A Promise and a Lightning Bolt

Exo 12: Unknown Enigma

"The power you will be receiving is the most difficult to control and even more terrifying to tolerate," these words continued to repeat themselves to Chen as he woke up in the morning.

He lay in his bed contemplating these words.

"What power could I possibly be receiving if its difficult to control? And what makes it terrifying to tolerate?" Chen whispered to himself as he slowly sat up in his bed.

For some, the day of receiving Exo powers was a day of fear and regret, but for Chen, this would be a day of happiness. Chen literally counted the years of countdown in which today had brought. The day he receives his powers.

But this voice that whispered to Chen in a dream about his powers didn't seem like a happy invitation but more of a horrifying warning. Chen began to feel fear. Maybe his power wouldn't be as cool as he thought it would be, maybe... it would be a curse that he will have to live with all his life.

Chen immediately stared at his wall as he imagined the possible damage that could be done to the people around him.

"Maybe I should take today and just go stay in some societyless existence," he said to himself as he quickly jumped out of bed. He begins to paw his way through his drawers finding something comfortable to wear all day.

"Maybe... I should take a quick shower, who knows... my power may not allow me to ever shower again," he said as he laughed all the way to the bathroom. Chen quickly showered in record time, got dressed and began to pack his backpack with needed necessities. Chen grabbed his long board and ran out the door.

As he stood in front of his apartment building, he tried hard to figure out a place that had no people. A light bulb flickered in Chen's mind as he thought of the loner beach he used to hang out as a child. "That is perfect.. That place is so deserted, it scares everyone..."

As Chen began to ride toward the beach, 2 miles away, he thought to himself, "Is this not sad that I cannot even spend my own birthday with my friends? I have to desert myself so no one gets hurt. What if I get hurt and am left in that deserted place?" Chen quickly stopped his long board and began to ponder these thoughts in his head.

As he stood there for a couple minutes, "It's not if I get hurt, I am doing this so no one else will get hurt. I have to do this by myself."

He put his long board down again and began to ride toward the deserted beach.

"The most terrifying to tolerate," Chen said to himself over and over till it almost became a habit to say.


Chen finally arrived at the beach that he knew too well. To him this beach was the most beautiful and secluded place.

He picked up his long board and held it at his side as he began to walk on the sand near the water. He sat his backpack and long board down as he tried to become comfortable in the sands.

Not even one person was seen on this beach as Chen began to feel lonely.

Chen looked toward the sky and noticed stunning blue skies with puffy white clouds as they almost smiled down upon him.

"At least today is a nice day," he said to himself as he folded his arms behind his head and fell backwards on his back. He lay comfortably as he gazed up on the magnificence of the sky.

"Chen you are still happy about this whole power thing. You can do this. It will be like being some epic superhero, there is nothing to be afraid of," he strongly yelled to himself as a way of a comforting pep talk.

Chen began to whisper these words to himself till he slowly began to feel tired and exhausted. He reached over, grabbed his backpack and set it under his head as a homemade pillow. He pushed his long board toward his feet to prop up his feet.

"I guess there is nothing wrong with taking a short nap."

Chen quickly fell in to a deep sleep.


Chen bolted awake as a feeling of an earthquake shook below his body. He jolted his body upward and opened his eyes to terror in front of his eyes.

He stand in awe as the skies were no longer bright blue but a dark black and grey as lightning bolts raced across the sky.

"Maybe I shouldn't be here, I will die before I even get my powers," Chen yelled to himself.

Chen picked up his backpack, long board, and started to run away from the beach. Suddenly he stopped and felt a certain aurora, as if the beach was pulling him back toward it with a rope.

Chen whipped his body around to simply stare at the skies.

Lightning bolts lit up the dark sky as Chen stood of awe of each bolt. 

"Now I am afraid," he said softly to the sky.

Chen stepped one foot in front the other as he inched closer toward the beach yet again.

Without warning, his feet suddenly couldn't move anymore, and one single lightning bolt hurled down from the heavens and stuck Chen.

Chen began to scream uncontrollably as one, two, then 12 lightning bolts hit his body, each bolt feeling like his body will disintegrate.

Chen strong enough to move his arms fell to his knees as he covered his ears with his hands. The pressure of each bolt became unbearably painful on his body as the earth began to yell. Each lightning bolt accompanied by a loud thunder echoed into Chen's ears as he made any desperate attempt to alleviate the pain.

Chen continued to cry out in pain as each lightning bold entered his body as the storm began to calm itself. Finally the last lightning bolt entered his body and the storm began to clear. Chen fell backwards on to his back as his stare at the sky.

"I'm still afraid," Chen whispered to the sky as he held up his hand. Electrical currents could be felt in his hands as he saw little sparks radiate from his fingers.

Suddenly the same voice that whispered in his dream, whispered again in his head, "The power you will be receiving is the most difficult to control and even more terrifying to tolerate. Chen, you have to try and control the spark inside of you, a single lightning bolt can kill many."

All Chen could do is lay in fear as he contemplate what was told to him. Even after this most terrifying and life changing moment, all Chen could think of is his faceless and unknown fellow Exo members.

Chen painfully sits up and covers his eyes and begins to cry, "I'm so sorry guys, I am sorry if I will hurt you."

At that moment, Chen makes a single promise as he raises his hands and eyes to the sky, "I will never hurt Exo! I will never ever hurt them with this power, that is my only promise to you!"


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Chapter 10: YAY update!!
Chapter 7: I really like this so far~~❤️