Exo 12: Unknown Enigma

"Welcome to Soo's Toast shop, how may I help you?" D.O. cheesily addressed as two beautiful customers came to the front desk. Granted, it may not be the best of jobs to work at a toast shop but its very popular for as simple as it is. D.O. is quite popular at his job and most if not all the customers request to have him serve them. Girls go crazy for his looks while the older generations just love the young feeling that D.O. radiates.

But to D.O. this is simply just a job that he does. His schedule consists of helping to open the store in the morning, going to school ALL DAY, then ride his bike to the toast shop until midnight, then repeat over and over again until he graduates. D.O. plans on graduating from high school and attending the prestigious University in hopes of receiving a career in the business industry.

To his oblivious choice to ignore the will of Exo, he doesn't know that all these plans will not be happening.


The two beautiful customers both stare up and down at D.O. as he diligently takes their orders despite the girls coming every single day.

"You think a person would get sick of eating toast everyday..." D.O. whispered to himself as he takes their orders.

The order makes its way on to the computer and quickly shoots to the back as the chef receives it. D.O. stands at the front as he hears Chef Jae say, "Again! I make this order every night, is it the same person?"

D.O. stares at his feet as a small smirk shoots across his face.

As the night neared 9 pm, a group of students from D.O.'s school comes running in through the door, each holding a small birthday banner and balloons, all in hopes of celebrating the handsome squishies birthday with him. 10 girls come in scream as each individual customer stare in amazement.

One student with long black hair walks to the front of the pack, "We would all like to take the time to thank D.O. for all the hard work he does as TODAY IS HIS BIRTHDAY!" she yells as D.O. continues to stare in disbelief.

D.O. quickly holds in hands in front of his body as he tries so hard to produce at least a small smile despite the anger and embarrassment that boils in his soul.

D.O. remains to stand behind the counter as the girls get the entire shop to sing Happy Birthday.

D.O. stares at the floor as the song finishes.... All clap and cheer as the noise is quickly accompanied by silence. All stare at D.O. expecting some sort of speech or words of thankfulness.

"I have to go to the bathroom...Please excuse me," D.O. says quietly as he makes his way towards the men's bathroom.

D.O. quickly takes notice of his surrounding in the bathroom. Only after noticing it's empty atmposhere, he grabs hair and almost begins to roar and scream, "Why would you do that? I don't care to celebrate my 18th birthday here especially in embarrassment. This isn't right nor is it fun."

He slightly comes back to sanity as he stares at himself in the mirror, "Only three more hours, then I can leave, you can handle three more hours.... As long as those girls leave."

D.O. fixes his apron as it sits perfectly against his body. He slowly opens the door and peeks his head out. The 10 girls are still standing by the counter. "Okay the goal... Run quickly to the kitchen and hope they don't notice me," he says to himself as he makes a quick dash toward the kitchen.

Like the flash, the girls all watch as D.O. run from the bathroom to the kitchen, without saying a word.

"Do you think we embarrassed him?" one girl asks as they now stare at the kitchen.

"I don't think so, I just think he's so happy to have everyone care about him so much that he took his thankful self to the bathroom to take it all in... in privacy," she said with a high pitched laugh.

All join in laughter as they all agree.

D.O. quickly runs to where Chef Jae is standing. He runs to him grabs him by shoulders, "You have to help me.. Get those girls out of here... I can't work with them here," he says frantically.

"You are such a baby. Just tell them to leave, they are on our property and if they are not going to order like regular customers, then they need to leave," Chef Jae says as he grabs D.O.'s arms.

"But what if they instead order food and choose to eat here... ALL NIGHT... That can't be an option," D.O. says frantically as he holds on tight to Chef Jae's shoulders.

"Then go home D.O. You don't have to work here. You have way too many hours working part time. I won't mind if you just leave three hours early," Chef Jae says as he gently pushes D.O.'s arms back their sides. 

"REALLY? You would do that," D.O. screams happily.

"Well I can't have you be living back here for three hours and get paid for it now can I?" Jae says with a laugh, "Now just sneak out the back door and go home."

"YESH!" D.O. yells as he walks to the back entrance.

"Oh and D.O... Try and do something fun... Okay? You deserve that at least," Chef Jae says with a smile.

D.O. simply smiles and walks out the door.

D.O.'s steps seem to be smaller as he begins to realize, he really has no one to celebrate his birthday with. He works too much and goes to school to even have friends outside of each place.

"All for the cause D.O.... All for the sake of getting a good life in the future...." He says to himself as a means to comfort his now hurt heart.

With each small step D.O. begins to feel as though his legs are almost getting heavier to carry...

"Sheesh, now I'm getting sick.. What do I do? I can't win!" D.O. says as he begins to cry, "Somebody help me please, I am just so lonely."


D.O. begins to walk down the dark alley that will lead to his own personal, one bedroom apartment.

"Man I need to sit down, why am I already exhausted. Maybe my legs are getting sick, is that even a thing?" he asks as he sits on the ground.


After a half and hour of just sitting, D.O. gets back and realizes his legs are even heavier than they were before.

"Good beans! What on earth?" He says as he puts all his weight on his legs to try and keep moving forward.

In frustration, D.O. lifts his heavy leg and stomps it on the pavement in anger, "KNOCK IT OFF," he yells.

As soon as his foot hits the pavement, a huge earthquake shakes the road and house around him leaving a huge hole where his foot hit.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH!" D.O. yells as he tries to run but notices his other leg is just as heavy as his other foot was.

D.O. repeats the same action as another even bigger earthquake shakes the entire neiborhood around him. Immediately noticing that his legs are no longer heavy, he begins to run full speed toward his apartment.

Screams and confusion echo as each citizen begins to wonder what happened.

Moving too quickly for his body to catch up, D.O. falls forward. His body moves forward as he holds out his hands to catch his fall. As soon as his body hit the ground, another even bigger earthquake takes down the abandoned building next to his apartment. With a huge bang, the entire empty, abandoned building falls with a huge crash...

D.O. just lays on the ground as he begins to scream, "No NO NO! This can't be true... This isn't true.." immediately knowing what this entire scenario is.

"I don't want to be an Exo... Please let me have my life back..." He yells to the sky as the smoke from the rubble begins to surround him.

"I can't be this... Please take me away..." he whispers as he begins to cry.

With each tear, a small stone float in air to catch each individual tear, keeping them from hitting the ground.

Before he knew it, almost 100 or more little stones are surrounding D.O.

In amazement, D.O. lifts his hands as each small stone begins to revolve around his hand.

After a couple minutes of viewing this amazement, D.O. puts his hands down and smiles, "Maybe I don't have to be alone after all," he says as he thinks about the other 11.



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Chapter 10: YAY update!!
Chapter 7: I really like this so far~~❤️