
Exo 12: Unknown Enigma


"Okay now turn this way Kris. Look at me, okay smile now," The photographer says as he continually snaps photos of the perfect model. 

With each new direction Kris would turns his body to accommodate the photographers wants.

"Perfect! Yes, Kris.. Now smirk into the camera." Kris looks straight into the camera and gives the most y smirk. 

The photographer stops taking pictures and sets down his camera gently. He walks elegantly towards Kris who is still standing at the white back drop. 

"How is someone so handsome and so perfect. You work so well. These pictures will be magnificent," The photographer says as he gave Kris a gentle hug. 

"It's no problem really. I enjoy my job and I am not going to look good without you, so thank you," Kris says as he hugs the photographer back. 


"Kris!" A voice yells from behind the camera, "Hurry please, we have another engagement to attend to." Kris's manager is a very precise man and never allows Kris to be late to any event. 

"I'm coming. Thanks again," Kris says as he gently bows and walks in the direction of his manager. 

"How is that you can simply stare into the camera and all the girls die," manager says as he laughs at Kris. 

"It's a job and you know it," Kris mumbles in embarrassment. 


Both manager and Kris walk out of the studio and begin to walk to their car. Manager quickly opens the car door for Kris as a couple paparazzi come to surround Kris. 

"Okay please step back," manager yells as he guides the photographers back away from the car. 

Kris quickly puts on his sunglasses in the back of the car and puts his hood up to avoid being seen by the paparazzi. 

Manager run into the car and quickly drives away. 

Both manager and Kris remain awkwardly quiet as they drive to the next location of his photo shoot. The only noise in the car is the sound of the motor.

As manager drives while Kris falls into a deep sleep in the back seat. As his eyes become heavy and he leans against the door, a deep and unknown voice whispers in to his ear, "Today is the day! You're 18th birthday!" 

What felt like a cold breath suddenly rush down his spine, Kris jolted awake. With heavy breathing, he whispers to himself, "what was that? What is he talking about? It doesn't matter because I don't care," as he rests his head back against the seat. 

"Are you okay?" his manager asks with hesitation. 

"Yeah... I'm fine. I just had a really weird dream then a strange feeling... of something," Kris says as he makes eye contact with his manager in the mirror.


"Well this is your last photo shoot then you can go home and finally sleep," manager says as he tries to lighten the dark mood in the car, "and you get to model with two very good looking females." 

"Great, that will make this photo shoot a little more fun," Kris said in a joking manner. 


The two arrived at the warehouse where the photo shoot was the take place. The warehouse didn't seem like a warehouse as it looked more like a mansion. 

Manager attempts to open the back door for Kris but Kris is already getting out of the car, "Please let's get this over with so I can go home," Kris said as he stared at his manager. 

Both walk into the warehouse where two beautiful women stand already ready at the white backdrop. Kris can not help but let out a sigh of sadness. "This is going to take forever isn't it?" he let out with another sigh. 

"Oh quit crying. The quicker you go to hair and makeup, the quicker you can get this over with," his manager said in anger. 

Manager grabbed Kris's arm and led him towards hair and makeup. The two arrived in a small two chair room where makeup brushes, hair dryers, and lights surrounded the white room filled with mirrors. 

"Oh my word," a couple of the women reacted with awe as they looked at Kris. All the women began to put their hands over their mouths as they admired Kris from head to toe. 

Manager looked at the stylists then back at Kris, "Please do your jobs ladies," he said with a stern tone. 

Kris sat down in his chair as all four ladies completely surrounded him, begging just to touch him. 

Kris began to scrunch in his chair as he became intimidated by the attention. "Can we please just get this done? Please!" Kris said with hesitation. 

"Oh of course, come on girls," one of the women said as her hands shook as she began brushing his dark hair. 

After what felt like hours of sitting in that chair, Kris finally was released from that makeup prison. 


"Please hurry Kris, the girls have been waiting for an hour," the photography said firmly. 

Kris quickly ran to the white background as the two looks looked at each other and began to blush, "I am so sorry," Kris said with a bow. 

"Oh no its fine, we don't mind," one of the girls said. 

The photography held his camera with impatience as he yelled, "Will you guys shut up now so we can get started." 

