
Taming the Beast


Min jung flopped onto her bed. For the past 2 days she had desperately been looking for a new job since she got fired from the cafe.

“Hey Min jung, you do know today is Wednesday right?” Ji eun said while putting on her coat.

“And?” Min jung mumbled into the pillow.

“Aren’t you going to go to CUBE?” Ji eun asked.

Min jung didn’t reply.

“Come on. You still don’t think it’s a scam do you?”

“Think about it. Why did they choose me? I never put in any form to become a manager. Nor do I have any experience in managing” Min jung quickly sat up.

“Well if it is a scam, why would they put the real address of the company here? And why would they use a famous one too?” Ji eun argued back.

“Because...” Min jung thought for a while.

“See. Now hurry up and change. I’ll go with you to the company since my job is on the way there.” Ji eun said.

“Fine... but if I make a fool out of myself I’m blaming you” Min jung warned.



Min jung and Ji eun arrived in front of CUBE Entertainment and stood there admiring the building. “Okaayy so good luck Min jung ah” Ji eun waved goodbye and ran away.

“Ji eun wait!!” Min jung yelled but Ji eun was already out of sight. “Well, here goes nothing” Determined Min Jung walked into the building.

Min jung walked to the front desk and held out the letter “I’m here for this. Could I please meet the President?”

“I’m sorry, but the President is at a meeting right now, but may wait in front of his office” the receptionist said.

“Okay... Thank you” Min jung bowed and headed for the elevator.

*DING* the elevator doors opened and there was a young man standing there. Min jung bowed and walked into the elevator. *Oh damn, I forgot to ask where the president’s office was*

“Excuse me, but could I know which level is the President’s office?” Min jung asked.

“It’s on the 5th floor” the man replied.

“Thank you” Min jung said as she pressed the floor number.

“What business do you have with him” the man asked.

“I’m supposedly the new manager of this company” Min jung replied. The man nodded.

*DING* the doors opened.

Min jung and the man walked out together “Wait... did you say you’re the new manager?” the man asked.

Min jung nodded.

“But you’re a woman” the man stated.

“Clearly” Min jung looked at herself “What. Do you have something against girls!?” Min jung protested.

“No, it’s not that. It’s just that I asked for a male worker” the man said confused.

“Well I got a letter telling me to come here on Wednesday and so I came” Min jung showed him the letter.

“But that’s not the problem. You weren’t meant to come here. It’s all a mistake”

“Secretary Kim!” a voice called out.

“Sajangnim!” Secretary Kim jumped.

“Who’s this young lady?” the President asked.

“Annyeong hashimnika  Sajangnim!” Min Jung bowed. “I’m the new manager. My name is Kang Min Jung” Min jung bowed again.

“A female manager for BEAST?” the President asked while eyeing Secretary Kim.

Secretary Kim gulped.


“Well that’s a wonderful idea Secretary Kim! If BEAST had a female manager they would treat her well and listen to her more” the President said cheerfully.

“W-why o-of course! T-that’s why I chose her!” Secretary Kim stuttered.

“Welcome to CUBE Entertainment!” the President held out his hand and Min jung shook it.

“You can start working tomorrow. I’ll have Secretary Kim go over the details with you. I have to go sign some papers. Hwaiting!” the President said and left.

Secretary Kim sighed in relief .

“He’s not all that scary” Min jung said.

“Uhh... that was unexpected” Secretary Kim rubbed the back of his neck “So I guess we’re co-workers now then. My name is Kim Jonghyun” Jonghyun held out his hand and Min jung took it.

“So since you employment here was all a mistake, I suppose you have no idea what you’re supposed to do right?” Jonghyun asked.

Min jung nodded.

Jonghyun began to walk Min jung around the office. “So basically you tell BEAST what their schedule is for the day and make sure they keep within your sight at all times, making sure they don’t get into any trouble” Jonghyun said.

“So I’m supposed to be their over protective mother?” Min jung stopped walking and asked.

“Uhh... sure... if that’s how you want to put it” Jonghyun chuckled.

“Seems easy enough” Min jung shrugged.

“Not when you have Junhyung” Jonghyun said.

*There’s that name again...* “Who’s Junhyung?” Min jung curiously asked.

“You’ll find out when you meet BEAST” Jonghyun said as he led her into the Secretary’s room.

“These are the other Secretaries that work here” Jonghyun pointed to the group of boys that seems more like they were playing rather than working.

“That guy there is Secretary Lee, but you can call him Onew” Jonghyun pointed to a dorky looking guy eating chicken.

Min jung nodded.

“The one looking fixing his hair is Key”

“That girly looking guy over there drinking banana milk is Taemin”

Min Jung giggled

“And that tall guy over there is Minho”

“Is he seriously a secretary? He looks like he should be the Olympics or something!” Min jung exclaimed.

“Well none of us really look like secretaries” Jonghyun chuckled “So if you need anything just call one of us and we’ll help you”

“Sure thing” Min jung nodded.

