Not Today

Betting on Boredom

Na Ri was in full scale sneaking mode. She knew she couldn't avoid it forever, but for the time being she was going to put it off for as long as possible. Over the next several days whenever she would happen to see either her Professor or Taeyong her fight or flight insticnts kicked in. Normally she would fight, but considering her desire to 'pretend like the problem didn't exist' it left her with only one option, flight. Thus began what Ten had dubbed the "Worst Escapes in Na Ri History" list.

  1. Barrel rolled over the hedges and onto a napping student upon seeing Taeyong
  2. Darted into the boys bathroom when spotting the professor, but screamed and ran out when faced with Taeyong in the very bathroom washing his hands
  3. Had actually JUMPED OUT a window (on the first floor) when the professor walked into the library
  4. Shut herself in the fridge when Taeyong had walked into the common room (had to call Seulgi to come rescue her when she couldn't open it from the inside)

Na Ri had to admit they weren't some of her finest moments but she wasn't about to have to deal with what she had decided would be one of the lowest moments in her writing career, writing about Taeyong and his dance compititon. So what if he was insanely good looking and could dance, there were a lot more important things in the world that she could be spending her time writing about or paying attention to. Of course when she told her friends this they just proceeded to point out that she ran several writing blogs, and one of them was entirely about cryptids. She had then thrown her fries at them before retreating to her dorm room.

Eventually however the day came for when she finally had to face the music and deal with the assignment. However it was entirely not because she had put her big girl pants on and decided to do it, rather it was Taeyong plopping his tray down across from her at the canteen and sitting down at lunch. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked a slight edge to her voice, her eyes quickly scanning to see if she could make a quick exit.

"I'm eating lunch," Taeyong replied nonchalantly picking up his chopsticks.

"Why are you eating lunch here?" Na Ri asked tersely, telling herself to keep her cool.

"This is the canteen right?" Taeyong asked looking around. "People eat here don't they?"

Na Ri bit her lip before sighing. "I mean why are you sitting across from me." She specified.

"Well you see there's a little rumor running around that you're supposed to be writing a piece on me and my dance competition." Taeyong replied playing with his rice. "And there's also the rumor that you're avoiding me like the plague so I figured I'd save you the trouble and come to you instead of you coming to me." Finally shoveling some rice in his way-too-perfect mouth. It really wasn't fair, the boy could eat all the time and he was still extremely thin.

Na Ri felt like face planting into her own rice. "Do you always listen to rumors?" She asked eyeing him across the table.

Taeyong swallowed. "Not really, but your professor came to find me and asked me how I felt about the piece. Don't worry I covered your ." Na Ri frowned realizing that Taeyong had saved her from a very awkward conversation with her professor. "So whenever you decide to actually get your act together I'm ready.  I can answer any question, any time, and I'm always willing to show you some of my moves."

Na Ri grimaced and looked down at her lunch. Her appetite was definitely ruined. "Well I'll let you know when that happens but it's not today, now excuse me I think I've had as much of your presence that I can take at one time." She said standing up picking her tray up as well.

"Wait! Are you going to eat that?" He asked nodding to her almost untouched tray. Na Ri sighed and rolled her eyes before slamming her tray down in front of him and leaving the canteen. Yes her appetite was definitely ruined.

She was on her way to find Seulgi to mope about having a perfectly good lunch ruined when an enigma crossed her path. That enigma's name was Nakamoto Yuta, japanese exchange student on a scholarship for football. It was a well known fact that he had fallen head over heals for Seulgi, well...well known to everyone except Seulgi. What made him an enigma however was that fact that he had latched onto Taeyong and they had quickly become best friends. Na Ri didn't understand how she got along with and liked Yuta fairly well yet he was also friends with Taeyong; it just didn't compute in her mind that it might be possible.

"Hey-oh!" Yuta said holding his hand up for a high five when he saw her. "How's little miss fiesty doing this fine afternoon?"

Na Ri smiled and rolled her eyes, but high fived him anyways. "Oh just running away from my problems, you know, the usual. What have you been up too?"

Yuta shurgged "Nothing super exciting, just about to head to my language class, then to practice for the big game tomorrow."

