“Equilibrium” [noun]: a state of balance in which opposing forces of influences are balanced.

A Detailed Explorer’s Guide into the Unknown








Sk’jin has never been aboard a Yisheng ship before. He’s not pleased to be here either, and every fiber in his being is opposed to this. But not getting on board meant having to face whatever mess they had encountered, created, and accelerated in Grisial. And Sk’jin does not have the back-up, health, or support for that sort of thing. He is also extremely curious as to why Hoseok felt he could contact Amme of all Beings to come to their rescue.

‘I’m sure Pa is fine,’ Taeh’yung tells him.

‘I didn’t even ask,’ Sk’jin replies dully, staring out of the small window one last time at Grisial before they enter the massive Hangar awaiting them.

Another mess Sk’jin has no idea how they’re going to escape or even solve. He glances at Jimin who looks at the destruction scattered around the region of Grisial they have previously been in. He doesn’t look…-well, he didn’t look fine. Physically he didn’t seem injured. He seemed weighed down though. The determination that he had after his meeting with JD is gone, replaced only with what Sk’jin can very easily identify as guilt.

‘He’ll be fine,’ Taeh’yung repeats again.

Sk’jin can only glare.

Namjoon was the least of his immediate worry right now. And sure it was terrible that he was inconveniently kidnapped by a bunch of rogue GI agents who undoubtedly had some strange plans for him and-

Sk’jin frowns at himself.

Fine he was worried about Namjoon. He was injured and greatly under-handed (no pun intended) and was taken away by some very questionable Beings for unknown purposes. Of course Sk’jin is worried.

Not just about Namjoon but also about Jimin.

Sk’jin believed (still does) that Jimin was hiding something important from them. To what degree or extent Sk’jin’s not sure. But there was something definitely going on. But it’s always felt like Jimin had a firm grasp of what happened, what was happening, and what he was going to do. And now it seemed almost as though Jimin was entirely disarmed from what he thought was happening. And Sk’jin doesn’t know if he should find this discomfiting or simply a terrible possibility that they managed to overlook.

Sk’jin is also worried about Yoongi. There was something definitely wrong with the Human. Sk’jin’s not sure how to even address or think about Yoongi anymore. It was strange to think about him as two separate Beings. This wasn’t even like what he and Zitao had shared- if anything it reminds Sk’jin of something that he is definitely not comfortable thinking about. Especially here inside a Yisheng’s ship.

This is incredibly stupid a voice that sounds too much like Namjoon’s says.

Sk’jin is also worried about Jungkook. Here was an entirely innocent Being, marked and labeled a threat as well as an anomaly- a Being of interest for nearly every single piece of involved in this situation. Yet here they were, merrily strolling their way inside Amme’s ship.

Then of course there’s Hoseok. Sk’jin cannot for the life of him, fathom why Hoseok would choose to reach out to Amme. Not that they had many options within the Special Jury. Sk’jin shudders to think about what would happen if he reached out to K’mara. Probably would end up being poisoned for real unlike what Yoongi liked to regularly do to them. Definitely a shared trait amongst the strangest of aliens across the Known Universe.

Sk’jin remembers reading a passage from “The Six-Hands of Our Love” that read ‘poison is the most romantic of weapons’. Sk’jin doesn’t think Yoongi intended to woo any of them while lacing their drinks with rare radioactive atoms. And K’mara for certain had no inclination of romancing anyone who had the misfortune of having tea with her.

But back to the main topic at hand.

Of course Sk’jin doesn’t believe Hoseok is actually some informant. It’s actually an idea that Sk’jin has long abandoned. Not because he thinks any of them are truly worthy of trust, but simply because non of them were cruel enough to be informants in a mission of this magnitude. Cruel enough, or simply put, naïve enough.

Then of course there’s Taeh’yung. Sk’jin isn’t worried for Taeh’yung per se. Rather he’s worried what the Zhak’gri might do. There was that expected level of unpredictability the Zhak’gri possessed sure. But there was something incredibly unsettling about his actions recently. His announcement of having destroyed the Omhlophe ship despite the fact that from they learnt from Hoseok about it carrying other “eggs”. And how Taeh’yung had lovingly called them his babies. He coddled and babied Jungkook, and even Yoongi.

The Transporter they’re in lands quietly, with a small jolt as it locks into the landing frame. They all stare at Hoseok as though waiting for his move. Hoseok does not look pleased to find himself as the replacement for Namjoon.

Amme exits first, her tall frame unfurling in a strangely stiff but fluid movement. To Sk’jin’s somewhat alarm, and Jungkook’s absolute awe, a strange slithery creature is waiting for the Yisheng and climbs up her frame, draping itself over her shoulders. It’s completely black, with deep red scales that in certain angles gleam ominously. Its milky-white eyes suggest its blind, but Sk’jin would definitely not cross this creature. Clearly this was a creature native to the Khhemsa and was probably a (somewhat) tamed companion.

Somehow it felt weird that Yisheng’s would have pets. Especially ones that look like Amme. Sk’jin makes a mental note to rethink his personal biases. 

Sk’jin automatically grasps both Jungkook’s and Taeh’yung’s collars before they can even take a step forward towards the now softly hissing creature. Both Taeh’yung and Jungkook give him some form of a sullen pout. Sk’jin feels the intense desire to box their ears.

‘If you will follow me,’ Amme gestures with one of her arms.

There aren’t a lot of Beings so far as Sk’jin can tell. Most of them were Yisheng-in-training, wearing the simpler versions of the robes Yishengs normally wore. Sk’jin notes that there are more androids than living Beings. Also a lot of CleanBots. Sk’jin is more than certain that Namjoon would’ve tripped over one.

This is madness a voice that sounds like Namjoon’s says very tiredly in the back of his mind. Sk’jin could do with less of this thanks.  

For some reason, without even saying a thing, they walk in a way where Jungkook and Jimin are in the center. Hoseok takes the lead, while Jungkook walks right next to Jimin who is behind Hoseok. Yoongi walks a little behind Jimin, shadowing his movement and Taeh’yung is doing chaotic wide strides on the other side, randomly speeding up to say something to Hoseok or hold Jungkook’s hand. Sk’jin follows at the back giving Jungkook small reassuring (he hopes) smiles as they follow Amme deeper inside.

‘We will be headed for warp soon,’ Amme says from the front. ‘We will need to brace ourselves inside the lift.’

Hoseok turns, as though checking to see if they all got the news. Everyone nods back as though in affirmation. Hoseok gives him a pointed look and Sk’jin, instinctively, blows him a kiss. Hoseok actually smirks and winks back at him. If this had been Namjoon, the Kutsoglerin would have rolled his eyes or given him a really? look and Sk’jin would have probably continued to blow him kisses.

Oh Spaces do I actually miss that idiot Sk’jin grimaces at himself. Great, he has no outlet for his anxiety. Hoseok was way too fast thinking to tease, Jimin too sweet, Yoongi too…Yoongi, and Jungkook too innocent. And with Taeh’yung he might actually try to make-out with Sk’jin and that’s not the result he was headed for.

Sk’jin sighs, making Jimin look around in worry.

‘I’m sorry,’ he says quietly, taking a small step back to walk alongside Sk’jin. ‘I should have stayed with Namjoon.’

His head is lowered, his shoulders curled in. Just like Yoongi, he’s covered head to toe in Grisial crystal dust. He looks like the epitome of misery and hopelessness.

Sk’jin sighs again before bringing his arm around Jimin’s shoulders and giving him a small squeeze.

‘I’m sure he’ll be fine. What could they benefit from killing him?’

It’s probably not the best thing he could have said and Jimin is obviously not at all placated by this. Even Jungkook seems to think this was not the right thing to say as he gives Sk’jin a wide-eyed look. Great, he was being reprimanded by the baby of the crew. Sk’jin sighs again.

Jimin’s shoulders seem to weigh down even more.

Amme doesn’t seem to be bothered by the heavy atmosphere that follows her into the wide seated lift. Everyone secures themselves in and Amme makes sure everyone is secured in before she also takes a seat back.

The elevator starts to move, and Sk’jin guesses they hit warp as the band of lights above the doorway quietly change from green to blue. It’s admittedly a heavy and awkward silence. No one says a thing, even when the strange creature from around Amme’s shoulders slithers down to the floor, coiling around their feet before stopping in front of Taeh’yung.

It coils upwards, gleaming body poised and great blunt head in level with Taeh’yung’s face. There’s a moment of panic when Sk’jin is terrified that either Taeh’yung or the creature will strike forwards. But there’s nothing. The creature lowers itself to the floor and makes it way towards Jimin before settling around his feet.

Jimin doesn’t really notice, though his eyes are on the floor, the top of his shorn head visible. He must have lost his beanie somewhere inside that ing asteroid.

It’s a very painful 3 minutes before they finally come to a stop.

They all follow Amme out and into a large atrium. The  massive windows are glowing faintly with filtered warp light. This somewhat makes Sk’jin feel better. Amme guides them to a great curved table with comfortable seats around it. She sits down and they follow her actions. Cups of ionized-water were already laid out at the table. Sk’jin notes that there’s an extra cup opposite his own. It’s not lost on Jimin either who eyes the empty spot next to him with diminished eyes.

‘I’m aware that you are all tired,’ Amme begins without preamble. ‘However, I believe it is better if we discuss matters at hand first before we set about to your recovery.’

‘Yisheng Amme,’ Yoongi says suddenly to everyone’s surprise, ‘You know me.’

‘I do,’ Amme nods her great head in an elegant manner. ‘There is a lot that I have to tell you. You, and everyone else here.’

‘You told me that this mission would answer my questions,’ Yoongi states.

There is no accusation in his voice, instead a sort of monotony Sk’jin is used to from GI Yoongi.

‘I did,’ Amme replies.

‘You said, “You are a Being with no direct goal or inhibition. By attending this mission you will make sure that the mission is a success- and that no one single member gains the upper-hand. These Beings have been brought in as pawns. To move about as their masters would.”’ Yoongi quotes, seemingly word for word.

It’s funny to think that Amme would have said that about Yoongi to Yoongi himself; especially with Jimin in the picture. Every single cell in Yoongi was inhibited by his dedication to Jimin. He was practically living for Jimin and nothing else.

Somehow this draws a shiver down Sk’jin’s back in a strange way.

‘You lied to me,’ Yoongi continues, ‘You knew Jimin would be here.'

Of course Yoongi had been Amme’s selection so she had known Yoongi quite extensively before this. This connection, amongst other things, was what made Sk’jin suspicious of Yoongi in the beginning. Of course that was long forgotten seeing how disgustingly whipped the Human was. It’s still odd having to hear it like this. Especially after somewhat knowing of Yoongi’s past, Amme’s apparent involvement with the Treaty between the GLA and Jimin’s System.

Amme turns her gaze towards Jimin. ‘Can you help me tell this story? It is not all mine to say.’

Jimin looks up at Amme briefly before looking at all of them around the table. He opens his mouth briefly then closes it.

He nods once, lowering his gaze and head once again.

There’s a loud slurping sound and all eyes turn to look at Jungkook and Taeh’yung, both with empty cups in their hands, wet mouths, and wide apologetic eyes at having been loud.

Hoseok reaches over and places Jungkook’s cup over the circle it had been placed in. The cup refills and Jungkook’s eyes nearly pop out of his head as he watches.

‘Let us begin.’ Amme announces.

Next to him, Hoseok sits up a little straighter, eyes focused and alert.

‘The birth of the Universe and of Life as we know of it now, started at the very center.’ Amme starts rather unexpectedly. Jimin seems to close his eyes. ‘Yisheng tore their way through-‘

‘-they ran away,’ Taeh’yung cuts in unexpectedly as he fiddles around with his cup. Without turning his head but simply glancing towards Amme he repeats, ‘Yisheng ran away.’

‘Yisheng ran away and came to a Being here,’ Amme corrects herself. ‘Here, Yisheng became here, and Here, he brought with him Continuum. Because with Continuum, there is no end.’

It is a cycle that exists beyond the realm of existence – beyond the realm of Matter and Time and Space. A cycle that Is. A cycle that is continuum.

‘And the First Children were born,’ Amme explains. ‘The First Children wove Matter through Time, pushed the Darkness into music and formed Space. The First Children began this cycle, letting themselves live the End so that they could form the Beginning anew.’

