Maybe just maybe

Dreams are for kids

We walk to the resteraunt that isn't far from the school. The rain begins to pour down harder. Tae takes off his jacket and puts it above my head and his. I am close enough that a slight shove would mean colliding with him. I can smell his cologne and feel his body heat. Compared to the cold rain it feels nice.

"Any closer you two and I swear to God you'll practically be one person." Jimin says.

I blush slightly. I hear Namjoon behind us sigh slightly. We get inside the resteraunt and Tae's back is nearly soaked. I can see slightly through his white shirt. I don't look for too long. We sit down in a booth that suprisingly holds all 8 of us. We all order and I get one of my favorite dishes, Kalguksu. Tae orders Japchae which I immediately know I'll have to have a bite. As soon as we're done ordering it's immediately to getting to know me. And every little thing. Favorite color, food, everything. The entire time Tae's eyes are trained on me and i can't help thinking what I have done to get his attention like this?

The food comes and just as I said I have a bite of Tae's Japchae. It tastes amazing and know next thursday this is what I'll have. THen I think about it. I have a game next thursday, I can't.

"So Ky, you play soccer right." I nod.

"Yep i have a game next thursday. We got a week off this week." They all smile.

"We'll have to come." Namjoon says and then looks away.

As we walk out the doors the other 6 leave, leaving me and Tae to talk. The rain has stopped and it smells like spring time. 

"They're amazing." I say

He nods "I can count on them for sure."  

I smiled. I wished I had friends like that. The last person I knew that I could count on betrayed me. Was a fake. Worst of all i had fallen in love with him. When he left Anyang I never had friends after that. I wish I had

"So, how did you all meet?" I ask being careful.

Tae looks at me. " You know the company BigHit?" 

I nod. "Of course."

"Well we were all auditioning for BigHit and that's when we met. We didn't make it but we found out that we all went to the same school we knew right then and there we were gonna be friends. We've worked together on music but none of us can audition anymore."

I look at him as a sad look comes across his face. "Why not?"

He looks at me pondering if he should tell me. "We all have a few issues. I live with my grandmother now and I can't really get it in me to continue to audition. If I make it no one will be there to take of her. And Namjoon and the others except Seokjin have financial troubles."

I take this in for a minute. "so then what about Seokjin?" 

He just shakes his head. "Mental problems. He's had them supposedly since he moved here. He says a girl messed him up real bad and he hasn't gotten over it yet." 

I nod. I can understand that. 

"What about you? Why'd you move to Seoul?" Tae asks.

I sigh. "Long story. My mom thinks it will be better for me if I move here. I might have a better shot."

"At what?"

"Music. I want to sing."

A small smile forms across his face. I look at him 

"What?" I ask


We walk back to the school. "Come in with me real quick." 

He grabs my hand and drags me through the doors and towards the music room. We walk in and find the other 6 there. I wave and Tae sits me down at the piano. 

"Sing" He demands. 

I shake my head. "Not in front of you guys. Not yet." 

They all beg me to sing. I keep shaking my head. They continue to beg and plead until finally I give in. I move my hands on the keys and begin. I lose my self instantly in the song. They keep dead silent. I close my eyes to block them out. A trick i learned years ago. When I finish my eyes open and I can see them all smiling. Tae looks at me with a smile I can't explain. So does Namjoon. I can't help thinking this is what I've needed.

"You have to audition for a company." Tae urges.

"Maybe, just maybe." I answer. 


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peggyw #1
Chapter 14: Ty for sharing your story!
I really enjoy this story!!! I hope you have a great day and keep up the good work! ?