
Pen Pals

It wasn't too long after I sent my letter that I got a reply back. I ran up to my room to read it in private, I didn't need my sister bugging me about it. I locked my door to make sure she won't try to come in. I tore the letter open excited to see what he wrote. A picture of him fell out I picked it up shocked at what I was looking at. A musclar guy with brown hair, brown eyes, He was very good looking. I realized I was smiling back at the person smiling in the picture. I shook myself, It's not like he knew I was smiling at him so what was the point?! There was no point! I remembered I had a letter to read. I opened the letter which was written on my favorite color neon blue (aww how sweet) and written in purple pen (jerk).

Dear Key,

I think I will just call you Key since I have a lot of friends that name is simplar to yours. English is my best language besides Korean that is, so writting in it is fine with me. I love music! Infact I love to sing! Everyone says I have a very amazing voice and I shoudl try to be famous, but I don't really believe them. I am kind of scared to sing in front of people I know but not people i don't know which is kind of weird to me. Your friends sound very cool, I wish I could meet them along with you. I have never been to the America before. What is it like there? Korea is cool, I suppose. We bow to eachother when we meet people instead of shaking their hand. I find shaking someone's hand weird to be honest, but I am sure you think the same thing about bowing haha. I am 17 also and private school is fun, I suppose. There are a lot of rules and you have to wear uniform too. Our pictures (school pictures) are a lot different from yours. We have to dress up in dress clothes and look really nice for our school photos (I don't know why though since they just go in the yearbook). Do you have yearbooks in the America? Seoul is a pretty fun city there is a lot to do here, like shop, karaoke (that's a popular one) and go to dance compatentions. (Sorry my spelling is not very good). Do you like any kpop bands? (Korean pop). I like some of your america music like Jason Derulo, Chris Brown, Usher. I am not really into rap but I do like Drake well, some of his songs that is. I am mainly a singer so I like songs I can sing to. This is really cool, I am so happy I get to write to someone who is in America! This is so cool for me! I want to see a ton of pictures! I will send you lots of Korea in return! :D. Also, you are very cute ;). I like the hair with the different highlights in it :) very stylish. Everyone in Korea has weird hair (okay not everyone but some do). You'd fit in perfectly! :). Anyways I have so much other homework to do so I gotta go! I look foward to hearing from you, Key. You seem like a very nice pereson :). Do you get a lot of homework in America?



P.S. My name is Jonghyun but everyone calls me Jjong.

He thought I was very cute!! Okay, why did that matter? He lived all the way around the world! Okay, halfway! But still the point was that it didn't matter what he thought of me because I would never see him! I put the picture right on my desk so I wouldn't lose it. I took out a piece of paper to write my reply.

Dear Jjong,

I'm cute?! You're gorgeous! :) I would love to hear you sing but sadly I live in America so that would be kind of hard >:(. America is cool most of the time. We basically just live like your guys I guess. We aren't allowed to steal or any of that stuff haha. I have not ever listen to Kpop, but my friends do they love this one band called SHINee. The lead singer is apartently very talented. I love all those singers you named!! I like some rap too. It's not my favorite though. I find the bowing weird haha. But I think it's cool too though. It seems like a more polite way to meet someone. I go to a public school so we don't have to wear a uniform. We can wear whatever we want even though we have a dress code no one follows it. I hear that people Korea are a lot most polite than American's are, is that true? I will try to send you tons of picture of America haha. I will start with our school them my house then i don't know what after that! Yes, we have yearbooks in America. We do not have to dress up for our school pictures. In my last years one I hadn't even brushed my hair and when the picture came half of my hair was puffed out and the other side was flat. I was called fluffy for a long time by my friends. Homework depends on the class but we sometimes get a lot but sometimes no. Do you always get a lot of homework in Korea? That would stink if you do. Do you have to change classes? We have 7 periods in day, we start at 8:00 and end at 3:00. It's torched haha not really some of the classes are cool, but some are lame. I am going to send you a picture of my friends Onew, Minho, and Taemin. :) I think you would really like them, Taemin is the youngest out of us all. Onew is the oldest. Maybe one day you will come to the US :). If you do come see me! :) haha! Anyways, how are you? I want to know everything about you! I promise to tell you the same in return. Ugh my mom is calling me for dinner. I look foward to your next letter! :)