A cycle that unapologetically moves forward. Because where there is a beginning, there is always an end. Where there is an end, there is always a beginning

‘All was well,’ Amme says quietly, ‘But not quite. The First Children Slept, their being seeped through the Matter that they wove, Time took them and pushed them into Darkness and into music, and then into Space. Life continued, and in Continuum they were reborn. Every single one of us are born of this Continuum. Evolving with Time, living with Darkness, dying with Music, together in this Space. And this Continuum continued, and we knew what it meant to be Alive. And Yisheng watched – the First Children slept, but Yisheng watched. Watched as the very fear they ran away from formed in this Continuum they had so carefully nurtured transformed into a continuation of disease, hatred, death, violence, and chaos.’

‘And Yisheng punished Continuum,’ Amme’s eyes turn to address Sk’jin. ‘Punished cruelly what was meant to live to a lifetime of nightmares.’

Sk’jin grimaces in reply.

She glances at Taeh’yung who was playing some sort of finger-flicking game with Jungkook over the table and says, ‘Punished cruelly the natural evolution of what would be to extinction and non-form.’

‘Punished cruelly the gentle harmony of a promise into hiding,’ she says almost tenderly to Jimin who still doesn’t look up.

‘The Universe wept and continued to push through. Because that was what was meant to happen. This is a Continuum and we live in this Cycle- what was will be again and what pain was born will be reborn again. Yisheng withdrew from this Continuum, leaving those who would take the name of Yisheng for their own to care for what could not be controlled anymore.’ Amme pauses, ‘The First Children, with the exception of a few, continued to Sleep as part of this Continuum- some simply remained, and some stole away to hide from the punishment of Yisheng. And so we lived, and so we continued, and so it went on and on. Continuum spread, grew larger, wider, stronger, and Alive. But the anger and pain of the Yisheng lived on in a few. And they gathered those who were likeminded, those who could be influenced, so that they could renew Continuum- to overwhelm the Known Universe in order to recreate it in the image of Yisheng’s original Dream.’

‘That’s how at one point, the GI were born, right?’ Hoseok asks with a small frown, ‘The Yishengs attempted to somehow not just recreate and clone all the Beings across the world, but also transfer their Life-force- their souls into a perfect recreation under their control.’

Amme nods.

‘They were not successful. You may think that this is a new attempt. A new venture. It is not.’ Amme states simply, ‘These attempts were made continuously by the many of the first Yishengs. Attempts that went terribly- some that made no results- or some that made results that could have ended in complete annihilation. In fact, the Zhak’gri were one of the first of many Beings who attempted this for themselves.’

Taeh’yung doesn’t seem to be paying attention, having somewhat dozed off for a while as Jungkook messes with his hair.

‘The stories are well known,’ Sk’jin supplies. ‘T’sayiti’k is historically known as cradle of Life of the Known Universe.’

‘It is the closest location to where we suspect Yisheng first came unto,’ Amme nods, ‘It is also the first System to completely die without Continuum.’

‘What does that mean?’ Sk’jin and Hoseok both ask at the same time.

‘One of the First Children purely created T’sayiti’k on their own. With no convention to Space, Time, Darkness, or Music, or even to the Yisheng as the others did,’ Amme explains, ‘T’sayiti’k was independent. Free. And of course, ruthlessly punished for this. But that was what held the key to Yisheng’s attempt to control Continuum. However, there was no way of finding or rebuilding what was already destroyed- no existence lived, that separated itself from the Continuum we exist in.’

‘Except for Menigišiti,’ Yoongi says quietly.

Amme nods.

‘Wait- so you’re saying, that Jimin and his System, is one of the…one of the First Children? This doesn’t even make sense? I’ve never heard of the First Children before?’ Hoseok exclaims.

‘That’s because you only know of the First Children as maybe gods,’ Amme intones carefully before adding, ‘And they’ve always existed, in some way. In a different name. Or are reborn throughout Continuum as Yishengs.’

Hoseok doesn’t look appeased by this.

‘Or as some believe, the core of planets, the heart of stars – they have always continued to exist. They exist in things we cannot yet explain.’ Amme glances out of the wide windows for a moment as though pondering the depth of her own words.

Sk’jin can’t help but look at Jimin.

Was it surprising to find out that Taeh’yung was possibly one of the (some form of) First Children? Not really. In fact it made a lot of sense. But Jimin?  

‘Yisheng’s dream of controlling and living in a Continuum that defied cruelty, death, and violence may sound like an idealistic notion- one that could be done,’ Amme continues, ‘This notion was sold and propagated to few, taking their utmost loyalty and devotion in believing their cause was the correct way. Many fell for this- Yishengs, officers, desperately struggling individuals and or leaders trying to save their planets, their species.’ Amme calmly folds her hands over each other. ‘Parents, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, children- all worked towards what they felt was the truth to save their loved ones.’

Sk’jin doesn’t dare look at Hoseok at these words.

‘One of the many faults of this inherited dream was the continuous efforts in creating something new- in an effort of fulfilling this dream. You’re all aware of the hopelessly flawed Theory of Digitized Souls and the programs created and started in order to make it work. Most of you are all too intimately familiar with the repercussions of what it entailed. Programs like the Alter-Reality Expansion program which ultimately birthed what we label as the Akramanese.’

Sk’jin absentmindedly finds himself back in that ancient ship, distant echoes of a roaring shriek echoes around him, demanding WHY ARE YOU HERE?

‘This was also the program that ultimately was successful in creating what the Yishengs thought was the key to fulfilling this dream.’ Amme continues.

‘What?’ Hoseok interjects sharply. ‘You’re saying the Yisheng’s managed to create a Digitized Soul?’

‘Yisheng did. But the Digitized Soul that was created managed to lose themselves- falling away from what he knew would ultimately lead to the complete destruction of Continuum.’

‘He was beautiful,’ Taeh’yung supplies, eyes still closed, ‘Beautiful, tired- he just wanted to rest.’

Hoseok looks like he wants to ask questions but Sk’jin quietly grabs his arm with a small shake of his head. 

‘We will probably never understand, or realize how it happened, what happened; and perhaps that is for the better,’ Amme concludes. ‘

‘How do you know any of this?’ Hoseok demands, ‘I appreciate the history lesson but this isn’t exactly explaining much of anything other than what happened within the Gaia Case.’

‘The Gaia Case was never properly concluded,’ Amme replies, ‘There was much that was left that needed answering, too much that was left unsolved- sorrow and horror that was too much to understand. But we who were all rooted in the case knew we needed to understand one thing. How exactly did the Akramanese come so close to this victory?’

‘Because they found us,’ Jimin says quietly.

‘When the Akramanese found “Bhumi”- that’s when they were able to make their way to victory? And that victory is creating digitized souls?’ Hoseok presses. ‘So the Akramanese were aware of what Jimin’s System really was? If this whole thing about the First Children is considered real.’

‘As an agent who was so closely involved with the Gaia Case and the main catalyst to expose the Venture Unit, I’m sure you were aware that the Akramanese were a discarded experiment conducted by the Yishengs who managed to resuscitate themselves?’ Amme questions though it’s more of a statement, ‘Would it make sense that the Akramanese are in fact, Yishengs who took it upon themselves to change and push themselves?’

This is definitely new information.

Even Yoongi doesn’t hide his surprise, the furrow between his brows deep.

‘The Akramanese were once Yishengs, turned and torn apart, alive only with one persistent goal in mind – to fulfill the dream. Corrupted in their Life-force, changed in every sense, but still living for one dream. And it was almost as though it was this change that allowed them to so closely nearly succeed.’ Amme pauses, rearranging her arms. ‘The myth and legend of the First Children was once popularly retold many many light years ago. And it was almost a holy scripture for those who followed the Yisheng’s dream. The Akramanese in their one-minded goal, searched for what they knew remained of the true First Children. And that is Menigišiti.’

‘Wait- but we know that the GLA tried to approach them. And amongst them was Ndica who I might point out was the very Yisheng who lead this whole ing GI operation,’ Sk’jin frowns.

Amme raises all 4 hands, the air shimmering briefly before a slit over the table opens and projects a thin light.

‘This is the dream of the Yisheng,’ she illustrates, a glowing green ring of light that pulses lightly. ‘And here is the twisted birth of the Akramanese.’ She extract a red ring of light from the green and places it opposite the green one. With one hand she illustrates out a pale silver orb in the center of these two rings. ‘Here is what they both want- a Digitized Soul, or a control mechanism that will allow them to alter and change Continuum in accordance to the dream. ‘In their individual journeys, each of these two created and destroyed and recreated what they hoped would fulfill this dream. And the most significant of these creations are the GI.’ Amme pulls down a simply black ring out of the green one. ‘Bodies, minds, and senses of carefully harvested Beings, multiplied, duplicated, and grown in hopes of fulfilling specifications and ideals of the perfect gathered Species.’

‘Noah’s Ark,’ Yoongi says quietly.

‘And this,’ Amme pulls out a white ring out of the red ring and places it opposite the GI ring. ‘This is the creation we now know as the Omhlophe. Realize that the Akramanese are the twisted and crueler versions of the Yishengs.’

‘They both seem about the same to me,’ Sk’jin says quietly.

‘You are right,’ Amme almost sounds sheepish. ‘But they each lacked what they were truly created for. The GI were no more than living bodies no more sentient than a simple cyborg. And the Omhlophe were too ruined by the chaos the Akramanese bred wherever they went. They could not find a way to instill the perfection of the dream they both sought after so desperately.’

‘This is from where the Yishengs before Ndica, following the myth and stories of the First Children, had the mind to nestle their harvest deep into the core of planets and Systems and even black-holes.’

A sudden rush of anger overtakes Sk’jin, his mind flashing with vivid images of Ynqaba, of Bhan, of Camat- of Jungkook.

‘How long have you know?’ Sk’jin demands. ‘You seem pretty well versed in all of this. How the do you know all of this?’

‘Because I once believed in this dream.’

There’s an explosion of movement as everyone pushes out of their seats. Yoongi has Jimin behind him, bodily shielding him and quiet suddenly wielding double Heliods. Sk’jin finds himself being pulled away by Hoseok. Jungkook is crouched down, startled and terrified at the sudden change in atmosphere. Only Taeh’yung hasn’t moved, lazily eyeing Amme.

‘That is no longer my dream,’ Amme tells them patiently. ‘I would not see it happen.’

Somehow they all find themselves looking at Taeh’yung. He eyes them all as though confused and shrugs.

Jimin is the first to take back his seat.

Hoseok chooses the stand.

‘When I was first discovered, it was Ndica who brought me out of Khhemsa to train at the Yisheng Directory. It was here he taught me, he guided me. It was here he told me of the First Children, and of the dream. I believed in it- I believed in him. It was easy, to give into this utopia of a peaceful continuum, to exist without pain, without death, without suffering. Ndica continued to guide me, showing me his grander plans. But I was only told of how we could better the Universe if we could find a way to eradicate the root of pain. I was naïve and did not realize the extent of Ndica’s plans of controlling the Universe as we know it.’

Sk’jin can’t help but roll his eyes.

‘I understood the extent of his plans, once he took me to Axudar and told me the story of the Eclipsing Travellers.’

‘Like all planets- their view on the cosmic sky is simply a selective view of the universe from their orbit around their sun- and for many millennia they’ve always documented and observed a few stars- or unidentified cosmic bodies – from their System.’

‘Menigišiti,’ Yoongi had said quietly.

Namjoon nods, ‘I believe that’s what it is- we calculated and projected their images and documentation of the stars and yes- it fits nearly perfectly with where Megibīya is. And if as Jimin had suspected before, if his System did sometimes lose their camouflage ability, they would have been able to see the light of their sun- creating a rather eclipsing effect of visibility to observers.’

‘You think this is where maybe all those years ago, they were able to find Jimin’s System?’

‘It’s a possibility. Axudar has 3 habitable planets and they’re all a part of the GLA. For a long time. And not just that, but Ndica was born there.’ Namjoon says carefully as he taps on the screen and a planet appears instead of the ship. ‘He is a native of the planet of Kaitūtei. And I don’t want to…imply anything, but they are the original founders of one of the scientific boards that supported the Theory of Digitized Souls.’

