’s way, grinning wider still when she saw how embarrassed but amused they both were. She vaguely heard Gil saying I still don’t understand behind her, but she moved chairs, sitting beside Kibum and taking his hand. “Feel any better?”

“So much.” She glanced behind him at Minho, who was watching them fondly.

“I wasn’t even planning on saying anything tonight, but -- “

Her attention shifted back to Kibum, her eyes a little wider. “You didn’t -- “

He shook his head and Minho sat forward, interested. “Didn’t what?”

“Nothing,” Analecia said at the same time that Kibum replied, “Later.”

Analecia took back her hand as she relaxed in her chair. Even if they were just alone, it probably wasn’t for too long...And, with how long they had had these pent-up, unexpressed feelings for each other, they probably needed some time alone and space to make sense of everything. She did when Gil first confessed a few years back, and she had only liked him for about a year, at that point.

That was nothing compared to these two.

“Gil,” she said, turning away from Kibum and Minho. “Let’s go dance again.” He was so confused, poor thing. He glanced between Analecia and the new couple quickly before he stood and offered her his arm. “I’ll see you guys later,” she called over her shoulder as Gil pulled her into a slow dance.

She let out a long sigh, and her attention settled on Gil, who wasn’t looking at her at all. No, he was watching Kibum and Minho as they left the table. They stopped by Kibum’s mom -- probably telling her the amazing news -- before they left the Great Hall. To where, she wasn’t sure.

But it didn’t really matter, did it?

“Hey,” she said, patting Gil’s shoulder and bringing his attention back to her.

“Will you tell me what all that was about now?”

“I don’t think there’s enough time tonight for everything...How about the short version?”

* * * * * * * * * *

“I’ll see you guys later,” Analecia said as she glided away on Gil’s arm.

Nodding, Kibum sank back in his seat, leaning against Minho’s arm that was draped across the back of his chair. “So?”

“Hm?” He turned his head to look back at Minho.

“Which one?”

“Which one what?”

“Which one of us is a better kisser: Jjong or me?”

“Oh my god,” he murmured, sinking further into his chair and hiding his eyes behind his hand. “I can’t believe he asked me that.”

“Well, I’m still curious,” Minho said, a smile very evident in his voice as he leaned on the table.

He let out a long sigh, lowering his hand to look into Minho’s glittering eyes. He shook his head, unable to keep himself from smiling. “You, obviously.”

Minho, who was looking smugly satisfied now, looked out over the Great Hall. “Good answer.”

“As if I would say anything else.”

“Oh?” Minho looked back at him, his eyebrows raised in mock surprise. “Were you lying to me, then?”

Kibum his teeth at him, which just made Minho laugh, and he got up from the table. “Come on, let’s go tell Mom.”

“I think you’re just evading the question.”

Kibum rolled his eyes with a smile as he made his way to the empty seat beside Mom. Minho crouched beside him, hooking his arm over Kibum’s knee as Mom looked their way. She glanced between them, her eyes lighting up as she met Kibum’s gaze. “Did you -- “

“He did.”

Her expression turned fond as she looked back at Minho. “That makes me so happy.” Minho’s eyes slid closed as she gently patted his cheek. “What are you hanging around me for?” she asked as she pulled her hand away. “Go, enjoy the rest of your night! Go on,” she said, shooing them away with a laugh.

They hurried to obey her, weaving their way through the dwindled crowd until they reached the threshold again. Minho’s hand brushed against his -- whether on purpose or not, Kibum wasn’t sure -- and it sent a tingle up his arm. His breath caught and he looked up at Minho, who was doing his best to not be as obvious as he was being.

“Do you want to go up or down?” Minho asked, and, as if in answer, Kibum’s stomach let out a long, low growl. Oh, perfect, he was hungry again. Minho glanced down, smirking. “Down it is.”

“Do you want to go get changed into something more comfy?” Kibum asked as they started down the stairs.

“Oh, good idea…” He came to a stop at the corner, looking down toward Hufflepuff. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen?”

“Okay.” Kibum lingered beside him, stretching out his fingers to graze Minho’s hand. There was no one around...and who knew how long that would last. So, he slipped his hand into Minho’s, pulling him toward him. Minho immediately cupped his cheek, kissing him with a smile that set Kibum’s heart aflutter. “Don’t take too long,” he whispered as he slowly opened his eyes.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

Footsteps sounded in the stairwell, and they immediately let go of each other’s hand, parting ways and heading to their separate common rooms. “Hey,” Kibum said as soon as he entered and found Aaron and Arabella pushing away from each other on the couch by the fire. “Go upstairs if you wanna do that.”

