I Miss You So Young.

I'm Blind... But I Love You.

     "Eomma... When will I ever see So Young again?" I asked my Eomma as I sat on the kitchen stool making circles with my finger on the granite counter. I heard my mom sigh. "Wae?" She simple said. "Because... I miss her, I haven't really seen her in over two years, I'm home schooled and I miss my best friend..." My Eomma let out another sigh... I was getting a little bugged by it.. Mainly because she was always doing something like that. "Well, I don't know what to tell you honey.." "You can tell me you'll set up a day when she can come over!" I said happily already thinking of what she would do if she were to be able to come over. "I don't think so honey." Eomma replied shutting down my request as if it was a flame on a candle being blown out. "Wae?! I never have my friends over anymore! Why won't you let her come over???" "Because I said so.. Go upstairs Soo Jin, I don't want to talk about this!" This time, I sighed and I slowly and carefully walked up to my room. When I walked in I bumped into a wall and rubbed my shoulder. "Curse blindness, one day when I'm un-blind I'll kill it." I said making a fist to the black air. "Where's my phone?" I said taking my cane and sticking it forward. With every move forward of the cane I took another step and started to move my hands around looking for the  small lollipop phone.

      Ah there you are phone! I said flipping it open. "What was her speed dial number.. Oh yeah! One, duh!" I pressed it hoping it was the right number and it started ringing, I crossed my fingers hoping she'd pick up.


"S-So Young?" 

"Soo Jin?" 


"OMO! SOO JIN! H-How... Are you?" 

"I'm alright.. I could be better... I'm missing my best friend at the moment."

"Guess Who I miss?"



"I feel like you'll be busy..."

"Well, I'm never busy for my best friend, I'll always pick up at the first ring, remember that okay?"


"Soo Jin, I have to go! Homework awaits. I'll call you as soon as I'm finished okay?" 

"Okay! Good luck with homework! Bye!!"

     So Young, she's still the same, I was worried that she would have forgotten about me completely, but thankfully she didn't! I laid onto my bed and started going through the memories I had with So Young, from the time we went to the Zoo with each other, to Lotte World, park, and spending the night at each other's houses... I went through everything, soon enough I began crying. I didn't realize how much I missed her, and I didn't realize how much I missed seeing things, I wasn't even able to see the people that I love grow up, I wasn't able to see me grow up. "So Young... I hope your still really my best friend." I mumbled to myself as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Soo Jin-" My mom stopped at her sentence, I could tell that she could see that I had just finished crying. "Honey! What's wrong?!" "Leave. Me. Alone." I said as I turned my head the other way, away from her view. "What? Wae?" "Because, I miss my best friend and you are rejecting the thought of her even coming. Why is that? What has she done? She hasn't been by my side ever since the accident, don't you realize that I need her with me? I miss her so much, she's practically my sister! I need her!" The tears in my eyes became harder and harder to stop as I continued talking.

     "Mianhae Honey... I just... I thought that she was... uncomfortable seeing you in this state. I didn't want her to have any regrets.. You miss her that much?" I turned my head again, thinking I was looking off into space. "How can I not miss her? I miss her being over here 24/7, and because of you, your practically shutting her out of my life without me having a say, I need her in my life, I need my sister." I heard my mother, for the billionth time let out a sigh. "Fine... You can have her come over one day, but... If she isn't comfortable being around you anymore don't blame me." I made an angry face. "Eomma, your really stingy... Your also pointing out things that won't happen. Leave me alone please. I don't want to talk to you anymore." I turned around again, and moments later I felt my Eomma putting a hand on my shoulder, I moved it away. "Hon-" "Go Eomma, theirs nothing else left to discuss." Finally I heard my door open and close. I let out a big breath and put my face against a pillow. "When did my Eomma become... so harsh and mean?" I said saying my thought to the air. I just didn't get why she was acting like this so suddenly... I don't know why and I don't like it one bit. I shut my eyes, and moments later, I fell into a deep sleep.   

     ~ 4 Hours Later ~

     I woke up from a nap that didn't even seem to have lasted that long. I walked down the stairs cane in hand, and my other on the banister. "Finally, Sleeping Beauty has awoken from her slumber." I smiled a bit and walked around, before I knew it I felt my Appa grab both of my hands and lead me to the couch in the living room. "Gomowow." I simply said lifting my legs onto the couch and crossed them. "So how are you Soo Jin? I rarely ask you that." I fiddled with my fingers and put my head down. "I could be better..." I replied to my appa. "Wae? What's wrong?" My Appa's voice raised as it filled with worry and curiosity. "It's just... I miss So Young a lot, and Eomma is being really stingy with me lately." "Ah, I see.. Well your mom just doesn't like thinking of the past, you can understand that right?" I thought about that for a second before answering it. "No, actually I can't..." "Well, Sweetie you have to learn that the past was really traumatic for her, me, and you... I know it doesn't make sense to you now but, just know that soon you will understand it." I nodded my head a little bit and slowly stood up. "I'm going outside.. I need some fresh air." I pointed somewhere and grabbed my cane once again. "Alright sweetie be careful." I nodded my head and looked for the door, luckily I found it faster than usual and stepped outside.

