Levitating Soccer Ball

Exo 12: Unknown Enigma


As he attempted to receive the soccer ball, the opposing teammate took the chance and kicked the soccer ball right in front of him. The soccer ball went flying at such high speeds right toward his right arm. The entire team could hear the smashing sound as it hit his skin.

"OH!" Luhan yelled as he put his hand over his arm. The stinging sensation spread all throughout his body but pain and a throbbing feeling radiated at the spot where the soccer ball hit.

"Luhan!" Everyone on his team began to yell as they frantically came running toward him, "Are you okay?" the team captain yelled.

"I'm fine! Honestly, I can still play!" Luhan yelled back.

"Okay, if you are sure, then stay in!" coach yelled back at Luhan as he gave the okay to the referee.

The soccer game finished with Luhan's team losing. The entire team walked away with their heads held down.

Luhan held on to his arm that was now black and blue, "If I wasn't hit, then maybe I would of played better," he said with a heavy sigh.

"What losers we are, seriously, how can we lose," Luhan said as he began to walk home alone.

Luhan was a well enough soccer player to play on a league outside of school and always played and practiced soccer after school every night.

"This and a day before my birthday! Why?" he said as he threw his soccer bag on the concrete sidewalk.

Immedietely as he stood staring at his soccer bag, the thought came to him about what his 18th birthday will hold.

"Oh no, tomorrow is the day," Luhan hesitantly said out loud.

Tomorrow is the day in which another Exo will receive his power.

Luhan began to remember the exact words that were whispered to him a dream, "You will be an Exo when you are 18 years old. And then you shall receive your designated power which will help protect the earth and its citizens. You are to keep this a secret except for the other chosen Exo. You are to train yourself on the chosen power you are given. After mastering said gift, you will be given a picture of all the other chosen Exo, meet up with them for you will need them to keep earth alive."

"I swear people will think I'm nuts if they were to hear that story. I know it was just a dream but it almost felt like I was waiting for this announcement ever since I was born," Luhan said to himself, "and now I'm talking to myself as if I am now two people. WAIT!" Luhan said as he looked around frantically and started touching his chest, "Maybe that's my power! I'm two people in one person and now I'm talking to the other person inside of me!" Luhan began to scream as he picked up his soccer bag and threw it back down on the concrete again.

"What if I get the power to like read minds and I have to keep people's minds under control?" Luhan whispered to himself yet again, "But that's a scary power, what if people are thinking unwholesome thoughts! Yuck! Well standing here talking to myself won't freeze time. I guess I will find out tomorrow." 

Luhan picked up his soccer bag and began to walk in the direction of his apartment.

He arrived at his apartment, got in the shower, and hesitantly went to bed.

"Well the parents can't be here tomorrow, so it looks like I just have soccer practice and school! What if my power comes when I am at school and I blow up the whole school by accident? No! No! Don't think like that!" He said as he began to gently hit his head. "Tomorrow is the day!"

Luhan quickly fell into the deepest sleep he has ever slept in his entire life.

"Today's the day, maybe it already happened," Luhan said as he kept his eyes close as he lay in bed, "Maybe my house is covered in snow and I'm secretly dead!"

Luhan cautiously opened one eye and then the other.

"Oh my apartment is still an apartment. Good. I don't think its happened yet, I don't feel any different," Luhan said as he sat up in his bed and looked around.

Luhan hesitantly got out of bed and continued to walk with caution.

"You can't walk around for the rest of the day like this, you will die of a heart attack before you even receive your power" Luhan said as he began to get ready, "And yet I'm still talking to myself. Maybe thats my power.... Talking to me!"

Luhan finished getting ready and began walking to school.

"Hey my little deer!" a girl said with a laugh.

"Oh hey Min," Luhan said happily, "And I'm not a deer, I don't know why you call me that." Min is a fellow classmate to Luhan and she seems to have a rather large crush on him. But Luhan doesn't mind for he treats her just like a friend.

"Because you are so cute and have the biggest eyes I've ever seen. How was the soccer game yesterday?" Min asked Luhan.

"I'm no deer. But my game could of gone better. I got hit with a ball and we lost," Luhan said as he continued to look forward, not making any eye contact with Min.

Min quickly moved to be in front of Luhan's gaze, "I think you did great. It's all worth the effort in the future."

Luhan ignored what Min said and both continued to walk in silence to school.


"Well see ya later, Min," Luhan said as he walked away toward his classroom.


