“Pain” [noun]: unpleasant sensation caused by illness or injury.

A Detailed Explorer’s Guide into the Unknown











'What are you afraid of?’

Only six colours blink at Hoseok.

Six colours.

They had comic discussions and arguments and debates egged on by Sk’jin who did nothing to help the situation but in fact made everything worse. Yoongi was of no use, absolutely child-like in his mischievous outburst that made Jimin giggle hysterically.

It makes no sense why would you want to be pale blue? These colours need to be distinct from each other at a notice!’ Namjoon had hotly argued.

But pa! If Jinnie wants pale blue, he should be able to have it!’

I think-‘ Hoseok had begun, unable to in as Sk’jin gleefully set up another colour-based argument by now claiming he wanted a pale green, purposefully choosing a shade almost indiscernible from the previous pale blue.

I like my usual colour,’ Jimin tries his best to bring about some form of normalcy.

I like the blue,’ Jungkook says in a small voice next to Yoongi who pauses in his attempts to rile up Namjoon more to brush his hand through the young Vicitra’s growing hair.

Namjoon had stood up and clearly and loudly declared, ‘Gold for Jimin, white for Yoongi, blue for Kookie, red for Hoseok, pink for Seokjin, purple for me, and for Taeh’yung-‘  


The floor below Hoseok’s feet seems to vanish and his whole being plunges into the strangest depths of despair.

Gold, white, blue, red, pink, purple all gleam back at him.

Spinning on his heel as the ship is filled with noise, a new alarm ringing through the air.

Unknown detonations.

Detecting unknown seismic activity in region 41E.

Detecting unknown seismic activity in region 59A.

Detecting unknown seismic activity in region 34H.


There’s a sound, a movement in the air, in the ground, the tell-tale clicking sound as a powerful magnetic pulse renders all around them. The ship is submerged in darkness for a fraction of a second before it powers back on again, switching into emergency mode. He’s not surprised that his communications has gone down. He quickly pockets his useless screen into his jacket pocket before he sprints up the stairs to head towards the Bridge.

‘Get us ready for take off!’ Hoseok yells, ‘Switch to emergency protocol level Beta-6!’

‘Unable to switch protocol.’

Hoseok curses under his breath, sliding the last few meters towards his seat, spotting Yyna at the cockpit he yells, ‘Yyna, override the systems preventing us from entering Beta-6!’

The turbines are ready and the isotopic scanner tracking all of them across the planet was still up and running- a system that everyone insisted by independent of any communications-based channels or signal waves. And it was proving to be incredibly useful as well as confusing.


Taeh’yung’s signal is completely missing.  

Just because- just because his health-tab flat-lined didn’t mean the scanner wouldn’t be able to pick up on where he would be located. Everyone else is there- his red is right next to Namjoon’s purple. Sk’jin’s pink is in region 59A, Jungkook’s blue is in region 41E- if he’s not mistaken, all of the unknown seismic activity that had been going off was situated around where they were currently located.

‘Everyone get back inside the ship,’ Hoseok yells into the internal announcement comms. He hopes it can reach outside a little too. ‘Yyna, progress report on the override!’

Yyna does not respond to him. She’s staring out of the window

We need to-‘

This ship didn’t give them the widest view unlike the Užkulisai, but it was certainly more than enough to give Hoseok an alarmingly clear view of the sky tearing in half.

He flinches as a great flash of light- somehow dull and colourless, flashes across the sky down the tear.

Then the whole ship screams with alarms and before Hoseok can even prepare himself or really even think the entirety of the world around him ripples and directly ahead of himself, something pushes through the ground with an ease he cannot comprehend and he feels himself, the ship, everything suddenly falling.

He’s vaguely aware of himself yelling, gasping as he hits something, his whole body alight in pain. Other things fall on him but he’s overwhelmed his eyes are open but he can’t see he can’t hear-

Yyna falls bodily next to him, eyes wide, mouth wide, screaming in pain but Hoseok can’t hear her. Her movements are choppy but her hands reach up to her ears as her eyes roll back. Hoseok senses he’s falling again, only because everything around him spins and suddenly its dark and for a moment, he finds himself falling through the air and in the dark, he can hear, he can see, he can-

He lands with a smack up against the dashboard of the cockpit, the whole place tilted at an angle that should be impossible. His whole world is spinning, flashes of light, dark, switching up around him before he’s able to right himself. Everything around him is screaming-

This was- this was a sensory attack. Sight, hearing – whatever was set off was so loud, it was literally causing temporary deafness, disorientation, and panic. He tries to cover his ears, but there’s no point; he’s breathing heavily, mostly in hopes of being able to hear himself but there’s nothing. He can’t hear anything. Something falls down close to him, something else flicks painfully down the side of his face against his ears, but Hoseok can’t hear a single thing.

The sheer volume of whatever this was, was literally pinning him down, helpless and unable to move. The seats that tilt down above him are blocking a majority of things falling at random. He tries to move his head but he can’t- there’s no way he can turn his head around or even check to see things around himself.

His whole body feels locked, waiting for the world, the whole universe to stop screaming at him.

Hoseok doesn’t know how much time has gone by, but he’s able to hear his pulse- using this to ground himself, he pushes himself to move. With monumental effort, Hoseok manages to sit up and he’s greeted by an extremely strange sight.

‘Oh, I’m not afraid,’ he grins, ‘I don’t want to be afraid like them anymore.’

‘That’s good?’ Taeh’yung laughs as he says, ‘It’s because we’re all here right now, out of fear. The Universe exists in fear- we always have. How could we not when we were born out of fear?’

Hoseok can see what Taeh’yung is saying, but he also strongly suspects that there’s more to his words.

‘And I don’t want that anymore. Especially not for all those babies out there- they don’t deserve to live with that fear,’ Taeh’yung looks back up at the sky. ‘I want to do something they have never done before.’

‘So…no more blowing up moons?’

Taeh’yung laughs, wiggling around in the water as though it were quite solid and squirms up to Hoseok, wet hair as dark as the sea water. For a fraction of a second, Taeh’yung encompasses the seas and starry sky above him, moving with them- or at least, they move with him.

‘Only if it’s necessary.’

Hoseok can accept that.

The front half of the Bridge is unnaturally dark. There’s a strange dustiness that didn’t make sense, a strange decay around the whole structure and a cold that Hoseok does not want to venture into. Looking behind him, though dark it’s not the strange oppressive blanket of dark in front of him. The whole Bridge is tilted down, and the only light that allows some illumination is coming from the small windows dotted around the back of the Bridge. The main windows up at the front of dark and Hoseok doesn’t understand why. Blinking hard, he wonders if he’s confusing things.

His ears are now filled with a high-pitched white noise. He can hear, or at least feel his own pulse, but that’s still about it.

‘Yyna!’ he calls out. ‘Namjoon!?’

But he can’t even hear himself.

The last time he felt something like this- the last time this had happened and Hoseok-

Taking a steadying breath, because even if he can’t hear himself, he’s aware that he’s panting harshly.

He’s never felt like this before.

Hoseok has been through nearly everything you could throw at him.

He’s been concussed, drugged, drunk, hypnotized, sedated, everything. And none of those feels like what he’s going through right now. Hoseok takes a deep breath again before tentatively standing.

He falls over immediately and the whole place spins.

It’s impossible. Though his entire being screams at him to get going, to understand what was happening, he knows he can’t move around just yet. This was not a walk it off scenario. This was a lie the down until you get your bearings back or you’re going to endanger yourself scenario.

And he does that.


The overwhelming white noise in his ears feel like a literal physical presence and now as he stills himself, it was starting to hurt. It’s overwhelming.

He tries to move his arms but it’s as though they’re weighted down now.

Then he feels it. For a moment, he’s not sure if what he’s feeling is imagined or something real. But everything is vibrating. It starts off slow, but it’s increasing in strength and it feels like it’s getting closer and closer. There’s a massive burst of light from his side. Hoseok can’t turn his head, his whole being weighed down. But amidst the light that is strangely dull and colourless despite being blinding, Hoseok sees a figure moving. The movement is causing the light to ripple and when the vibrations reaches its peak, the light vanishes and the shaking stops.

He hadn’t realized he had stopped breathing, holding in his breath for some instinctual reason. But he exhales and-

Sound, gravity, his senses return to him in one fell swoop and Hoseok’s stomach lurches violently, making him retch and heave. He’s dizzy, but this was a normal kind of dizzy. The kind of dizzy he could walk off.

He stares at his hands before him- it’s strange- there’s…for a moment, he doesn’t think they’re his hands.

He only just hears that it’s in fact, not silent. The ship’s alarms are going off at a high pitch and Hoseok gingerly touches his ears, half-expecting them to be bleeding. He’s still breathing harshly, and with a strange alarming sense of realization, recognizes that what he had been hearing was not his own pulse.

He turns his head towards the front half of the Bridge, expecting- well, expecting something. But he’s just met with that same unnerving darkness. And now like this, Hoseok feels like he’s staring into a strange darkness, beyond which something was waiting to leap out at him.

He wants to hide- he can’t face this, why was he here, why did he know? Why did he have to-

Carefully he sits up,  anxiety gripping his body and Hoseok wants to become deaf again, wants to remain on the floor, stay there and simply close his eyes unknowing of what was happening. But he knows he can’t. He moves and he feels delayed, disconnected, was his body moving according to what he was thinking, or at least moving based on his own instinct?

As far as he can tell, he’s alone in the Bridge. He doesn’t see Yyna, the only one who had been in the Bridge when he got there just some minutes (?) ago. He can’t look away from the darkness, some strange primal instinct in him telling him he can’t look away. That he has to keep looking or something bad will happen.

The ship starts to shake again- it reminds him, now that he’s much more cohesive and in control of his senses, of standing too close to a Transporter taking off. It almost feels as though something large was approaching and Hoseok fights the urge to hide. The vibration passes, as a strange weight and force crashes up against the whole ship, causing it to sink downwards.

