“Kaleidoscope“ [noun]: a constantly changing pattern or sequence of objects or elements.

A Detailed Explorer’s Guide into the Unknown

[warning- some parts of this chapter might be very grotesque, so I’m just giving anyone who gets queasy or effected by the idea of gore-related things a warning. When you see “2 hours ago” just skip the first 4 paragraphs and you can continue reading!]









‘It’s beautiful.’

‘You’ve seen it at least 3 times already.’

‘Doesn’t stop it from being beautiful- and it’s gonna be another 56 years before the next one shows up on this side.’

‘Do you know old you’ll be in 56 years?’

‘Yeah- do you?’

‘I’m too aware.’

The lights shift- a strange tint fills the air and everything turns quiet. If he listens close enough, he guesses he’d be able to hear the sound of the wind outside the Arc and the sound of the massive turbines keeping them afloat. Instead he listens to the sound of her breathing.

He’s seen the eclipse one too many times for it to be anything interesting or new. But the look of awe and fascination on her face makes him feel like it was worth coming up all the way here just to be part of her memory. After all, this did make a pretty cool event marker in his timeline.

‘There’s that story- about how the moon and the sun are lovers- you heard that before?’ he asks.

‘Yes! I read a story about that!’

‘Back in my planet- it’s actually a part of one of our religions you know?’ he doesn’t even blink, looking up at the slowly forming eclipse without any protection- not that he needed it anyways.

‘Oh! That’s kinda cool!’

‘Cataclysmic more like,’ he snorts. ‘Literally everyone wanted to get married during the eclipse- it was like, good luck or something. Like how no matter what, the moon and sun would always find each other- the married couple would always find each other too.’

‘But that’s cute,’ she argues.

‘I mean I guess, but it’s like, such a common thing you know? My parents did the same.’ He rolls his eyes and gets distracted by the sight of a food stand.

‘Finally it’s empty- be right back!’ he waves and lopes his way towards the hotdog stand, something that never failed to delight him for some reason. He wonders if he should get him a keychain with a hotdog on it or something.

‘Do you think it’s possible for the eclipse to last forever?’ she asks out of nowhere, still looking up at the sky as a dark wedge starts to form in the sky.

‘I’m pretty sure the reason why people like the eclipse so much and freak out about it is because it’s temporary and doesn’t happen frequently,’ he replies wryly. ‘It’s why we’re all out here despite having seen it happen so many times.’

‘No I meant-‘ she stops for a while, still not looking away. ‘What if time froze? And all we ever saw was this- like, what would that be like?’

He doesn’t reply. Instead he looks up as well, watching as the dark wedge grows bigger and bigger, fully covering the sun in a matter of seconds. The sky turns a strange dim shade and there are gasps and sounds of exclamation.

A flare erupts through the sky and the brightness of it all ingrains itself into his mind. The ring of white fire glows and every time he blinked it beamed at him.

The world is transformed under this light- under this sky- and the entirety of time seems to pause, to allow them to witness this known cosmic beauty for just a few seconds longer- just a few heartbeats longer. Just long enough for him to feel as though he was breathing at the same pace with everyone gathered around them. To feel as though he were looking at the same sky with everyone- to feel the planet sigh at the sight of the eclipse.

‘It would be just like this.’








Sighing, Hoseok wonders, really, if it was too late for him to call this entire thing quits.

He did not sign up for any of this.

Long gone was the initial excitement and rush he felt, feeling as though he were back on a mission from the Venture Unit. Long gone.

His jaw is still sore, his fists still sting, and he’s sure his ribs are bruised, and honestly, he would kill for something cold to drink at this moment. He would actually kill for a lot things at this moment, but nooooooooo. He scowls at himself, hefting Namjoon properly across his back as he quietly creeps out through the heady smelling bushes of overly luscious looking flowers, nearly fluorescent under this lighting.

Spaces, what a pretentious neighbourhood with all of their ridiculous plants and topiary trees that were ing inconvenient to climb. There’s some slight rustling sound behind him which he ignores- or tries to ignore. He wants to turn his head and whisper, ‘Be more quiet- if this wasn’t part of the plan I’d have ing killed you already you !’ but that would defeat the purpose of their plan.

Right. Their plan.

Hoseok can only hope that Taeh’yung hasn’t killed anyone- or worse befriended anyone. Also, who knew Namjoon was that uncoordinated?! And Sk’jin really should stop feeding Taeh’yung hare-brained ideas like that if they all wanted to come out of this unscathed.

Then of course Yoongi.

‘I hope you’re all happy,’ Hoseok grumbles.

I’m so sorry!’ Taeh’yung still sounds extremely guilty and a little amused. ‘I didn’t know that Pa would get knocked out like that- I swear it was an accident I thought he was going to dodge!’

That’s what Hoseok thought too, but apparently the Kutsoglerin’s reflexes weren’t the best.

‘Where are you?!’

With Jin!’

‘Is he still knocked out?’ Sk’jin asks, amusement laced in his voice.

‘Yes he is- can you not sound so keen about it though,’ Hoseok grumbles before adding, ‘How’s Yoongi.’

Doing great. Right Yoongi?’

Predictably, there’s no reply.

Sighing, Hoseok makes his way towards the Hover-7 parked behind the topiary tree shaped like a Hover-7.

‘How much time do we have left?’ he asks, gritting his teeth as he maneuvers Namjoon over the Hover-7. Damn the Kutsoglerin for having ridiculously long limbs. Hoseok was not cut out for this.

The first match is in an hour. Is your tracker still following you?’

Hoseok glances back at the topiary tree shaped in a phallic form and spots movement in the shadow.


Great. See you soon Hobi- you should make some bets- get us back some units.’

Hoseok sighs again.

He looks up at the sky wistfully and mourns for the simpler days of his life as an agent for the Venture Unit.






10 Hours Ago:




‘This is fine.’

There were probably too many situations where Hoseok has had to deal with live bombs.

To name a few, Hoseok was once strapped to a chair with a plasma-bomb attached to his feet while he tried to rewire the hair-like wires with his only his pinky and ring-man finger of his left hand. The other time was when he was trying to retrieve an “item” from a “safe house” that was rigged with explosives which were triggered by motion sensors. The most memorable is of course tackling a rogue militant personnel who had gone completely mad and nearly blew up an entire Dock. Hoseok had packed up the raving militant into an OrTank and hoped for the best.

‘This is totally fine.’

Luckily it worked out for him and Hoseok was praised for his quick thinking.

However this was very different.

Because while bombs consisted of wires, fuses, explosives, timers, sometimes bionic triggers, chemical catalysts, and a complex digital system safeguarding the timer, and Hoseok knew how to deal with most bombs with confidence, this situation was a little difficult.

And Hoseok knows it’s not fair for him to compare Yoongi to a live bomb but that’s how he felt at the moment.

The air around the Human is entirely dark and his expression suggests that he’s rather unhinged. Hoseok has never been able to really predict or read the Human before, and now with this unsettling air surrounding him, Hoseok doesn’t know what to expect. Hence, the comparison with live bombs.

Hoseok tries to ignore the steadily growing thrumming sensation under the skin.

‘Everything is fine- we’re fine, this is fine.’

Yoongi looked close enough to exploding despite having absolutely no facial expression. Hoseok wonders how he does it and if it’s a skill he could pick up if he morphed himself to look like the Human.

There was no way to describe the look in his eyes.

‘Everything is fine-‘

‘Will you shut-up!’ Namjoon hisses at Sk’jin who was talking to himself in a low voice, reassuring himself repeatedly.

Taeh’yung seemed equally disturbed, his head tilted as though he didn’t understand what was happening. His gaze is riveted on the spot where the OrTank had last been placed, a dent on the cushion of the couch from the rim of its exterior shell still lingered.

‘Lisai pull up surveillance from the past 15 minutes,’ Namjoon orders at once, sliding into one of the chairs over the large table in the middle of the Lobby.

‘Shouldn’t we alert security?’ Taeh’yung asks skeptically as he seems to somewhat recover, blinking rapidly as though clearing his sight.

‘No,’ Namjoon shakes his head at once. ‘We need to know if this was purposefully directed at us or not-‘

He stops midway his sentence as their surveillance is fed into the screen mounted above the table.

‘You just left the ship- fast forward a little…-‘ Sk’jin begins to say but Namjoon hasn’t even been out of frame for more than 10 seconds when two figures appear, walking casually as though everything was completely normal. They didn’t even hide their faces, chatting amongst themselves easily.

‘What the -?’ Sk’jin curses out in obvious disbelief at the two Being’s complete disregard to their identity. They even walk around the Hangar Gate until they find the camera and even lean in as though to make their faces more apparent. What was going on?!

‘Lisai, scan their faces and make a comparison through the GLA Database,’ Namjoon orders as he hurriedly types on another screen.

They watch carefully as the two Beings pause before the Hangar Gate and they seem to study it carefully for a few seconds before one of them backs away and the other pulls out an oblong device from inside their pocket.

Hoseok reaches over and pulls up their readings on their security field surrounding the Užkulisai- any foreign object that didn’t have the same serial code as the ship or didn’t have permission from the ship would instantly trigger their alarm on contact.

However the moment the object touches the Hangar Gate, the security field readings flat-lines.

‘What did they do?’ Sk’jin demands, sounding angrier and angrier by the second.

The object then proceeds to crumble, but along with it, pull the nearly 10 inch thick metal door apart. Namjoon switches the camera view from within the ship instead. The two Beings proceed to investigate their cargo, looking over the Spardyti with what looked like an impressed look. One of them pulls out what could only be a bio-scanner and as he waves it about, pauses rather abruptly, alerting the other who was pulling out one of the OrTanks carrying the birthing technology.

They don’t say anything but move together at once. Namjoon changes the camera feed again and they track them moving up. When they catch sight of the OrTank they high-five each other in obvious satisfaction.

Nice- I’d say we’re getting a good sum for this.’

‘Yeah- wait up, lemme check if he’s dangerous or some .’

‘Twerp like that? He’s , can’t do much harm .’

‘Y’never know- well, seems to be asleep- hey!’

One of them approaches and slaps the surface of the OrTank and there’s a strange crunching sound directly behind Hoseok. The screen in Yoongi’s hand crumbles to the ground in a sad combination of metal shards and wires and glass. Hoseok doesn’t want to look at Yoongi at this moment so he looks back at the screen.

He’s completely out- maybe a new experiment?’ the one closer to the OrTank squats down to take a closer look. ‘He’s real pretty too.’

‘Could be- this’ll make them happy. Reckon they’ll come looking for him? Apparently they’re a private trade ship? Says here they’re headed for Matlaab.’ One of them peruses a screen.

Hoseok frowns. This sounded strangely familiar- a situation he’s heard of before.

I think so- should we leave our note?’

Go ahead.’

To everyone’s immense disquiet, the one who was squatting stands up and turns his head around a little before he finds one of the cameras. Namjoon switches to that one immediately, zooming in on the Being’s face in the process.

Hey- so we’re taking your stuff here. If you want him back, you’ll need to buy him back from us tonight in Métrico-09, Pangpar District, 00-417, 8 o’clock sharp- remember that time- it’s your allotted appointment time. Also, it’s the house without the flowers. You can’t miss it- the entire place is stuffed with flowers- we kinda stick out.’

The other Being snorts in reply, nodding as he doesn’t look up from the screen.

Right- and don’t try alerting the GLA or the forces here, it just won’t work. Great doing business with you; if you don’t show by 8:30, he’s officially ours and I think that’s that- so, yeah. Bye!’

And just like that, the two Beings heft the OrTank between them and make their out of the ship.

Hoseok curses internally.

In some twisted underverse logic, this made perfect sense. Events like the Pageant or the Cogs made it an all too perfect environment for smaller criminal syndicates or pirate-clans to try and give themselves a “boost up” in the market; either by establishing their abilities and skills as an organized party for hire, or by raising their “reputation” within the underverse, or sometimes simply to stir up. If there was one thing Hoseok could take away from this situation and be relieved was in the fact that this wasn’t a targeted attack, but rather simply an unfortunate event they were now roped into.

Before arriving here, Hoseok had done his research on the Pageant as well. Similar to the way the Cogs was used by pirates to channel some of their more frowned upon business transactions, the Pageant hosted not only their normal roundup of fighting matches and arenas, but underground auctions, illegal (even by Pageant standards) matches, gambling (using more than just units), and worst of all- trafficking.

