
Taming the Beast


Sunday had came and Min jung was getting ready to move into the apartment.
“Do you really have to leave?” Ji eun pouted.
“Yeah... Thanks for letting me stay at your house for all this time” Min jung said.
“What do you mean thanks?! We’re like sisters! My home is your home! So come back whenever you want…” Tears began welling in Ji eun’s eyes.
Min jung pulled Ji eun into a hug and patted her back “Why are you crying for. It’s not like I’m leaving to a different country. We can still see each other” Min jung comforted.
*Ding Dong*
Min jung and Ji eun looked at the door.
“Who’s here?” Ji eun wiped her eyes and went to open the door.
“ANNYEONG! WE’RE SHINING SHINEE!” 5 voices called. Ji eun stood there confused.
“Min jung noona!” Taemin cried.
“Taemin?” Min jung looked out the door to see SHINee standing there.
“Noona! Do you have any banana milk?! Jonghyun hyung won’t let me buy any!” Taemin pouted.
“Sorry, but I don’t drink banana milk” Min jung chuckled.
“WHAT?! HOW COULD YOU NOT DRINK BANANA MILK?!” Taemin’s eyes grew big and round like the cat in Shrek.
“I’m sorry?” Min jung sheepishly laughed “What are you guys doing here anyway?” Min jung asked the rest of SHINee.
“We’re here to help with the moving” Jonghyun winked and walked into the house followed by the rest of SHINee.
“Who are they?” Ji eun whispered.
“Care to introduce us?”  Minho asked.
“Oh yeah. This is my best friend Lee Ji eun, and Ji, this is Onew, Key, Minho, Taemin and you’ve met Jonghyun before. They all work at the secretary’s office” Min jung pointed to everyone.
“Annyeong!” Ji eun waved.
“Sooo, what else do you have to pack?” Jonghyun asked.
“Just a few books and then I’m done” Min jung said.
“I’ll help you with that. Which one is your room” Jonghyun asked.
“Anniya! It’s ok! I’ll do it myself!” Min jung jumped.
“Why are you so jumpy…?” Jonghyun asked suspiciously.
“It’s nothing!” Min jung slowly walked to her room and blocked the entrance.
Jonghyun raised an eyebrow and smirked “So it will be alright it I open that door behind you right?”
Min jung nervously laughed.
Jonghyun smirked and pulled Min jung into his chest and opened the door.
He eyed the room and looked down at Min jung who was struggling to break free. “Yah!! Let go of me! You can’t see that” Min jung began waving her hands around the place.
“You didn’t pack did you?” Jonghyun asked.
Min jung stayed still for a while “Aishh!! Let me go! I can’t breathe! JI HELP ME!” Min jung began squirming around.
“Na uh. Sorry, but I’ll let you enjoy the moment” Ji eun giggled.
Jonghyun sighed and let Min jung go and she took a big breath “Good thing I was prepared”
“Prepared?” Min jung tilted her head.
Jonghyun nodded at SHINee and they all took out boxes.
“Where did that come from?” Ji eun asked amazed.
“If we help out, it will be quicker” Jonghyun smiled.
“Hehehe… thanks” Min jung rubbed the back of her head.
Everyone headed into Min jung’s room and began to help pack up.
“Uhh… yeah…” Min jung chuckled.  
“Can… I try it out?” Key asked.
“Aish Yeobo, stop being such a diva and help us pack” Jonghyun said.
Min jung giggled “You can have it. I don’t use it much”
“Chincha? THANKS SO MUCH MIN JUNG!” Key exclaimed.
Jonghyun sighed “Why am I friends with guy”
After an hour of packing, SHINee, Ji eun and Min jung finally finished.
“So I guess that’s it” Min jung put her hands on her waist and looked around the room which was empty.
“You ready to leave?” Jonghyun asked. Min jung nodded.
“Aww I want to see your new apartment now too!” Ji eun pouted.
“Why can’t you come now?” Minho asked.
“I have a meeting at my workplace” Ji eun sighed “I’ll drop by sometime soon okay?”
“Sure thing” Min jung put up an ‘okay’ finger.
“Well you better get going then” Ji eun waved.
“I’ll see you soon then” Min jung smiled and waved.
“Anneyong Ji eun sshi!” Taemin and Onew said in unison and headed outside.
"See you later" Minho winked and left. 
“Sorry about us intruding so early in the morning” Jonghyun guiltily said.
“It’s okay” Ji eun chuckled.
“We’re leaving now then” Min jung headed out the door and waved.
“So how long have you two known each other for?” Minho asked.
“We’ve been best friends since middle school, until about 6 years ago I moved in with her and now we’re like sisters” Min jung thought.
“Wow, that’s so long ago” Taemin said.
“Hey! Are you implying that I’m old?!” Min jung yelled.
“No!” Taemin squealed.
“Pabo!” Minho hit Taemin.