‘Ndica believed that Menigišiti was the last of the First Children to exist in this Continuum?’ Sk’jin ventures to ask.

Amme nods.

‘It was difficult to find evidence, it was difficult to even track that region or study it. It took Ndica nearly over 8 centuries to finally find a way in. And it was almost an accident.’ Amme replies, ‘I was there when Menigišiti first opened to us- a life beyond the radioactive shield that none of us at the time could understand. And there we were able to find you.’

Jimin looks up briefly before looking down again.

‘Ndica tried his best to keep it a secret. But I knew he should not be allowed to undertake this.’

‘How awfully good of you,’ Sk’jin breathes out.

‘I contacted K’mara of the GIU,’ Amme tells them quite simply, as though this was not a big deal. So Amme and K’mara were definitely working together. Great, how absolutely comfortable and wonderful. If Namjoon were here he’d be throwing a fit.

‘K’mara immediately responded and appeared, and Ndica had no choice but to approach Menigišiti as the GLA would naturally when approaching a newly discovered System,’ Amme explains. ‘It might be worth adding, as a way of praising the Khol’isa, that K’mara was already investigating the hidden programs and agendas of the Yishengs.’

‘I take absolutely no credit in this,’ Sk’jin shrugs.

‘But were you not the one who exposed the connection of the Alliance with the Venture Unit?’ Amme glibly replies.

Sk’jin grimaces, ignoring Hoseok’s inquiring gaze.

‘The Menigišiti were not pleased to be discovered. They were not willing to sign with the GLA, and declared that they would never leave their System or attempt to reach out so long as the GLA let them be.’ Amme continues before addressing Jimin, ‘Is this correct?’

Jimin nods mutely.

‘Some centuries after this treaty was signed and the GLA left Menigišiti as it were, that is when I met Min Yoongi.’ Amme nods towards Yoongi. ‘He spoke to me, told me of what happened to him. I could not understand, nor believe what the Yisheng Tlun’hla was truly doing. The dream they shared not only divided their understanding and desires for the Universe but completely misguided each and every single one of them involved. The GI were never originally created to be weapons- Ndica, and the Yisheng Sstion had never intended for their usage to continue the birth of violence. I brought this matter forth to K’mara. And thus we started to work together to uncover the secrets of the GI, of the Yishengs, and ultimately of the Treaty.

K’mara focused on the GI and the Yishengs- but I knew there was something more. I knew Ndica would not so easily lose what the Menigišiti System had to offer. But we were apparently too late to truly find out what happened. After meeting and talking with Yoongi, I discovered more of the GI program, and discovered the long history of their genesis. I was too late in stopping what I immediately knew was an attempt by both Ndica and Tlun’hla to access Menigišiti when Yoongi and his selected team were sent to Bhumi. I do not think Ndica or Tlun’hla ever suspected the Akramanese to appear there either.’

Jimin’s expression changes a little bit at that, as though confused. And Sk’jin has to work hard to control his own features.

Amme didn’t know.

Of course she didn’t.

Ndica had contacted Jimin and his System. Had told them that there was a problem, it was the reason why Jimin had even left his planet, rushing to Megibīya to protect his own. Jimin had said they suspected a trap hatched by the GLA to somehow trap them. It’s why Jimin had taken his sister’s place to approach Megibīya instead while she left to meet with Ndica on what happened. Suddenly a very cold weight drops heavily in his stomach

‘Ndica was the one who lead the late rescue to Bhumi- I managed to get myself there even though I was repeatedly denied access – I pushed through.’ Amme says gently, ‘It was there that we discovered the remains of a strange destruction- one we did not recognize before, but after that point would become frequent and synonymous to that of the Akramanese. And there I met you again Yoongi. Except you were…you were remade- remade and multiplied. And there were many others like you, in great massive recreations. I sensed such a strange creation within you- within the others- and this was when I realized that…that you were not born out of this Continuum.’

Jimin’s eyes close, as though hoping that what Amme said would simply be a dream if he closed his eyes.

‘What does that mean?’

‘All of my babies still have Memory,’ Taeh’yung interrupts, ‘Don’t make it sound like they’re aliens Amme.’

‘It means they’re not supposed to be here, not like this,’ Jimin says quietly before he continues, ‘What- what Amme has said is…is true. I believe it is.’              

Everyone turns to look at Jimin, waiting quietly as he seems to gather himself to speak.

‘Menigišiti is an…is an ancient place,’ Jimin begins quietly, ‘We were born of the First Children. Hiding for safety, to protect her children. But Menigišiti sang to us, she sang and hid us within the Darkness- she spoke words of connection, of harmony, weaving us together inside. And we were born of her, created within her, connected and even if we were divided with our planets, lived as one, tied to her fate. Menigišiti wanted us to be free, to live as we wished. But she wanted to save us from what hid beyond the Darkness. And so the mother,’ Jimin says the word carefully, almost dissatisfied with it, ‘was born- our Heart that lived for harmony.’

‘And there was fate?’ Yoongi asks quietly.

Jimin nods.

‘Fate let us stay, drew us together,’ Jimin breathes out slowly, ‘Fate found us whole and safe.’

‘But you were taken from Menigišiti,’ Hoseok is trying to understand. And Sk’jin can understand why it’s difficult for Hoseok to really see what any of this meant.

This went beyond fantasy- this wasn’t some fictional entertainment wildly put together in a children’s story. This went to the heart of creation, where chaos and darkness were actual forms of power, emotion, and awareness. This was a magic that broke the laws of Continuum.

This was a place as ancient as Time itself.

‘When I was taken by the Red- by the Akramanese,’ Jimin says carefully as though it pained him. ‘I was not taken to be…to be duplicated. I was put into Darkness, so that those who were born and made out of-…out of Continuum would find me. And through me, would continue to live.’

‘They didn’t need a Digitized Soul if they had Jimin,’ Yoongi explains. ‘For those of us who were created, all we wanted was to be found. And…’

And Yoongi did, more or less, find Jimin.

‘So how was Jimin in your custody?’ Hoseok asks.

‘When the Akramanese came to Earth, and the Yishengs fought to counter them, their ship was rescued.’

Sk’jin remembers it. A rusty coloured ship the size of a small planet and shaped almost like one. He remembers how it shattered, with Earth dissipated into space dust around it.

‘And within it, unlike the others who slept there, we found Jimin at the very core.’ Amme explains. ‘I was charged by the Court to discover more. I didn’t have to look far. Because I remembered Jimin when I first went to Menigišiti with Ndica. This discovery of the beings created and harvested by the Akramanese was…it was beyond what any of us were expecting. When the Yisheng-in-training Anningan Yixing first brought to us the OrTank of zygotes, I prepared myself to expect something. But I could not fathom the extent of their creation- especially after discovering how much they made in such a short time.’

‘But they’ve been around much longer?’ Hoseok asks carefully.

‘But they only succeeded once they were able to take Jimin. What we found in their ship was what they had managed to create after they were able to form their own Continuum with Jimin in the center.’

Something clicks.

‘So that’s why those GI could find you?’ Sk’jin frowns. ‘But that doesn’t make sense- the GI were formed without any influence from Jimin-‘

‘That’s because Yoongi, and some of the GI are entirely different from what you understand are the Galactic Inquisition.’ Amme explains. ‘When I arrived in Bhumi, and I found Yoongi, and others like him, Ndica was adamant in having them destroyed.’

Jimin visibly blanches at this.

‘We found 563 OrTanks. We believe the Akramanese must have left in a hurry, or they would not have abandoned their creations like this. ’ Amme says gently. ‘Ndica took them back to Tlun’hla and studied them compared to what we now call the GI. I was distrusted by Tlun’hla, and Ndica attempted to have me leave. I was banished by the Directory, charged with disobedience and negligence of our oath. But before I was made to leave, I found my way below the Headquarters. When I discovered what lay right below my feet, I knew the difference. Because amidst that emptiness, amidst that void, a lingering memory existed in precious few forms.’

And there I found you. I could not save every single OrTank found in Bhumi. I took you, Yoongi, and 57 others before Ndica and Tlun’hla destroyed the rest.’

Yoongi doesn’t seem too disturbed by this information.

‘I was banished from Šerdesas, disgraced within the Directory. Tlun’hla attempted to have me killed. But I was able to make my escape. I found myself travelling far, following what records I could find of the mannerism and trajectory of the Akramanese, to find what they had done. I travelled to T’sayiti’k to attempt to find what I could. I tried to find and speak to the survivors from the Gaia Case-‘

‘-don’t ing touch them-‘ Taeh’yung suddenly hisses, an animalistic look taking over his face.

‘I could not find them,’ Amme says, unperturbed. ‘All I had heard was amidst those found in Bhumi, other Beings who were not created by the Akramanese were there too. Beings who I believed were initially brought in and stolen in order to build and develop what we know as the Omhlophe. Ndica declared them hostiles - he sent away those who remained to Teronko’ng Prison,’ Amme concludes.

Somehow, this makes Taeh’yung giggle from where he sits.

‘Where are they?’ Jimin asks quietly.

Amme pauses a moment before she says, ‘Those created in your Continuum rest peacefully and undisturbed under the care of the Yishengs until they are ready to be found.’

Jimin nods at that.

‘What about these uh, non GI-GI?’ Hoseok asks, ‘What did you do?’

‘Amongst those who continued to be awake, only a handful remained somewhat alert. Many woke before Yoongi, their sense of purpose questioned. I allowed them to explore as they saw fit- many did not survive. Those who managed to understand, those who became, managed to gather the true GI to themselves.’

Yoongi looks at Amme with wide eyes at this.

‘Yoongi is different,’ Amme says with what Sk’jin can only assume is some form of smile. ‘How he awoke-‘

‘-it was Zhoumi,’ Yoongi says almost breathlessly. ‘He gave me the Android-Core.’

‘Zhoumi was one of the unfortunate Beings caught up in the dream,’ Amme says, her tone regretful. ‘His curiosity was what ended up nearly killing him.’

‘Good riddance,’ Sk’jin scathingly says under his breath, his memory of the older Long Huon still fresh in his mind. Zitao’s distrust and fear bitter in his own throat.

‘It’s not only that,’ Amme continues to address Yoongi. ‘You came back.’

So the other GI- that other Yoongi who had invaded the ship in Grisial, they had no former memory? But they had awareness?

‘Yoongi, after you awoke, after you came into realization and you came to speak to me, I took this time to study you.’ Amme says. ‘I wanted to observe your growth, your development. And I did this in proximity, as with the others like you, with where we kept Jimin.’

Sk’jin feels like this is definitely a very questionable experiment that definitely breaks a few protocols somewhere or another.

‘Your development rapidly increased with your prolonged exposure to Jimin- more so than the others,’ Amme explains.

Neither Yoongi nor Jimin say anything to do.

‘Wait- you’re saying only Yoongi has been the one to well, come back as himself?’ Hoseok demands.

‘You are correct,’ Amme replies.

‘What about me?’

It’s Jungkook who asks this. He looks apprehensive, fearful, but most of all adamant.

‘And about- about mother?’

‘Jungkookie is my baby,’ Taeh’yung says fondly, ‘Not like Yoongi – but like the others.’

‘They placed massive devices in the atmosphere, they altered the weather, changed the atmosphere. They drilled the surfaces of our lands, drilled deep into our oceans. They removed things, they put things- I still don’t know the full extent of what they actually did but…but slowly…’ Bhān sighs out slowly. ‘Slowly things just started to die.’

Jungkook was definitely created by the Yishengs. Essentially GI material. But he had been aboard the Yisheng ships that had come to Ynqaba under the pretense of bring aid. They had in fact been using Ynqaba and possible her core to somehow nurture their creations if what Amme said was to be believed. And as for Jungkook’s Khol’isa mother.

There was definitely something different with her. Especially based on what Jungkook said about her headaches and the pain she went through the same way Yoongi did.

‘We say we fought the Alliance and threw them down- but it was just…it was just timing I guess. Something went wrong with the ships- there was a temporary failure and over at Lowet, one of the ships actually detonated completely. So the leader went there, leaving behind the ship docked here. And for a while, we already knew something was wrong- we could already sense that they were bringing us harm. So many threw themselves forward, and they overwhelmed the ship. There weren’t a lot of them- those who came with the leader. So it was easy to overthrow their defenses once they got into the ships. One of them crashed not too far from here, and ended the experiments. But the effects still lasted. One by one, the Alliance was overthrown, and they were defeated.’