And situations like this didn’t just happen in large-scale events like these,- even commercial and “legal” fighting arenas were rigged with blackmail, bribery, and threats. Fighters were paid or ransomed to lose their fights- or contestant parties were compromised by other parties and were made to lose. However, those were predictable and often easy enough to overpower- but this was being executed in a much larger scale than Hoseok was capable of handling- even with their current numbers.

Hoseok can no longer ignore the energy swirling just under his skin, egging him on silently.

Namjoon has somehow pulled up the surveillance feed from the Deck itself and they watch as more Beings similarly dressed as the two who entered their ship meet near the elevators on different levels. Namjoon quickly accesses other cameras from all over the Dock and they watch as nearly every ship is easily and rather casually robbed.

‘They’re…are they thieves?!’ Sk’jin demands, mouth previously agape. ‘They’re robbing other ships?! Just like that?! And demanding we buy back what’s ours?!’

‘Wait look-‘ Namjoon switches the main frame and pulls up a feed showing a few Beings fighting the thieves outside a ship a few levels below them. Then again, with the same casualness, one of the “thieves” pulls out a TeorSer and fires multiple times, killing the other Beings.

Sk’jin seems to be in permanent shock, disbelief etched all over his face. But this was starting to make sense to Hoseok, and obviously to Namjoon too.

‘They left less than 5 minutes ago- no attempt in hiding their getaway vehicle, nothing,’ he wipes at his face in frustration. ‘They wanted us to get a look at their faces, to identify their ship,- they’re not hiding. We won’t get anywhere reporting this to the forces here-‘

‘And we can’t even if we want to,’ Sk’jin intercedes sharply. ‘We don’t even know what the OrTank is and who he is- if we receive help, how do we explain what or who he is? We can’t bring in anyone who might potentially expose us-‘

‘And they won’t?’ Namjoon indicates at the screen.

‘We can get away with it from them,’ Sk’jin says emphatically. ‘We’re in Pompa after all- with the Pageant going on,- clearly they think he’s a contestant or something, they’ve taken a lot of other stuff from the ships here, I think we should wait it out while they’re being distracted and-‘

‘-what if he’s scanned?’ Namjoon demands, eyes flashing angrily. ‘What if they try to break the OrTank and take him out of it-‘

‘-no one is going to be stupid enough to try something as dangerous as breaking free an unidentified Being during a ing Pageant Namjoon,’ Sk’jin snaps.

There’s a strangely familiar sound that hums around in the air.

‘This entire place is crawling with GLA agents- we were obviously tracked all the way to Ch’dra and it doesn’t take a lot to figure out that we’d come here to make use of the Pageant to cover our steps,’ Namjoon spits out. ‘These Beings are doing this with casual ease that suggests that they’re backed by the GLA- what if he’s taken back and his appearance is noted-‘

The sound grows louder and Hoseok notices a small blinking light from the screen in Namjoon’s hand and a minimized tab over the ship’s surveillance shows movement in it.

‘-the likeliness is too low and highly improbable-‘

‘What are we going to do about Yoongi and Taeh’yung?’ Hoseok interjects sharply.

‘What about Yoongi and Taeh’yung-‘ Sk’jin begins to ask but pauses, eyes widening as they hear the familiar humming vibration of the Spardyti. It’s only then that the Captain and the Communications Manager realize that Yoongi and Taeh’yung are missing.

Sk’jin is yelling Yoongi and Taeh’yung’s name as he darts out.

Namjoon stands up at once, looking over at the surveillance feed and watching as the Spardyti pulls out. He had no control over the Transporter and couldn’t stop it from inside the ship.

‘Yoongi, Taeh’yung- get back here now,’ Namjoon orders over Sk’jin’s cursing and angry tirade directed at the two. But there’s no reply from either of them.

Hoseok glances at the time- they had approximately 4 hours left before their “appointment”.

‘Yoongi won’t do anything rash,’ Hoseok supplies with a sigh.

Namjoon gives him a look that roughly translated to ‘no offence but how the would you know that’.

‘He’s gone to scout,’ Hoseok explains absentmindedly as he allows himself to sink into that familiar sensation again, his skin warming all over. ‘He’s checking the area, looking for good places to camp out in. To spy, essentially. We would eventually have to do that and Yoongi is the best option for spying.’

Namjoon looks like he wants to argue but Hoseok sees the way Namjoon realizes that yes, if they had planned this out, Yoongi would have been assigned to spy and then-

‘-and Taeh’yung would be sent with him because he can sense the OrTank and would be able to tell if he’s all right or not,’ Hoseok finishes Namjoon’s thoughts for him.

Namjoon looks like he’s really struggling to come up with some sort of counter argument or something. He gives up a few seconds later before throwing his hands up into the air and slumping where he sat.

‘So what do we do next?’ he asks, looking at Hoseok expectedly but not in a patronizing manner. Rather Namjoon looked relieved that someone else seemed to have a better grasp/understanding of the situation.

Sk’jin is still cursing as he examines their Hangar Gate, clearly having lost any semblance of collectiveness as he pulls at his hair, ranting in Khol’isa, fists flying in the air.

‘Well, we’re first going to need units to buy him back- if units are what they want,’ Hoseok begins at once. ‘So we need to start shifting our units to an untraceable source, ready to be transferred.’

‘Right-‘ Namjoon nods, already pulling up their accounts. If there was one thing they weren’t worried about, it was about their financial support. But they couldn’t use GLA-funded units because their source and delivery point could be tracked,- they needed underverse units.

Namjoon also seems to realize this at the same time.

‘How much do you have on you?’ he asks.

‘Not a lot,’ Hoseok replies honestly. ‘It’s been years since I had any dealings with the underverse and haven’t had any missions in that area either.’

‘Same,’ Namjoon frowns. ‘I changed all of my units, Sk’jin, what about you?’

What the do you think?!’ Sk’jin hisses in reply. ‘I didn’t even have a ing body until 4 sols ago-‘

‘Right, right- sorry I asked,’ Namjoon sighs, shaking his head in response to Hoseok’s stunned questioning look. What did Sk’jin mean by that?


There’s a bank located in the coast-‘

‘We are not robbing a bank,’ Namjoon buries his face into his hands, voice muffled.

We aren’t? But that sounds like fun? We can wear masks right?’

YOU’RE BOTH GOING TO STAY PUT AND NOT DO OTHER THAN SPYING ON THAT PLACE YOU HEAR ME?’ Sk’jin screams, causing both Hoseok and Namjoon to flinch.


‘Yes! We won’t! We’ll just watch- right Yoongi?’

There’s no answer.

Don’t nod- Jin can’t see you, remember?’

There’s a  moment of silence before Yoongi speaks.

‘We’re only going to watch.’

‘Why does that sound like a lie,’ Namjoon groans .

‘Well, first we get all the units we can gather,’ Hoseok sighs. ‘Next we find out who’s behind this- is Lisai still running their faces through database?’

Namjoon nods, pointing at one of the open tabs on the screen.

‘We track and locate their position- find their network, associates, motives, connections, everything.’ Hoseok grimaces. If they wanted more than just units then it was going to be a whole other level of trouble for them.

‘Sk’jin,’ Hoseok adds. ‘Could you fix the door?’

What does it look like I’m doing?’ Sk’jin snaps. The screen with the live footage from the Hangar shows the Khol’isa extracting a few kits.

‘Where are you going?’ Namjoon demands.

‘Gonna get information from the streets,’ Hoseok replies, feeling his face warm up as the muscle, fat, and tissue shift over bone.

‘You’re leaving me alone, with an angry Khol’isa, while attempting to get units that we don’t have?’ Namjoon deadpans.

‘You’ll be fine,’ Hoseok says, patting the Kutsoglerin on his shoulder as he pockets the Heliord handle in his inner pocket and a small compact TeorSer as well.

‘But I’m the Captain,’ he hears Namjoon mumble though he’s already beginning to access what appeared to be financial accounts from the GLA Departments.

If that’s the case, I’d appreciate it if the Captain would kindly request the Dock for some ParaBots.’ Sk’jin chimes in, voice still laced with irritation masking his obvious anxiety.

Hoseok hears Namjoon sigh before he’s out of earshot.

Carefully adjusting the TeorSer deeper into his inner pocket, Hoseok steps out of the ship into Pompa’s humid heat.

But Hoseok doesn’t feel the weather, neither does he care for it- the only thing he can feel is the pulse of excitement, the promise of cause and effect; but mostly, thrill of the hunt.

This felt exactly like a mission- and though Hoseok tells himself that he didn’t miss being back in the field, that he didn’t long for the swift and almost natural lifestyle of an agent- he couldn’t deny the fact that it felt good.











He can’t hear anything and everything is still white.

Things move in the white landscape around him. Things he doesn’t understand. Fire blossoms from their hands. Mountains fly in the sky above them but everything is still white.

Who were they? What was happening anymore?

He desperately wishes that everything would at least turn back to a normal colour. That this bleached white landscape would go away. He rubs at his eyes, creating a strange reddish tint around his vision in the process.

He’s pushed back, falling all over the place; for a while he allows himself to be pushed around. He can’t fight this white-stain that bleeds at him from the sky. The mountains in the sky erupts in loud colours, like avalanches of snow except this wasn’t snow. Snow was soft and clean, and he remembers being pushed around on a smooth piece of bark by his brothers. This wasn’t winter, this wasn’t snow.

This was just madness.

He gives up, falling and being thrown harshly against the side of the rocky hillside. The sky looms above him and the mountains simply hover- no movement, no falling- nothing.

Massive bird like shapes stream across but these were not migratory birds; these were not the flocks that they hunted seasonally. These had wings of fire, beaks of cruel light, and every time they landed, more white erupted everywhere.

He can’t feel his hands but he somehow manages to lift them. And for the first time he notices colour.


His hands are red.

But that wasn’t right- his hands were like his brother’s hands- his mother’s hands. His father’s hands.

The colour bleeds from his hands, spreading everywhere rapidly and with alarming saturation and clarity.

He suddenly wishes everything was white again.

Because in this red, he can clearly make out the dead faces; their vacant eyes reflecting the strange fire that blossomed all over the air.

Because in this red, he can see his father collapsing, losing his outline stark against the white and bleeding into the never ending red that threatens to drown him. His hand stretching out to him- the same hand that he knows so well.

There’s a shrill continuous shriek- like someone was screaming at him to run. But he can’t move. He can’t take a single step.

He can only watch and he can only breathe until everything turns red.











8 Hours Ago:




The Hover-7 was a little too easy to borrow and Hoseok doesn’t really feel guilty about it but pretends to do so anyways. The roads are stuffed and traffic is as ridiculous as Hoseok last saw it some hours ago but considering he was on a Hover-7, customized and designed to be a little slimmer than its predecessors, Hoseok easily zips through the jammed streets and finds his intended location easily enough.

Parking the Hover-7 in a much safer place than he found it, Hoseok makes sure to change his face properly before removing his helmet.

Hoseok feels at ease out here.

It’s hot. It’s humid. The streets are dirty and a lingering smell of city-pollution, fuel, exhaust, sweat, and greasy food stains the air. And there are too many Beings around for it to be remotely comfortable or pleasant. But Hoseok feels freed.

He takes on the native appearance of the Pompen- large rounded eyes, a short and slight forehead, and high-set cheekbones. His hair shifts colour to a ruddier hue and with some quick borrowing finds clothing that allowed him to better blend with the environment.

Hoseok has never been uncomfortable with his own appearance, but the idea of slipping into a newly formed identity somehow calmed him down. Allowed him to think differently, to see differently, and to be seen differently by others as well. It was probably because of his lifestyle that he preferred existing in a permanently disguised manner; this mission was the first in many many sols where he remained in his natural form.

Or at least that’s what he told himself. Hoseok stares at his hand- a new hand, one that wasn’t covered in scars that no amount of medical care could get rid of. Turning his open hand into a fist and then releasing it again, Hoseok trails the deep, thin wound down his palm. He’d been hiding it ever since he got it- but he never took the treatment to fully remove or erase it despite a Yisheng offering him to completely remove it. Hoseok still kept that scar on him despite transforming his hand all the time.

Lowering his hand and allowing the colour to shift to one that better suited the natives of the Pompen, Hoseok shifts his attention away from his thoughts and focuses at that task before him.


There are 10 guards outside. Only for show- no purpose. They’re not there to defend or attack- just for display.’

What about communication-transformers? Or receivers?’ Namjoon asks hopefully.

