Were Devils supposed to be Annoying?

Junhyung's Model = DEVIL'S SLAVE

After the "screaming-at-Junhyung" episode, Eunji had thought that perhaps Junhyung would feel a little guilty about disrupting her date with Seyong, and treat her a little better.

But she was wrong. . . Hella wrong.

"Kang Eunji, do my homework for me." Junhyung threw his books on her table. Eunji's eyes widened and she huffed irritably. "But it's math!"

Junhyung raised a brow. "So? Practice makes perfect. Especially if you do it twice." he grinned, and walked away.

Eunji clutched her fists and growled inwardly.


"Kang Eunji, I don't like your hair in a ponytail. Let it down." Junhyung tugged at her hair, causing the entire bun to fall gracefully on her shoulders.

Junhyung's eyes widened slightly. He never expected she looked so good with her hair down. They had a natural curl to them, and they looked so soft as if she was filming some sort of advertisement for them.

Her hair was just a little below her shoulders, and they made her look cuter and more adorable as compared to the usual pony tail she was used to.

Eunji on the other hand felt really irritated. She was used to her hairstyle since she was young, and her brother has laughed about her bowl cut when she was young. Hence she decided to tie her hair up and never let it down unless it was time to sleep.

"Yah Yong Junhyung!" Eunji huffed.

Junhyung broke out of his trance and threw her a smirk. "Keep it that way. Im going to take every one of these from your hair when I see you with it." he twirled the rubber band round his fingers.

Eunji blinked confusedly. Why did he want her to let her hair down?

Junhyung leant nearer to her ear and whispered. "You look like a mob upside down."



It was the weekends once again. How Eunji survived another week of torture with Junhyung as her master was beyond her. She must have some sort of high tolerance power she was inborn with that she didn't know about.

She looked forward to spending her time with her MyName oppas. After the so called "date" on Valentines day (which was unfortunately ruined by Junhyung), Seyong and Eunji seemed a little closer. Not as polite, but a little more warm to each other.

They would sneak glances at each other and smile when they got caught in the act. She would stare at him dreamily while her MyName Oppas were fooling around, not paying attention to them. He would watch her by the back when she didn't know, relishing the little times they had together.

She didn't have any reason to spend time with Seyong alone, so the only time she could see him was when the whole of MyName was around. And in her every of him, Junhyung would seem to come in somewhere.

He would appear and make snark remarks. He would suddenly message her to give her an errand. He would whisk her away for their modeling sessions just when she only got to smile at Seyong for a second.

Eunji hoped this weekend, Junhyung wouldn't appear again. She hoped to have some time for her fangirling over Seyong, which was necessary for some obsessed fan like her.

Insoo and her were just going out to meet MyName and Sunhee who were waiting for them at the nearby shopping mall, when someone called Eunji's name.

"Yah Kang Eunji!"

Eunji froze on the spot. That voice. That three syllabus. Oh god she never hated her name so much! But when HE said it...

Eunji whipped around, and sure enough, Junhyung was leaning against his luxury car and smirking at her. "Going somewhere? Kang Eunji?"

Insoo raised his brows. "Aren't you coming with MyName, pig?"

Eunji tried to nod but Junhyung beat her to it by slinging his arm round her shoulder and grinning politely at Insoo. "I'm afraid not. She's going with me today."

Eunji shot him a look. Insoo frowned. "Again?" he questioned. "Are you sure you two aren't together?"

Eunji's eyes widened as she gasped. "Of course-"

"Insoo Hyung I heard you like ballet." Junhyung started conversationally. "The Seoul International Troupe is performing later and I have spare tickets. I wonder if you want to-"

"I'LL TAKE IT!" Insoo blurted and snatched the tickets out of Junhyung's hands. He whipped a wide smile for Eunji and waved. "Have fun with Junhyung, pig! Oppa will see you to tonight!" with that, he practically flew away with utmost enthusiasm.

Eunji pouted. *Betrayer.* she turned up and met Junhyung's annoying but handsome smirk. "Since when did we arrange to meet today?"

Junhyung smirked and tapped her nose while his other hand grabbed her by her wrist. "You don't ARRANGE to meet with your master, Kang Eunji. You just COMPLY."

