“Lost” [adjective]: denoting something that has been taken away or cannot be recovered.

A Detailed Explorer’s Guide into the Unknown



There’s too much going on at the same time.

Yoongi suddenly loses Jimin who had just been in his arms seconds ago. He’s also suddenly fully armed, his team gathered around in position, all of their TeorSers aimed up and at the same time a liquid golden light erupts and Yoongi has never fallen to his knees as quickly as he does now.

There were great pieces of art from Ancient Earth. Great paintings and sculptures and media that denoted the lives of those who lived eras ago in the past. Yoongi never paid much attention to those. While it was important to study history to understand and learn for the future, Yoongi didn’t think it was necessary to dwell in it. Or at least that was the excuse he had as a teen- he just found it generally a little boring.

However, there were some pieces of art that stuck to him- ones he remembered clearly.

Works that were classified under street-urban, modern contemporary, and a niche collection of a style that persevered into their present in the form of graffiti. He loved the remakes, the classics, and the new ideas that surrounded these styles of art and though he was no artist himself, appreciated it and applauded the artists. 

He didn’t think much of the “traditional classics” as they were referred to. The ongoing theme of religious depictions put him off of what he thought were, frankly speaking, uneventful pieces of art. He often found religious depictions to be a little too excessive- too worshipful (the irony) and glorified the notion that a god would come down to pass judgment and justice upon “sinners”. In Yoongi’s humble opinion, that sort of thinking gave you what he called the “holier than you” complex and as a result, depraved them of empathy and openness. And Yoongi could see it play out so well throughout Earth’s history.

But moving past that, and past the caged mentality most religion seemed to force its followers into, Yoongi never thought much for their artwork either. Save for one.

A baroque painting titled “The Archangel Michael defeating Satan” by Guido Reni.

Nothing about it stood out that much. In terms of execution and overall style, there were countless others in that same genre that were much more beautiful, much more intriguing. But when Yoongi saw it, for his own eyes, he had been unexplainably drawn towards it.

There was a raw power, strength and beauty, surety of victory, fluidity and sternness.

A call for awe, belief, faith, and devotion.

And that was what Yoongi felt as he beholds Jimin, wrought in light and majesty.

Jimin is up in the air, hand extended up, his entire being shining with light- no, he was light. He speaks and his words like a distant bell, a thunderous storm, a soft breeze, a morning lullaby echoes sweetly, dangerously, intoxicatingly, soothingly around Yoongi and he wants to follow.

Yoongi almost expects a host of angels to appear by Jimin’s side- singing exaltations and hymns as he smites down the red devil before him. And with that, a floodgate of light will drown them all- in safety and security, saved by the coming of this deity, to bring wrath upon evil, and paradise for the good.

But Yoongi is rather far from being good, and they were far from paradise.

There’s a burst of light and the singing (Yoongi hadn’t realized that he had been listening to singing) ends abruptly.

Gone is the crippling fear and strange pressure in the air around them and Jimin is falling. He lands with a thud on his back and Yoongi’s feet are carrying him before he realizes it. Amic is there too, helping him stand. Yoongi’s heart is in his throat, looking over his form- was he injured? In pain?

But Jimin seems all right- a little shaken, weak, but nonetheless fine. His eyes are bright, the ring of light gleaming bright.

‘Jimin? Hey are you okay-‘

‘What the was that?’

Yoongi glances behind him to find the rest of the team wide-eyed and terrified, weapons raised, forming a compact ring to cover all sides. Away from where Yoongi was now helping Jimin stand.

‘Yoongi, Amic, step away from him and come over to this side,’ she orders simply, TeorSer still aimed at the ready. Yoongi knew not to mess with her. She was an excellent shot and no matter the situation, never missed once she fired.

‘What?’ Amic sounds confused.

‘-this is clearly a trap!’ one of them bursts out. ‘We’re being drawn out and they’re taking us out!’

The panic in the air is palpable and almost bitter in Yoongi’s mouth. They were scared. , Yoongi is scared too, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to blame Jimin for what just happened. One of the other reasons being they didn’t even know what just happened.

‘Listen,’ Yoongi stands in front of Jimin. ‘We need to think about this rationally-‘

‘He’s here as bait!’ one of them snaps. ‘Whatever that was is-‘

‘If he’s bait and working for whatever the that was, why would he go out of his way to protect us?’ Amic demands.

Yoongi feels Jimin’s hands gripping at the back of his gear.

‘This is not the time to be blind-sighted,’ she snaps. ‘If you could just for once, look past the pretty face and see the situation we’re in and just think-‘

‘I am thinking!’ Yoongi snaps. ‘He is not affiliated with them- he was afraid of them-‘

‘His presence here is luring whatever that thing was-‘

‘His presence is the only thing we have found!’ Amic cuts in angrily. ‘We were told that this was a trading planet under attack- that we had to come here to aid the GLA leave the atmosphere but we have found nothing- not only have we lost contact with our main-ship, we have also been going around in circles for days!’

‘-I think we would know if we weren’t headed in the right direction-‘ one of the mappers snaps at once.

‘Something is wrong with this planet,’ Amic emphasizes. ‘There is something deeply wrong and it’s all I could sense since we got here- and whatever it is, is like some strange-…some strange strain or flu it’s gotten all over us I can feel it!’ Amic breathes out heavily, expression determined, exasperated but most of all afraid. He points one long finger at Jimin and continues, ‘But him! Jimin- he’s the only thing that doesn’t feel wrong here, the only existence in this entire ed up place that doesn’t make me feel sick.’

It’s silent, only the sound of their minimal movements as they fidget.

Jimin says something quietly from behind him and Yoongi doesn’t need to understand him to know what he’s saying.

‘No, you’re not going anywhere- you’re staying here with me. With us.’ Yoongi says firmly before facing her. ‘Before we were even aware of it, he could sense it. He knew how to drive it away. And that, by my books, is an important and necessary skill we need right now to survive. So if you want him to leave, I’m leaving with him.’

‘Me too,’ Amic quips at once.

She gives them all a hard glare before speaking.

‘Fine. I’d rather not all of us separate-‘

There are voices of disagreement but she stops them with a single wave of her hand.

‘Yoongi and Amic have a point,’ she says tersely. ‘There’s a lot of information we’re missing here. Not just about this planet, but the reasoning behind why we’re here. I didn’t want to mention it before, but I think our purpose in coming here was not just a clean-up mission or anything else.’

Everyone tenses as that.

‘We’re going to figure out what the any of this means, and if we’re going to understand any of this, we’ll need him – especially with what we just saw.’

Yoongi is relieved but also tense. There were some clear disagreements but Yoongi knew that no one wanted to separate. Safety came in numbers and as a team designed to function together as a single unit, losing one member was like losing a limb.

‘We pack up and search the area keep an eye out- stay close and do not for the love of god do anything stupid,’ she ends before adding, ‘I know what you’re trying to say here and I appreciate you looking at this situation from a different point of view.’

Yoongi internally gears up for the rebuttal of her previous words regarding Jimin.

‘You’re going to have to answer for him from now on. I don’t care what it is- but the moment anything goes wrong, if I so much as sense something strange he’s going and that means so are you.’ She ends quietly.

‘You’ll have to count me in that,’ Amic states from behind Jimin who was now simply looking back into the forest, eyes searching.

‘That won’t be necessary,’ Yoongi replies just as quietly. ‘But in any case I’ll gladly go with him.’

She gives him a look that isn’t one of disappointment or disapproval. Rather it’s one that’s a little confused.

Yoongi reaches back and takes Jimin’s hand in his, drawing his attention away from the forest.

Yoongi doesn’t understand the feeling himself, and he doesn’t know why it’s like this, but if the moment called for it, then he would follow Jimin.

He would follow the sun.











‘If you wish to recover the Ngfy’widan Hoseok, then we are willing to give him back to you in exchange for the Yemenifesi Ch’inik’eti.’

Jimin, who had been halfway across towards the hologram, pauses in his steps, hearing his own title spoken out loud. His eyes widen, looking around at Namjoon as though begging for an explanation. But Namjoon has no idea. He cannot even begin to fathom how they could have known. Why they know.

And the bigger question that comes with it.

What did they want from Jimin?

‘If you do not act, we will not hesitate to dispose of the former agent. He is of no consequential use to us. Thank you for listening, we await your response. Have a good day.’

The line cuts immediately and it’s silent for 4 whole seconds before Sk’jin splutters out, ‘Have a good day?!?! Who the  do they think they are?!’

‘Can you trace the call,’ Yoongi asks immediately as he approaches the Table.

‘It’s from back in Ts’ets’khli,’ Namjoon readily replies, showing the NaviLet.

‘We can’t be sure-‘ Sk’jin says as he too hurries towards the Table, doubt etched on his features.

‘No I’m sure they’re there,’ Namjoon sighs, suddenly feeling wearied. ‘Hoseok has a Comm-Device, it’s putting him in Ts’ets’khli.’

‘How? He returned the Device-‘ Sk’jin frowns.

Namjoon had given the Comm-Device to Jimin, hoping he would understand to give it to Hoseok. And he did.

‘I asked Jimin to give it to him before he left-‘ Namjoon glances over at Jimin who is listening with increasing horror as Taeh’yung explains what was happening.

‘-you were keeping track of him? Like what, to make sure he didn’t report us-‘ Sk’jin demands.

‘Namjoon. If they have the Device it means they can track back to us,’ Yoongi states bluntly.

