“Reach” [verb]: arrive at; get as far as.

A Detailed Explorer’s Guide into the Unknown



All things created in nature have an opposing side.

The opposite of life is death.

The opposite of love is hate.

The opposite of creation is destruction.

The opposite of chaos is peace.

The opposite of light is darkness.

And the opposite of the Known Universe is the Underverse.

The GLA Known Universe was the entirety of galaxies and Systems that signed the GLA Treaty on Trade and Peace. And the flipside of this was the messy, chaotic, and often violent Underverse. Beneath the smooth sailing, peaceful reign of the GLA and its associate organizations, existed this expansive and intricate universe. The Underverse consisted of pirates, crime organizations, and mercenaries to name a few. And Hoseok has walked and lived the Underverse more than he has the Known Universe. He knew of the way it worked, the way it shifted, and the way it wasn’t really under the GLA, but rather, closely veined around it. The Underverse has always been a part of the Known Universe- this was a known fact in the Venture Unit as most of their dealings revolved around it. Hoseok always knew it was much more than just the “pirates and bad Beings that have to be arrested and locked up” propaganda that was being fed to the general public.

The same way everything created in nature had an opposing side, these sides balanced each other- meeting at a careful and often fragile moot. And whatever was maintaining this fragile balance between the Known Universe and the Underverse was falling apart. And it most probably had to do with what happened in Pompa. Or more accurately, what was still happening in Pompa.

After the Broadcast (as it was dubbed in the Underverse) had aired, it took nearly 5 hours to shut it down because that was just how good Namjoon was. This gave the rest of the Known Universe and the Underverse plenty of time to duplicate and record the original Broadcast and send it out into even further broader channels. While the GLA had done an almost decent job of covering up the entire thing and saving their own skin by masking their involvement as an attempt to go undercover, the truth was most definitely not lost in the Underverse.

Pompa was immediately removed from the GLA treaty, with heavy declarations of punishment and repeal set over their government and politicians. Many Pompen’s tried to escape but were caught. According to a few news sources, an entirely new prison was going to be built for this case alone. So now every organization involved with the Pompen Arena, as well as the Pageant, instantly liquidized and disappeared.

Hoseok, and Namjoon, had done some deep-dive hacking into some of the bigger channels in the Underverse and found out that not only had the Arena business in the Underverse had been greatly affected, but the chain of organizations that distributed medication through the Underverse to non-GLA systems and planets had been greatly compromised.

Knowing what he knew, Hoseok still felt that the Venture Unit did more good than harm. While they did take their profits and funds from war-torn systems and planets and through bribery and blackmail, they used those very same channels to send medical aid, escape ships, and smuggling channels through which victimized species could escape.

While the fact that the Venture Unit was very much involved with the Alliance was now too obvious a truth and one that couldn’t be ignored, Hoseok wants to believe that the other spectrum of good the Venture Unit was doing somehow balanced that. Hoseok tries to ignore the gnawing guilt building in him as he reads about how an entire system was now out of contact due to the termination of a pirate-network that had been involved with the Pageant. The System in question was a non-GLA System and suffering from great radiation spikes from their unstable sun. Hoseok switches off the screen, sighing out slowly.

Hoseok- I’ve just updated the complete trajectory.’



Hoseok sits up, his knees popping from having sat too long as he calls into the comm. ‘Could everyone come up to the Bridge?’

Coming up!’ Taeh’yung cheerily replies.

‘Yoongi?’ Hoseok leans over the cockpit and into the tower-mast to find Jimin looking up at him, smile on his face as he greets him with a wave. Yoongi, seated on the side, was explaining the functions of the weapons to Jimin, or at least somewhat attempting to do so.

Yoongi had been able to leave the Medical Bay earlier that day, and had made his way straight to the shower, then to the Kitchen to eat, and then straight to the tower-mast. Jimin had in turn, followed him nearly everywhere.

Jimin spoke quite a lot to the rest of them, despite the language barrier. He spoke most to Taeh’yung of course, the latter trailing after Jimin like a large cheerful shadow. However, whenever he was around Yoongi, he barely spoke. It was as though he was waiting for Yoongi to speak. To start something or initiate something. Jimin also seemed very alert on Yoongi’s health – he’d been given his own screen and it was constantly open on Yoongi’s health tab. Hoseok himself had gone over it a few times, wondering if he missed something with the way Jimin would stare at the reading. But there was nothing wrong. Yoongi’s health was improving quickly and everything was repairing itself at an exceptional and healthy rate.

Jimin also kept touching Yoongi. But it wasn’t out of some strange leery intention- rather it was similar to the way Jimin held his hand. As though he could see everything in your mind. Like he was looking straight into your soul, and through your memories.

It was also always incredibly quiet whenever the two sat together. But it didn’t feel strained or uncomfortable- it was almost as though they were simply waiting. And Hoseok isn’t sure what they’re waiting for. He’s not sure if they knew what they were waiting for either.

Hoseok gestures for him to come up, pointing behind him. Jimin nods in understanding and gets up while Yoongi does the same, falling behind Jimin by just a step.

Watching their interaction is interesting. While Yoongi knew nothing and had no memory of this Being, and this was made apparent by his obvious confusion, his mannerism spoke differently. His body language was entirely different. He didn’t flinch or move away from Jimin’s contact unlike how he would shift away from the rest of the team. He mirrored Jimin’s movements, as though constantly protecting him and shielding him. It seemed like a natural reaction- one honed into the Human without prior knowledge or conscious effort. As though Jimin’s presence was an expected one, one that occupied his awareness.

‘I’m here!’ Taeh’yung announces as he quite literally flounces in, borrowed robes fluttering. But he pauses dramatically, causing Namjoon, who was behind him, to walk straight into the Zhak’gri. ‘Wait- I have to do that again. It wasn’t right.’

Then walking back out of the Bridge he flounces in again, the flimsier material of the robes falling as though in slow-motion. It’s very elegant, Hoseok will admit- but entirely unnecessary. The Zhak’gri grins with satisfaction.

‘Taeh’yung, I know I said you could borrow my clothes until you get new ones, but can you not borrow my best ones?’ Sk’jin comments wryly as he too enters the Bridge.

‘I wanted to show Jimin!’ Taeh’yung explains as he latches onto Jimin who smiles brightly at the Zhak’gri, saying something in his language. Taeh’yung enthusiastically displays the fabric and holds it up for Jimin to touch. Jimin smiles indulgently as he says something- probably a question. He takes the fabric between his fingers and exclaims out as though impressed. He turns and waves at Yoongi to touch the fabric as well. The Human blinks for a moment and a second too late he steps forward and stiffly feels at the fabric. Sk’jin doesn’t even bother suppressing his laughter.

‘It’s very nice,’ Yoongi says. ‘It’s softer than it seems.’

Hoseok catches Sk’jin’s eye who gives him a pointed look.

It was somehow even more obvious now, without Yoongi being stuck in the Medical Bay.  How whenever Yoongi spoke, there was something altered; something subtly changed within the Human. It seemed to happen more when Jimin was close by.

‘Fabric aside, if everyone could gather closer,’ Namjoon calls over to the three. ‘This is important- especially for Jimin.’

Upon hearing his name Jimin looks up, his countenance serious and ready.

They gather around the Navigation Table and Namjoon gives Hoseok a nod.

‘All right so,’ Hoseok draws everyone’s attention towards the center of the Navigation Table. ‘Here is our trajectory.’

Tapping along the NaviLet in his hands, a sizeable holographic map highlighted with bright coloured lines and dots appear. Taeh’yung leans down from behind Jimin, whispering low near his ear, providing translations. Hoseok is a little surprised by how Taeh’yung seemed so professional. Given his impulsive character and rather scatter-brained personality, Hoseok thought he might have to keep reminding the Zhak’gri about translating for Jimin.

Just like everybody else on the ship, Taeh’yung had a lot of facets and sides to him. And all of them were unpredictable.

‘That’s…really messy,’ Sk’jin comments as he leans against the side of the Mast.

‘That’s because it’s supposed to be messy,’ Namjoon says as he reaches into the map and touches the pale-blue line. ‘This is our main trajectory.’

The others fade a little, just thin and faint lines and the blue shines brighter.

‘Following this trajectory, we will arrive in Bhumi in 6 GLA months at most. This is the safest route we could come up with, taking into account our criminal records, GLA activity, and political status of each Dock, Planet, System, and Galaxy.’ Hoseok begins to explain.

It had been incredibly difficult coming up with a path- they had to think at least 10 steps ahead. The Special Jury would most likely set up another specialized team up against them to track them. A team consisting of agents, Information Analysts, agents and pirates from the Underverse, and highly trained GLA officers. They would probably have a similar trajectory like this, as they attempted to plot out their true path to Bhumi.

‘However, we have also created 4 other pathways to Bhumi- all of which can be immediately switched to at any given point and time,’ Hoseok explains as 5 other different coloured lines crisscross over the main blue one and merge into one singular blue over the rest of the colours. ‘The other pathways-‘ he taps on the pale orange mesh of lines that expand all over the map and out of sight. ‘-are false networks. These are the ones we will trigger, either through GLA Docks, outposts, anything that has a broadcasting frequency directly connected to the GLA or the GIU.’