The darkness inches up, almost like a physical entity- like water. The darkness reminds him of water, a sort of depth to it that Hoseok does not trust.

Standing carefully, gripping onto things on either side of himself, Hoseok gets up with just a little dizziness. He breathes carefully, doing his best to hear over the still consistent white noise in his ear, the pulsing of his heart, his own unstable breaths, and the alarms going all around the ship. The floor lights are weak but enough to give him a sense of direction.

It was still a distance, from this point in the Bridge to the entrance. Was Yyna somewhere here?

‘Yyna?’ he calls out, his voice hoarse and weak even to his own ears. For a moment, he doesn’t even recognize his own voice.

Hoseok feels an intense sense of exhaustion all over him. Cursing under his breath, Hoseok gingerly walks on the sides of the cockpit dashboards and looks out past the chairs. The Bridge is empty, no sign of the GI. He feels at his pocket and though dented, the screen was still in one piece and a quick check tells him it’s still running up well. He leans over the dashboard, keeping an eye on the darkness ahead of him, ignoring how it felt like it was waiting for him, and with careful and deft movements, pops out the isotopic scanner. It has enough battery to last him but Hoseok is still careful, opening the screen to check the whereabouts of everyone after that.

For a moment, it almost appeared as though Taeh’yung’s green dot was lit up. But the light fades away again, and instead he notes how Jungkook was no longer in region 41E but had moved on further out to his absolute horror all the way to 53H. That gap was too much for Jungkook to singlehandedly traverse in such a short period of time.

Seokjin is in 40B, his pink dot moving. Namjoon was still in the ship.

Yoongi was in region 32F but- Jimin was missing.

His colour is missing as well and a cold dread fills Hoseok. First Taeh’yung, now Jimin- this couldn’t be right. This was wrong.


He turns around, intending to climb out of the cockpit and somehow make his way to the entryway of the Bridge when he spots Yyna. Great, even during situations like this, the GI were annoying silent.

‘Oh, Yyna, you’re all right?’ he asks, looking over briefly to check if she was injured. She doesn’t reply which isn’t strange. She’s by the Navigation Table, leaning up against one of the mainframes. ‘Spaces, what was that-‘

Almost in slow motion, Hoseok watches Yyna tense and jump down, landing with one foot on the stool Sk’jin liked to frequently sit on before pushing herself off and tackling him down back into the cockpit area.

‘Yyna-!’ Hoseok gasps out, seeing stars as he collides up against the dashboard paneling, Yyna’s shoulder digging into his abdomen. He feels himself being lifted bodily, the neckline of his shirt cutting directly into his neck and he’s gasping for breath, panic kicking into him in a way he’s never felt before.

He grapples with her hand for a moment before his body takes over, some muscle memory kicking in and he twists, lifting a leg over onto one of her arms and twisting them back down. Hoseok lands painfully on the side of the dashboard and slips, nearly falling off straight into the darkness below.

Suddenly, the whole ship starts to vibrate and Yyna yells, gripping her bald head with hands, nails digging into her scalp. Hoseok adjusts himself, swinging a leg over onto the dashboard and pulling himself up, the pain in his chest sharp and deep. The shaking and vibration heightens and somehow Hoseok manages to balance himself and leap off to the side just as Yyna falls to her knees, screaming as she clutches her head. His head spinning, his chest aflame, and his limbs feeling weirdly rubbery, Hoseok manages to climb out of the cockpit area and towards the Navigation Table by the time the shaking stops, another great force pushing down against them. This time, it makes the whole ship shudder- physically shudder, before a terrible metallic groaning sound rends through the whole ship and Hoseok feels himself tilting once more.

Grabbing as tightly as he could onto the base of the main Navigation projector, Hoseok feels the whole ship crash down, turning them upside down completely. Gracelessly, he dislodges himself from the projector and lands on his on the floor- well, ceiling. It’s not only him that falls- wall paneling, gadgets and add-ons to the dashboards and Tables fall and smash down and so does Yyna.

‘Head Pilot Hoseok,’ she says calmly right after falling in a heap, her scalp bloody in some places. ‘Something is wrong with me.’


She suddenly rams her head on the floor, making Hoseok jump at the suddenness and violence of the action. Then she stops, gasping for breath before it’s cut off short as she slaps herself.

‘Yyna- GI Agent, what, what is your mission?’ Hoseok pants out, steadying himself to stand up straight. Something was very wrong and even though Hoseok is not sure he’s able to guess what was happening.

Yyna is still on the floor. Then she looks back around, at the darkness that has pushed forward- or had they pushed further into the darkness? Hoseok desperately wishes to gather his bearings and place himself properly in his own mind as to where he was.

‘Head Pilot Hoseok, please leave as soon as you can.’ She replies instead. ‘I cannot-.’

She stops abruptly.

Just her head turns around, to simply look at him.

There’s an unnerving change in Yyna, her gaze. There’s a sudden crazed look in her eyes, the skin around and near her temples taut from pressure as her breaths escape her in pants.

Hoseok takes a careful step backwards. He was unarmed, still disoriented, and though he was in a familiar area, in a place he knew, there were variables he could not account for. He takes another step back when Yyna speaks.

‘Who- who are you?’ she demands.

‘Yyna,’ Hoseok states her name clearly and firmly, slowly backing away. ‘You know me. You know me. I’m Head Pilot Hoseok.’

His words sound weak to his own ears.

Was he actually Hoseok? Why was he-…why was he thinking this way. What was he confused about? What did…isn’t he Hoseok?

She blinks rapidly, her body stiff and rigid, almost as though she were paralyzed in place.

‘I- I don’t know you,’ she hisses before she stops. Then quietly, she speaks to her in a language Hoseok does not understand. Her breathing is louder, harsher; her head snaps up as she yells at him. But her body is frozen. Hoseok increases his speed but not in a way to cause Yyna alarm. He wasn’t going to be able to shut the doors behind him unless he is able to access the emergency manual latches but that could take time and Hoseok has to keep his distance between the Megibīyan, not the GI, Yyna who had betrayed Jimin, her own planet, her System, her home.

The ship tilts once more and Hoseok feels himself sliding desperately, without any stop. He grabs onto the side of the communications board and this propels Yyna to finally break free of her strange restraint and she leaps mid-slide, lunging at Hoseok. She screams at him, flinging words, questions- and Hoseok clings desperately, kicking to swing his leg over onto the Communications Board and using that to jump across over to the Table right as Yyna leaps up, barreling straight into where he had previously been crouched on.

Hoseok vaults himself over to the other end of the Table- he had no choice but to run right now- to get out of the Bridge-

A horrible metallic sound fills the air and Hoseok flinches, his whole body electrocuted in anticipation of that horrible horrible sound. But it’s just the sound of the ship obviously breaking apart- there’s something outside, something beyond where he was right now causing something terrible to happen and Hoseok is helplessly stuck inside this Bridge, unable to reach out.

The ship tilts back onto its back and Hoseok rights himself up only to roll away to the side, avoiding Yyna. But Yyna is an incredible fighter, she’s strong, and she’s much bigger than Hoseok. She grabs his ankle and drags him down the ceiling of the Bridge, bringing her foot down. But Hoseok twists, risking his ankle but he can’t afford a full body contact from Yyna.

But suddenly she lets go, causing Hoseok to slip, his elbow smashing down painfully on an angled light paneling. The sound of the cracking protective casing rips through the air and Yyna shuffles backwards, gripping on to her head again.

‘Please leave,’ she tells him in an unnaturally toneless voice despite her anguished and aggravated actions. Hoseok does not need to be told twice. ‘I will hold her back NO!

She leaps at Hoseok but there’s restraint in her actions, the GI in her pulling back the Megibīyan.

The whole ship screams again and the rumbling and vibrations start up again and Yyna, the Megibīyan bodily lifts him and throws him back towards the front of the ship. Hoseok desperately stops his movement, reaching out to grab on to anything before stopping with a painful thud against the cockpit once more.

His mind is filled with what happened with Yoongi what felt like sols ago- his pain, his confusion, his base instincts driving him forward. Yyna was perceiving him as a threat- back in her home planet, where things were not going according to what they were told, according to what they anticipated. Hoseok is unknown to her and the strange disconnect between what she remembered as who she once was, and who she was now.

‘Yyna I am not here to hurt you,’ Hoseok gasps out, glancing back to the darkness waiting for him. ‘I am not-!’

She lunges at him and Hoseok is better prepared this time- or at least, his instincts finally kick in and he falls back as well, using Yyna’s momentum against her to throw her backwards. She cries out as she falls, and when Hoseok glances back, readying himself for another counter attack or deflection, he’s met with silence.

Yyna is looking off to the side, her expression neutral once again. Then she looks up at Hoseok, and then back down to where one of her legs was extended into the darkness.

‘-,’ Hoseok flips around and positions himself in a crouch. 

‘Head Pilot Hoseok,’ she says, still looking back at her leg. ‘I am-.’

And then Yyna pulls back her leg but it’s not there- instead a strange hazy warped light glows briefly before it blinks out.

‘I-‘ she blinks up at Hoseok, ‘Head Pilot Hoseok, what is happening to me?’

Hoseok doesn’t know what to say. She doesn’t seem to be in pain- doesn’t-…Hoseok doesn’t understand what he’s seeing.

She pulls away from the darkness but not by a lot. The edges around the leg seem to be steadily crumbling- like some strange fast-paced disease spreading all over her.

‘I think Continuum has come to an end for me.’

Horror takes over Hoseok, he crawls forward to grab hold of Yyna and drag her away.  

‘Yyna, I need you to- I need you to stay with me okay?’ Hoseok takes her under the shoulders but she dislodges his hands. ‘Yyna-‘

‘There is…there is a reckoning,’ Yyna tells him quietly, ‘A reckoning that awaits us, for those who dared to be found. We were never supposed to be here.’


