Intro 12; Shin Hyungwoo

hunters wanted;; (apply open)

hyungwoo stood outside of the apartment with his things as he was looking at his phone as he was waiting for Hwiyeol. He had texted her as she texted that someone would be out for him a few minutes. He watched as an older guy walked out just rubbing an eye. "Hello." Hyungwoo bowed as hyunjae waved. 

"Yeah, yeah - just come on. hwiyeol texted me the room keys that I need to give you. She's out with minkyu on a job or they lied and they are on a date - we can never tell anymore." hyunjae said 

hyungwoo didn't respond as he pushed his suitcases in as hyunjae grabbed the boxes. he watched a shorter male had grabbed the last two behind him. 

"ardyn, take those to the room at the end of the hall." hyunjae said as he stood at the front desk just tossing some keys to hyungwoo. "one of them opens your room and the other for the front door," hyunjae said 

"I don't even ing care! you're not going alone to the middle some creepy forest!" Taemin yelled as jisoo stormed past them as hyungwoo quickly pivoted not to be trampled by the smaller girl. "WHere are you going?! We both live here!" He added 

"I'm going and you can't stop me! I'll be with jaebum and jeonghan. besides, when do you care what I do? you've been more focused pleasing samia and leaving me behind!" jisoo stomped up the stairs. "jaebum, let's go!' She yelled

hyungwoo watched as another male appeared on the stairs as hyungwoo instantly grabbed a knife from his pocket as hyunjae grabbed his arm. hyungwoo felt his arm be lowered as jisoo and jaebum disappeared as Taemin kicked the railing as a few wooden rails clambered to the floor. "Why did you let her go?" Hyungwoo asked 

"We work with angels. they are the good guys," hyunjae said "besides you don't want to get involved with all of that. they do that all the time." He added as he picked up the boxes. "hey everyone! We got another one! His name is Hyungwoo! HIs room is the last one on the right!" hyunjae yelled 

"is anything that I can help with? plus when will hwiyeol get home? I need to speak to her." hyungwoo looked at hyunjae 

"not right now, I'll let you know though. I don't know - I am not her keeper. text her or go find her. nice to meet you, I'm hyunjae." He set down the boxes as he walked off. 

hyungwoo didn't respond as he pulled out his phone just texting hwiyeol that they needed to talk soon. he started to unpack as he could feel eyes on him as he turned around seeing a few girls and two guys, one he recognized being called ardyn. "Hi." Hyungwoo blinked 

"hey, hyungwoo-hyung! they wanted to meet you. this is siren, jinyoung, samia, wenji, and ahri! the rest are either working or busy." he nodded 

"hyungwoo." He turned back to unpacking. 

"okay well, if you get hungry we just wrapped up lunch so there is left over sandwich stuff in the fridge." samia said 

"okay." hyungwoo didn't look at them as he placed clothes in a drawer. he heard the door close as he sighed. he looked up to see daehee sitting in the window sill. 

"have you talked to hwiyeol yet?" He asked 

"no, she's out working a job," Hyungwoo replied. 

"it is important you know. the nightcrawler might find a host soon." daehee said, "you need to tell her." He added, "for both of your sakes." 

"I know. I will." hyungwoo glared at him. "You should leave." He added as he could hear more voices downstairs. he looked at his door then back to the window as no one was there. he walked to his door as he opened it up just heading downstairs. he walked into the room where he thought he heard hwiyeol's voice as he could see her hand some books to a taller male "hwiyeol, I need to talk you." hyungwoo walked over to them. 

hwiyeol looked up as she looked at hyungwoo. "did they help you move in okay?" She asked as hyungwoo nodded. "good, oh this is minkyu. minkyu, this is hyungwoo. he's a friend and is going to be joining us." Hwiyeol said 

"hey. nice to meet you." Minkyu held out his hand. 

"hwiyeol, this is important. it is about the nightcrawler. daehee says the thing is getting closer to securing a vessel. we need to do a ritual to block. he gave me a book - but I need help finding some of the ingredients." hyungwoo said 

"you're a witch too?" minkyu asked 

hwiyeol set down the books she was holding as she turned to hyungwoo. "why didn't you say that in the first place?" She asked 

"you didn't ask." Hyungwoo blinked. "anyway, I have it up in my room. I'll show you." hyungwoo grabbed her arm as they dusted out as minkyu waved it around just coughing. 