None. If there are any- they will be short radio-waves- inaccessible without the correct frequency gage.’ Yoongi replies at once. ‘I could take down one of the guards but none of them are carrying Comm-Devices or any other form of communication device.’

‘Yeah- and Finel tried too, like, an hour ago- he got nothing.’ Taeh’yung adds, not explaining who or what this Finel was. ‘They scanned the guards and none of them register in any database either- they’re all clean.’

The faces Namjoon had scanned and attempted to identify through the GLA Database had been fruitless. So any possible leads they were hoping to glean from the surveillance footage was dashed away almost immediately.

Yoongi and Taeh’yung had arrived at the location of their destined meeting place in a completely different continent an hour or so ago and had already placed themselves at a decent location, scouting out the area. But apparently they weren’t the only ones. Yoongi reported at least, fifteen other Beings, similarly positioned and tasked, all spying at the opulent mansion that was their given meeting point.

This is taking place underground.’ Yoongi adds. ‘There’s probably a whole underground network.’

The area of Métrico-09 was one of the wealthier and better structured continents. And Pangpar District was a small section close to the scenic shorelines that seemed to house impossibly rich Pompens. Having expected to sneak through security, Yoongi had placed the Spardyti some ways along the shoreline almost underwater but found to his surprise that no such security existed. But based on his reports, there were plenty of cameras (which were all turned off), and lots of security posts (which were all empty), and plenty of security measurements in the form of motion sensors-triggered stun-nets, sirens, and even a small cyborg task force (all deactivated and found in a container unit just outside the District border). This was also how Yoongi had found the other Beings who were similarly occupied. Apparently Taeh’yung had befriended all of them and they were now all gathered outside street 00-417, and more or less just chilling. There was no point in spying on a place that literally just threw open all of their doors for you, welcoming you and entreating you to “spy” on them. It was clear- that they had no fear and that no single authority could touch them during this Pageant season. It only meant one thing.

‘So they’re not worried- possibly linked with the Pompen government?’


Hoseok had been expecting that. Based on how casual and at ease the thieves had been, it was safe to say that this entire stunt was being conducted by the Pompen government rather than just the Pageant.

How’s your baby Tae?’ Sk’jin asks, now no longer sounding like he was about to flip tables. He had finished sealing the doorway a few minutes ago and had been loudly complaining about staining his robes with metal-polish.

He’s all right- safe,’ Taeh’yung chirps back, his mood having lifted once he could sense (Hoseok doesn’t understand how the Zhak’gri is doing that or how much he could trust in his abilities but he would take Taeh’yung’s [and by extension, Sk’jin and Yoongi’s] word for it) the OrTank and befriending a bunch of Beings around them. They were now apparently watching one of the matches on a screen and had already placed bets on who would win. Also, if Taeh’yung was to be trusted in this information, one of the guards was watching with them as well.

Do you…do you think you can like- talk to him? See how he is?’ Namjoon asks hesitantly.

Nopes! He only communicates when he wants to – and I’m too far- well, that, and also there’s too much here, you know?’

‘Uh- yeah?’ Namjoon replies, sounding like he really didn’t know but didn’t want to ask either.

Where are you Hobi?’ Taeh’yung asks.

‘Browsing,’ Hoseok replies, walking into a small gulley that smelt strongly of unwashed public bathrooms.

You’re in Métrico-07 though? What are you doing there?’ Taeh’yung inquires, sounding curious.

Check the pawn-shops.’ Yoongi says quietly before he can reply.

Or one of the Android Maintenance places,’ Namjoon chimes in. ‘You should be able to get a live-in there.’

Hoseok hums in reply, not wanting to explain that he wasn’t looking for someone for information; rather he was looking for something. Besides, a live-in (field agents or Information Analysts who were stationed permanently in certain planets) was too risky to approach considering their immediate predicament.

Although Yoongi was a GI agent and has possibly done more field-work than Hoseok, he wasn’t trained to infiltrate and neither was he…Hoseok frowns a little in his thoughts. Was Yoongi even aware of his missions? He read the files regarding the GI and he’s seen the way Yoongi behaves and acts- did the Human remember what it was like?

Then there was Namjoon who went through his missions via screens, never actively being present in the field in a physical way. He was normally galaxies away, surrounded by walls and walls of screens, conducting his missions with the taps of his fingers.

For field-agents, it was different. Finding information, or as they put it, browsing, was different. Depending on what sort of mission you were assigned, field-agents were normally paired with an Information Analyst who would aid the field-agent in finding information, performing more complex database/systems dive, or simply digitally controlling technical aspects of the mission from their station. Hoseok has worked numerous times with a small group of Information Analysts and appreciated how much easier it was for him during these times. But Hoseok doesn’t have his own personal Information Analyst who has been pre-informed on the mission objective because none of this was planned.

So in situations like these, where field-agents found themselves stranded in foreign planets they weren’t supposed to be in or simply needed a short getaway, they all had an unspoken agreement and understanding of setting up a “safe-room” where information regarding that planet, contact information for connections that were safe and approved, supplies, and most importantly, data containing Venture Unit deals with said planet, were carefully hidden.

Hoseok doesn’t know if Pompa has one such place, but considering its location, and with current events surrounding it, he’s sure that there should be at least one of these in the planet. Besides, planning events like the Pageant required a few years at least, so it’s possible that in the past few years, a few agents dropped by.

He breaks free of the stinking gulley and finds himself in a bustling metropolitan zone, with massive holographic screens everywhere, showing the live-match for the general public. There’s a large city-square to one side where masses of Pompen and other tourists were gathered, all cheering as the fights progressed. Hoseok is in time to watch a slender male Being spit out glaringly red blood before screaming at his opponent, teeth bloody and pointed. Looking away, Hoseok spots one of the massive Transportation terminals and makes his way over. This would be the third one he’s checked for a “safe-house” and he hopes that he’s in the right place.

Ooh- yes, bite him!’ Taeh’yung cheers and it corresponds to the cheers behind Hoseok, coming from the city-square he just walked through.

That’s a nice way of confessing your biting-kink Tae,’ Sk’jin comments with some amusement.

Don’t shame it till you’ve tried it,’ is all Taeh’yung says and Hoseok silently sniggers at Namjoon’s spluttering reaction.

Crossing over to the station lockers, Hoseok walks across with easy determination; like he knew exactly where to go. Because to an extent he did. He quietly counts the lockers, making his move as he heads towards the locker numbered 7213.

And just one look at it tells Hoseok he’s in the right place. Tapping his finger on the security screen of the locker, he opens the small door and pulls out the lone screen inside of it. It’s attached to a charger at the back so Hoseok doesn’t unplug it, knowing someone else might need to use it later. Instead he pulls out his own screen, connected to the Užkulisai, and begins to transfer the files after connecting the two over a temporary line. Checking over the screen, Hoseok finds that the last user had accessed this 8 months ago. He hears some cheering in the background but that doesn’t mask the purposeful step that’s directed in his direction. Keeping his stance just as casual and free, Hoseok checks around the locker for any additional material he might want to use. There’s a few medical-kits stacked neatly over each other, a few TeorSer chargers for a variety of models, and other forms of chargers.

Not all safe-houses were actual houses- sometimes they were lockers, sometimes they were entire pent-houses, and other times a stationary Android working in public maintenance. But whatever it was, it was always disguised in fairly public and open locations. Hiding in plain sight. The most common were lockers in terminals- normally the main Transportation hubs in-planet.

Is this you Hoseok?’ Namjoon asks.

‘Yeah.’ Hoseok sets the timer at

This is great. Thank you.’

‘No problem- how’s Pompa’s system security?’ Hoseok asks, waiting patiently for the transfer to complete.

Unsurprisingly easy,’ Sk’jin replies instead. ‘As a result, there’s nothing concrete here at all- just statements, laws, normal government .’

The transfer is complete and Hoseok carefully places back the screen, pocketing his own back into his jacket. Making sure he didn’t overlook anything, Hoseok deactivates the screen, mentally apologizing to any Agent who might come here to look for this in the future, and watches all of the data permanently delete itself till the very end. He hopes they understand that the safe-house location was compromised so it had to be changed.

Where is this from?’ Namjoon asks carefully.

‘Sources,’ Hoseok replies evasively, hoping Namjoon has heard the term thrown around before so that he would understand what Hoseok meant. He places the screen back and promises to come back and “restock” the locker.

Ah- all right. You’re headed back?’


Can you pick up something to eat, I’m starving.’ Sk’jin butts in.

There’s a kitchen downstairs-‘

Then why don’t you go and cook something- no? What do you know! Me too.’ Sk’jin trills in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic voice before he drops it to his normal one. ‘Hoseok, can you please buy some food? Something spicy please.’

Shaking his head at the Khol’isa’s antics, he replies in affirmation and heads back out.

Forgoing the route he took to get here, Hoseok walks through the city-square leisurely, looking up at the holographic screens as though interested in the live-match.

Wow- this is a load of information…‘ Sk’jin says slowly.

Hoseok looks around casually, blending in perfectly with the crowd and without having to see the Being, keys in on their location and overall appearance.

This code is a little…’ Namjoon says and Hoseok grins to himself, somehow proud that other fellow Field-Agents were giving an Information Analyst of Namjoon’s skill some difficulty.

You can do it!’ Taeh’yung cheers, followed shortly by Yoongi’s bland and deadpan, ‘I believe in you’ making Sk’jin laugh hysterically in response.

All right- I’m in,’ Namjoon says a few minutes later, sounding a little miffed and defensive.

You’re so cool!’ Taeh’yung cheers again.

‘Well done,’ Yoongi intones in monotone.

Sk’jin is laughing again and Namjoon hastens to speak if only to move onto another topic as soon as possible.

Well- I don’t think we need information regarding Métrico-03’s seven deals with pirates for smuggling in Shirinm’eva,’ Namjoon chuckles.

This place is really hard-core,’ Sk’jin comments in amusement before Namjoon whistles low and long.

‘What is it?’ Hoseok asks as he walks out of the city-square, looking about the stalls of food. The Being stalking him isn’t doing a very good job and Hoseok wants to sigh.

Well- this is from the government here in Pompa,’ Namjoon confirms slowly. ‘Wow…well, this is…’

‘This is interesting,’ Sk’jin completes, a hint of seriousness laced in his voice.

Yoongi- why did you assassinate the parliament from Métrico-05?’ Namjoon asks.

Though they were not involved with the Isbahaysiga Alliance, they bought a lot of slaves- singular. For betting in arenas.’ Yoongi replies. ‘They would buy slaves, send them to train, and have them fight. The Isbahaysiga Alliance never set foot in Pompa or the System, but many of her emissaries frequently took part in illegal arenas similar to the Pageant.’

Not strictly guilty for forming a bond with the Alliance, but nonetheless still in the wrong.

So you were ordered to assassinate them because they took part in arena gambling?’

It was during the time the Alliance were getting out of hand- I believe many buyers were killed to send a message to the Alliance and to tame them.’ Yoongi replies.

Hoseok pauses to buy some juicy roasted meat from a stall and thinks that it was a pretty good idea. If you removed the buyers, then business would go down- so of course the Alliance would have to comply.

Were these orders from the Venture Unit?’ Sk’jin asks. ‘Do you know?’

‘We were never told who gave us our mission- all our mission were distributed from database. Unless a…senior GI officer personally employed you.’ Yoongi explains.

Senior GI officer?’ Sk’jin repeats.

I don’t know what they were called. But they were from different organizations- sometimes none at all.’ Yoongi replies.

Turns out Pompa has quite the history with arena-fights,’ Namjoon continues speaking as though he hadn’t heard the other’s conversation. ‘Culturally speaking, they’ve always hosted large tournaments like these. And there used to be two species living in Pompa- the Pompen are one, the other were called Pompain- but the latter were smaller in population, populating the continents in the poles.’

‘This already sounds like a great bedtime story,’ Sk’jin snorts.

Yeah- something about believing they’re a superior race, the Pompen overruled the Pompain and had them fight in their arenas for centuries- their belief was that the sky indicated their species superiority over the Pompain.’

‘Please tell me it wasn’t based on something stupid like skin-tone,’ Sk’jin sighs exasperatedly.

No- based on hair colour,’ Namjoon replies. ‘Red hair is considered superior because that colour doesn’t exist in the sky; the Pompain had either silver or azure hair.’

‘That’s even more stupid than I initially thought; I’m sorry I asked,’ and Hoseok can hear Sk’jin scowling.

Hoseok glances around and finds that yes, nearly every Pompen had ruddy hair. There were a few exceptions but those were other Beings from other planets. Nearly every native of Pompa were red-headed.