She shoves Hoseok away.

‘She fights me,’ Yyna shuffles backwards, ‘I cannot fight her. Please complete the mission, Head Pilot Hoseok.’

‘YYNA-!’ Hoseok scrambles forward but he’s too late.

A strange light that dissipates almost instantly collapses out of the form that once occupied the spaces Yyna existed in.


Time stretches in the most bizarre way. Hoseok kneels before the fading light that once formed Yyna’s existence, and slips into the Venture Unit ship, blood pooled all around him, and slips back into wide reedy pastures and it keeps switching and switching and switching-

A hand clamps down on his shoulder and an arm hooks around his torso, carrying him out of that loop. Hoseok realizes, belatedly, that he was in shock. He has been in shock the entire time.

A pair of strong arms bodily carry him away from where Yyna once existed and he knows it’s Namjoon who was carrying him out of the Bridge, can tell by his voice speaking to him but there’s a dull echo all around him, his ears ringing to a pitch before, almost as though submerged underwater and finally being able to push out of the surface, his ears pop, his breath returns, and seemingly, so does his sight because everything is brightly lit and so does his sense of touch.

His skin hurts, it doesn’t look like what he remembers he was not holding himself together, he was losing himself in this increasing darkness- he almost can’t remember what he looks like almost can’t remember who he was-


There’s smoke in the air, repeated horrible sounds of something exploding and the ship shakes from the intensity of it.


He’s placed on the top of an OrTank and Namjoon is there in front of him. He doesn’t look any worse for wear. Hoseok doesn’t want to know what he looked like right now. He can’t quite remember what he looks like. Namjoon is shining a light into his eyes but he’s barely registering it. He’s saying something but Hoseok can’t focus on him, he was standing too close and his eyes immediately roam around and-

An entire chunk of the ship seems to have rippled off. Waves form on the thick layers of metal and wiring and compression and more framework and outside it was both night and the permanent sunrise Hoseok still couldn’t quite get used to.

A hand gently turns his head back around and Namjoon is standing before him again.

‘Listen to me,’ Namjoon tells him quietly, ‘Hoseok, can you hear me?’

Hoseok thinks he nods.

‘I’m going to give you some medication, it will hurt, but it’ll help you clear your mind all right?’

Hoseok knows he nods for sure because he needs to think, he needs to process what he just witnessed what he just saw he needs to tell Namjoon, he needs to understand just what that darkness was-

Pain blossoms on the side of his arm and the heightened pitch of his senses comes down to a normal level and as soon as he can he-

‘Why did they come after me?’ Hoseok asks instead.

‘Probably because you care the most,’ Taeh’yung chirps, now using Hoseok as buoy and making himself comfortable. It’s not physically taxing as the water naturally leads them towards the shoreline, Hoseok is barely kicking his feet.

‘Oh?’ Hoseok frowns in thought.

‘Also because you’re probably the most sane out of all of us.’

Hoseok splashes the Zhak’gri.

‘Namjoon-,’ he coughs out, ‘Namjoon- am I –am I me?’

Namjoon stares at him, confusion apparent in his eyes but he quietly says, ‘Hoseok, you are you.’

Hoseok pats at his face.

He’s surprised when Namjoon’s hands press over his own. There’s clear concern in his eyes as he ducks down a little to be in eye-level with him. Hoseok wishes he could understand what happened, why he was feeling like this, but he can’t- maybe in the end it was all just the shock of it all.

‘Hobi,’ his voice is soothing. ‘What happened?’

‘I think- I think I should be asking you that instead,’ Hoseok manages to get out, ‘What’s happening? What was that sound? What- what’s that darkness? Namjoon I think- I think I might have-…I don’t know, I think I’m concussed or something.’

Namjoon studies him for a while, assessing him, analyzing him as he gently pulls Hoseok’s hands away from his face.

‘There was a powerful magnetic charge pulse,’ Namjoon tells him slowly and quietly, ‘It wiped out every single communications channel, as well as every single operating system across the ship. Only the manual systems are operational at the moment. We have been moved,’ he pauses, glances out of the gaping open side of the ship. It strikes Hoseok as odd that Namjoon doesn’t seem too hassled or wary of things. ‘And I’m not sure where on the map we are right now, but we have definitely been moved from our original position by a lot and…I think, we are outnumbered, and out-powered.’

Hoseok processes Namjoon’s words, he’s starting to somewhat catch up a little, his mind clearing up and his thoughts no longer lagged or heavy. He was himself- he was himself again, he wasn’t lost. He was here. It was okay- he was found-

A shudder runs down his body.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘I just-,’ Hoseok breathes out shakily, relaxing his spine a little before he wipes at his face. ‘I think I understand what-…I think I somewhat understand, what Yoongi meant.’


Hoseok doesn’t know how to explain it. Instead he clenches his hands and opens them up a few times. The fire in his hand doesn’t feel the same way- Hoseok almost welcomes it, compared to the strange detachment he was feeling with his body, with himself. The fire, the heat spreads and it grounds him- but it’s not the same. Namjoon seems to notice and he takes a small step back, looking reassured.

Whatever this thought was, whatever this realization was, somehow escapes his grasp the moment he tries to set it down, to explain to Namjoon what he meant, what he felt, what he saw. But somehow, it just slips away and Hoseok instead remembers the tracker in his pocket.

‘I have the isotopic tracker,’ Hoseok tells Namjoon, ‘And-‘

Hoseok can’t control himself, his voice cracks and his eyes instantly blur as tears pour out.


Namjoon carefully takes the tracker from him, and Hoseok can’t see his expression.

‘We need to get Jungkook,’ Namjoon’s voice is carefully stable. ‘He could be in great danger right now.’

Hoseok nods, taking in deep breaths.

‘Captain Namjoon.’

It’s Nineti’s voice.

‘The parameter is clear, we do not detect any hostiles.’ He reports, ‘We have also prepared the HoverPorts in manual gear operations.’

‘Thank you,’ Namjoon replies before asking someone else in the room, ‘The radio channels?’

‘Are functional. All communications based on short-radio waves are still transmittable but are unclear and are facing issues due to unknown reasons.’

‘Thank you,’ Namjoon says again before he’s speaking to Hoseok. ‘Hey, Hobi, listen to me yeah?’

Namjoon tilts his head up again and Hoseok blinks away his tears, his hands form fists, grounding himself in the moment, into himself.

‘We will understand what is happening,’ Namjoon tells him, and it sounds half like a promise, half like an order. And Hoseok can do that. He can do orders, assignments- he can do those. Yes.

He nods.

‘We will find the others, and we will get out of here.’

Hoseok nods. Their mission has been altered but it was essentially the same.

‘Right now, Jimin and Yoongi are closest to us- 34F,’ Namjoon looks at the tracker, ‘We are well- we’ve moved-‘

‘Jimin-?’ Hoseok asks in shock. Slowly, Namjoon nods but Hoseok knows what he saw, he knows what he saw and-

The screen shows Jimin’s gold spot next to Yoongi’s.


‘What’s wrong?’

‘I-,’ Hoseok looks back around- he hadn’t quite remembered being brought here out of the Bridge although he was wide awake. ‘Back in the Bridge-…the tracker didn’t show Jimin.’

Namjoon looks at him sharply before glancing out.

‘Something is wrong,’ he tells him. ‘I don’t just mean that in general but- there’s something wrong, fundamentally, with everything right now.’

He certainly wasn’t wrong. Suddenly, Yyna returns to his mind and a horrifying chill washes over him.

‘- Namjoon I think- I think the GI are in trouble-,’ his mind is racing, he gets off of the OrTank on slightly weak legs. Namjoon is reaching out as though to stabilize him. ‘, we need to get to Yoongi and Jimin, there’s this-‘

He looks out and sees the wide gaping unreal expanses of cleanly cut out darkness splotching the sunrise horizon in unnatural night and shadow.

He glances all around, noting a few of the GI including Nineti were gathered there.

‘I think-.’

The tremors start again and Hoseok fights the urge to sink down on his knees and cover his head. He doesn’t understand the overwhelming anxiety that was trying to consume him. An anxiety that doesn’t seem to effect Namjoon.

‘We need to move out of the ship now,’ Hoseok gasps, reaching forward and dragging Namjoon out, ‘We need to move out of the place, the Bridge is down and it’ll spread, the others- the GI are in danger, Yyna said- Yyna said that we were never supposed to be here- they were never supposed to be here. There’s something strange in the darkness, Namjoon there’s something in this darkness-‘

Namjoon doesn’t struggle with Hoseok but he’s not moving fast enough.

Cursing under his breath, Hoseok pushes himself up the slight incline towards the tear in the ship and looks out.

He doesn’t recognize where they are. This was not where he had landed them. They’re in a clearing, quite close to the edge of the region before it gives way to the more arid and hot desert lands towards the east. All around them, to the side are strange gaping darkness that expanded through the land and into the air and Hoseok doesn’t know what to think of it. He can’t even begin to explain what it could be.

But he knows it’s wrong.

The tremors reach its strongest point before the ship sinks. Hoseok can’t look down and out of the ship from their angle but he needs to see where they were, how they were located.

‘You ran parameters around the ship?’ Hoseok demands. Namjoon nods, quickly making his way up towards him.

‘I did- Hoseok we need to move towards the Hangars, we can get out from the Medical Bay fuel cell slots,’ Namjoon adds, gesturing for Hoseok to follow him. ‘We come out into the edges of the plateau that way and we can start making our way towards Yoongi and Jimin.’

But Hoseok needs to – he just needs to figure out something first.

‘Did you see it?’

‘See what?’ Namjoon asks.

‘The darkness.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘In the Bridge, the darkness,’ Hoseok clarifies, ‘It-…it took Yyna.’

Namjoon stares at him, worry, horror, shock rapidly reflecting in his eyes.

