Starting Forrest Fires

Exo 12: Unknown Enigma

"Woo hoo! We are going camping!" Chanyeol yells at the wall.. It was a little lonely at that moment since no human being was in the house, but either way Chanyeol could not resist the urge to yell in excitement.

"I have always loved camping," Chanyeol said as he awkwardly hugged the wall.
"Man I wish my friends were here. I'm kind of lonely. And why do I love camping if I've never gone camping in the woods before. I'm a city boy," Chanyeol yells happily as he raises his hands to the ceiling.

Chanyeol continues to pack all the necessities he believes he needs to camp.
"Shampoo, conditioner, face wash, hairspray, check. I think I got everything!" Chanyeol tries so hard to close his luggage and then realizes its too chubby to even close.

"What do I do? I need all this," Chanyeol says as he sits on his bag. "You will close or I will carry everything and destroy you bag," he yells as he begins to jump on his suitcase.

Granted this suitcase is a bag that is meant for the modern traveler heading on a 3 week vacation to another country... not to an overnight trip to the woods only located a couple miles out of town.
A rhythmic knock echoes in Chanyeol's house.
Chanyeol runs to the door and opens it dramatically. His smiles lightens up the room as he notices his two best friends, Johnny and Jung are standing in the doorway. "HELLO MY FRIENDS!" Chanyeol yells as he hugs both together.

"Ugh, let us go," Jung says as he pushes Chanyeol away.
"But I love you both so much," Chanyeol says as he continues to hold on to both.

"Okay dude, seriously, this is now getting weird," Johnny says as he begins to tickle Chanyeol's armpits.
Chanyeol bursts into laughter as he lets both go.
"Come friends, you help me close my suitcase," Chanyeol says as he motions for both to follow.

"Suitcase..." both friends look at one another and laugh.
Chanyeol turns around and realizes that both are wearing hiking backpacks.

Johnny and Jung dramatically break into laughter as they fall to the floor after noticing Chanyeol's suitcase.

"Dude, we are going for one night. You don't need a suitcase," both friends say as they continue to laugh.

"I need all of this, " Chanyeol dramatically motions toward his suitcase.

Jung crawls over and opens his suitcase. "In what way or form will you be needing your teddy bear, voice recorder, cell phone charger, and 5 pairs of underwear?"
"I NEED THEM! My teddy bear can't stay here by itself, it will get lonely," Chanyeol yells back at his friends.
Both break into uncontrollable laughter.
"You don't need Mr. Teddy on your trip. He likes staying home alone sometimes to think and reflect on his teddy bear life as he remembers his commitment to you," Johnny says gently as he rubs Chanyeol's shoulder.

"You are right. We need our alone time every now and again," Chanyeol says as he gently walks and places Mr. Teddy back on the bed.
"We will pack for you," Jung says as he grabs Chanyeol's backpack instead.

After an hour of putting clothes back into their drawers, the crew was ready to go. All wearing boots, pants, and backpacks. All look at one another and nod as if they were leaving to conquer the world.
They all look at each other and smile, "YEAH BIRTHDAY CAMPING," Chanyeol yells.
"Yeah birthday camping," Jung and Johnny yell back as all run out of the house and load into the car.

"Guys we don't know how to camp so why are we doing it?" Chanyeol says as he sits in the backseat.
"Oh it can't be too hard. We can do this, we have to do things we have never done before," Johnny says as he drives his car away.

After about 45 minutes of driving, they arrive at the campsite in the woods.
"It looks just like the website," Jung says as he begins to jump in his seat, "this will be so much fun."

Johnny drives to an empty spot deep in the woods.
"Are we going to be able to find our way back?" Chanyeol says hesitantly.
"Of course, just follow the road back," Johnny says.

He parks the car by a fire pit. All quickly jump out of the car and unload their backpacks.

"We didn't plan this very well. Why did we sleep in till 4? It's almost already dark outside," Jung said as he hits Chanyeol's shoulder.
"It wasn't me! It was Johnny, he goes to bed too late," Chanyeol yells back at Jung as he hits Johnny's shoulder.