‘I know,’ Namjoon presses his palm into his face, taking a deep breath. ‘But if I deactivate it, we lose chances of tracking Hoseok, make sure he’s all right.’

‘But then again they can track us,’ Sk’jin throws his hands up.

‘How were they there? Why didn’t we notice? How did we not notice?’ Namjoon demands out loud.

Taeh’yung suddenly asks Jimin a question that makes the latter stammer out a response as though shocked. Taeh’yung makes a curious face before saying, ‘I think it’s because Ts’ets’khli is surrounded by water- or well, a majority of it is anyways.’

Namjoon glances at Jimin whose expression has settled to a completely neutral one.

‘What does that mean? Why is that so?’ Namjoon asks sharply.

‘We can talk about that later,’ Sk’jin cuts in sharply. ‘We need to discuss what we can do now- they could call back any time and we need a response. They can track us now, and I’m willing to bet that they have the ability to find us even if we deactivate the Comm-Device later; and I’m not sure about you guys but I’m not willing to leave Hoseok in their hands.’

‘We can’t bargain with them,’ Namjoon states at once. ‘We can’t just give the Omhlophe Jimin in exchange like this who knows what that could lead to-‘

‘So you’re suggesting we just leave Hoseok there-‘

‘I am not saying that for ’s sake can you stop jumping to conclusions before I even say anything-‘

‘Then what do we do-‘

‘I don’t know that’s why we should all talk about it I can’t just think of everything all the time-‘

‘Well that’s what you seem to do all the time-‘

‘Stop it!’

Namjoon and Sk’jin both stare in shock at Jimin, who had clearly snapped in Standard. He begins to speak quickly, hands gesturing emphatically and looking at the two of them with obvious disapproval.

‘Uh- okay so uh he’s saying you two need to stop arguing all the time it’s not funny and there’s no benefit to it, you have to comply together to make this work-‘

Namjoon can actually physically feel Sk’jin’s anger mounting.

‘-and that we’re wasting time. There are many questions that need answering but we first need to get Hoseok back-‘

‘Pipsqueak can shut his can right now unless he has something legitimate to offer-‘

‘-and the surest and fastest way to do that is to agree to their plans and accept the exchange.’ Taeh’yung quickly finishes.

Sk’jin blinks a few times before staring hard at Jimin.

‘What did you just say?’

Jimin emphatically points at the Communications Board, and then himself and then gestures an obvious pantomime indicating an exchange.



Yoongi, who up until now, hasn’t said a word since this started, has an expression that is the closest thing Namjoon has seen to pure anger.

‘They know who he is. There was a reason why Menigišiti was attacked, the reason why their technology was discovered outside of their System.’ Yoongi states, a hardened look in his eyes. ‘They knew who he was before we did and they’ve been collecting more of these OrTanks as well. We cannot allow this exchange to take place- if this is anything like what was discovered during the Gaia case we cannot allow them to take Jimin especially now that we can see how such a small piece of their technology can create such nightmares.’

‘Jimin is actually right,’ Sk’jin counters bluntly. ‘They are already capable of tracking us, we have no way of hiding and we have no lead or idea of what they’re capable of, who they’re connected to, and what they want. We cannot run from them and refusing to make a deal with them will most definitely lead to some pretty ty situations regarding Hoseok and later ourselves. We can plan this out carefully and-‘

‘-you’re countering yourself with your argument,’ Yoongi actually snaps, his expression the most complex Namjoon has seen. The Human actually steps forward, arms uncrossed and strangely very sentient in his mannerism. It’s enough to stun Sk’jin into silence as well, eyes wide as he regards the Human with surprise.

‘What you’re saying is true and it can also be applied to why exchanging Jimin won’t work. We know nothing of the Omhlophe, do not know what they’re capable of, who they’re connected to. And what makes you so sure that they won’t obliterate us the moment we hand Jimin over?’ Yoongi asks and it’s wild because Namjoon almost doesn’t recognize this Human in front of him.

‘Yoongi,’ Jimin has an unimpressed look on his face, arms actually crossed over and one foot tapping. Namjoon almost feels like he’s watching a child being chastised. He starts talking rapidly in his language at Yoongi who to Namjoon’s continued surprised actually responds though he doesn’t understand a word Jimin is saying.

‘-this is too risky, there are no certain safety marks we can measure with this situation-‘

‘-kan ti thei, kan thrian a nia chuan kei mani vang in tuna hian-‘ the earnestness in Jimin’s tone is apparent.

‘-and not only will we be definitively losing track of you once this takes place-‘ Yoongi continues to argue, taking steps towards Jimin as though hoping to convince him by getting closer.

‘-a buia ah. Kei ma vang in tihian in awm- kei ma vang in harsat na in dawng ah-‘ Jimin also steps forward, adamant in his argument that only Taeh’yung understands. The Zhak’gri looks oddly sad as he listens to Jimin’s words.

‘-there’s no guarantee of what we can expect from them-‘ Yoongi stops in front of Jimin, an almost pleading tone to his voice at this point.

‘-ka ti thrat a gnai! Kan khovel hi aw, a sual ah chuan a-‘ Jimin actually shakes Yoongi, gripping him around the arms with both hands.

‘And he has the audacity to tell us not to argue,’ Sk’jin comments wryly from the side. ‘At least we’re not dramatic like this.’

But Jimin seems to win, Namjoon doesn’t know how, considering the language barrier, but Yoongi bows his head, defeat apparent in his body language and his facial expression back to his normal one.

Jimin looks over at Namjoon expectantly, as though he and Yoongi hadn’t just stopped to argue at each other without understanding a single word.

And regardless of what Jimin says, handing him over felt wrong. But everyone is looking at him. They’re looking to him.

Namjoon internally woes the decision the Panel made in anointing him captain of this crew. But before he’s forced to come to some form of decisive conclusion their Communications Board lights up again and Lisai announces it.

Incoming message from unknown source. Requesting permission.’ 

Sk’jin glances over at him sharply before saying, ‘Request granted.’

Hello. Have you come to a decision?’ the voice asks the moment the line links.

‘Before we discuss anything I want to talk to Hoseok- patch him through,’ Sk’jin orders quickly.

There’s silence for a moment before the hologram reappears and Hoseok is standing, a careful wariness in his eyes as he glances around the room once before looking up straight into the camera.


Namjoon feels his energy drained from him suddenly. And before he knows it, guilt replaces it in an instance and Namjoon can’t even face the hologram.

‘Hoseok- it’s Sk’jin,’ the Khol’isa speaks at once. ‘We’re coming to get you.’

Yoongi twitches at Sk’jin’s words but doesn’t say anything.

All right.’ Hoseok pauses before asking carefully, ‘How’s everything.’

‘More or less exactly how Namjoon said it would be.’

Yeah? Good, I guess.’

Namjoon slowly looks up and finds that Hoseok has a small smile on his face. But the hologram cuts off and the voice returns.

Have you come to a decision?’

Sk’jin nods his approval from where he stood. Namjoon next eyes Jimin who also nods firmly. Taeh’yung also nods, though he looks a little guilty because Yoongi is adamant and he shakes his head. It strikes Namjoon that this wasn’t a decision for him to make, but a group decision.

‘We have. We agree to the exchange.’ Namjoon states clearly. ‘We also propose that we meet there in Ts’ets’khli-‘

We are on our merry way to Ynqaba  it would be nice if you meet us there,’ the voice states. ‘We can accomplish our deal without anyone butting in.’

Namjoon reigns in his frustration and with another glance at Sk’jin who again nods, he says, ‘Very well. Send us the coordinates-‘

There is no need. We will come meet you the moment we see you. Please start moving along as from your current location, it will take you 5 sols via warp.’

‘This is a trap.’ Yoongi intones blandly from the side.


Jimin’s tone isn’t what Namjoon would define as authoritative or commanding. But he can sense the determination, the surety, and the confidence in his tone, simply telling him with just a call of his name, to agree with the Omhlophe.

‘Understood. We will see you in Ynqaba in 5 sols.’ Namjoon replies.

Perfect. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a good day.’

The line cuts.

‘Ynqaba was the next location Khonen and his crew were headed to- they were going to pick up some more eggs there,’ Sk’jin says at once. ‘Well there’s no way we’re going to be able to use the normal channels to get there with the war going on.’

‘That’s the least of our worries,’ Namjoon mumbles back, glancing over at Jimin quickly.

‘What the do you have in mind,’ Sk’jin asks sharply, also looking at Jimin who was listening intently to Taeh’yung.

‘It’s just a theory, one that if it works will save us a lot of trouble,’ Namjoon replies, ‘And I don’t think Jimin will be happy.’

‘You sure?’ Sk’jin asks, a rare look of genuine concern in his red eyes. ‘We don’t know much about him, we’re basically only relying on Taeh’yung’s word and Yoongi’s past which he does not remember.’

‘It’s a price I’m willing to pay,’ Namjoon shrugs.

An odd look crosses over Sk’jin’s face, his eyes widening slightly. But he blinks and the moment is gone.

‘Well, if you’re sure,’ he says and his tone is withdrawn.

‘I am- anyways, let’s get going,’ Namjoon says even though the Khol’isa is already making his way to the cockpit, calling out orders to Lisai. He turns to address Yoongi now who still looked upset.

‘We’re flying out asap- so Yoongi, if you could prepare the Hangar Bay-‘ Namjoon hasn’t even finished before the Human all but runs out. Namjoon hears Jimin sigh out in exasperation and he too makes to walk out after Yoongi.

