Intro 11; Son Wenji

hunters wanted;; (apply open)

hWenji ripped a tee shirt just wrapping it around her arm as she barely missed a bullet as she ran down the street. SHe was so close to the bus stop. SHe swiped her bus pass as her jacket fell down on her shoulders as she slipped into her seat just staying out of the view of the windows. SHe wiped her face as she looked at her phone. jinsoo wasn't answering but she had found an adress that she tracked him by. SHe got off the bus once she was close the apartment as she walked up to the door as she could see the heavy blood magic protecting the enterance. She saw two boys walking out as she waved. "Hi." She said 

jinyoung looked at minkyu as he spun a knife in his hand. "should get one of the girls?" He asked 

"No, it is fine - Jinyoung." minkyu said as he held up his hand. "you can stop there. who are you?" Minkyu asked 

"Do you jinsoo? I am his friend, son wenji. I need help." Wenji said as blood drops fell on the ground 

"He is currently working. if you're hurt then you can come inside and we can help you." Minkyu said 

"there are four others over there two individuals." Jinyoung said as he watched as ardyn walked out. 

"siren wants to know what is going on?" he said as he looked at them. 

"Come on inside." Minkyu hurridly motioned wenji inside as he looked at the bos. "Go upstiars to teh fifth floor where the look out bunkers are and figure out who theh people that followed her." Minkyu said as he looked at siren as she had come back from the tattoo palor. "This is wenji, siren. i think's been shot." minkyu said

"okay. tell her to some with me." siren said 

"go with her. she can't speak but she is a good with first aid." minkyu helped wenji take her jacket off 

"thanks." wenji said as she followed Siren to a downstairs bathroom. "can one of you call jinsoo. tell him son wenji needs to talk to him." SHe said 

"yeah sure." minkyu said as he looked out his phone. HE dialed his number as jinsoo asnwered. "Hey, someone named son wenji came to the apartment building, people followed her, and she is hurt kind of badly." He said 

"I am kind of busy at the moment. taemin, throw that wooden chair. hey i got to go. Wenji is a hunter that her parents got caught up in a hunter-demon game or something. ask wonho!" jinsoo hung up on him as minkyu walked to the bathroom door. "Hey, girls. i called jinsoo but he is busy and can't come. Wenji, do you want to us tell about the other people hunting you down?" minkyu asked 

"not really." minkyu said as samia walked past. 

"Jinyoung spoke to me." She whispered. "Hi! i am samia, jinyoung thought you needed some pain medicine." she handed wenji a glass of water and some medicine. 

"thank you." Wenji took them as she blinked at them. 

"so what kind of trouble are you in?" samia asked 

"it is a game. hunters are trying to kill me." wenji said as she glared at her. "You used magic on me!" she glared 

"we had to. you won't talk to us and if we don't know anything then we can't help you."  samia siad "we are just trying to help you." sHe said as she looked at her. 

"i do not want want to get you involved." wenji said 

"this is what we do. it is why we work as a group." samia said "how is she unnie?" She asked siren

"it just cut her arm and a litte burn damage. she will be fine." siren said as she finished up. "I am going to go help joohyun with lunch." siren walked out as she moved wenji into the hall way 

wenji sighed. "look my paretns were taken by demons and then i was given a folder with lets play a game on it with a folders of people to kill and they were other hunters. Another group of hunters killed all my friends and I am just trying to surrive and maybe help others along the way." wenji said as she looked at them

"you can stay here and we can help you find out who is trying to kill you." Hwiyeol walked up just holding out a room key to her. "We can't help you unless you be honest and stay here." Hwiyeol said 

wenji sighed as she knew that she couldn't do this on her own anymore. "okay. i'll stay." sHe said 

"great later today when some of teh older ones gets home then we can go get your stuff and bring it here. come on, lets go into a work room and we can start making a plan to get this person or people." hwieyol said as she walked them to a work room. 
 hey guys! here is wenji's intro. I hope that you guys like it. 
also if you guys need a new story to apply to or want to check out then i have a few

st.  달꽃

blossom essence 
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hw; please read new update on updates page. it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you read it!


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Chapter 54: Bruuuuhh that twist at the end oh ma gaaad. Always welcome baaaaack
Chapter 53: Aaaahh new chapter!!!! Daaaamn les goooo !!!
Gosh. It been a long time for this fic. I haven't read a lot of it. Need to binge it.
Chapter 52: Just got back to rereading all the chapters hahahaha, glad this story is still up.
Chapter 52: Ok so first of all! I am loving this chapter! There is just so much going on and the scenes play out like a tv show.

We first have the group dealing with a creature that was summoned by someone who occupied that house and knowing this thing was ancient makes me wonder how much this person knows. Also why would that person summom that creature in the first place though? Just to terrorize a random family or something? Anyways I like Hyungwoo treating Hyejin as a rookie but also reassuring her that he does it because lives are at stake if something goes wrong.

Next is we have the TaeSoo couple doin there thing while the rest are doing some sort of ritual which went on successfully. Jeonghan MVP.

Then comes my favorite part of this chapter. The scene where they have to deal with Ardyn and Samia wanting to get down and dirty with everything that breathes. First Ardyn disappears to which I assume he goes to find someone to do the devil's tango with, then we go to Samia who just planted her lips on Jinyoung and at that moment I SCREAMED!!!! LIKE IS THIS GONNA BE A THING??? ARE THEY GONNA BE A THING NOW??? CAUSE I WILL SUPPORT THIS SHIP TO THE END!!!! And omg what is gonna happen with her just disappearing with him? Are they gonna do the devil's tango as well ahhahqhahahaha

And also that Minkyu and Jaesun confrontation was the best way to end thid chapter. Jaesun did not come to play. He will end Minkyu if it comes to it.

All in all, i enjoyed this chapter and the thing I am looking forward to the next chapter is what actually happened to haneul and why she wasnt the kick girl she used to that siren had to pour a potion on her to get her back and what would happen with Samia and Jinyoung as well as Ardyn.
Hi. I don't remember what my username was prior to my current one when I applied to the story, but Haneul was my character. Anyways, sorry for the lack of comments. I've been out of it lately and haven't really been in the mood to read or interact as much. If you haven't done it yet, you can write out my character or mention her less. ^^ sorry and thank you. Major good luck with the rest of the story and characters. I'll make another comment to your other story that I applied to as well. ^^
Chapter 50: I see they mentioned death. Like I mean death as an entity. Yowww are we gonna see "Death" in the future chapters?????? Yow this is gonna be epic!
Chapter 50: "she flirts with me?" awww so cute XD he had no idea that Joohyun was interested in him. I ship it since Jaebum had stated that his vessel is attracted to her.
Chapter 50: Awww Jisoo and Taemin becoming a couple so cute! I am very glad that Samia is cool with it and is optimistic that she would find someone else out there. Samia the real MVP.