sweater weather

In your arms


Winter is here and now running man has gone on a whole new level of variety with the highest ratings. Since it is winter time the crew plans to go on a ski lodge vacation trip and everyone is excited to be without the cameras and lights for once. So, everyone is heading over to haha's house to gather and get in the van for a eventful ride.


Aigoo, this trip is gonna be long as hell but im so ready to actually have a trip with my family who i've grown to. I'm heading to the car with my suitcases yes ,suitcases we will be there for a whole week and as im walking i feel an cold impact hit my head i turn around to see kwangsoo lauging his off. I run and jump on his back putting him ina head lock since he always wanna fight someone and i must say we have gotten close with each other he is like my goofy oppa.We get yelled at and everyone else is just finishing putting there stuff in the car and im stuck with putting one in then i turn to see jihyo helping me and she smiles at me slighlty while i give it back in return. Everyone is packed in the car , talking,eating and having a good time which made me smile. We finally arrived at the lodge and enter the lobby being greeted by the staff so everyone splits up and gets roomates. Haha is with jongkook, jae suk with sukjin, sechan with kwangsoo, jihyo,somi, and me together. We get settled in and choose our beds to sleep on and put our stuff up because later on at night we are heading out to the swimming pool outdoors which is pretty crazy.

"yah, open the door" we hear the guys banging on the door as we have on our swimsuits. I wore nike swimming trunks and bra while they wore some y two piece i must say. We all head out  to the freezing weather while me and they guys hurry and jump in the water while the other girls just looked and did the same all laughing. I'm in the corner of the pool while the guys and girls are fooling around, i look up to see this girl coming up to me and she was finer than wine i must say. "hi, im eun soo i just wanted to say you are very handsome or pretty" she said and i laughed and said "either is fine and you are very beautiful" she blushed. I hear the guys rooting me on and teasing me while somi points at jihyo and i look over to see her look and leave the pool going in to the building. I want to go after her but eun soo kept kissing on my neck and i gave in because i haven't got any since forever and so we went to her room and made out a bit ended up sleeping.


I can't believe she went and had with some randome girl. I'm mad that i just can't get if off my mind and it is bothering me i swear if i see her. My thought got caught short as i seen her walk casually through the door, i walked up to her and said" what the hell, how could u just skip our night out and go having with some random girl" she looked at me shaking her head and says" wth i can do whatever i want and we are not even together so you can't tell me what to do" she look furious. I couldn't let my feelings take over me so i just shrugged about it and went to get ready. Then i hear her say " are you jealous that i had her  in bed and not you" and i looked back at her and said " you know what i have nothing to feel jealous for and plus if i wanted to be in the bed with you i would have you under my control" i said leaving her stunned. I headed my way to dinner with the girls and met the guys there and seated across from chloe. Then a waiter came over and i thought why not flirt, he asked what i wanted and i said "i'd like to take you for take out " and looked in the corner of my eyes to see chloe rolling her eyes knowing it's working while he gave me his number. I really didn't want it but then again im not sure of what i like or feel, So, it's night time by now and it's freezing inside and i see chloe shaking looking out the window and i thought to myself when she cared for me when i was sick so i went over and put a jacket over her shoulder. It was like she knew who i was and looked forward and said "thank you" and  i said" well it is sweater weather" while she cracked a small smile while we both looked out  in to the night.


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Ann020 #1
Chapter 10: OMG so hot .
Ann020 #2
Chapter 9: Thanks for update.
Cocooocococo #3
Love it so far❤keep up the work, I'll be waiting.
Ann020 #4
Chapter 3: Looking forward for more.