‘So I’m guessing after they banded with the GLA that particular sport was banned?’

Yeah- banned and made illegal but still practiced in secret sometimes. And then later they left the planet to attend other arenas, and after a few centuries here we are.’ Namjoon sighs.

‘So that’s what this is then?’ Hoseok asks, scanning the food stalls carefully.

It’s been around for a while. They’re called the Gremio-‘ Namjoon stops.

And?’ Sk’jin sounds a little irritable as Namjoon doesn’t follow up. Namjoon still doesn’t say anything and Hoseok hears Sk’jin sigh. He hears the Khol’isa huff, sounding like he was moving about. Probably headed to wherever Namjoon was, to look at whatever it was that had Namjoon silent.

There’s a roaring cheer from behind him and Hoseok glances back. He catches a clear look of the Being stalking him- a Pompen. And he doesn’t look away from Hoseok; again with the cool casual ease. Like he didn’t care that Hoseok had caught him in the act of stalking him.

It’s an auction-house,’ Sk’jin says sharply. ‘The Pompen government and the Pageant have banded together to create an auction house. ing Spaces.’

The Khol’isa mumbles under his breath indistinctly, as though reading from something before he speaks clearly again.

The Gremio Auction House is created as a result of the Pageant and its host planet. It’s what they call their partnership. -‘  Sk’jin pauses before he continues, his voice hard and his tone harsh. ‘They put up items for auction, and if you can’t afford to buy it back, you have fight for it in the auction-arena. Spaces, this is…’

‘So there are other bidders- probably placed there to create impossibly high bids, forcing their victims to fight,’ Hoseok gathers.

They run the Pageant and in the meanwhile create these fight pits- they’re more brutal, a lot more violent- regular Beings, simple traders and merchants fighting against the bidder’s choices, and with no rules whatsoever- this is all catered to the rich-upper-class society of Pompa. ing Spaces, is this what’s been happening while I was gone?’

But I thought that the Pageant was already illegal to start off with, and didn’t have rules or regulations regarding their fights.’ Taeh’yung chimes in, sounding unsure.

That’s true but this brings in more money- anyone can join,- and the target audience is somewhat...’ Sk’jin sounds even more uncomfortable.

Is it made controllable by the audience?’ Yoongi asks.


Hoseok grimaces. He’s not surprised to hear about it; he’s just disappointed. Because the Pageant fell under the care of the Liaisons and Parley Division in the Venture Unit. Which had been led for over 120 sols by S’ava Hhlai, the very Being who was now leading Hoseok’s former Division. Any and all decisions regarding the extent of how much the Venture Unit would ignore and allow these events to continue on was controlled directly by the Division Leader and his associates.

So that meant that he definitely knew about the fighting pits. And that he had either decided to ignore it, or in return, gain more profit from it.

They’re all one large network,’ Namjoon explains with a tired sigh, speaking for the first time. ‘They’ve been doing their utmost to gain profit, and the Pageant found a great target-market to leech off of here in Pompa.’

So why are they stealing from other ships?’ Taeh’yung asks sounding confused.

I think it’s to make sure no one talks about this outside of the Pageant grounds,’ Namjoon ruminates before sighing again. Namjoon sounded like an extremely aged Being burdened with the Universe’s problems.

Wait- does this mean we’ll have to out-bid other Beings who might try to buy our OrTank?’ Sk’jin asks sharply. ‘- is this public? Are you ing kidding me-?!’

Hoseok would have felt more comfortable at the idea of bidding in this auction if their own stolen property wasn’t so eye-catching. If it had been something as simple as an engine-part or in some unfortunate ship’s case, their entire left wing, it would have been easier to buy back their property. But this was the OrTank and that was definitely going to attract the attention of potential bidders. This was obviously a great way to make money, so Hoseok knows they’re not going to be the only ones there, bidding for their item.

How much money did you get Pa?’ Taeh’yung asks out of nowhere.


There’s stunned silence over the Comm and Hoseok can actually feel Namjoon’s confusion over the line.

Uh…I’m getting there?’ Namjoon replies tentatively. ‘I’ve gotten 125,000 units?’

That’s great! You’re so cool Pa!’

There’s a suspicious coughing sound from Sk’jin’s end of the line.

‘Where is this from?’ Hoseok asks as he stops in front of a drink-stand, looking over the neon colours of the iced drinks and wondering if any of them were potentially poisonous or hazardous to his system.


Good enough, Hoseok thinks to himself.

‘I’m being tailed.’ He adds casually, pointing at the violently purple drink on display and raising two fingers.

You have a tail?’ Sk’jin sounds alarmed.

‘It’s been an hour or so,’ Hoseok replies calmly as he hands over some units, nodding his thanks to the distracted vendor. ‘Not really hiding it though.’

I think it’s safe to say we’re being watched as well,’ Namjoon says a little later before adding, ‘But aren’t you changed?’

‘I am- but I think he’s been following me from the start- they have pretty interesting gadgets with them- it’s possible they’ve marked me,’ Hoseok sips on the drink and finds that it’s pleasantly sweet with a hint of sour. It’s extremely refreshing.

Shouldn’t we head over to Métrico-09 now?’ Sk’jin asks. ‘I’ll feel better knowing our ship is close by in case we need to gtfo.’

‘What does gtfo mean?’ Yoongi asks.

Get the out,’ Sk’jin replies.

Hoseok- you want us to pick you up or you’ll head there yourself?’ Namjoon asks.

‘I’ll go over myself,’ Hoseok replies, looking over and catching sight of his tracker some distance away. ‘Need to see how good these trackers are.’

He throws the other drink over at Pompen tracker who catches it, eyes widening in shock. Hoseok gives him a nod and walks over to the parking lot.

Don’t forget food.’ Sk’jin reminds him as Namjoon barks out: ‘Priorities!’




Hoseok doesn’t know if he wants to roll his eyes or laugh or join in on the loud and amused game of catch Taeh’yung has started around the massive gardens of the Pangpar District. Street 00-417 was bustling with all sorts of Beings, all displaying their anxiety and stress in different ways. And Taeh’yung was there, dead-center of it all, playing catch. Using a real life Being as the object being tossed around. Though the Being tossed seemed to be having the time of her life, high-pitched giggles filling the air as more of her very minute species are tossed into the air as well. It’s already nightfall, the street lit up with powerful lights hovering above them like miniature suns.

The gardens here were ridiculous- in every sense of the word. If flowers could be flamboyant then that’s exactly what they all were here. But it wasn’t the flowers that were putting Hoseok off- rather the topiary trees situated all over the area. Shaped like nearly everything you could think of, the trees, which were dyed (?!?!?!) in different colours all stood at least 4 meters in height, making Hoseok’s eyes hurt at the sheer saturation of their colours in this bright lighting. He parked his Hover-7 behind one of the topiary trees which was coincidently shaped like a Hover-7 and hoped no one would steal it.

‘This has been going on for 32 minutes.’

Hoseok nearly jumps out of his skin at Yoongi’s voice.

‘Spaces-! Wait,’ Hoseok frowns down at the Human who appeared out of nowhere. ‘How did you know it was me.’

‘I know what you look like,’ Yoongi replies as though it’s the most obvious thing. Before Hoseok can reply there’s a shrill cry of ‘HOBI!’ and his arms are full of Taeh’yung who abandons his game of catch and throws himself at Hoseok. Hoseok is grateful for his reflexes as he catches the Zhak’gri who happens to be taller than himself and sets him down as quickly as possible though Taeh’yung still manages to wrap both arms and a leg around him. His face is inches from Hoseok’s, eyes wide as he takes in his appearance.

‘Handsome- but I like the real Hobi!’ he declares as he unwinds himself from Hoseok, reaching up to feel his hair and saying, ‘Will I look good with this hair colour?’

Honey you’ll look great in every hair colour,’ Sk’jin tells him.

Taeh’yung cheers, looking down at Yoongi expectantly before the Human nods as though in agreement not before sending Hoseok a look of amusement. Or at least, what Hoseok guesses is amusement. Hoseok grins back nonetheless.

‘How is he?’ Hoseok asks, nodding towards the mansion that was more decoration than actual house. There were fountains on the rooftop- the ing rooftops.

‘He’s all right- nothing fishy happening,’ Taeh’yung says before glancing down and asking, ‘Is that for me?’, pointing at the food Hoseok had brought.

It’s mine too,’ Sk’jin butts in, his voice sharp with warning.

‘But you’re not here! So it’s mine!’ Taeh’yung eagerly reaches for the bag of food, eyes twinkling.

We need someone to remain back in the ship- I volunteer,’ Namjoon says over Sk’jin’s warnings at the Zhak’gri. ‘In case we need to “gtfo”.’

‘We need security inside the ship as well- can’t risk getting robbed twice over,’ Hoseok replies.

Tae- why don’t you stay with your Pa on the ship?’ Sk’jin proposes, glee palpable in his tone of voice.

Please don’t call me that-‘

‘I’ll go to Pa,’ Taeh’yung volunteers.

‘Why are you calling him that?’ Hoseok asks curiously.

‘Uh- he’s total daddy material?’ Taeh’yung waves his spork that came with the food about as though it was the most obvious thing in the Universe.


Sk’jin’s hysterical high-pitched laughter cackles the line, making Yoongi close his eyes as though pained.

‘But I think you’d make a great dad? I mean, 2 agrees too?’ Taeh’yung says over a mouthful of meat, offering one to Yoongi who stares at it for a second too long before taking a bite.

Uh that’s- um nice Taeh’yung-‘

Namjoon! Are you insinuating that Taeh’yung makes you uncomfortable?’

Taeh’yung looks so genuinely sad and put-out that Hoseok immediately feels the need to somehow placate the Zhak’gri but oddly enough, instead Yoongi reaches up and pats Taeh’yung once on the head, rather stiffly, and the latter grins brightly in return, offering him another piece of meat.

Namjoon is spluttering, ‘What-?! No! Spaces, it’s just- well-‘

‘I won’t call you Pa then,’ Taeh’yung says, sounding sheepish.

No- no it’s fine- you can call me- I just- I don’t mind being called Pa-‘ Namjoon says.

Oh- that’s a pretty good way of confessing your kink-‘


‘Pa, it’s okay if you like it that way too!’ Taeh’yung says over another mouthful of meat. ‘To each their own!’

Hoseok doesn’t know if he’ll be able to look the Kutsoglerin in the eye after this without remembering this gem of a conversation.

We- we’re landing in 10 minutes- Taeh’yung-‘

‘Yes daddy?’

Hoseok momentarily wonders if Taeh’yung was actually unaware of the situation but the Zhak’gri gives him a roguish grin and Hoseok does his best to reign in his snort.

Just-…wait, are you all doing this on purpose- you are aren’t you- ing Spaces you’re all s-‘

Sk’jin’s laughter is infectious and Taeh’yung and Hoseok laugh out loud while Namjoon fumes.

‘Is it a good idea to have Taeh’yung stay in the ship?’ Hoseok asks. ‘He’s the only one who can sense our friend in the OrTank-‘

It’s the ship we need to worry about as well,’ Namjoon cuts in. ‘If we don’t have a means to escape, then there’s no point for any of us trying to protect the OrTank- Taeh’yung is the best singular option to remain and watch the ship- you and Yoongi are more than enough to deal with any situation that might arise inside the auction.’

I’m not too bad myself you know?’ Sk’jin comments.

Uh huh sure.’

‘I could literally take you down right now you exoskeleton-‘

Suddenly, a tinkling music sounds throughout the air from the mansion they were congregating outside of.

A clear female voice starts announcing something in Pompen before switching to GLA Standard.

Welcome, esteemed bidders and guests to the Gremio Auction. We thank you for partaking in our humble event. Our doors will open in 10 minutes. Please gather yourselves and make a neat line at the main path. Please comply to our rules and hand in any weapon you might be carrying! You will receive your items after the Auction is over! We guarantee the safety of your items!’

Hoseok hears both Namjoon and Sk’jin snort at that.

Please do not push and please be patient! Everyone will be submitted into the auctions!’

Everyone looks around shiftily, eyeing each other in confusion and hesitation as well. Then a bunch of Pompen who were gathered closer to the mansion begin to line up, looking excited and talking amongst each other. Not only were the Beings who were robbed gathered outside, but spectators, bidders, and other sorts of Beings were also gathered.