“Waaa! Key umma! Minho hit me!” Taemin cried.
“Minho don’t hit my baby!” Key yelled back.
Min jung sighed and shook her head *They sure are childish*
“Ready to see your apartment?” Jonghyun asked.
“Let’s go!” Min jung pointed to the door.
“Just wait. It’s gonna be a surprise” Jonghyun wrapped his hands around Min jung’s eyes and Key opened the door.
He led her into the room and slowly took his hands off. 
Min jung blinked and looked around the room.
“Isn’t it so cute?! I designed the place!” Key squealed.
“Really? Not really my style but nice work Key!” Min jung clapped “I’m gonna have a look around the place” Min jung walked into all the rooms and examined the place.
*Ding dong*
“Who’s here?” Min jung went to open the door.
“Congrats on moving noona!” Yoseob chirped.
Min jung blinked “What are you guys doing here?”
“Celebrating!” Dongwoon and Kikwang said in unison and walked in together.
“Here, Hyunseung and I made this for you. I don’t know how it tastes so beware” Doojoon passed the container of food to Min jung and entered the house.
Hyunseung stood in front of the door and bent over to get a better look.
“Something wrong?” Min jung blinked curiously.
“You’re door handle … it’s clean…” Hyunseung whispered and went to examine more things in the apartment.
*He’s strange…* Min jung shrugged and was about to close the door until something stopped her from doing so.
“Forgetting about me?” Junhyung gave a sly smile and strutted inside.
"Right..." Min jung sighed and closed the door behind her. 
“So you haven’t unpacked yet aye?” Doojoon eyed the empty room.
“Yeah it’s kinda lifeless…” Kikwang nodded.
“Chill Key! I meant that none of noona’s belongings are in place!”  Kikwang put his hands up in an 'I surrender' pose.
“Oh” Key calmed down.
“Well, let’s add a little life into this place then!” Jonghyun said brightly “Care to help out?” Jonghyun looked at BEAST.
“Sure!” everyone nodded besides Junhyung who ignored the request and sat on the couch.
“Thanks guys” Min jung beamed. 
Everyone got to work, bringing the boxes of Min jung’s things into the rooms and arranging it neatly, everyone but Junhyung who was lying on the couch watching TV drinking cola.
Min jung was carrying her heavy box of books into her room.
“Need some help with that?” Jonghyun asked.
“I’m fin-WHOOAA” Min jung tripped over the small coffee table and face planted into the ground, with her books flying all over the place.
“Gwenchana?!” Jonghyun’s eyes widened and quickly ran over to help Min jung up.
Junhyung quickly sat up and put his cola down.
“Owww my nose” Min jung held onto her nose.
“Here, let me see” Jonghyun took Min jung’s hand off her nose.
Junhyung cringed *Why’s he acting so close to her?!*
“You’ll be fine. Go sit out, leave the rest of the unpacking to us” Jonghyun winked and went to pick up the books.
Junhyung glared at Jonghyun.  
Min jung stood up and went over to the couch and sat down. Junhyung softened his gaze and looked at Min jung who was holding her nose. Min jung felt a gaze and turned to look around.
“Ahem. I was here first” Junhyung cleared his throat.
“Yeah, but this is my apartment. I can sit wherever I want to” Min jung said.
“Whatever” Junhyung turned around and placed his chin on the arm rest.
“They’re not gonna fight?” Kikwang whispered to Hyunseung.
“Seems like it…” 
Hey guys!
i said was going to put up the next chapter soon but it turns out i didnt... sorry
this time i seriously will post up the next chapter soon!
sooo... how you liking the story so far?
omg! it's nearly my 10th chapter!!
so ive decided.
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(sorry bout the rainbow above... RAINBOWS ARE AWESOME TOO! XDDDDD)
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@taming the beast- sorry i havent been updating lately guys >< ive gotten reallllyyy lazy lately... SORRY. ill try to update soon..


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Chapter 15: LOL!!! FUNNY!!!
Yoseob... so sweet!!!
adorable!!! update soon!!!
Chapter 15: i was looking forward to something.. since it was 'M'rated..hehehehe >:D LOOOL oh wells, ahaha its okay! I'll still support you!! HURRY UPDATE THE NEXT ONE PLEASEEEEEEE!! I DONT CARE IF YOU ! WELL U DONT ANYWAYS! xDD LOLOL i just want to know what happens next alreadyy~
update soon!!=)
Haha... Still fighting as always... So cute!!! Update soon!!!
Can't wait to read th next chapter! This one was way too funny! *giggles*
So she was the inspiration for The Fact, huh?
Pretty interesing and random fact, I was listening to that when I read this chapter...
Alzheimer, huh?
That Junhyung! He's the best! I swear he is! Being unpredictable, huh? Usig aegyo *dreamy eyes*.....
That Key is just tooo...DIVAISH!!!! *giggles*