‘How do we do that?’ Sk’jin asks, head turning in question at Namjoon.

‘We create false records; first by imitating the Hub used by the ship or station we’re going to hack, and then writing up the report or account- in some cases video footage or even photographs, and send the information out through the local GLA channel.’ Hoseok explains at once. ‘This will create a frenzy of sightings- most of which will just be baseless spam that’s copying itself all over the network – this will give us time as well as cause any Analysts a massive headache.’

‘I hated it when agents did it,’ Namjoon mumbles under his breath before speaking up; ‘Which is why we’re going to double the spam- send double reports that duplicate and spread all over- some might even crash some Hubs- which is even better because that way their back-up systems will be effected as well.’

‘Nice,’ Sk’jin smiles in approval. ‘So where do we first access all these hubs? We need to get a good Dock or Port- one that we know spreads all over.’

Hoseok nods to that and reaches over to tap on one side of the blue lines.

‘We go here first,’ Hoseok taps on it, making it glow white momentarily.

‘Nuqtai- it’s a planet bordering the Ymir Solar System,’ Namjoon begins.

‘Nuqtai?’ Yoongi repeats unexpectedly.

‘Ymir?’ Sk’jin echoes, a frown replacing his smile.

‘Yeah? Please tell me you two don’t have a record there,’ Namjoon pleads.

‘No.’ Sk’jin and Yoongi both reply.

‘…but you’ve been there?’ Hoseok and Namjoon ask at the same time.

‘Yes. Several times.’ Sk’jin and Yoongi reply again at the same time.

Jimin lets out a nervous laugh, eyes flitting around at all of them as he subtly elbows Taeh’yung who is watching them with a slightly dazed expression.

‘For what?’ Namjoon asks and Hoseok is already regretting the answer because it’s: ‘Assassination,’ and ‘Dying,’ from Yoongi and Sk’jin respectively.

There’s a sticky silence before Hoseok hesitantly addresses the Khol’isa.


‘It’s where my ship crashed- like, a little outside- in between these two,’ Sk’jin waves casually between a stretch of space to the side of Ymir. ‘An itsy-bitsy creation gone wrong.’

Namjoon gives Sk’jin a curious look at that, and Hoseok can already tell that his mind is working a mile a second.

‘…this might sound redundant but would you have any history of being documented there?’ Hoseok asks.

‘Nopes! We just vanished- it’s dead space there. No one cared,’ Sk’jin shrugs easily.

‘And uh- Yoongi-?’

‘There were no eye-witnesses.’ Is his unfortunately chilling but reassuring response. Hoseok pushes on.

‘Nuqtai is not the best place, I can confirm that. However, it’s also where we can get the best information not available on the channels. We can also start circulating rumors from there regarding our location.’ Hoseok explains. ‘The planet is a giant hub for information and news- as well as an excellent place to start circulating rumors.’

‘Won’t it have too many actual eye-witnesses?’ Sk’jin asks, as he reads up the summary of the planet on the side of the map. ‘It looks like a trove.’

‘Trove?’ Taeh’yung repeats, pausing in his interpretation.

‘It’s a term used in the Underverse,’ Hoseok explains. ‘A grey-zone, where all sides of the party come to gather information, buy or sell it- unsafe, dangerous.’

Taeh’yung nods in understanding, providing Jimin with an extraordinarily short sentence in explanation. Jimin’s eyes widen comically.

‘Is it a trove?’ Sk’jin asks.

‘No- the GLA don’t step foot in here- it’s Venture Unit agents mainly but only when we have to. It’s Underverse property through and through.’ Hoseok replies and adds, ‘And I know that doesn’t exactly bring about the greatest comfort but given the chaos in the GLA as well as the Underverse- we have an advantageous cover and we can move about unnoticed.’

‘You’re sure?’ Sk’jin asks, eyes darting between Hoseok and Namjoon.

‘Absolutely,’ Hoseok and Namjoon reply at once.

‘When do we get there?’ Sk’jin asks.

‘1 week,’ Hoseok replies, tapping on the NaviLet and a small bright yellow light pops up, following one of the blue lines in the map. ‘We’re here now. We’ll need to leave warp before entering Ymir- it’s a no-warp zone.’

‘Will that be a problem?’ Sk’jin asks sharply.

‘No- Nuqtai is too far from patrols and this border here is void of asteroids, moons, or planets- not to mention Ymir is extremely large and quite uninhabited. The GLA don’t have a lot of branches here- neither do the GIU or the Venture Unit.’ Hoseok explains.

‘Why didn’t we ever consider Nuqtai before?’ Yoongi asks unexpectedly. ‘If the planet is ideal to make a stop.’

‘Because it takes us out of our path,’ Namjoon replies, showing a somewhat compressed but still daunting view of how much they would be going off course just to go to Bhumi. ‘It wastes a lot of time, fuel, and units. But it’s also ideal in keeping the GLA off of our tracks.’

‘Everything we do is going to be risky- there’s no doubt about it,’ Hoseok states bluntly. ‘No matter how safe and secure we plot our trajectory, and how much we try and minimize probability and risk, we’re always in danger of being found or noticed. Which is why we’re making sure that our messy false trajectory is good enough to cover for us for long periods of time.’

Sk’jin nods slowly at that while Yoongi doesn’t move. Taeh’yung finishes translating and Jimin also nods, a small smile on his lips.

‘What about Docks though- we still need to register our ship, as well as submit logs,’ Sk’jin asks before nodding at Jimin, ‘And little tiny here is as illegal as it gets.’

‘We need to make an identity for Jimin first,’ Namjoon says as he taps along his screen. ‘I took the liberty of using a Hub from Ch’dra and made us all new identities- as well as for the ship. So our pass-codes have changed- don’t worry, we’re still at Trade B level.’

Hoseok nods in thanks.

‘Seeing as Jimin’s DNA and biochemistry is closest to Taeh’yung’s, and Taeh’yung has been frequently registered as being from Tayi, I’ve created a fake Tayian ID for Jimin. His fake position in the crew is medic,’ Namjoon smiles briefly at Jimin who smiles back a bit confused before Taeh’yung explains. He makes a sound of understanding and nods in understanding.

‘What am I then pa?’ Taeh’yung asks eagerly.

‘Uh- you’re our…’ Namjoon glances down at his screen, subtly making some edit. ‘Engineer.’

Taeh’yung looks extremely pleased and jabbers away at Jimin who looks impressed, patting Taeh’yung on the back.

‘So- that’s our trajectory and plan,’ Hoseok concludes. ‘Any questions?’

‘Where are we headed after Nuqtai?’ Sk’jin asks at once.

‘Grisial,’ Hoseok replies at once.

‘Grisial?’ Namjoon looks impressed. ‘That would make tracking us difficult.’

‘What’s in Grisial?’ Sk’jin asks.

 ‘It’s actually the Grisial System- but there’s only one planet, one sun,’ Hoseok explains. ‘The planet itself is uninhabitable- but there are mining companies around the rings- they mine crystals here.’

He taps on the planet, expanding it above the rest of the map. It’s a large planet with a wide sparkling ring around it.

‘If you like, put a ring on it.’ Yoongi chimes in unexpectedly.

Sk’jin lets out a loud laugh, head tossed back while Namjoon is stuck between laughing and also looking confused. Taeh’yung, who unnecessarily translates this, is also laughing and is shortly followed by Jimin’s own burst of laughter. He laughs so hard, his entire body tilts forward before bending all the way back, clapping in a delighted way. Yoongi himself looks surprised at himself- as though unsure how and why he said it in the first place.

‘Uhh- so yeah,’ Hoseok snorts before continuing, ‘The planet has a very unique and wide magnetism – the entire System does actually. And while it doesn’t mess with any issues inside ships or Transporters, it does make the area difficult to scan. It’s a nice wide stretch of space and we should be quite safe while warping through here in case we need to escape if things in Nuqtai don’t go well.’

‘That’s nice to know,’ Sk’jin snorts, finally calming down after Yoongi’s joke.

‘Any questions? Jimin?’ Namjoon regards the Prince with an expectant look.

Jimin shakes his head after Taeh’yung repeats the question.

‘He says thank you,’ Taeh’yung translates, ‘And wants to know if there’s anything he can do to help.’

‘If there is anything we need to know or understand- we’ll ask-‘ Namjoon is beginning to say but Yoongi suddenly interrupts by raising his hand. It’s only a little stiff and awkward as everyone looks at Yoongi, waiting a second too long before the Human speaks.

‘This is not related to the mission or the map,’ he states bluntly.

‘…okay?’ Sk’jin leans closer as though increasingly interested.

‘The OrTank Jimin was placed inside was the same as the OrTanks found in the Akramanese ship. And is the same the GI agents were stored in before they are born.’ Yoongi states. Everyone nods in reply. ‘But there is a difference- because Jimin doesn’t have the scar on his back.’

‘Scar?’ Namjoon repeats. ‘What sort of scar?’