‘Jimin- please, before you go,’ Namjoon calls after his retreating figure before glancing at Taeh’yung. ‘I need to ask you something that could potentially make our upcoming attempt safer and easier.’

Taeh’yung haltingly translates, seating himself on Sk’jin’s vacant seat.

Jimin looks torn, glancing at the Bridge doorway quickly before he nods, stepping closer to the Navigator’s Mast.

‘I know you are sworn to never reveal the secret behind your System’s technology,’ Namjoon begins, ‘And I respect that.’

Jimin nods as Taeh’yung translates.

‘But I think we can easily agree on the fact that your tech has existed outside of your System for centuries now- and is possibly being used by forces of unknown evil, or by organizations who would exploit this if they found out about it.’ Namjoon continues. ‘I think it’s obvious that the mission we had been sent on was, to a certain degree, aiming to do something similar. But everyone on this ship collectively agrees that whatever tech you possess should remain in your System and out of the potential use of Beings who would mistreat it.’

Jimin nods again though it’s slower, eyes narrowed.

‘Which is why I need you to tell me what I can do with this that can help us get out of this situation safely and surely, and return you to your System,’ Namjoon finishes. Taeh’yung translates carefully, his tone though normally neutral as he does his translations, has a slightly pleading tone to it, as though also personally asking Jimin the same favor.

It’s not surprising when Jimin shakes his head.

‘He’s saying no,’ Taeh’yung translates apologetically.

Jimin’s expression is genuinely apologetic as well, but the determination in his gaze tells Namjoon that there was no point pressing it.

‘All right,’ Namjoon nods before facing Taeh’yung. ‘As you know, you are an official member of this ship, permitted to be part of the crew under my command. All crew members must respond to the acting captain of the ship, especially in cases regarding the safety of the ship and the rest of the crew. Therefore it is my express order to you to tell me what you deduced by yourself about this tech.’

Taeh’yung gapes at Namjoon for a moment, mouth opening and closing, eyes moving from Jimin to Namjoon every second.

‘Taeh’yung?’ Jimin reaches out to touch the Zhak’gri in alarm, his expression turning graver with every second as though he was suspecting something.

‘You understood that water had something to do with not being able to detect those Beings- and I know for a fact you thought of something, correctly at that,’ Namjoon glances at Jimin remembering how he had reacted. ‘-so I have to order you to tell me what you discovered.’

Taeh’yung looks stuck, truly caught in the middle. Then he pauses, lips pressed in a thin line together before he speaks to Jimin.

Jimin’s response is immediate, shaking his head, brows furrowing as he glares at Namjoon. It’s odd, being glared at by someone that looks like Jimin. It doesn’t help with the guilt Namjoon feels but he stands firm.

‘I just explained to him about your order and uh my place in the ship but-‘ Taeh’yung begins to say, but before he can continue Jimin’s eyes flash light, a golden sheen erupting for a fraction of a second but it stops the moment Yoongi appears in Namjoon’s sight, a hand wrapping around Jimin’s wrist.

If Namjoon had functioning heart that responded to his senses the way most natural Beings did, his heart would be racing.

Jimin appeared, in all honesty, extremely unthreatening.

His countenance was more welcoming, more gentle, kind- the way a stereotypical prince or idyllic king would be drawn in illustrated books for children. His movements were gentle in a way that was unlike Sk’jin’s whose motives were clearly unclear, creating mistrust at once. But Jimin had an aura that just radiated warmth and kindness.

But for that fraction of a second, Namjoon felt as though he was looking straight into the heart of the sun; crushing, powerful, and despite its light, unfathomably dark.

Jimin blinks rapidly, surprised to find Yoongi there.

‘Just tell us if we can use this, if you can help us,’ Yoongi says quietly as he takes Jimin’s hands in his. They’re glowing faintly and though it’s soft, Namjoon can just about make out the heat waves emanating from Jimin’s hands. How Yoongi is able to hold his hands, Namjoon doesn’t know.

‘You want to help I know,’ Yoongi continues saying quietly. ‘You don’t have to tell us everything.’

Taeh’yung translates the words as quietly as Yoongi speaks it and Jimin finally looks a little less stubborn.

‘Namjoon, explain why you want the tech,’ Yoongi says quietly, not looking away from Jimin. Namjoon is quick to take this opportunity.

‘This cell was the reason why this planet was hidden from scans and sensors. The ship that used this technology was also hidden permanently and allowed the Venture Unit to work in peace without being stopped or inspected. I know that this is part of your shielding technology from your System which is almost entirely hidden from us. So if something this small and singular could somehow hide an entire planet, can it be used to shield us?’

Namjoon waits as Taeh’yung translates. He seemed to be adding more to Namjoon’s words as well, his words earnest and appealing.

‘If they can’t see us, then they can’t shoot at us or attack us- their systems won’t be able to lock us in.’ Namjoon continues. ‘This means we can bring back Hoseok, and if we are backed with the certainty that this could cover us, we can take you back immediately without having to exchange you and make our escape and head towards Bhumi- I mean Menigišiti. Please, I am not asking you to tell me all the secrets of your technology or to explain how it’s created- we just need this to secure our mission.’

The more Taeh’yung translates Jimin’s expression softens little by little. He finally looks down, staring at his hands held in Yoongi’s. Namjoon wants to add more, but something in him (and the warning grip on the back of his arm from Sk’jin) tells him to stay quiet.

After a few more seconds Jimin finally nods and says something shortly to Taeh’yung who nods immediately.

‘He’ll do it,’ Taeh’yung grins brightly and happily.

Jimin adds something else quickly, glancing over at Namjoon and Sk’jin as well.

‘-he’s saying we will probably need something like a…facilitator? To transform the energy of the cell so that it can be used by the ship?’ Taeh’yung frowns, trying his best to translate the more technical terms.

‘Where do we get those-‘

‘-from the wreckage,’ Sk’jin replies at once. ‘I think what Jimin means is we will need a conductor designed to translate the energy or whatever it is this cell uses in order to harness whatever its abilities are.’

‘Will he be able to tell what it looks like,’ Namjoon asks Taeh’yung who repeats the question.

Jimin replies, expression hardened and distant.

‘Yes- the entire ship’s inner facility was designed around the cell,’ Taeh’yung replies carefully. ‘It’s been designed to distribute the cell’s energy.’

‘All right- let’s go,’ Namjoon glances at Yoongi, ‘Spardyti still outside?’


‘All right- Sk’jin-‘

‘I’ll fly Jimin and Yoongi there,’ Sk’jin replies blankly, expression guarded and carefully neutral. ‘You and Tae prepare for take-off.’

Namjoon gives Yoongi an inquiring look, for any objection but the Human simply nods in reply and later Jimin does too.

‘All right. Taeh’yung, could you prepare the Hangar Bay and make sure it’s ready to receive the Spardyti once it comes back?’ Namjoon asks the Zhak’gri who looks eager to help.

‘Got it pa!’

‘We should be back in a couple of hours,’ Sk’jin says already making his way out of the Bridge, ‘We’re gonna take the expandable gravity-lifts just in case.’

Namjoon nods, watching as they exit the Bridge before taking a moment to gather his thoughts. He stares blankly at his NaviLet for a moment.

‘Lisai, keep track of Comm-Device 32-0XV and maintain it under highest priority,’ Namjoon orders.

Yes captain.’

The unique black-bands he had customized and designed were created to register only to Lisai and to the unique channel within the Užkulisai. It was also designed to only work when worn by the ship crew only. But clearly Hoseok isn’t wearing his, but it was still registering under Lisai’s channel register. Eyes fixed on the lone cell on top of the Table, Namjoon wonders how many of these existed outside of the Ma‘ikelawī System and what else they were being used for. There was a whole other reality within their own that used this technology, with uses and purpose far beyond what they could imagine.

What was possible now was unfathomable and beyond anything Namjoon could imagine. This entire planet itself was a prime example of that. Sk’jin’s relation to it, his story, what was born here, and what transpired here, was all a result of this singular cell.

This was beyond comprehension – something akin to how strange and ancient Taeh’yung’s abilities were, or even to an extent, strangely surreal like the Khol’isa as a whole.

Something like magic.

The Akramanese, or whatever it was they were called; the Red Evil, etc. were capable of things beyond what any of them could imagine. And even now, knowing what they knew, they still couldn’t understand what they truly were. What they were capable of.

And these Beings- the Omhlophe; their intention, their motives, their goals were unknown and as unpredictable as the Gaia Case. Taeh’yung had said they smelled like the Akramanese ship, that they felt the same, but that they weren’t the same. What did that mean? Were they some extension? A subunit?

But it all boiled down to this.

To this singular cell, and where it came from.

And this all led to Jimin.

And something tells Namjoon that Jimin would be the one to lead them, to show them the answers.









Yoongi cranes his neck in order to see the very top of the wreckage.

It was an amazing and curious sight to behold. A sight heavy with past pain, sorrow, and death. But today it is covered in green, covered in life and Yoongi would give it another century before it is entirely erased from sight, and possibly, from all memory.

‘I’ll stay here and keep watch from inside,’ Sk’jin says from the doorway, not stepping out.

Yoongi nods in reply. Sk’jin hadn’t been willing to return to the planet as a whole, so expecting him to willingly enter this ship again seemed a little harsh. That, and also the fact that Yoongi suspects Sk’jin needed some time alone. So Yoongi follows after Jimin, pulling along the lifts after him. Jimin easily guides them through a thicket of vines and climbers before they come upon an opening.