“But you bring Minho in here all the time -- “

“Yeah? Well, we don’t make out alone in the common room, do we?” he asked, thankfully that he wasn’t facing them. His face felt like it was burning up. “Go on.”

Aaron grumbled something under his breath, but Kibum couldn’t care less what he said. Aaron wasn’t the type to hold a grudge, so he wasn’t too concerned. He peeked into his bedroom, and after he found that it was empty, he closed the door behind him, swiftly locking it.

He couldn’t hold back his grin, now that he was alone.

It’d be just his luck if he woke up in the morning and all of this was some cruel, elaborate dream. Though...if it was a dream...he might as well make the most of it, right?

He shed his robe, slipping the letter out of its pocket. Funny...he’d gone through all that trouble, only to end up not needing it. He went over to his bed, stuffing it in his nightstand drawer before he quickly changed into his pajamas. After he threw on Minho’s warmest sweatshirt that he definitely did not steal one day when he was cold, he made his way back outside.

Oh, good, Aaron listened to him.

He shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket, fiddling with his wand as the wall dismantled to let him through. He hurried down the hall, slipping a little on the slick stone floor. The door to the kitchen was already cracked open, and Kibum tentatively pushed it open, letting himself inside the elf-abandoned kitchen.


“Over here.” He looked over to the icebox, where Minho was standing with a plate. “Come pick out what you want.”

Kibum went over to him, slipping his arms around Minho’s waist as he rested his chin on his shoulder to look at the plate he was putting together. “Some cranberry sauce, but after that, I think that’s good.”

“Okay.” He scooped some out onto the plate, and Kibum reluctantly let him go, leading the way to go sit by the hearth. Minho joined him a second later, munching on a croissant he picked up on the way. “Oh, ,” he said, his mouth full. “You need a fork.”

Kibum patted his knee. “I’ll get one, don’t worry.” He got up and went over to the fork drawer, pulling out a gold one. “So,” he said as he sat back beside Minho.


There were so many things he wanted to say. To ask. To know. Too many. He wasn’t sure where to even start. And, knowing Minho, he was probably in the same predicament. Minho let out a sigh, and Kibum looked over at him, happy to find him smiling. Maybe he didn’t have to worry about asking all the questions he had tonight. They had a long time to figure out this new stage...why rush it?

But still, some curiosity must be sated.

“You said you weren't planning on telling me tonight?” Kibum asked, and he was surprised to find Minho shaking his head.

“I was planning on waiting until after graduation.” Kibum nearly choked on his bite of turkey, and Minho immediately reached up to pat his back. “I know, it sounds ridiculous now.”

“Why so long?”

“I...well, I was scared, like I said earlier.” Kibum’s fork scraped against his plate as he looked up at Minho. “I didn’t want to lose you, Bummie, and I thought that I might, if you knew.” Well, he certainly couldn’t fault him for that line of thinking, no matter how wrong they both were with it. “Were you?”

“Planning on telling you?”


Kibum nodded, going back to his food. “I even wrote you a letter. No, you can’t read it. It’s embarrassing,” he added when Minho sat forward, his eyes alight with interest.

Minho groaned, sitting back again. “That’s not fair.”

“I don’t care,” Kibum said in a sing-song voice.

Minho lightly flicked his shoulder, and even though he barely felt it, Kibum held his “wound” in faux pain. When he moved his hand, Minho leaned forward to kiss the spot, and Kibum just about melted. He stayed strong, though, as Minho rested his head on his shoulder, nuzzling closer to him. Kibum cut off a bite of turkey and held it up to Minho so he could eat it.

“Some cranberry sauce, too.” Huffing, Kibum dunked it into the sauce before he brought it back up to Minho’s lips. He lifted his head enough to bit it off Kibum’s fork before settling back down. “Thanks.”

Kibum stabbed a potato, glancing down at the top of Minho’s head. “So, what changed your mind?”

Minho took a deep breath, his chest pressing against Kibum’s arm. “The pictures above your bed.”

“Really?” He nodded against his shoulder. “But those have been there for years?”

“I know, it just…” He lifted his head, and Kibum already missed the warm weight of it. “Clicked tonight. I don't know." Kibum searched his expression before he looked back down at his plate. Ah, so that must have been why he was acting so strange when he woke up from his nap. Minho shifted, turning toward him as he crossed his legs on the stone hearth. Kibum instinctively mirrored him. “My turn...when did you start liking me after you came out?”