Eunji gave an irritated expression. *My Seyong Oppa....* she gave a little pout. Junhyung chuckled to himself and pulled her towards his car. *I like all your expressions Kang Eunji. I don't know why, but even a little pout can make me feel happy.*



"So why are we here?" Eunji blinked. They had arrived at the biggest stationary store ever in the whole of Seoul. There were different crayons, color pencils, paints, watercolors....

It's an Artist Paradise.

Junhyung smirked. "To buy my art materials of course." Eunji frowned. "Why do we have to buy it if you have tons of those at the art studio, and you have a manager to do all these?"

Junhyung smirked and tapped her nose. "To..." he whispered. Eunji gulped as he leaned nearer, his face just inches from hers.

*He's really good looking up close.* she suddenly thought.

"Annoy you." Junhyung laughed as he walked away. Eunji grumbled under her breath and shot daggers at Junhyung's back with her eyes.

"Don't glare at me like that." Junhyung suddenly said even though he was back facing her. "I can feel it okay?"

Eunji froze. "Woah supernatural!" she gasped. Junhyung chuckled as he continued walking, passing a mirror. *That Babo.*

Junhyung sent her around the store and dumped a million art materials in her hands, not willing for her to get a trolley or basket instead. Eunji had to struggled around the store with her hands filled with paintbrushes and whatnot, looking totally pathetic.

Tubes of paint and crayons fell from her hands and she had to keep picking them up. She stood up again, only to frown. Junhyung was nowhere in sight.

She blinked as she searched around for him. "Yah Yong Junhyung!" she yelled, attracting several annoyed looks.

She bit her lip as she went about looking for him. He had disappeared all of a sudden, and even though she hated him with a passion, she couldn't help this worry that was growing in her heart.

"Yah Yong Junhy-" Eunji called out again as she turned the corner. Her eyes widened and she let go of all the art materials in her hands, and they fell on the ground, sprawled out.

"KYAAAAAA!!!!" Eunji covered her eyes and cowered behind a shelf. She opened one eye and saw the object of horror coming nearer.

"KYAAAAAA!!!" She screamed again.

She was snapped out of her own devastating world when she heard laughter. Junhyung was clutching his stomach and laughing hard. At her.

Eunji growled softly when she saw what he had done. He splattered red and brown paint over his white shirt and it looked like be was injured from head go toe.

Eunji had thought she met someone who had fought in the war or something. And she screamed.

"Yah Yong Junhyung!" Eunji yelled. "You scared me!"

Junhyung chuckled again and went closer to her. Eunji took a step back, seemingly afraid. Junhyung shook his head in amusement and took her hand to feel his shirt.

"It's paint, Kang Eunji. Don't tell me you were afraid of paint?" Junhyung frowned.

Eunji hit his chest. "I was scared!" she trembled as she retorted weakly. "I thought...I thought.." her bottom lip wobbled.

Junhyung softened and took her in his arms. Had he scared her that much? He should have known she couldn't take this sort of joke, she was too innocent.

Junhyung her hair softly, realizing how nice she smelt. She fitted in his arms, like she belonged there all along.

Eunji broke away after a while, not knowing what to feel. Irritated that he played a trick on her? But was she feeling strange when he hugged her? It felt safe and right.

Junhyung poked her forehead. Eunji looked at him curiously in response.

"The babo's bleeding too."

Eunji looked down at her shirt and noticed the red paint from Junhyung's short had been transferred to hers.

"YAH YONG JUNHYUNG! This was a new shirt!!!"

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please come back author-nim! T-T
14 streak #2
Chapter 70: Rereading this story~~~~~~~~~ loved it!!! ❤❤❤❤
This story was so good! Read every single chapter with excitement ❤️❤️ Good job !!
Chapter 70: I love every single thing about this story
Chapter 70: yeah i also reread this again.
never bore me
I'm rereading this again and I just realized I never subscribed?? I guess I always get so into the story that I forget to subscribe ^^;
Re-reading this again. This is like my... fourth time reading this story. In love with it!!
Omuiyuni #8
Chapter 70: I read 70 chapters in a few hours? Am I a monster? Or your story is too good? I LOVE THIS TOO MUCH FOR WORDS OMG ♡♡