‘I have it- but I don’t know why,’ Yoongi explains.

Jimin shakes his head as Taeh’yung continues to translate. And before anyone can even say anything, Yoongi stands up and pulls off his shirt. Sk’jin makes a rather amused expression while Namjoon covers his eyes instinctively out of panic. But everyone is soon preoccupied by the intensity of scars and permanent discolouration over Yoongi’s skin. He looks like a patchwork of different skin- abrasions protrude outwards, scars layer over each other, and broken patches of capillaries and tissue create deep purple bruises in random burst of painful spots. But what’s most bizarre is the dent on Yoongi’s back.

Hoseok likens it to a dent you can find on your skin after having something pressed against it for a long time. Like if you sat on the folds of your trousers for too long, you could see the print of the fold on your skin. Except Yoongi’s is permanent. And Hoseok can’t come up with an explanation regarding its function or creation. He’s pretty sure no Human was born with this characteristic. Mainly because it didn’t look natural at all.

Taeh’yung says something to Jimin who slowly shakes his head, eyeing the dent on Yoongi’s back with shock and confusion. He tentatively reaches under his shirt, as though to feel at his back.

‘The others had it too. I don’t know why Jimin doesn’t have it.’ Yoongi says.

‘Does it hurt?’ Namjoon asks, having lowered his hands and was now studying the dent on Yoongi’s back.

‘No,’ Yoongi replies before putting his shirt back on. ‘I’ve seen fetuses in the OrTank, and they have wires connected to their backs. It comes off after they fully grown- suspended the way Jimin was. But he has no dent on his back.’

‘It could be a life-support thing?’ Hoseok ruminates. ‘And as far as we can tell- that fluid was neither liquid or gas- it just kept them in a state of sleep right?’

‘Jimin- you said that Yoongi died during your time- but did you see his body?’ Namjoon asks sharply. Sk’jin’s eyes narrow as he regards Namjoon for a moment before glancing over at Jimin.

Jimin stiffens, lips pressed down against each other tightly before he says something in short words.

‘No- he was taken away,’ Taeh’yung translates. ‘There was no body- many of them were taken and were never seen again.’

Namjoon mulls over this, his expression serious.

‘Any other questions?’ Hoseok asks.

‘Can I buy new clothes in Nuqtai?’ Taeh’yung asks eagerly.

‘No- only Hoseok is leaving the ship,’ Namjoon replies at once. ‘Everyone else stays inside. We can get you new clothes after Grisial.’

Taeh’yung pouts- honest to goodness pouts, making sad eyes at Namjoon who tries not to fidget.

‘I’ll see if I can get something for you Tae,’ Hoseok says only to suddenly get an armful of the Zhak’gri as he squeals out delightfully and hugs him.

‘Anything else?’ Hoseok asks with some difficulty.

‘Sk’jin can I talk to you for a moment- in private,’ Namjoon asks out of nowhere, making everyone in the Mast look back at the Kutsoglerin.

Sk’jin narrows his eyes a little before giving him a small nod. They walk out of the Bridge, leaving everyone behind in some form of awkward silence. Until-

‘Hobi, here’s a list of what I want!’






Sk’jin follows Namjoon out to the landing by the stairs before entering the Bridge. He can already guess what Namjoon’s purpose is and he’s more than ready.

So before Namjoon can even say anything Sk’jin speaks up: ‘If I think you’re about to suggest what I think you’re going to suggesting- that’s a dumb idea, and it’s under the supervision of the GIU.’

Undeterred Namjoon speaks, ‘We won’t be that far away-‘

‘We will be. We’ll be at least 2 entire Systems away even at Nuqtai,’ Sk’jin retorts.

Namjoon’s lips press into a thin line.

‘The planet you crashed into all those years ago had the same inability to be mapped or scanned- similar to Bhumi. Not to mention the strange occurrences in that planet relating to the Venture Unit’s attempt in creating other dimensions- what if it’s all connected?’ Namjoon demands. ‘You cannot just hide planets, let alone entire Systems; this planet in dead space, and the Bhumi System are connected-‘

Sk’jin knows they’re connected because the first time he heard of Bhumi, that correlation was the first thing he thought of. But Sk’jin puts his metaphoric foot down.

‘There is also no evidence that suggests there is any similarity to-‘

‘Yes there is- and you know it-’ Namjoon presses.

Sk’jin grits his teeth down, visions flashing before his eyes.

‘I am not going back there are you out of your mind? Would you go back to your planet?’ Sk’jin demands.

Namjoon’s expression darkens.

‘I can’t go back because there’s nothing to go back to,’ Namjoon states bluntly.

Sk’jin takes a deep breath, trying to pacify himself.

‘Is it currently under GIU supervision?’ Namjoon asks, gnawing at his lip.

‘Yes it is.’ Sk’jin replies at once. ‘And every form of evidence found in that planet has been contained and sealed, stored away in the GIU mothership. What’s left is simply the planet itself. And I do not think our trajectory has added this planet to its calculations. We cannot deter, Namjoon.’

‘This isn’t about ignoring the mission- you know our mission covers more than just delivering Jimin to Bhumi- there are other connections here-‘

‘I don’t remember signing up for some vigilante bull,’ Sk’jin snaps back. ‘What happened before with the slaver ship, and then with Pompa- those were great mistakes we made, with repercussions we are barely capable of handling, and most certainly don’t need to add to. I don’t know what you’re thinking- maybe that what we did was some bull- hero-like thing- but it’s not- we ed up big time and now we’re trying to hide from that -up . So let’s not add to it. Got it?’

‘You told me you wanted to understand what else was happening- what other things the GLA were doing that-‘ Namjoon ploughs on, ignoring Sk’jin’s statement.

‘Yes- that is what I said,’ Sk’jin snaps, remembering their discussion in Ch’dra. ‘But like I told you before that was before we triggered all of this into action.’

Namjoon grimaces at him. And honestly Sk’jin knows what Namjoon is saying. If they were in a different situation, where the entire Known Universe forces wasn’t looking for them, then yeah, Sk’jin would like to study these similarities in order to gain better understanding of what happened in that ed up planet, and to prepare for what they might face in Bhumi. But they couldn’t simply do that on such a small whim. And one look at Namjoon tells him that the Kutsoglerin wasn’t just going to let this go.

‘Hoseok!’ they both call out at the same time.

Hoseok appears in a few seconds, expression confused and a little wary.


‘Namjoon has a crack-pot idea and I have a sound reasoning to bury it. Wanna hear?’

Namjoon glares at him before clearing his throat, drawing Hoseok’s attention.

‘Bhumi is not the only planet or system that has the ability to remain undetected and hidden,’ Namjoon says. ‘There is another planet that was hidden as a result of what we suspect-‘

‘-there is no we here-‘

‘-to be a result of early Venture Unit and GLA experiments regarding the Hyper-Reality Expansion Program that was shut down over a millennia ago,’ Namjoon explains.

‘You’re saying that there’s a connection?’

‘Yes- Jimin said that his System was hidden. But it’s not. At least not fully. It’s a System that was discovered and studied for near centuries- and even then it was still a mystery because you couldn’t ever scan or observe it without losing it in front of your very eyes. And based on what Jimin has said – they have tech that allows them to do this.’ Namjoon states. ‘And I think this connects to Jimin- at least based on what he’s explained. The Akramanese were only ever known of after that incident in Bhumi- and the Treaty Panel had been visiting them for years before that- based on what Lmiura said, and the fact that despite being hidden, the GLA was still able to make some scan of their System, they were able to somehow either overtake their tech or mimic it.’ Namjoon explains. ‘Their technology is something we have never experienced- and the way Jimin handles our tech-‘

‘-is with too much ease,’ Hoseok agrees. ‘He clearly comes from a place with advanced technology- probably even more advanced than us.’

‘-what if the GLA stole their tech, and using that created whatever messed up that other planet?’ Namjoon concludes.

‘And while that is a good point,’ Sk’jin butts in. ‘We do not have the security or time to do something like this. The planet I was on is in dead space, under heavy protection of the GIU- and need I remind you that K’mara leads the GIU?’

‘But this can explain so much-‘

‘Why not just ask Jimin?’ Hoseok offers.

‘What?’ Sk’jin and Namjoon echo at the same time. Sk’jin grimaces inwardly- they all had to stop doing that twinning thing.

Hoseok pauses a moment before calling, ‘Could everyone come up to the Bridge?’




‘We never left!’ Taeh’yung exclaims when they walk back in.

They’re still at the Mast, and Yoongi and Jimin are attempting to have a conversation. He’s doing that thing again, where Jimin will point at himself and then back at Yoongi, waiting.

‘I think he’s expecting something- some statement or word?’ Sk’jin offers offhandedly as they step up on the Mast. ‘He keeps repeating your name and his name- he clearly wants you to remember something.’

Yoongi is obviously thinking hard, his mind practically whirring.

Jimin is leaning forward, expression expectant as Yoongi opens his mouth.

‘Your majesty?’ Yoongi sounds unsure. Sk’jin nearly chokes.