"Big game?" Na Ri asked. She wasn't super up to date on the sports teams on campus and usually only went if Seulgi or Ten dragged her to one. She didn't have anything against them persay but there was a reason she didn't write the sports column for the paper, she was absolutely clueless.

"Yeah the Big game!" Yuta said brightening up at being given the chance to take about football. "Where have you been under a rock?! We have the first game of the tournemant tomorrow! I know Minho is going to be there to write an article for the paper, don't tell me you hadn't heard."

"Sorry Yuta, been kinda focused on other things..." Na Ri apologized, she figured that she'd end up getting dragged to several of these games this semester by Seulgi.

"Are these other things that article you're supposed to be writing? Taeyong was telling me about that and how you've been avoiding him." Yuta said looking at her suspiciously. 

Na Ri screwed up her face in disgust. "Ugh, don't remind me. I just want it to be over with already."

"Hey, you're the one who keeps putting it off not me" Yuta replied holding up his hands in defense. "Anyway...can I count on you and Seulgi coming to see me play?" He continued dropping his hands and looking hopeful.

"I have a feeling that we will definitely be there." Na Ri replied, knowing that once she brought it up to Seulgi there was no way they wouldn't be going.

"Awesome! I'll be counting on you guys to be cheering for me." Yuta said going for another high five, which Na Ri returned.

"Don't worry Yuta, I'm sure even if we weren't going you would still have a pretty big cheer section." Na Ri replied

Yuta shook his head, "Maybe, but it's a lot more meaningful when its someone you like........WAIT!" Yuta quickly tried to backtrack as Na Ri raised her eyebrow at him. "I MEAN LIKE AS IN FRIENDS, PEOPLE I KNOW!"

"Uh huh, sure you did. Enjoy your class" Na Ri said laughing mostly to herself as she waved bye to the boy who sheepishly waved back, red in the face.

Na Ri continued on her way to find Seulgi, dispite her anger already having disappated after talking with Yuta. She shot a text to Ten asking if he was out of class yet before arriving at the radio station. Behind the front desk this time sat Jae, a pretty skinny guy with glasses, who apparently was in one of JYP's classes but Na Ri had a really hard time believing the man taught.

"Hey Jae is Seulgi here?" She asked after pulling his attention away from the laptop that was in front of him.

"Nope, She isn't scheduled today and she hasn't been by since I've been here." Jae replied leaning back in his chair.

Na Ri sighed before thanking Jae and leaving the building. She tried calling Seulgi but it went straight to voice mail. "Where the heck could she be?" Na Ri asked herself looking frustrated at her phone before heading off to the dorms where she figured she could at least wait for Ten to be done with class.

Boys and girls lived in seperate dorms on campus but that didn't stop them from being able to visit during the day....and at night if you didn't get caught. She waltzed in past the front desk of Ten's dorm and headed up to the third floor where he lived. Without knocking she threw open the door and barged in giving Ten's roommate a heart attack as he fell out of his desk chair to the floor. "Holy Lord Na Ri!" He yelled at her with his hand over his heart. "Learn to knock! What if I had been changing?"

Na Ri plopped herself down on Ten's bed and shrugged. "And that's a problem why? Ten said I was welcome here anytime so this is basically my room as well."

"Ten's not here, and this is my room too and I say you have to at least knock before entering or I'll start locking the door on you." The boy threatened returning to his seat.

"Ugh, fine, geez lighten up Johnny. " Na Ri pouted at him.

"I should be allowed a bit of privacy in my own room..." Johnny grumbled turning back around to his computer. Na Ri could see he had been in the middle of a match in Overwatch and it looked like his team wasn't doing well.

Na Ri figured she better not push her luck by saying anything else to him so she busied herself with checking twitter and instagram while she waited for Ten to show up. Her favorite photographer had updated with some new photos he had taken over the weekend and Na Ri was pleased to see that some photos from campus had made the cut. NCT 127 was an anonymous photographer that had popped up the year before and was quickly gaining attention across the country for his amazing photos. His decision for being anonymous was unknown but Na Ri was determined to find out why and if she happened to find out who he was on the way that wouldn't be so bad either. So far she had determined that he attended the same university as her which she saw as a sign that this was meant to be and she was supposed to find out who he was. 

