Chapter Sixteen - Seventeen Again

☾ Moon Spell ;story starting!





Dongyun entered the cafe as he rubbed his eyes as he kicked snow off his boots as it had been a week since everything had happened with Kyulkyu. He sighed as he hadn't answered any questions that anyone had because the one person he would answer for wasn't asking any questions. It was probably because she couldn't remember anything. He even went to check on Donghan and he had a different girl on his arm. He walked into the back of the cafe as Kyulkyu was mixing rice cake dough. "Good morning." He said as she smiled at him as she looked up. 

"Good morning, Yun," Kyulkyu said as she was cutting dough and wrapping it up to let it rest. 

"Do you need help?" He asked as he put his things away in his locker. 

"No, I am good. You can get the coffee and tea going." Kyulkyu said as Dongyun nodded. 

"Alright. Are you feeling okay today?" Dongyun asked as he had been checking over her every day to make she wasn't remembering anything or feeling anything left over. He watched her shake her head. "Okay, just checking." He said as he walked back to the coffee machines as Illjoo and a few others were coming inside.

"Morning," Iljoo said as he waved to Dongyun. He came back out as Dongyun was staring at the girl as she was sweeping and turning over chairs. "That is Yina (OC). She's another witch. We hired her a few days ago. How is Kyulkyu?" Iljoo asked 

"You know?" Dongyun asked 

"Of course, I am your whitelighter. Plus Sunmi called me." Iljoo said as he looked at him. "She wanted to know how Kyulkyu was doing." He added as he waved over Yina. "Yina, this is Dongyun." He said as the younger girl nodded. 

"I know," Yina said as she looked at him. "It is nice to meet you." She added as she leaned on the broom a little. "I should get back to work." She said as she started to sweep again. "Just yell at me if you need anything." She added as looked back at the pair. 

Dongyun looked back at Iljoo. "Have you guys gotten anymore surprise visits from people needing help from us?" Dongyun asked as he was cleaning coffee pots. He started up another pot of tea and coffee as he watched Yina turn the closed sign to open. He watched as Iljoo shook his head no. "That is good. I don't want anyone bothering Kyulkyu right now. She's still in this limbo thing. She knows something happened but ignores any of us when we bring it up." He said

Hojung came into the cafe as Dongyun was surprised to see Hojung up this early. "I am going to school," Hojung said as she nodded at him. "Classes started back up." Hojung handed him some money. "Give me some strawberry rice cakes and a large coffee," Hojung said as she watched Iljoo package up her rice cakes as Dongyun made her coffee. "Thanks, see you guys later," Hojung said as she hurried out and headed to the bus stop. 

Ruiho was the next one in as he was dragging in a half-yawning Wootak. "Get some coffee in him. I need to talk to Dongyun." Ruiho said as he stepped over the counter push door just pushing Dongyun into the back as he waved to Kyulkyu as they walked into the back office. Ruiho sighed as he looked at Dongyun. "So Eunki called me this morning saying that he has got a lead into the Honseok situation, but we might not like it. He said the prints came back to some more of our classmates." Ruiho nodded

"You want me to go because I can read minds," Dongyun said as Ruiho nodded. "Alright, let me grab my stuff," Dongyun said as he pulled off his apron as they walked out of the office. "Sorry, Kyul. I have to go help them on a witchy thing." He said as Kyulkyu looked over to him. 

"Okay, be safe," Kyulkyu told them as she waved bye to them. 

"Text me if you need me," Dongyun said as Ruiho rolled his eyes. Dongyun smacked Ruiho in the arm as they walked out. They exited the cafe as Eunki was parked outside. "Who is going with you? I know that Hojung is going to class." He said as he watched Ruiho backtrack as he entered the cafe again just bringing out Wootak with him. "Just us three?" He asked 

"Yeah. Jun and Younghee are going to the aquarium to make up for not doing some dating thing that is on Younghee's phone. Yeseul is working." Ruiho said as he handed Eunki a to-go cup of coffee as three got into his car as they drove off. 


