The date

Pen Pals

I ran the rest of the way home excite but nervous for my date with Woohyun. I had no idea what I was going to wear or anything! I rushed up to my room ignoring my mom when she called my name. I slammed my door shut locking it so I would not be bothered by anyone. I opened my closet and started going through every shirt I owned. I threw every shirt I hated out of my closet onto my bed. I sighed feeling hopeless about finding the perfect outfit. I really liked Woohyun, he was cute, nice and funny. I didn't want to look like a loser in front of him. I knew what I had to do and you had to be very brave for what I was about to do. I unlocked my door and headed down stairs.

"Umma?" I asked peeking my head through the kitchen doors. I usually did not call my mom, mom in korean but it just kind of slip out.

"Yes, Key?" My mom said not turning away from cooking dinner.

"Umm so there is this guy that asked me to go to his house for a date and well, I can't find anything nice to wear so I wondering if you could help me?" I asked knowing I was about to regret what I had just said. She turned around and raised an eyebrow as if I was crazy. I probably was but at this point I did not care. She montioned for me to follow her to my room.

I was scared. My mom dressing you was not something you let her do very offten ever! Infact you wanted to avoid it as much as possible. She dug through my closet for about 5 minutes before pulling out a a light blue shirt and a nice pair of dark blue skinny jeans. I got dressed and then my mom instead that she do my hair for me.

I groaned at the thought of her just touching my amazing hair. In the end I did not go with her outfit because it was too blah, she actually agreed (surprisingly). I ended up wearing a shirt with some colorful designs on it and my favorite green skinny jeans. Sure maybe the colors did clash a little bit but it looked good and it looked as if I wasn't trying too hard either. The door bell rang scaring me half to death as I was fixing my hair. I rushed down stairs opening the door to see a nervous Woohyun standing there looking at his feet. He didn't even look up when I opened the door.

"Are you just going to stare at your feet the whole time?" I as he blushed looking at me. I smiled at him, he was too adorable when he blushed like that. I rubbed his arm showing that I was just kidding.

"Oh yeah, we better go." Woohyun said turing more red than before. I climbed into the passager seat of his car. We drove to his house in silence but I was too caught up in his music to really talk. It was soo good and it was in Korean. When he turned off the car and we got out. I figured now I could ask him about the music.

"Was that kpop?" I asked closing my door trying not to slam it.

"Yeah, that was a song called "Romantic by SHINee" it's my favorite song right now." He blushed again. I gave him a smile before linking my arm through his as we walked inside. He led me down some stairs making sure to lock the door behind him.

"Oh were we plaining doing something else besides watch a movie? hmm?" I couldn't help but , I loved it when he blushed. He turned around to unlock the door, but I grabbed his hand pulling him down the stairs with me. I didn't know where I was going so Woohyun took over leading the way. The TV was in a big room that was painted white and had a couch and a carpet. There were posters of random kpop bands around the room, but other than that the room was rather plain but I liked it for some reason.

I walked over to where I thought the movies were letting go of Woohyun's hand. I looked over the movies in the cabinet, I found the one I wanted. I took it out careful not show Woohyun. I quickly slipped it in the dvd before he would even wonder what the movie was. I had chosen the Pink Pather. It was my favorite movie, I just loved it for some reason.

We spent the rest of the time laughing our heads off at all the random funny sence or just at eachother's laugh. When the movie ended I got up to get only to be pulled down by Woohyun. He smiled at me before getting up and getting the movie himself. He picked another one out putting it in the dvd player, this one was P.S i love you. This was another favorite of mine.

I snuggled close to Woohyun as he wrapped his arms around me. I looked up at him at one of the kissing since and he looked back down at me smiling. He cupped my face before putting his forehead to mine. I could feel my heart skip a beat. He got a little closer which I didn't see how the was possible and pushed me down laughing.

Two could play at this game. I got up and dumped my water that I had gotten between movies on him. I smriked in success, he just looked at me with a shock expression on his face. He got up and wrapped me in his arms getting me all wet. I screamed like a little girl at how cold the water was. I started laughing as he tickled me causing me to fall to the ground, he continue to tickle me. Before I knew it he pulled me up and pushed me against the wall, his forehead against mine.

He led down pressing his soft lips to mine. My stomach was suddenly filled with butteflies, this was my first kiss, I realized. Woohyun deepened the kiss and put my arms around his neck as his slipped around my waist. I kissed him back as our tounges did a nice little dance. I was laying the ground with Woohyun on top of me kissing my neck before I knew it.

He slowly made his way around my neck before returning to my lips. I couldn't breath it felt too good. His slipped under my shirt tracing the outline of my chest. Then there was a knock at the den door. We sprang apart, embarrassed by how far we had gone. Our hair was a mess and out clothes look like they were about to fall off. We fixed ourselves before busting out laughing at how stupid we both looked with our hair sticking out every where. We made our way up the stairs knowing it was time for me to go home. I didn't want to but all great nights must end sadly.

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Omg! I would say that is one of the best fanfics ive ever read! Jongkey forever! <3
awwww!!!! so cuteee!!.. i <3d it!
so so sweet i love jongkey
ukwonbias09 #4
@thesahara aww thanks :) i'm glad you enjoyed it!
Omg this was such a cute story!!!!!!!
It was so cute! Can't believe it's over!!! I loved the story! <3 Thank you for writing it! n_n
Aww it's ended but man that was rly cute and lol don't worry u got me laughing at the stomach thing lol love it I look forward to ur next JongKey fics u hope u do lots more of them