Na Ri was lost in thought studying 127's most recent photos to even notice Ten arriving back at his dorm. He didn't seem surprised to find Na Ri there and after throwing his backpack on the ground he jumped on the bed next to her looking to see what she was so enveloped in. He sighed when he saw the photos. "Oh my god, really Na Ri?" He asked giving her a look that screamed 'are you kidding me'. "You don't even know who this guy is and you're practically in love with him. What if it turns out to be one of the professors? What if it was JYP?"

Na Ri rolled her eyes. "JYP still uses a flip phone I doubt he could even figure out how to take pictures like this."

"What if you found out NCT 127 was Taeyong what would you do?" Ten asked raising his eyebrows at her.

"Don't even say something like that!" Na Ri shuddered at the thought. "I think I would actually cry if that happened."

"You're hopeless." Ten said ruffling her hair, messing it up in the process and practically knocking her glasses off her face. "Oh yeah what was it that was so urgent that you texted me in the middle of class?"

"Well I couldn't find Seulgi anywhere and she wasn't answering her phone so...." Na Ri started but Ten quickly interrupted.

"Wait if this is about Taeyong I don't want to hear a single word." He said putting his hand up.

Na Ri opened and closed a few times, no words coming out because yes she was going to complain about Taeyong. Johnny snorted over at his desk when she didn't say anything reminding Na Ri that he was there. "Oh shut up Johnny." She grumbled before falling back on the bed.





DJPringle: So guys what did I miss today?


Tenoutof10: Twenty bucks she was napping

DJPrinlge: I was napping

DJPringle: Go jump off a bridge Ten

Tenoutof10: I would but my life is worth too much, I'm going to be famous one day

NaReally: I can't believe you were napping I needed you!! Yeah...sure...famous...

Tenoutof10: Binch

DJPringle: Listen Na Ri I needed that nap. Taeyong drama can wait.

NaReally: .....I didn't even say it was about Taeyong

DJPrinlge: Am I wrong?


DJPringle: Exactly


I really love this chapter.

I don't know what it is but I love writing for these characters they're so fun.

Hope you enjoy!

Much Love,


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I'm STILL ALIVE!! There's been complications with my schedule that have kept me from writing, also I've struggled a bit with what I want to write. Also Woojin "left" Stray Kids and it's been....hard to say the least. But don't worry, I will be back soon!


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Chapter 16: Dearest Ashton, I just wanted to tell you that this story is absolutely amazing and that I’m really looking forward to the next update. Do update when you get the time because this honestly is an amazing story.❤️💕
Chapter 5: I’m honestly baffled at myself for not finding this story earlier because the feels this story is giving me is just so.... heol I don’t even know the word for it. Anyways I’m glad I came across this story and decided to check it..
Chapter 16: Wooo and in time for Taeyong’s birthday too.


I see the sparks rekindling for Nari. Ooh la la. I dont blame her. Anyone would drown in that beautiful boy’s pair of eyes.
Chapter 16: YYAAAAYYYY , i got so happy when i saw you updated , thank you so so so much
Chapter 15: and tnx for the great story , it's really amazing , and i'm really amazed on how good you're doing so far , even though you got so many troubles for updating and finishing this story.
as a reader , it's my duty to encourage you and give you hope on your works , but unfortunately , i'm really busy too lately and i couldn't comment per chapter . so please forgive me for that .
and i'll always be waiting for your great updates. ;)
Chapter 15: and i really liked the idea of putting songs as the name of your chapters.
i realize it when i subscribed to your story and really wanted to say it here , but was too lazy . till you wrote it at some chapter and i thought i should just say it ........
Chapter 15: why do i like JYP more than i should???
Chapter 3: wish i had friend like ten
Chapter 2: hey , this is so cool . i mean her escape routes were amazing . and it kinda reminded me of my old school days........
p.s. i'm in love withh their group chat hehe :))
Chapter 15: This chapter seems to be a reminder of how the universe have plans for everyone of us and it is all going to be fine.
Well so the reason is finally revealed of Nari's seemingly random hate.