

Things had been going great, the boys had been playing lots of small shows and benefit concerts. But they wanted more than that, they wanted to perform in front of millions of fans. For Jiyong, he really hoped his parents would show for at least one. They were getting ready for another show, a benefit concert. Jiyong sighed when he heard that.

"What's wrong babe?" Youngbae asked.

"It's nothing...it's just...another concert I know my parents won't come to." Jiyong said sadly.

"Aww. Well, have you talked to them?" Youngbae asked.

"Well...no...not really." Jiyong replied.

"Well talk to them. They might." Youngbae responded.

Jiyong shrugged and dialed the number.

"Hey...mom..um we have a concert tonight...do you want to come?" He asked nervously.

"No. We don't. We can't be there, we have to work late." She answered.

Jiyong felt his heart break and tears well up in his eyes.

"Okay..." He mumbled through tears before hanging up.

"They're not coming." He said frustrated.

"Aww I'm sorry baby. It's okay though. We are doing amazing. Everything will work out." Youngbae said hugging Jiyong tightly.

A few months later, the boys had another concert, but it was better than a benefit concert. It was going to air on  TV. So the boys were more nervous than usual. Finally, the day came for the show.

"You ready guys?" TOP asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Maybe our parents will see us!" Seungri said excitedly.

Jiyong just stared at the floor, Youngbae squeezed his hand gently and kissed his cheek, giving him a reasurring smile. Jiyong couldn't help but smile back. Then it was time for them to perform. The music started, and all the nerves melted away. As Jiyong's parents were at home, his dad was flipping through the channels and saw Jiyong and the rest. His eyes got wide.

"Honey! Come look! Hurry! It's our son!" He shouted.

His mom came running out of the kitchen, and started screaming.

"That's my baby! Oh my God!"

Suddenly, the parents started dancing to the songs.

"I-its not...bad..." His dad said feeling guilty.

The parents looked at each other and realized how happy he looked being on stage. After the concert, Jiyong's mom called.

"We saw you on TV. You did good." She said calmly.

"Aww thanks mom. I'm glad you enjoyed it." He replied.

The next concert will be the biggest concert they'll have so far. In the Seoul stadium. It was set to take place in three days time. They were anxious but very excited. Finally, they entered the arena, they noticed lots of screaming fans outside. They waved and smiled at them, which made the fans scream louder.

"You excited?" Daesung asked.

"Yes! This is going to be great!" Youngbae said excited.

It was finally time for the show to start. They looked out at the crowd and started performing. Jiyong was looking for his parents, but didn't see them. So he started to feel discouraged. But suddenly, he looked over, and saw them. He couldn't believe his eyes.  He bowed in their direction on the floor, which showed the highest level of respect. And he started crying uncontrollably, happy tears. Youngbae smiled and started rubbing Jiyong's back.

"We made it, didn't we baby?" He said.

Jiyong nodded and hugged Youngbae tightly.

"I love you."

"I love you more." He responded.

After the concert, the YG team was throwing a party in honor of bigbang's first big show. Jiyong saw his parents. He ran up to them and hugged them tightly. He started sobbing again.

"I'm so happy you guys are here. I know this isn't what you wanted but-"

"We are so proud of you!" His mom said smiling.

"What? Wait... really?" He said.

His parents laughed a bit.

"Honostly at first, we hated the idea, but you've come so far and you did it for the most part on your own. So yes really we are proud of you." His dad replied.

Jiyong hugged them tightly again.

"Thank you. I love you guys." He said happily.

"We love you too." They answered.

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Chapter 17: This was a nice story.. I loved reading this
Chapter 15: ehh... the title is victory but the main caracter is gdyb..hihihi
I love it but please let gdyb stay together. :( I will cry
Chapter 13: Wahoo I'm so happy for Ji he deserve it !!!
peacelove2 #5
Chapter 8: I love how Bae's mom shut down Jiyong 's mom lol.I hope they would come around and be supportive of him but whatever he got Bae .Yes, BigBang is in the house .<3 <3 <3. Keep up the good work.Thank you
Chapter 5: It's so cute !!! I'm waiting for the first kiss, come on boys !!
peacelove2 #7
Chapter 5: I want a date like that too lol.They are so cute <3 <3. Thank you
peacelove2 #8
Chapter 2: I'm glad that Jiyong and Youngbae got to meet and have something in common.I hope Jiyong 's parents be more supportive of him.I like this a lot. Thank you
Chapter 2: I really love it !! I'm impatient for the next chapter ^^