Chapter 4

Be Mine?


Once in a while, he passed his own room just to peek on the girl on how well she's doing her job. Earlier, he believed that the girl could not clean up his room for sure. It should be at least three to four persons cleaning up his room, since it is huge garbage.


He saw that girl gathering the alcohols and beers of him and lifted it up to downstairs. He saw that girl went down the stairs bringing piles of his unwashed clothes for laundry. He saw that girl kept on sighing. Yet, he still believes that, that girl couldn't complete her mission.


He saw that girl pulling out his books from the shelf. He saw his cousin, Sunggyu alarming that girl about the books. 'You don't know the story'.


Hours passed by, even he could not believe his own eyes. His room... his room is a total beauty! Very clean, from the book shelf, to the bed, to the LCD TV, to the toilet. Even the carpet is put on a right place.


He saw that girl found his guitar. He saw that girl tuning in his guitar. He saw that girl chuckling as she knew he's a kind of guy who love music. 'You don't know the story, Boyoung-shi', his heart making a little conversation.


''Because you're not living here....... For free'', he heard Sunggyu's voice from outside. He went out, finding out that Sunggyu's actually talking to Nam Boyoung.


He sighed. He saw that girl's tired face.


''Sunggyu-yah, you're hungry? Let's go out'', he found an excuse. He dragged Sunggyu from Nam Boyoung. He took a quick glance to Boyoung. Very tired.


'I never thought you could complete this thing...'


'...I shouldn't tell you to clean up earlier'




Nam Boyoung went to her room, hitting gently her shoulders. Muscles over-stretched. ‘Whether L helped me or not, I must say thanks!’ She fetched her cell phone, and looked on the watch. '6.00 p.m.??' She amazed on herself. 'I've been cleaning for about 12 hours? Half of a day??'


She went to her bath room washing up herself. As her body touched the cool water, the skin reacted. It stung! She stared on her skin. Lot of cut and bruises. 'Where did I get these?’ Right... from cleaning that guy's room.


Finished washing up and wearing fresh clothes, she went to her luggage. 'Haven't done sorting my own room, but I've done other's?' she sighed. She started organizing her things onto the shelf and wardrobe. Along with her hand sorting out her things, keeps yawning tiredly. Moments passed, and she falls asleep in the middle of her things.






Someone shouted her name. She woke up and stood up immediately. Kim Sunggyu to be appeared on the door, with his pissed off look on his face. The tired Boyoung still trying to gain her coscious back. 'Why am I still feeling tired? What time is it?’ She glanced to her cell phone lying on the middle of her things. 'Still 9.00 p.m.?!'


''Don't you think you are resting too......... early?'' he asked with his sarcastic tone. Boyoung lowered down her head. 'I'm tired', her little heart pleaded. ''In my room, by 10 seconds from now''. Boyoung widened her eyes, and rushed to leave her room and to Kim Sunggyu's in front of her room.


She looked around Sunggyu's room. 'No way'.




Boyoung's POV


''Good luck, sister'', wished Sunggyu's while his hand gently rubbing my head, and leave, just like that. I am not a puppy! I sighed. What am I going to do with this room? Another L's room? If L's room required half of a day cleaning it, then Sunggyu's........ At least let me sleep first?


You all are just like Nam Woohyun, has this drinker habits. You three can make a good friend to each other. I can guarantee! I sighed. It's already night. Night is usually for sleep, not for cleaning. I am not a vampire.


I started gathering all glasses and bottles into plastic bags. ''AWW!'' my hand bleed! Kim Sunggyu, how can you sleep in such a room full of broken glasses? I groaned silently. It stung! I went to my room and started nursing the large open wound on my palm. I sighed. This will take another day to finish up.


I clashed with Woohyun when I opened my room's door. He smirked, ''shouldn't it be nap time already? Oh... Sunggyu's room now? Sure, good luck'', and just left to his own room. I feel like to cry now. You came here with me, yet why do the treatment very distinct?


I went back to Sunggyu's room. As usual, I piled up his clothing first, into a basket, no, two baskets. I'll wash them tomorrow morning. No. I should wash them today! I lifted one of the baskets down to the laundry room, and went back upstairs to bring another one. Brushing and brushing and brushing.


I went back to his room, and started on his book shelf. I pulled them out and piled them up on the floor. Most of them are just comics and magazines. While pulling out, a paper slit between them sliding out. Seems like a photo. I picked it up, and saw.... a photo of a beautiful lady. Her dark natural wavy hair, her genuine smile, and her perfect features body. When a girl amazed on other girl on their beauty, it means that girl is truthfully pretty.


''Yah, what are you looking at!'' Sunggyu's shouted, and make me jumped. I stood up immediately and hid the photo on my back. ''No- nothing'', I answered him. He went closer and snatched the photo from my back. He stared on the photo. I could feel his face softened as he looked thoroughly on the photo. Who is she? Who is she to him?


''You should be working on the books! Not digging people's things!'' he yelled again, and left the room after that. I sighed. That's not my intention. ''Finish it up!'' he shouted from far. YES, SIR! I started re-arranging the books properly, but then I spot a notebook. It is a book with music sign on the front.


No, no, Boyoung! Don't open it up! Let's just have a little look on it? I smiled as I opened the book. It's a composition book. Kim Sunggyu knows how to compose song? Is he that type of guy? I flipped another pages and one song caught my attention. ''Can you smile?''


Even the composition is in right place, and the lyrics quite catchy, which make me, sang quietly, ''and can you smile, niga weonhajana, niga barajanha, nae mam maneuroneun, neol jabeul suga obtneungabwa...''


''Some people should smile too'', I voiced out, although I know there's no one in the room except me. I sighed. I stood up, and started cleaning in a FULL SPEED! Because that FULL SPEED, I keep on falling here and there, hitting my head and my nose, bleed my hand and foot. It's fine! As long as it finished!




The sun rises up already. Nam Boyoung went out to the balcony and sat. She just finished cleaning Kim Sunggyu's room. Now, even the body couldn't obey the brain. The body is too weak and no energy left even just to walk. She just sat there lying her head on the round table, and slowly fall into a deep sleep.


Someone entered the balcony and saw Nam Boyoung. He saw the wounded hand of her. He sighed. He approached her closer. He smiled.


''You're cute actually''



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7deadlysins #1
super entertaining,forgot that its 3am here already! hwaiting author-nim >.<
Update soon :)
Do they all fall in love with her??
Update soon! ^^
i hope she ends up with myungsoo :3
Your friend is lucky!!!
The laughing part also made me laugh too
You are a fast updater!!!!
hhahhahaha Ipod Nano is quite affordable tho, nowadays, I gave my friends Ipod Nano as birthday presents :P
Chocolato #8
more competition ??? hahahs

and wow, to boyoung willingly give her iPod away to eunji. iPod's not cheap!
littleocean : keep on loving! thaaaaank you~~ ^^ XD

ZuZuKim : waaaaaaah jinjja! jeongmal!(thats all I know T.T) Eunji is the key role now XDD thank you~~
eunji jongmal ka awayy XD hahaha
nice update :D