Hojung pushed her glasses up on her nose as she was walking into class just munching on her last rice cake as she holding her coffee cup in her other hand. She sighed as she yawned just sipping on her coffee. She walked to her classroom building as she looked around. She hadn't seen anyone that she didn't want to see yet so that was good. She walked into her classroom just finding a few people already inside. She dropped her coffee cup in the trash as it was basically empty as she found a spot and got out her books just getting ready for class. She was glad to be almost done with school. She just hoped that she wouldn't run into anyone wanting witch help or that she would run into something herself on campus. She leaned on her elbow as she was waiting for class to start as the room started to fill up quickly as someone she didn't want to enter did with someone else. She hoped that Jaehwan didn't sit next to her as the other person did. 

"You don't mind if sit here?" He asked 

"I don't mind," Hojung said as she moved her things as she sat down next to her. 

"I'm Taeyong (NCT)." He said as Hojung nodded. "Nice to meet you." He added as he was taking out his things. 

"I'm Hojung. It is nice to meet you too." Hojung said as she watched as the professor walked into the room. She waited to take notes as the professor did attendance and then started the lecture. Hojung took notes as she watched out of the corner of her eye that Taeyong was taking notes on his computer just typing away. She turned back to the lecture as it was about over. When it was she started to pack up her belongs as she felt someone tap on her shoulder, Hojung turned around as she could see Taeyong standing there. 

"Uhm, I just wanted to see if you want to get lunch with my friends and me? We are in the same department and I noticed that we have the same schedule. You totally do not have to if you don't want to." Taeyong said as he pulled on his backpack straps.

Hojung looked back at Jaehwan as he was holding hands with another girl as they were blocking the entrance as the girl kissed his cheek. Hojung bit her lip as she turned back to Taeyong. "Sure, thanks," Hojung said as Taeyong gave her a small smile. Hojung followed behind him as he walked to the door. 

"Excuse us." Taeyong gently took Hojung's hand as he pulled through the crowd around the door as he let go as they walked down the hallway. "Do you a preference of where to go?" Taeyong asked 

"There is a good cheap ramyun place near campus behind the art department," Hojung said as she started to walk that way as Taeyong texting on his phone.

"That sounds good." Taeyong responded, "I am just telling my friends." He said as he caught up to her as he put his phone in his pocket. Taeyong looked at her then the commotion around the art department as there was police tape. "Whoa, something happened over there." He said as he pointed it out as he turned his gaze towards the scene. 

Hojung looked over as she could see Eunki and Ruiho as she grabbed Taeyong's arm. "Come on the ramyun place is over here. We shouldn't get involved or see anything. It is better just to ignore it." Hojung said as she pulled him along as Taeyong nodded. She watched him nod as he took a picture of the restaurant and type on his phone as she figured that he was telling his friends where they were eating in a better way than her lame directions. She walked inside with him as they grabbed a table big enough for all of them. Hojung looked at her phone as she had gotten a text from Ruiho saying not to worry that he was all over it and fun with classes. Hojung looked up as a  few other boys walked over to them as Taeyong waved at them. 

"Guys, this is Hojung. Hojung, this is Jaehyun (NCT), Doyoung (NCT), and Taeil (NCT)." Taeyong said as he looked over to the Hojung. 

"Hi, it is nice to meet you," Hojung said as she bowed her head.

"What do you want?" Taeyong asked Hojung

"Just a regular bowl of ramyun is fine," Hojung said as Taeyong nodded as the others boys were ordering. Hojung looked at her phone as she got a text from Kyulkyu to have a good day at school and study hard. She also got another text from Yeseul texting her that she could do it and graduation was just around the corner. 

"So Hojung, what year are you?" Jaehyun asked

"This is my last year," Hojung said as she looked at the group. "I took some time off during the middle, but I am finishing this semester," Hojung said as she nodded to them.

"Just like Taeyong. He had to take some time off and is finishing up his last semester classes." Doyoung said as Taeyong glared at him. "Sorry, but it is true." He said 

"Did you guys see the crime scene? Someone got murdered or something." Taeil said as he looked at them. "Campus police was crazy. They had almost the whole road blocked off. We had to around the building to get here that is why it took so long." He said as their food was delivered.

"Yeah, we saw it. We ignored it for the most part." Hojung said as she was wondering what happened if Ruiho was there. She started eating hoping that they wouldn't continue on in talking about this right now. 


