It’s you

Pen Pals

Teehee I was at school updating this :) probably not the best idea but hey I can't help myself :D. It wasn't blocked so I said why not! :D Don't worry now I am at home


I couldn't believe I had been so stupid. I knew that smile, that beautiful face was familar. I couldn't believe that he was right here in front of me, my pen pal the one I had fallen in love with. Wait, he obviously never got my letter explaining everything about me, he still had no idea I was in love with him. This was great! I was so scared to tell him now that he was in my life for real not just through letters. Now, he could judge me and become mean once I told him but I couldn't see that happening for some reason. I pulled the letter out from behind me placing it in his hands. 

"I forgot to send this to you because of things going on. Please read it. I really want you know somethings about me that maybe bad or good I don't know. Just read it, please." I said as he took the letter looking a little scared. "I'm so glad it's really you." I said hugging him again, I could never get sick of this. 

"I'm glad it's you too." Jonghyun said hugging me back tightly. We parted walking to our different classes. I smiled the rest of the day thinking of Jonghyun but then I kept getting worried that he would freak out by the letter. I was afaird I'd lose him (not that I really had him) because of what I was, but I guess if he can't accept that then that's just too bad. I tried to put it out of my mind instead of dweling on it. That didn't work to well. The final bell of the day rang, I sprited to my locker in hopes of running into Jonghyun but no such luck, he had joined chior and had practice after school every day. I sighed yeah, I know I'd see him tomorrow but that wasn't soon enough. 

"Key?" A soft voice came from behind me. I turned to see it was U-kwon in tears. Oh no what happened. 

"U-kwon! Hyung, what's wrong? What happened?" I asked pulling him into a hug. I was hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. 

"Onew keeps avoiding me for some reason. And I can't figure out why. I tried to ask him if I did something wrong but he just said that it doesn't matter, when obviously it does!" U-kwon started to cry harder. That chicken (Onew)  was going to be eatten for dinner if he didn't shape up. 

"I'll go talk to him if you want." I suggeusted

"You'd do that for me? Thanks! I love you forever Key!" U-kwon squeeled. I approved of U-kwon, I could see why Onew loved him so much, he was rather adorable, I must admit. I headed towards Onew's locker where he was getting some books. 

"Alright, what's going on? Tell me or I will pluck your feathers and throw you in the pot." I threated. 

"My what? I don't have feathers! Throw me in a pot? What am I a chicken? Nothing is going on! What are you talking about?" Onew asked wide eyed. See, Onew had no idea we called him chicken, we loved how clueless he was. 

"Yes, the pot and well, as far as you know you don't have feathers. U-kwon came to me crying----" I was cut off by Onew smiling at me. I wanted to punch him, he shouldn't smile at his boyfriend crying. 

"It's our 1 month anniversary and I am planning something special. I was afaird if I hang out with him I would slip up about what the surprise is. Please don't tell him! I promise he will be happy by tomorrow! Just don't do anything! Tell him that I was in a hurry and couldn't talk." Onew said going towards the door. Onew was really bad at keeping secerts but I wasn't feeling evil today so I decided against telling U-kwon what was going on.

"So, is he mad at me?" U-kwon asked excited.

"Nope, all he said was he was in a hurry and couldn't talk. But let me just say this, he is not mad at you, just trust me." I smiled while U-kwon looked more confused than ever. I loved making people confused! I know, I was horrible, but I was more worried about my own issues. What was Jonghyun going to say when he read my letter? Did he already read it? So, I was little freaked out okay okay a lot! I walked home pratically bitting my nails the whole way. I couldn't do my homework because Jonghyun kept creeping into my mind. I finally gave up and put my homework away. I grabbed my ipod turning on my favorite kpop band (since Jonghyun got me addicated) SHINee and manged to fall asleep.


I was walking through the school when suddenly Jonghyun came up to me well, more like came spiriting up to me.

"Key!" He said out of breath from running. I was confused why was he running? "I read your letter and well, I just wanted to tell you that I'm gay too. Also, umm if it's not too fast or akward do you think you'd want to hang out sometime? As in just me and you?" He said smiling that amazing smile at me. Suddenly there was a BEEP BEEP comming from Jonghyun's mouth I was so lost.

*dream ends*

I woke up to my alarm clock. So that was the beeping comming from Jonghyun's mouth. Oh crap! Today I found out what Jonghyun's reaction is to my letter, this could be bad or good. I was praying for good.

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Omg! I would say that is one of the best fanfics ive ever read! Jongkey forever! <3
awwww!!!! so cuteee!!.. i <3d it!
so so sweet i love jongkey
ukwonbias09 #4
@thesahara aww thanks :) i'm glad you enjoyed it!
Omg this was such a cute story!!!!!!!
It was so cute! Can't believe it's over!!! I loved the story! <3 Thank you for writing it! n_n
Aww it's ended but man that was rly cute and lol don't worry u got me laughing at the stomach thing lol love it I look forward to ur next JongKey fics u hope u do lots more of them