Heaven's Blinding Light

Exo 12: Unknown Enigma

Baekhyun runs as fast as he can through the back alley ways of Seoul. He continues to run as he looks back and notices that five muscular guys have all gathered together to catch him. 

"What the heck? I just picked up your wallet not knowing it still belonged to you. I was only trying to help," he screamed as he continued to run. He was running as fast as he could, dodging trash cans and people as he attempted to escape the view of those trying to catch him.

One man chasing Baekhyun yelled in a deep monotone voice, "Once I catch you, I will break your body in half." Most of the men chasing Baekhyun measured about 3 Baekhyun's put together in body weight and muscle.

"Okay Baekhyun, you just need to drop the wallet and continue to run..." he whispered to himself, "But if I do this then, they will think that I purposely was trying to steal the wallet."

The entire group continued to run until Baekhyun saw an opportunity to hide. He ran into a karaoke building, ran straight for a back room, stormed into a karaoke room filled with people and hid underneath the table.

Baekhyun begin to yell, "Please please please hide me, I won't bother you after they leave. PLEASE!" The people in the room all looked at each other and began to laugh as they continued with their party.

The five men opened the door, examined the people filled room and closed it tight.

Baekhyun stays hidden under the table as he waits for 30 minutes before leaving the room. He slowly opens the door and sneaks out the karaoke hall. As he quietly walks back home, he sits on the nearest bench. With heavy breathing, he lays his head down on the bench. He closes his eyes but suddenly opens them quickly. "I wonder what's in the wallet that made 5 huge men chase me clear across Seoul."

He sits up and pulls the wallet out of his back pocket. He holds it in his hand as he stares, "No maybe you shouldn't... What if I die or get plagued by some magical curse that will forever haunt me till I die. Gosh I wish I had my Exo power thingy by now, I could of like sand blasted them or martial "arted" my way as I Bruce Lee their butts," Baekhyun says as he quickly stands up and begins punching the air.

He stops punching the air and raises his fist to the air and yells, "IT'S MY 18TH BIRTHDAY, WHERE IS MY SPECIAL POWER! Is it being chased by the Korean mob because if it is, I DON'T WANT IT!"

Baekhyun again brings the wallet close to his face. He slowly looks around him and then begins to open the wallet. Curiosity fills his soul as he opens it up and with surprise finds paper of some sort, each filled with so many zeros behind a one. Baekhyun lets out a high pitched scream as he drops the wallet. He simply stares at the wallet and brings his fingers to his mouth as he tries to hold in his scream.

Baekhyun lets out a scream and yells at the wallet, "This is your fault! You just fell from someone's bag. I was the victim trying to be nice and return it but YOUR OWNER, mistook me for trying to take it and threatens violence against me. Of course I'm a baby! I got scared. So I ran!."

He picks up the wallet and yells at it even more, "But I didn't know I was still holding you. I'm sorry, but I can't just leave this much money in a wallet lying around, what if somebody else finds it. But... What if those men find me with the wallet again, I will die."

Baekhyun stands on the bench and begins to jump on it, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! WHY CAN'T YOU BE NICE TO ME TODAY?"

"Hey!" Baekhyun hears behind him as he turns around and see's a giant fist coming toward his face. The fist hit his face with so much force that Baekhyun went flying backwards off of the bench. He fell on his back as the wallet continues to be held in his hands. He turns his head toward the sound of the voice and realizes that its one of the men who was chasing him before. Baekhyun holds his cheek with his right hand where the blow smashed his face.

Baekhyun begins to struggle to get to his feet as he yells, "I didn't do it to steal it. I tried helping... but..."

"Don't lie to me," the man yells back at Baekhyun, "All my money better be in that wallet or you won't live to see tomorrow or even within the next hour."

Baekhyun filled with fear turns around and begins to run again.

"Hold on," Baekhyun says to himself, "Just drop the wallet and keep running." Baekhyun drops the wallet without looking back.

He stops running as he turns and realizes that now all five are chasing him yet again.

"I DROPPED IT!" Baekhyun yells as he begins to run yet again, "It night time. I will try to hide," he whispers to himself as he makes his way toward a park hidden by trees and blocked from the street lights. 

"Hide in the slide, hide in the slide," Baekhyun says to himself, "Wait no! They will look there!" as he runs around the park. He climbs up the slide and hides behind a kids barrier as he hears the men begin to run.

"I've had enough of this guy, if you see him... just kill him," one of the men say to the rest of the four.

Baekhyun puts his hands over his mouth as he attempts to silence his mumbling of fear. He leans back against the flat surface as he hears footsteps near closer to where he hides.



Silence fills the area where Baekhyun hides as he slowly starts to move closer to the hidden capacity of the playground's slide.

He leans closer to the top of the closed tube slide. Baekhyun doesn't move an inch as silence fills the entire playground.



"Well hey there," a deep voice whispers behind Baekhyun as he notices one of the men has seen him, 'He's over here," he yells to the rest of the men. 

All begin to climb on the playground as they attempt to surround him. One of the men stay at the end of the slide, leaving Baekhyun with no place to run to.


One of the men inches closer to Baekhyun, "I'm sorry I have to kill you but you saw something you shouldn't have."

"I... I... didn't see anything," Baekhyun studders to the men.

The men inch closer. One holding a knife slashes towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun puts up his arms and receives a scratch on right arm.

"No no no!" Baekhyun yells as he now sees that all the men are standing in front of him.


Baekhyun stares at the leader of the group as time almost stops. This time the man who was guarding the slide decides to join his leader leaving the slide unguarded but... the leader smiles almost gently at Baekhyun and says, "Kill him!"

The men all pull out their knives as they run toward Baekhyun. In a quick response, Baekhyun raises his left hand toward the men. In an instant, his hands begin to glow with such a bright light that the men fall backwards.

"Awww, my eyes!" they all begin yelling as they put their hands over their eyes.

Baekhyun, in a swift movement flies down the slide and begins to run away from the men without looking back.

"I don't know what just happened, but keep running Baekhyun," he yells to himself.

After arriving home, all Baekhyun could do was fall in the living room.

He lays on his stomach as he stares at his hands, "What is this? What just saved me? Was it an angel," he says to himself.


"Who are you talking about?" Baekhyun's mother says happily to him as she turns on the news.

"Ohhhhh nobody... Just talking to me," he says with a studder.


"No one knows how this happened. The five men say they were all blinded by a bright light radiated from a boy's hands. The police feel no need to investigate in that the five men are wanted for stealing money and staying hidden for 5 years. The police are deciding to disregard the men's story as all the facts do not add up. The five men are currently being treated at a local hospital as all are now permanently blind," the television anchor says.



And now I wait....




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Chapter 10: YAY update!!
Chapter 7: I really like this so far~~❤️