Ruiho stood on the edges of the crime scene as he was watching with most of the other people. Dongyun and Wootak had stayed back at the station to talk to the two people with one of Eunki's partners that were also a magical being. Ruiho looked at Eunki and Kangjoon as they were talking as Ruiho was making his own notes on in his brain as he was surveying the scene as he couldn't get a good look at the body. It would be great if Hojung was with him, but he didn't want to bother her while she was with a friend or her hoobaes from her department. He watched as the person who he figured was the corner took the body as Eunki walked over to him. "What is going on?" Ruiho asked 

"Well, I don't really know. Did you see anything that tips you off?" Eunki asked as he looked at him as he had pulled him off to the side. 

"Well, the scorch marks means demons," Ruiho said as he pointed it on the wall. "I mean I need to look at the crime scene closer and stuff. I also need to look at the victim." Ruiho said as he looked at Eunki. "Do you even know who the victim is?" Ruiho asked as he looked at the picture that Eunki had taken. Ruiho looked it over as he pointed at the burn marks. "These are fireball injuries. Your victim is likely a witch." Ruiho said as he looked at Eunki. 

"Well, I know that Ruiho, I meant anything that stands out that I might now know. She was wearing this necklace." Eunki said as he scrolled to another picture as Ruiho looked at it.

"I am not sure what it is. It is probably a symbol of a coven. I'll have to look it up. This is more of a Kyulkyu or one of the girl's knowledge. I was told to be muscle." Ruiho said as he watched Eunki send the picture to him. Ruiho then sent it to the girls to start looking something up. "Sorry that I couldn't be much help." He said 

"No, it is okay. Come on, we should get back to the station. I am sure that Dongyun and Wootak are done by now." Eunki said as he started to walk off with Ruiho following him. Eunki looked back at Kangjoon talking to a group of students as he sighed. "You go on ahead to my car. I need to talk to Officer Seo." He said as he walked off. "Hey, Kangjoon. I am heading out and you should too." Eunki said as he patted Kangjoon's arm. 

"I am just talking to some of my hoobaes. I went to school here." Kangjoon looked at Eunki as he watched him give him a look. "Alright, I am coming. Why did you insist on bringing a non-officer with us?" He asked as he walked next to Eunki. 

"Because he has knowledge about these kinds of things. He could help us." Eunki said as he pulled out his car keys. "I"ll see back at the station." He said as he walked over to his car where Ruiho was waiting for him. Eunki unlocked his car as he watched Ruiho get in as he got in and started to drive back to the station. 


Dongyun looked at the pair of teens in front of him as they were talking to Wootak and Eunki's partner, Baekho (Nuest). He had been reading their minds this whole time and wasn't getting anything useful to expect that they were lieing out of their asses about breaking into Hongseok's apartment. Wootak and Baekho weren't asking the right type of questions to get them to really start opening up their heads. "So you two knowing about magic or a magical assassin group?" Dongyun asked 

"No." The first spoke out loud as Dongyun focused in on his head. "Of course, I do. We broke into your house too." He thought as he leaned on his elbow. 

"Why did you break in the house? Were you looking for magical items?" Dongyun asked 

"Magical items aren't real." The girl said, "We were looking for the key to bring back the source." Her thoughts rang as she looked at him. "We have to find the right book, the right spell, and the right person." Her thought carried on. 

"Did you think Hongseok would be this right person?" Dongyun asked 

"Hey! Stop reading out minds! How dare you trick us!" The boy stood up only hearing the clanging of cuffs. 

"Chill out! Sit back down." Baekho snapped as he pushed the kid back into his seat. "Answer the question. Why did you target Hongseok?" Baekho asked

Dongyun watched them before breathe in and out as they were starting to shut him out. "They won't talk anymore or think about things. They aren't shutting out their psyche to us." Dongyun said as he nodded. "But, I mean now you know that they did break in and assaulted Hongseok. We also got some really good information from them as well." Dongyun added 

Baekho nodded as he ushered them out as he kept the microphones on in case they started talking when they left. Baekho was a witch himself but didn't have exactly an active power like the rest of them. He had the power of deflection. "Well, you guys can either wait for Eunki and Ruiho to get back or head on out." Baekho said, "These kids will be sent to lock up and then wait for a judge to tell us to cut them loose or send to the juvenile center." Baekho said as he showed to the main floor as he could see Eunki and Ruiho walking in. "Was it our kind of thing or theirs?" Baekho asked 

"Both, but I am letting them take it over. We won't know until they say human or non-human." Eunki told him once he walked over. "Are you done with those kids?" He asked 

"Yeah, they stopped talking once they figured out Dongyun was reading their minds," Baekho said as Ruiho had walked over to Wootak and Dongyun. 