‘You said there was something fundamentally wrong and I agree,’ Hoseok tells him, ‘And I think it’s especially harmful for the GI- for Yoongi, maybe even for Jungkook I don’t know but I-‘

Hoseok feels breathless.

‘We can go around the ship,’ Namjoon assures Hoseok, ‘We will check on what’s wrong.’

It takes a moment for Hoseok to move. He wishes he could snap out of whatever was causing him to remain like this. In a slight daze, yet with his usual dexterity and agility, he follows after Namjoon and the GI flank them, forming a defensive ring around them- and it feels wrong. There’s something wrong, he needed to protect them instead.

Because Yyna-

Something truly bizarre was happening outside- a strange shift in the very air that makes Hoseok want to flee. That makes him want to hide. Despite what he felt, with the tremors and shakes and quakes, the landscape doesn’t seem too changed.

‘I can’t even have those scanned,’ Namjoon mutters, glancing at the massive arcs of darkness, ‘But something tells me we won’t understand what they are.’

‘They remind me of blackholes,’ Nineti adds in rather conversationally. Hoseok glances at the GI, studying him carefully to see any signs of him “waking” up, so to speak. He doesn’t seem too effected- or maybe, unlike how with Yyna, Nineti was loyal to Jimin. ‘We cannot enter.’

‘From what I could tell, these explosions, whatever these tremors are, are not coming from above.’

‘From beneath us? From the other side of the planet?’ Hoseok hazards as they reach the main Hangar.

‘They’re just- appearing,’ Namjoon tells him, ‘And I think- considering these are Beings who know this planet, that they’re targeting the charges.’

That would completely ruin all of their chances or hope for a defensive shield, both internally and externally.

‘,’ Hoseok curses belatedly as a few of the GI who were already gathered at the Hangar are waiting for them, ready to get them going. ‘Has this been premeditated?’

‘I think so,’ Namjoon replies grimly before he gestures to one of HoverPorts waiting for them. ‘We’re gonna have to buddy up.’

‘Well, we’re safer in numbers,’ Hoseok stares at the HoverPort for a moment, somehow he feels like he doesn’t quite remember how to drive one. The moment he swings his leg over the transport, his body takes over and easily, as though his doubt, his apprehension that was suddenly pressing into him-


Hoseok realizes he’s just staring blankly at the HoverPort handles.

‘Yeah I-.’

Namjoon looks at him worriedly.

‘Did something happen?’ Namjoon’s question is loaded.

‘I-…’ Hoseok doesn’t know how to explain it- he didn’t understand it himself. ‘Namjoon, I don’t know what happened to me-…but I…I don’t think it’s safe for any of us to remain here any longer than we need to.’

Namjoon studies him carefully before he nods.

‘Especially the GI,’ Hoseok repeats again.

‘Got it.’ Namjoon turns to the GI around them before he announces, ‘Priority is leaving this planet as soon as possible. Whoever is left in Unit 8 should remain here. Once we are able to find the source of where this magnetic pulse is being emitted from and take it out, we can leave.’

Right- that was one thing. There was something ing up with their systems, not allowing them to leave. Hoseok curses quietly: if they still had the Užkulisai, they would have been able to switch their systems into a manual one.

‘What’s wrong?’ Namjoon looks closely at him, studying him intently.

‘Wish we had the Užkulisai,’ Hoseok huffs out in a low laugh as he watches his hands move around without really knowing how they were doing that. And then to make Namjoon less worried throws in another laugh as he says, ‘Thought you were gonna kiss me there for a moment.’

Namjoon snorts, passing him a TeorSer and another handful of compressors from a satchel he had slung around his body. Hoseok hadn’t even noticed that. He blinks hard, looking over the Kutsoglerin, making sure he saw what he needed to, that he wasn’t just imagining things.

‘Oh yeah? You can’t get up here.’ Namjoon points up to his height.

‘All right big guy, I’ll show you.’ Hoseok kicks Namjoon’s shin lightly.

‘I thought only Yoongi and Jimin flirted. Badly at that too,’ Nineti chimes in unexpectedly and another GI nods in agreement with him.

‘Sk’jin’s influence is too powerful,’ Namjoon grumbles before glancing one last time at the scanner. ‘Yoongi and Jimin are closest to us.’ He hands Hoseok back the scanner, ‘I’ll drive, you direct.’

Clearly Namjoon was making the executive decision to not trust Hoseok with driving right now, and that made sense. Hoseok isn’t sure if he’s quite capable. It was starting to frustrate him now.

‘We need to check on the- on the outside, I need to see,’ Hoseok repeats as he slides up the seat of the HoverPort.

‘We will,’ Namjoon reassures him.

Namjoon normally spoke to Taeh’yung in a cautious, almost parental tone. He spoke to Jungkook gently, his tone softer. When he spoke to Jimin he spoke to him in clear no-nonsense terms for serious issues. When he spoke to Sk’jin it was a combination of pre-meditated defensiveness, agitation, and resignation. Maybe a small hint of fondness recently too. When he spoke to Yoongi, previously, it was very much stoic and in forms of orders. Now, Namjoon spoke to Yoongi freely. And with Hoseok himself, Namjoon never disguised his tone or really, toned himself down in any way.

But right now, Namjoon clearly saw that something was wrong and was addressing him thusly. It’s frustrating because Hoseok prides himself in his professionalism, prides himself in his work ethics, his focus and priorities regarding the mission he was working on.

But he’s disconnected right now- and he needs to get himself back together. He makes a fist with his hands, urging the fire to spread once more, to help him govern himself.

Hoseok slides on a helmet as Namjoon swings up in front of the HoverPort.

‘Everyone ready?’ Namjoon looks around, ‘Unit 8, stand by at the ready. If the main ship is compromised, use the Laikin.’

‘Understood, Captain Namjoon.’ They reply in unison.

They drive out slowly and quietly. The ship had fallen into a ravine of sorts, partially hidden in a strange way. Hoseok can see the damages across the ravine as well as onto the ship. It’s a lot, but he doesn’t see any damages to the main hull or to the engines.

‘I ran a manual diagnostic report,’ Namjoon tells him, ‘The ship is all right, technically, but in terms of the system, I don’t know.’

The ravine shields them from a major part of the region they had been basically shoved away from. There’s another ripple of light but it’s like lightning during high-noon- somewhat visible but not quite.

When they drive out of the ravine, that’s when Hoseok sees it.

He’s seen the ones in the distance, seen the ones far away. But this one- this was immediately up close.

‘All units stay back,’ Hoseok orders loudly, hands gripping hard on the scanner as though to ground himself.

He stares at the darkness- a darkness that cleanly cuts a darkness not natural in the way the night is, but a darkness that just-…

‘Namjoon,’ Hoseok calls in a quiet voice as they look into the shadows, ‘You don’t feel that?’

He knows he’s pleading at this point. Begging for him to understand why he was feeling like this.

‘Namjoon and Jimin would resent that.’

‘So don’t tell them,’ Taeh’yung grins, eyes gleaming almost hypnotically.

‘You’re okay right?’ Hoseok asks again, feeling worry for the Zhak’gri.

‘You’re sure?’ Taeh’yung just grins before leaning forward to kiss him sloppily.

‘This is why they came for you- you care the most.’

‘It feels dead.’ Hoseok whispers.

Namjoon doesn’t say anything but he’s looking at it too.

‘We nearly fell all the way into it,’ Namjoon points to the front end of the ship, a majority of the Bridge is stuck through and as though the light from around them just didn’t have any power or illumination, the darkness just seemed to exist like some strange physical entity: a living breathing entity, taking all life from around it.

‘I think we need to get Unit 8 out,’ Hoseok tells Namjoon, ‘Have them bring the Laikin out, support it with gravity-lifts, something, drag it out using the HoverPorts, I don’t want any of the GI to have any close proximity to this- whatever it is.’

Namjoon nods at once, tapping on the short-comm over his chest, repeating Hoseok’s instruction.

Hoseok knows he can’t keep staring at the darkness, something was deeply wrong with this and he can’t allow himself to be distracted or affected like this. He looks down at the screen and finds that Jimin is missing again.

‘He’s gone again,’ Hoseok tells Namjoon. ‘Jimin- he’s missing.’

‘- what about Yoongi?’

‘He’s not really moving,’ Hoseok replies as Namjoon drives them away from the darkness. Hoseok’s back feels exposed. Against his will, he looks back.

To his immense disquiet, somewhere within the dead darkness, something moves-

‘We’re being watched.’ He adds quietly.

Namjoon’s shoulders tense up slightly.

Hoseok wants to curl up behind Namjoon, bury his head between his arms and not look up until he’s safe again. But he knows he’s not afforded that luxury- that he can’t anyways.

‘It’s okay,’ Namjoon tells him.


‘It’s okay,’ Namjoon repeats himself. ‘I’m scared too.’

Was that what this was?


Hoseok thinks back to all of his training, his first missions, his first solo mission, his first- his first kill.

Fear has followed Hoseok all of his life- fear in every form, at every level. Fear for his life, fear for his family, fear for those around him, fear for those who depended on him without even knowing it, fear for his past, his present, his future. And yet, it has never felt like this before.

Such an inevitable fear- a fear that seemed to uproot him from everything he’s every known and understood. A fear that overwhelms his past fears, a deadliness to it that seems to quench the fire that burns his hands, a fire he has tried so hard to extinguish and yet one that he now clings on to. A fire he still clung on to no matter what.

There’s a flash of light- the same sort of dull flat light but somehow impure and tainted. Hoseok glances down. Jimin’s gold spot appears again close to where Yoongi was. Hoseok slides down the scanner; Jungkook has moved quite far- Sk’jin was moving too, towards the general direction of where Jungkook was now.

‘Jimin’s appeared again,’ Hoseok tells Namjoon as they drive around the dips and curves of the ravine now slowly smoothing out as they climb upwards. To the side, Hoseok notes there’s an extensive amount of rubble and damages across the terrain.

