Intro 09; Park Jinyoung

hunters wanted;; (apply open)
 hwiyeol waved bye to adrian as she turned to walk inside of the apartment. Her arm was connected wtih joohyun and siren. hwiyeol was confused as she followed them as joohyun had the keys to jaesun's car. "are you sure he is okay with you driving his car?" hwiyeol asked as she wasn't even going to question why she was being dragged along by the older girls. 

"yes, of course he is okay with it." joohyun said 

"do you even know how to drive?" hwiyeol asked 

"do you?" siren spoke as she opened the back door as hwiyeol got in. 

"i do but not legally." hwiyeol responded as she buckled up. she leaned in the back seat as she looked at her phone as she had mostly texts from her brother and mom to come by or be safe. she deleted most of them just leaning on the arm rest as joohyun backed out of the parking lot and started out of the onto the street. 'Please don't let me die because of a telekinesis is driving.' hwiyeol thought as she watched joohyun drive. "by the way, what exactly am i doing here?" SHe asked

"well we thought you would shake up jonghyun and you can snoop around a lot better than the rest of us. maybe leave some hex bags or something witchy that will collect information?" joohyun asked 

"well then we are going to need to make a pit stop. i don't have any materials with me." hwiyeol asked "there is a shop run by some friends of mine behind a coco curry." she added as she handed siren her phone for the directions to the place. 

"alright then." joohyun said as she turned into the right direction. joohyun drove to the correct place as she parked just looking at back at hwiyeol. "hurry up." SHE said as she looked at her. 

hwiyeol walked in to the store as she waved to the two girls at the counter. hwiyeol grabbed a shopping cart as she started grabbing the items that she needs just grabbing a few extra things as they were either out of it or she just wanted it. she walked to the counter as she placed her basket ontop as one of the girls started to check her out. hwiyeol paid as she walked out of the store to see siren was out of the car as joohyun wasn't around. "I am gone ten minutes and you kill someone?!" hwiyeol snapped 

"he is alive. help me get him in the car. jaesun is going to kill us." siren thought to her as she watched Hwiyeol place her shopping bags in the front seat as she climbed on the car as she pushed the boys legs off the side of the car just catching them as they laid him in the backseat. 

"all we need to do is get joohyun to move the metal back in place. what happened?" hwiyeol asked 

"joohyun thinks a wingged creature knocked him off the building. he is the same school unifrom as ardyn and jisoo. their school is just a couple blocks over. it is lunch time and they get to leave campus for lunch." siren said 

"it was a spell gone wrong. the blast must have disoriented him." joohyun walked up as she handed Hwiyeol the bowl of items. 

"yeah, you don't mix dragon blood and mandreke root." hwiyeol said as she looked at another car pull up as jaesun got out as she nudged joohyun who fixed the top of jaesun's car. 

"you guys take hyunjae's car and i'll drive him back to the apartment." jaesun sighed as he watched hwiyeol grab her shopping bags and following the girls. "You guys aren't even going to tell me what happened?" He asked 

"nope." joohyun said as she tossed him his keys as he caught them. 

jaesun sighed as he got in his car just driving back to the apartment. when he got back, taemin and jinsoo came outside to help him carry the boy inside just carrying him up to a free room and laying him down. 

"i will go get a first aid kit." taemin said as he walked off. 

"no need." daehwi appeared and touched boy's head. "there we go." HE said as the boy slowly opened his eyes. 

"where am i?! who are you people?!" Jinyoung yelled as he backed up to the wall, telepathically like siren could.

"we are good people and not demons. you were hurt and so i brought you here. we are all hunters well expect that one over there is an angel." jaesun said "I think you fell off a building and landed on my car." jaesun said 

"but there was girls." jinyoung rubbed his head. 

"yeah but they called me and i brought you here." jaesun said "you can stay here if you would like. we all live here. we know you are one too by the contents in your  back pack." jaesun said 

"hey he talks like siren-unnie! i brought some medicine for him." samia walked in. 

"thank you." jinyoung took the glass of water from her. "so you are that group of hutners my dad mentioned that I should talk to." jinyoung said 

"that is right. most of us are working on hunts right now. once you feel better than I take you back to school. you go to the same school as ardyn and jisoo. they are part of our group." jaesun said "this could also be your room. you coudl move in well with the permission of your parents of course." jaesun said 

"okay." jinyoung looked at them. "is it okay if i take a nap?" He asked 

"it is. though we are keeping your stuff down stairs so you don't run off." jaesun said as he guided everyone off. 

jinyoung sighed as he took off his unifrom jacket just laying back and closing his eyes. 
 hi guys is another introduction! i hope you guys like jinyoung! 
there are still a just a few spots open too!
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hw; please read new update on updates page. it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you read it!


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Chapter 54: Bruuuuhh that twist at the end oh ma gaaad. Always welcome baaaaack
Chapter 53: Aaaahh new chapter!!!! Daaaamn les goooo !!!
Gosh. It been a long time for this fic. I haven't read a lot of it. Need to binge it.
Chapter 52: Just got back to rereading all the chapters hahahaha, glad this story is still up.
Chapter 52: Ok so first of all! I am loving this chapter! There is just so much going on and the scenes play out like a tv show.

We first have the group dealing with a creature that was summoned by someone who occupied that house and knowing this thing was ancient makes me wonder how much this person knows. Also why would that person summom that creature in the first place though? Just to terrorize a random family or something? Anyways I like Hyungwoo treating Hyejin as a rookie but also reassuring her that he does it because lives are at stake if something goes wrong.

Next is we have the TaeSoo couple doin there thing while the rest are doing some sort of ritual which went on successfully. Jeonghan MVP.

Then comes my favorite part of this chapter. The scene where they have to deal with Ardyn and Samia wanting to get down and dirty with everything that breathes. First Ardyn disappears to which I assume he goes to find someone to do the devil's tango with, then we go to Samia who just planted her lips on Jinyoung and at that moment I SCREAMED!!!! LIKE IS THIS GONNA BE A THING??? ARE THEY GONNA BE A THING NOW??? CAUSE I WILL SUPPORT THIS SHIP TO THE END!!!! And omg what is gonna happen with her just disappearing with him? Are they gonna do the devil's tango as well ahhahqhahahaha

And also that Minkyu and Jaesun confrontation was the best way to end thid chapter. Jaesun did not come to play. He will end Minkyu if it comes to it.

All in all, i enjoyed this chapter and the thing I am looking forward to the next chapter is what actually happened to haneul and why she wasnt the kick girl she used to that siren had to pour a potion on her to get her back and what would happen with Samia and Jinyoung as well as Ardyn.
Hi. I don't remember what my username was prior to my current one when I applied to the story, but Haneul was my character. Anyways, sorry for the lack of comments. I've been out of it lately and haven't really been in the mood to read or interact as much. If you haven't done it yet, you can write out my character or mention her less. ^^ sorry and thank you. Major good luck with the rest of the story and characters. I'll make another comment to your other story that I applied to as well. ^^
Chapter 50: I see they mentioned death. Like I mean death as an entity. Yowww are we gonna see "Death" in the future chapters?????? Yow this is gonna be epic!
Chapter 50: "she flirts with me?" awww so cute XD he had no idea that Joohyun was interested in him. I ship it since Jaebum had stated that his vessel is attracted to her.
Chapter 50: Awww Jisoo and Taemin becoming a couple so cute! I am very glad that Samia is cool with it and is optimistic that she would find someone else out there. Samia the real MVP.