There’s a strange familiarity with how it felt inside the ship. Yoongi thinks back to headquarters, where he used to Sleep, and where he was made to Dream.

It’s empty, and it’s void.

Despite being surrounded by so much life and growth; in both places, one where the Yisheng Headquarters was built above, and this where a thriving tropical jungle grew wildly- stepping inside the secret and hidden places felt startlingly like it belonged to another dimension.

Jimin turns a little, pausing in his motions to wait for Yoongi to reach him. He smiles, pointing forwards and miming at himself and then at Yoongi.

‘Lead,’ Yoongi tells him quietly. ‘And I will follow.’

For a few seconds, Jimin doesn’t move. His eyes hold a rather distant expression, a little bit like pain, before he nods, a faint smile on his lips, understanding Yoongi’s tone more than his words.

They’re both quiet; Jimin with his bare feet, and Yoongi with his uncanny soundlessness.

Yoongi wants to tell Jimin that this was a bad idea. Not the part where they try and infuse this technology with their ship. But the part about the exchange. Every cell in his body, every fiber of his being rejects the very notion of this plan. And while theoretically it does seem like the best solution at this given moment, Yoongi can’t help but strongly feel against it.

Of course he doesn’t expect Namjoon to actually give Jimin over. Everyone on board the ship is well aware of how important Jimin is, and his safety and security is their main priority. But the very idea of having Jimin that close to the Omhlophe was extremely repulsive to Yoongi.

Of course he wanted to bring Hoseok back; the Ngfy’widan was an important ally that fell into this unfortunate situation as a result of their inability to come together as a working team. This was all their responsibility and Yoongi could see that.

And though Yoongi didn’t like any of this, he also saw no other way of getting out of this situation. The Omhlophe could track there movement via the Comm-Device Hoseok had on him. So even if they were to abandon Hoseok and attempt to run away, that would be effectively killing Hoseok while leaving everything unresolved without any idea of what to expect from these Beings.

They were stuck in a stalemate, and there was no other way to approach it other than to follow through with the Omhlophe’s proposal.

Not to mention, Jimin was incredibly adamant. Though he didn’t understand a single thing he had said to him and his understanding of Jimin’s character was probably not very deep or possibly even correct due to his own incapability within the functional emotional range, he knew could tell at once that Jimin could be incredibly stubborn if he wanted.  

Little streams of light illuminate parts of the ship, but otherwise it’s almost entirely dark. But Jimin doesn’t have any problem seeing in the dark. Yoongi quietly slips on the helmet he’d brought with him, purely out of habit, and allows himself to see better. When Jimin turns around to check on him, he doesn’t seem surprised by the helmet. Instead he has a curious look in his eyes- one that Yoongi doesn’t understand.

They reach a tilted hallway that breaks downwards, revealing a large and almost cylindrical chamber, with stairs on almost all sides leading downwards to a main wide working dais-like platform. Jimin glances back at him again, as though to say they had arrived.

Yoongi takes a good look, the visor recording each section, running basic scans, identifying known parts.

This place was old, incredibly so.

But seeing as it was built to support and accommodate the cell from Jimin’s System, it simply begged the question of how long the GLA had known of what Menigišiti truly was and whether or not they could see deeper and into Ma‘ikelawī. There was much to be asked, much to be answered, but based on Yoongi’s relatively short experience living, he believes that not everything should be revealed at once, but rather gradually in due time.

They descend downwards; Yoongi counts 56 steps before he’s at the bottom. Jimin doesn’t pause but instead leads them towards the center and inwards the great structure that tapered upwards into a singular glass-encased box of sorts.

Yoongi follows Jimin into a slim and rather narrow hallway, the walls and ceiling lined with intricate network of wires and exposed chips. At the center of the furthest most wall was a small pocket, shaped and outlined to perfectly fit the cell that was now resting in the Užkulisai Navigation Table.

Jimin reaches the end, fingers carefully following the grid of wires and tracking their layout.

‘Yoongi,’ he points towards a mounted transformer to one side of the wall where a series of wires vanished into. Pausing to stand the lifts by the doorway, Yoongi walks up to where Jimin was pointing and reaches up. The transformer opens up and a complicated matrix of wires and chips appear. Jimin taps his elbow and gesture to pulling out the wires from the sockets. Yoongi nods in understanding and they set about, deconstructing the wires. Yoongi hands Jimin a small but effective flat knife to pry the wire clasps off of the wall while Yoongi deftly unplugged the sockets, clipping the raw and extended wires quickly. They do this 4 more time before they can pull off the board on which the cell-socket had been mounted. Jimin is thorough in his search, peering at the wires and other boards carefully.

It was entirely possible that someone within his System had been distributing these to the GLA. It was also possible that they were being very carefully and systematically robbed. Or possibly, all of this happened at random, that there were no real bad sides, that it was just one unfortunate series of events that led up to all that happened. The possibilities were endless and Jimin was probably just as confused as the rest of them.   

‘Done?’ Yoongi asks as they place the board over the lift. It wasn’t heavy, but the wires were long and cumbersome.

Jimin nods, tucking in all the wires securely. Yoongi grabs the handles and begins pulling it up the stairs. Jimin joins him, trying to share in the task of pulling the lift. He smiles sheepishly, as though he thought it was funny but at the same time didn’t want to leave Yoongi to do the job.

‘It’s all right,’ Yoongi takes Jimin’s hand off of the handle. ‘I’m only directing it.’

Jimin puts his hand back, his expression adamant.

‘Lead, and I will follow.’ Yoongi tells him.

Jimin has that same expression from earlier when Yoongi had said those words. Something almost like pain.

‘Did I say that before?’ Yoongi asks.

Jimin approaches him, hands reaching up and removing his helmet almost gently.

It’s dark but not so much that the environment wasn’t visible. Yoongi blinks a few times before his eyes can properly adjust. His sight, he knew, had been altered and fixed to be of superior quality as compared to his fellow species and others as well. It takes only a few seconds for him to completely and fully adjust, using Jimin as his focal point.

His surroundings illuminate and clarify around him, centering from Jimin.

Jimin is looking closely at him, his expression searching, almost expectant. Yoongi has a feeling he definitely said those very words to Jimin before, to have initiated such a strong reaction from the latter.

It’s entirely silent and Yoongi remains still as Jimin continues to watch him. Finally, Jimin looks away and instead focuses on the helmet. He studies the object carefully, turning it over a few times before he makes to slip it over his head but Yoongi stops him, a strange feeling at the idea of seeing Jimin wearing the helmet.

‘No?’ Jimin asks.

‘No,’ Yoongi replies with a nod.

‘Okay,’ Jimin smiles, seemingly pleased with this small bit of communication. He hands it over to Yoongi who takes it with both hands. By the time he’s slipped it back on Jimin is beaming, quite pleased, and a step ahead, tugging at the lift.

‘Lead,’ he says, pointing forward.

Yoongi feels the urge to laugh- not a full-belly laugh, but more of a chuckle more than anything. Jimin seemed so pleased with himself that Yoongi can’t find it in him to change their arrangement.

Jimin hums under his breath as they make their way out. It’s a little surreal but Yoongi feels as though the dust motes in the air shift in motion in accordance to the tune of Jimin’s humming. Surreal, but probably not unlikely.

When they push past the vines and climbers Sk’jin is standing out by the opening under the sun, peering out into the jungle. He doesn’t seem to notice their presence, instead simply staring out. He feels Jimin’s hand on his arm, as though inquiring what the matter was.

‘Take it inside,’ Yoongi tells him quietly, pointing into the Spardyti as he pulls off his helmet. ‘I’ll collect Sk’jin.’

Jimin nods, concern in his eyes as he looks at Sk’jin’s still form.

Yoongi makes his way through the overgrowth, making sure to make some noise so as to not startle the Khol’isa. He pauses, feet from Sk’jin before speaking.

‘We are ready to leave.’

Sk’jin nods slowly in reply.

‘Do you want to go in there?’ Yoongi asks the Khol’isa quietly. ‘We can, if you wish it.’

Sk’jin still doesn’t move, eyes fixed on something past the trees.

‘No. Not yet.’ He replies. ‘They’re not there.’

Yoongi doesn’t know what Sk’jin means by this but he doesn’t push it.

Sk’jin looks away, a smile on his face as he regards Yoongi.

‘Thank you Yoongi,’ he smiles.

Yoongi isn’t sure why Sk’jin is thanking him but he nods in reply.

‘We got the stuff,’ Sk’jin announces, ‘We’re coming back, please be ready!’

Got it!’ Taeh’yung replies chirpily.

‘How’d you like it in there?’ Sk’jin asks conversationally, suddenly rather light and seemingly back to his regular self. The past hour must have been very fruitful for the Khol’isa, seeing as he had entirely recovered.

‘Strange,’ Yoongi replies truthfully. ‘Familiar, yet new.’

Sk’jin nods to that, ‘I totally get what you mean.’

But Yoongi doesn’t totally get what Sk’jin means.

Jimin is already seated inside the Spardyti, the gravity-lift secured and put to the side.

‘Had fun?’ Sk’jin smiles down at Jimin who regards Sk’jin with confusion for just a split second before he smiles in reply, as though hoping that would suffice.

‘He’s cute,’ Sk’jin whispers loudly.

The cutest!’ Taeh’yung chimes in.

‘I’m not cute?’ Sk’jin chuckles back as he starts up the Spardyti.

