The Beginning of it all...

Taming the Beast

Banner made by Jentlea ^^ thanksss soo muchh xDD


*BAM* The doors to the President’s office flung open. Startled, the President looked up to see Beast’s manager standing there with a letter in his hand.

“Mianhaeyo Sajangnim!” the man bowed holding out the letter “I can’t look after Beast anymore! Junhyung is too much! Please let me resign!”

*Not another one* The President looked at the manager “Okay. You’ve worked hard”.

The manager bowed a couple more times and left the room.

*Now time to look for another manager* the President sighed and pressed a button on his phone “Secretary Kim, help me look for a new manager”



Outside in the secretary’s office…


“Again?” Secretary Lee asked. 

Yeah…” Secretary Kim sighed.

“Someone needs to discipline that guy” Secretary Lee said.

Secretary Kim began dialling at the phone “Hello, is this the Management  Department? Could I request your best male worker? Have him stop by on Wednesday at CUBE Entertainment. Thanks” Secretary Kim put the phone down and sighed.

“How long do you think this one will last?” Secretary Lee chuckled.

“I bet $10 for 2 weeks!”

“$20 for 1 week!”

“$15 for 3 days!” Bets were being made around the room

*Let’s just hope Junhyung will accept the new manager* Secretary Kim thought.



At the Management Department…


“Hey! Part-timer! Mail this letter out to Mr Kang who lives at 158 Flaxton Street right now!” the head of the department yelled.

A young girl ran into the room and took the letter “But sir, it’s raining right now” 

“I don’t care if it’s raining cats OR dogs! Just go mail it out now!” the head manager said.

“Yes sir…” the girl walked out the room.

“Seung ah!” a voice called. 

Seung ah looked up and waved “Geum ji-ah!” 

“Did you resign?” Geum ji asked.

Seung ah shook her head “I have to mail this letter out right now” 

The mail man is downstairs right now so if you want to mail it out, you better do it soon” Geum ji pointed.

“Eottokke, Eottokke? Geum ji-ah we’ll talk later. Bye!” Seung ah ran off.


“Ajusshi! Wait up! Ajusshi!!” Seung ah ran outside into the rain. 

The mail man turned around.

“Ajusshi, c-could you mail this out f-for me” Seung ah puffed.

“Sure thing” the mail man took the letter and walked off to his van.

*Now that should do it* Seung ah thought as she walked back into the building.

The mail man picked up the letter and read the address *Hmm… the rain smudged the address a bit… but it looks like 169 Flaxton Street* He put the letter down and began to drive off to that address…





“Yah! Kang Min Jung! Go serve that customer over there!”

“Yes sir!” Min Jung replied as she hurried over to the customer. “Welcome to Heaven Café sir. May I please take your order?” Min Jung asked. 

A man with black sunglasses looked up at Min Jung “Get me a cup coffee and a bowl of jajangmyun”

*Jajangmyun? Does he think this is a noodle shop?!* “I’m sorry sir but this is a café not a noodle house. If you want Jajangmyun go to the shop around the corner” Min jung replied.

“Yah. You asked me what I wanted to order and I said coffee and jajangmyun so get it for me” the man replied sternly.

Min jung stared at the man and her blood began to boil. She wanted to beat the crap out of him but she couldn’t because she would lose her job. “I understand sir. I’ll be right back with your jajangmyun” Min jung faked a smile and left the café.


Minutes later she came back dripping wet with a bowl of jajangmyun. “H-Here’s your j-jajangmyun sir…” Min jung puffed.

“Now where’s my coffee?” the man asked.

“Neh?” Min jung said annoyed *Rude bastard* 

“Don’t make me repeat myself” the man said.

“I’m sorry. I’ll go make it now” Min jung faked another smile and went to make coffee. *That rude bastard. For a pretty face he sure has an ugly personality. I could just punch… no Min jung, you must endure it. If you punch him now you’ll get fired. Aja aja hwaiting!* “Ouch” Min jung winced as she burnt her hand from the steam.

“Hurry up with the coffee!” the man cried.

“Neh!” Min jung began to walk over to the table.

As she was walking she overheard some girls gossiping “Omo! Doesn’t that guy look like Junhyung?” a girl cried. “You mean Junhyung from BEAST? THE Junhyung?!” her friend squealed.