Bhān had misunderstood the Yisheng’s identity, seeing as Ndica used the Alliance as a cover-up for his actions. And whatever happened at Lowet could have somehow been related to the Akramanese. As Ndica never came back to Ynqaba after checking on Lowet, Sk’jin assumes the Yisheng must have fled and abandoned what was left for the Akramanese to take over. And the Akramanese sent the Omhlophe to gather what the Yishengs had abandoned scattered over those unfortunate planets.

‘Is there a relationship between the region of Ynqaba and the First Children?’ Sk’jin asks.

Amme pauses a moment, almost studying Sk’jin’s question.

‘The dead-space that borders the regions of Ynqaba and Ymir is different from what studies have gathered of other similar expanses of space,’ Amme answers, ‘We have no quantifiable evidence.’

Sk’jin grimaces at the memory of the Nightmare Planet. Jimin catches his eye for a brief second, clearly thinking along those lines himself.

'It's very old!' Taeh'yung offers. Sk'jin is reminded of Taeh'yung's "attempts" at creating life there in Ymir and suddenly the Zhak'gri's actions don't seem so random anymore.

‘So why are the Omhlophe after Jimin?’ Hoseok seemed to have a set of question that needed answering and he was going to do everything required to get those answers.

‘I think, if we can believe what we have observed with the behavior of the Akramanese reflecting that of the Yishengs, down to how they performed their operations and methods of creation, but in a twisted fashion; we can assume the Omhlophe have inherited the behavior of the Akramanese and are now attempting to get Jimin back,’ Amme replies.

‘But you knew this before hand didn’t you?’ Hoseok presses. ‘You purposefully sent Jimin out with us, straight for Megibīya. So what really is the purpose of this mission?’

Sk’jin feels himself sitting up straighter at the question.

This was it. This was the main reason why they were here, in some twisted attempt at fulfilling a mission that was doomed from the start.

‘The Special Jury were originally tasked with the purpose of exterminating the Akramanese creation.’ Amme states.

‘What-?’ Hoseok exhales out.

Jimin’s eyes widen in horror as Yoongi sits, unmoving in his shock. Sk’jin is personally not too surprised to hear this.

‘The Court believed that the creation and existence of the Akramanese creations, as well as those of the GI are not only an unidentifiable and unpredictable threat to the nature of the Universe as a whole, but are also an unnatural existence that defies that norms of the Known Universe.’

‘A bit rich coming from the same organization that created the Androids and AI,’ Sk’jin sighs out tiredly. The hypocrisy just wouldn’t stop.

‘However, though there are those in the Jury who are in favor of this-‘ Sk’jin hears Hoseok snort derisively, ‘K’mara and myself believe that this should not take place. We were able to come to an agreement. That a special unit of Beings would find a way back into Bhumi, into Menigišiti where we would be able to return those born on that Continuum would be able to live in there.’

‘That’s quite risky considering Jimin wasn’t even awake,’ Sk’jin remarks.

‘We hoped it would be enough time and…’ Amme trails off a little. ‘Jimin, though in his state at the time, made no reaction or response to any of our attempts to reach him, reacted the most in the presence of those born in his Continuum. The same way Yoongi changed, Jimin reacted as well.’

Wow, the power of love, am I right? Sk’jin could snort. , he wished Namjoon was there so that he could have whispered it to him for a comedic reaction.

‘The Court really doesn’t know about this mission do they?’ Sk’jin questions.

‘No,’ Amme confirms. ‘They are adamant in destroying these creations.’

‘Is that why you couldn’t just warp out the entirety of their lot to Bhumi?’ Hoseok asks before he frowns, ‘Who really is watching over those OrTanks now?’

‘While the GLA are overseeing them in the Directory, the authority over them lies with the Court.’ Amme explains.

‘It’s been 5 sols now,’ Hoseok doesn’t look convinced in any way, ‘Why haven’t they gotten rid of them until now? Why have you just started this “mission” now?’

‘This is because the Court believed we could use these creations to benefit biotechnology progress in fields of medicine, military, and longevity.’ Amme explains patiently, ‘Ever since the Yisheng Directory lost face, the Court wished to reduce the GLA’s dependence on us. They believed that these new Beings would be able to-‘

‘-experiments, test subjects,’ Hoseok frowns.

Amme nods and says, ‘Lal Haenoon was able to prevent this from happening.’

Now that was certainly shocking.

‘Lal Haenoon and Xmi are working hard at the Courts to push the deadlines of their sentence to destroy the gathered OrTanks from both the Akramanese ship, as well as those who remain in the GI.’

‘What angle are they going for?’

‘They have said that they need to make sure that their destruction would not cause a reaction within our Continuum,’ Amme explains. ‘Which is why the Yishengs were tasked with finding this out. Therefore, it came under my care.’

‘That’s a pretty decent plan,’ Sk’jin says under his breath, somewhat mildly impressed. Maybe Haenoon wasn’t as ty and slimy as he suspected.

‘So how do you plan, if we succeed and are able to get Jimin to Bhumi or something, to ship off a very large host of sleeping Beings?’ Hoseok presses. Sk’jin vaguely wonders if Hoseok’s always been like this, or if it was an agent thing, and if his officers were somewhat terrified of his drilling. Sk’jin’s only known Hoseok to occasionally give a comment or ask a question before.

This was very new and somewhat a breath of fresh air because Sk’jin is currently not at his best to make any inquiries.

‘The Jury has decided that K’mara and Lmiura will set up one of the GIU Motherships to bring them out of Tayi, under the guise of bringing them away from possibilities of causing a reaction to the living Beings in the System,’ Amme replies, unperturbed and not at all annoyed by Hoseok’s continuous questioning. ‘Chief Shn’ow will then stage a diversion that would then appear to overtake K’mara and Lmiura, when in fact they would then have the time to warp to Bhumi where I believe you will have the time to receive and bring them in.’

Hoseok frowns; and so does Sk’jin. That was an incredibly dangerous plan.

‘You do know that Shn’ow and S’ava are involved with the Alliance?’

Amme doesn’t react to that but simply nods.

‘Did Shn’ow’s diversion involved the Alliance in the form of Lal Haenoon?’

‘It did.’

Hoseok curses out loud while Sk’jin curses inwardly.

Well. That was what that was about then.

‘It would seem that your run-in with Lal Haenoon was an unfortunate situation we could not have predicted.’ Amme says rather lightly, as though they hadn’t pretty much messed up the diversion plan that would allow the eggs to be transported out of Tayi.

So that had been the plan. Shn’ow would pull his contact with Lal Haenoon and use the Alliance as a way to legitimately traffic the eggs, while looking as though the entire operation had been upstaged by some internal betrayal. Of course this sort of mass-shipment of illegal aliens would be up the Alliance’s alley – if anyone could do it with secrecy and with that quantity, it would be the Alliance.

‘So that’s why S’ava wasn’t there at the Jury?’ Hoseok questions, ‘He was setting up the situation with Haenoon- he was ready to take the blame for double-crossing the GLA in order to get the eggs out.’

Amme nods and says with a tone of regret, ‘Unfortunately, with what happened with Lal Haenoon, who according to his report sent back to S’ava and then to Shn’ow, believed that you had been an attempt to sabotage this mission – S’ava has had to flee.’ She pauses a moment to look at all of them. ‘We are aware that it is not the best of strategies, but we cannot operate at a deeper level as we would be discovered.’

‘Simplicity is the most desirable,’ Sk’jin finds himself quoting “The Six Hands of Our Love” yet again.

‘That is indeed true,’ Amme nods.

Sk’jin nearly laughs.

‘We were also a diversion weren’t we? You were all aware of the Omhlophe.’ Hoseok declares. ‘You wanted to send us off to drag them away from Tayi.’

‘That is true. We knew they were there, just beyond Raksane Tayi, still clinging to the ways of their creators, to take back what they believed was their responsibility.’ Amme explains. ‘We could not catch them. We could not attempt to communicate with them either. I was correct in my assumption that they would pursue you – their need for the OrTanks is only superficial. What they want is Jimin.’

‘It would have been nice if you told us from the beginning,’ Sk’jin frowns. ‘It would have really saved a lot of trouble for us.’

‘I did not trust the others,’ Amme tells them quite frankly.

‘What? You and K’mara are like bffs,’ Sk’jin snorts.

‘We may have worked together,’ Amme acknowledges, ‘But that does not mean I would trust what she wanted to do. K’mara had an entire planet, Heiho, destroyed to eradicate the possible influence of the Akramanese that lingered there. K’mara is loyal only to an existence where she can continue to exist as she is.’

‘What are you loyal to?’ Yoongi asks.

‘I am loyal to Life,’ Amme replies.

There’s a sort of sticky silence that follows this and a very evident understanding between the entire crew that they were not particularly pleased with this answer. 

‘Are you saying that there is a possibility that members of the Special Jury would find something to gain for themselves with the outcome of this mission?’ Hoseok is not saying it out loud, but considering their run-in with the Alliance, what they discovered about Van Seulgaan and his connections with the GLA, Sk’jin knows exactly what he’s referring to.

The Akramanese creations and remaining GI were literally perfect for the business the Alliance dealt with. Not only did the Court more or less declare these creations as non-species of this Universe, they did not qualify under the definition of a living Being, protected by the GLA. These creations were possible massive economic exploits.

Clearly this is exactly what Amme was afraid of.

Because despite everything- Amme was a Yisheng. Yisheng valued life, they valued existence. And while Sk’jin would only trust Amme as far as he could throw her (which would not be a lot), he could trust the fact that she would not see these evidently living Beings as possible business assets.

But Lal Haenoon? Or Chief Xmi, Chief Shn’ow, or even Chief Lmiura.

Sure Lal Haenoon and Xmi had thought up of a way for the Court not to immediately execute the eggs, but what if it was for an entirely selfish motive? What if they were simply looking for a way where they could ultimately benefit from the continued existence of the eggs?

Or even Lmiura. She had lost her partner/husband (?) in a situation from the Gaia Case involving the GI from what Sk’jin remembers digging up on her past. Could her sorrow manifested into something that could lead to the desire for destruction of these illegally and immorally created Beings.   

Keeping them in the dark as they carried out this mission, from the true light of its nature so that none of the Special Jury members could gain an upper-hand at their own motives, had clearly been one that they all agreed to, to start them all of with a massive disability.

‘There is that possibility of course. Is it not why you called me instead of Lal Haenoon?’ Amme replies back to Hoseok’s question. ‘You’ve kept my contact saved- that too, the non-authorized channel that can only be accessed through a deep-dive.’

And Sk’jin grudgingly admits again that of course, Hoseok had been right in calling Amme out of everyone in the Jury to help them out.

‘So now I would like to ask Jimin, the Fate of Menigišiti, if he would be willing to take these creations in.’ Amme turns to address Jimin.

‘…what report has been made in regards to Menigišiti so far?’ Jimin asks carefully. ‘What happened after Megibīya was taken? After Ndica came to claim the rewards of his betrayal?’

‘There are no reports,’ Amme says, tone regretful. ‘The Treaty had already been in place, and no one was meant to approach or attempt to communicate with Menigišiti.’

Jimin shows no reaction to this, but only nods.

‘I see,’ he says before adding, ‘I will accept. They have found me, and I will lead them, if they are willing.’

‘We will need protection,’ Hoseok says immediately. ‘We will need a new ship. We cannot go to Menigišiti in a Yisheng ship, you know this.’

‘Of course. I have a ship outfitted for you that you may take and adapt as you wish.’ Amme graciously raises a hand. The glowing rings shimmer before twinkling away. The slit on the table closes shut seamlessly.

‘You will need to call out the Omhlophe at a GLA security level,’ Hoseok persists. ‘There is no point in trying to keep this under wraps. I’m sure they can be easily disguised as Alliance-members or fanatic-pirates. The Court would be more than happy to have them taken care of.’

‘I cannot make that call,’ Amme says carefully. ‘If I am to report it, I would be registered and implicated. My involvement in this meeting we are having right now would be exposed and I would be pulled out of the Jury.’

Hoseok frowns at that.

‘We can handle that once we get out of here,’ Yoongi says quietly.