      "Things just aren't going right today.." I thought I had said to myself. "Soo Jin! Annyeong!" I turned my head and quickly looked around. "Huh? What? Oh ... Annyeong?" "Soo Jin, it's just me Yonghwa." I smiled a bit and waved to the air. "Oh! Annyeong Yonghwa!" Yonghwa laughed and I could hear him walk closer to me. "So, why aren't things going right for you today?" Again, I let out a sigh and looked down beginning to rub my head. "I'm guessing you heard what I just said." I replied to him stating the obvious. "Yeah, I came by to stop by when I heard you say that, did something happen today?" I nodded my head, and before I knew it I started pouring my feelings out to Yonghwa, a boy that I barely even met just a few days ago. I let out a small breath after I finished explaining to him and he patted my back causing me to smile without even knowing it. "Seems like you have a lot on your mind." i nodded my head again and puffed out my lips. "I just miss her and my Eomma is being really stingy..." "Well, She's your Eomma, she loves and cares for you a lot and I can tell, she's just scared to see you lose her because of this."

      "Ne... I guess so, but she could at least give me some freedom for once, I haven't been able to even walk out of the house for two years... I am missing out on everything, even though I can't really see anything I still deserve to experience things!" I waved my arms around in annoyance and then stopped and gave him another pouty face, even if I didn't know where he was then. "Then... I should take you somewhere fun! To all the places you haven't gone to I'll take you!" I smiled and straightened my back. "R-REALLY? You'd do that for me Yonghwa?!?" "Ne! Of course! You have to leave your porch sometimes, now don't you?" I nodded and I felt him pat my head. "Then we'll do that! First adventure will be this Friday arraso?" I nodded and put my thumbs up. "Arraso!! Ghansamnida Yonghwa!!!" I bowed. "Yonghwa.... It sounds so.. eh." "Eh? What do you mean?!" I asked a little bit worried thinking I said something wrong. I lifted my hand to my lips. "Yonghwa, that's all you say.. Call me 'Yonghwa Oppa'" I put my hand away from my lips. "Y-Yonghwa Oppa?" 

      "That's better!!! Soo Jin! I have to go, I'll see you on Friday!! Don't forget! I'll take you from your yard at two o'clock so you better be ready!" I waved and heard him walking down the stairs of my front porch. "Bye.. Yonghwa Oppa! See you Friday!" I said happily and walked into the house. I closed the door and smiled. "Appa." I simply said calling for him. "What's the matter honey?" "Can I hang out with my new friend Friday? Please!!" I clasped my hands together and waved it around trying to make a pouty face. "Arraso, you can! I don't see you out anymore, it'd be good for you." I hopped up and smiled going into a fit of giggles. "Ghansamnida Oppa!!!" I said taking my cane trying to find him to hug him. "No worried honey!" He said hugging me before I could get to. "Just don't do anything stupid." I smiled again and laughed a bit. "I would never." I stayed in my Appa's arms for a second happy that I would be leaving the house after two years.



Mianhae! I haven't updated at all! I'm really sorry! Please forgive me!!!!!

So... How did you like this chapter? I hope it was worth the long wait for....

Over 100 views... Thank you~^^ I'm sorry I haven't been updating as much..





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Note To My Readers: The Chpater is in progress, will finish writing soon!^^


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wow i see your coments and read the texts i do for each chap O.O
Saranghae appa T-T
finally she said that to her mother -.-
i was planing on talking to yonghwa and hongki to kidnap her already -.-
loved the chap *o*
shes going on a date with hongki *ooo*
please update soon ^^
Hong Ki~ you're here again *o*
now...i think YongHwa was stalking them -.-
like he did in You're Beautiful -.-
dad! you are A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!
lovee ya~

pleeease update soon *o*
eommma! shut it -.- not liking you~
you want to have her all day with you in the house ò.ó
thats why u dindt want her talking to her friend right?
and when you went out with yonghwa you were pissed...now you dont let her even walk with hongki oppa!
im gonna send Yamapi on you~
*cuz he's my bodyguard now -.-*

~cant wait for the next chap!
taeyeonaleyda #4
I'm in a wheelchair and i can't walk and reading your story gives me encouragment.
Thank you
Yonhhwa oppa~
even i would be a little paranoid when you dragged to the room to find soomething to wear you know??
that's what most people - that not a crazy fangirl- would be -.-

~Waah i can't wait for the 'date'
aaand for the next chap with hongki *-*

bibilicious1598 #6
hongki oppa..<br />
AAAh ~ Yonghwa Oppa ~<br />
you gonna take her out on a date friday *-*<br />
even if both don't know, for me is a date!!!<br />
*-*<br />
mwahahaha<br />
and hongki?? when is gonna be his date with her??<br />
i think both oppas gonna be cute with her as they are cute alone!!!<br />
~<br />
nee i'm still stalking you! :D<br />
and what about the mother doing that?? thats so mena, even if shes trying to take care, shes just look like she dont want to lose the kiddo, and even like the other chap sont let her lear the brile(?) it was going to make her life easier!!<br />
-.-'<br />
<br />
~nee, im going now Author-sshi!<br />
ByeByeCicle~<br />
neee *-* kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~<br />
Hongki and yonghwa are so cute with her!<br />
i want to meet someone like them!!<br />
or them of course -.-<br />
from now on im stalking your fic, so be ready to see a lot of reviews from me okay?<br />
it will be good reviews if you dont decide to drop a bomb like deleting or bloking this fic!<br />
sooo <br />
Omo! This story is so good! Update soon! :D
Hey, your poster is ready for pickup! ^^<br />
http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/107459/34<;br />