"They are trying to find the key, spell, and person to bring back some source of something," Dongyun told Ruiho. "What did you find?" He asked

"A female witch was murder. I sent pictures of her coven symbol to Kyulkyu to look up." Ruiho said as he turned to Eunki and Baekho. "I'll text you guys if we find anything." He said as he said as the other two nodded. He followed Dongyun and Wootak out as he looked at his phone. "Kyulkyu said she can pick us up if we give her a location," Ruiho said 

"Tell her that we will just take a bus," Dongyun said as they started for the bus stop. "it is personal gain. We need to start thinking about that." Dongyun looked at them as Ruiho shrugged. 

"Nothing has happened so far," Ruiho said 

"Nothing has happened?!" Dongyun looked back at him. "A lot of crap has happened. We just finished saving two of us. God, Ruiho sometimes you forget there are other people around you that go through stuff. The world doesn't always revolve around you." Dongyun said as they walked up to the bus. 

"He has a point, Ruiho. Even though it was not said in the best manner." Wootak glared at Dongyun. "Let's just get home and help Kyu," Wootak said as he walked up on the bus as he crossed his arms. "By the way, should we order lunch when we get there?" Wootak bumped into someone as the girl was carrying some boxes as one fell as an air of powder puffed up in Wootak's face. He coughed as she said sorry. "It is okay. It was my fault." Wootak said as he scanned his bus stop pass as the other followed him on the bus as Wootak was brushing himself off. 

"Move over, dusty. Don't get any of that on us." Ruiho said as he looked at Wootak. "You okay by the way?" He asked as Wootak was checking himself out. 

"Damn, Ho. I look good. How did you guys stop me from eating so much that I got all handsome?" Wootak asked 

"What the are you talking about, Tak?" Dongyun asked, "You've been like a health nut ever since you left high school." He added as Wootak shrugged. 

"What you are crazy. I need some chicken. You guys want to share?" Wootak asked as he looked at his phone. "Oh my gosh, why is Kang Yeseul texting me this? Oh my god, the day just got better." Wootak shoved his phone in their faces. 

"Dude, you two are dating." Ruiho looked at Wootak eyes got as big as saucers.

"How old you think that you are, Tak?" Dongyun asked as he looked at the guy between them as they both looked at him. 

"I am seventeen," Wootak said as he smiled at his phone. 

"Oh, that was magic dust," Ruiho said as he sighed. "Great, Wootak thinks he is seventeen in his adult body. Just great." Ruiho looked at Dongyun. Ruiho grabbed Wootak's arm as they got off the bus as they finally arrived at their town's bus stop as Wootak had been talking about chicken and fast food for the past hour. "We will get your chicken," Ruiho said as he pulled him down the street as they were making their way to Hojung's place where Kyulkyu was looking at the book. 

"I am hungry and we are missing the fifth period," Wootak said 

"We aren't in school. You've taught people school." Ruiho said as he knocked on the door as Hojung's grandma opened the door. "Hi, Granny Shin." He said, "Can we come on in?" He asked 

"Of course, I need to get Jungie to give your kids keys to the house." Granny Shin said as she opened up the door. "Oh hello, Wootak, Dongyun. Kyulkyu is upstairs. I'll bring up snacks." Granny Shin said as she shut the door after Dongyun came inside. 

"Thanks," Ruiho said as he pushed Wootak upstairs. Ruiho opened up the attic door as Kyulkyu was making a couple potions as she looked at them. "Hey, what are you making?" Ruiho asked 

"Eunki texted me after I sent everyone the coven. Did you not look at your phones?" Kyulkyu asked as she looked at Wootak. "Hey, Hantak! I got Granny Shin to make us some fruit salad with fresh watermelon that was gifted to the cafe." Kyulkyu said as Wootak gagged. 

