Your my SHINee world

Pen Pals

Waahaa! I'm coming to an end on my Jongkey fanfic! :( oh well! I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much I as I enjoyed writting it! I promise to write another Jongkey fanfic! And others too! If you have any ideas for another Jongkey fanfic just let me know :) Love you guys!! Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and subbing! :) Love ya!


I was smiling for the rest of the day, literally glowing bright with happiness. I was half way done with my homework and my new SHINee CD that my mother had bought me when my phone rang. I screamed thinking someone was about to come in and kill me, but it was just my phone, thank god! I looked over at who it might be I squeeled picking it up.

"Hey, Jjong." I said talking and doing my homework at the same time.

"Hey Key! I was wondering if maybe after school tomorrow you'd want to hang out?" He asked sounding nervous. He was too cute!

"Of course! I'd love to! But we have to stop at my house so I can tell my mom what I'm doing." I answered getting mad at this math problem I finally threw my penical across the room about ready to make it the math book too.

"Key? Did you just throw something?" Jjong asked sounding worried.

"Yeah my penical. I can't figure out this math problem." I said frustarded.

"Well, I am pretty good at math, do you want me to come over and help you?" Jjong asked me sounding excited.

"Sure!" I replied

"Okay, be there in a few!" Jjong hung up the phone. Eek! I need to chance clothes...wait he just saw me in these clothes though, still! I needed to look nice for him! I quickly changed my clothes from a t-shirt and jeans to some ripped jeans and a black t-shirt with my favorite kpop band on it. When I saw the shirt I thought it was too casucal as I stripped it off, Jjong walked in. I blushed pulling my shirt back on. I noticed Jjong was blushing too, was he checking me out? It's like I mind though, especially if it's him.

"Hey!" I said running to give him a hug. His strong arms wrapped around me holding me tight. I pulled away and peeked him the lips. Should I have done that? I think so since Jjong pulled me in for another kiss this one longer though.

"Hey! I don't hear working boys!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"She will kill me if she see us, kissing." I said pushing Jjong away and lacing my fingers through his. I showed him the math problem and he sat there staring at it reading it to himself several times. I stared the way his lips mouth each word. Finally he sighed picking up a penical and drew the quadriatic equation which is x equals -b squared  plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4 times a and c all over 2 times a. He explained how do to the problem in simple terms that I actually understood.

"And then there is your answer." Jjong said finishing up the problem. I was stunned. How did he understand this stuff? The numbers just confused me! I mean I was good at it usually but this problem just got to me! I flug my arms around him giving him a massive hug.

"Oh thank you, Jjong!" I squeeled..uh oh I squeeled in front of Jjong, but he was just smiling at me. My face went bright red.

"You know something Key, you look really adorable when you squeel like that." Jjong said cupping my face in between  his hands and kissing me gentely. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling down to the bed with me his arms s around my waist. We made out for a while, before Jjong had to go. "I really don't want to go, but my mom said I wasn't allowed to stay the night at my boyfriends house." Jjong said kissing my forehead and leaving me with one last smile. Boyfriend? Was I his boyfriend? He hadn't even asked me, or was the kiss his way saying he wanted to date me?

I went to down stairs with a big smile on my face. I felt so happy. My mom smiled at me,

"You know it's nice to see you've found someone who can make you smile like that." My mom said while washing dishes.

"Do you think he really likes me?" I asked

"Key, honey, he doesn't like you, he loves you. The way he looks at you just says it all and so does your looks too. I think it's adorable." My mom said in an approving voice. Yaya she approved of my...I mean Jjong! I went back upstairs and finished my math and the rest of my homework before calling it a night. My phone buzzed with a text message from Jjong.

To: Key From:Jjong

Goodnight my almighty Key.


Jjong :)

I smiled quickly typing a messag back before turning my phone on silent and going to sleep.


The next day I walked into school wearing a white t-shirt with some short of design on it and some red skinny jeans. My hair was straighted and I had added some highlights in it just last night when I got bored I now had blue, and red and some purple in my hair. I thought it mixed well with my brown hair. I smiled when Jjong saw me giving me an up and down look over. He smiled pulling me into a kiss. I kissed him back but pushed away not wanting to cause a seen.

"My Key is so innocent." Jjong teased me. I blushed, I just didn't want to get into trouble. I lanced my fingers through Jjong's as he walked me to class. I gave him a quick peck since I would see him until lunch time. I walked into class and spotted a crying Taemin. Minho if you did this I swear to god I am going to murder you in your sleep. I walked over to my Taebaby.

"Taebaby, what's wrong?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Minho is leaving for the weekend on a vacation with his parents! I won't see him for a week! I miss him already Key, Umma." Taebaby whined. If he wasn't so cute I would have slapped some since into him, but since he was cute he got off easy.

"Taebaby, he will be back before you know it." I said then focused on the teacher's talk only to have Jjong come into my thought and cause me to space off. I was lucky enough to get the assiments in everyone of my classes. I didn't see Jjong at lunch for some reason which made me sad. I was mopping around the rest of day, I missed Jjong, ugh!! I felt like Taebaby right now! The bell rang ending the day. I closed my locker not worrying about my homework I could call Taebaby for it since he had all the same classes with me.

Then someone grabbed my wrist yanking me out the doors and towards an unknow house, at this point I realized that it was Jjong. He lead me inside what I assumed was his house and down the stairs into a basement.

"Jjong, what are you doing?" I asked looking around the dark room. I didn't get answer, where had he gone? Suddenly all the lights were on and the room was filled with lit candles (how I didn't see those before was beyoung me) it wasn't really light in the room the lights were dimmed and there was food in the middle of the rug along with sparkling apple cider. Jjong came around the corner dressed in shinny red skinny jeans and a tank top that was blue and many other colors. He had something behind his back..

He got down on one knee and opened the box inside was a shinny necklance that said jongkey on it.

"Key, I love you a lot. When I first read your letter I knew I couldn't be with anyone else, I had to have you. It had to be you. I thought about you all the time in Korea, just wondering when I was going to meet you. I knew I would, but I had no idea when. Then my parents said we were moving to the US, I got excited because you lived here. I never thought I'd end up in the same state, town and school as you. Key, will you please be my boyfriend?" Jjong asked me. I blushed, that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me.

"Of course I will! I love you too, Jjong!" I said as he pulled me into a hug. I held on to him tightly never wanting to be held by anyone else, just by Jjong. I loved him more than anything in the world and I was glad that he was finally my Jjong.


THE END :D. I hope you guys enjoyed it! I love you all! :) Thank you for subbing! You guys are awesome! :) Keep a look out for updates on my other fanfics! THANK YOU AND LOVE YOU ALL! :)

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Omg! I would say that is one of the best fanfics ive ever read! Jongkey forever! <3
awwww!!!! so cuteee!!.. i <3d it!
so so sweet i love jongkey
ukwonbias09 #4
@thesahara aww thanks :) i'm glad you enjoyed it!
Omg this was such a cute story!!!!!!!
It was so cute! Can't believe it's over!!! I loved the story! <3 Thank you for writing it! n_n
Aww it's ended but man that was rly cute and lol don't worry u got me laughing at the stomach thing lol love it I look forward to ur next JongKey fics u hope u do lots more of them