Jimin is confused for a total of 10 seconds while Taeh’yung translates. He then turns bright red, waving his hands frantically at Yoongi, stuttering rapidly.

‘He doesn’t want to be called that,’ Taeh’yung explains, translating Jimin’s embarrassed stammers.

‘Yoongi’s failing memory aside,’ Sk’jin calls out dryly, amused by the look Yoongi sends his direction, ‘Cap here has something he wants to ask Jimin about.’

Sk’jin is very amused by the look Namjoon sends his direction before he starts to speak: ‘There’s an uninhabited planet in the dead space that borders Sluchaen and Cabcd. It was previously undetectable and was the cause of strange magnetic waves that were credited to the massive disappearances of ships and Transporters alike. It was later discovered that an extremely old Venture Unit ship had first crashed into this planet carrying the remains of an experiment gone wrong in the Hyper-Reality Expansion Program.’

Taeh’yung translates before stopping abruptly.

‘There’s no word for Hyper-Reality in his language,’ he explains.

‘…uh…I guess, dreams?’ Namjoon provides.

Taeh’yung looks skeptical but he continues. Jimin listens closely, not speaking a single word as he nods.

‘I believe that this tech might come from your system.’

They wait in silence as Taeh’yung translates. Jimin’s expression remains the same, not a single hint or indication of what he was feeling.

Then he begins to speak, Taeh’yung nods along a few times. Jimin speaks for nearly over a minute, hands waving a little. Taeh’yung asks one question before he nods and then the Zhak’gri faces them and says, ‘He doesn’t know!’

Namjoon blinks a few times.

‘He spoke for nearly over a minute- and that’s all he said?’ Hoseok asks with a frown.

‘Yeah- there was some long thing about how he’s not really supposed to talk about how they hide their System- but he did say he really doesn’t know if what they use for their planet is the same as whatever planet you’re talking about,’ Taeh’yung expands.

But before anyone can say anything else Jimin asks Taeh’yung a question, a curious expression on his face.

‘He wants to know what you mean by the “dream space”.’

‘It was an experiment,’ Namjoon explains. ‘The Venture Unit wanted to create an alternative reality- a secondary dimension that was all inside your head- but it connected your mind to everyone else’s- a link, and it would be controllable by one Being. It was one of their attempts in taking over the Universe. The program was shut down and the ship carrying that technology and experiment went missing. We found out 4 sols ago that it had crashed in that planet I mentioned earlier.’

Taeh’yung translates this. It takes a while because Taeh’yung seems to be struggling with some of the words, thinking hard. Sk’jin doesn’t know why but he feels like this was leading to something he would prefer not to know. One glance at Namjoon tells him that the Kutsoglerin is about 2 seconds from bursting with anticipation. Yoongi is looking down, and Sk’jin notices how Jimin is still holding onto his hand. It makes Sk’jin stop his other thoughts and concentrate on their hands.

Jimin had that thing that he did. Touching them carefully, hands framing their cheeks, or touching their hands. Always skin on skin. Like he was reading into their minds, or sensing something. It wasn’t the same as with Yishengs- because Sk’jin couldn’t feel anything in his Life-stream. It was just a touch.

To connect.

‘-ounds very cruel and inhumane,’ Taeh’yung finishes translating for Jimin who looks very serious.

‘Jimin. Can you read minds?’ Sk’jin asks bluntly. He ignores the bewildered expression he gets from Hoseok and Namjoon. Yoongi actually looks around at Jimin as though anticipating an answer.

‘He can see memories- dreams, nightmares-,’ Taeh’yung explains after Jimin replies. ‘He can’t read minds. It’s not something he can do all the time.’

A strange shudder runs down Sk’jin’s back at that. He glances at Jimin who is slowly explaining something to Taeh’yung while the latter translated. ‘It’s not an ability he has non-stop- like it’s not uh…it can be stopped- and it’s only possible if the other person is willing. Or when Jimin is in…a trance? It needs to be done on purpose- with purpose and the correct intention.’

Jimin nods as Taeh’yung repeats a few words.

‘He requires touch right? With his hands?’ Sk’jin asks carefully. ‘So that if we just nudged arms, he wouldn’t just see my dreams or .’

Taeh’yung repeats Sk’jin’s question and Jimin nods in reply, adding a few words as though to placate. But Sk’jin doesn’t bother listening and instead catches Namjoon’s eyes who is already looking at him.

‘I’m tired,’ Taeh’yung is whining. ‘I think I want to sleep-‘

‘Namjoon can I talk to you for a moment- in private.’





Namjoon finds himself in the same place, the same stairwell, as Sk’jin faces him, same posture, same facial expression. They wait as Taeh’yung skips down the stairs with Jimin next to him. The latter gives them a curious look before waving goodnight. Yoongi slips past as well, following after the two down the stairs. They wait 10 more seconds before Sk’jin begins.

‘Remember when I said that I thought what you were suggesting was a dumb idea, and that it was under the supervision of the GIU?’

Namjoon nods.

‘Right. I lied. Everything is still present in the planet, and though the GIU are still running supervision over it, they’re been stopped to only observe the planet and have been banned from entering under orders of the GLA Judiciary.’

Namjoon finds himself literally praying for patience.

‘You lied-‘

‘You’re always ignoring the more important facts for mundane gibberish,’ Sk’jin waves his hand dismissively.

‘The “important fact” you’re talking about was hidden because of your lie!’ Namjoon hisses out, ‘It’s not mundane gibberish- Sk’jin, I thought we agreed not to keep back information we know will be relevant to what we’re doing!’

‘And it wasn’t relevant! It still isn’t!’ Sk’jin snaps back. ‘Our mission is to take tiny-princeling back to his System- not take detours to heavily guarded risky planets in dead space!’

‘Then why are you saying you want to do it now?!’

‘Because I want to know if the GLA took his technology and manipulated it to create whatever the  nightmare I lived for centuries!’ Sk’jin snaps. ‘I’m being honest here- I selfishly want to know- to see if the hell I lived through was in fact created because of pip-squeak’s tech. And yeah- maybe we might somehow figure out something useful that will help us- which I still doubt by the way- but I’m willing to take that risk.’

‘You’re hiding something here again,’ Namjoon huffs out. ‘I already told you about the tech part- you weren’t convinced. What else are you thinking about? You asked him very specific questions and I’m ready to do the same unless you tell me what your real agenda is.’

‘Oh wow I’m shaking in my shoes,’ Sk’jin rolls his eyes. ‘Fine- remember when we had that really nice bonding moment in Ch'dra, and I told you about the First Nightmare,’ Sk’jin winks at Namjoon who grimaces but nods in remembrance of that information. ‘It saw me. And I saw it. But it could never touch me.’

‘Touch you?’ Namjoon remembers what Sk'jin told him with startling clarity. He sometimes mulls over it, and he shudders at the idea of it. 

‘The First Nightmare had the ability to duplicate itself- replicate itself into another form- pretending to be someone else. It would take their memories, dreams, nightmares, - consume them. All it needed was a touch. It needed to touch its victims and they would get caught. It would be able to see into their minds. Does this sound familiar to you?’

Namjoon pauses. Because yes it did sound familiar.

‘But that’s a long stretch-‘

‘So was your tech-talk.’

Sk’jin was brutally honest, that was one thing. He was also clearly a liar. Namjoon doesn’t know what to do. While the entire story about how whatever the thing- First Nightmare - Sk’jin encountered in that planet had to touch its victims to “read”/”consume” them was similar to the way Jimin had to touch someone in order to gain access to their thoughts- it was still rather sketchy in Namjoon’s opinion. But then again, so was his theory about the planet and Bhumi.

They’re at a stalemate once again.

Sk’jin raises one eyebrow and at the same time they both call out, ‘Hoseok!’




Hoseok has his arms crossed, expression unimpressed, as he listens to Sk’jin.

‘So you’re saying now that you agree with Namjoon’s plan. And that you want to go to this dead space planet- that’s guarded by the GIU, because by chance, Jimin might be able to explain what happened to the planet, also explain the reason why the planet couldn’t be seen, as well as demonstrate his abilities, explain the possible connection he has with the “experiment” that was in that planet, and what happened to your ship?’ Hoseok summarizes.

‘Yes.’ Sk’jin and Namjoon both reply.

Hoseok pauses a moment before calling, ‘Could everyone come up to the Bridge?’




They’re gathered around the Navigation Mast again, Hoseok literally facepalming where he stood.

Taeh’yung is half-asleep, slumped over Jimin who is holding onto Yoongi’s hand again, eyes darting around the room at all of their faces.

‘After we go to Nuqtai- we’re taking a detour here,’ Hoseok points at a blank space.

‘That’s dead space though?’ Taeh’yung yawns, looking down at it with sleepy curiosity.

‘That’s the planet that was undetectable- where I died,’ Sk’jin states simply. ‘And we believe this connects to Jimin and his System.’

Taeh’yung translates amidst yawns. Jimin nods, water dripping from his hair, clearly having just showered. His hair is darker like this, but it’s still difficult to tell if it was gold or silver. If he had any questions regarding Sk'jin's death he doesn't voice them. 