"Fruit, oh gross. I want to eat chicken." Wootak slumped down on the couch. 

"Sorry, we were distracted." Dongyun said, "Wootak got hit with some dust and he thinks he is seventeen." He added 

"I just can't wait until Yeseul gets here or he finally notices his powers," Ruiho said as he looked at the pages that Kyulkyu was making potions from. "You're making vanquishing potions for lower level fire demons? I don't think that is what we are dealing with. The scorch marks were more like my fireballs and that is an upper-level demon power as well as my mine - but you know what mean." Ruiho said 

"I know that, but this can weaken a person that uses fire as their power. We need a flesh sample to make a vanquishing potion. We have to find the person and then get close enough to cut off a piece of their flesh, so yes we need potions that weaken their power. I am not getting by a fireball." Kyulkyu said, "I can heal you guys, but who heals me." She stirred a potion pot

"Hold on, here. I am not into this whole murder game." Wootak stood up 

"Shut up and sit down, Wootak!" Dongyun snapped as he sighed 

"Yeah, sorry." Wootak squeaked as he sat down.

"Can I use the book to see what happened to dummy over there?" Ruiho asked Kyulkyu. 

"Sure. I am basically done." Kyulkyu said as she was filling potion bottles. "The second potion is for Yeseul. She ran into something at work." Kyulkyu said as she was bottling up the other potion. "So what are we going to do about mister seventeen again?" She asked as she looked to Dongyun as Wootak was giggling to his phone.

"I don't know that is what I am looking up." Ruiho looked at them as Yeseul walked in as Wootak flipped over the couch just hiding behind it. "Oh my god, Tak. She's not going to kill you. You're dating. Stop hiding like a little kid." Ruiho said as he rubbed his temples. 

"What is up with him?" Yeseul asked 

"He got hit by some magical dust and thinks he is seventeen again when he was highly afraid of you," Dongyun said as he looked over to Wootak slowing coming from behind the couch.

"Oh," Yeseul said as he grabbed the bag of potions. "Tak, are you okay?" She asked as she looked at him. 

"Yeah, I guess so." Wootak looked at Yeseul as she smiled at him. "They told me that we are dating." Wootak leaned in and whispered this to her. 

Yeseul laughed as she nodded. "I mean yeah, gone a couple dates," Yeseul said as she looked at him. "You guys are working on this right?" She asked 

"Yeah," Ruiho said 

"Oh gosh, this is not real. This is a dream." Wootak said as he sat down. 

"Can we give him a sleeping potion. Adult Wootak is annoying enough, seventeen Wootak is getting on my nerves." Dongyun said as he sighed. "If he giggles again and askes for chicken then I am going to explode." He said 

"I am not annoying." Wootak glared at Dongyun. "You want to fight, Dong-butthead?!" Wootak shoved Dongyun's shoulder. "I am fit now, you can't push fatty hanwoo around - now can you?" Wootak asked as Dongyun turned around and shoved Wootak just letting him crash into the bookcase.

"Don't provoke me, Wootak. I will destroy you." Dongyun said 

"Be careful nonactive powers." Yeseul as she helped Wootak up. "I would just stop now when he hasn't hit your face," Yeseul told Wootak as she pecked his cheek. "OKay well, I got to get back to the problem I came upon. Don't beat him up just age him up." Yeseul said as she left.

"This isn't sims where we can give him birthday candles on a cake," Dongyun called to her as he turned to Wootak. "Sorry for shoving you in the bookcase, but you are really annoying right now." He said

"You're annoying too." Wootak rubbed his shoulder. "So who wants chicken?!" Wootak looked at them 

"Eat, some fruit salad." Kyulkyu handed him a bowl "IF you eat this then I'll buy chicken for dinner." Kyulkyu said as she looked at him. She turned to Dongyun. "Be nice to him," Kyulkyu said

"Yeah, okay. But he asked for it." Dongyun said as he looked over to Ruiho. "So find anything?" Dongyun asked Ruiho