“Oh.” Kibum covered his mouth as he started to sputter. “Long, long before that, Min. I was so nervous that I just blurted that out.”

“Oh my god…”


“Oh my god…” he said, chuckling this time as he smacked his forehead. “, I feel so stupid.”

“If anything, we were both stupid. Waiting so long, and everything.”

Minho sniffed a laugh, the firelight dancing in his eyes. “Well, we got here eventually, so that’s gotta count for something.”

“True.” Kibum scraped up the last of his cranberry sauce. “So, Mom knows, Jjong knows, Ana knows...Gil probably knows, now…Anyone on your end?”

“Minseok and O’Neely know that I like you. Sooyoung, too, even if I don’t get to talk to her much anymore.”

O’Neely?” Kibum asked, his eyes wide.

Minho nodded like it was no big deal. “That day that we sorta fought?” Kibum averted his eyes, remembering the anger and immense sadness that had washed over him. “I went to him for advice on what to do. He guessed.”

“He guessed,” Kibum repeated, blinking rapidly. “How dumb are we if we’re so surprised by this, then?”

Minho snorted, and Kibum got up to rinse off his plate and fork before he rejoined Minho by the fire. He immediately took Kibum’s hand in his as he settled beside him, lacing their fingers together. “I don’t think dumb or stupid is the right word -- “

“Moronic, then.”

Chuckling, Minho shook his head. “No, I mean, I don’t think we were being dumb at all. Like I said before, I didn’t want to lose you. You...You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Kibum, and...and the thought of throwing all that away?” He shook his head again, lifting his eyes to meet Kibum’s. “I know we’ve danced around our feelings for a long time, but you...this…” He brought Kibum’s hand up, closing his eyes as he kissed the back of it. “It’s just been a few hours, but this has definitely been worth the wait, so far.”

“How are you already so good at this?” Kibum asked, despite how tight his throat had gotten. Minho smiled softly, his other hand reaching out to cup Kibum’s cheek. His thumb brushed across the scar in his eyebrow, and he sighed and leaned forward to press a kiss to it. Kibum gulped, tightening his grip on Minho’s hand. “See, now I’m glad I didn’t let you read the letter. I sounded like a mess.”

“Honest feelings are messy,” Minho whispered against his skin before he pulled back enough to meet his eyes. “I can’t believe I get to kiss you whenever I want now.”

Kibum’s eyes darted back and forth between Minho’s, giving him a small smile. “Then why aren’t you doing it?”

Smiling, he managed to say I don’t know before he was kissing him again.

* * * * * * * * * *

As the clock struck twelve, Kibum pulled away enough from Minho that he opened his eyes, confused by the disturbance. He his lips, already missing the touch of Kibum's lips against his. Kibum sat back, glancing at the door. "I should probably make sure everyone is going to bed. Head Boy duties, you know."

"Yeah," Minho said, dazed and distracted by the way Kibum's lips moved as he talked. He watched him smile before he looked up. "What?"

"I said I should probably go upstairs and make sure everyone is on their way to bed."

What an inconvenient time to be responsible.

Minho let out a long and dramatic sigh and Kibum chuckled as he slid off the hearth. "Come on, we'll see each other in the morning, like always," he said, holding his hand out to help him up.

"That's not soon enough."

Kibum's smile turned bashful as he tugged him along to the door, but before they passed through it, Minho gathered him up in his arms, once again kissing him. He had been expecting Kibum to protest in a desire to get upstairs. But he didn't.

Not even a little bit.

"I really have to go," he whispered hoarsely as they parted.

Minho nodded before pressing one last chaste kiss against his lips. "Good night then, Bummie."

"Good night," Kibum said, his gaze darting down once more. But, sadly, he resisted the urge to kiss him again. Instead, he extracted himself from Minho's embrace and slipped through the kitchen door.

Minho followed him out and watched him walk down the corridor to the stairs. Once he reached the doorway, he turned to look back. Minho waved him on, but stayed rooted in his spot until he disappeared through the threshold.

He let himself into Hufflepuff, unable to stop smiling. The common room was empty, as far as he could tell in the dim firelight. He made his way back to his room, unsurprised to hear the quiet chatter of his roommates.

"There he is," Travis said as he opened the door, letting himself inside. "We were wondering when you'd show up."

"Sorry," glancing around at them until his eyes landed on Gil for a second longer than the others. He looked away before Gil could blink. "I just got really hungry."

Travis nodded, believing his white lie, and they went back to talking about the events of the Ball while Minho slipped under his covers. He rolled over on his side, his back to Travis and Seb, and sighed into a smile.