Not paying attention to where she was walking, Min jung walked into a chair and the coffee flew out of her hands and landed on Junhyung *Damn* “YAHHH!!! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!” Junhyung yelled.

Min jung quickly bowed “I’m so sorry! I’ll help you clean that off and pay for the dry cleaning”

“Yah. I waited for 40 minutes for my order to come and this is what I get!?” Junhyung yelled.

*That’s it* “HEY! I ran to the noodle shop IN THE RAIN for you AND I BURNT my hand to make you coffee! The least I could get is a thank you after I bought you jajangmyun and a little bit of respect!” Min jung snapped *Oh crap… I didn’t just yell at a customer did i…?*


“But…” Min jung tried to explain but the boss had already pushed her out the café. *Now what do I do?* Min jung took one last look of the café and trudged back home.




“Junggiiee ah!” Ji eun called.

“Hey Ji” Min jung said as she collapsed on the bed.

“What’s wrong?” Ji eun asked.

“I just gawt phired prom da caphay” Min jung mumbled into her pillow.

“YOU GOT FIRED?!” Ji eun shouted.

Min jung laid on the bed motionless.

“How?!” Ji eun asked. Min jung quickly sprang and started punching her pillow “Because of that jerk…”

“Leave the poor, innocent pillow alone and tell me what happened” Ji eun said, and so Min jung told her everything.

“THAT JERK!! Just wait… the next time you see him, call me, I’ll teach him a lesson!” Ji eun exclaimed.

Min jung giggled “Good to know I have a friend like you”.

Ji eun smiled “Oh that’s right! You got a letter” Ji eun walked to the table and gave Min jung the envelope.

Min jung curiously stared at the envelope and began to open it “Wonder what this is for”

‘Dear M- Kang,

You have been chosen to become a manager at CUBE Entertainment. Please stop by the address listed below on Wednesday to secure your position.

Thank you.

Signed Hong Seung Sung,

President of CUBE Entertainment.’

“What is it?” Ji eun curiously asked.

“Looks like spam mail, nothing much” Min jung threw the letter on the floor and lay back on the bed.

Ji eun picked up the letter and read it “Min Jung ah, I don’t think it’s spam mail… LOOK! There’s a signature AND stamp! and that IS the address for CUBE” Ji eun pointed at different spots on the letter “I really think this letter is real Min jung ah. You should go there on Wednesday a confirm it” Ji eun place the letter on the table and jumped on the bed.

“And if it is true… YOU MIGHT BECOME BEAST’S MANAGER! And you’ll get to see them every day! Especially Junhyung!” Ji eun squealed.

Min jung opened her eyes *Junhyung… Hmmm… sounds familiar…*






Hey guyss!! 
the first chapter is up ^^ kekeke
how was it? 
it was a bit long though...
i know some scenes are abit unrealistic... but hay! its a fictional story xD 

fiction... kekekeke ~Fiction in Fiction~
well i hope you enjoyed ~

let me know what you guys thought about the first chapter in the comment section below 
... and subscribe xDDD kekekeke

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@taming the beast- sorry i havent been updating lately guys >< ive gotten reallllyyy lazy lately... SORRY. ill try to update soon..


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Chapter 15: LOL!!! FUNNY!!!
Yoseob... so sweet!!!
adorable!!! update soon!!!
Chapter 15: i was looking forward to something.. since it was 'M'rated..hehehehe >:D LOOOL oh wells, ahaha its okay! I'll still support you!! HURRY UPDATE THE NEXT ONE PLEASEEEEEEE!! I DONT CARE IF YOU ! WELL U DONT ANYWAYS! xDD LOLOL i just want to know what happens next alreadyy~
update soon!!=)
Haha... Still fighting as always... So cute!!! Update soon!!!
Can't wait to read th next chapter! This one was way too funny! *giggles*
So she was the inspiration for The Fact, huh?
Pretty interesing and random fact, I was listening to that when I read this chapter...
Alzheimer, huh?
That Junhyung! He's the best! I swear he is! Being unpredictable, huh? Usig aegyo *dreamy eyes*.....
That Key is just tooo...DIVAISH!!!! *giggles*