Did they really get thrown off that far? It had felt so short somehow. The violence within the Bridge, the confusion- the Yishengs did a good job in designing their ship. He can only think of the Užkulisai as being another ship to withstand such great physical damage.

‘Do you think it’s a problem with the scanner?’

‘A problem that only centers around Jimin?’ Hoseok emphasizes, looking up and around him carefully as they drive up the highest point of the ravine. ‘Unlikely.’

They slow down, taking a sloping angle to breach the height of the ravine in a spread out fashion rather than drive up into one point all at once. They pause, taking in the chaos that has overtaken the whole region, the wide crescent- the entirety of the planet.

They’re certainly at the lower lands of the habitable crescent. The higher cliffs and mountains to the west gleam at them in gold and rose. And above the mountains, stretching out from the night sky, is a gash that spreads, a horrible wound tearing through the Megibīyan skies, a look into a hopeless and endless dark that no light could penetrate. No stars gleam at him, no far forgotten light from light years and lifetimes ago gleam at him- this is a darkness forgotten and abandoned by time.

All over the place, strange pockets of this darkness seems to just erupt. And then, every now and then, a shuddering deep explosion as something explodes. There is no indication of a typical explosion- no smoke, no flame, no shrapnel. But the whole planet seems to be shaking- a tremor deeper than planetary seismic activities.

The whole landscape is rendered anew, some bizarre glitch within reality itself, as though Hoseok was looking into 2 different realities at the same time.

There’s a strange light that seemed to be emitting the flashes of lightning-like light Hoseok had noticed earlier from a high point in the sky.


‘Yeah I see it,’ Namjoon replies tersely. ‘I think that’s what’s emitting the magnetic pulse.’

‘I think it’s safe to say it’s right at the edge of the shields?’ Hoseok glances at the miniscule dot of light, setting off rhythmic pulses of light every now and then. ‘How did we miss it?’

‘Considering Lim was able to approach us without us noticing with his dozens of very large ships, I think it’s safe to say we really really did not understand what we were getting ourselves into,’ Namjoon says before pointing, ‘That one- the biggest one there,’ he points at the largest blot of darkness that seemed to somehow stretch up all the way into the sky, ‘that’s the region Taeh’yung disappeared in.’

Hoseok checks the scanner, thankful for the mapping that they set up in it though they wouldn’t be able to do any updates on it if they wanted, ‘It connects into the region Jimin and Yoongi are in.’

‘Then there might-…’ Namjoon stops before turning his head a little, ‘Do you think…that maybe, Taeh’yung is still there?’

Hoseok doesn’t know what to say. Namjoon’s voice is carefully controlled but Hoseok can hear the desperation, can hear the hope, the wretchedness of it all because Hoseok can’t-

‘Yes,’ Hoseok exhales out, ‘Jimin’s keeps disappearing in and out- and it’s closer to the border of- of whatever that is. Taeh’yung is-,’ he tries not to think of how Yyna disappeared in the darkness, ‘-he’s probably somewhere in there.’

‘We might have to split up,’ Namjoon sounds tense, ‘I’ll go to Sk’jin first, and lead up to Jungkook. Will you be okay going to Yoongi and Jimin?’

‘Yeah,’ Hoseok nods immediately.

Namjoon curses under his breath, breathing deeply.

‘On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad would it be to split up.’

‘A solid 7,’ Hoseok replies back immediately as Namjoon drives them forward slowly.

But there was nothing else they could do. They were stuck in here. They couldn’t not go to their team, couldn’t not go to their friends.

But they also had no communications, no way of disrupting the magnetic pulse. The least they could try and do was to get everyone back together. If only they could get back their communications channel-

Hoseok stares around the place.

There were no Transporters, manual or fuel-driven, to be seen anywhere. There were no ships, no projectiles- so that meant-

‘If they’re using a magnetic pulse, doesn’t it mean they’re disabling their own systems?’ Hoseok asks, turning to address Nineti.

‘This is true,’ Nineti answers after a short pause.

‘Why would they handicap themselves unless-‘

‘-unless they lacked forces themselves?’ Namjoon finishes up his question, turning around fully to look at him.

‘I do not recommend splitting up,’ Nineti adds, ‘This would prove to be unbeneficial to our mission.’

Namjoon nods once, visor slipping down again before he faces forward.

‘We go to Yoongi and Jimin,’ he finalizes.

Hoseok glances down at the scanner. Jimin and Yoongi’s lights are both present.

‘Jungkook has stopped moving, Sk’jin is on the move though.’ Hoseok reports as they start moving.

‘Fan out, but stay within formation and radio reach,’ Namjoon calls loudly, ‘Report any strange sightings, and do not get close to those dark spots!’

‘Understood,’ a unison of voices of reply before they all split off to cover more ground and to reduce their target range. Hoseok looks back. The darkness that had partially consumed their Bridge can’t be seen from here but it’s like Hoseok can feel it.

The start entering the forest and for a moment, Hoseok realizes what was unsettling about this whole scenario: it’s uncannily quiet and uneventful. Namjoon was clearly on edge, his shoulders tense, back rigid. Hoseok does his best to keep a wide eye out and about the place. But honestly he doesn’t even know what he should be looking out for in the first place. He spots the other GI at a short distance from them, zipping through the slowly thickening and taller trees as they reenter what Hoseok hopes is the region past Jalvana. He can’t see the waterfall from here yet.

Captain Namjoon, could you please turn to yellow.’ Nineti requests through the short-range radio.


Hoseok switches the scanner channel to that of the GI trackers. Yoongi had thought it would be important to have the GI on the isotopic scanner too in case of an emergency. Sk’jin had flat out refused to purposefully poison these innocent Beings Yoongi are all Humans as cruel as you? But then Jimin had come in to explain what they were doing and the GI all took the isotope in understanding. Then Dehin pretended to become unwell, making Sk’jin scream while Yoongi choked on his laughter.

Nineti’s yellow light is to their right. Ahead and paused over at a spot.

Namjoon turns them until Hoseok tells him to stop and they start driving in straight. The other GI follow suit immediately until they arrive at a rather steep knoll.

‘Wait-,’ Namjoon begins but stops. He stares around the place, his action confused.


Namjoon halts them as they reach the top of the knoll, staring around at something.

‘What’s wrong?’ Hoseok asks immediately.

Namjoon doesn’t respond at once, instead he drives them down and takes a sharp turn down the woods.


Hoseok looks around worriedly but he can’t see anything coming towards them. Nineti is standing astride his HoverPort and Namjoon comes to a halt a little across him. Some ways ahead behind Nineti, Hoseok spots a hatch handle, the area cleared of branches; it’s clearly been visited recently this was-

‘This is a charge we cleared,’ Nineti sounds confused- well, Hoseok could be projecting but. ‘This charge is fully functional.’

It’s silent for a moment. The other GI gather around them by the trees.

‘The-…the charges.’ Namjoon gets off, walking towards the small recently cleared area, staring at the hatch. ‘They’re not targeting functional charges.’

‘What?’ Hoseok stares at the charge Namjoon had cleared. , Hoseok really wishes he could access his scanner properly.

‘This charge works perfectly well,’ Namjoon points at the hatch, ‘I remember clearly- why…I know they’re attacked the charges but-.’

‘The closest charge from this location that was not activated due to damages is 10 minutes south east from here,’ Nineti recaps.

Namjoon looks torn. He stares down at the scanner in Hoseok’s hands.

‘What is it?’ Hoseok presses.

‘It’s just-…’ Namjoon pauses, ‘I want to make sure what I’m thinking of is accurate, but we- we don’t have time.’

As though in response to this, another deep shudder washes over and the trees shake a little, causing a flurry of leaves to fall down around them.

‘What are you thinking of?’

‘If they’re only destroying the faulty charges- that doesn’t make sense,’ Namjoon explains, ‘Destroying the charges makes sense, they’re destroying our chances at defense.’

Hoseok nods.

‘But this is intact. And so are the 3 others we just drove past.’

Hoseok honestly hadn’t even realized this.

‘Why would they destroy the charges that aren’t working? Or is it- is it random?’ Namjoon questions before asking him, ‘Do you remember what Yoongi and Jimin reported in their area-‘

‘A lot of them were not working,’ Hoseok tells him, his skin crawling. ‘A good proportion of what- of what they found wasn’t working-‘

‘Okay, we keep making our way to Jimin and Yoongi.’ Namjoon steps towards the HoverPort again.

This time, again, Jimin’s golden light is missing and Yoongi’s is still there.

‘I don’t understand what they’re trying to do,’ Namjoon tells him quietly, ‘What are they trying to do by only targeting the non-functional charges?’

Hoseok slides a little back to allow Namjoon to take up the front of the seat again. He gestures for the GI to start moving as he starts up the HoverPort again.

‘Jimin said that if a charge is non-functional, it’s either because of internal damages that has caused the entire system to simply shut down, or because it's detected life-forms within the conduits- at this point they’re practically useless,’ Hoseok frowns, watching as Sk’jin appeared to be walking around in circles. It’s reassuring to see Amad’la there with him.

They start moving forward again. There’s another appearance of a large dark spot close the mountains.

‘That’s another faulty charge,’ Namjoon tells him.

Hoseok can now catch a glimpse of the top of the waterfall. Yoongi and Jimin would be in this region- they were not far from the area. Hoseok glances down at the scanner to check on them again just in time to see Jimin’s light vanish and Yoongi’s starts to move.

‘,’ Hoseok curses under his breath, ‘Namjoon I’ve lost Jimin again and now Yoongi is moving-‘

Almost as though a light switch had been turned off, the whole world around them dips into momentary darkness, causing Namjoon to instinctively stop even though daylight returns to them almost instantly.