No! You’re handsome! Like, super handsome!’

Sk’jin laughs, delighted. The Transporter rises in the air and they turn away from the wreckage. Sk’jin doesn’t so much as glance back at it, his attitude carefree and nonchalant.

‘Thank you Tae, you are too.’

Taeh’yung makes screeching sounds that makes Jimin laugh out loud even though he doesn’t understand the interaction.

Ah! I think I can see you guys now! The Hangar is open wide and ready-?!’

There’s shuffling sounds and a lot of gasping from Taeh’yung that sounds excited and a lot of sudden cursing from Namjoon that sounds anything but excited.

‘Hey- you guys okay?’ Sk’jin asks, not a single trace of amusement in his voice. They’re not far from the Užkulisai but not close enough to exactly spot the ship so they have no clue as to what was causing this sudden commotion.

There’s an excited scream and a shrieking roar that to Yoongi’s alarm could be heard not just from the Comm-Device but from outside the ship.

Both Sk’jin and Jimin jump in shock, hands at their ears wincing at the loudness of the sound.

- what the is that-‘

‘Oh -‘ Sk’jin curses, increasing speed suddenly and dangerously.

Jimin is spluttering questions, clearly directed at Taeh’yung but there’s no response.

‘Uh- I think it might be one of those things,’ Sk’jin ruminates. ‘- guess we were in one place for too long-‘

-what the is that?! Taeh’yung get back here-!’

Yoongi spots it before he spots the Užkulisai.

A strange dark green mottled hulking creature that stood hunched nearly on all fours, seemed to loom above their ship. It was incredibly large, to the point of being an actual physical threat to their ship. It had no visible eyes, yet it appeared to have a head of sorts and weirdly anthropomorphic limbs. And though it lacked in eyes, it more than made up in teeth.

‘Ah , I think that’s Lumpy.’

WHY DOES IT HAVE A NAME-?!’ Namjoon yells.

Sk’jin actually laughs for a moment before he replies, worry in his tone, ‘There’s a bunch of them- I’ve never seen them like this before though- never knew they were this large.’

That doesn’t help- I’m back inside the ship I can’t fire at it-‘

‘Don’t! It’ll turn more aggressive,’ Sk’jin slows down at a safe distance, regarding the hulking mass. ‘Where’s Tae?’

He’s running around it,’ Namjoon hisses out clearly frustrated and panicked. ‘- Taeh’yung please stop-‘

‘I’ll distract it by firing a missile in the distance to attract it-‘ Sk’jin is beginning to say, activating the weapons board but Jimin suddenly stands from his seat and walks out of the main -pit towards the door.

‘Jimin?’ Yoongi stands at once but Jimin makes him sit down again with exaggerated reassuring smiles and nods before calling Sk’jin and miming that he get closer.

‘...should I?’ Sk’jin asks Yoongi instead.

Flashing imagery of ancient paintings, golden light, and overwhelming power goes through Yoongi’s mind before he nods.

‘Well ,’ is all Sk’jin says.

They fly closer, successfully gaining the attention of the creature that rears its eyeless head at them. Jimin opens the door quickly and the emergency cabin-pressure functions activate, creating strong Atmoshield barriers around the open door area. They’re a little over the creature, with some distance from its long limbs. It screams at them, the velocity of its pitch physically shaking them a little. Jimin struggles a little to stand before he stabilizes himself.

Only to casually jump down.

ing Spaces-‘ Sk’jin curses, eyes widening almost comically and for once looking rather ugly in his shock. And Yoongi would laugh if he too wasn’t entirely reeling from what he just witnessed.

There’s a bright light from below them and it hazily reminds Yoongi of what he had witnessed with his poison-induced fevered mind back in Pompa. The way Jimin had descended down towards him in a flood of golden light.

And suddenly he’s not worried at all.

‘Sk’jin, prepare to land,’ he says quietly over Sk’jin’s stream of curses and profanities. Sk’jin, clearly taken aback by Yoongi’s lack of reaction, takes this to somehow calm himself down enough to take them downwards.

The moment they hit the tree-line Sk’jin burst out into hysterical laughter.

The strange create is crouched down, making itself small, Jimin on its shoulder. Taeh’yung is standing quite steadily on the creature’s lifted palm and he’s waving at them as though it was a completely normal thing.

Sk’jin continues to laugh hysterically all the way until they land.

‘Nam- Namjoon, are you seeing this?’ he gasps, actual tears in his eyes as they step out of the Spardyti.

The Kutsoglerin is there by the Hangar Bay, mouth hanging open, a large TeorSer in his hands.

‘I swear,’ he says in a dazed tone. ‘I thought I saw all there was to see.’

And Yoongi has to agree.

Here was clearly an unknown wildly dangerous creature behaving like a docile pet, head bowed as Jimin jumps off of its shoulder and onto its palm where Taeh’yung catches him gleefully. It lowers the duo down to the ground and while Taeh’yung runs back towards them, looking as though he was having the time of his life to gush at Namjoon who still can’t seem to close him mouth, Jimin remains close to the creature.

Jimin places his hand over the great beast’s head.

And again, there is no great display of visible power or splendor. Nothing but a single touch- but out of everything that Jimin was, out of everything that Jimin is- Yoongi can’t help but feel drawn towards this seemingly unimpressive moment. This simple touch, this quiet gesture.

Everything about it was so much more powerful. So much more dangerous. So much more-

The creature stands on all fours again, a foul stench rolling off of it and Sk’jin actually retches next to him. Then slowly, it turns around and with a fluidity that was odd for such a large creature, slips through the thick trees.

‘That was ing amazing wasn’t it?’ Sk’jin breathes out, hands on his hips, as though disapproving but also impressed.

Jimin turns his head around, beaming brightly and exaggerating his relief with a hand to his forehead as though he was feeling faint. Taeh’yung cheers him with a loud chorus of ‘CHIM!’ as he walks over to them.

But Yoongi shakes his head in reply.

‘What, you’re saying that isn’t impressive?’ Sk’jin snorts, crossing his arms in incredulity.

‘No,’ Yoongi finds himself saying. ‘It’s beautiful.’








Jimin is relieved to leave the planet. He’s not sure if it was because of the way the emotional weight of the planet bore down on Sk’jin, or because of what he had discovered in the planet, or if it was because of what he could sense had been created and then removed from the planet, or if it was because leaving meant being able to bring back Hoseok and understand just who it was that wanted and knew him.

It could be a combination of all of these, but either way, Jimin is relieved to leave its surface.

He’s sitting inside the Engines Room, where the main components of the ship could be accessed. The technology from the GLA was not unlike what he was familiar with though Jimin feels like the entirety of the designs felt as though it was purposefully created to appear complex and difficult. He could see at least 10 different ways to simplify and improve the designs of the Engines Room, to use less resources, material, and fortify the energy-cells to be twice as powerful.

But perhaps they would evolve in the future, to better understand mechanics and systems. Life moved ahead in accordance to what the beings within it could handle and understand. And in Jimin’s experience he saw just how badly Beings reacted to something they didn’t understand or could immediately facilitate into their reality.

There was always two main reactions: fear and aggression.

And these two sparked hatred, violence, panic, assumptions, and triggered illogical responses.

Rarely has Jimin seen a fair reaction.

And he had felt that the Panel that had been sent to negotiate with Ma‘ikelawī had been some of the rare Beings who could accept and react with proper conduct and neutrality. But it would appear that he was wrong.

There was no doubt in Jimin’s mind that someone of the Panel had betrayed them. There was no other possible way of possibly obtaining their technology like this. The Panel had stayed in Akramana for weeks, which could have given them the time and opportunity to potentially steal or mimic their technology.

But they had not been able to detect any lie within the Panel- doubt, mistrust, and wariness for sure. But they could hear no lie, hear no falsehood in their treaty and agreement. So how was it that they could have betrayed them without their knowing?

‘This is really complicated,’ Taeh’yung frowns down at the wires jumbled about them.

‘Then it’s a good thing I’m doing this and not you,’ Jimin teases.

Taeh’yung drops the wires and goes back to juggling the cell in his hands. He gives Jimin a short but sheepish look, one that Jimin understands instantly as guilt.

‘You don’t have to feel guilty,’ Jimin tells him at once. ‘I understand why you’re doing this- and I will do all I can within my allowance as well.’

‘You’re scared,’ Taeh’yung observes, spinning the cell on his finger tip.

‘I am,’ Jimin nods as he kneels down next to a large core, popping open the covering lid. ‘What else has been stolen from my home that has destroyed so many others? What has been exploited and robbed, to serve the selfish and the wicked and feed their agenda? What did I miss? What did I see but did not understand?’

‘You do not have control over that,’ Taeh’yung shrugs. ‘It’s not something you can orchestrate- no one has that ability.’

‘No- but I carry that responsibility,’ Jimin replies, carefully studying the circuit board in front of him. ‘It is who I am.’

‘Hmm,’ Taeh’yung hums thoughtfully. ‘I doubt that.’

A little irked, Jimin looks away from the circuit board at the Zhak’gri.

‘But it is- I am the fate of my people, I was born to guide and lead them in peace and unity. To make them safe, to keep them safe.’ Jimin explains. ‘It is who I am.’

‘I knew someone,’ Taeh’yung stops spinning the cell. ‘Who felt the same way. That he was born simply to do one thing, to be one thing.’

‘Who was he? What did he do?’ Jimin asks.