You guys line up- I’ll join you soon. Taeh’yung?’  Sk’jin says. Hoseok checks his screen and finds that their ship  just landed outside of the District border, close to the Spardyti.

‘I’m coming,’ Taeh’yung sing-songs.

‘Don’t get distracted- go straight back to the ship all right?’ Hoseok calls after the Zhak’gri who skips away, waving goodbye at the Beings he had befriended. The Zhak’gri turns mid-skip and gives him two thumbs-up before disappearing into the crowd.

Hoseok and Yoongi shuffle over to the long line, keeping an eye over everyone gathered there.

‘Some agents here,’ Yoongi says quietly. ‘Observers.’

Hoseok sighs out, scanning the crowd. Many of the Beings there who were in similar disposition like themselves all had a wide-eyed anxious look to them. But the others, all excessively dressed upper-class Pompen, were all excited and gleeful, talking about what they could possibly buy. It makes Hoseok sick to his stomach. 


Hoseok looks around in the direction Yoongi was looking at and finds the Khol’isa walking with elegant leisure towards them. He’s changed his robes to very elegant and rich looking ones in silky blood red and a contrasting soft pastel-blue with flowering gold designs over the hems of his sleeves and on his collar. His hair is artfully styled, gleaming a darker shade of his normally silvery pink to a more dusty-rose. He has a silver and gold circlet around his head, giving him a regal appearance that makes everyone stare at him as he passes them.

‘Hello,’ he smiles down at them when he’s close enough. ‘Where is my food?’

Hoseok hands him over the container he’d managed to save from Taeh’yung and the Khol’isa proceeds to eat the juicy meat with uncanny finesse and neatness. It was as though they had an unspoken agreement, not to talk once they stood in line- this seemed to be the sentiment shared by the others like them and entire sections of the line were in complete silence, fidgeting with anxiety and nerves.

Hi daddy!’

Sk’jin promptly coughs out his food, his circlet shifting on his head and nearly falling over his eyes as he half-chokes, half-cackles. Yoongi, with a hint of judgment on his face, helps Sk’jin clean up.

The lines move rapidly and they were now close enough to spot a large scanner situated outside the door and some burly Beings carrying baskets in which weapons and anything considered inappropriate for the auction were being placed. Hoseok catches sight of a male Pompen with long auburn hair, animatedly talking to the Beings who stepped up the patio stairs, a large screen in his hands. Looking around, Hoseok catches sight of his tracker and nods at him before they make their way forward.

‘Welcome to the Gremio Auction! On behalf of the Auction, here is a care package!’ the Pompen chirps when they step up the mansion patio, handing them silky bags. ‘What is your house name?’

Hoseok frowns a little, glancing over at Sk’jin and Yoongi. They had not thought about naming themselves- that was a little foolish after all. Yoongi is simply caught up in going through the bag, a blank expression on his face so Hoseok knows there’s no help from the Human.

‘We’re uh-‘ Hoseok tries but Sk’jin smiles pleasantly and says, ‘House of Falling Vitka’v Petals.’

Are you ing kidding me, Spaces what the actual -‘

‘All right! You’re all registered!’ the clerk trills. ‘Please make your way inside into the arena and take a seat! The auctions will start in 20 minutes!’

‘Thank you,’ Sk’jin smiles again, causing the clerk to give Sk’jin an even brighter smile than Hoseok thought was possible.

‘House of Falling Vitka’v Petals- really?’ Hoseok inquires, glancing at the tall Khol’isa who was clearly suppressing a wicked grin.

‘Yes- very poetic isn’t it?’ he replies lightly. ‘Do you like it Yoongi?’

‘No.’ Yoongi replies, pulling on a freakishly bright hat over his head that read ‘Camera! Set! Auction!’ in even flashier writing. Hoseok checks his own “care package” and finds a similar hat with a bottle of water.

‘What about you Taeh’yung?’

You have dead cells coming out of your mouth.’

There’s a moment of stunned silence and then Sk’jin breaks out into hysterical laughter, clapping Hoseok on his back painfully.

‘That’s the first time in my life that I’ve heard that!’ he exclaims, wiping at his eyes.

‘What does that even mean?’ Hoseok snorts.

It sounded cool? I wanted a poetic comeback!’

And “dead cells” is poetic?’ Namjoon scoffs.

It’s innovative.’

Okay- sure.’

It is, daddy.’

‘-ing hell-‘

The interior of the house is as grand as the exterior. Opulent marble walls lined with gold ts and excessively decorated chandeliers hang off of the ceilings. They enter the main lobby that is lit up with at least 8 different crystal chandeliers of varying opulence and excess. Two winding staircases overlook a central doorway that’s flung open, revealing a wide staircase leading downwards to what appeared to be a large tunnel made of blocks of marble and chunks of rock. There are chains and cuffs hanging from the side as well and Hoseok can’t help but wrinkle his nose at the sight.

‘Ooh, ,’ Sk’jin comments. Hoseok has a feeling that if Namjoon were here he’d facepalm.

A few other Beings were making their way down skeptically, eyeing the chains with obvious horror, and Hoseok is sure they’re other crew members from different ships, all robbed in the past 24 hours. The Pompens simply walk past, not batting a single eye.

They make their way down, Sk’jin leading while Hoseok and Yoongi walked behind him, eyes peeled. Hoseok notices the excessive amount of cameras and grimaces. The tunnel is long and straight, with no other doorway save for the ones at the end. There are more Beings here, some standing to have a chat, while others were frantically typing on their screens, and others keeping panic attacks at bay.

‘I have a contestant here!’ a voice shouts. ‘This is madness! I am here with the Alliance-

Hoseok frowns at that, looking over the shouting indignant Being quickly as they walk past him and a few other Beings trying to placate him.

‘They really don’t discriminate in their victims do they?’ Sk’jin snorts. ‘I guess it’s good for some of them- one good turn deserves another after all.’

They finally make their way to the main arena and true to Yoongi’s observation and scanning, the entire area underneath the mansion above was much much larger. Nearly spanning twice the length of the gardens above, the arena shaped and designed like an amphitheater is domed with a single guard-tower hanging above with powerful headlights directly downwards into the lowest tier of the amphitheater. The lowest tier spanned out to a slightly concave floor and on opposite ends of the slightly oval tier were two massive gateways. Frequent and slender pillars hold up the ceiling at intervals, and a few of the more agile long-limbed, tailed, and webbed Beings have situated themselves on the pillars already. There are at least 50 rings in the arena and it was already more than halfway full of Beings, gathered there for the Gremio Auction.

Sk’jin whistles lowly.

‘Wow- guess a lot of us are gonna lose our eh?’

No one replies to that. Sk’jin guides them over to one of the middle-rings, taking a seat next to one of the pillars.

‘How much have you gathered Cap?’ Sk’jin asks after a while.

170,000 units.’ Namjoon replies tersely.

Hoseok knows it’s not enough. That’s already a ridiculous amount of units but he knows it won’t be enough. Not for a real life living Being like the one they had in the OrTank.

I can really go and rob a bank right now,’ Taeh’yung offers perhaps too eagerly.

‘No- the banks are all closed and emptied out.’ Yoongi supplies unexpectedly, as though he had been considering that idea too.

By the time the entire arena is packed with Beings, some even standing by the aisles as there were no seats, the two gateways at the bottom tier open up. A petite female Pompen appears and judging by the cheers she gets from the natives of the planet, she must be famous. She was slender and petite, like the rest of her species, and her skin was a neutral creamy sandy colour. Her eyes were larger than normal and Hoseok wonders if that’s a regional thing or some form of cosmetic surgery made to enhance her eyes. Her long red braids swing around in strangely timed waves, as though controlled by a separate force, not following her line of motion. She’s wearing bright yellow clothes, as though to stand out even more than she was. She stands behind a slender metallic podium and poses as though she were in some photo-shoot.

This was starting to feel a lot like the matches Hoseok caught sight of on the holographic screens earlier that day. A large arena, a presenter, and a huge excited crowd. Except this felt a whole lot more dangerous. Hoseok hasn’t forgotten the fact that these Beings inside the arena were the very ones who would be controlling the arena matches as well. He prays to every single deity he’s heard of, praying that they can afford to buy back the OrTank.

‘Hello Gremio Auction!’ she trills. The bidders and native-watchers simply cheer in response. The others, like Hoseok, Sk’jin, and Yoongi, keep quiet, watching and listening carefully.

‘Welcome to this lovely event tonight! Are you all ready to spend your units?’ she points the microphone in her hand towards the arena to deafening screams.

‘All right! Let me first lay down the rules for first time comers!’ she twirls around.

‘As you all know- no weapons allowed, no fighting, and no cheating!’ she winks, twirling again. ‘We have our own security here and they will not hesitate to stop any disturbances that might arise! You have been warned! We will not take any responsibility!’

She twirls once more before continuing: ‘And now for the auction rules! In order to gain back your item- you will either need to bid in underverse units against other bidders and buyers; or win a series of rogue-rounds in our special arenas! If you cannot afford the bidding cost- you are always welcome to the rogue-rounds! Each guild will contribute a fighter in order to gain back their item, no units required!’ the auctioneer announces too cheerily, wide smile in place and teeth gleaming. ‘Are there any volunteers?’

The entire arena is deadly silent. Everyone seems to have done their research, judging by the apprehensive and sweaty faces of the ship-crews gathered there. Some were deathly pale, balking at this information. The rest of the audience watch with perhaps too much glee.

‘Right then! Let’s start off our auction!’ she trills brightly and taps the podium once with a silver hammer.

A bunch of burly Beings step forward from the lower doorways, carrying a bunch of items amongst them. Hoseok does a quick scan and doesn’t find their OrTank there. He breathes a sigh of relief for a moment before he focuses his attention forward again.

It’s a horrible thing to witness.  Because the auction doesn’t just involve the ships that were robbed, but also other Beings who were excessively rich and had nothing better to do than toss about their units, raising the bar of the item in question to ridiculous heights. The ships that were robbed of their items are forced to pay extravagant amounts of money and when they manage to beat the other offers, are trumped by some random rich who doubles the price offered. Hoseok watches as many crews scream hysterically, launching themselves into physical fights but are instantly restrained by unnervingly effective guards who knock them out with well-aimed TeorSer fire shot from the guard’s dome above.

239,000 units.’

Some are forced to think about fighting, looking increasingly agitated, while others simply give up, watching with hollow eyes as important ship parts, obvious relics or memorabilia, or even sometimes actual Beings, and Androids are taken away to be used by the Gremio as they saw fit. Hoseok knows for a fact that many of the items would simply be discarded or “recycled” as waste while the unfortunate living Beings were sold off into slavery or worse.

Namjoon updates them frequently on the amount he’s managed to get while Taeh’yung offers the occasional commentary from the live-shows above-ground.

Hoseok gnaws at his lower lip, willing himself not to give in into anxiety. As the auction goes on, more and more bidders come in and it gets even more difficult for the ships to pay the cost of their items. A total of 11 ships already lost their items while 2 chose to fight. Only 3 ships were able to buy back their items and Hoseok is glad for them. As time went on, the bidding prices went higher and higher.

271,000 units.’

Almost an hour later, their OrTank is carried forward and to Hoseok’s immense disquiet, the entire arena seems to quiet down a bit as all heads turn to stare at it. Hoseok feels Yoongi tense next to him and Sk’jin’s foot tapping increases rapidly. He seemed unharmed, the OrTank untouched and undamaged as well. But to Hoseok’s agitation, the Being inside seemed distinctly uncomfortable; a furrow between his eyebrows, his hands clenched into fists. Exposed like this, to a massive crowd, Hoseok feels the weight of what this could do- what this could instigate. Here, in front of this raving and mad crowd, was living proof of the Gaia Case. They were now all balancing on the very edge of exposing everything in the worst way possible.

‘Yoongi.’ He hears Sk’jin says sharply.

Hoseok looks over at the Human, his entire posture screaming distress though his face remained neutral.

Calm- we need to stay calm- he’s all right.’

He’s just a little stressed Yoongi- he’s all right,’ Taeh’yung says quietly, clearly watching the entire thing through the Iris on Sk’jin’s robes.

A few other items are brought in- including what appeared to be a large pet creature of sorts with brown bushy wiry hair, a very wet snout, and no visible eyes but with its ears pressed back on its head in clear dejection, whining piteously as its owner, a very small Being, squeaks out plaintively from across the arena.

‘We have quite the items here!’ the auctioneer announces brightly, waving one of her arms in a grand gesture. ‘First up! This…thing!’