‘He says he’ll do all he can to help. He also wants to know if there’s a possibility that their technology was stolen from them. He said something about how that might explain a few questions he has too.’

Namjoon nods grimly at that, feeling a little strange to have Sk’jin’s agreement. He almost wants to take it back but he doesn’t. With this, they could uncover more about their situation in a wider perspective.

‘Is that it?’ Taeh’yung asks with a mighty yawn. ‘I really wanna sleep pa.’

‘Yes- we’re sorry,’ Namjoon says with a smile, patting the Zhak’gri on his shoulder. ‘You guys go get some sleep. And Jimin, could I have your screen? I’ll archive the new words you set into the dictionary.’

He points at the screen in Jimin’s hands. Jimin nods in understanding without needing translation. After all this wasn’t the first time Namjoon asked him this. Namjoon was recording and tracking the process of transcribing Jimin’s language into a form that could be used to provide translations. Every word he asked Jimin to speak is recorded, in every variation possible, and then cross-referenced into the GLA Database to find similarities. They already had a numerical chart, as well as the alphabets. The more complicated grammatical and structural aspect of the language would have to wait. For now they needed commonly used words and terms.

‘Taking the night-round?’ Hoseok asks as he makes to step away from the Mast.

‘Yeah,’ Namjoon nods as he slots the screen under the Navigation Table. ‘I’m just going to put this into our archive.’

Hoseok nods and bids him goodnight.

Namjoon nearly has a heart attack when he realizes that Yoongi is still there. He almost didn’t see him despite the fact that the Human was literally feet away from him.


‘Going there might hurt him,’ Yoongi says unexpectedly.

‘What do you mean?’ Namjoon asks, bewildered by Yoongi’s statement. 'Who?'

‘Memories are painful,’ is all Yoongi says before he quietly leaves.






The OrTank is kept in the Hangar Bay. They had analyzed it completely but found that there was nothing strange or unique about it. But Yoongi comes back to it frequently. It seemed fragile and almost cheap without a Being inside of it. Yoongi wonders where his own OrTank was.


Yoongi realizes that he’s never seen an eclipse before.

None that he’s actually realized and experienced as he was. He simply knew about them, knew what they looked like, and how they came to form. But he’s never seen one. But there are two of them, looking straight at him. And Yoongi knows that the moon blocks the sun, orbiting to cover its light, creating a ring around it before eventually moving past. But in Jimin’s eyes they’re permanent. Staying there, unmoving, caught in time.

And they’re blinding.

Yoongi couldn’t sleep. Instead he stayed up memorizing the trajectories and maps and details of their upcoming plan. When he finished doing that in 10 minutes Yoongi left his Cabin and mindlessly wandered around the ship. Despite not being able to sleep, Sk’jin sure acted like he needed it. Taeh’yung rarely closed his doors, and Yoongi can hear him snoring from the Lobby. So he made his way down instead, to just stare at the OrTank.

‘I couldn’t sleep,’ Yoongi says.

For some reason this makes Jimin smile, shaking his head.

‘Hhman ang khan tu na pon i la mu thei lo mo?’

Yoongi briefly thinks of calling Taeh’yung but decides not to.

‘Enge i ti mek?’ Jimin walks up next to him, looking down at his OrTank as well.

‘I was just…thinking.’

This also makes Jimin laugh. Yoongi smiles slowly in response.

Jimin studies the OrTank, mumbling to himself as he touches it, looking over it. He steps inside of it and for some reason this freaks Yoongi out. And before he’s aware, he’s yanking Jimin out, halfway across the Hangar away from the OrTank.

Jimin’s eyes widen in shock.

‘S-sorry,’ Yoongi manages to get out. ‘I- I uh, I don’t think you should go in there.’

He points at the OrTank and crosses his hands together to form an “X”. Jimin nods, still confused. Not sure what to do, Yoongi turns and promptly leaves the Bay. He’s aware that Jimin is following him and Yoongi finds himself in the Bridge. Namjoon doesn’t notice him until he walks past. He’s used to the way Namjoon jumps every time he spots Yoongi.

Yoongi finds it extremely funny and sometimes does it on purpose.

He almost smiles but stops himself, unsure where that particular impulse came from.

Making his way to the tower-mast, Yoongi sits down, and Jimin is sitting next to him a few seconds later. He smiles at him, a slight hesitance to the way his lips pull up, his eyes holding a worried expression. It was boring sitting here, or at least, Yoongi thinks it’s supposed to be boring for most Beings. When Yoongi sat here, he normally listened to audio-books through his screen, read up history, studied basic GLA education, and tried to catch up on all of Earth’s filmography to better understand his original culture and past. If what Jimin was saying was true, then Yoongi had been alive and…and Yoongi over 800 years ago. What was happening in Ancient Earth 800 years ago?

A thought occurs to him and he reaches for his screen. Jimin watches his movements carefully, his legs drawn in, folded up and pressed against his chest.

He pulls up the records and archives from Earth, outlined by the GLA Database. He’s not sure about how many exact sols ago he was alive so he just types in a random year 850 years ago. Earth wasn’t the most interesting of planets and her solar system wasn’t exciting. The planets in it were normal and dormant, with the exception of Jupiter which was the largest planet in the solar system. No important or eye-catching activity is recorded- the option is available for headlines that came from Earth that year but before Yoongi threw himself into reading a full Earth-sol worth of news and headlines, Jimin leans closer and points.

‘Urthh?’ Jimin says carefully.

Yoongi wonders how Jimin recognized the planet. He nods.

Jimin’s expression turns bright at once, smiling as he looks down at the screen. He’s about to speak but then pauses, head swiveling clearly looking for Taeh’yung. But the Zhak’gri is not in the Bridge. Seemingly making up his mind, Jimin excuses himself. His movements are light and graceful; he’s almost as quiet as Hoseok. Yoongi hears him speak, and Namjoon reply with a questioning sound. A few seconds later, Jimin appears again, this time with his screen. He taps a few times on the surface before activating a sketching tab. Carefully but hurriedly, Jimin sketches a basic picture of a house- the design of it somehow transcending most galaxies and systems: a square box with a roof and windows. He then draws a stick figure and points at Yoongi, and then back at his own screen.

‘In?’ Jimin tilts his head.

‘…home,’ Yoongi nods slowly.

‘H-home,’ Jimin repeats carefully, his accent a little skewed.

Yoongi nods again.

Jimin goes back to the tab and next to the figure that’s supposed to be Yoongi, he draws another figure. This one is slightly smaller, and clearly female. Then next to that one, another female. He smiles expectantly at Yoongi, waiting for something. Yoongi looks back at the image, his mind suddenly filled with white noise. He’s not sure what to do or say.

Jimin looks back at the drawing and then adds a small detail to the figure of the smaller female. A small star-shaped item and colours it in carefully with purple.

Yoongi stares at the stick-figures, his mind drawing blanks. He looks back at Jimin and shakes his head. He expects Jimin to maybe attempt drawing again but instead he feels fingers carefully feeling at his palm. He stretches his hand open. Jimin could “read” into his memories with contact. Yoongi isn’t sure if that was what he was doing right now. If someone tried to probe into your mind, wouldn’t you feel it? Jimin is watching him with a careful expression.

Was he doing it now?

Jimin places his palm over Yoongi’s and then he points at himself with his free hand, and then taps Yoongi’s head lightly, his head tilted to the side. He was asking permission, Yoongi figures, and so he slowly nods, not sure what to do now. So instead he settles for studying the illustration on Jimin’s tab. Yoongi doesn’t know what Jimin means by what he drew- but there was something of importance in what he just shared, Yoongi knew of it. And something deep inside of him doesn’t want to know. But another small small part of him, is reaching out.

Before he knows it, Yoongi changes the tabs on his screen and putting aside the image of Earth as she once was, Yoongi pulls up the footage of Earth’s remains. It was now a stretch of asteroids marking the former existence of a planet that was supposed to be Yoongi’s home. Yoongi points at the side-by-side pictures and then at the one Jimin drew, drawing the latter’s attention away.

How many planets do you see from here?’

He points slowly, pointing first at Jimin’s drawing, then at Earth, and then the asteroid remains. It takes a moment for Jimin to realize what Yoongi is trying to tell him.

His face blanches, breath caught in his throat. It’s automatic- his hands shake and Yoongi doesn’t understand.

Why was Jimin behaving as though it was his planet that was destroyed?

‘Yoongi-‘ he manages to say before he pulls him into a hug.

Yoongi is not the most comfortable at the moment. He’s squashed to the side, the arm of his chair digging into his ribs that are still a little sore. He’s not used to physical contact like this- and to this extent. It’s been 13 seconds and counting and Jimin still hasn’t let go.

‘It’s okay,’ he finds himself saying. ‘I don’t remember anything about Earth.’

Jimin pulls away, eyes wet as he looks over Yoongi’s face before placing both his hands on his face. Yoongi sits still, looking over Jimin’s face instead of feeling uncomfortable.

