
Taming the Beast


“ Umm... noona... Junhyung ran away from practise...” Dongwoon said. “He did what!?”


“And umm... I don’t know how to say this but... the president is coming to check up on how we’re doing” Dongwoon rubbed the back of his neck.

“The president!?” Min jung yelped.

“You better go look for him then” Jonghyun patted Min jung on the shoulder.

“Aish! How am I supposed to find this guy when Seoul is so big?!” Min jung stomped her foot.

“If it’s hyung, I think he would either go to a club or to somewhere peaceful like a park” Dongwoon thought.

“What two different places” Min jung shook her head “Does anyone know any nearby clubs?” Min jung asked.

“Wait a moment Min jung noona. I’ll look it up for you” Taemin said as he typed away at the computer.

“I’ll head off to the van now. Text the addresses to me Taemin” Min jung headed for the door.

“Wait!” Jonghyun yelled.

Min jung turned around and Jonghyun threw her keys

“Take my car. If Junhyung sees the van he might run further”

“Thanks” Min jung saluted and ran off.

“So hyung, you let her borrow your car ayee” Minho winked.

“Yeah hyung! That’s not fair! You never let anyone borrow your car, even if it was an emergency!” Taemin pouted.

“Buying banana milk isn’t an emergency” Jonghyun slapped Taemin’s head.



Min jung got into Jonghyun’s car and drove off to the location Taemin had texted her.

When Min jung arrived at the location she stepped out of the car and looked around the place.

There were girls standing around the club in miniskirts and cropped tops.

Min jung walked past the girls and they eyed her and laughed.

*Pfft. They think they’re that great don’t they?* Min jung ignored the girls and headed into the club.

Loud music was playing and there were lights flashing everywhere

*Now how the hell do I look for him?* Min jung wandered around the club for a bit until she saw that there was a second floor

*I’ll have a look up there* Min jung headed upstairs.

The second floor was much quieter. There were people chatting and drinking. Min jung walked past the all the tables to look for Junhyung but he was nowhere to be seen.

*Maybe he’s in the bathroom* Min jung headed towards the bathroom sign and waited in front of the bathroom door for 5 minutes

*I guess not* Min jung went back downstairs and out of the club.

*Where the hell is this guy?!* Just then, she bumped into a man.

“I’m sorry” Min jung bowed and walked off until he grabbed her arm.

“Yah! How dare you bump into me and walk off?” the man growled.

“I said I was sorry” Min jung tried to pull her arm away.

“You could have broken my arm!” the man yelled.

“Bwoh?! Broken your arm? I barely touched you! Now let me go. I’m in a hurry” Min jung tried to shake the man’s hand off.

“You’re not going anywhere until I deal with you” The man began to pull Min jung away.



On the corner of the street Junhyung was walking towards the club.

*Damn that stupid coffee girl. Trying to make a fool out of me by giving me weird things… just wait-* He looked up to see Min jung and a suspicious guy holding her arm.

*Is that coffee girl?* Junhyung walked closer to see Min jung struggling to get out of the man’s grip.

*Aish. What has this girl gotten herself into. Wait. Why am I worrying?* Junhyung turned around but stopped

“Aish” he rubbed the back of his head and ran towards Min jung.



“Yah! I told you to let go of me now or you’re gonna regret it!” Min jung yelled.

“Try me” the man taunted.

Just before Junhyung could reach Min jung, she had twisted her arm out of the man’s grip and bent his arm backwards. She elbowed him in the back and then kneed him in the chest and the man went falling down.

“I told you you would regret it” Min jung dusted her hands.

Junhyung stood there in awe *What is wrong with this girl?!*

Just then Min jung turned her head to see Junhyung frozen with his fist up, ready to fight.

“YAH!! THERE YOU ARE!!” Min jung ran towards Junhyung and kicked his leg.

Junhyung groaned in pain “Yah! Why did you do that for?!”

“Because SOMEBODY decided to run away from practise and he deserves a little punishment” Min jung crossed her arms.

“I did not RUN away. I just needed fresh air” Junhyung turned around and started walking off.

“Yah! Come back here!” Min jung ran after Junhyung and grabbed onto his arm.

Junhyung swiftly turned around and grabbed hold of Minjung’s other arm “What were you thinking. Taking on that guy?!” he yelled.

“What? That guy over there?” Min jung looked over to the man on the floor.

“Something could of happened to you you know?!” Junhyung yelled.

“Well I took care of myself didn’t I? And who are you to be worrying about me?” Min jung said.

“But you’re still a girl!” Junhyung argued.

“So you’re saying that girls can’t look after themselves?” Min jung raised an eyebrow.

“You don’t get it do you?” Junhyung pulled Min jung to the wall and slammed his hand beside her face.

“To most men, girls are vulnerable creatures” Junhyung said.

“Well you’re forgetting something” Min jung said “To girls, men are also vulnerable” Min jung whispered.

Junhyung looked at her confused and she kneed him hard in the ‘lower regions’

“Now come on! Back to the company” Min jung pulled Junhyung who was groaning in pain from the ‘surprise attack’ back to the car.



The car trip was silent. Min jung was concentrating on the road while Junhyung was looking out the window.

*How the hell can a girl be so strong?* Junhyung glanced at Min jung and his eyes softened when he saw a bruise on her wrist.

*That must be from that bastard earlier. Aishh! Why do I keep worrying about her!? It must be that herbal medicine she gave me earlier* Junhyung scratched the back of his head and continued to look out the window.





OMO!! Junhyung is worrying about her!! xDDD

i'm sorry i havent updated in a few days >.<

school is starting tomorrow ==" 

whyyyyyy?! T^T

i'm sorry if from now on the chapter releases might be slow

i'll try to write each night since that's wen my brain goes onto creative writing mode xDD

sooo... i hope you enjoyed this chapter :DDD

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@taming the beast- sorry i havent been updating lately guys >< ive gotten reallllyyy lazy lately... SORRY. ill try to update soon..


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Chapter 15: LOL!!! FUNNY!!!
Yoseob... so sweet!!!
adorable!!! update soon!!!
Chapter 15: i was looking forward to something.. since it was 'M'rated..hehehehe >:D LOOOL oh wells, ahaha its okay! I'll still support you!! HURRY UPDATE THE NEXT ONE PLEASEEEEEEE!! I DONT CARE IF YOU ! WELL U DONT ANYWAYS! xDD LOLOL i just want to know what happens next alreadyy~
update soon!!=)
Haha... Still fighting as always... So cute!!! Update soon!!!
Can't wait to read th next chapter! This one was way too funny! *giggles*
So she was the inspiration for The Fact, huh?
Pretty interesing and random fact, I was listening to that when I read this chapter...
Alzheimer, huh?
That Junhyung! He's the best! I swear he is! Being unpredictable, huh? Usig aegyo *dreamy eyes*.....
That Key is just tooo...DIVAISH!!!! *giggles*