After two seconds of silence, the photographer raised his camera, "Now pose for me. Ladies, I want you to stare Kris and Kris give me a y glare." The models did as they were told while he snapped each photo as if he were drawing a delicate picture on a smooth canvas. After 100 pictures later, the photographer invited the models to come and view the pictures. 

All reacted with "awe's" as they viewed the beauty of each photo. 

The photographer backed away from the monitor and stared at Kris from head to toe. "Hey Kris. I would now like you to hold one of the models. Pick her up in your arms and hold her tight. This is going to be a manly pose, all your fans will love it." 

Kris looked with hesitation at one of the models but agreed willingly. 

Kris and the tall model walked back to the white back drop. 

"I'm sorry, forgive me and don't mind me," Kris said to the model as he picked her up in his arms. His tanned arms began to flex as all those viewing could not resist staring. 

"Okay hold that pose... You both look fascinating," the photographer said as he began to snap photo after photo, "Yes... beautiful... look at me Kris... yes!" 


Kris felt his arms almost began to feel heavier and heavier as if someone was adding weights on top of the model.... His arms began to shake as the model turned her gaze from the camera to Kris with fear. 

"What is happening?" Kris said to himself. 

Without warning, the weight became unbearable that the model fell from Kris's arms and fell on to the hard concrete floor. 

Even after the model was no longer in his arms, Kris still felt pressure pushing down on his body... Kris could not fight the pressure and fell to his knees as his hands were almost magnetic to the floor. 

Every staff member came running toward the female model as they attempt to bandage her small scratches on her arms. No staff pay any attention to Kris as his body began to continually fall to the floor. 


"What is happening to me?" Kris said as he began to shed a few tears. 

Once he felt some pressure be relieved, he quickly stood up and ran back to the completely empty makeup room. Kris swiveled around, slammed the door, and locked it. 

Frantically, he begins to touch his heart with his hands and look around the room in fear as he cried tears of uncertainty. 

Without warning, Kris's hands felt that magnetic pressure  toward the floor as he fell with a loud bang to the floor. His knees slowly followed as the room began to feel heavy again. 

"Help me!" Kris yelled as loud as his deep voice can penetrate. 


Loud banging began to hit the door as the staff members frantically try to open the locked door. 

In a split second, the room no longer felt heavy as Kris's body began to hover above the ground. 

"Wait.. Whoa... NO!" Kris begins to yell as his arms and legs start to try and grab on to any solid object in the room. He feels the top of the stylist chair as he holds on to its solid exterior. His legs are still raising toward the ceiling as his arms are still holding tightly on to the chair. then suddenly, Kris sees that the chair is also starting to float. "No No No!" He begins to yell at the chair. 


"Good grief will someone help me, I'm flying!" He yells as he cries. 

The banging on the door becomes louder as the staff is now attempting to break down the door. Suddenly, Kris hears a click as the lock is unlocked. 

Within that split second, Kris and the chair fall straight to the floor. 


Manager is the first to come running through the door as he kneels down to help Kris off the floor, "What on earth happened?" he yelled at Kris as he brought him to his feet. 

"I was... the chair... it was..." Kris said as he pointed toward the ceiling. 

All the staff look at the ceiling and notice nothing different except the chair being knocked over. 

Manager quickly switches his anger from Kris to the staff, "We are going now! I think Kris needs to get some rest. I think you have the pictures you need for you shoot, we are leaving," manager yells as he grabs Kris' bag. Manager puts one arm around Kris's shoulder as he attempts to stabilize Kris.


Kris still in shock simply leans on his manager as he begins to question what just happened. Manager gently places Kris in the backseat of the car and runs back into the warehouse. 

Kris stands motionless as he begins to feel fearful again. "Now don't touch anything. I touched the chair and it began to float, so don't touch the car." Kris began to talk to himself, "what just happened to me?" he says as he stares at his hands. 

"Be honest with yourself Kris," he said as his head fell down to his knees, "you flew.. YOU STINKIN FLEW! I can fly! But how...." 


Kris paused as he slowly brought his head up and looked toward the warehouse,

"Oh no.... Exo...." he thought to himself, "this is happening..."  


"And I am still a model to this day....My powers are under control now, but all I'm waiting for is the rest of the Exo members to find me... Or am I supposed to find them?" 


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Chapter 10: YAY update!!
Chapter 7: I really like this so far~~❤️