And it’s not uncomfortable- Yoongi feels like he’s long-gone past the time of feeling  uncomfortable though it’s only been a few days since Jimin woke up and since he woke up as well. All of this felt familiar- his mind doesn’t register this sensation. Rather it’s his body that responds. He relaxes in a strange manner when Jimin was around. He felt better, though Yoongi doesn’t know why or how and in what relation, when Jimin was in sight. It was the same when he was in the OrTank. But now it was clearer, but just as confusing.  

Jimin still looks upset, hands shaking as he holds the screen in his hands, looking down at the asteroids. Yoongi’s mind jumps to every book he’s read about offering comfort to Beings when they were upset.

‘Do…do you want to watch a movie?’ Yoongi asks tentatively.

Jimin looks up, eyelashes wet. Fidgeting with his sleeves, Yoongi dabs, probably a bit too harshly, at Jimin’s cheeks. His attempt at blotting Jimin’s face ends up with laughter from Jimin who pushes his hand away and wipes at his face himself.

Yoongi points at his screen for a moment before he decides to just pick a movie and watch it. He’s going through the list of movies when Jimin’s hand reaches in and takes the screen from him. Surprised but not acting out, Yoongi waits as Jimin scrolls through the almost endless list of movies. The titles were written and next to it a small moving clip and poster- but Jimin doesn’t pause to ogle at them or even study them. It was as though he knew exactly what he was looking for. It was almost as though he knew exactly what he was doing, as though this wasn’t the first time he’s seen something like this. Perhaps his past-self had done the same? If that was actually a thing?

Jimin pauses at a title and then taps on it before handing it back to Yoongi.

To Yoongi’s surprise it’s The Sleeping Beauty- a movie he just recently watched. It starts to play and Yoongi has a feeling that this would be the second time they both watched it together. Halfway through the movie, Taeh’yung appears. His bed-hair is spectacular and his clothes are inside out. He’s dragged a blanket with him and throwing it over Jimin, manages to worm his way into Jimin’s seat. They adjust for a while until they’re both squashed up in one place. Taeh’yung pauses a moment before he throws a small square of blanket over Yoongi’s knee.

It's warm.

‘Heard Chim singing,’ he yawns wide, though Yoongi has asked him no question.  

‘Chim?’ Yoongi repeats.

Taeh’yung nods and with a sleepy grin says, ‘t’s his nickname.’

Yoongi glances at Jimin who is eyeing him as though he just realized something. He hurriedly points at Yoongi, rather aggressively.

‘Yoongi?’ Yoongi answers.

Jimin nods. Then he points at himself.


He nods, and then he points at himself again and says, ‘Chim.’

Yoongi glances at Taeh’yung who is already asleep, arms sticking out randomly.

‘Chim,’ Yoongi nods. ‘It’s your nickname from Taeh’yung.’

‘N-nikk naim,’ Jimin tries out with a nod, before pointing at Yoongi and then at himself.

‘…you want me,’ Yoongi points at himself, and then at Jimin, ‘To give you a nickname?’

Jimin nods, waiting expectantly.

Yoongi tries. He really does. But he suspects that there was more to this than just simply wanting a nickname. If what Jimin was saying was true, then did that mean Yoongi had once given him a nickname? He searches Jimin’s face, wondering what he saw in the past, what he felt, what he thought, that would elicit a nickname.

‘I’m sorry I don’t remember,’ Yoongi whispers.

Jimin looks down for a moment, gnawing at his lip in thought. They don’t speak after that, and instead continue watching the movie.

Jimin hums along to the tune of Once Upon a Dream and Yoongi doesn’t question it.





Ymir is an extraordinarily beautiful stretch of space. It’s a no warp zone and though they’re only passing through for a total of 5 hours, they find themselves looking down upon a wide stretch of a massive golden nebula. It seems to move, liquid almost, as though the stars encased in their light and colour could move – dancing upon music unheard and beyond their imagination.

It’s breathtaking and predictably, Taeh’yung and Jimin are stuck onto the windows around the tower-mast, peering down with obvious excitement and awe. It’s been over 3 hours and the two of them were still excited. Namjoon finds it endearing- a little odd, but endearing. Odd, especially considering the fact that Taeh’yung should have probably witnessed a few nebulas in his lifetime. He’s not sure if Bhumi saw nebulas, considering Jimin’s awe over them. Maybe he was just enthusiastic? They were beautiful after all.

‘Kids, look up ahead,’ Sk’jin calls indulgently from where he stood strategically, the light from the nebula highlighting him in a flattering angle. Sk’jin had been doing that for hours- star-bathing, apparently. But Namjoon has spotted the Khol’isa taking discreet pictures of himself on his own screen.

Taeh’yung and Jimin both look upwards and gasps of amazement ensues as a whirling mass of blue and magenta swirl above them. Jimin actually stretches his hand upwards, as though to try and touch it. He stops himself halfway, as though realizing his action, looking a little embarrassed. Taeh’yung has no shame and jumps on his feet as though to reach for the stars above.

‘It’s even more beautiful than when I came here,’ he proclaims, ignorant of the way everyone’s (sans Jimin) heads swivel to stare at him.

‘You’ve been in Ymir before?!’ Hoseok demands, no doubt already thinking of potential routes around to Nuqtai.

‘Yeah! It’s where the Yisheng found me! I was breaking a law or something,’ Taeh’yung shrugs.

Namjoon wonders why everything has turned into a space-drama with a plot even the readers of Sk’jin’s trash novels would turn their noses at.

‘…where in Ymir?’ Hoseok asks carefully.

‘Uh- swampy. Humid. Small,’ Taeh’yung says absentmindedly as he tries to look and down at the same time, nodding at a violent pace.

‘…what were you- wait.’ Hoseok takes a short moment while Namjoon looks up this swampy humid small planet. The Ymir System was home to 27 planets, 2 suns, some 78 moons, and 2 asteroid belts. And out of all of these, only 9 were capable of housing life and sustaining it. Ymir had an incredibly narrow and carefully maintained habitable zone.

Namjoon filters the list down to Ubhuku, a small uninhabitable planet. It wasn’t uninhabitable because it was barren- on the contrary it was bursting with life and was basically a planet-sized green house. The atmosphere was quite acidic, so all the plants that grew there were evolved to thrive in those conditions. Many of the plants were carnivorous, Namjoon discovers. And it was also a planet where the GLA had tried to maintain a program of sorts.

‘Tae- were you ever involved in something called the ‘Accelerated Evolution Program’?’ Namjoon asks, clearing his throat.

‘No!’ Taeh’yung finally looks away, his eyes cross-eyed from nodding so violently. ‘It’s fake- it was made to cover up my “crimes”.’

Sk’jin and Hoseok both pale.

‘And that was?’

‘I only wanted to see if I could create life?’ Taeh’yung shrugs as he recovers from his disorientation. ‘I wasn’t trying to kill anyone or destroy anything-‘

‘And so the GLA found you,’ Namjoon is trying hard to remain calm. ‘-and stopped you, and covered up your experiment by saying it was something they did?’

‘They didn’t stop me!’ Taeh’yung explains as he skips up to the Navigator’s Mast. ‘They just told me to continue and watched what I could do. Then after I made Umholi they decided to stop and they took me to prison!’

Hoseok looks like he’s about 2 seconds from fainting- or firing his TeorSer at Taeh’yung.

‘So you have a record?’

‘Nopes! I’m not supposed to exist,’ Taeh’yung replies easily.   

‘It should be fine,’ Yoongi chimes in unexpectedly. ‘We are far from Ubhuku.’

While that was true, it still didn’t make this information any less disturbing. Also, what did Taeh’yung mean by create life? And what was an Umholi? Something tells him he doesn’t really want to know.

A small beep from his screen alerts him, signaling that his search was completed. Stepping away from the Mast, he makes his way down to the lowest tier of the Bridge where Yoongi sat. The Human was also watching the nebulas, though what he thought of them was a little vague as he held no expression on his face. Namjoon takes a seat next to him, handing him his NaviLet.

‘I found it,’ he says simply.

Yoongi takes the NaviLet but he doesn’t open the tab yet.

‘You can take your time with it- it’s pretty monumental I would think,’ Namjoon tells him.

‘Thank you,’ Yoongi says quietly, slotting his own screen over the NaviLet to transfer the contents.

Yoongi had asked him to look his name up on Earth- narrowing it down to a 30 sol gap on Earth from approximately over 800 years ago. It wasn’t difficult to do- finding and pulling old records because every GLA-based planet or System was always recorded and archived in the GLA Database. It wasn’t surprising to Namjoon that Yoongi or any Human that looked like him wasn’t on the official GLA office records or credits. If what Jimin was saying was true, and seeing how closely related Yoongi was to all of this in the past, they would have removed every trace of his existence and or involvement. So instead he scanned Earth’s media and local forums. And after nearly 4 days he found an almost accurate match. He takes back the NaviLet from Yoongi once the transfer is done. Namjoon doesn’t know how Yoongi must feel, knowing that there was a lifetime of memories he couldn’t remember- a life he once lived, with his own unique complexities.

Namjoon feels as though it might drive him crazy if he knew.