She gestures to the immense create that just ducks its head even more as jeering laughs ring across the arena.

‘We’re starting up with soon-to-be steak meat-‘ the auctioneer points out again, clearly enjoying the howling laughter of the bidders.

Oh! That’s a N’nukwu,’ Taeh’yung exclaims. ‘They’re very rare- and very loyal to their masters. They live for ages and ages- he must be a part of the Obere’s family for a long time- they’re like, really strong, but are super docile. Poor baby. He must be so scared.’

Hoseok would feel bad for the Obere and the N’nukwu under different circumstances, but at this moment his attention is drawn to the bidders who were attempting to take a closer look at their OrTank.

I think my baby can feel his distress- it’s why he’s stressed,’ Taeh’yung comments.

If the Being inside the OrTank could feel the N’nukwu’s distress, then he could most certainly sense the danger he was in. Hoseok is almost beside himself with anxiety as he waits for their turn.

‘Oh Spaces, you really don’t want to mess with the Obere though,’ Sk’jin comments wryly as there’s a literal harmonious shriek of anger that rings sharply through the air.

The Obere were a rather small species of Beings that reminded Hoseok of badly carved wooden figurines. They were strangely endearing to an extent with their burlap-like robes draped across their bodies covering their rough skin. They had 3 eyes, all large and opal like in colour with small rosy noses and lips with pointy ears. They had no hair but instead had craggy twig like horns protruding like aged gnarled roots through their heads in a gradient of ashy wood to rosy peach. They made vicious fighters, having very sharp fingers perfect for stabbing and poking their enemies to death. But most of all their voices were dangerous, causing permanent damage if they screamed loud enough.

As a result of their screaming symphony, a few around them keel but the guards are quick to take action, firing at a few of them and knocking them out as though in warning.

‘100,000 units!’ one of bidders yells.

‘No! I got this! 110,000 units!’

‘We have 110,000 units! Any more offers for this lump of meat?’

‘Listen you ing -‘ the Obere squeaks out, raising his tiny fist at the auctioneer.

‘And sold to the Guild of R’ce!’ the auctioneer waves her hand.

The Obere bursts out into tears, hiding his face in his small gnarled hands. The rest of the Obere are trying to comfort him, their opal-like eyes wide and gleaming with unshed tears.

Taeh’yung makes a small sad sound and Hoseok feels a twinge of sadness. Nothing good would await the N’nukwu and the Obere probably knew this.

The auction continues and Hoseok knows that their OrTank is being put up the last. It was clearly being coveted the most by other bidders as well, many saving up to bid for it and the few ships gathered there were able to buy their items as a result.

‘Next up!’ the auctioneer walks over to the OrTank, the only item left on stand.

‘What a pretty face! Look at that body! A mysterious Being!’ she trills in a high voice. ‘A lovely gift,- perhaps a muse? Or perhaps, a friend to keep close and personal?’ she winks suggestively.

Hoseok feels a very strong urge to throw something at the auctioneer.

‘Mysterious Being in the OrTank bidding time is open now and we- wow! We already have an offer for 150,000 units!’ the auctioneer announces, throwing about exaggerated exclamations.

Don’t put any offers yet-‘ Namjoon says urgently.

‘How much do we have now?’ Sk’jin asks tersely.

I just got an additional 10,000 units- we’re at 280,000 units-‘

That’s not going to be enough,’ Sk’jin says, eyes scanning the area as more bidders raise their offer.

‘House of Sh’marr offers 300,000 units!’

Hoseok’s eyes widen, his body growing numb. This was the highest bid to ever be placed since the auction started.


335,000 units-‘

House of Falling Vitka’v Petals offers 335,000 units!’ Sk’jin proclaims at once, standing regally, all eyes turning to look at the Khol’isa, his presence intimidating and a strange light wrapping around the Khol’isa. There’s murmuring at once and a few Beings around them look at Sk’jin uncomfortably. Then there’s a swelling silence that immediately follows as the auctioneer looks around for a higher bidder and Hoseok can feel sweat dripping down his back, ears pricked up.

‘And 335,000 units-‘

‘House of Jtāharū offers 500,000 units.’

Hoseok feels the pit of his stomach fall. Looking over he finds a small group of Beings sitting at the very back row of the arena, dressed entirely in white, half of their faces covered in alabaster masks, revealing only their mouths.

Sk’jin grabs at his arm, his eyes narrowing as he studies the group.

‘500,000 units going once!’ the auctioneer seems stunned too, her already big eyes even bigger.

‘We don’t have the money for this!’ Namjoon hisses. ‘I’m trying and I don’t-‘

‘500,000 units going twice!’

‘Then what the do we do-?’

‘500,000 units going thrice and-!’

‘House of Falling Vitka’v Petals would like to win a series of rogue-rounds to regain the Mysterious Being in the OrTank,’ Yoongi states, standing up.

‘Sit the down,’ Sk’jin hisses, pulling Yoongi down again and already putting on a winning smile on his face. But before he can even begin to make excuses, the auctioneer latches onto Yoongi’s words like a leech to flesh and she brings down her hammer thrice in succession and points at them with a flourish.

‘Contenders for the rogue-rounds pledged and accepted by the Gremio!’ she states excitedly. ‘Please bring forth your contestant after the auction-‘

‘I would also like to purchase the N’nukwu for 335,000 units from the Guild of R’ce.’ Yoongi adds.


The Guild of R’ce cheer in enthusiasm, agreeing to Yoongi’s terms.

‘Sold! The OrTank will be kept safely until your guild wins the rogue-rounds; you may retrieve your item now!’ the auctioneer announces as the burly guards take back the items that were either lost or waiting to be won via rogue-rounds.

Yoongi stands up, walking down calmly towards the lowest pit without sparing them a single glance. Namjoon is practically bellowing while Taeh’yung can be heard sobbing, calling Yoongi his ultimate hero Yoongi you’re so amazing, you’re the best I love you so much while Sk’jin is standing, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape.

Hoseok glances over again at the small group, the Guild of Jtāharū and is immediately wary of the fact that they were now all staring at Yoongi. He can’t place their species and he most certainly can’t tell what they’re thinking. They hadn’t spoken up until just now, and that in itself rings all sorts of alarms in Hoseok’s mind. He grabs the front of Sk’jin’s robes, pointing it over to their direction.


Yeah I’m on it- just- just give me a second-‘ Namjoon replies, sounding harassed.

I don’t like them,’ Taeh’yung says suddenly, stopping midway in his dramatic sobbing over Yoongi’s act of “heroism”.

Yoongi walks down to the pit and straight towards the N’nukwu who was hunched over on the dais it was placed on.

Riveted, Hoseok and Sk’jin lean forward, watching as Yoongi raises his hand up to the giant of a creature, allowing it to sniff his hand. He seemed to be speaking but they were too far to hear. After what seemed to be the longest minute of Hoseok’s life, the N’nukwu raises its head up to Yoongi’s hand, wet snout sniffing. Then after a few seconds, a large red tongue pokes out and Yoongi’s hand. Sk’jin grabs his arm rather painfully while biting down on his other hand as though to repress any urge to squeal.

Then, with a gentleness Hoseok didn’t know the Human possessed, he pats the creature on the head (much more natural and genuine than with Taeh’yung from earlier) and coaxes it to stand and walk. Standing on its legs, the N’nukwu’s head is almost at Yoongi’s shoulder height. Hoseok glances over at the Obere clan and they’re frozen too- the owner of the N’nukwu was crying, obvious pain and heartache etched across his features. But that soon morphs into shock and disbelief. Because instead of bringing the N’nukwu over to their side of the arena, Yoongi guides the docile and shivering N’nukwu by its leash over to the other side of the arena. Everyone’s attention is riveted at them; the silence so heavy Hoseok is sure you could cut through it. The previously crying Obere is watching Yoongi with shock while his fellow crew-mates watch in equal disbelief.

Yoongi hands over the leash to the Obere the moment he’s close enough and the silence breaks as the Obere squeaks in delight, hugging the N’nukwu- more like mounting over it in sheer joy. The N’nukwu gives out a weird sort of barking sound that breaks the silence even more and there’s some clapping before the entire arena breaks out into tremulous applause.

‘I…’ Sk’jin is gawking at Yoongi who is nearly knocked over as the whole of the Obere crew launch themselves at him, hugging his limbs and torso in thanks.

‘I can’t believe I just witnessed that with my own two eyes,’ Sk’jin says reverently.

I can’t believe we just lost 335,000 units for something that wasn’t even ours.’ Namjoon sighs despondently.

Hoseok can’t help the smile that grows on his face, despite everything that has happened, as he watches Yoongi carefully detach himself from the weeping Obere. He glances over to where the House of Jtāharū were sitting and he’s filled with immediate apprehension when he doesn’t see them anymore.

‘What are we going to do?’ Sk’jin asks, looking a little dazed.

I guess we’re going to fight the ing rogue-rounds. Who wants to volunteer because it’s certainly not going to be me.’

I’ll do it.’ Yoongi says quietly, making his way through the crowd that were cheering him on.

There’s a snort from the Comm-Device, clearly from Namjoon who mumbles something about rhetoric questions.

YES! LET’S MAKE YOU REALLY PRETTY YOONGI!!’ Taeh’yung squeals in delight, followed shortly by a comic groan of pain from the Zhak’gri while Namjoon mumbled darkly under his breath.

Sk’jin looks over at him, an amused smile on his face and says, ‘I don’t think this could any worse than it is now.’










He can’t do anything but hide.

Hiding hiding hiding hiding hiding hiding

Was that all he was capable of now?

He wants to tell them to run. To hide. He’s screaming on the top of his lungs – if he could he would bleed the warning to them. But he can’t. And instead he has to keep watching every single one of them collapse- their minds sinking into the red gloom that had once plagued him but was not his immediate reality. He watches them slip away and every single time, he feels himself die.

Nothing remained anymore; they didn’t remain anymore.

His hand was still stretched out- as though reaching for him as though he knew that he was watching.

And there was fear in his eyes right before he fell. Fear of not knowing what would happen.

There was also forgiveness. Or was that damnation?

He can’t tell the difference anymore. Not in this reddish emergency-light. Not even when day breaks overhead and sometimes manages to filter through the vines that have crept over the windows. But no matter what lighting was available- that hand was still outstretched towards him. And he always came back to that spot, to look at that hand. Unable to grasp it, unable to help.

Until time went on and the hand was nothing more than an imprint in his mind’s eye and one that haunted him.

And it kept coming back- it kept bringing back the strange forms and outlines, white at first, and then a disturbing red as though it tore them off of some searing nightmarish flesh.


But it doesn’t stop. It probably won’t stop. And he has no escape.

He can’t move from this spot- he can’t escape.

All he can do is watch.

Watch and hide.









It does get worse.

At least 10 times worse than before.



5 Hours Ago:




Hoseok finds himself acting like Sk’jin’s guard, his normal face on this time around, following the Khol’isa around the shockingly large underground network. Not a lot of ships had chosen to fight- rather they chose to give up on their item, knowing there was no way that they were going to win. But the ships that did choose to fight- a total of 9 ships, and their representatives, were now waiting inside an anteroom waiting to register their “fighters”. Some of their “fighters” are with them, large strong burly Beings of different species and different levels of nervousness. It’s an oppressive environment, laced with desperation and anger both. But Sk’jin is surprisingly composed, a smile set on his face as he makes conversation with the Being sitting next to him despite not receiving any reply whatsoever.

‘Ah- it’s your turn now,’ Sk’jin smiles beatifically, causing the Being in front of them to literally stop and stare as though unable to process how and why Sk’jin was so at ease. ‘Good luck!’

‘Is that a good idea?’ Hoseok asks, watching as everyone around them looks at them uncomfortably.  

‘Ah, I enjoy spending company with you Hobi,’ Sk’jin says pleasantly. ‘It’s like a breath of fresh air.’


‘Really refreshing,’ Sk’jin adds before saying, ‘I’m just laying out an advantage. A psychological one of course.’


‘Yes- so that the others gathered here will feel disabled by my ease and will automatically think our fighter is ridiculously strong.’ Sk’jin explains.

‘Yoongi is strong though? I’m not worried about them – I’m worried about the bidder’s contestants and what the audience will do during the match.’ Hoseok mutters. Things could go horribly wrong- most Beings who were involved in these sorts of events were sadistic by nature and though Hoseok doesn’t doubt Yoongi’s abilities, it doesn’t stop him from imagining the worst.

‘Psychological play goes a long way,’ Sk’jin smiles.

