Her past

Taming the Beast


“Eottokke… they say my mum fainted.” Min jung cried.

“I have to go to the hospital now, but I can’t just leave you guys.” Min jung wiped her tears off her face.

Junhyung looked at her and he suddenly had the urge to help her out. “Pass me our schedule for the day.” Junhyung put out his hands.

Min jung curiously looked at him and took out her book with the schedules and gave it to Junhyung.

“I’ll give this to Doojoon so he can be the manager for today, now go.” Junhyung pushed Min jung away to the door.


“Don’t worry, Doojoon will take care of things.” Junhyung reassured.

“Thanks Junhyung.” Min jung sniffled and ran to the van.

Junhyung looked at the diary that was in his hands *Will she be alright?*. Junhyung ran to Doojoon and force the diary into his hands “Hey, look after the schedule alright? I’m leaving,” Junhyung quickly said.

“Wait what? Where’s Min jung noona?” Doojoon asked.

“She left because of an emergency. She took the van, so try to find some other way of transportation. I’m leaving now!” Junhyung ran off after Min jung.

“But we don’t have any money for public transport!” Doojoon cried out.



Junhyung caught up to Min jung who was just about to enter the driver’s seat of the van.

“Wait!” Junhyung called out “Let me drive. Who knows what you’ll do when you’re nervous.”

Min jung hesitantly nodded and went onto the passenger side. “So which hospital?” Junhyung started up the van.

“Seoul Hospital.” Min jung said and Junhyung drove off.



Once they arrived at the hospital, Min jung quickly ran inside to her mum’s room and Junhyung hurriedly followed behind. Min jung was standing in front of the ward and she hesitantly took the handle of the door.

Junhyung looked at Min jung worriedly “Are you okay?”

“I… just don’t want to hear the news…” Min jung whispered.

Junhyung stayed silent, unable to say anything more. Min jung slowly opened the door to find her mum lying down with a gas mask on her face and a doctor by her side.

“Min jung-ssi?” the doctor said. Min jung nodded.

“I need you to come with me.” The doctor gestured.

Min jung gulped and followed the doctor leaving Junhyung in the room by himself.



“I’m sorry to say this but your mother’s Alzheimer disease has gotten worse. It may only be a few more months until-”

“I know,” Min jung stopped the doctor from saying anymore.

“I suggest you prepare yourself,” the doctor pushed his glasses up “Do you have any other relatives that you will need to contact?” Min jung stayed silent.

The doctor cleared his throat and picked up his clipboard “Your mother should be up soon, go and visit her.”

Min jung stood up and bowed.



Junhyung sat on the chair in the ward awkwardly.

“She looks a lot like her mother” Junhyung looked over to Min jung’s mum.

Just then her eyes opened. “Where am I?” Mrs Kang said.

Junhyung’s eyes widened and he quickly ran to the ‘emergency call’ button “Doctor! The patient has woken up!” Junhyung cried.

Min jung quickly ran into the room “Umma!” she ran over to her mum’s side and took her hand.

“Who are you Ajumma?” Mrs Kang blankly said.

Min jung’s face stiffened but she managed to put on a smile.

“Ajumma is here to give Mi sun-sshi flowers,” Min jung held out a bouquet of flowers to her mum.

Mrs Kang took the flowers and hugged them “Gomawa Ajumma!”

Junhyung watched Min jung try to keep in her tears and started feeling bad for her.

“Ajumma is going to leave now. Mi sun-sshi, stay healthy okay?” Min jung croaked. She stood up from the bedside and ran out the door.

Junhyung quickly stood up to chase after Min jung but was stopped by Min jung’s mum “Is Ajusshi married to Ajumma?” Junhyung looked oddly at Min jung’s mum.

“Because Ajusshi and Ajumma look good together!” Min jung’s mum clapped.

Junhyung meekly smiled and excused himself from the room.



Junhyung ran around the hospital looking for Min jung.

“Hey, isn’t that BEAST’s Junhyung?” one of the nurses whispered to another nurse.

“Pabo, why would Junhyung be here?” the other nurse whispered back.

“No, it really is him!” the nurse pointed out.

*Damn this popularity of mine* Junhyung put on his hoodie and ran outside the hospital. *She’s probably gone already* Junhyung slowly walked out of the hospital entrance and looked around the place. Then, in the corner of his eye, he saw a figure sitting under a gazebo. Junhyung started heading towards the figure and soon he found Min jung sitting there sniffling.

Junhyung slowly approached Min jung and stood in front of her. Min jung slowly looked up with her eyes filled with tears and she wiped them away.