Hoseok studies Yoongi carefully before nodding once.

‘I will take you to the Tyochi Binary System.’ Amme tells them. ‘We will arrive in 37 hours.’

‘Namjoon?’ Jungkook asks quietly.

‘We can begin tracking him,’ Yoongi tells him quietly before looking at Amme expectantly.

‘You will find all you need in your respective cabins,’ Amme replies, waving one arm to the side towards the other end of the massive space they were in. ‘You may take this time to rest.’

Somehow everyone manages to roll their eyes, even Jungkook, at this statement.

There’s a short rather pregnant pause before Amme stands up.

‘If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask.’

She walks away from the table, shortly followed the slithering creature that Sk’jin had forgotten had coiled itself around his feet. Now his feet were cold. Great.

Hoseok breaks the silence by collapsing on his chair and slumping forward on the table, forehead smacking on the surface rather loudly. Taeh’yung yawns loudly, stretching his body as his joints pop loudly. Jungkook watches them all apprehensively, unsure what to do. Sk’jin slumps back on the seat, closing his eyes.

‘Really wish Namjoon were here,’ Sk’jin finds himself saying.

There’s a hum of agreement from Hoseok.

There’s a small sound and opening one eye, Sk’jin watches as Jimin gets up from his chair and quietly walks away.

Yoongi is also getting up, clearly making to follow and before Sk’jin can stop him, Taeh’yung reaches over with his long arm and stops Yoongi.

‘This is a lot for him,’ Hoseok says without looking up. ‘It’s a lot for all of us- but most of all Jimin.’

‘Let him think by himself for a while,’ Taeh’yung smiles at Yoongi, ‘He’ll come to you when he’s ready.’

Hoseok sighs, groaning as he pushes himself up.

‘You know- that was a lot. But I think there’s something else. One final thing we’re missing.’

Sk’jin agrees.

‘And I think Jimin is thinking that too.’

‘What is it?’ Yoongi asks, still not sitting down.

‘I think Ndica was more involved with Jimin’s System than we can assume- more than what Amme herself has been able to find. She knows that too.’ Hoseok explains as he slumps back on the chair. ‘Let’s not forget our invisibility device- that’s straight out of Jimin’s tech. And it’s definitely not going to be some lose debris they just happened to find either. There was a very deliberate action taken when that device was used.’

‘You’re saying that someone inside betrayed Jimin and his sister?’ Yoongi frowns. ‘But why?’

‘Because all Life is Continuum,’ Taeh’yung drags Yoongi back to sit down before yawning greatly. ‘And even if you hide, you will fall back into Time eventually.’

‘But their Continuum is different from what we know here,’ Sk’jin tiredly questions. ‘Isn’t it?’

Taeh’yung just gives him a lopsided grin, ‘Oh maybe it was for a while. But it will catch up. That’s what they didn’t understand- what an idiot,’ Taeh’yung chuckles before closing his eyes, ‘-they thought they could change Continuum. How could it when they were the one to bring everything they hated here?’

Taeh’yung snorts a little bit more and Sk’jin doesn’t bother trying to understand Taeh’yung’s commentary.

‘Hey buggy,’ Hoseok yawns, leaning his head against his hand tiredly, ‘Next time please don’t just dive out like that okay? I don’t care if you’re like, god or something- that was risky.’

‘Sorry,’ Taeh’yung makes a sad whiney face, ‘I got excited, and I was angry.’

‘I can’t-…I can’t believe you went after the ship like that,’ Hoseok says quietly. ‘Knowing what was in it.’

Taeh’yung just shrugs in reply, ‘It’ll be fine.’

None of them have the energy to argue or question that.

‘What do we do about Namjoon?’ Yoongi asks, changing the topic.

‘You can track him right?’ Hoseok asks, looking a bit more alert.

‘They won’t hurt him,’ Taeh’yung says again with that confidence. ‘Not with his connection to Jimin.’

‘But why would they try to kill Yoongi then?’ Hoseok inquires confusedly.

‘Because of his connection to Jimin!’ Taeh’yung replies with a thumb’s up.

‘Right-‘ Hoseok frowns a bit as he pushes himself up from the chair. ‘Yoongi let’s go and track Namjoon. Amme said we’d find what we need in the cabins. Let’s go see what we have.’

Yoongi nods, sitting up and walking away with Hoseok.

Jungkook immediately moves to Hoseok’s seat looking over Sk’jin carefully.

‘Hey Kookie, you okay? No injuries right?’ Sk’jin asks, reaching over to comb through Jungkook’s hair.

Jungkook leans into his touch, exhaling quietly.

‘What will we do?’ he asks quietly.

Taeh’yung watches, blinking slowly as though sleepy though his eyes are alert.

‘We’re gonna go and get Namjoon,’ Sk’jin replies.

‘And after?’

‘Well- let’s see what Namjoon has to say after all we have to tell him.’ Sk’jin replies as honestly as he can.

With the true intention of the mission now waving across their face, it really makes Sk’jin have to rethink a lot of things.

Of course they would want to destroy the “eggs”. And of course these eggs were already somehow taken as a point of interest by the Alliance.


Seulgaan had said that in reference to Jimin.

Sk’jin knows all too well the Tayian’s opinion of issues such as immortality and the continuation of life. It was not approved at all, and looked at as a force against the natural flow of Continuum. Against the natural flow of the Life-cycle.

But this was not a sentiment shared by a lot of the Known Universe. To an extent, from what they could see with especially Yoongi, he had essentially come back whole and complete. Though it would seem that Taeh’yung would argue that was not so. But this was the closest to immortality- to complete cloning they had gotten to. And this could only lead to a lot of issues the GLA clearly do not want to undertake.

The Omhlophe had called themselves the Pure Ones. These eggs were harvested, created with the purpose of being perfect. Of being the purest of their own species. Jungkook as an egg of the Pravasi M’hanun was not only a perfect specimen of his tainted and diminished population and planet, but a much stronger, clearly more intelligent, and all over the most likely to overwhelm and overtake his lesser species fellowmen.

Yoongi as a Human- one of the weakest species across the Known Universe, was an extremely powerful Being- not just in strength, but also in mind. His recovery and growth into a completely aware Being with what appeared to be two separate awareness within him? Forget Humans, no species could be this strong to withstand such pressure and absolute disorientation. Even Khol’isa, though their memories mapped far into the past well into regions of the darkest of history, lost parts of themselves with each rebirth. Sk’jin today was light-years different from the one even a millennia ago.

And what about a pure-blooded, perfect Khol’isa?

Sk’jin finds himself shuddering at the possibility.

The Court’s decision was also one of self-preservation. Did the Jury really decide (not all of them) to just merrily transport the hundreds of thousands of eggs to Menigišiti and just let them be? To keep them in Jimin’s care? In any way you looked at it, the whole concept definitely had a flaw- something hidden that Sk’jin can’t exactly pinpoint without drawing the worst conclusions in regards to everything. 

Jungkook yawns, sharp strong teeth showing clearly.

‘Come on- we should go get cleaned up,’ Sk’jin says standing up. ‘Clean up, and then let’s go get some food?’

‘Food!’ Taeh’yung throws his hands up before he suddenly looks sad, ‘Oh no- the pudding. It’s all gone now.’

‘We can get you pudding here I’m sure,’ Sk’jin placates tiredly as he takes Jungkook’s hand and pulls on it. ‘We’ll all have pudding.’

Taeh’yung walks over to Sk’jin’s other side and takes his hand, swinging it a little. He hums a little under his breath as they walk when a sudden thought comes to mind.

‘Hey, Taeh’yung.’


‘When we were in Grezma, and you met Namjoon, did you…- was that just a random choice to come with us, or was it because you sensed Jimin when our ship pulled in?’

Taeh’yung hums thoughtfully.

‘It’s all combined,’ Taeh’yung replies with a nod, ‘I was actually given a tip-off.’

‘What?’ Sk’jin can feel his eyebrows shooting up.

‘I told you I have some insider information,’ Taeh’yung actually whines, as though hurt that no one took him seriously. ‘It was told about Seulgaan’s ship! And it was suspicious!’

Well- who would’ve known Seulgaan was actually working with the Jury. No one told them. Sk’jin sighs at their intense bad luck.

‘Did you know? About how Jimin-‘

‘Not exactly,’ Taeh’yung shrugs honestly, ‘It’s true- the babies are born of a different Time- not Kookie though! And especially because of how they’re connected with Jimin, it would be for the best to take them to Menigišiti.’

‘Or? What will happen?’ Sk’jin asks curiously.

‘They’re not supposed to be here really,’ Taeh’yung tells him simply, the same way Jimin had said it. ‘Time will crush them.’

‘Yoongi?’ Jungkook asks quietly.

Taeh’yung gives them both a surprisingly genuinely worried look.

‘It hurts,’ he says gently, ‘To exist when you’re not supposed to, when fate pulls you apart but your heart wants to stay.’







They manage to track Namjoon’s location, not surprised that he was in warp. Their direction does not quite show where they’re headed, but Hoseok had said that they would probably follow them once they exit warp themselves. They’re not sure if the rest of the eggs/GI/Omhlophe could sense/track Jimin during warp. But considering the time it took for the GI and the Omhlophe to find them in Grisial, they could somewhat assume that they couldn’t keep track.

Hoseok had taken the tracking with himself, telling Yoongi to catch up on rest. They would attempt to recreate their communication channel from scratch in hopes of reaching Namjoon. He still had his Comm-Device so that was a relief.

But that had been about an hour ago.

Yoongi is bone-tired.

The water that runs down his body and pools around his feet before swirling away is strangely chalky. He’s used to the site of bloody water or water filled with gritty dirt- this was definitely a new experience.

Do you think Amme could do something?

‘I don’t know,’ Yoongi mutters, eyes closed as water hot to the point of scalding pours over him. It’s soothing against his tired and strained limbs.

‘I’ll go ask.’

There’s a feeling of apprehension- but not in a completely serious way. It makes Yoongi laugh.

‘This is how it feels when you skip out on house-duty and you need to face your mum for an inevitable lecture on responsibilities,’ he chuckles, reaching for the shampoo.

But the apprehension is almost equally shared. Yoongi wants to talk to Amme. But at the same time is hesitant because he’s not sure if he’s done the right thing.

Amme had mentioned how Ndica and the other Yishengs who followed that “dream” carefully selected and used select Beings for their cause. Was that what Yoongi was? An attempt to recruit him for something? Did all of the “recruits” have this mark on their back?

It’s sort of jarring, but at the same time, not too surprising, to think that there are other Yoongi’s out in the Universe. It’s not surprising, but Yoongi doesn’t know what to do with this information.

There had been the one who jumped into the Užkulisai- Yoongi cannot hope for much of his survival. That was not a jump easily survived unless he had some form of breaker to help him glide.

You’re bound to the fate of the Menigišiti.’

When Yoongi looks at himself in the mirror he’s a little surprised at how starkly he appeared before himself.

I am me.  

The bruise at his side is spectacularly purple. There must be something within the Yisheng ship that somehow healed him simultaneously by just being inside there. Yoongi wouldn’t be too surprised by that.

Each cabin was a well accommodated room not unlike the Cabins in the Užkulisai, though somewhat more spacious and generally clean looking. There were no windows though, and considering the fact that these ships often brought refugees, trafficked Beings, and other stolen Beings out of their imprisonment, it seemed like a good reprieve to have them feel protected within a clean comfortable space.

Robes like the ones patients wore were already hanging up for him and Yoongi slips them on. They’re light, but warm, and incredibly comfortable against his skin.

He pushes his dirty clothes through the shredder with no remorse. The device he had snagged out of their make-shift circuit board attaching it to the rest of the Užkulisai sits innocently at the edge of his sink. He remembers the way Jimin had been so adamant in not explaining how the device worked. Had his stoic determination tinted with a sense of confusion, denial, and fear.  


Ignoring it for now, Yoongi steps out of the bathroom.    

This is almost an exact reverse from last time, Yoongi vaguely registers in the back of his mind. Jimin stands at the doorway, looking a bit nervous and mainly concerned. He must have also showered and cleaned up- he’s also wearing the same spare Yisheng-set Yoongi was wearing.

‘I’m sorry,’ he says at once, looking down.