Luhan looked at his book bag and whispered to himself, "Okay, for the rest of the day, do not talk to anyone or do anything. Don't even touch anyone because I still don't know my power yet!"

For the entire day, Luhan went directly to his classrooms and ignored every friend, teacher, and human being as much as he possibly could.


The last school bell rang and Luhan was the first out the door. He ran all the way home.

"Don't look back! Just run and go to practice. The day is almost over and still nothing. We are good so far!" Luhan said to himself as he ran even faster toward home.

Luhan ran quickly into his apartment and changed into his soccer clothes. "Now time for practice. Don't hurt anyone," Luhan said to himself.

Luhan filled his water bottle, got his shoes, and ran back out the door. He opened the front door to his apartment building and didn't believe his eyes.


"Luhan!" said a soft yell.

Luhan quickly turned back around hoping that she didn't know it was him.

"Luhan, its me Min!" she said softly as she tapped Luhan's shoulder.

"Gosh Min! I'm sorry, I'm heading off to practice, I can't talk," as he spun around, ran around Min, and began to sprint toward the soccer field.


"Keep running, don't let Min look at you or touch you again. Keep running!" Luhan yelled to himself. Every single step as he ran felt like a burning sensation all throughout his body. After a mile of running to the field, he finally made.

The entire soccer team watched as Luhan ran directly to the middle of the soccer field and fell on his knees. He lifted his hands in the air and yelled, "Finally! I made it! Yes!"

Coach yelled, "Luhan get over here now and quit making a scene! We don't have time for your childish behavior! Now" as he motioned with his finger for Luhan to stand in front of him.

Luhan quickly ran in front of coach and apologized.

"Get in line Luhan!" Coach yelled at him.

Luhan qucikly ran and stood beside his teammate, Brick. Brick was a the biggest and most muscular player on the team. Coincidently enough, he hates Luhan.

"Get away from me doe," Brick yelled as he pushed Luhan over.

"Get over it Brick," Luhan got up and yelled back.

"Hey you two," Coach yelled at both, "Luhan stand on the other end of the line."

Luhan held his head high and walked to the other side.


"We are working 10 times harder today for our loss yesterday. Teams A and B break up and do drills!" Coach yelled at the team.


Luhan was on an opposite team as Brick but today Brick targeted Luhan.

Luhan was chosen this time as goalie as Brick was getting ready to kick the ball.

One of Brick's friends whispered into his ear, "Don't aim for the goal, aim for the deer. And don't go easy," he said as he chuckled.

"Got it!" Brick said with a side smile.


Luhan began to glare at Brick until he suddenly looked into Brick's eyes and realized what he was about to do. Luhan suddenly felt more cautious than strong.

Brick set the soccer ball down in front of him and then looked at Luhan.

Luhan looked back as his eyes got bigger.


Brick stepped back three steps and ran full speed and hit the soccer ball as fast as he possibly can.

The soccer ball took aim for Luhan's head, but suddenly Luhan became fearful and moved his arm quickly in front of face and closed his eyes. Expecting his arms to take the hit, he noticed he felt... nothing... He opened his eyes and noticed the soccer ball was sitting in front of Brick again.

"I thought you were going to hit the ball. Hit the dang ball, Brick" Luhan yelled at him.

Brick stood in amazement and fear but thought that maybe Luhan just threw the ball back.


Brick stepped back three steps this time and yelled, "I'm going to take off your head now, Luhan!" He ran as fast as his legs could move and kicked the ball at such a high speed that he fell backwards.

The ball yet again went flying at such a high speed but this time, Luhan kept his eyes open and put up his hands to block it. The ball stopped quickly in front of Luhan's hands as it levitated for two seconds, then Luhan put his arms down and the ball fell down in front of him.

The entire soccer team stood in amazement and fear.

Luhan became afraid and ran off the field and toward home.


"What is happening?" Luhan repeated over and over again as he ran home.

Luhan collapsed in the park just outside his apartment from exhaustion. He lay on the ground as he tried to catch his breath. Luhan still holding on to the soccer ball sits up and stares at it.

"What just happened? Did it happen? What is this power?" Luhan said as he sets the ball on the ground.

Luhan gently puts his hand in front of the soccer ball and begins to focus on this object. He slowly raises his hand....

The ball begins to rise as Luhan's arms goes higher. Luhan simply stares at the levitating soccer ball in front of his face.


"Cool!" He yells as he begins to laugh... "I love it!"


That was years ago... And like the others, I simply wait for the rest of Exo!



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Chapter 7: I really like this so far~~❤️