It was such a relief to have finally told him...he didn't realize how heavy a weight it had been to keep his feelings a secret. Kibum probably felt the same way. He almost couldn't believe his luck. Kibum liking him back seemed like a dream that he never ever wanted to wake up from. But it was real, it had to be. There was no way his mind would have conjured up this outcome.

Minho closed his eyes as the lights finally dimmed and winked out, but he couldn't sleep. His mind still whirred with thoughts of Kibum. He couldn't be sure how much time passed as he tossed and turned, unable to find comfort in sleeping alone. Eventually, he slipped out of bed, hugging his comforter around himself as he quietly made his way out into the common room.

It was still empty.

He settled into the armchair nearest to the fire, watching the flames writhe in the surrounding darkness, his thumb slowly brushing back and forth over his lips. He longed to go to him, not even so that they could make out again -- though that would be a bonus -- but...but now that they knew, everything felt so open, so raw between them. Their souls had been bared to each other tonight, and now Kibum's absence was like an ache in his heart.

He started at the soft padding of footsteps coming from the tunnel, and he wrapped his blanket tighter around himself as he looked up to find Gil slipping out of the tunnel. He met Minho's inquisitive gaze before he hopped down and made his way over to the couch.

"You seem more relaxed now," he said as soon as he looked back up at Minho. "I'm happy for you, mate. For both of you."


"Don't worry, I won't tell the others. Even if I wanted to, Ana would probably kill me."

"That's true."

A comfortable silence settled over them, broken when Gil cleared his throat. "I gotta say, it sorta makes sense."

"Yeah? We were that obvious?"

Gil gave him a tired half-smile. "Maybe a little. But hey, I didn't actually know until tonight. I'm sure everyone else thinks you guys are just...really close."

"Hopefully." As much as Minho wanted to tell the whole world that he was in love with his best friend, reality had proven time and again that that wouldn't be a smart move. "Thanks for being so understanding."

"What's there to understand? It's the only thing that would make any and him. Anything else and it'd be unnatural. You two just go together. Always have."

And they always would, if he had any luck left.

"It's been a long day," he said, stretching. "We should probably head to bed."

Gil nodded and they both stood, moving as quietly as possible back to their room. They were greeted by the sound of fluttering pages, and Minho grinned as he hurried over to his nightstand, the door clicking shut behind Gil. He pulled it and his wand out, closing his curtains around himself before he lit his wand and found the right page.

Are you still awake?

Yeah. I can't stop thinking about you…

* * * * *

A/N 2.0: Congratulations to you all! You made it 406,762 words until their first kiss (or 446,498 words if you've read the bonus material)! Your patience is legendary and you deserve to be rewarded! lmao thank you again to you all for sticking with me throughout the duration of this fic so far. Really, it means the world to me that you have. I appreciate each and every one of you so much for taking the time to read anything I have to say, let alone this stupidly long novel of a fic.

To show my appreciation, as well as to help myself get the hang of actually writing BMS!Minkey as an official couple, I came up with some Inktober prompts of my own. So, I’ll be taking a break from the main story for a little while. Just for the month -- and even then, not every day -- so if you’re not already following the bonus material and want to keep up with them, I’d do that! It’s not mandatory, of course, but there is a bit of a time skip between this chapter and Chapter 66, and all of those chapters will account for the missing time!

The second thing I'm sharing is my playlist for this fic and a little bit of "behind-the-scenes" stuff from this chapter. 1) Some of the songs on the playlist may seem random, but they have either been referenced in this fic, or they're there for ~future~ reasons lol 2) *spoiler alert* "View" is one of the songs on the playlist, and the reason it's there is because I was listening to it when I came up with the title! Yeah, when Kibum sang the "by my side" part I was like "0_0 it's perfect" lmao and finally 3) this is the song that Jonghyun was singing when Minho confessed to Kibum and this is the song he sang when they were sitting with GilAna in the Great Hall.

At the risk of sounding redundant, I’d once again like to thank you all for sticking by my side (ayy lmao) for these three years, despite all of my hiatuses and delays with posting updates. Thank you for being so understanding, and I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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Fan4manga #2
Chapter 80: Love the end ! I'm still a bit sad it's over but thank you so much for the story :)
Onew-1989 #3
Chapter 80: The End. 😭. For some reason I didn’t expect it to end. Great story!!
Chapter 80: Thank you for this amazing beautiful wonderful story! This is one of my favorite stories to read thank you again sooo much.