‘You’re welcome,’ Namjoon replies back sincerely.

‘For the last time, does anyone have anything else they might want to add before we go to Nuqtai?’ Hoseok calls tiredly from the cockpit.

‘It’s noisy as hell,’ Yoongi mumbles.

Namjoon is sure he’s the only one who heard.





It’s noisy as hell,’ Hoseok complains.

They had landed in Nuqtai some hour ago at a landing strip south of the main sprawling city. They were closer to the aqua-ducts that fed water to the cities. Yoongi is standing next to him, staring at the aqua-ducts with more intensity than strictly required.

I’ll get to the main system in a few minutes. Is Sk’jin done?’ Hoseok asks.

They left it to Sk’jin to “talk” to the immigration officers in Nuqtai. They weren’t actually officers- just a bunch of organized gangs that controlled certain areas of Nuqtai. You had to pay for their silence, rather than a landing spot. And Sk’jin was probably their best choice in such a task so the Khol’isa had left with a skip to his step, hair flipping back in a sparkling wave of pink.

‘He’s on his way back,’ Namjoon replies.

All right- I’ll call if anything’s amiss, otherwise I should be done pretty soon.’

‘Don’t forget my clothes!’ Taeh’yung adds.

Namjoon hears Hoseok hum a response before the harsh white-noise of Nuqtai’s sprawling excuse of a city cuts out.

‘Sk’jin has been standing outside for a while,’ Yoongi comments. 

Namjoon checks his screen and finds that yes, the Khol’isa was just standing still some ways from the ship.

‘Sk’jin?’ Namjoon calls.

There’s no reply.

‘Lisai- can you check on Sk’jin?’

Communications Manager Sk’jin is currently on line. He is attending a call.’

Namjoon swiftly makes his way out of the Bridge and down the ship.

The air out is cool- the weather taking a turn with the day. It smells like stagnant water, rust, and pollution out here. Namjoon is quiet when needed and Sk’jin is close to a slightly rumbly aqua-duct. The Khol’isa is talking in a low voice, attention riveted as he stands aimlessly atop the tank. It’s not Standard, and Namjoon has listened to that tape-recording from the first few weeks of their mission to recognize Long-Huon. Namjoon waits until Sk’jin finishes his conversation to clear his throat. Turning swiftly, Sk’jin levels him with a cool gaze.

‘Is this something you don’t want to tell me about because it’s not important?’ Namjoon asks.

‘You’re right. Is Hoseok back?’ Sk’jin asks sharply.

‘Not yet.’ Namjoon sighs out, ignoring the unpleasant feeling at the back of his neck. ‘Who were you talking to?’

‘Contact,’ Sk’jin replies evasively, there’s a sudden fierce look to his eye as he says, ‘Since we both decided to go to that planet, I thought it would be a good idea to nose around for additional information. He should know, after all he was there with me and was the reason why I could leave in the first place.’

‘Who is it? Your contact.’

‘I can’t tell you.’

‘Won’t or can’t?’

‘It’s none of your business.’

Namjoon doesn’t press on the subject.

‘What else did your contact say?’

‘That this was a dumb idea and you shouldn’t be our captain,’ Sk’jin replies at once.

Namjoon rolls his eyes.

‘He also said that there are only 2 ships surrounding the planet. There are no patrols- just spatial observation and footage recording.’ Sk’jin adds. ‘A simple magnetic detonation can cut them off long enough for us to enter the planet undetected.’

Namjoon nods in reply to that.

Hey- is Taeh’yung there with you? Does he prefer green or purple?’ Hoseok asks.

‘Purple,’ Sk’jin replies before adding, ‘Tae- Hobi’s buying you clothes, you got yourself a new daddy.’

Sk’jin please-‘

‘Yoongi, where is Taeh’yung, please tell him to put his Comm-Device back on,’ Namjoon sighs as he turns back around to go back to the ship.

There’s no reply.

Namjoon hears Sk’jin swear quietly under his breath. A second unpleasant sensation grips the back of his neck.

‘Yoongi, Taeh’yung, Jimin- where are you?’

There’s no reply.

Namjoon and Sk’jin sprint back into the ship. And they don’t need to search for too long to know that it’s empty.

‘They’re not here,’ Sk’jin huffs out.

Are you ing kidding me?!’






Taeh’yung and Jimin walk a little ahead as Yoongi trails behind them. Taeh’yung convinced Jimin that they needed new clothes, to which Jimin had readily agreed. Yoongi is unsure but he believes that Jimin felt like he didn’t want to impose on anyone else for clothing and other items he needed. And though he knew they weren’t supposed to leave the ship- least of all Jimin and Taeh’yung, Yoongi just nodded in consent to Taeh’yung’s plea to go shopping.

The two walk in front of him, hands held and talking a mile a minute. Jimin had been wearing Hoseok’s clothes, which were the most practical and comfortable. Though similar in size, Yoongi’s own clothes ranged between tactical and full black. Jimin refused to wear black, a colour of mourning, according to Taeh’yung, in Jimin’s culture.

His screen was inside his inner pocket. Waiting for him to open the files. Unsure why, Yoongi found that he couldn’t open it.

Not yet anyways. He wanted to know. But he wasn’t sure if he wanted to remember.

Memories were painful. Thoughts and knowing were painful.

Did he even want to know? What would it show him? What would he find out? Would it be important to him where he was now? Or would it be rudimentary, useless junk taking up space in his mind.

‘Yoongi!’ Jimin calls him, talking rapidly as he points at one of the stalls, clearly delighted. Yoongi doesn’t understand a single word but he nods nonetheless, listening closely to the lilts of his voice, the rise and fall of his tone for timing.

But Jimin knew Yoongi- the Yoongi from the past. And he expected something from him. Wanted something from him. He was waiting for something from Yoongi.

Would Yoongi be able to remember Jimin?

‘That’s really pretty Chim,’ Taeh’yung grins down at them. ‘It’s nice quality too!’

His mind didn’t remember Jimin. But the way Jimin’s hand felt in his told him otherwise.

‘Let’s buy it!’

Yoongi isn’t sure from where Taeh’yung is producing the units from- but then again, he did slip into Sk’jin’s Cabin, claiming he needed to change for the outing. It was as though the Zhak’gri had been waiting for Namjoon to leave, the way he so quickly rounded up Jimin and then Yoongi. Yoongi has the feeling that Taeh’yung also didn’t tell Jimin about Namjoon explicitly telling them not to leave the ship. Taeh’yung had then switched off their Comm-Devices, grinning deviously before exiting the ship in an uncannily quiet manner. It was all too easy to slip past Namjoon and Sk’jin. Yoongi is almost apologetic towards their Captain.

Taeh’yung pulls Jimin forward and deeper into the market. Jimin reaches out to grab Yoongi’s hand as well, pulling him forward along with them. Taeh’yung with his height stares forward, eyeing the stalls and leading them this way and that.

Yoongi knows that they should go back. That they shouldn’t have left in the first place. But watching Jimin and Taeh’yung outside of the confines of the ship, around in this questionable crowd selling questionable items felt…felt nice. Like he was living a life that wasn’t his own. When he hears Jimin laughing at something Taeh’yung says, the force of his laughter shaking their joint hands, Yoongi wants to join in. But he doesn’t know how. And instead takes to eyeing pick-pockets and travelling merchants until they scurry off.

Jimin stops walking abruptly, nearly face-planting on Taeh’yung’s back. Yoongi is quick to hold him upright.

‘Tae?’ Jimin looks up at his tall friend. Yoongi recognizes Taeh’yung posture- he’s seen it a few times, when the Zhak’gri is alert- alert and wary. Yoongi covers Jimin from the back, angling him behind Taeh’yung properly so that the Zhak’gri’s larger frame shielded Jimin.


Taeh’yung stares up ahead blankly, his height an advantage in this crowd.

‘What is it?’

Jimin catches on quickly, his posture changing and his expression full of concentration.

‘I can smell it,’ Taeh’yung says quietly. ‘They were here.’

Jimin is quietly asking a question, his hand reaching out to shift under Yoongi’s sleeve, skin pressing against skin, trying to read Yoongi’s reaction.

‘It’s them- from Pompa,’ Taeh’yung doesn’t reply to Jimin’s question and instead repeats. ‘They were here.’

Taeh’yung could only mean one thing. Yoongi can instantly feel himself tensing, his senses flaring and despite his nearly entirely healed injuries, his body was still sore. But despite this his body is coiling in anticipation to attack or defend.

‘Then we leave.’ Yoongi says simply, already taking a step back while guiding Jimin back.

Taeh’yung doesn’t even bother looking at Yoongi when he says, ‘I’m going to look.’

Yoongi knows he should stop the Zhak’gri. But he doesn’t. Because if Taeh’yung hadn’t been the one to say it, he would have ordered the Zhak’gri to take Jimin back, and he would have taken Taeh’yung’s place. And Taeh’yung had that strange skill- ability- to smell those Beings from the arena- the ones that wanted to buy Jimin when he had been in the OrTank. He had the upper-hand here.