There’s a horrible sound- something Hoseok has never heard of before- it sounded like screaming, like crying, like explosives and the whole world breaking- it sounds like-

‘-is that applause?’ Namjoon asks breathlessly, head turning around rapidly before he calls out, ‘Everyone stop- there’s-‘

The trembling isn’t too harsh at first- barely noticeable, but Hoseok is so acutely attuned to it that he picks it up almost immediately. The trees start to shake, dried leaves and twigs and even whole branches start to rain down.

‘-all units return, we need to regroup immediately-!’ Namjoon yells, turning the HoverPort to the side, ‘Turn south-east against the waterfall! Regroup to the plains!’

Hoseok grips on to Namjoon as he swerves them in tight sharp turns around crumbling and falling trees. Hoseok collapses his helmet over his head just in time before a sizeable branch breaks over the side of his head and shoulder.

‘You okay?!’ Namjoon yells as he avoids a falling tree. For a moment, visibility is nearly entirely gone as leaves fall all around them in thick and unyielding amounts.

When they burst out through the trees, they nearly crash straight into Nineti’s HoverPort. The GI doesn’t even react when Namjoon comes to a sudden and forceful stop just inches from where he was waiting for them. Several other GI burst through similarly. Hoseok turns on his seat, staring back through the visor that only served a protective function. Dust rises high up in the air but it’s not enough to block the mind-breaking sight unfolding before them.

The darkness that had randomly erupted throughout what Hoseok assumes is the planet, in regions specifically with faulty charges, had grown twice their original size. And the largest one in the center, a region that stretched out in places where Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook, and Taeh’yung were in, seems to be strangely stretching- a rippling force around the edges that instills a fear deep in Hoseok.

There was no attempt in trying to understand what any of this meant. Hoseok can now only accept that there is only fear to be understood.

All of the darkness expand just a little before suddenly sinking down and disappearing completely.

The whole planet stills.

Hoseok doesn’t even dare breathe. And then, as though great pressure was finally freeing itself out of its bonds, a soundless and lightless tear blemishes the expanse of all they could see and feel.

For a moment, in that span of a fraction of a second, as Hoseok involuntarily takes in a breath forming into a gasp, as Namjoon begins to flinch his head out of learnt instinct, as the GI begin to tense up to lift their weapons in defense- Hoseok feels himself die.

Namjoon falls to the ground at once, his limbs suddenly useless, a strange choked cry caught in his throat- fingers bent unnaturally.

Hoseok himself finds himself falling, unsure how but awake and alive to feel it as he lands heavily. Some of the GI behind them go through a similar reaction, and as Hoseok desperately tries to breath back life into his body, desperately clings to life even though what just happened hadn’t actually really happened- or had it? His ears are ringing, his whole body feeling every single pebble beneath him, feels every rugged and burning inhale –

He had just died- was this what it meant to be alive?

Fire ignites through him- fire that he welcomes, a pyre he breaches, and he comes out of it-

Hoseok comes out of it, just as he’s always been- just as he is, all of him.

As his vision clears, he sees ripples of non-light wash over the sky high above, he also vaguely registers that none of the Regurgitated react that way as they come to check on them, helping them sit up and check on their vitals.

‘What- what the was that?!’

Namjoon has actual tears down his face, his hands trembling as he holds them up close to his face, ‘I thought- I thought I was- I was-!’

The ground trembles forcefully, actually causing Hoseok to slide on the dirt. He flips over, regaining himself, regaining his mind, his thoughts- everything returns to him and in this strange fire of pain, he finds himself again.

The trees are crumbling- not just in the forest they burst out of, but all around them, as though whatever small force keeping them upright, keeping them standing, was snatched away and they were now crumbling down. Rocks and large chunks of the mountains in the distance start to slide off of the mountain face- off of the edges and tips.

The large mound of darkness swells up again and this time bursts forth upwards, tearing through the sky. The sky seems to shake, and for a moment, Hoseok hears the tell-tale click of his Comm-Device.

A barrage of sounds- he hears Jungkook’s roar, hears Sk’jin’s harsh breaths, hears Yoongi coughing, and then- and then silence.

And then the familiar faint white noise before that fades out to signal loss of any communication channel settles in again. Crawling over to where Namjoon was still struggling to sit up, somehow seemingly unsure how to move his limbs, Hoseok reaches the Kutsoglerin just as a song rises up from the very core of the planet.

‘That- that sounds familiar,’ Namjoon pants out, ‘It- it sounds like Jimin-‘

The rip widens across the sky and pierces upwards and outwards into space.

‘What-?’ Hoseok pants out, staring up.

‘They got him,’ Namjoon says quietly, voice hoarse, unblinking as he stares at the rip in the sky, a tear through the very fabric of reality, of time itself, of light.

‘Who?’ Hoseok asks, already knowing the answer. He helps Namjoon sit up, holding his twitching hands in his own stable and flamed ones.

‘Jimin,’ Namjoon says quietly, ‘They wanted him, and we brought him here.’

Dread is numbing, Hoseok realizes- numbing in its hopelessness and fear. Because it now came with realization.

‘We were set up.’

The look in Namjoon’s eyes is all he needs as confirmation.

Suddenly Nineti drops down to his knees, clutching at his head.

‘Hey woah Ninet-‘

The GI shucks off his helmet, pointing upwards, muttering under his breath in a language Hoseok is now familiar with though he still doesn’t understand it.

Nineti falls to his side, clutching at his head, his whole body coiled-

‘Nineti you need to let the GI take over,’ Namjoon says hurriedly as he clumsily goes to kneel beside the GI, ‘Establish a connection- your minds are one, you need to share or you’re going to hurt yourselves-‘

Nineti in the past and Nineti now were essentially the same- much like how Yoongi was right now. At the very least, in some ways, they could work in harmony together- connected by their simple devotion and loyalty intertwined with Jimin. The other Regurgitated weren’t reacting like this, and Hoseok wonders if this isn’t something specifically related to them.

Nineti is panting but his body loosens, with a shaking hand he points up at where the sky is stretching and tearing upwards.


Everyone looks up.



The Kutsoglerin turns to look at him, eyes wild with confusion and fear.

Oh but it was starting to make sense now. It was starting to all make sense and Hoseok wishes he was confused again.

‘Namjoon I think-,’ Hoseok stares up and then back down at Namjoon. ‘I think we have been really really set up.’

Nineti suddenly falls limp, arm falling in a thud, rolling over to his back. The other GI quietly kneel by him, checking his vitals as the rest form a protective parameter around them.

‘All of the Sanctuaries are connected, it’s how we kept the balance within Menigišiti, it’s how we distributed Yino’s energy, her blessing,’ Nineti tells them, now on his back, staring up at the sky, his voice neutral, ‘And we just woke up the lost cell.’

‘When we reactivated the cell, Sanctuary, we-…we isolated ourselves, hid Megibīya completely from the rest of the Universe- but we-,’ Namjoon says slowly, hands still twitching.

‘We reconnected to Menigišiti.’ Hoseok finishes. ‘We reconnected and-‘

They both stare up at the sky.

A pulse travels up the tear in the sky- that same strange non-light.

A strange groan erupts from under them. And for a moment, the sun, Yino, flares up in the sky.


This was more than just a trap.

This was more than just them being lured here, of them being set up to come here.

The flare dies down and with a fury and speed that renders the sky a jagged and crazed haze of light, dark, of the expanse of space around them, of Menigišiti’s strange beauty, of song, and of silence, a pulse of pure light travels down the rip down into the darkness that swallows it whole.

‘We need to get out,’ Hoseok is surprised that he’s not screaming, ‘We need to get out this is a-‘

This was not a reckoning. This was not punishment.

Cornered the way they were, Axudar, or the Verktaë lead by the Great Council came back here because they knew this was the end. Lmiura knew it, others connected with this entire ordeal knew it. This was the end, and they would make sure that everyone involved in this would end with them too.

Everyone, all of Megibīya, all of Menigišiti – everyone.

All of the Sanctuaries were connected- Yisheng Lim told them how, in order to prevent the entire System from collapsing, they had to destroy several of the Sanctuaries, they had to destroy the ones close to the borders to lock themselves in, to save themselves- how they had to balance out Yino’s radiation from spiraling out of control.

Another pulse travels down the tear, and another upwards to where the lost Sanctuary had been reconnected, rediscovered.

This was more than just a suicide mission- this was extermination.

The Great Council, the Verktaë, they were returning to do what they had tried to do in Menigišiti – they returned to do what Yisheng Lim and a handful of others barely survived.

And now, they came here on a mission, and basically allowed this to happen again.

‘Buggy…’ Hoseok begins. He’s not sure how to even ask the question- if there even was a question he could formulate.

‘It’s okay Hobi,’ Taeh’yung flaps his hands over the surface of the water unhelpfully. ‘I’ve got it under control.’

Hoseok pats his wet head a few times before saying, ‘You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone or anything.’

Taeh’yung blinks in surprise up at him from where he’s propped his head up on Hoseok’s chest.

‘We will need to warn Yisheng Lim-‘

‘-we can’t contact anyone, -!’ Namjoon takes a deep breath, closing his eyes tight. ‘We need to disrupt the magnetic pulse.’

Another non-light pulse travels up the rip of the sky. And with each pulse, several faulty-charges detonate, flattening the areas that they're in.

It feels horrible- Hoseok doesn’t know why, but it feels horrible. He stares up at the sky and as he looks back down, eyes drawn to the waterfall, he remembers something.

‘Yoongi’s ship- it’s still here,’ Hoseok says sharply, pointing up past the waterfall, ‘In Udāvana, the AI system was practically eroded, but we can use that to potentially manually fly up- if not, at the very least-‘

‘-at the very least we have a Transporter that can function,’ Namjoon nods rapidly. ‘Where are the others?’