Key :)

P.S. I like the name Jjong :)

I folded my letter up putting it my backpack. I had never asked the guys about their pen pals but then again my life had basically been focused on the letters that I didn't really think about asking them. Plus they were all in relationships they didn't have time for me either. Suddenly, I felt sad that I didn't have my friends to hang around with as much anymore. I felt a lump form in my throat but I refused to cry I'd talk to them today and see if they all wanted to hang out. I walked out the door and headed to school. I walked through the front doors looking for my friends but they were no were to be found. I turned the corner to my locker when I saw them standing all around with eachother laughing at something funny U-kwon had said. I walked towards them smiling at them as I came closer.

"Hey Key!" Taebaby said from Minho's side. They had their arms around eachother and U-kwon and Onew were holding hands. I was jealous of them because they all had someone but I was alone.

"Hey Taebaby." I said smiling at him. Minho smiled me and so did everyone else. Just as I was about to ask if they all wanted to hang out after school Minho opened his mouth.

"So, are we all on for tonight? The movie is at 7:00 so we should probably leave by 5:30 because it's an hour drive and we will get there in plenty of time if we leave earlie unless you want to eat then we could leave at like 4:30." Minho said to the others everyone agreed to meet at 4:30, but not me of course since I wasn't invited. They had seemed to forget I was there so I just walked away un-noticed by my so called friends. I stayed in a depressed mood all day. Another day of homework without my friends, guess they found someone new replace me, U-kwon was the new me. Well, good for him. I walked home alone not really wanting to talk to anyone but of course that's when someone just has to come up to me and start talking to me.

"Key!" I heard a  voice yell. I kept walking hoping they'd leave me alone. "Key! Wait!" There were running feet coming up behind me. I sighed couldn't I just wallow in my own self pitty please?! I turned around to see it was none other than Woohyun. He had long legs, brown eyes and dark hair. He was tan and tall. He was probably taller than me or about the same height. We were friends but not close or anything. Woohyun was gay also. I only knew this since he admited it to his ex-girlfriend who had caught him flirting with a guy. I stopped since it was Woohyun and I liked him. He was cool and didn't bother me at all. "Hey why are you walking all alone?" He asked a little out of breath from running.

"My friends were busy so I decided to walk home alone." I said trying not sound like a sad puppy. Woohyun gave me that I'm sorry look.

"I haven't seen you with them for a long time. Not that I watch you like that, that would be creepy. Umm...anyways I was wondering if maybe you umm want to umm come to my house sometime and we could work on our math together or watch movies..." Woohyun looked down clearly embarrassed that he was asking me out. I smiled him, he was so cute when he blushed. I like Woohyun, but I had never thought of him as more than a friend but I had to admit he was very adorable and I bet if I got to know him better I'd like him.

"Sure that sounds fun." I said still smiling at Woohyun.

"Oh well, that's cool I understand that...Wait, did you say yes?" He looked at me with complete shock.

"Yes, I said yes. Better than sitting around." I said smiling still. He smiled back at me before blushing. There he goes again looking adorable.

"Okay. Is tomorrow good? Or tonight if you want?" Woohyun asked excitment filled his eyes.

"Sure tonight sounds good. I'll see you at...?" I didn't know what time to meet him and I also didn't know where he lived either.

"Oh I will come pick you up at 6:00. So, you won't have to find my house. I'll see you then!" Woohyun said before running off. I couldn't help but smile the whole time. I loved it when bad days turned into amazing days.


:) I love Wookey :). I am shipper of those two but I think i always want Jongkey wayy more than Wookey just because :). Well, I will update agian soon I promise!! :) Love you guys soo much!!

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Omg! I would say that is one of the best fanfics ive ever read! Jongkey forever! <3
awwww!!!! so cuteee!!.. i <3d it!
so so sweet i love jongkey
ukwonbias09 #4
@thesahara aww thanks :) i'm glad you enjoyed it!
Omg this was such a cute story!!!!!!!
It was so cute! Can't believe it's over!!! I loved the story! <3 Thank you for writing it! n_n
Aww it's ended but man that was rly cute and lol don't worry u got me laughing at the stomach thing lol love it I look forward to ur next JongKey fics u hope u do lots more of them