‘Why are you sorry?’ Yoongi asks.

‘I’m…-it’s my fault?’ Jimin sorts of shrugs, trying his best to look unaffected but it doesn’t work. Instead he looks helpless and as tired as Yoongi felt. ‘If it- if it weren’t for me- I just-‘ Jimin sighs, hands restless as he pulls at his sleeves before dropping them before going back to picking at the hem of his shirt. He sinks down on the floor.

‘I’m so tired,’ he says in a small voice. ‘I’m so tired- and I’m…-I feel so lost.’

Yoongi goes and sits next to him, a little gap between them.

‘I don’t-…I don’t know what I should do,’ Jimin whispers from behind his crossed arms. ‘I don’t know what to do.’

Yoongi carefully places his hand on Jimin’s nape, gently squeezing before he guides Jimin to lean against him. Jimin goes easily, leaning against his side but still not looking up from his arms.

‘I wish I knew what to do,’ Jimin says, ‘I wish- I wish I knew what happened. Why all of this happened. I wish I could fix it. That I had done something different. That I hadn’t hid-‘

‘You couldn’t have known,’ Yoongi says quietly. ‘Sunshine, you couldn’t have known.’

‘-don’t-‘ Jimin shakes, ‘Don’t call me that- I can’t- and-‘ his words are barely comprehensible. ‘-I don’t- don’t’ deserve-‘

Yoongi pulls him closer, prying Jimin’s arms away from around his head and redirecting him. But Jimin doesn’t budge.

‘It’s too much-‘ Jimin covers his face, ‘It’s too much and I don’t know how I can-how I can fix any of this-‘

It breaks Yoongi’s heart as he watches Jimin break.

Jimin breaks the way an already shattered and glued together tile does. Resisting, straining all of its hold, desperately attempting to pull everything back together.

‘It’s too much-‘ Jimin chokes out.

Yoongi gently but quickly pulls Jimin between his legs. He brings their bodies close, cloaking himself around Jimin as securely as he could, wrapping him up as though trying his best to hold his pieces together as Jimin finally allows himself to break apart.

Jimin leans back against his chest as though he were falling. He feels small, confused, and overwhelmed in Yoongi’s arms.

‘I got you,’ Yoongi whispers quietly, pressing their heads together.

‘I got you.’

Jimin quietly sobs his heart out. Finally allowing himself to fully feel the overwhelming disparity of his situation, allowing himself to finally accept the fact that he had no way in really knowing what he could do. Accepting the fact that deep down, he knew someone had betrayed him. Betrayed his trust. And now, though he was guiding them to his home, Jimin could not tell if it even existed anymore.

‘Do you know-‘ Jimin whispers faintly. ‘-know what I saw? When I looked into the other- into his memories?’

‘What did you see?’ Yoongi asks, holding Jimin as strongly as he dared, holding him together.

‘I saw nothing but…-I saw only sight,’ Jimin faintly replies, ‘His sight- no acceptance, no understanding- just sight. Just a mission. But I could- I could hear it.’

‘Hear what?’

‘I heard music.’


‘It was- it was the only thing that was-…it was the only thing in his mind,’ Jimin says thickly, words breaking into barely audible whispers. ‘And I know it was me.’

Yoongi doesn’t know what to say.

There’s nothing to say.






Yoongi was probably incredibly exhausted. Fatigued beyond understanding.

From Jimin’s experience, Yoongi was an incredibly light sleeper. Awake before Jimin, always alert, already watching. It used to make Jimin a little shy, a little squirmy.

But asleep, Yoongi is still Yoongi.

His arms are wrapped around him, one hand pressed over his chest above his heart, as though attempting to hold it together for him. Bruises have coloured in during their sleep. Troubled sleep that has Jimin waking up feeling heavier, weighed down.

He can’t move- not because Yoongi is holding him or because he was still exhausted. Jimin almost feels like he can’t breathe.

For a moment, Jimin wonders if he’s even actually awake.

The sounds around him are not what he’s used to. He’s grown familiar to the sounds, the movement of air, and just the way everything seemed to exist around him inside the Užkulisai.

Jimin wonders if that was the reason why he didn’t feel quite comfortable enough to really sleep.

He doesn’t exactly remember getting on the low bed- he just remembers the way Yoongi held him.

Jimin is not foreign to the concept of incredibly difficult situations, or shouldering incredibly heavy responsibilities.

He has learnt, both theoretically and practically, the significance and weight of the actions he needed to make, or actions he didn’t make. He has seen firsthand, and experienced firsthand, the pain of these decisions. Not just on himself, but on others. He has seen the consequences of mistakes he has made, of suffering and of death that has resulted as a direct reaction of his decisions.

And ever since he woke, a increasingly steady feeling of suffocation threatens to overwhelm him every single day.

It wasn’t so long ago, when he had walked down a separate Memory, directed and guided by JD who showed him so much. Somehow Jimin had managed to make himself believe he could do more- that he could return with purpose, with the ability to make things right.

He believed it- made himself have faith in the fact that he knew what he should do, how to do it, and where to go.

But now.

Do you see it now?’

Someone had betrayed Menigišiti.

Jimin already knew.

Already knew the moment he saw the refractive-shield cell, crafted and installed with intentional design.

And the very moment he knew it, he ignored it.

There was no way. There could be no way anyone would betray Menigišiti like this. This was clearly an attack- an invasion, a betrayal of their trust from the GLA who saw their weakened situation and struck.

And he believed in that.

Yoongi twitches just a little, a small furrow between his eyebrows that eases out a second later.

Yisheng, as Amme had put it, had punished them cruelly. And Menigišiti had hid.

Jimin knew of their Origins well- understood and listened to the ancient songs that sung of Nen’isht. How Nen’isht hunted their children, and Menigišiti hid herself, wound tight amidst a harmony of music, light, and quiet.

Menigišiti hid from her punishment, and within the space she made for herself, sung an existence she nurtured with all that she was.

But here he was now, bearing upon his back the punishment that awaited him once he was thrown out from hiding.

Punishment inflicted on Menigišiti for hiding- her children now lost, torn apart.

And this one was his own personal punishment.

Yoongi wasn’t even supposed to be here- not like this. Yoongi shouldn’t have even been there in Megibīya.

All of this was designed just for Jimin.

Just to punish him.

And Jimin didn’t even have the strength to acknowledge and accept the truth of his reality when it faced him so clearly.

Jimin cannot bear the disappointment in himself for failing like this.

For losing everything like this.

He cannot bear the pain that he knows he will have to face for what he will have to lose.

Carefully and slowly, trying his best not to wake the Human who so desperately needed rest, Jimin lightly presses his fingertips over Yoongi’s temples.

He doesn’t know what he’s dreaming of. But Jimin wants him to be at peace- even for this short bit.

It’s much more difficult for him now, to softly speak words of content and peace, allowing them to blanket over Yoongi’s mind when his own mind was a chaos of pain, regret, and guilt.

It hits him all over again.

It’s too much, and it’s okay.’

It was never just “okay” for Jimin. In hindsight, Jimin realizes that his entire life, he’s never once had the time, or the opportunity, or really – the encouragement to simply grieve for what he had to do.

Tsirin had always wanted to make their lives as normal as possible. When they had been born, siblings that were born to be the Heart, and the Fate, they had been taken away to be taught and watched over. But they had been different – Jimin remembers so fondly how Tsirin would sneak them away from their classes, from their tutoring. They skipped more than they attended.

They would sneak to the main cities where they travelled, immersing themselves in the true atmosphere of their host country or state. They would hold hands, getting into trouble everywhere. Jimin remembers being reprimanded nearly daily but it was like they never learnt.

But somehow that worked- because Tsirin never allowed themselves to be seen differently- to be addressed as anything different.

‘The Heart is always in harmony – the Heart always wants harmony,’ Tsirin would tell Jimin, giving him a knowing nod with as much dignity as possible whilst covered in mud and spectacularly sun-burnt.

Of course it changed slowly as time went on – they held positions that were looked up to. They had responsibilities to shoulder. And in these moments, in giving themselves so much for Menigišiti – it was almost as though they ceased to exist for who they were. A pair of siblings from Dis’bēti who enjoyed sweets a bit too much, who liked screaming wrong lyrics to ancient songs much to the scandalized horror of their instructors. And sometimes they forgot how heavy all of this was, just because they were born.

And even now, just thinking about it makes Jimin feel like he’s failed.

This was not how he was supposed to feel. This is not what he’s supposed to be thinking. He needed to be strong- he needed to know what to do. He needed to-

Jimin exhales shakily.

What did he need?

What did he want?

Yoongi seems to relax a bit more, his grip loosening just a little

What did Yoongi want?

Jimin thinks backs to the memories he had walked in, following Yoongi as he lived. Lived as he was supposed to- where he was supposed to. He thinks of seeing Yoongi for the first time, of how the sun shone as their eyes met and how Jimin just knew.     

Jimin carefully studies Yoongi. He traces the features of his face. Beneath the bruises and cuts, Jimin finds small dots of freckles and natural discolouration. His cheeks were sunken, even as he slept. His lips are thin, though sometimes they pushed out unconsciously in a way that makes Jimin strongly believe that in his youth, Yoongi was probably a bit of a rascal. Very carefully, he puts his finger over Yoongi’s lower lip.

It almost felt like it was ages ago when he had so desperately kissed Yoongi- unable to even stand but just wanting to know it was Yoongi. Needing him there.

Regardless of how tired or deep asleep Yoongi was, no doubt even lightly touching his face was going to wake him up.

The weight of his fatigue hits Jimin anew as Yoongi regains consciousness.

Yoongi seems to quickly and quietly assess their surroundings before concluding that nothing was amiss. Jimin doesn’t take his hand away, instead taking the time to continue lightly tracing the natural slopes over Yoongi’s face.

Yoongi doesn’t say anything- apparently not disturbed by the fact that Jimin was randomly touching his face without any given reason.

Yoongi rearranges his arms while Jimin continues to map the features on his face. They’re closer, legs entwined, ankles hooked around each others. Jimin shivers lightly when Yoongi’s hand closes around his waist to settle on his back, his palm warm against his skin.

‘I always feel like I’m kissing you when things are…-things are not good,’ Jimin whispers. ‘Something is always…always wrong.’

‘I think any time I kiss you, everything is good.’

There is no hint of embarrassment or teasing in Yoongi’s tone. It’s meant only for Jimin to hear.

‘I had a dream,’ Yoongi readjusts his hand to reach up behind Jimin, palm splayed over the back of his head.

‘What did you see?’

Yoongi smiles.

‘You were laughing,’ Yoongi leans in, almost as though telling Jimin a secret. Jimin finally pulls himself together to look at Yoongi. ‘You were laughing, you seemed…seemed so young.’

Regardless of where they were, every time Yoongi looked at him like this, Jimin can’t help but feel a little shy, a little squirmy.

He wants to both push himself away and hide somewhere, and at the same time curl himself around Yoongi and not let go.

‘Young? How?’

‘Almost like…like a youngling- I was trying to catch up, you were going too fast.’

‘I won’t go,’ Jimin promises at once, earnestly.

Yoongi smiles again before he says, almost as though shy all of a sudden, ‘You’re so pretty.’

Jimin feels himself flush red.

Jimin has heard many compliments come his way. He’s not foreign to cheeky pillow talk, blatant flirtations, or the thrill of pursuing a young romance.

But it’s also never hurt him like this before.

Yoongi’s fingers quietly wipe under his eyes. And that’s when Jimin realizes he’s crying.

‘Don’t cry sunshine,’ Yoongi coos.

‘I’m not-‘ Jimin is about to deny it but it won’t stop.

Yoongi pulls him down, tucking him in close.

It’s not the same break down he had earlier- spiraling out of control. Because somehow instead of feeling himself suffocating, he feels almost a little lighter- a bit more normal.

Yoongi just continues to lightly through his short hair, lips pressed to his skin.



‘I don’t know what to do,’ Jimin whispers.

It’s frightening, admitting to yourself the truth that you’ve ignored for so long.

‘I’m afraid.’ Jimin confesses quietly, ‘I’m so so scared.’

‘Trust yourself,’ Yoongi dabs at his cheeks.

‘How-‘ Jimin sniffs before he looks up, ‘How can I- I just…-I’ve been -it’s cost me- so much-‘

‘Listen,’ Yoongi says simply, ‘Just listen.’