Hoseok checks on the scanner. Jungkook was in the same general area from when he last checked. Sk’jin wasn’t moving, but a quick check shows that Amad’la is still with him. Jimin’s gold light is still gone, but Yoongi’s was on a continuous move. Another check and-

‘-Dehin is close to Yoongi- so are 3 other GI agents,’ Hoseok quickly informs him.





Namjoon glances up at the tear in the sky and then to the faint star in sky high above.

‘What do you want to do?’


‘Should we split up-?’ Namjoon starts but Hoseok shakes his head. They couldn’t afford to do that. They couldn’t. And now, with his mind clear, his whole existence no longer wrapped in fear of this living death but rather engulfed in the flame of the pain of living, Hoseok knows what they have to do.

‘We have Ilya waiting on us- possibly coming here,’ Hoseok says, ‘K’mara will also follow, not to mention the remaining GI from Lowet. They will be flying straight into a trap- Spaces knows what’s beyond this planet, just waiting for them. We need to warn them too.’

Namjoon nods before waving a hand around and the GI all stand alert, looking at him.

‘We head straight for Udāvana,’ Namjoon orders, ‘Unit 11, triangulate on Yoongi and Dehin’s coordinates and go to meet them,’ Hoseok passes the GI the scanner, ‘Provide backup or aid wherever needed and return to Udāvana unless orders change.’

‘Understood,’ they reply in unison as one of them hands Hoseok back the scanner.

‘Unit 23, head towards Sk’jin and Amad’la,’ Namjoon adds. ‘I suspect that Sk’jin is trying to find his way towards Jungkook.’

The Units drive out into the general direction of their assigned Beings and Namjoon and Hoseok, along with Nineti and 2 other GI that Hoseok strongly believes are Amic and someone Yoongi had once called Saykahn. As they were headed back to the ship that brought them here, maybe they could potentially offer some past-life memory/reflex that could prove to be beneficial to them.

‘All right,’ Namjoon nods at them, ‘Getting down was easy enough, going up will be difficult.’

‘There are transportation tunnels across the sides of the fall,’ Nineti tells them. ‘It’s where I died.’

Namjoon’s eyes nearly bulge out of his face.

‘I think, considering this is uh, the Verktaë and Great Council doing this, they would know any potential routes we might want to take.’ Namjoon says slowly.

‘I don’t see anyone.’ Nineti replies instead before saying, ‘We can traverse around the mountain face.’

They follow the GI, skirting the edges of the forests falling apart where they stood. The dark fabric of Hoseok’s clothes turn ashy as they pick up speed, picking up on the ashes of life.

‘Nineti’s pointed out something interesting,’ Namjoon tells him quietly.

‘What is it?’ Hoseok leans in a bit more, eyes darting around the shadowed clearing.

‘There’s no one,’ Namjoon explains, ‘I don’t see anyone. The Verktaë, the Great Council- granted I don’t know what they’re going to really look like but-.’

Hoseok thinks back to the shadow within the darkness inside the Bridge.

But Nineti and Namjoon’s observation remain true even as they approach the high mountains, speeding through the sharp and steep terrain up the eastern side of the mountain range. More detonations erupt all around, and from this new height and new angle, Hoseok can see a strange bruising pattern form across the arid barren scorched eastern hemisphere of the planet with each new detonation. Turning around carefully, stretching down a pale and dusty green-brown ring, the Crescent of Megibīya is shrouded in strange spots of darkness, a dust that weighed heavier than death, and strange ripples that shook and tore down trees.

On the HoverPort, Hoseok cannot feel the vibrations or tremors of the strange pulses being sent out and received by the large dark tear eating away at their realm of reality. He glances upwards at the pale sunrise sky and prays that Ilya will not attempt to come down. Checking the scanner, Yoongi and Dehin were now together. Neither of them are moving though. Jungkook was now moving back where he came from- inching slowly towards where Sk’jin was. He’s completely still.

Hoseok checks on where Amad’la is and to his horror finds that the GI is far from the Khol’isa.

‘Sk’jin and Amad’la have separated,’ Hoseok curses as he checks on Unit 23’s progress. They were still too far from the Khol’isa. He hears Namjoon curse under his breath.

. He really needed his screens to work. He really needed to get those going and coordinate how they could potentially regroup and just- just get out.

‘We’re at the edge- we’re gonna have to cut through the forest, hang on,’ Namjoon tells him tersely as they mount the first summit of the mountain range.     

The forests here are falling apart too. Hoseok flinches when a tree branch falls over them but it crumbles into ash the moment it comes into contact with them. In fact- everything turns to dust the moment it touches them. For a moment, Hoseok is worried that they’ll turn to dust too.

Dust falls apart over his visor, first forming the deep rooted patterns of bark, wood, seed before ceasing to exist. Bud, leaf, petal, blossom- within seconds their lifetime is etched upon dust and simply fades away.

He wipes the dust off of his scanner, glimpsing a tiny glint of gold but he’s not sure if his eyes are just tricking him because they’re gone the next moment. There is an explosion, the waves of which hit them hard though they’re far, the dust clearing off of them in alarming rates, making the HoverPort slip a little.

The charges were being blown up again.

In a whirlwind of dust, etching bark and leaf and root over them before fading away, they breach through the fading forests and finally reach the outskirts of Udāvana. Yoongi’s ship is still there, where they last left it. 

‘All right!’ Namjoon yells, ‘Ship on sight! Hoseok and I will proceed forward, Nineti-‘

They almost don’t see them.

Standing on the roofs of the houses and buildings in the city behind the ship are a few dozen Beings. Hoseok gets his TeorSer ready, pocketing the scanner when something heavy and loud detonates feet from them.

Hoseok feels himself being flung off, a bright light so powerful it sears through his closed eyelids, even through the protective barrier of his visor. He doesn’t register falling, but when he opens his eyes, he’s on the ground and it’s shaking and rippling as though liquid. Something bright erupts somewhere above the waving tree line in the distance and Hoseok forces himself to flip to the side.

Namjoon is briefly visible, a strange wave of the smooth rock floor rippling him upwards as he struggles against a strange Being with a long spear-like weapon.


The ground ripples mightily and Hoseok rolls down the unnatural wave of smooth rock undulating in a strange manner beneath him until he’s covered in a wash of dust. Rushing to stand, Hoseok half crawls, half climbs up the waves of rock-face, reaching the peak of the strange ground wave only to find himself at the peak of a strange seismic pulse overwhelming the clearing before the city of Udāvana.

‘Namjoon!’ Hoseok roars but the sounds around him are too loud. ‘Nineti-!’

Someone lunges at him- and it’s not the black uniform of the GI, nor was it the dusky blue of Namjoon’s jacket. Hoseok rolls down, sliding down the still moving waves of rock face. He starts to run as he rights himself up- climbing up the strange rolls of the ground, unbroken despite the extremes of how they were being pushed and tugged- a loud sort of deep rumbling sound rushes up through the ground and everything sinks down, flattening down to what it was. Hoseok pants as he catches sight of Namjoon, uninjured but obviously confused, his stance defensive as he looks around. They’re by themselves again.

‘All units report!’ Namjoon roars, catching sight of Hoseok and making his way towards him. Hoseok picks up his speed, running towards the Kutsoglerin just as Nineti stands, picking himself off of the ground.

And then, the most curious sound, of something deep and old breaking reverberates through the ground and up into the air.

Namjoon stops and so does Hoseok. Nineti pauses, holding a hand up to stop the two other GI some ways to the side, closer to the ship from moving.

Right before Hoseok, just a few feet away, a crack deep and thin forms quietly and so speedily Hoseok barely sees it happen. And then a deep groan overtakes the air as the ground exhales, causing Hoseok to stumble before it sinks.

Before he realizes what’s happening and before he can try to stop and protect himself, Hoseok falls heavily and surely and the darkness of pain wraps all around him.

‘Who you are right now, how you’re here, where you are- that’s enough.’ Hoseok tells him quietly, ‘If you want to do more, be more- that’s up to you too. But…but trying to do something, just to prove something in the face of an antiquated belief that shaped a past memory-‘ shadows stir beneath them, shadows connecting past and around them from the depths of the water up to the skies and stars above, ‘-it won’t recognize the changes you have lived. It won’t see the truth of what you know now.’

Taeh’yung doesn’t say anything, the shadows swaying slowly around them. Instead he takes Hoseok’s hand, misbalancing their movement over the water and they both dip below the water surface.

But Hoseok isn’t scared or shocked when they’re submerged.

He wakes up with a start.

Nineti is there, a makeshift tourniquet around his arm, kneeling next to him, the light on his shoulder pad small but powerful enough to illuminate where they were.

‘What-?’ Hoseok croaks out but coughs heavily instead.

‘You have not broken any bones,’ Nineti tells him, ‘You landed well.’

Hoseok could laugh.

‘Where- where are we what-?’

‘Udāvana collapsed,’ Nineti tells him, ‘Beneath it, beneath all of it-.’

They had fallen through the literal ground.

‘I found a passageway, I believe we are in the energy-system.’ The GI tells him. ‘No one has followed us down. I’m afraid your scanner has taken some damage.’

He hands him the scanner to reveal a great crack running down the center. Hoseok curses as he sits up carefully. He looks over Nineti. Other than the tourniquet, the GI didn’t seem too badly injured.

‘I have also found something that I do not think you will like,’ the GI adds before gesturing through the rubble. Hoseok catches sight of the strange Menigišiti-based metal at random. These energy channels were built out of the strange material.

‘I believe, that we will be able to find a way back up, if we follow the channels.’ Nineti informs him. ‘I can detect a draft down the right side of the channel out of here.’

‘How- how long was I out?’

‘I cannot tell how long we have been in here,’ Nineti replies, ‘But you have been unconscious for the 15 minutes I have been awake.’

‘Okay- okay,’ Hoseok takes a deep breath and stands on limbs he’s surprised are still functional.

‘Did you happen to see if Namjoon is okay-?’

