I don't like him

The story of Bangtan child

Seokjin and Hoseok played for hours. They changed the game every five minutes but they had a lot of fun while Namjoon and Yoongi sat there. Yoongi watched Namjoon cry, hoping he would stop until his mum came to feed him. Once Namjoon was placed back on the floor, Yoongi left to go to bed. He skipped dinner and ignored everyone that spoke to him.
"Yoongi? Please eat." Yoongi remained silent
"Yoongi. Open the door. Talk to me. Why aren't you eating?" Yoongi opened the door to face his mother.
"I don't like Hoseok and Seokjin. They're so horrible and Namjoon is so boring. All he does is cry, cry and cry."
"You should still eat." She held out her hand and Yoongi held it, walking to dinner with his hand in his mums. Seokjin was in the middle of both babies watching both eat with big cheeks. The adults left the room so the children can enjoy a quiet dinner with Seokjin feeding Hoseok and Namjoon.Yoongi sat on the opposite side of the table whilst avoiding all eye contact with the other children.
"It's so good to have all three of us eating dinner together, isn't it?" The youngest two smiled with gums.
Hoseok and Namjoon were sitting on the grass with their backs together. They had to sit like that for a long time because their parents were angry that they kept spitting at everyone. Seokjin was in his house watching the kids and pulling faces so if they looked at him, they would laugh and feel better but they never looked.
"Seokjinne, why have you and Yoongi fallen out?"
"Shh. Dad, the kids might look and see me talking to you then get sad."
"Yoong...no...Jinnie, tell me or I'll stand you against the wall."
"Fine." He slid his bum down the wall and his dad held his knees together.
"Yoongi's jealous of Hobi wobie because Hobi is cute and Yoongi is ugly. "
"Don't say that."
"It's true though and he said that I'm a girl and I'll marry a boy!"
"You can be a boy that marries a boy if you want to. Actually, it's easier to marry a boy than a girl. Women are complicated people."
"Boys don't like other boys."
"I liked a boy once. " Seokjin pulled a face at his dad.
"I never told him I liked him because I was scared but there's nothing wrong with being....liking boys. Your the oldest so you have to be mature and make-up with Yoongi, okay?"
The youngers were napping on the pregnant ladies belly, gargling at any kicks received so Seokjin searched for Yoongi. He looked everywhere to find him in his room.
"Get out!"
"Yoongi, I'm sorry that you're not sorry but you should be because you were wrong!"
"I'm a genius, I'm never wrong!"
"Yes, you are! I'm going to be a boy!"
"Kim Seokjin will marry a boy."
"Which boy? I'm never going to marry you."
"Ewww. That's disgusting! You're going to marry smelly Hoe-no-no!"
"Well, then I'll have the cutest person in the world marry me. Won't I?" Yoongi laughed until Seokjin's dad walked in the room.
"Are you two friends again?"
"Daddy, he won't say sorry."
"I won't say sorry when I was right! You say sorry for being so stupid!" Seokjin's dad made the boys hold hands against the wall with their arms up for two whole hours in silence.
[14 Months later]
"Wah~~Hobi wobie and Joonie have got so big." Seokjin was looking back at the baby photos of them all, covering Yoongi's face whenever it was in a picture causing the younger two to laugh.


A/N Baby-Genius-Yoongi. Hopefully, the real 1-year-old Yoongi didn't know the word 'Hoe'. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and future chapters. (18/06/17)

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No_Not_Today #1
Oooh....."They know the beast" Love it!