A hard goodbye

In your arms


The news that i recieved was the worst news ever. I had to go back to the u.s because i totally forgot about the contract that i signed to be here , only having a 8 months agreement that i had to do for the show had gone by very quick before i know it im at home packing my suitcase. I didn't tell the guys because im quite sure they were informed about it already so, i finish up my packing and sit on the couch for a minute taking everything in one last time. As im walking out my door and into the hallway and not looking back. Soon i'm at the airport waiting at the gate while i hear this screaming of my name all at once"chloe""yah chloe" how dare you not tell us you were leaving"i turned and seen the rm cast as they come up engulfing me in a hug. One by one gave me a hug and the person i was hoping to see wasn't here, i don't know what i was thinking i knew she wouldn't show.

"are you really leaving"somi said almost in tears, i held her nodding while i started tearing up"yes i am, my contract is over i can't stay any longer. i have no plave to stay" i told them." but you can stay with me"said somi. I shook my head and said "plus i gotta go home , i'll be back i promise. thank you guys so much for the memories i will alway cherish them " they all nodded then my gate got called for the final call. "Well i guess this is a goodbye then huh" i said they all put me in the middle and we all hugged then it was time. I waved bye at them and waiting just to see if she would come but i guess i was wrong, i walked in to the plane and sat looking out the window tears strolling down my face.*bye korea, it was great thank you for all the memories" i rested back and closed my eyes wishing this was all a dream.


As soon as i was told chloe was leaving i didn't know what to do if i should go or not. I decided to stay at first but i soon changed my mind. I ran out the door and quickly drove to the airport and i ran in hearing her gate closing, i ran as fast as i could but they were already taking off. I fell to my knees and started crying because this was gonna be my last time seeing her the only person i truly loved is now gone because of a stupid contract and i wasn't there for her. She probably hates me now than she did before. I slowly walked and saw fans ahead of me but i didn't care i walked right past them while i was crying but i could care less. I went home and entered with the lights off and dragged myself to the bed and never coming out of my room.


The rm cast were hurt by the news and asked how the fans feel. They wanted chloe back because they felt she and jihyo had a relationship when they really did have chemistry and because she made the show funny along with her friends. So, they tried a petiton and got a lot of signatures but they didn't know where she could stay and have a good stable job. They stopped trying but they never stopped the fandom for running man. The cast got back to regular scheduling but jihyo and everyone seemed off and didn't seem as jolly because of chloe leaving and they saw the ratings decrease which wasn't good . The producers didn't know what to do and they continued on still getting by somehow.




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Ann020 #1
Chapter 10: OMG so hot .
Ann020 #2
Chapter 9: Thanks for update.
Cocooocococo #3
Love it so far❤keep up the work, I'll be waiting.
Ann020 #4
Chapter 3: Looking forward for more.