‘I cannot say for sure,’ the GI replies. ‘I did not see Captain Namjoon during my fall.’

‘What- what about those other Beings?’ Hoseok asks carefully.

Nineti’s expression does not change but he doesn’t answer immediately.

‘I do not know.’ He replies.

Hoseok carefully rolls his shoulders, patting down his body for any damages. He’s in pain, but it’s nothing he hasn’t dealt with before.

‘Okay, priority is getting out of here,’ Hoseok nods, ‘I am not comfortable with the idea of being in a piping system that is used to carry across radiation from a ing quasar. Still not over that by the way.’

‘I live by my truth even if you don’t see it,’ Nineti says in a deadpan.

It almost makes Hoseok laugh.

Nineti adjusts the light on his shoulder, allowing the light to spread a little wider, a little brighter.

The dust is still settling but there’s a bone-deep silence that Hoseok associates with being deep underground. He’s not sure how far or how deep they fell in, but Jimin had mentioned that the channels were quite deeply buried. Were these pipes they were in repair or maintenance pipes connecting to the main ones further down? Hoseok really hopes so.

Nineti leads the way and Hoseok gingerly follows through the rough and unsteady ground of broken debris. It’s clear that the GI had cleared a sort of rough pathway out. Nineti pauses, nearly making Hoseok walk into him.

‘Head Pilot Hoseok…’


Nineti doesn’t say anything, seemingly having an internal struggle.

‘What’s wrong?’ Hoseok eyes the dark space past Nineti.

‘You will see.’

It’s not a threat. But there’s a warning there- a careful suggestion, words formed to hopefully prepare Hoseok but it’s futile because no matter what Nineti could have said, nothing would prepare Hoseok for this.

Hoseok’s gasp reverberates throughout the dark and endless pipe he assumed would be empty. But it’s not empty.

Countless OrTanks line up the great pipe.  

He nearly slips on some lose rubble and debris but Nineti rights him with his functional arm. And as though his sudden movement triggered the floating Beings, they all turn in their Sleep to behold him- a part of all of their Dreams now.

His mind rushing, Hoseok shakily walks up to the closest OrTank.

‘This is why they were destroying all of the charges,’ Hoseok whispers, holding up a shaking hand to the OrTank. ‘This- this is why they were bringing them all back here- it wasn’t to take them back to Axudar it-‘

A shudder runs through the tunnels, and writhing in obvious pain, in agony, the eggs, the New Borns- they open their mouths in obvious screams.

‘We are found,’ Nineti’s tone is quiet, sad and-

‘Fate let us stay, drew us together,’ Jimin had said, so long ago, back in Amme’s ship, ‘Fate found us whole and safe.’

Hoseok can’t.

‘When I was taken by the Red- by the Akramanese,’ Jimin had known so much. ‘I was not taken to be…to be duplicated. I was put into Darkness, so that those who were born and made out of-…out of Continuum would find me. And through me, would continue to live.’

He won’t.

And they were bringing them back here- forcefully, to be used, to be taken apart-

Hoseok cannot and will not allow the GI, the eggs, the New Borns, the Regurgitated, to carry the blame, the weight, the inevitability of the cruelty and greed and fear of those who created them.

Yyna was wrong.

This was not a reckoning.

This was not punishment.

This would not become an extermination.

Hoseok would change that.

He will.

The shadows around them glow a faint green, pulsing in time with what Hoseok guesses is Taeh’yung’s heartbeat.

Taeh’yung takes both of his hands, his hands cooler than the water around them. It’s peacefully quiet down here.

‘I won’t,’ Taeh’yung says, though Hoseok doesn’t understand how he’s able to hear the Zhak’gri.

‘I won’t just stand by and watch anymore. I won’t let it burn us, won’t let it burn you.’

Hoseok’s grip involuntarily tightens in Taeh’yung’s.

‘I won’t just stand by anymore,’ Taeh’yung grins, ‘Not when I have all of you with me.’

When they break the surface of the water, the sky has lightened, and Hoseok feels a sense of being reborn.



































Author’s Notes


Hello I am aware

That it has been a hot minute

But! I have legitimiate excuses! I wrote two fics, one each for hobis birthday and oongi’s birthday please read them if you’re interested!



I’ve Totally Aced This

Alive is a zombie apocalypse vhope based on the movie with the same name!

I’ve totally aced this is a yoonmin gods/goddesses au where Yoongi is the god of but he’s aual and it’s just me ranting about being aual and the perceptions and bias and prejudice around it but in comedic format

Also please notice I uh


New tags

Also yes I’ve changed my username

It’s not TOO different. But ive been thinking about removing the “Senpai” part of it for a while after reading some stuff here and there online! It’s unclassified_lkg or just simply, unclassified for now!

I wanna give BTS a massive hug

The pressure on them is so


So many artists don’t win grammy’s, people who desrve them. And yet, because it’s BTS their loss is excessively discussed and like, somehow CELEBRATED????? I feel like there’s this mentality when it comes to BTS, when even things that are so blatantly racist and xenophobic and wrong, people think ‘oh it’s bts so yeah ofc that would happen’ and just, shrug it off or think that somehow its justifiable. Being a multi (I know this term has a lot of negative conotations within fandom but idc I am one) I see a lot of other people from different fandoms reacting to bts and it’s just

I think there comes a point when you need to stop thinking about the idols you specifically support in comparison to bts and stop siding with ppl who are belittling bts or talking about them solely because they’re racist. These people who make stupid comparisons or ‘bts don’t deserve this others do’ sort of statement are normally just coming from a very racist pov, these same ppl would literally do the same to any other kpop band including the one you stan, it was sad seeing some ppl I know online in passing celebrating bts’s grammy loss which???? Honestly they were ing nominated, they’re the first kpop group the first Korean artist I think, to be nominated and that is a ing huge achievement! Im not saying all fandoms should support bts that’s not the point here, the point is, stop celebrating ppls loss when it was clearly because of racism

 Also, a lot of the “criticism” or reasons why ppl don’t like bts is rooted in racism and xenophobia

It really angers me. And listening to their latest interview and u quiz, I just. First I’m so happy to hear how and why they took a break,

And about Seokjin addressing how he had some parts of his interview cut. I think this really shows us a lot about who they are and how they perceive what they’re doing and what sort of message they want to put out.

I wanna give them the whole ing world

Guys, lets do it, lets buy the world for bts

I’d also like to draw your attention here:



With each new chapter being updated, I am posting up character sheets for each of the boys

So here is Hoseok! I don’t draw in realistic style or attempt realism and I think though I primarily do 3D, my 2D isn’t too bad so I can give you some clues as to how certain things look etc!




It’s probably gonna , but hey! Money!





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Chapter 68: Wow....just wha? From the title I was hoping for an appearance by Lulu or JD cause that would make so much sense but now Im like...is everyone dead or dying or something else cause Im.so confused and yeah...temptation to kill rising!
Also go Lim! You little blessed life being!
Taehyung where the hell are you, you strange little green goblin! I know you're lurking around somewhere! Or a version of you is
Lol looking forward to more
Chapter 67: Blinks.....okay...that was a bit of a mindfook I'll admit and geeze Tsirin you crazy biatch
Amme! You absolute beaut! Deal with that little cow but don't kill yourself!
I knew there was a plan betweem Jimin and Taehyun! Just knew it! I so badly wanna see exactly what it all was...even if we never get a full explain
And yeah boy, that was a ride
Looking forward to more
Chapter 66: Wah....they're not going to make it....but
So confused and just wahhhh
Happolin #4
Chapter 66: No no no......I don't like where this is heading!!!!!!! Not another yixing!!!!! Please nooooo ( T~T ) ( T~T )...........

Nooooope Noope Noooooooo
Chapter 65: Oh wow
So much action and so much too worry about
I wanna know.what Taehyungs up to....please don't have pulled a certain healer cause that will be so unfair
Looking forward to more
Happolin #6
Chapter 64: Every 2weeks...almost4 months i guess..... welcome back :D
I was really confused at first but then understood that he was just thinking of the past.....like "eh, did he wake up from a nightmare......when did Jin and RM meet up and didn't V like dead...."

Personally I like PTD..... :D
Chapter 64: Damn it I knew I was coming to the end of that chapter and Im still screaming NO DO NOT STOP THERE UNCLASSIFIED! I NEED MORE

Though I will confess to laughing at hurrican Namjoon, bless his klutsom nature and having to be helped out by the Amic and Shay who just do it automatically now. Gave some lovely little tension break moments I'll admit.

Still wanna know where Jimin and Taehyung are though - cause them two are doing something, I know they are

Hope Ski'Jin is okay and Kookie ain't in too much trouble

Looking forward to more
Chapter 62: And how.did I miss this update. Wow that was interesting and boy I wanna see what Tae is up to
Onto the next chapter
Chapter 61: wow, I should have realised that Tsirin would have been willingly involved! so nice to get a look into more of Jimin´s childhood and the events that led to this whole mess.
as a non-American, I wouldn't say that the whole qanon stuff is affecting me personally. But I have spent the last... 6 months (but more like Trump´s entire presidency) in disbelief and sort of hopelessness every time I look at the news from the US. That people can believe these things, and that others allow for these things to happen... the lengths some people are willing to go to, and the things they ignore and leave unchallenged out of self-interest is mindboggling and absolutely terrifying. More than ever I am certain that the US is a country I NEVER want to visit.
Anyway tho - wonderful chapter! I hope you are well and I look forward to the next update^^
Chapter 61: Well wow....okay that threw me a wild ride and a half and still processing half of it but yeah...
So Tsirn caused all of this because she wouldn't let go of her grief...wow that makes sense actually when I think about it but yeah...processing
And I've heard of a mugwump too, it made me smile reading it but I cant think of where I heard it now. Some kids story I think - possibly Roald Dalh or maybe Moomins - but i have heard of one. If i ever track down where I shall let you know
Anyway looking forward to more