Chapter 23

Behind Closed Door's



Changkyun kept his head down he look around for wonho. who was standing by himself looking away from changkyun. Changkyun got up and runned to his hyung. He felt horrible what jooheon told him Because of him wonho could have also drowned. “ i'm sorry hyung.” changkyun said giving wonho a hug. Wonho put his head on changkyun neck small warm tears felled from his eyes. “promise me you will never do something so stupid again.” “ I promise.” changkyun said hiding his head on wonho chest. They stayed there for a good 5 minutes hugging.

“I am going to kill him” jooheon Said looking at changkyun. “Jooheon stop acting and go give your maknae a hug. I know you're dying to.” kihyun said. “I don't want to he doesn't deserve it after trying to kill himself.” jooheon said walking back to the car.

The ride home was quite changkyun was in the back asleep his head on minhyuk shoulder. It was a long day and they just wanted to get home and sleep. After they arrived shownu carried sleeping changkyun to his bed. He carefully lyed him on the bed,  And covered him with his blankets. “ how is he.” kihyun asked shownu  after coming out of changkyun room. “ His sleeping but I think we should take him to the hospital.” “even if we did they will just tell us to give him more time. And hyung you know he doesn't need time.” i know kihyun but he needs help and keeping him here isn't doing any good.” kihyun signed and went inside changkyun room. He climb on changkyun bed and lyed beside him looking at the wall ” you know kyunie almost losing you today made me release. How much you mean to us.” before kihyun knew it he pulled changkyun in a hug and fell asleep.

The next morning shownu went in the room to wake changkyun and kihyun up so they could go to the hospital. After hearing they are going to the hospital changkyun quickly jumped of the bed and runned to the bathroom locking himself. Kihyun runned after him with shownu behind him. “Kyunie open the door” “ hyung I don't want to go there. I promise I will not do that again just place don't take me to the hospital.” changkyun said lying behind the bathroom door. “ I know kyunie but we need to see if your really alright.” shownu said. “ I feel okay really hyung.” shownu looked at kihyun and shocked his head before agreeing to changkyun that they won't go to the hospital. After hearing they won't go hospital changkyun opened the door and jump at shownu giving him a tight hug. “ I LOVE YOU HYUNG.” “ I love you to kyunie know get off of me.” shownu said. Kihyun smiled and raffled changkyun hair then went in the kitchen to make breakfast.

Jooheon jumped of his bed after having a nightmare. He quickly got of his bed and looked up at changkyun bed. After seeing it empty he started to freak out. “ wow calm down jooheon. Kyunnie is eating breakfast. What did you dream that freaked you that much.” “ahhh morning hyung oh nothing just a bad dream.” jooheon said smiling at his hyung before leaving  the room. He quickly runned to the kitchen to see if changkyun was really okay. It wasn't that he didn't believe minhyuk he just had to see changkyun with his own eyes to know his dream wasn't real. After seeing changkyun laughing while hyungwon chased him around the kitchen. Jooheon smiled and went to the bathroom.

Wonho come out of his room still feeling heavy after what happened at the beach. He made a promise to himself to never go to the beach with changkyun again. He walked to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. He smiled when he saw changkyun playing and laughing. He looked at kihyun who was making pancakes “ why is he so happy about after giving us a heart attack yesterday.” “ shownu said he doesn't have to go to the hospital.” wonho grabbed his cup of coffee and went to the dining table understanding the sition. “ Kyunie you better give me back that” hyungwon yelled chasing after changkyun who was running around the dorm with his blankets.

                          15 minutes earlier

Shownu finally gets changkyun of him and runned into the bathroom locking as quickly as possible. “ don't worry hyung I will wait for you here.” changkyun said. “ hey kyunie could you do me a favor and wake hyungwon for me.” kihyun said after seeing what happened. “yeah hyung.” changkyun runned into the room jumping on top of hyungwon who was deep asleep. “ ahhh kyunie get of me you're so heavy.” hyungwon said trying to push changkyun of himself. “ hyung hyung hyung hyung.” changkyun said jumping around hyungwon bed. “ oh god why did you send him.” hyungwon said to himself. “ HYUNG.” changkyun yelled in hyungwon ear making him fall of the bed. He tried to climb back. But changkyun grabbed his blanket and runned out of the room. Hyungwon runned after him still half asleep. “ give me back my blanket KYUNIE this isn't funny.” hyungwon said still chasing after changkyun who wouldn't stop. “ oh look who's awake so early.” “ kihyun hyung please tell changkyun to give me back my blanket.” “ kyunie don't give it back to him he will go back to sleep.” kihyun said walking back to the kitchen laughing.


“minhyuk how was your morning.” horrible thanks for asking.” “ seems like it.” kihyun said walking out of the kitchen with pleat of food. “come here kyunie”  kihyun said placing the plate of food on the table.changkyun runned over throwing hyungwon blanket on the couch. “Ughhh this kid.” hyungwon said taking his blanket and walking back to his room. “hyungwon you better not go back to bed” kihyun warned. “ whatever” hyungwon said walking back to his room. “You seem to have have a lot of energy for someone who nearly died yesterday.” “ you can't be living in the past forever.” changkyun said staffing the food in his month. Kihyun just shooked his head and seat next to changkyun. 

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Chapter 2: I think it was a good story,but did u use auto-correct keyboard ??????? Cuz it full of wrong words ?
Chapter 4: Trash manager!!
Chapter 19: Nooooooo
Chapter 13: Yes...punch him
Chapter 12: Yah save him ~~~
Chapter 11: Yah get to him..they must be at won place
Chapter 10: Yes smtg wrong happened
Chapter 9: Hope they know the truth
Chapter 8: Save him
Chapter 7: Poor bby