“Gwenchana?” Junhyung asked.

Min jung kept quiet and continued to sniffle.

“Hey, I’m asking you a question here!” Junhyung yelled.

Min jung gave a hard stare at Junhyung and continued to look away.

“Sorry…” Junhyung rubbed his arm “I was thinking, maybe if you talk about it, it would make you feel better…”

“I thought you were trying to make me quit,” Min jung stated.

“Yah, THE Yong Junhyung is offering comfort here, and you’re not going to accept it?” Junhyung crossed his arms and turned around “Fine.”

“Wait!” Min jung yelled out “Stay… for a while.”



Min jung and Junhyung sat under the gazebo in silence. Min jung was trying to calm herself down while Junhyung sat there to keep her company.

“It all started when I was 13 years old,” Min jung started off. “My mum, dad and I were living together happily, or so I thought. Every day, my dad would be working overtime and my mum would always ask him why his work kept him back so long, but he never replied,” Min jung said.

Junhyung looked a Min jung, knowing what was going to come.

“Then, one day, my dad came home with a woman. She was my mum’s friend. I thought she came over to talk to my mum, but I was wrong,” Min jung continued “My mum told me to go to my room, and so I did. But once I went inside, I heard loud thuds and screaming coming from my mum. I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I ran outside to find my dad hitting my mum saying that she was a and that he loved my mum’s friend.” Min jung clenched her fists and Junhyung sat there with his hand on her shoulder.

“I called up the police and ambulance and they caught my dad for physical abuse but my mother’s friend managed to escape. Once I got to the hospital the doctor said that my mum had been diagnosed with Alzheimer disease because of the stress and emotions that built up when she was abused and that she wouldn’t be able to remember me. I was devastated. Not just because she wouldn’t be able to recognise me, but also because she will be lonely, not being able to remember anyone since she was abandoned by her parents a birth and now also being abandoned by my father.” Min jung teared up.

“Ever since then, I worked hard to pay for my mother’s medical bills and my own school bills. I didn’t want to lose anyone else important to me, so I promised myself I would become stronger, physically and mentally, to protect the ones I love.” Min jung’s eyes filled with determination.

Junhyung gazed at Min jung *It’s hard to believe all that happened to her and she’s still tough and determined, normal people would have given up already*

Without knowing it, Junhyung pulled Min jung in for a hug.

“It’s been tough on you hasn’t it.” Junhyung patted her back. Min jung stayed still.

Her face was boiling up and her heart was pounding. Normally, she would have pushed away, but she enjoyed the comfort. It didn’t feel out of place… it felt right.  





i guess you'll just have to wait til the next chaper ^^

and now that ALL MY ASSIGNMENTS AND EXAMS ARE DONE (for the term...)  THE CHAPTERS WILL BE UP QUICKER!! hopefully...

any min jungXjonghyun shippers out there so far?

yeah.. so... i dont know what to write here...

so im just going to talk about my awesome weekend! xDD

so you can ignore this if you want to...

yea so on saturday there was an anime convention and i went to it!

it was so awesome!! xDD

i met so many characters



for anyone who doesnt know diglet or doesnt remember diglet, heres a photo


well yeah i came as serah from final fantasy xiii and there are photos on my blog for those who have me as a friend ^^

thats the end of my awesome weekend... 

i think it was unnecessary for you guys to know that.. but oh wells! xDD

so i shall end this the same way i end all my other chapters

for those who haven't done so yet subscribeeeeeeeeeee xDD

and to everyone please comment :D

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@taming the beast- sorry i havent been updating lately guys >< ive gotten reallllyyy lazy lately... SORRY. ill try to update soon..


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Chapter 15: LOL!!! FUNNY!!!
Yoseob... so sweet!!!
adorable!!! update soon!!!
Chapter 15: i was looking forward to something.. since it was 'M'rated..hehehehe >:D LOOOL oh wells, ahaha its okay! I'll still support you!! HURRY UPDATE THE NEXT ONE PLEASEEEEEEE!! I DONT CARE IF YOU ! WELL U DONT ANYWAYS! xDD LOLOL i just want to know what happens next alreadyy~
update soon!!=)
Haha... Still fighting as always... So cute!!! Update soon!!!
Can't wait to read th next chapter! This one was way too funny! *giggles*
So she was the inspiration for The Fact, huh?
Pretty interesing and random fact, I was listening to that when I read this chapter...
Alzheimer, huh?
That Junhyung! He's the best! I swear he is! Being unpredictable, huh? Usig aegyo *dreamy eyes*.....
That Key is just tooo...DIVAISH!!!! *giggles*