"Yeah, but it is just a recipe on how to make the age difference powder. You use it on certain time demons." Ruiho said, "Or to remember something from your youth that you can get back in your adult years." Ruiho said, "It says the powder usually last twenty-four hours so we just have to wait it out." Ruiho nodded at them

"So tomorrow around noon he'll be normal again?" Dongyun asked as Ruiho nodded. "So who is going to babysit him?" Dongyun asked

"I will then we'll ship him off to Yeseul," Ruiho said as he looked at them. "No onto the source of all evil, I found him in the book while searching for how to fix Wootak," Ruiho said as he looked at them. "Guys, if they release this dude then it would be really bad. The source of all evil is a bad guy." Ruiho said

"Well, it doesn't seem like that they have found him yet so we will have some time," Dongyun said as he looked at the book. "Wootak, I can see you out of the corner of my eye. Sit back down." Dongyun pointed at him as he was also reading his thoughts. 

"Okay, I'll take him to my place and we will order chicken and play video games. You two work on this and don't get her kidnapped or anything again." Ruiho was punched in the shoulder by Dongyun. "Ow, sorry sorry." Ruiho winced. "Come on, Wootak," Ruiho said as he watched Wootak jump up as they walked out. 

Author's note; hi everyone, i hope that you guys like this chapter!





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Chapter 32: The tea has been spilled. I repeat the TEA HAS BEEN SPILLED!!
Chapter 31: Yowwwww this chapter though! Everyone's exposed!!!!!!! Get ready for some throwback moments!
Chapter 30: Wootak turning 17 again is either gonna be a really huge problem for the next chapter or just gonna be a nuisance for the others hahahah. I agree though that chicken is something I would crave for as well but eat your fruits boiii
Chapter 29: Aryt orayt we finally see how they deal with the spell put on Kyul over here! So basically the whole thing never happened? Or just kyul's memory was wiped about everything?
Chapter 28: This was a good read right here! Daaaamn Donghan having this sort of spell right here! It actually looks complicated at first, heck i dont even think I got the basics of his spell right.

As I see it, when people see the picture of him the spell does its work and it starts putting people in some sort of trance where he gets to change peoples memories. Thats why people think Donghan and Kyulkyu were together all this time.
Chapter 26: Oh yes another chappie chapter! Yow Eunji and Yehana were actually low-key evil wuT??? Hahahha no more gossip girl benefits for them woooh. I love how Naeun was shipping Dongyun with Kyulkyu. Yo things got real with Dongyun and Yeseul like woah talk about real talk right there. Dongyun getting creative with his illusions hahahha. Ok so it was just as simple as wiping their memory but you know they can't be entirely sure that the mermaids will leave Naeun alone. Yesss! Junhee moments!!! I love it. All the romance and little thing building is so good!
Chapter 25: Ooohhhh now its about mermaids!! Yas Naeun, Yehana, Eunji, and Eunki!!!! Oh almost forgot about Yeri lol hahaha. I love the new OC's coming out. Younghee being the badasa she is confronting Kangjoon like dat, You go gurlll!! Dongyun and Kyulkyu moment wooooh! I really like the chapter especially the twist (if it is considered a twist) at the end.
Chapter 24: Ooooh the mystery behind Kangjoon revealed!!! Ahhhhhhh their relationship was so toxic thoughhh ahhhhh!!! I like how Younghee was the one who talked to Hojung about it, its only fair since it seemed like she was the most curious out of all of them.

Younghee what the hell are you doing bringing Kyulkyu to the restaurant where you and your ex-fiancee eat? What if you see him there? Or worse, possibly see him with another woman though? And the newest mystery is who this new girl is.

Love the chapter!
Chapter 23: I love how the grandma is just fine with all the ruckus. Grandma its just demons we can handle this. Hahahaha. Ey a little bit of Younghees past, i love how she said all of those that way. "Yeah i broke some stuff in the office, got engaged, parents didn't like me so relationship didn't go well and ended up breaking up with each other. You know the usual." Hahaha
Chapter 22: Yaas Hojung!! You tell him!!! I like the drama scene with Kyul and Hojung it was really nice how they made up. Ruiho calling hojung a Hoe and she comesback with a rib jab and "manhoe"