Lunch with the Devil

Junhyung's Model = DEVIL'S SLAVE

Eunji glanced at the guy beside her and internally cursed him to death. So what if he was Yong Junhyung and he was one of the most good looking guys she had ever seen? He black mailed her!! BLACKMAILED!

Eunji noticed at Junhyung didn't really pay attention during class. His hands never stopped moving though, constantly writing something on the paper.

Even with the lack of attention given to the teacher, when he was picked up to answer a question, he knew the answer from the top of his head without even needing to think for more than a moment.

Eunji highly expected his brain was of equivalent level to Einstein and Thomas Edison. His looks was equivalent to a Kpop star. His artistic talent was equivalent to Da Vinci.

He would have been perfect if his character wasn't equivalent to that of the devil's.

A paper was tossed onto her desk and she blinked. Unravelling it slowly, she read the message that was written on it in a wonderfully artistic handwriting.

'Stop staring at me and focus on your books Kang Eunji. Your small brain can't handle two things at the same time.'

Eunji fumed and looked at Junhyung who was smirking in his seat. *GAAHD I REALLY HATE HIM!!!*



Just then, the bell for break time rang. Eunji jumped up from her seat, excited. She couldn't wait to get away from the devil. She couldn't wait to see her Seyong Oppa. Most importantly, she couldn't wait to EAT!

Before she could dart out of the door, a hand gripped her wrist strongly and pulled her back, causing her to land back into her chair. "Owwie!" Eunji helped and rubbed her .

Junhyung smirked at her. "Don't tell me you forgot you're eating lunch with me, Kang Eunji."

Eunji's eyes widened. She really did forget. When she got all focused on cursing him in her mind, she totally forgot about what he said in the beginning.

Eat lunch with the devil? *NOOOO!!!! I wanted to eat with Seyong Oppa!!!* Eunji banged her head on the table, literally.

Junhyung picked her head up. "Don't destroy your face, I don't want to paint someone with a dented head."

Eunji growled and tried to hit Junhyung with her fists, but Junhyung's longer arm kept Eunji's head from advancing nearer to him. Her arms swung weakly in the air.

All of a sudden, her stomach began letting out a terrific monstrous sound. Eunji's fists froze in mid air as she met Junhyung's gaze.

Before she knew it, the devil began laughing at her like it was the funniest thing on earth. She didn't notice the rest of the Beast members looking at Junhyung in awe nor did she notice the envious looks sent by other girls in the class.

"Yah!" Eunji roared, red in the face.

Junhyung chuckled heartily. "You don't act like a girl at all."

Eunji huffed angrily, wanting to stomp away but Junhyung held her back. He made her walk with the Beast members to the cafeteria.

It attracted a whole lot if attention. Sunhee was already sitting with MyName and they had saved her a place. Seyong's eyes widened when he saw Eunji come into view with six hot guys.

Seyong was not the only one shocked. Insoo jumped from his seat and his mouth opened wide. "! Is that my sister with the junior kingkas?" he yelped in surprise.

He stormed over to Beast and Eunji, fuming. "Kang Eunji, we saved you a seat." he prompted.

Eunji threw him a look that called for desperate SOS, but Junhyung misinterpreted it as unwillingness. "Eunji has to sit with me." Junhyung notified nonchalantly.

"Mwo?" Junhyung's face turned red in disbelief and anger. "Why does she have to sit with you?"

Junhyung slung his arm round Eunji and smirked. Eunji's heart thumped loudly, not from anticipation, but of fear of what that devil would blurt in front of her brother. If he dared tell about the mouth to mouth episode, Eunji swore she's not going to let him off that easily.

Junhyung grinned at Eunji and glanced at the now confused and fuming Insoo. "Insoo Hyung," he started.

"Hyung??" Insoo yelped. "Since when were we close?"

Junhyung ignored him and continued talking. "Me and Eunji. We are...." Insoo stared, waiting for the darn devil to continue his sentence. Seyong even moved out of his seat to hear better. He most definitely wasn't going to lose his love of his life to some guy Eunji just met.

"Friends." Junhyung beamed, which the fact that his lips could actually smile made the whole cafeteria gasp in surprise.

Eunji blinked. She heaved a sigh of relief as she glanced up at Junhyung who was smirking. He seemed to have a great time in scaring the wits out of her.

"Friends?" Insoo repeated. He looked at Eunji. "You're friends with him? Yong Junhyung who never talked to anyone else out of Beast?"

Eunji smiled sheepishly. "I guess so..." she replied after Junhyung shot her a glare to dare her to say otherwise.

Gunwoo came into view to interrupt the scene. "Insoo don't make such a big scene about your sister making friends." he chided. He smiled at Beast and Eunji. "Since our dear dongsaeng is now your friend, I guess we can share the table from now on."

Eunji's heart sank. *NOO!!! I want to share the table only with MyName Oppa's! I don't want to be with the devil Junhyung!*

Sunhee sent questioning looks to Eunji as they settled at the table. Eunji signaled that she and Junhyung were just friends, but Sunhee seemed to think something was off. Eunji never felt so grateful to someone, when Kikwang interrupted Sunhee's train of thoughts, trying to gain her attention. Sunhee then tried to ignore Kikwang and get Gunwoo's attention.

Eunji got sat beside her favorite Seyong Oppa and she smiled brilliantly. Seyong beamed a her and gave some of his meat on his late and placed it on hers. "Eat more." he told her softly.

Eunji smiled sweetly and nodded. "Neh! Seyong Oppa you're so nice!" she didn't care about how others saw her, and she gobbled down the food being the always hungry pig she was. Insoo did have a reason for calling her that.

"Can't you eat like a girl?"

Eunji was suddenly awakened from her dream of dining together with Seyong alone, when she heard the stupid devil's voice. She turned to her other side where Junhyung was seated and glared at him.

"I eat just fine." she defended.

Junhyung shrugged. "Just fine. Like a pig." he whispered.

Eunji fumed, but she didn't want Seyong to see that side of her. She took a deep breath and tried to control her temper. "You're lucky Seyong Oppa is here and I don't want to lose my temper in front of him." she hissed.

Junhyug shrugged. He watched her try to ignore him and talk to Seyong. He poked her from the side and enjoyed the scene of her wriggling in her seat and trying to keep a straight face.

He noticed her disliking for vegetables and purposely dumped the whole lot of his veggies on her plate. He spun a whole story of how they met on the beach where Eunji worked part time in the holidays, enjoying how she tried to clear the rumors and keeping their relationship as clean as possible n

By far, it was the best lunch Yong Junhyung had ever eaten.

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please come back author-nim! T-T
14 streak #2
Chapter 70: Rereading this story~~~~~~~~~ loved it!!! ❤❤❤❤
This story was so good! Read every single chapter with excitement ❤️❤️ Good job !!
Chapter 70: I love every single thing about this story
Chapter 70: yeah i also reread this again.
never bore me
I'm rereading this again and I just realized I never subscribed?? I guess I always get so into the story that I forget to subscribe ^^;
Re-reading this again. This is like my... fourth time reading this story. In love with it!!
Omuiyuni #8
Chapter 70: I read 70 chapters in a few hours? Am I a monster? Or your story is too good? I LOVE THIS TOO MUCH FOR WORDS OMG ♡♡