“Oh, now that you’re BEAST’s manager, you’re going to need to live near them so you can look after them. I’ll arrange for you to move into the room next to their dorm” Jonghyun said.

“O-okay” Min jung nodded.

“For now I reckon you should go introduce yourself to BEAST” Jonghyun suggested.

“Do I have to go myself?” Min jung asked worried. “I’ll take you to their dorm then” Jonghyun chuckled.



“Why are there so many girls in front of their dorm?” Min jung asked.

“Oh that’s right, you have to protect BEAST from the fan girls as well” Jonghyun clapped.

“You mean every morning?!” Min jung yelled.

Jonghyun nodded and got out of the car “Well let’s go”

“I’m starting to regret this already...”



Jonghyun and Min jung stood in front of BEAST’s dorm. Jonghyun was about to press the bell when Min jung stopped his hand. Jonghyun looked over at Min jung to see her standing there fiddling with her hands.

“Are you sure you want to do this? Once you go in, there’s no turning back” Jonghyun said.

Min jung took a deep breath and her eyes filled with determination “Of course! Once I start a mess, I’ll be the one that cleans it up” Min jung pumped her fists and pressed the bell.

Jonghyun looked at her and smiled.

The door opened and a tall, handsome boy came out “Jonghyun hyung!”

“Doojoon!” Jonghyun said as he hugged him.

“What are you doing here?” Doojoon asked.

“I’m here to introduce you to your new manager” Jonghyun said as he walked into the dorm. Doojoon saw Min jung and bowed.

Min jung quickly bowed.

“Come in” Doojoon gestured Min jung to come into the dorm.

Min jung glanced around the dorm. There were clothes in all corners of the room and rubbish all over the floor.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know someone was coming over today so I didn’t cleanup” Doojoon sheepishly said.

“No no, it’s okay” Min jung waved her hands.

“So where are the others?” Jonghyun asked.

“Kikwang’s in the shower and the rest should be back soon” Doojoon said.

Just then a boy walked out of the shower with only a towel covering his ‘lower regions’

(ehehehe ^^)

“Hyung, are the others back yet? I’m hungr—who’s this?” the boy asked while looking at Min jung.

Min jung quickly looked away “A-annyeong, I’m your n-new manager” Min jung stuttered.

“Yah! Kikwang! Cover up will you” Doojoon shooed Kikwang away.

“Waa- oh sorry” Kikwang bowed and ran back into the bathroom.

*Ding Dong*

“Coming!” Doojoon yelled as he went to open the door and 3 boys walked in.

“Jonghyuniee hyung!” a short boy called.

“Hey Yoseob” Jonghyun greeted.

“Who’s that?” a tall boy who didn’t look Korean asked.

It looks like a girl...” a pretty boy said.

“Of course it’s a girl Hyunseung!” Jonghyun said “And it’s your new manager Dongwoon”

“New manager?” Dongwoon asked.

“Annyeong haesayo, my name is Kang Min Jung and I am you new manager. Please treat me well” Min jung bowed.

Doojoon walked over to where the rest were standing and began to count down “Annyeong we’re SO BEAST! Please look after us well!”  they all said in harmony.

Min jung giggled.

“Where’s Junhyung? I don’t see him anywhere” Jonghyun asked.

“I’m here” a familiar voice called.

*Junhyung? Where?* Min jung turned around to see a figure at the door and quickly bowed.

“Annyeong, I’m Kang Min Jung and I am you new manager. Please trea-” Min jung looked up to see a VERY familiar face “JAJANGMYUN JERK!?”

“So we meet again” Junhyung smirked.







heeelllooooo my awesome subscriberssss ^^

omo! theres shinee!!

i didnt really plan for shinee to be in this story... it just sort of happened...

oh wellss xDD

soo... schools starting soon...

in a week and a half... so ill try to get as much of this story done as possible before school starts...


you guys doing anything fun? im certainly not... 



WELLSSS hope you enjoyed this chapter ^^

comment and subscribeeee pleasseeee eheheheh xD


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@taming the beast- sorry i havent been updating lately guys >< ive gotten reallllyyy lazy lately... SORRY. ill try to update soon..


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Chapter 15: LOL!!! FUNNY!!!
Yoseob... so sweet!!!
adorable!!! update soon!!!
Chapter 15: i was looking forward to something.. since it was 'M'rated..hehehehe >:D LOOOL oh wells, ahaha its okay! I'll still support you!! HURRY UPDATE THE NEXT ONE PLEASEEEEEEE!! I DONT CARE IF YOU ! WELL U DONT ANYWAYS! xDD LOLOL i just want to know what happens next alreadyy~
update soon!!=)
Haha... Still fighting as always... So cute!!! Update soon!!!
Can't wait to read th next chapter! This one was way too funny! *giggles*
So she was the inspiration for The Fact, huh?
Pretty interesing and random fact, I was listening to that when I read this chapter...
Alzheimer, huh?
That Junhyung! He's the best! I swear he is! Being unpredictable, huh? Usig aegyo *dreamy eyes*.....
That Key is just tooo...DIVAISH!!!! *giggles*