"Yeah, I'll just be here. It isn't like I am not a witch too, I can help." minkyu coughed a little as he spoke to himself. minkyu grabbed the stack of books as he started up the stairs only stop in the middle and turn around as Hwiyeol was carrying a basket of items as hyungwoo was carrying a pot with a book on top of it. "do you want some help?" Minkyu asked 

"Nope, just start with me out me! I'll be there an in a little bit. besides only blood witches can perform a vessel blocking hex." hwiyeol said 

"so that means he is one too? aren't you all suppose to be like super rare?" minkyu asked 

"my mom passed it down." hyungwoo pushed hwiyeol forward. hyunwoo entered the workroom as he watched hwiyeol start to set things up as he set down what he was carrying. "he's your boyfriend? he's kind of stupid in the hunting category." hyungwoo bluntly stated 

"just in the blood witch stuff.  I haven't told any of them much." hwiyeol said 

"what are you going to do? he likes you a lot." hyungwoo flipped through the book, "I can tell by his blood flow"

"I don't want to talk about that." hwiyeol shot him a look. 

"well, you need a plan." hyungwoo turned the book to her as he started helping her put everything in. 

"just cut your hand and say the spell with me." hwiyeol held out her bleeding hand as hyungwoo placed his on top of her's as they chanted something in Latin as the whole room glowed a soft red as their eyes glowed soft pinks as the spell took effect as red smoke filtered under the room and flew out in the open to go find it's target. "welcome to the family by the way." hwiyeol added as she handed him some bandages. "We should eat." She added as hyungwoo simply followed behind her. 

"what did you two do?" Joohyun looked at hwiyeol then to hyungwoo. "Hi, I am joohyun!" SHe smiled as she was heating up some crystals in a water bath. 

"hyungwoo." He sat down at the table as he watched Hwiyeol take out a few things just moving them to the table. 

"we did a vessel blocking spell. IT is really simple, but only we can do it." hwiyeol said "here you eat whatever you want. I have to go help minkyu. we are looking for the Christmas yule demon mother." hwiyeol said 

"I can help. I read about her. she steals children and takes them to the mountains." hyungwoo stood up caring the tubawere of lunch meat as he also grabbed the bag of carrots just following hwiyeol up the stairs as she was eating a tubawere of fruit. 

"great, we have to feed two blood witches. we don't have the budget on food for that." joohyun sighed. 
 hi everyone, here is hyungwoo's intro! i hope that you like him and the intro! also Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and happy holidays! i hope you all have a great time with your loved ones! :)
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hw; please read new update on updates page. it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you read it!


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Chapter 54: Bruuuuhh that twist at the end oh ma gaaad. Always welcome baaaaack
Chapter 53: Aaaahh new chapter!!!! Daaaamn les goooo !!!
Gosh. It been a long time for this fic. I haven't read a lot of it. Need to binge it.
Chapter 52: Just got back to rereading all the chapters hahahaha, glad this story is still up.
Chapter 52: Ok so first of all! I am loving this chapter! There is just so much going on and the scenes play out like a tv show.

We first have the group dealing with a creature that was summoned by someone who occupied that house and knowing this thing was ancient makes me wonder how much this person knows. Also why would that person summom that creature in the first place though? Just to terrorize a random family or something? Anyways I like Hyungwoo treating Hyejin as a rookie but also reassuring her that he does it because lives are at stake if something goes wrong.

Next is we have the TaeSoo couple doin there thing while the rest are doing some sort of ritual which went on successfully. Jeonghan MVP.

Then comes my favorite part of this chapter. The scene where they have to deal with Ardyn and Samia wanting to get down and dirty with everything that breathes. First Ardyn disappears to which I assume he goes to find someone to do the devil's tango with, then we go to Samia who just planted her lips on Jinyoung and at that moment I SCREAMED!!!! LIKE IS THIS GONNA BE A THING??? ARE THEY GONNA BE A THING NOW??? CAUSE I WILL SUPPORT THIS SHIP TO THE END!!!! And omg what is gonna happen with her just disappearing with him? Are they gonna do the devil's tango as well ahhahqhahahaha

And also that Minkyu and Jaesun confrontation was the best way to end thid chapter. Jaesun did not come to play. He will end Minkyu if it comes to it.

All in all, i enjoyed this chapter and the thing I am looking forward to the next chapter is what actually happened to haneul and why she wasnt the kick girl she used to that siren had to pour a potion on her to get her back and what would happen with Samia and Jinyoung as well as Ardyn.
Hi. I don't remember what my username was prior to my current one when I applied to the story, but Haneul was my character. Anyways, sorry for the lack of comments. I've been out of it lately and haven't really been in the mood to read or interact as much. If you haven't done it yet, you can write out my character or mention her less. ^^ sorry and thank you. Major good luck with the rest of the story and characters. I'll make another comment to your other story that I applied to as well. ^^
Chapter 50: I see they mentioned death. Like I mean death as an entity. Yowww are we gonna see "Death" in the future chapters?????? Yow this is gonna be epic!
Chapter 50: "she flirts with me?" awww so cute XD he had no idea that Joohyun was interested in him. I ship it since Jaebum had stated that his vessel is attracted to her.
Chapter 50: Awww Jisoo and Taemin becoming a couple so cute! I am very glad that Samia is cool with it and is optimistic that she would find someone else out there. Samia the real MVP.