Chapter 11

Be Mine?


Kim Sunggyu walked Nam Boyoung to the nearby market to buy some things needed for the barbeque night. ''Boyoung-ah'', called Sunggyu. Boyoung glanced to him, ''hm?''


''How's your first impression to us? Me, L, Sungyeol?'' he shoots the question directly. Boyoung stared on his face. ''Why you're asking?'' she asked him back. Sunggyu exhaled the air, ''just asking''. 'I want to know', stated Sunggyu heartly.


Boyoung, without being suspicious, she nodded. ''Hm... L-shi-'', she answered, ''first impression, right?''. Sunggyu smiled when Boyoung wanted to confirm it again. ''Myungsoo-shi's pretty handsome, he smiled to me before everyone did so, but...'', she sighed, ''I'll skip the critical part, bwehehehe'', she grinned. Sunggyu chuckled on her jokes. He knew that Boyoung doesn't want to ruin the first impression of L. ''He's nice, and still handsome'', she continued.


''You already called him Myungsoo?'' he asked. ''He told me his name, Kim-Myung-soo'', she answered. Sunggyu inhaled, 'even Myungsoo changed?' He chuckled, ''what about Sungyeol?''


''Sungyeol-shi~'', she called out the name, ''he's tall!'' Sunggyu raised his eyebrows, ''he is~''. ''He's someone whom couldn't be trigger with a thing, and could be trigger with a thing'', she continued. Sunggyu looked front, 'Sungyeol? Yes he is, the only thing that can affect him is her mother only', thought Sunggyu.


''But he's strong though, he endures pain calmly, I respect him for that'', stated Boyoung. Sunggyu smirked, 'yeah yeah, even Sungyeol?'


''And for Sunggyu-shi!'' she shouted. Sunggyu widened his eyes, wondering. ''My first impression to you was very bad!'' Sunggyu chuckled, ''really? Why?''. Boyoung smirked, ''what do you think?'' and a flick landed on her forehead in a speed of light!


Boyoung flinched in pain. ''Don't joke around again'', Sunggyu ordered, then chuckled. ''Arasso'', she obeyed, ''Sunggyu-shi is someone with woman problem''. Sunggyu stared on her face, ''yah, I'm not!'' ready to flicked. ''It's just my first impression, first-impression'', she stated clearly.


''Arasso, continue'', said Sunggyu, willing to understand her statement. ''That's all, Kim Sunggyu is a sort of person who's got woman problem'', she stated again. Sunggyu chuckled and looked up to the sky. ''And a great composer too''. Sunggyu widened his eyes and quickly turned to Boyoung. Boyoung dusted off her scarf that's wrapped on her neck. 'I wonder if I misheard or what', guessed Sunggyu, 'but why do I hope that she means it'.


He sighed. ''Nam Woohyun-'', she said, grabbing Sunggyu's attention. ''You're not doing well with him, Sunggyu-shi''. Sunggyu inhaled the cold air that night. ''That Nam Woohyun, I couldn't understand him'', he answered, he remembered that Woohyun's behavior always changed 90 degrees. Using Nam Boyoung as the hidden card. He chuckled.


''Why~?'' asked Boyoung, caught Sunggyu's chuckling alone. ''Tell me, what do you think of him'', questioned Sunggyu, with a smile. Boyoung blinked her eyes repeatedly, ''he's scary'', and nodded eagerly. Sunggyu stared on her face. ''He's exactly look like you, a Nam version of Kim Sunggyu''.


''Like me?'' asked Sunggyu, ''am I scary?''. Boyoung nodded hesitantly. With his cold eyes, he glared through Boyoung's eyes, making Boyoung stepped backward. He chuckled lastly, ''is it that scary?''. Boyoung nodded again, ''exactly like Woohyun''. Sunggyu went silent. 'Guess we're the same though'.


''I thought you two can be a good brothers'', she hoped. Sunggyu looked away to the sky when she said that. He sighed.




He waited Boyoung outside the market. He checked his cellphone, swapping in and out. The wallpaper of his phone... 'Jung Eunji' he sighed. He remembered what Boyoung just said, 'aren't you tired? Holding on someone this long?' Never thought about it so far, now that she brings that up, 'it does make me tired'.


He stared on his wallpaper longer. 'Should I let you go?' he sighed again. Boyoung made him very affected. He smiled, 'I'll let you go, I should'. He went to Delete pad, and clicked!




''Aren't you...''


A quite well-known voice could be heard from his left, the owner of the voice that he has been missing like hell, making him glanced to his left. His body, all of a sudden burned in coldness. His heartbeat, all of a sudden, stopped, rather than beating hardly. He didn't talk, but quickly looked away.


''Sunggyu-ah, it's been awhile, right?''


That lady approached him, smiling and greeting him brightly. Sunggyu hold his expression calmly. He looked back to that girl, ''yes Eunji, it's been awhile, right?'' His heart beating very unstable now. He could feel cold sweats start to flow.


The loud hissing sound of market's door was opened could be hear loudly. Sunggyu turned to it, and found out that Nam Boyoung staring at them without blinking. ''Nam Boyoung'', his mouth suddenly called out her name without hesitant.


Eunji glanced to Boyoung then back to Sunggyu. Her expression changed vividly. Boyoung bowed respectly, ''anyeong~ I'm Boyoung~'', she greeted. Eunji stared on Sunggyu, biting her bottom lips. ''My sister'', he introduced. Eunji chuckled in relief, ''anyeong~ I'm Eunji, Sunggyu's...friend'', with her eyes gazed to Sunggyu.


Sunggyu looked away. Boyoung on the other hand, impressed when Sunggyu actually introduced her as his sister. Boyoung smiled, ''I'm going first, you two have some talks first'', and straight away left the area. 'Right~ you two need to talk, and that's how Sunggyu can be deal with', thought Boyoung.


'You'll die, Nam Boyoung', thought Sunggyu, when Boyoung left the two alone. He sighed. He looked up on Eunji. He smiled weakly.


'Do you have to come when I just start to move on?'



tell me how's the story goes on? XD

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7deadlysins #1
super entertaining,forgot that its 3am here already! hwaiting author-nim >.<
Update soon :)
Do they all fall in love with her??
Update soon! ^^
i hope she ends up with myungsoo :3
Your friend is lucky!!!
The laughing part also made me laugh too
You are a fast updater!!!!
hhahhahaha Ipod Nano is quite affordable tho, nowadays, I gave my friends Ipod Nano as birthday presents :P
Chocolato #8
more competition ??? hahahs

and wow, to boyoung willingly give her iPod away to eunji. iPod's not cheap!
littleocean : keep on loving! thaaaaank you~~ ^^ XD

ZuZuKim : waaaaaaah jinjja! jeongmal!(thats all I know T.T) Eunji is the key role now XDD thank you~~
eunji jongmal ka awayy XD hahaha
nice update :D