Taeh’yung carefully places the cell on the floor.

‘Everyone believes that they are born for one specific reason- that they are born to do one thing, that there is a cosmic reasoning of their existence; that their importance and identity comes from simply one thing and they are lost without it.’ Taeh’yung says instead. ‘That thought shapes their lives, it recreates them continuously- they are slaves to that notion. The way you are to your title, the way he was to his duty.’

‘But it is purpose that gives meaning to our actions- otherwise we are simply nothing in the vastness of the Universe,’ Jimin argues.

‘Then would you say that all purpose is right?’ Taeh’yung shoots back. ‘It was the purpose of the Red Evil that destroyed Menigišiti, their identity and calling that made them do what they did. Would you say that their purpose is correct?’


‘But it is who they are.’ Taeh’yung smiles. ‘You cannot control what can happen, you cannot carry that responsibility, because you are not them- you can only carry your own responsibility, control only what you do.’

‘What are you trying to say?’ Jimin asks, confused beyond words.

But Taeh’yung just smiles in reply and says, ‘Namjoon is here!’

And true to his word, Namjoon appears inside the Engines Room, carrying with him a few screens, a box of mechanical tools and supplies, while balancing a tray of what appeared to be tea.

He says something to Taeh’yung, nodding towards the tea. The Zhak’gri laughs, getting up to relieve the Kutsoglerin of his burdens.

Jimin looks back at the cell on the floor. He tries to make sense of Taeh’yung’s words. What did he mean by it?

All his life, Jimin was aware of his rank, his title, his purpose. He knew what he was meant to do, what he was supposed to do, and who he was supposed to be. After all, the title of Yemenifesi Ch’inik’eti was not an easy or light one to bear. So Jimin did all he could to live to this title, to this meaning. And with it came duties, responsibilities, vows, and guidelines that he bore and followed.

It was stated in his title; his purpose and meaning. He was the fate of his people- he would guide them to live in peace and harmony.

But he had obviously failed.

He vowed to protect and keep safe his home, his planet, his System. And yet here they were, here he was, ages into the future without knowing what happened, with no answer, no connection, and no direction.

‘You cannot control what can happen, you cannot carry that responsibility, because you are not them- you can only carry your own responsibility, control only what you do.’

Had he done something, instigated something within the boundaries of what he considered to be his duties, that started this? Did the purpose of his title blind him to what was happening around him, that was glaringly obvious to those around him?

And Taeh’yung was right.

Each living Being lived in accordance to their own purpose- whether self-appointed or given- and that moved and motivated them. But was that purpose always right? Of course not, Jimin knew that.

So had the purpose of his title, of his birth-right, catalyzed a reaction that he could have stopped had it not been for borders he limited himself to? He stares at the cell for a while longer.

The secrets of his people’s creations, of their discoveries and hard work – long they swore to protect it, long they swore to maintain it and never let it leave the borders of their System. But for what? What was the basis of this secret? They preferred to keep to themselves, and there was no fault in that- yet what drove them to hide and defend themselves.

Did a fear for an unforeseeable future stop them from moving forward, from being a solution to an equation rather than being the problem or factor of fear?


Jimin starts, surprised to find Yoongi sitting next to him. He’s holding a cup of tea in his hands, clearly made for Jimin.

A sudden and powerful wave of emotion hits Jimin.

Yoongi had cleaned up, changed his clothes; his hair was damp and a mess. Jimin can’t help but see all the scars on Yoongi, see all the years old lesions and layers of healed over tissue damage. He can’t help but sense the weariness within the Human.

Shakily he takes the cup and it only serves to bring a worried look in Yoongi’s eyes. The Human tilts his head, as though in question.

There was no predicting the future. There was no use in regretting the past.

The only thing anyone could be responsible for, the only thing anyone could control, was to do what they could in the present.

And Jimin couldn’t prevent what happened in the past. He couldn’t predict what would happen in the future. Maybe he would never know how or why this cell was here before him. But he could do something now, to enable them to succeed, and to at the very least, make the Beings of this ship safe.

‘Jimin! Namjoon wants to know if you’ll need any additional help or tools-‘

Jimin places the cup of tea next to the cell before he stands up, taking the cell with him.

‘In order to activate and use this cell, we will need at least 10 separate energy-cells to stabilize and defuse the orbital-resonance. We will also need at least 5 anti-matter cells to fuel the rate of fusion and transform it into a stable accessible source of fuel to replace the already existing shield-settings of the ship; I will also need at least 20 water-cells,’ Jimin reels off. ‘I cannot single-handedly operate this change in the ship in time for us to use it, and I want us to succeed- I want to bring Hoseok back, to complete this mission, and to go home. And in order to do that, I will do all I can to help you.’

Taeh’yung hastens to translate, a bright light growing in his eyes, unable to stop grinning broadly as he does so. Namjoon’s expression is first confused and then he brightens up as well. Jimin feels a hand gripping on the back of his shirt , looking back, its’ Yoongi and the Human has an oddly startled look on his face.

‘You’ll explain your tech?’ Taeh’yung asks excitedly.

Jimin nods in reply.

‘A lot has been done, by misusing what my people created in order to protect our homes. This cell alone has robbed lives, homes, cities, planets. It has destroyed more than I can comprehend, more than what I can see. I am no longer home, it is unknown to me now,’ Jimin grips the cell tighter, ignoring the emptiness that came whenever he tried to reconnect with his home. ‘And maybe I can stop that from happening- or-…or something like that.’

Taeh’yung pulls him into a strong hug out of the blue before he hastens to translate. Jimin is sort of stuck in Taeh’yung’s embrace though he doesn’t fight it. He can’t help but smile in reaction to the eagerness in Taeh’yung’s voice. When Jimin does finally manage to escape Taeh’yung’s strong hug he finds that Namjoon has an intensely relieved expression on his face, backed with joy and delight. But for some reason, Yoongi still appeared hesitant. Which was odd considering he had also asked Jimin to at least explain what he could about his tech to increase their chances of success.

‘Could you repeat what you need again? Namjoon says he’ll bring them out,’ Taeh’yung is vibrating where he stands.

Jimin nods and repeats the items they would need to properly install and use the cell to their advantage.

‘We might need stop somewhere to make sure it’s functioning as it should,’ Jimin adds.

Namjoon looks concerned at that. Then he hears Sk’jin’s voice on his Comm-Device and Namjoon is slowly nodding in agreement. They continue to speak amongst themselves but then Yoongi asks a question, and Namjoon replies a little slowly, like he was unsure. And then without preamble, Yoongi just leaves the Engines Room.

‘If we stop it could make the Omhlophe suspicious,’ Taeh’yung translates quickly. ‘They might change something or try something- we’re going to have to risk it-‘

‘I’m not sure if that…oh,’ Jimin pauses.

‘I think…well, I don’t think Yoongi likes this idea at all. Especially with so many loopholes…’ Taeh’yung says thoughtfully, scratching at his chin.

If the shield didn’t work, it meant that they wouldn’t be able to mask their movements and protect them from sensors, leaving them exposed and chances of Jimin actually being taken would increase. Jimin trusts that no one on the ship would allow him to be taken away. That was in itself a fact. And this wasn’t because Jimin had a self-entitled sense of importance, but because they did actually need him to complete their main mission and objective.

They needed each other, and that was a simple fact.

‘I’ll be right back,’ Jimin tells Taeh’yung who nods in understanding and Jimin appreciates that. What he doesn’t appreciate is the wild eyebrow wiggling and suggestive smile.

Ignoring how his ears felt hot, Jimin exits the Engines Room and makes his way upwards.

It’s easy enough being able to sense where Yoongi was. So his feet take him to up to the Second Level and straight to Yoongi’s Cabin door. It’s closed, but Jimin remembers Taeh’yung telling him he had the highest authority in the ship. Hesitantly, at first, he knocks tentatively.

That’s not going to work,’ Taeh’yung chuckles and it makes Jimin’s face burn with embarrassment. ‘The word you’re looking for is “open”- just call the ship’s name and say that.’

Jimin nods tentatively and clears his throat.

‘Lisai, open.’

The door slides open, making Jimin feel a little like he was doing something illegal but at the same time glad. Because Yoongi is on his bed, back turned to the doorway. It makes Jimin want to laugh; the Human’s behavior is incredibly child-like and most likely a result of not knowing how to feel or react.


If the Human felt any surprise or shock by Jimin’s presence inside his room, he didn’t show it. He was however, doing a spectacular job of pretending to be asleep.

His room is bare. Not personalized like Taeh’yung’s or Sk’jin’s, or adjusted like Namjoon’s and Hoseok’s. Nothing has changed much in the room, save for the black helmet that sits in the middle of the table. It makes Jimin shiver, seeing it separate from Yoongi like this. He’s seen Yoongi wearing it, and never thought much of it then. But here now, just sitting by itself, Jimin can’t explain the intense dislike he feels inside of him. He approaches the device carefully, tentatively feeling the surface.

Back inside the wreckage of the ship, it had felt different. But now it’s cold to touch, and impossibly smooth. There’s a density to it that suggests that its make was much more substantial- so much heavier than it appeared. And not just in terms of physical weight. Jimin feels the strange desire to slip it on but he doesn’t, remembering how Yoongi had stopped him at once. Instead he turns his attention to the screen next to the helmet. It wasn’t the same Yoongi carried with him- it was another NaviLet (Jimin makes sure to remember the names of devices or objects used within the ship) and he knows it’s the very same one embedded with the chip containing Yoongi’s past history.