‘To what?’

Yoongi studies him for a moment.

‘In order to lie to yourself, you need to be aware of the truth,’ Yoongi says instead, to Jimin’s surprise. ‘And sometimes…’

Yoongi blinks a few times, expression unreadable before he gives Jimin a wry smile and says, ‘Sometimes it’s easier to lie – sometimes, in order to continue forward, you need to lie to yourself.’

It’s unsettling to hear this – with Yoongi’s fatigue hanging over him, pressing out against Jimin’s chest like an actual physical force.

‘So you need to just listen,’ Yoongi fiddles with his ear, careful around the side that was snipped along with his hair. ‘On Earth we have a saying, ‘Listen to your heart, but take your brain with you’. It made for really funny comic cards.’

Jimin’s not sure what about it was entirely funny, because it sounded like genuinely good advice worded in simple and applicable terms. But there’s a colour of mirth that erupts out of the cloud of fatigue that blossoms in soft hues around them.

It’s beautiful.

‘Listen to your heart,’ Yoongi places his hand over Jimin’s chest, palm warm and large. ‘And take your brain with you.’

Jimin takes Yoongi’s hand into his own trembling ones.

‘I can’t- I can’t feel my Heart right now-‘ Jimin confesses. ‘I can’t hear her.’

Yoongi doesn’t question Jimin’s exact meaning, but there’s an understanding in his eyes.

‘Then maybe for now, you can take mine.’

Jimin doesn’t realize how tightly he’s gripping Yoongi’s hand in his, or the fact that he’s somewhat forgotten to breathe. So instead he pulls their hands up and against his lips.

He can’t do that- he can’t take from Yoongi again

‘Thank you for waiting for me,’ Jimin says against his hand.

Yoongi closes his eyes, gripping Jimin even closer to himself.

‘I’ll always come back to you.’






Jimin finds Sk’jin and Jungkook with Amme at a massive food-court. It was empty for now, but Jimin can imagine it filled with lost and broken Beings, being healed and fed, comforted from their pain and sorrow. Amme has her two hands on Jungkook’s head, gently holding up his head.

He can’t quite hear what they’re saying, but Jungkook doesn’t seem to be uncomfortable.

Sk’jin looks incredibly healthier. Jimin suspects that he’s just been healed, and it relieves Jimin to his core. Jimin’s not sure what sort of healing he must have had, because his hair is back to its natural silvery-rose hue, and his eyes are exceptionally gleaming bright.

Jimin wishes he could have seen Sk’jin in his full Life.

How terrifyingly beautiful he would have been.

There’s a massive spread of food around him, and another similarly sized one opposite his that’s definitely a lot more raw, a lot more bloody. Jimin guesses it’s Jungkook’s.

Sk’jin gives him a small wave when he notices him approaching. He’s about to make some comment, expression turning teasing which turns to shock when Jimin hugs him tight.

The Khol’isa coughs awkwardly, arms stiff, shoulders raised, head angled back as though doing his best to keep as much physical distance as possible. 

‘Thank you,’ Jimin says in a small voice.

‘Um- okay-‘ Sk’jin replies in a strained voice. ‘Sure, no problem.’

Jimin pulls away, much to Sk’jin’s obvious relief.

‘Come on – lets eat,’ Sk’jin says in his best gruff and indifferent manner. Jimin grins at this, giving him another hug that has the Khol’isa yelping explicit words.

Jungkook twitches a few times, his head turned at a clearly bad angle to watch what was happening. Clearly Amme takes pity on him and lets the youngling go. Jungkook cleanly vaults over the table and dives into Jimin’s arms.

Had he grown taller?

He’d definitely filled out because there’s more of Jungkook to hug than before. Jungkook sniffs rather aggressively around his neck and has a mild look of annoyance on his face.

‘What is it?’ Jimin laughs, ruffling his hair which had a wonderful softness to it now before pulling him into a headlock. Jungkook pretends to flail, a wide grin on his face.

‘Doing good?’ Jimin asks, cupping Jungkook’s face fondly. ‘Rested?’

Jungkook nods into his hands, eyes closed, ‘Good. Full.’

Jimin is pleased, lowering his hands instead to tickle the tall Pravasi M’hanun. Jungkook yelps, using his much longer arms to tickle Jimin back.  

‘Please- no playing in the dining area,’ Sk’jin reprimands them over a mouth full of food. ‘Yisheng Amme, will you join us?’

Amme, to their collective surprise, seemed to enjoy a meal compromised entirely out of fresh, uncooked greens.

They don’t speak, just eat, occasionally pass each other items, or politely refuse items (especially from Jungkook). Jimin also realizes they’re not alone.

The Yishengs-in-training somewhat timidly approach them. There’s not a lot of them- only 5 so far as Jimin can sense in this immediate vicinity.

They’re very curious, but also very hesitant.

And Jimin can understand why. Here were 3 incredibly random, and very rare, species even by normal Universe standards.

Sk’jin eyes them with some amusement and after swallowing an impressively hot mouthful of a freshly roasted piece of meat, waves them over.

They all look at Amme who is extremely interested in telling Jungkook the wonderful benefits of a bulb-like vegetable and her eyes (all six) are glued to this little lesson. Jungkook, not too impressed by these vegetable, but also slightly intimidated, dunks the bulb into a rather milky looking stew, as though hoping it would help with the flavour.

The Yishengs-in-training sort of hesitantly sit around them, all beaming respectfully but very awkwardly. The silence is incredibly loud save for Amme’s continued vegetable lesson and Jungkook’s increasing disgust for anything not meat.

Sk’jin cuts the silence and asks without any embarrassment, ‘Does anyone have the latest installment in the “Six Hands of Our Love” series?’

This is apparently an excellent ice-breaker because this makes everyone laugh.

Jimin feels incredibly full, but he’s still exhausted. Sk’jin is laughing, an arm around one of the Yisheng’s-in-training as he narrates his experiences. Jungkook is also listening, sharing a big rather bloody joint of meat with another trainee who seemed to share a similar bloody diet.

‘Will you walk with me?’

Jimin finds that the question is directed at him. No one seems to notice or realize as Jimin nods and they both get up and leave the table.

They walk in silence together, the sound of laughter and voices behind them.

It’s nice, Jimin thinks as he takes a moment to simply savour that feeling.

They pass the hallway that Jimin had come in through, and into the next one instead. Amme leads Jimin through it, taking a narrow pathway and Jimin, to his utmost surprise, smells something-

‘I enjoy a good garden,’ Amme tells him, breaking the quiet. ‘I also believe, it is a good place to find healing. Healing for your heart, your mind.’

Jimin nods mutely in agreement, breathing in the fragrance of wet soil, the slight sweet undertone of vegetation decomposing, and a general warm scent of foliage and flowers.

His eyes drink in the sight of lush growth and vegetation.

It almost felt as though he had been raw for a long while, now finally quenched and soothed as he takes deep breaths of air. He follows Amme to a seated area, large leafy tendrils fall from the beams overhead that support a clear dome, white with warp-light. It’s a massive enclosure, and everywhere Jimin looked, it was green and alive.

The strange creature that had waited for Amme at the Hangar earlier is there, coiled in perfect loops around itself.

‘I think this is a good place to speak,’ Amme says, folding herself elegantly and sitting down on the flat raised limestone slabs.

‘We have not met formally prior to this,’ Jimin states, sitting down as well.

‘We did not. I only met your Council, and your sister,’ Amme replies in agreement. ‘I was aware of you, however.’

‘And I you.’

They sit in continued silence.

‘You said that there has been no report since Megibīya, otherwise known to the GLA as Bhumi was overtaken?’ Jimin inquires.

‘None that I am aware of,’ Amme answers, her arms folding neatly over each other. ‘The Treaty was clear in their agreement. It is my belief that when the GLA, lead by Ndica, arrived at Bhumi, it was under completely different reasoning.’

Amme didn’t know.

‘The GLA had received emergency calls from the borders around Bhumi, and as a result, attracted Ndica and Tlun’hla’s attention. The arrival of the Akramanese into Bhumi was one of complete surprise.’

Jimin is sure that’s not entirely the case.

‘When all of this came to my attention, and I was able to gather my resources and understand, to an extent, the details of what happened, I was unable to access or reach Bhumi or the area around it.’ Amme continues, ‘I believe this has to do with your camouflage system.’

Jimin nods.

‘I believed that perhaps it was a good sign. That the protection around your System still existed till now. That perhaps you were able to heal after all this time,’ Amme’s fingers lightly drum over her knees. ‘But perhaps I am naïve in thinking so.’

‘What have you learnt?’ Jimin asks, leaning in a little.

‘Axudar, as you have no doubt learnt from what I’ve been able to discuss with Hoseok, is close to your home System.’

‘Axudar is the closest System to Menigišiti yes,’ Jimin nods.   

‘Hoseok has also reported that there are troubles within Axudar, troubles that have shut out the GLA from investigating,’ Amme pauses a moment before she continues, ‘Axudar is known to be the most forward in their approach towards researching the extent of how far the present physical mass of a Being can go.’

‘That is a polite way to describe an act of cruelty, Yisheng.’

‘There laws regarding the GLA investigation and regulation had previously been heavily edited and shadowed by Ndica, clearly to cover his own involvement in this specific “research”,’ Amme continues, unperturbed by Jimin’s comment. ‘While I understand the idea behind approaching Axudar to enter your home System, for these very reasons of not having the GLA so close by, I would advise you to be careful with what you might find there.’

Jimin studies the flaky sedimentation that formed the limestone he was sitting on.

‘I believe you know, deep down in your heart, that you have been betrayed from within,’ Amme says simply, not pulling back for remorse or sensitivity.

‘I cannot give you hope for this venture,’ she continues, ‘Not when you cannot find it in yourself to bring hope for yourself.’

Jimin slowly breathes out, lowering his head, eyelids heavy and burning, his chest aching.

‘You carry tremendous knowledge,’ Amme says, her hands reaching forward to raise his head up. Her touch is cooler than Jimin expected. ‘Tremendous knowledge, and the weight of those you have to let go.’

Jimin has never been in a position where he has needed to be healed before.

‘There are matters that you cannot bear – and that you should not bear,’ Amme continues, one of her long fingers presses over his temples and Jimin closes his eyes at once. A cool caress draws over his closed eyes, the burning stops immediately. ‘This has gone beyond what you can control, beyond your design, beyond your fate.’

‘Then what should I do? What can I do?’

‘You need to understand the limitations of your control,’ Amme tells him gently, ‘And understand that sometimes your control may limit you far more than what you thought.’

‘Follow your heart, but take your brain with you,’ Jimin whispers, ‘Right?’

Amme’s hands still for a while before she places them over his temples properly again.

‘The Known Universe has always seen Humans as a weak species,’ Amme quite randomly states, ‘Humans were deemed too weak, too fragile, too simple. But if anything, I do not think any of us should ever underestimate the strength of our hearts.’

Jimin opens his eyes, finds himself reflected in Amme’s silvery pairs.

‘Thank you,’ he whispers.

When Amme takes her hands away, Jimin’s body feels rested, the sore dull ache over his body ceases, the prickling pain behind his eyes abate.

He was still weighed, the emptiness in his chest still there – but Jimin feels almost as well as he did the day he first opened his eyes all the way back in Pompa.

Jimin smiles up at Amme.

‘You were born, with the blessings of the First Children,’ Amme sits back properly. ‘And you need not carry the heartbreak of punishment alone.’

Jimin nods, quite unable to speak.

‘You may stay here as long as you like,’ Amme says as she stands in her strangely fluid yet stiff way.

‘Thank you, S’wezete Amme,’ Jimin also stands, bowing in full courtesy as was the style of his home-planet.

‘That is a title I am unfamiliar with,’ Amme appeared to be smiling but Jimin can only see a lot of teeth. It’s not discomfiting anymore.

‘Breath of life,’ Jimin manages to translate as accurately as he can.

Amme bows back, mimicking his courtesy and turns.

She’s almost about to exit the garden when something occurs to Jimin.

‘S’wezete Amme!’ he calls, jogging forward a little.

The Yisheng stops, turning to look down at Jimin.

‘May I ask you for a favour?’