Johnny remains quiet as he begins to get scared.
The sun begins to set as all still stand in the same spot.

"Okay, like the movies suggest, we need to make a fire," Jung says with much enthusiasm.
"I got a lighter and paper," Johnny says happily, "and I will go get firewood" Chanyeol says as he runs into the woods.
"Don't wander to far Channie," Jung yells to Chanyeol as Chanyeol begins to run into the woods.
Time passes as and its almost pitch black outside.
"Crap, I can't see anything," Chanyeol says as he puts his hands in front of him. I don't feel any trees whatsoever. And what if I grab a tree or branch that is still alive, I could light the whole forrest on fire."

"I don't think that's a problem anymore, I think I need to go back now... But where is back... And why am I still talking to myself... It's not because I am scared... I'm not scared...." He yells to himself as he pokes himself.

He stops walking and simply turns 180 degrees.
"Okay.. Now walk this way back to da bae's" he says as he starts laughing.

After two hours of wandering, Chanyeol stops and begins to cry.
"What a horrible 18th  birthday! I'm lost and can't see anything."

He motions his hands back and forth as he feels a large tree. Out of fear he wraps his arms around its trunk and hugs it as he begins to cry.
"I'm scared!" He yells to the tree as he gently places his face on its bark.

"Man my hands are burning up, is it possible to get a fever in your hands," He says as he continues to hug the tree.
"Awww don't run away little squirrel," he says softly as he see's it run in the opposite direction of himself.

"Wait, I can see.. There is light, but where is that light coming from," he whispers to himself as he gently lets go of the tree.

To his surprise, he brings his hands forward and notices that both of his hands... ARE ON FIRE!

Chanyeol begins to scream in the highest high pitched scream he could produce.

He begins to wave his hands in the air as the flames spread up his arms.

He begins to slam his hands on the trunk of the tree he was once hugging. Each flame fell to the ground and begins to light the leaves and branches on the ground on fire. The flames quickly spread as Chanyeol waves his hands in the air.

"Wait why am I not in pain," He says as he stops moving. He holds his hands in front of his face and notices that they are on fire, but he doesn't feel any pain.

"Wow! Is this my power that I was told I would get?"

"SO COOL!" He yells.

He gently brings his hands down to where the flames are ignited on the ground and gently and swiftly motions his hands upwards while aiming his hand in that direction. With each movement, the flames grew bigger.

"I control fire, this is amazing," he says to himself and he suddenly feels a sense of peace roll over his soul. He closes his eyes and hears the gentle melody of the flames as they danced across the ground.

Chanyeol smiles until...

He realizes....

Almost the entire forrest from what he can see is almost completely engulfed in flames...

"Whoa... wait... stop now!" He yells at the flames as he holds his hands over the flames. 

But the flames grew large which now turned into a full blown forrest fire.

"Chanyeol.. Chanyeol..." he hears in the distance..


Chanyeol realizing his hands still on fire, frantically begins to run in a circle, "They can't see me like this...."

"Chanyeol Chanyeol," they yell as the screams grow closer.

Chanyeol closes his eyes and opens them with fire in his own eyes. He stops running and stares at the fire. He holds out his right hand and focuses his attention on each each individual flame that comes together to form one big fire.

As he holds out his hand, suddenly each flame begins to run towards Chanyeol's hand forming an almost backwards flamethrower. Instead of fire now coming from his hands, they were going back in.

He motioned his hand all around till the entire forrest fire disappeared, which then put out the fire in Chanyeol's hands leaving only rubble and smoke behind.


"Chanyeol, we were worried, where have you been?" Johnny said as he ran closer to Chanyeol.

All hugged each other.

"We just followed the light and found you," Jung said as he began to cry.

All gather in a group hug.

"But dang boy, why are you so hot?" Johnny said as he began to touch Chanyeol's arm...

"Awkward dude," Jung said as he let go of both Chanyeol and Johnny.

Chanyeol begins to laugh, "I guess I am hot. I am finally an Exo!" he yells as Johnny and Jung stare in confusion.

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Chapter 10: YAY update!!
Chapter 7: I really like this so far~~❤️