I don't know what to do

In your arms


As the moon rose down and the sun rising up what happened last night for the both of them was magical. Before they could get up, the crew walked in on them to wake them up for breakfeast but instead of that they find them to see them tangled up in the covers underneaath the covers with their bodies molded together. "omo i knew this would happen"said kwangsoo then jong kook slapping his head " yah, shutup" he said and so did everyone else. Everyone wasn't suprised with what was going on but they walked out like they never came in and went straight to the eatery. Soon the decided to just call one of them and wait for their arrival.


*cellphone ringing* uhhh, i reached over and grabbed the phone answering"yoboseyo""ahh chloe get out of bed and get ready everyone is down stairs having breakfeast an tell jihyo as well" he said, i said "arasso". I lifted my head to look down and see jihyo looking up at me then realizing what happened, and getting up running to the bathroom. I just had no words to say and got myself ready heading down there to see everyone acting extra nice today which was wierd. Then along came jihyo beside me making the air pretty awkward as well as smelling like was in the air."So, how did u sleep last night"kwang soo said smiling then haha gave him this look which made me wonder did they hear anything or see. I replied" i slept pretty good last night" making somi laugh a bit as i glared at her and gave her the middle finger knwoing quite sure she knew what happened. As the day went on and in to the night everyone decided to chill out in a haha's room , so we went there and everone gathered on the beds and chairs eating,talking, and goofing around but only one person that wasn't around was jihyo.


After dinner i knew everyone was heading over to haha oppa's room but i needed to clear my head . I walked in and went straight the tub dippng in to the water with scented candles around me and just thoughts of chloe came in to my mind. Last night was something i haven't had in such a long time,mentally and pyschially made me feel like i was loved and cared for, not having that since my ex and i broke up it was a different feeling. It scares me so much because i don't know if im ready to be with someone who is the same as me out in th public of korea it's barely accepted. My family would be ashamed as well as my fans and i'm afraid they wouldn't accept me because i am in love with chloe montgomery, i know that for sure but i can't. I'm just gonna forget these feelings and move on maybe with my ex since he says he has changed. I just take a deep breath and try to get her out of mind an all i do is end up crying wishing this to be over. I soon get my clothes on and head to bed.


"so chloe, we walked in on you guys sleeping together"jae suk said. I was taken back but then " we aren't suprised and we wouldn't mind you guys being together but what about her coming out to korea"said sechan and i had no answer for that and just dazed out shrugging saying"maybe it's best that we don't, i wouldn't want her to get hate for it and disowned so, i change my mind and that's final" i said. They all just groaned and said whatever but also head haha saying" it won't make you neither happy at the end of the day, how can u live and not be happy but sad everyday insteading of being with her and living life joyus, who cares what the public says and family. All that matters is that she will love you and you will love her all you need is each other" and that hit me home. I said my goodnight and went to the room to see her sleeping and lay down thinking about what the future will be like.


The next day came and it was time to head on back to their homes and which meant filming was gonna be up and going. Everyone headed their seperate ways after a very eventful weekend of fun,craziness,and a lot of drama. After chloe headed home somi had come over to talk to her about the whole ordeal then going to jihyo's to see both sides and found out that one of them is afraid of commitment and the other afraid of not getting that love in return which made somi leave them to figure it out knowing it wasn't her place. Both are just lost souls trying to find their piece and don't even know how close they are to each other.

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Ann020 #1
Chapter 10: OMG so hot .
Ann020 #2
Chapter 9: Thanks for update.
Cocooocococo #3
Love it so far❤keep up the work, I'll be waiting.
Ann020 #4
Chapter 3: Looking forward for more.