Yoongi hasn’t read through it, as far as Jimin knows. He knew for a fact that Namjoon had wanted Yoongi to remember, in order to gain information regarding the Human’s activities back when he had been in Menigišiti.

Next to the screen is the hair-clip. An odd addition to this room, a spot of colour, or something far heavier than anything in this Cabin.

Jimin glances back at the bed. Yoongi hasn’t moved a muscle.

Like the other Cabins, there are narrow slivers that function as windows in a straight line above the desk. The expanse of space outside shifts steadily. Ancient light and motion creating the sight before him. Jimin watches the stars for a while, allowing the distant and calm sight to soothe him a little before he turns his back on it and faces Yoongi’s form once more.   

Taking a few steps forward, Jimin takes a seat on the bed, and like before, Yoongi makes no show to indicate he was aware of Jimin’s presence inside the room. Making up his mind, Jimin shuffles more into the bed and then leans back until his head touches the pillow. He’s a little nervous but determined. He’s not sure how much Yoongi will understand- but he hopes his intention comes through.

‘Yoongi?’ Jimin doesn’t know why he’s whispering.

There’s no answer.

Jimin stares up at the ceiling above the bed area.

‘I know you’re worried,’ Jimin begins quietly. ‘I know you don’t want me to go. I don’t want to leave you too, you know? But I also know that you’ll come and get me.’

Turning his head Jimin smiles, brushing Yoongi’s hair with his fingers. ‘I trust you. I know you.’

They stay like that quietly for a few minutes and Jimin wonders if Yoongi has actually fallen asleep. He can’t tell from his breaths and Yoongi always did possess a very quiet disposition.

‘Your home was taken away- and I know you don’t…you don’t remember it the way I know you did. And maybe that was a result of something I could have prevented. Maybe it wasn’t. I don’t know. But you’re back here, and I get to see you again.’ Jimin doesn’t know why he’s saying any of this.

Lead, and I will follow.’

Taeh’yung had quietly translated the words, adding far more meaning and memory to the words than Jimin had thought possible. Vivid memory of Yoongi’s tired smile, the strength of his soul, the stability of his hand in his.

‘You don’t have a home anymore, and neither does Sk’jin, or Namjoon, or Hoseok- Taeh’yung too,’ Jimin says softly. ‘And even though I do not know what happened to mine, I want to give that to all of you. You told me to lead, and that you would follow. So please trust me, and follow me.’

Yoongi still doesn’t move.

Shifting to his side, Jimin carefully reaches around Yoongi and presses in as close as he dared. Jimin listens closely, not just for the sound of Yoongi's breaths, but for the hums and vibrations, for the pulse of his soul. 

It's there; faint and tired. 


The Human doesn’t move or say a word. Quietly tightening his arm around the Human, Jimin presses his forehead on the expanse of his back.

‘I’ll take you home again.’









Sk’jin watches as Namjoon and Jimin work together, Taeh’yung hovering around them, translating between them.

Based on what Sk’jin was able to listen in on and what Namjoon later documented in the Captain’s logs, Jimin’s System combined and utilized orbital resonance to mask their existence. There was a lot more detail involved but Sk'jin only listened in until he thought necessary for him to understand the basics. The other details he would leave to Namjoon.

Watching the two of them work together was almost like watching an excitable child learning something from an aged relative- the child here in question being Namjoon who looked far too delighted to be learning about this technology. Sk’jin doesn’t care much for it, concentrating only on getting them to this obvious death-trap.

Of course they had no other option than to agree to the exchange. There was nothing they could do and the Omhlophe knew that. Though of course what they didn’t know was that they had Jimin’s trust and willingness to utilize his System’s tech in order to hopefully mask their presence. Sk’jin doesn’t know how this is going to work in their favor, or how it’s going to take place, but the fact that they could potentially own a defensive mechanism that could effectively hide them from anyone who would look for them gives him a sense of security.

Security was an expensive and abstract notion that had no real generator. But with this hiding mechanism, it was possible that they wouldn’t even need to pay much of a price.

That is if it worked.

Jimin had wanted to try out the shield, but they couldn’t stop lest they cause suspicion and question from the Omhlophe who were obviously tracking their movements.

They were close to finishing the installment and based on the simulation-render Namjoon had run, the shield should technically work. There was a 78% success rate and like Taeh’yung had so eloquently said, that was better than 77%.

They were already within the borders of Ynqaba and they still had no call or message from the Omhlophe. It was setting Sk’jin on edge.

Everyone was fidgeting on their own. Namjoon at the Mast, staring blankly as he keeps an eye on the readings of the installed cell in the Engines Room. Yoongi was sitting in his usual seat below, staring blankly into the white expanse of warped space. Both Taeh’yung and Jimin were sitting on either side of the Human; Jimin asleep and oddly enough Taeh’yung was quietly reading.

The thick silence doesn’t last too long as Lisai announces, ‘Approaching first log-check in in 5 minutes.’

‘All right everyone,’ Sk’jin announces. ‘We’re not headed inwards so we’re just gonna stay put outside the border.’

Taeh’yung stretches loudly, tossing his screen to the side and shaking his entire body like an animal shaking off water from its fur coat. Jimin starts awake before sitting up properly. Yoongi just nods in response while Namjoon performs the obligatory Captain calls.

‘Pull out of warp,’ he orders, adjusting in his seat for the millionth time.

They had no idea what to expect from this exchange, how to defend themselves if needed. This was in every sense of the word an incredibly stupid thing to do.

‘We’re pulling out of warp in 5…4…3…2…1-‘

The light from the stars don’t ease up and instead bright flashes of light spark up all over outside the window.


‘What the -‘ Sk’jin stares down at his monitors and his panels. He had pulled them out of warp- what was happening?

The ship suddenly shudders violently, triggering their additional emergency seat-security, and the white around them fades away like mist only to reveal a chaotic ongoing space-battle scene.


Missiles fly overhead in bright flashes of light, narrowly missing them.

Sk’jin dives them downwards only to pull up sharply to avoid the massive broken off wing of a ship hurtling across and crashing into an unsuspecting Transporter that appeared out of nowhere.

‘What is Spaces-?!’

‘Shields up at maximum now!’ Sk’jin screams as he attempts to pull them up and away from the battle.

This was not what any of them were expecting when they had heard of the war in Ynqaba. All the reports had put the fighting inside the planet or within the borders of their moons-

‘-is that their moon?! Cool!’ Taeh’yung exclaims loudly as the briefly spot crumbled and cracked remains of a small bumpy moon to the side. There’s horrified gasps from Jimin, bordering pain and sorrow. The very space around them seems to scream with destruction and force, staining the stars beyond a murky red and grey. Bitterness coils inside Sk'jin's stomach, inching its way upwards. 

The war in Ynqaba was a violent one within the neighbouring planets- but rather than being fought only in-planet, Sk'jin guesses they migrated outwards. Great. 

‘Yoongi-‘ Sk’jin warns as he careens them, spinning the ship thrice to avoid an incoming series of proton-missiles. But there’s no need to call the Human because he’s already readied the weapons-panel, the entire system ready and the HUD lit.

‘Firing,’ he announces in monotone and with astounding accuracy takes down and blocks out the missiles aiming at them.

‘This wasn’t part of the records-‘ Namjoon pants, trying to establish a clear path through this mess of missiles, broken ships, explosions, and debris from fresh ship-wreckages being flung about like asteroids.

‘Sk’jin take us downwards there’s an abandoned and destroyed fleet-ship- use that as calibration point-‘ Namjoon orders and Sk’jin is already redirecting them.

Taeh’yung cheers from where he’s sitting as they flip over and rapidly fall through a thick cloud of dust and shrapnel, breaking through a few gathered ship parts. Sk’jin is intensely grateful for how strong the Užkulisai was.

‘Shields at maximum- just go straight!’ Namjoon yells and Sk’jin locks them down and they plummet past streaks of hot white light, snapping through the debris like a stone through cobwebs.

They break through a thick and wide broken wing in thunderous crashing sounds and they exit the main battle point.


Sk’jin nearly bangs his head over on the front of his panels with the sudden force with which they stop. He feels intense pressure heat up his face, his arms suddenly flung forwards. A whole bunch of items fall and crash down below. There’s a sharp cry of pain from both Jimin and Taeh’yung.

Lock-rift has been placed over the ship.’

With great struggle, Sk’jin manages to pull back as the cabin-pressure inside the ship rights itself and gravity settles normally. A lock-rift?! From where? Sk’jin tries everything. He puts their entire engine, activates every single beamer, every fuel cell- but there’s no budging.

‘Incoming missiles-!’ Namjoon warns and Yoongi is quick to respond in kind.

Light erupts around them, the pressure of the explosion moving the ship with its force. Instinctively Sk’jin looks away and tries to get a reading on their engines, wondering how he could boost them out of the lock.


Sk’jin looks up, the bright light fading only to highlight an annoyingly familiar ship tear through the wreckage of the fleet-ship before them.

‘What in Spaces-‘

Incoming call from Van Seulgaan. Requesting permission.’

‘Are you ing kidding me-‘ Sk’jin would give anything to personally wrap his hands around the Tayian. A massive slaver-ship that was another copy of the same slaver-ship they had escaped from in Grezma appears before them in all of its massive looming construct.

‘Should’ve ing known he’d be involved in this sort of -‘

‘How did he get out of Pompa-‘ Namjoon splutters.