Jimin has his hand buried under the soil over the roots of a very unique fruiting plant when Yoongi walks in.

This is not exactly how Jimin wished Yoongi would have caught him. His sleeves are literally soiled, the area over his knees are streaked with clay, moss, and dirt from kneeling on the damp ground. Jimin wanted to study some plants and as Amme had basically given him permission to just stay here he did exactly that. He’s not sure how much time has gone by. He and Yoongi had separated some time ago, where the Human had said he was going to meet up with Hoseok to check over their new ship, and Jimin had gone to find food.

Jimin hastily removes his hand, disrupting the pretty roots and wincing a little before patting it back down and standing up straight, quickly wiping his hands on the side of his trousers.

‘Uh- um, hi,’ Jimin tries, failing spectacularly to be casual and as Sk’jin would say it “cool”. It’s also a little more than embarrassing because last time Jimin had pretty much wept about his hair. And because he wasn’t blind he knew how much Yoongi seemed to really like his hair.

It felt strangely odd, to ask Amme to “heal” his hair.

But it had been forcefully taken from him- an attempt to break him. And it seemed silly- it probably was, but being able to have his hair back.

It wasn’t just about vanity, or going back to a sense of familiarity.

This was about coming into acceptance- into being.

And Yoongi still hasn’t said a word, still hasn’t blinked. Still hasn’t moved either.

Jimin feels all sorts of jittery as he walks towards Yoongi. As he gets closer, it’s only then Yoongi blinks. Rapidly at that too. It’s only then that he also closes his mouth, as though realizing he’d been staring with his mouth open.

And this time, instead of just shying away, or trying to ignore how he felt, Jimin walks all the way up towards Yoongi (the Human’s eyes widening almost comically) and kisses him on the mouth.

The jitters completely ease away, but they all rush back at once when Jimin leans back again. He feels his whole face flush, stuttering out a sort of dismissive laughter but Yoongi is already leaning in again, a wide grin on his face.

Yoongi kisses him so adoringly, his hands cradling Jimin’s face as he kisses his whole face. Jimin can’t help but wheeze and giggle, a sense of delightful lightness taking over him.

‘Maybe Yishengs can start up a new industry with hair-related treatment,’ Yoongi chuckles, stopping to just admire Jimin’s locks.

He pushes Jimin a little afar, head angling around as though to really take in Jimin’s hair properly. It’s so ridiculous that Jimin can’t help but laugh, bending over with the force of his laughter. He steps back a little, angling himself as though hoping to catch different angle of light. Yoongi is laughing as well, eyes crinkled, a rosy almost healthy warmth in his cheeks. He looks healthier and Jimin guesses Amme had healed him too.

Jimin even turns around, twirling and shaking his head, laughing as he does so before he shuffles back towards Yoongi.

‘Nice?’ Jimin asks.

Yoongi doesn’t reply immediately, instead his expression changes from one of delight to something a bit more subdued- a bit thoughtful.

‘When I first saw you,’ Yoongi begins lowly, ‘I swear- god it sounds so dumb- I genuinely thought you were an illusion. A mirage- you just-‘ he pauses to look away from his hair and back to him. ‘-you…I know I keep saying this but you’re really beautiful.’


Yoongi chuckles, he looks embarrassed. He steps closer, hands reaching out for Jimin’s.

‘I’m- it’s obviously- I mean it’s not just your hair, that’s uh, dumb, you know, or like, I’m not saying this superficially or anything uhh- I’m just, you know sometimes I guess I’m overwhelmed? I dunno I’m just kinda running my mouth off-‘

It’s so heart-warming seeing Yoongi like this. He’s so awkward, bashful, but so determined. It’s enough for Jimin to ignore the way he’s awkward and embarrassed.  

Yoongi is still combing through his hair, caught in a strange trance that Jimin knows he can break. All he would have to do would be to gently push Yoongi a little, or maybe look away. But he doesn’t want to.

It’s overwhelming but in a good way.

He’s never kissed Yoongi like this- not when he feels like this. Not when he’s safe – not with this intent.

It’s almost as though they were in a different time, a different place.

‘I think any time I kiss you, everything is good.’

So Jimin is the one to lean in this time, one hand angling Yoongi’s head just a little and the other on his waist. There’s a sharp intake of breath from the Human. He leans in completely, chest up against Jimin’s as his hands settle on his hips.

They’ve never talked about it.

They’ve never addressed it.

It was just so-


Jimin gasps, his body shivers. Yoongi swallows his gasp, soothing the shivers of his body with his own.

‘You’re everything I’ve wanted to feel,’ Yoongi mouths against his lips. ‘Everything-‘

Yoongi holds him so close – like he needed Jimin. Like everything he’s ever wanted was here, with Jimin.

And Jimin holds him back the same way.

There’s less kissing and just simply holding each other instead. And somehow here in this garden – everything was good.

Yoongi pants harshly against his neck, clearly trying to reign himself in.

‘Hey,’ Jimin whispers breathlessly, his heart still racing, his entire being lifted.

Yoongi is swaying them gently, the sound of their hearts a private symphony just for them.

‘Yoongi,’ Jimin says again, making sure Yoongi heard him. Yoongi kisses his neck in reply.

‘In that house next to the shore and the forest, I want a garden like this one.’

A few seconds later Jimin can feel Yoongi’s smile on his skin.

‘A garden?’ Yoongi says quietly, lips kissing the words into his skin.

Jimin leans back to look at Yoongi, humming in acknowledgment.

‘Hmm, not too big. I’m actually- um, not good. With gardens.’

Yoongi laughs, gums showing.

His laughter colours the air, soothing tones of the sky, and the clouds and-

‘You’re not?’

‘I was always teased about it,’ Jimin complains.

Yoongi chuckles quietly, the sound of soft waves lapping up against the shore.

‘What about bushes? Shrubs? Trees?’

‘I- I got scared. Discouraged,’ Jimin tells him like it’s a secret. ‘Didn’t want to make mistake.’

‘You could always try succulents?’ Yoongi offers, his breath settles, the intensity in his eyes slowly ebbing.

‘Suh- succulents-‘ Jimin repeats but his mind instantly gives him images that correspond to that.

‘They don’t need a lot of water. Or much care. They’re happier when you don’t bother them,’ Yoongi grins in a teasing way before he tucks away Jimin’s hair behind his ears. ‘We can keep a whole garden of them.’

‘Are they flowers?’ Jimin asks leaning his face against Yoongi’s palm. He places his own palm over Yoongi’s chest.

He ignores the strain, moves past the fatigue, the corrosion, the pain. Instead he feels the warmth, the gentleness, the strength, and the dedication that pulses there, deep in Yoongi’s chest.

Jimin already feels like he’s taken so much away from Yoongi.

Has stolen him away, from him.

‘Not all of them have flowers,’ Yoongi holds his free hand over Jimin’s hand. ‘But they would all bloom for you.’

They’re such…odd things to say. Almost childish – almost akin to something Sk’jin would read out loud from the books he enjoys reading. But there’s such a genuine tone – something almost poetic when Yoongi says it.

Yoongi tilts his head a little, a small smile on his face before he leans in to press a lingering kiss on Jimin’s forehead.

Jimin can hear the gentle sound of the ocean meeting the shoreline. The rustling of trees behind him. He can hear the sound of the water, he can feel the wind on his skin.

They’re both standing under a mild sky, feet wet as the ocean washes over their feet.

It’s warm.

Yoongi is warm.

‘Then maybe for now, you can take mine.’

‘We all need the sun to bloom.’

























(Author’s Notes)


I feel like, this chapter might have too much in it- but I felt that it was time, not only relevant to the plot, but also for the overall reading experience, to explain things.


God, I had this massive info-dump written up over the past 2 years in scratched out notes and msgs sent to myself through facebook, email, line msgs, and dm-ing myself things I shouldn’t forget omg

But it’s far from over really

Someone asked me how many more chapters for ADEGU, and I think, now? I think maybe 20 chapters more- or well, 19 chapters I guess. Putting us at all together 60 chapters.


Anyways, writing about Jimin and his internal struggle was a sort reflection of our generation I feel. The immense responsibility we have, in light of global issues that  both feel distant but at the same time too close to our immediate reality – of feeling useless and overwhelmed, like as I was writing it I asked myself ‘you okay, do you also need a Yoongi to hug you’ like I wish, but yeah- what I’m saying is that, it’s okay to say that you’re not okay. And it’s okay to realize and accept the fact that you know, happens, will happen, and sometimes there’s nothing we can do about it. Jimin feeling like a broken but put together but broken again tile is a very accurate representation of how I used to feel during what I refer to as my ‘Mid-20’s-of-existential-and-emotionally-financially-strained-oppression’ those were some terrible times. But a lot of the times, overcoming that comes with accepting the situation and not allowing that to be your identity. So yeah, GO JIMIN YOU POWERFUL LITTLE ALIEN BOY

See y’all next chapter

I’ll also be doing little illustrations of my OC’s!!!! so you guys can see what they’ll look like? I’ll update on my twitter and link here in the next update!

Also I am sorry for this massive chapter







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Chapter 68: Wow....just wha? From the title I was hoping for an appearance by Lulu or JD cause that would make so much sense but now Im like...is everyone dead or dying or something else cause Im.so confused and yeah...temptation to kill rising!
Also go Lim! You little blessed life being!
Taehyung where the hell are you, you strange little green goblin! I know you're lurking around somewhere! Or a version of you is
Lol looking forward to more
Chapter 67: Blinks.....okay...that was a bit of a mindfook I'll admit and geeze Tsirin you crazy biatch
Amme! You absolute beaut! Deal with that little cow but don't kill yourself!
I knew there was a plan betweem Jimin and Taehyun! Just knew it! I so badly wanna see exactly what it all was...even if we never get a full explain
And yeah boy, that was a ride
Looking forward to more
Chapter 66: Wah....they're not going to make it....but
So confused and just wahhhh
Happolin #4
Chapter 66: No no no......I don't like where this is heading!!!!!!! Not another yixing!!!!! Please nooooo ( T~T ) ( T~T )...........

Nooooope Noope Noooooooo
Chapter 65: Oh wow
So much action and so much too worry about
I wanna know.what Taehyungs up to....please don't have pulled a certain healer cause that will be so unfair
Looking forward to more
Happolin #6
Chapter 64: Every 2weeks...almost4 months i guess..... welcome back :D
I was really confused at first but then understood that he was just thinking of the past.....like "eh, did he wake up from a nightmare......when did Jin and RM meet up and didn't V like dead...."

Personally I like PTD..... :D
Chapter 64: Damn it I knew I was coming to the end of that chapter and Im still screaming NO DO NOT STOP THERE UNCLASSIFIED! I NEED MORE

Though I will confess to laughing at hurrican Namjoon, bless his klutsom nature and having to be helped out by the Amic and Shay who just do it automatically now. Gave some lovely little tension break moments I'll admit.

Still wanna know where Jimin and Taehyung are though - cause them two are doing something, I know they are

Hope Ski'Jin is okay and Kookie ain't in too much trouble

Looking forward to more
Chapter 62: And how.did I miss this update. Wow that was interesting and boy I wanna see what Tae is up to
Onto the next chapter
Chapter 61: wow, I should have realised that Tsirin would have been willingly involved! so nice to get a look into more of Jimin´s childhood and the events that led to this whole mess.
as a non-American, I wouldn't say that the whole qanon stuff is affecting me personally. But I have spent the last... 6 months (but more like Trump´s entire presidency) in disbelief and sort of hopelessness every time I look at the news from the US. That people can believe these things, and that others allow for these things to happen... the lengths some people are willing to go to, and the things they ignore and leave unchallenged out of self-interest is mindboggling and absolutely terrifying. More than ever I am certain that the US is a country I NEVER want to visit.
Anyway tho - wonderful chapter! I hope you are well and I look forward to the next update^^
Chapter 61: Well wow....okay that threw me a wild ride and a half and still processing half of it but yeah...
So Tsirn caused all of this because she wouldn't let go of her grief...wow that makes sense actually when I think about it but yeah...processing
And I've heard of a mugwump too, it made me smile reading it but I cant think of where I heard it now. Some kids story I think - possibly Roald Dalh or maybe Moomins - but i have heard of one. If i ever track down where I shall let you know
Anyway looking forward to more