And I love you...

Pen Pals

Dear Jonghyun,

I am so very sorry that I have not written to you in a long time! I've been busy these past weeks. Lots has happen and I am going to write everything down! My friends had known they had ditched me and felt horrible about it. We talked it out and they said they never ment to hurt me it's just that I never would hang out with them when they would text me, problem was my phone broke (saddness) and I didn't even know they wanted to hang out. They were wondering why I wasn't answering since I am addicted to my phone and texting (hehe). It was a mess understanding on both parts is the mainpoint. That wasn't the only drama in my week though (sadly). I had a thing with this guy, okay first off I am gay, I should have told you this earlier but I was scared to. I'm sorry, I hope this doesn't change anything. We had a thing and I liked him, I think if nothing happened I would have liked him a lot more, but things happened.

We went out for a while and he was my first kiss (it was really nice, I am actually excited to be kissed again). Now, we are good friends though. I caught him with another guy but it's all good because they are soo adorable together! I love them together! My theory is being mad doesn't fix things all the time. I am jealous of my friends because they all have someone. We rencently gained 7 new members to our little group. The two youngest Taemin and Sungjong are now best friends, they love to play pranks on us. Maknaes they never learn haha. I've been really busy with school work too (not fun!) and I have finals coming up soon.

I am so excited for Christmas, yes it is a few months away but I am still excited! I've enclosed a video of me and my friends saying hi also we go around our town showing you what we do everyday (there is some very random stuff in there so please do not judge my friends lol, Onew just loves his chicken, yeah he is very weird...don't ask about him haha). Anyways! I've written not that much but I will try to write more! I miss writting to you :/. I can't wait to hear from you! Tell me everything that has happened to you this week, even the bad things!! :) Bye!! Have a good week (or weekend by the time this letter reaches you).


Key :)

I did the usual closing the letter in a white enevolp. I sighed wishing I could meet Jonghyun one of these days. It was really tough being in love with your pen pal who you didn't even know in real life! I've thought of telling my mom but she would just say it's natural to feel this way, maybe she is right, but she would never hear those words out of my mouth! I would never hear the end of it. I rushed down stairs waving goodbye to my mom and sister before running out the door right into a boy. I knocked us both over causing our books to go flying. I had not seen him before I pulled him up off the ground before picking up our books. I quickly sorted our books out since I knew what ones were mine because I took all hard classes and this guy had the simple classes.

"I am so sorry! I didn't see you there!" I said feeling awful for knocking him over. He just smiled and picked up my letter.

"Is this yours?" He asked handing it to me. I took the letter blushing that I had forgotten it. "Oh I'm Kim Jonghyun." He said smiling at me.

"I'm Kim Kibum, but everyone calls me Key. It's nice to meet your Kim Jonghyun, did you just move here?" I asked him thinking I had seen him before but I was mistaken, he had blonde hair at the tip of his brown hair, but his smile and eyes, face everything look so familar. I knew him, but from where?

"Yeah, I did. I came here from Korea. My parents always wanted to live in the US so we moved here. Do you go to Riverwood High school?" He asked me taking out a paper with all his classes on it. I took the paper nodding to him. I read his schedule we had two classes together, AP english and AP Biology.

"I can show you around the school if you want? It's not that big so I am sure you won't get lost after I show you around. Oh by the way nice hair. It's creative, I love it!" I beamed at him, he just blushed, opps Key, remember you didn't know this guy, meaning flirting with him isn't something you should be doing.

We walked the rest of way and I pointed things out to him telling him little things about this and that. I told him how the park was my favorite place to go to think and just to get away from life once and awhile. He was really easy to talk to which was weird since I barely knew him but I felt like I had known him my whole life. I still couldn't pin point were I had seen him before but I knew I had seen him before. I wanted to ask but he was busy telling me about Korea, when I finally shut up. He was born there and had lived there his whole life.

They moved to Seoul when he was 10 years old. He hated the city at first but grew to love it. He had four best friends (a lot more friends too but just four close friends) they were Yesung, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun and Sungmin. He missed them but was excited to see what the US was all about. I love his smile, it was so familar. I was almost ready to ask him if I knew him but it was time for us to go into school and start the school tour. It was killing me! It's like a song you know the name of and you only have two words to it in your head and it's on the tip of your tounge.


Aww look at jongkey's couple outfits :D how cute those two are!!

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Omg! I would say that is one of the best fanfics ive ever read! Jongkey forever! <3
awwww!!!! so cuteee!!.. i <3d it!
so so sweet i love jongkey
ukwonbias09 #4
@thesahara aww thanks :) i'm glad you enjoyed it!
Omg this was such a cute story!!!!!!!
It was so cute! Can't believe it's over!!! I loved the story! <3 Thank you for writing it! n_n
Aww it's ended but man that was rly cute and lol don't worry u got me laughing at the stomach thing lol love it I look forward to ur next JongKey fics u hope u do lots more of them