The Beings they had encountered in Pompa had definitely been strange. They bore no resemblance to the form of the Akramanese, or to the GI in general. Who they were, and what they were, was a complete mystery. But they wanted Jimin.

Yoongi guides Jimin back to the ship, Taeh’yung stepping into the crowd and vanishing in an instant.


‘Back – we have to go back,’ Yoongi says carefully as he guides them easily and quickly through the crowd. Jimin doesn’t ask any more questions- only once turns to look back around before falling into step with Yoongi. Yoongi taps on the small Comm-Device on his ear.

‘Namjoon it’s Yoongi.’

WHERE THE HAVE YOU BEEN-‘ Sk’jin shrieks. Jimin jolts, having heard the Khol’isa.

‘The House of Jtāharū. They were here.’ Yoongi states calmly.

Sk’jin’s tirade suddenly stops.

When do you get back?’ Namjoon asks tersely.

‘5 minutes,’ Yoongi replies at once.

But Jimin suddenly stops, pulling at their joint hands. With unexpected strength, he pulls Yoongi over to a stall inside one of the alleys until he stops in front of a trinket store. Yoongi glances around, scanning the area as he takes into account an additional branch of the street they were in. He needs to get Jimin back into the ship immediately.

We’re leaving the moment you get back. Hurry.’

‘Taeh’yung went after them.’

Jimin reaches for a small item, sparkling in the dim light. He turns to look at Yoongi, a sad smile on his face.



Yoongi steps closer and recognizes the small item as a hair clip. It’s purple, with some small silver dots around it. The main decorative item is shaped like a star. Jimin reaches up to pin the item on Yoongi’s hair. Yoongi remembers Jimin's small illustration. 

‘Hey- you paying for that-‘

Yoongi what do you mean Taeh’yung went after them?’

Yoongi pulls Jimin back into the crowd, disappearing from the sight of the shop vendor who was now yelling. Ducking low and in the murky shadow of the throngs of Beings around the market, Yoongi leads them out, not responding to Namjoon, Sk’jin, or Hoseok. He concentrates on getting back, Jimin placed a little ahead of him.

They break out of the crowd and are instantly at the forefront of the landing strip gates. They slip past unnoticed by the officers and spot the Užkulisai up ahead. Yoongi can spot a pacing Sk’jin at the doorway. Some part of him is already regretting everything but he ignores it.

Jimin looks back once, to stare at him, eyes hopeful. He glances up at the clip on his hair but then sighs quietly before turning to face Sk’jin’s wrath.

They’re not met with screaming, in fact, Sk’jin just closes the door behind them and follows them up the stairs and into the Bridge. Yoongi wonders why they always took the stairs when they had a fully functional elevator installed at very convenient bends of the ship.

Namjoon and Hoseok are standing by the Navigation Table, both arms crossed.

‘Did they see you?’ Namjoon asks at once.

‘No- Taeh’yung said he smelled them. And said he would go check.’

Namjoon curses under his breath while Hoseok sighs, leaning back on the Table.

‘What do we do?’ he asks dully, fingers thrumming on the surface of the Table.

‘Clearly nothing- until Taeh’yung comes back or calls,’ Sk’jin throws himself on Namjoon’s seat. ‘Why did you even leave?’

‘Taeh’yung wanted to go shopping.’

‘Why didn’t you stop them?!?’ Namjoon demands.

‘Jimin wanted to go. I followed them for security.’


‘Joonie I think if Yoongi tried to stop them, Taeh’yung would have still gone,’ Sk’jin says tiredly. ‘At least they had Yoongi with them.’

Namjoon curses under his breath.

‘Jimin honey why don’t you go wash up? Did you at least buy shoes?’ Sk’jin asks, voice still tired and nearly monotone from where he’s slumped, staring up at the glass ceiling.

Yoongi stares at Jimin’s bare feet, dirty from having walked around the crowded market street. He hadn’t noticed that Jimin was walking around without shoes. He had never asked for them, and had never mentioned them either. Jimin’s toes curl, as though a little embarrassed from having his feet stared at for so long.

Something suddenly clicks inside Yoongi’s mind.


‘Taeh’yung what the actual -?!’

Namjoon looks like he’s about to burst a blood vessel on his temple.

Uh- so I’m kinda inside a ship? And they’re flying off?’

Namjoon visibly balks at that while Sk’jin looks 5 shades paler and 5 shades redder at the same time. Talent.

‘Taeh’yung. Explain yourself.’ Hoseok takes a deep calming breath, his hands straining over the Table.

Uh- so I followed that scent. And it’s this small ship? Like, a supplies ship? And I’m at the back? With some supplies? It has food!’

‘Turn on the tracker,’ Namjoon orders as he pulls up a different holographic screen. 'Twist your Comm-Device.'

‘Taeh’yung- don’t move from where you are. Stay hidden all right?’ Hoseok rubs at his temples, closing his eyes briefly before he starts typing on the Table as well. A small purple dot appears and Yoongi knows that Taeh’yung has activated his tracker. 

‘Are they there?’ Sk’jin asks tersely.

No- but I think this ship belongs to them. It smells like them- but they’re not here.’

Jimin fidgets, unable to understand what was happening. He tugs at Yoongi’s sleeve, eyes darting around the Bridge.

‘Yoongi-‘ Jimin begins.

The clouds above them break, and through the heavy grey and purple clouds, soft rosy skies peak through, and a golden light falls upon the moss covered rocks nearby.

This was why he came here. As though he knew that he would see this. He isn’t even aware that he’s holding up a hand, as though to reach forward and grab at the light- to hold it close and never let go.

Jimin reaches for his hand and Yoongi holds it tight.












(Author’s Note)




2018 HAHAHAHA honestly I have no expectations

The only good I can expect is quality music from my children (and I have many sons and daughters)

And Black Panther

Infinity War

Uh…concerts if I have the money for it

Other movies



Keeping standards low since 1990









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Chapter 68: Wow....just wha? From the title I was hoping for an appearance by Lulu or JD cause that would make so much sense but now Im like...is everyone dead or dying or something else cause Im.so confused and yeah...temptation to kill rising!
Also go Lim! You little blessed life being!
Taehyung where the hell are you, you strange little green goblin! I know you're lurking around somewhere! Or a version of you is
Lol looking forward to more
Chapter 67: Blinks.....okay...that was a bit of a mindfook I'll admit and geeze Tsirin you crazy biatch
Amme! You absolute beaut! Deal with that little cow but don't kill yourself!
I knew there was a plan betweem Jimin and Taehyun! Just knew it! I so badly wanna see exactly what it all was...even if we never get a full explain
And yeah boy, that was a ride
Looking forward to more
Chapter 66: Wah....they're not going to make it....but
So confused and just wahhhh
Happolin #4
Chapter 66: No no no......I don't like where this is heading!!!!!!! Not another yixing!!!!! Please nooooo ( T~T ) ( T~T )...........

Nooooope Noope Noooooooo
Chapter 65: Oh wow
So much action and so much too worry about
I wanna know.what Taehyungs up to....please don't have pulled a certain healer cause that will be so unfair
Looking forward to more
Happolin #6
Chapter 64: Every 2weeks...almost4 months i guess..... welcome back :D
I was really confused at first but then understood that he was just thinking of the past.....like "eh, did he wake up from a nightmare......when did Jin and RM meet up and didn't V like dead...."

Personally I like PTD..... :D
Chapter 64: Damn it I knew I was coming to the end of that chapter and Im still screaming NO DO NOT STOP THERE UNCLASSIFIED! I NEED MORE

Though I will confess to laughing at hurrican Namjoon, bless his klutsom nature and having to be helped out by the Amic and Shay who just do it automatically now. Gave some lovely little tension break moments I'll admit.

Still wanna know where Jimin and Taehyung are though - cause them two are doing something, I know they are

Hope Ski'Jin is okay and Kookie ain't in too much trouble

Looking forward to more
Chapter 62: And how.did I miss this update. Wow that was interesting and boy I wanna see what Tae is up to
Onto the next chapter
Chapter 61: wow, I should have realised that Tsirin would have been willingly involved! so nice to get a look into more of Jimin´s childhood and the events that led to this whole mess.
as a non-American, I wouldn't say that the whole qanon stuff is affecting me personally. But I have spent the last... 6 months (but more like Trump´s entire presidency) in disbelief and sort of hopelessness every time I look at the news from the US. That people can believe these things, and that others allow for these things to happen... the lengths some people are willing to go to, and the things they ignore and leave unchallenged out of self-interest is mindboggling and absolutely terrifying. More than ever I am certain that the US is a country I NEVER want to visit.
Anyway tho - wonderful chapter! I hope you are well and I look forward to the next update^^
Chapter 61: Well wow....okay that threw me a wild ride and a half and still processing half of it but yeah...
So Tsirn caused all of this because she wouldn't let go of her grief...wow that makes sense actually when I think about it but yeah...processing
And I've heard of a mugwump too, it made me smile reading it but I cant think of where I heard it now. Some kids story I think - possibly Roald Dalh or maybe Moomins - but i have heard of one. If i ever track down where I shall let you know
Anyway looking forward to more