Hoseok leaves Sk’jin to his “mental games” and back to his screen. Hoseok had tried knowing that there wouldn’t be a concrete answer, on searching for any data related to “House of Jtāharū”. It seemed as though everyone involved in this auction were all there under extensively complex pseudonyms and aliases. Namjoon was having a field-day with all the work he suddenly found himself in. Hoseok still hadn’t caught sight of those Beings after the auction ended, the crowd was too thick and they needed to register Yoongi into the rogue-rounds. Namjoon had found some footage of the rogue-rounds from other Gremio Auctions from the past years and it was not pleasant.


‘Yes oh Captain of mine, how can I help you?’ Sk’jin replies with a bright smile, humming under his breath.

What are you wearing?’

‘Never in my life did I expect to start off any conversation with you like this- but I guess I’m down for it?’ Sk’jin replies as Hoseok heaves, having choked spectacularly on his own spit.

Just- ing Spaces,-‘

‘What do you want me to wear?’ Sk’jin teases, ignoring Hoseok’s glares. ‘I guess you’re one of those types with really strange kinks-‘

We need different clothes for Yoongi, ing Spaces will you stop?!’

Sk’jin laughs uncontrollably for a while before replying, ‘Robes, sweetheart- in red. Why don’t you come here and help me out of it? Or you could watch?’

Taeh’yung is coming to get it.’ Namjoon says sharply.

Sk’jin muffles his laughter into his fist, whacking Hoseok on his back repeatedly out of mirth while the other Beings gathered around the room stared on. Contestants were given their own “dressing rooms” to get ready in. They were also ordered to have their entire crew participate in the event. They were asked politely but Hoseok knew at once that it wasn’t a request- rather it was a threat. So Namjoon and Taeh’yung had locked up the ship, grabbed the basic necessities, and had arrived about 30 minutes ago. They were now watching a few matches apparently, and Taeh’yung had a favorite as well.

Similar to the way the Pageant was hosted, contestants were made to look “beautiful” or appeasing to the eye so that they could better sway the crowd to their favour and win them favourable help or simply prevent them from releasing any potential harmful action against them. Sk’jin had loudly lamented that if he had been included in that, everyone would be swayed to his side due to his beauty. It had been awkwardly silent for a few seconds before Namjoon separated them and they left for the dressing-room.

‘House of Falling Vitka’v Petals!’ a voice calls as the previous Being walks out, looking much paler and his hands shake while his crew members behind him were equally disturbed.

Sk’jin and Hoseok stand, walking into the adjoining room. It’s a large airy space with wide windows and a domed ceiling open to the night sky above. The entire room is decorated (rather tastelessly) in crystal statues and gold figurines. The floors are glossy and everything is too reflective to Hoseok’s liking.

A female Pompen sits behind a ridiculously ornate desk and gestures to them to sit. She’s dressed in neon blue, the contrast with her fiery hair makes Hoseok’s eyes hurt.

‘Welcome! Please take a seat and I will begin with our rules and regulations!’ she chirps, looking all too pleased with the whole situation.

Sk’jin takes a seat while Hoseok stands behind him, posture stiff and unrelenting. The Pompen doesn’t press him to sit and instead pours Sk’jin out an iced cup of something tinted green. Sk’jin politely nods in thanks and probably had his overly charming smile on his face.

‘So, before we start, here is a form that you must sign declaring that we, the Gremio Auction, are not accountable for the death of your contestant. And should your contestant die, we will claim the item he/she/it was fighting for. If you win the rogue-rounds, then you and your contestant as well as your item are free to leave at once.’ She relays pleasantly while Sk’jin reads the contract with nonchalant ease.

He takes up the pen offered and scribbles a loopy signature over on the line and hands it back to the Pompen.

‘Perfect, thank you for your cooperation,’ she smiles, tucking the paper into a drawer filled with similar papers.

‘So here are the rules to the rogue-rounds,’ she crosses her hands over the desk. ‘No weapons allowed- no help from crew members, and to never harm the audience.’

‘Is that all?’ Sk’jin asks.

‘Yes,’ she smiles again. ‘Do you have any questions?’

‘Yes- what marks a victory in the rogue-rounds?’

‘Death of your opponent,’ she replies chirpily.

‘Of course!’ Sk’jin chuckles.

‘Any other question?’

‘None at all,’ Sk’jin replies pleasantly.

‘Excellent! I hope you enjoy your stay,’ she says standing up, clearly dismissing them.

Sk’jin stands too and without a second glance, turns away. Hoseok notes that the female Pompen looks a little surprised at Sk’jin’s behavior. Clearly no one else had behaved with such ease or this flippantly.

She calls for the next house as they exit and a few shaky Beings step into the room after Sk’jin and Hoseok. Taeh’yung is waiting for them outside, staring blankly at a point on the floor without blinking.


Taeh’yung snaps out of it, grinning as he notices them.

‘I was just making sure my baby was all right,’ Taeh’yung points downwards. ‘He’s down there.’

‘Is he all right?’ Hoseok asks, glancing at the floor too.

‘He’s all right- asleep again. Dreaming.’

‘Well at least one of us is getting sleep,’ Sk’jin laughs. ‘Let’s go dress up Yoongi-‘

The Khol’isa stops dead in his tracks, smile slipping off of his face before he quickly pulls Taeh’yung back and Hoseok follows immediately, ducking behind one of the large ornate pillars out in the main hallway of the mansion.

‘What is it?’ Hoseok asks, peering over Sk’jin’s shoulders and his stomach churns.

That’s the Tayian from the slaver-ship?’ Namjoon asks sharply, clearly having spotted what was going on through the Iris still attached on Sk’jin’s robes.

After leaving Grezma, they had all reviewed the footage from his and Yoongi’s Iris’s, scanning the faces of those who were there in the lobby of the Central-Bridge in the slaver-ship. The Tayian in question, Van Seulgaan, was from the Department of Trade; a high ranking officer who, they found to their immense disquiet, worked directly under Chief Shn’ow, one of the other Beings that comprised the special-jury.

Whether or not Chief Shn’ow was involved in the Alliance was still all conjecture and theory, but Seulgaan being here so openly opened up a whole new list of possible internal corruption and negotiations between the Alliance and the GLA. Not for the first time, Hoseok feels like he’s learning too much information that was going to lead him somewhere he would regret.

‘Is he here because he tracked us or is this some crazy coincidence?’ Sk’jin hisses in question.

‘He’s lining up to sign up contestants,’ Hoseok says slowly, watching the Tayian making his way through. He didn’t look any worse for wear and Hoseok wonders how he must have escaped the slaver-ship. He’s being guarded by two other Beings, not the slaver-guards from Grezma, but entirely different looking Beings.

He’s part of the Alliance- it’s possible that he brings in the occasional contestant to fight- maybe not in the main arenas, but for the fighting-pits,’ Namjoon mumbles quietly.

‘Should I follow him?’ Hoseok asks, tracking the Tayian’s movement carefully.

I think we should keep our distance,’ Namjoon replies at once. ‘You’re already being tracked, and I’m sure we’re all under surveillance- we can’t bring ourselves into the spotlight more than we already have.’

‘What if he recognizes Yoongi?’ Sk’jin asks, gnawing at his lower lip.

We’ll worry about that when the time comes- it’s possible that his contestant will fight before Yoongi. And he might leave,’ Namjoon theorizes.

Sk’jin looks like he’s inclined to disagree but he doesn’t say anything.

‘Let’s just really change up Yoongi so that he’s unrecognizable.’ Namjoon says, ‘Come on guys, the first match will start in 15 minutes.’

‘Can we watch Pa?’ Taeh’yung asks excitedly as they make their way back to the dressing rooms, making sure to stay hidden the entire time.

Actually we should,’ Namjoon replies. ‘We can understand how the arena is conducted.’

Sk’jin hums in agreement distractedly, glancing over at where the Tayian stood, looking disturbed.


Sk’jin starts out of his revere before smiling at Taeh’yung, ‘I think we should colour Yoongi’s hair- what do you think?’

Taeh’yung giggles madly at that and the two start discussing what hair colour they should use. Hoseok looks back discreetly and instead catches the eye of his tracker. Even in here, they were being tracked.

‘What about a nice soft blue?’ Sk’jin offers.

At that, Yoongi, who hadn’t spoken since he offered up himself to the rogue-rounds, voices his reply in his usual monotone.










His perspective feels a little skewed. Or maybe it’s because exhaustion finally took a hold of him and he was now somewhat collapsed on the floor at an awkward angle and the mirrors around him were reflecting angles of the ceiling in a way he’s never seen before.

His breath comes out harsh now- as though he didn’t need to breathe before and his body just only realized he needed to breathe.

The sound of his pants echo harshly in the empty room along with the steady dripping sound of water leaking from a nearby faucet. Normally the sound would irritate him- but he’s too far gone to sit up and tighten the tap. But his hand still attempts to reach up, desperately but unknowingly reaching up to quiet the tap.

It’s still red, no matter how many times he washes his hands.

How long had it been?

Seconds minutes hours days weeks months years decades centuries.

Who knew anymore.

Didn’t she once say, that if time could stop, or pause, it would be because the Divinity willed it so- so that they could experience that moment for longer. Time slowed down for love, time slowed down for happiness- pushing and pulling the moment longer so that all could cherish that moment and appreciate it better. But this wasn’t a moment of happiness.

There was no love in what happened here.

They would be here soon. They would find what happened, and then would find him as well.

Would she be there? Would she understand?

But how could she? Because he didn’t understand either.

His vision starts to blur- and maybe he was finally offered the relief of death. Was it possible? Maybe it was for the better?

He hears footsteps, clacking loudly and he can feel their voices before he hears them.

They’re yelling and shouting. His vision blurs so much it’s as though their hands are inflamed and wrought in white flames.

Maybe he could burn in that fire and it might purge him of what he had done.









2 Hours Ago:





Hoseok grimaces as another sweaty body pushes themselves up against his arm. Taeh’yung seemed to be enjoying himself, looking around excitedly as the crowd cheer on the new fighters in the pit. This appeared to be an actual fight between potential contenders- and not Beings forced to fight for their items. That had been horrible to witness, even more so when the bidders and audience threw in their units to have flames thrown at the contestants, or have them horribly handicapped by actually buying the favoured contestant weapons. It was only the beginning and Hoseok knew it would only get worse.

What shocked Hoseok was the fact that there were children watching the rogue-rounds. They were cheering on the fights, their parents lifting them onto their shoulders so that they could a clearer view of everything that was taking place. Sk’jin had looked properly aghast at that while Namjoon didn’t seem perturbed by this at all. Oddly enough, Hoseok finds that their reactions contradicted their personalities so far.

The lowest tier of the amphitheater is splattered in blood and other biological parts. There had been a horrible death 2 fights ago, where one of the contestants had the entirety of their guts spilling out onto the floor, tumbling backwards and leaving a horrible trail of innards.

The doors open again and this time two female Beings enter. The crowd roars even louder than before and Hoseok leans in a little to study the new contestants. They bore a striking resemblance to the Pompen and Hoseok understands the situation perfectly.

‘They- they look incredibly alike,’ Hoseok says slowly, feeling uneasy as he studies their form carefully. Not just as a species, but these two Pompain looked related.

‘That’s because they’re probably related,’ Namjoon says quietly before adding, ‘This is cruel- the Pompain must still exist- but only for sport.’

There’s a quiet sigh from Sk’jin over the Comm-Device.

The crowd is roaring and jeering, and though Hoseok doesn’t understand the language, he’s pretty sure filthy and cruel words were being flung down at the Pompain contestants below. The air is charged with the domineering superiority of a privileged race of species, feeling powerful in light of the result of their cruelty and inflicted oppression. Hoseok feels nauseas.

‘They’ve been reduced to something lower than animals.’ Namjoon watches with hardened eyes.

‘What do you mean Pa?’ Taeh’yung asks, voice soft and deep, ignoring the arena-master who was yelling out the rules at the Pompain.

‘That’s what happened in Kutsoglera,’ Namjoon says with a short scoffing laugh. ‘They would make the strong young ones fight each other- entertainment and sport for the bored pirates. If they refused, their families were killed off- slowly, painfully. Or worse.’

Hoseok doesn’t want to ask or know what Namjoon means by “worse” but he knows enough to understand. And he also understands why Namjoon seemed so strangely off when they had first discovered the Gremio.