‘Accept call to main HUD,’ Sk’jin snaps, ignoring Namjoon’s protests.

The Tayian’s face appears on the window, his expression maddened and his appearance unkempt and rather crazed.

Scum!’ he spits at once. ‘Finally got you-‘

‘, are they in alliance with the Omhlophe-‘

‘-oh you thought you were clever didn’t you? But you can’t escape me- I found you and you will PAY-‘

Engines under pressure. Please release strain,’ Lisai announces.

‘,’ Yoongi says quietly from the front.

‘They’re trying to string us in-‘ Sk’jin could scream.

‘Yoongi, deploy hull-hooks and anchor us back,’ Namjoon orders sharply. ‘Sk’jin put the breaks on.’

‘That’s not going to help us in the long run what the are we going to do now- they’ve caught us before-‘ Sk’jin argues but still follows the orders. Their movement stops and Sk’jin notices how they were now more or less tethered to a large broken ship behind them, beyond which the great battle still went on.

Surrender now you have no escape!’ Seulgaan screams at them. ‘And maybe- just maybe I’ll show you mercy!’

‘Spaces I hate him so much-‘ Sk’jin curses.

Incoming call from unknown source. Requesting permission.’ Lisai tells them pleasantly.

Namjoon’s eyes widen but before he can speak, Sk’jin is out of his seat, launching forwards at Namjoon and effectively covers the Kutsoglerin’s mouth with one of his hands, the other with his fingers outstretched, jabbing under his jaw and making the latter gasp out gagging unattractively and rendering him incapable of speech.

‘Accept call!’ Sk’jin blocks the harsh blow aimed at his sternum and knocks Namjoon down to the floor before entirely removing himself from the Mast. How and when Yoongi got there he doesn’t know because the Human now stood between Namjoon and himself, hands raised a little as though ready to stop the both of them.

You have been caught. Why is that so.’ The voice asks plainly.

‘If we had an answer we’d give it to you,’ Sk’jin hisses back, catching his breath and warily watching Namjoon who stands back up. ‘Tell your lackey to ing let us go now!’

We do not know of this situation. Please remove yourselves immediately-‘

‘If we could we would!’ Namjoon yells as he regains his voice, wincing and coughing violently.

Sk’jin abruptly cuts the call, an idea formulating fast in his mind.

‘What the do you think you’re doing-‘ Namjoon doesn’t even wince when a missile flies past them.

‘Lisai- patch a call to Van Seulgaan now,’ Sk’jin orders.

‘Sk’jin you can’t be serious-‘

What do you want now-‘

‘Hey pasty-face listen- we surrender.’

Yoongi’s head snaps towards him in alarm, eyes wide as he stares at Sk’jin from where he stood. He’s so shocked he doesn’t even flinch when a missile explodes overhead, splinters and bits of wreckage falling down on them like rain, creating sparks as it meets their shield.


‘Didn’t you say you were going to make us pay? Take us in- we surrender-‘ Sk’jin deactivates their breaks, before hurrying down to the weapon’s mast and deactivating the hull-hooks, dislodging them from the massive broken ship and steadying himself as they jolt out of the anchor. Jimin looks wildly confused and a little terrified whereas Taeh’yung looks like he’s having the time of his life.

‘Are you mad-‘ Namjoon demands, making his way out of the Mast almost entirely ready to probably punch Sk’jin.

‘I am far from mad- I am saving us,’ Sk’jin hisses quietly. ‘Seulgaan and the Omhlophe are not in league with each other- they don’t know each other. But they both want the same thing from us- and that’s Jimin-‘

‘So why are you surrendering-‘

‘Just-‘ Sk’jin pushes past to make his way to the Mast.

‘What do you think you’re-‘

‘Lisai place a call to Hoseok’s Comm-Device-‘


Sk’jin rounds up to face Namjoon and look him straight in the eye.

‘Listen to me,’ he states firmly and carefully. ‘Seulgaan and the Omhlophe are two separate forces we cannot possibly handle individually let alone together like this. And right now we’re stuck in a cliché romance-drama with these two-‘ Namjoon is understandably extremely confused at this point ‘-where we’re the hapless damsel in distress and these two are the romantic interests who want us. So what happens next?’

‘They fight for us!’ Taeh’yung gleefully answers from the front.

‘They fight for us,’ Sk’jin repeats. ‘Neither of them will back out of this- not when we’re this close. They’ll fight each other and during that time we slip past.’

‘That’s great and all,’ Namjoon replies still mad, ‘But what do we do about the rift-lock? What about Hoseok?’

Line connected.’

‘Hey- so as you can see we’re stuck in a situation right now- a rift-lock and we can’t leave. You gonna do something about this?’ Sk’jin calls, not looking away from Namjoon.

We are coming to retrieve you. Please stay put.’ The Omhlophe announces before the line cuts.

Sk’jin sees the way Namjoon seems to rapidly think before he reaches over and taps on the Table.

‘Van Seulgaan this is Namjoon, Captain of the Užkulisai, we officially surrender and comply to your arrest.’

Finally got some brains now haven’t you,’ Seulgaan sneers. ‘I’m going to make sure you pay-‘

Sk’jin reaches over and mutes the call.

‘Hoseok?’ Yoongi asks.

Namjoon raises his eyebrows, as though to echo Yoongi’s question.

Sk’jin glances out of the window above them and notices a startling white sizeable ship approach them.

‘Tae wanna do something incredibly stupid and risky with your daddy?’ Sk’jin asks, still looking up.

Taeh’yung leaps from where he stands, arms stretched above him in victory.

‘Yes! Finally!’

‘I think I know what you’re planning- and I think it’s my duty as Captain to tell you that this is a bad idea,’ Namjoon tells him. Looking away with a grin Sk’jin pats Namjoon on his cheek and pinches at where his dimples should be.

‘I’ll take care of Seulgaan, go and get Hobi back.’ Glancing over at Yoongi he adds, 'Yoongi babe, could you take over for me? And Jimin?'

Jimin, bless his soul, confused and exasperated, also stands, looking for an explanation from anyone.

'What do you think about role-playing?'




























(Author’s Note)









And so many comebacks this month?!?!

The downside of being multifandom is having too much content and not enough time for any of it *sighs heavily*



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Chapter 68: Wow....just wha? From the title I was hoping for an appearance by Lulu or JD cause that would make so much sense but now Im like...is everyone dead or dying or something else cause Im.so confused and yeah...temptation to kill rising!
Also go Lim! You little blessed life being!
Taehyung where the hell are you, you strange little green goblin! I know you're lurking around somewhere! Or a version of you is
Lol looking forward to more
Chapter 67: Blinks.....okay...that was a bit of a mindfook I'll admit and geeze Tsirin you crazy biatch
Amme! You absolute beaut! Deal with that little cow but don't kill yourself!
I knew there was a plan betweem Jimin and Taehyun! Just knew it! I so badly wanna see exactly what it all was...even if we never get a full explain
And yeah boy, that was a ride
Looking forward to more
Chapter 66: Wah....they're not going to make it....but
So confused and just wahhhh
Happolin #4
Chapter 66: No no no......I don't like where this is heading!!!!!!! Not another yixing!!!!! Please nooooo ( T~T ) ( T~T )...........

Nooooope Noope Noooooooo
Chapter 65: Oh wow
So much action and so much too worry about
I wanna know.what Taehyungs up to....please don't have pulled a certain healer cause that will be so unfair
Looking forward to more
Happolin #6
Chapter 64: Every 2weeks...almost4 months i guess..... welcome back :D
I was really confused at first but then understood that he was just thinking of the past.....like "eh, did he wake up from a nightmare......when did Jin and RM meet up and didn't V like dead...."

Personally I like PTD..... :D
Chapter 64: Damn it I knew I was coming to the end of that chapter and Im still screaming NO DO NOT STOP THERE UNCLASSIFIED! I NEED MORE

Though I will confess to laughing at hurrican Namjoon, bless his klutsom nature and having to be helped out by the Amic and Shay who just do it automatically now. Gave some lovely little tension break moments I'll admit.

Still wanna know where Jimin and Taehyung are though - cause them two are doing something, I know they are

Hope Ski'Jin is okay and Kookie ain't in too much trouble

Looking forward to more
Chapter 62: And how.did I miss this update. Wow that was interesting and boy I wanna see what Tae is up to
Onto the next chapter
Chapter 61: wow, I should have realised that Tsirin would have been willingly involved! so nice to get a look into more of Jimin´s childhood and the events that led to this whole mess.
as a non-American, I wouldn't say that the whole qanon stuff is affecting me personally. But I have spent the last... 6 months (but more like Trump´s entire presidency) in disbelief and sort of hopelessness every time I look at the news from the US. That people can believe these things, and that others allow for these things to happen... the lengths some people are willing to go to, and the things they ignore and leave unchallenged out of self-interest is mindboggling and absolutely terrifying. More than ever I am certain that the US is a country I NEVER want to visit.
Anyway tho - wonderful chapter! I hope you are well and I look forward to the next update^^
Chapter 61: Well wow....okay that threw me a wild ride and a half and still processing half of it but yeah...
So Tsirn caused all of this because she wouldn't let go of her grief...wow that makes sense actually when I think about it but yeah...processing
And I've heard of a mugwump too, it made me smile reading it but I cant think of where I heard it now. Some kids story I think - possibly Roald Dalh or maybe Moomins - but i have heard of one. If i ever track down where I shall let you know
Anyway looking forward to more