The female Pompain start fighting and it’s brutal. It was obvious that they were trained for this fight. They both fight, impassive and blank- but not the way Yoongi was expressionless. This was different. They looked completely destroyed.

‘It’s a way of asserting dominance- of suppression; to completely destroy any worth, any value, any respect you would have as a living Being- to completely destroy you and to remove any notion or love to live.’ Namjoon doesn’t flinch as the shorter of the two Pompain falls back, landing on her arm wrong and the sound of bone breaking rips through the air.

Taeh’yung doesn’t say anything but instead wraps his arms around Namjoon, resting his head against the Kutsoglerin’s, briefly nuzzling the side of his face.

‘It’s all right,’ Namjoon smiles at the Zhak’gri. ‘It was in the past- long gone and finished.’

Taeh’yung keeps his arms around the Kutsoglerin regardless.

Hoseok notices that Namjoon didn’t even looked remotely disturbed at the idea of this whole arena-fight. Sk’jin had looked disgusted and even outraged. Taeh’yung had looked sad and disappointed, but Namjoon. Namjoon looked like he was used to the entire setup behind the Pageant. The Kutsoglerin looked resigned – as though he expected nothing more from this reality before him.

Hoseok turns his mind back towards Yoongi, and what he would have to face. He had no doubt that Yoongi would sail through these rounds and win them back the OrTank- but at what cost? His stomach burns and Hoseok wants nothing more than to burn this entire establishment to the ground. Namjoon seemed unmoved, his eyes impassive as he watches the Pompain shred each other apart. Taeh’yung seemed strangely quiet, somber almost, eyes a little vacant as though listening to someone speak, he even nods a few times as he rests his head against Namjoon’s shoulder.

The crowd cheers as one of the Pompain practically throws the other across the pit and the crowd is chanting, bloodlust thick and heavy in the air.

Suddenly, Namjoon starts, cursing under his breath as he stands to a crouch, gesturing quickly at them to start moving.

‘What? What is it?’ Hoseok asks at once as Taeh’yung jolts, looking about confused.

‘It’s Van,’ Namjoon hisses and Hoseok and Taeh’yung are quick to crouch up and follow after the Kutsoglerin as well.

‘He’s headed our way-‘ Namjoon curses under his breath, looking around the arena for the closest exit. But there were too many Beings and the lighting too bright to successfully hide and getaway.

‘Did he see you?’ Hoseok asks, wanting to look back but not wanting to risk being recognized or noted. He could always change his face but seeing as his tracker knew his whereabouts even when he changed his face made him rethink his actions. If Van Seulgaan was involved in the Gremio Auction, then whatever technology they were using would be accessible to the Tayian.

‘Yes- but there were too many Beings between us at that moment- it’s possible that he didn’t recognize me-,’ Namjoon relies back as best he could as they push through the throngs of Beings. The chances were slim- the Tayian would, without a doubt, recognize Namjoon and Taeh’yung. They needed to get them out of there at once. Or at least hide them somewhere until Yoongi won the rogue-rounds.

Guys get out of there now,’ Sk’jin orders at once. ‘At least Namjoon should- he won’t recognize Hoseok but-‘

‘Taeh’yung- blow something up,’ Namjoon turns, addressing the Zhak’gri who blinks slowly in reply for a whole 5 seconds before he breaks out into a bright grin.

‘So you want me to create a diversion?’ Taeh’yung looks surprised and too eager.

‘Go bat- crazy,’ Namjoon waves his hand dismissively and Hoseok wants to maybe stop this idea but he doesn’t have a better one up his sleeve and Taeh’yung seems to already know what to do. His eyes glow an ominous green and Hoseok instinctively holds his breath.

Wait!! Spaces don’t ing do anything!!’ Sk’jin screams. ‘He’ll know it’s us indefinitely if you use your abilities- he’s seen them before- he’ll recognize it! We still have to stay in the arena you dimwits!’

Taeh’yung pauses, mouth open in a perfect “o” of surprise.

‘Right- right, that was dumb-‘ Namjoon fidgets, looking around a little desperately for another route of escape, clearly racking his mind for another idea.

You can create another kind of diversion,’ Sk’jin says exasperatedly and Taeh’yung makes a sound of realization that really, should be very foreboding but at this point, they really couldn’t afford to be recognized by the Tayian. Taeh’yung then snags a random scarf off of some Being’s head, covers his face, and nods once.

‘Okay! Don’t clench your jaw too much!’ Taeh’yung flexes his hands a bit, causing Namjoon and Hoseok to both glance down at his hands in confusion.

‘Don’t clench my jaw-?’ Namjoon repeats, head tilting a little before Taeh’yung lets out a rather convincing gasp of horror and rather violently pushes Namjoon away into the highly excited crowd.

‘How dare you touch me like that?!’ Taeh’yung demands in mock horror, shoving Namjoon again, who honestly wasn’t even standing that close to the Zhak’gri. Namjoon gives him a slightly wary confused expression before his eyes widen in realization. Taeh’yung then takes it upon himself to wink at Namjoon and without changing a single expression on his face, socks the Kutsoglerin hard. Namjoon, who Hoseok prays was expecting it, flies backwards, a spray of blood issuing from his mouth? Nose? And he falls over in a heavy heap, taking down a bunch of rowdy drunk Beings with him.

‘Take this Being away!’ Taeh’yung continues to cry out, wringing his hands as though caught in traumatic throws of hysteria. Not that anyone would actually notice seeing as everyone was now throwing punches and yelling loudly. Hoseok dives towards Namjoon’s convincingly unconscious body and heaves him up and discovers that the only reason why Namjoon looked so convincingly unconscious was because he was actually unconscious.

Taeh’yung continues to send everyone into hysteric bouts of rage and soon everyone in the arena is fighting.

Hoseok sends Taeh’yung a grim smile before making his way towards one of the exits. Namjoon is incredibly heavy and Hoseok is already working up a sweat. He’s about to ask Taeh’yung for help in lifting the Kutsoglerin but Taeh’yung is gone.

‘ing Spaces, Taeh’yung where are you-!’

Hoseok narrowly dodges an angry drunk Pompen’s fist but unfortunately drops Namjoon on the floor. In his attempt to pick up the Kutsoglerin again, Hoseok is too slow to dodge the random fist thrown his direction and his jaw rattles in his head- more from shock rather than pain.

Quickly shoving off the Being who attacked him, Hoseok grits his teeth and picks up Namjoon and quickly makes his way out, avoiding the raucous crowd as best he could.


‘What?’ Hoseok barks, dodging another punch but getting shoved into the wall and falling heavily on his side in a way that he knows probably wasn’t good for his ribs. He grimaces at the pain but continues forward. Unfortunately some random idiot really wanted to pick a fight with him so steadying Namjoon on the wall and hoping he would stick there, Hoseok makes quick work of the angry Pompen, his fist meeting the Pompen’s jaw with a sharp and resounding thwack sending him flying back. He returns to Namjoon who was slowly slipping down. This was all fine- peachy.

I was just thinking- we need more information.’

‘You think?’ Hoseok pants as he finally gets out into the main hallway where it’s thankfully less crowded.

Yes,’ Sk’jin sniggers. ‘Everything all right?’

‘ing peachy,’ Hoseok blows hair out of his face, adjusting Namjoon to his side properly.

Great! So I think you should kidnap your stalker and get information off of him- he works for the Auction, he should know why Van is here and how he’s connected. Someone of his status- he must be well known,’ Sk’jin suggests.

‘Oh yea- don’t worry about that,’ Hoseok pants, dragging Namjoon’s dead weight over the entrance lobby that was bustling with eager looking Beings, trying to catch a glimpse of the fight inside. He looks over and yes, his tracker was following him, albeit with some difficulty. Seemed like he got caught in some of the fight as well. Hoseok manages to finally get himself and Namjoon out into the patio outside.

Sighing, Hoseok wonders, really, if it was too late for him to call this entire thing quits.





















(Author’s Note)

I’ve been listening to the soundtrack for Planet Earth II and it’s the best. Honestly. Please listen just for ambiance or for when you’re studying it’s literally so motivating yet calming yet enthralling yet soothing I love it.


I wanted to be on time to update this fic for his birthday but…yeah, so *coughs * please take this long chapter instead.

Also, the idea behind the pageant is inspired by this event that takes place in Texas. It’s something that’s horrendous and honestly appalling. It’s an annual rattlesnake killing FESTIVAL- a ing festival where they capture and round up nearly thousands of rattlesnake and make sport of killing them in brutal and torturous ways. What’s even more messed up is that they bring children to this festival and have them partake in killing the snakes, even making them paint with rattlesnake blood.

I’m not the biggest fan of snakes, like I’m not gonna approach one to pet one, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go into the wild, purposefully hunt these creatures, and torture them for entertainment. Rattlesnakes are creatures that congregate in families- they’re sensitive to their family, like they LIVE in families, mothers fathers children- all one nest. They’re also very easily agitated and nervous which is why they rattle their tails- to display their nervousness. It’s not a sign of aggression. So in the festival they take the rattlesnake families and torture them in front of the other snakes- it’s disgusting and it should stop. This is the article about the festival and WARNING the pictures are really graphic so if you’re effected by that, don’t look. Especially if you’re triggered by the sight of snakes.


but if you want to sign petition to stop this festival- which I am imploring all of you to do so, please sign up here!






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Chapter 68: Wow....just wha? From the title I was hoping for an appearance by Lulu or JD cause that would make so much sense but now Im like...is everyone dead or dying or something else cause Im.so confused and yeah...temptation to kill rising!
Also go Lim! You little blessed life being!
Taehyung where the hell are you, you strange little green goblin! I know you're lurking around somewhere! Or a version of you is
Lol looking forward to more
Chapter 67: Blinks.....okay...that was a bit of a mindfook I'll admit and geeze Tsirin you crazy biatch
Amme! You absolute beaut! Deal with that little cow but don't kill yourself!
I knew there was a plan betweem Jimin and Taehyun! Just knew it! I so badly wanna see exactly what it all was...even if we never get a full explain
And yeah boy, that was a ride
Looking forward to more
Chapter 66: Wah....they're not going to make it....but
So confused and just wahhhh
Happolin #4
Chapter 66: No no no......I don't like where this is heading!!!!!!! Not another yixing!!!!! Please nooooo ( T~T ) ( T~T )...........

Nooooope Noope Noooooooo
Chapter 65: Oh wow
So much action and so much too worry about
I wanna know.what Taehyungs up to....please don't have pulled a certain healer cause that will be so unfair
Looking forward to more
Happolin #6
Chapter 64: Every 2weeks...almost4 months i guess..... welcome back :D
I was really confused at first but then understood that he was just thinking of the past.....like "eh, did he wake up from a nightmare......when did Jin and RM meet up and didn't V like dead...."

Personally I like PTD..... :D
Chapter 64: Damn it I knew I was coming to the end of that chapter and Im still screaming NO DO NOT STOP THERE UNCLASSIFIED! I NEED MORE

Though I will confess to laughing at hurrican Namjoon, bless his klutsom nature and having to be helped out by the Amic and Shay who just do it automatically now. Gave some lovely little tension break moments I'll admit.

Still wanna know where Jimin and Taehyung are though - cause them two are doing something, I know they are

Hope Ski'Jin is okay and Kookie ain't in too much trouble

Looking forward to more
Chapter 62: And how.did I miss this update. Wow that was interesting and boy I wanna see what Tae is up to
Onto the next chapter
Chapter 61: wow, I should have realised that Tsirin would have been willingly involved! so nice to get a look into more of Jimin´s childhood and the events that led to this whole mess.
as a non-American, I wouldn't say that the whole qanon stuff is affecting me personally. But I have spent the last... 6 months (but more like Trump´s entire presidency) in disbelief and sort of hopelessness every time I look at the news from the US. That people can believe these things, and that others allow for these things to happen... the lengths some people are willing to go to, and the things they ignore and leave unchallenged out of self-interest is mindboggling and absolutely terrifying. More than ever I am certain that the US is a country I NEVER want to visit.
Anyway tho - wonderful chapter! I hope you are well and I look forward to the next update^^
Chapter 61: Well wow....okay that threw me a wild ride and a half and still processing half of it but yeah...
So Tsirn caused all of this because she wouldn't let go of her grief...wow that makes sense actually when I think about it but yeah...processing
And I've heard of a mugwump too, it made me smile reading it but I cant think of where I heard it now. Some kids story I think - possibly Roald Dalh or maybe Moomins - but i have heard of one. If i ever track down where I shall let you know
Anyway looking forward to more