Frost on a Flower

Exo 12: Unknown Enigma


"Xiumin! You get back over here now. I don't want my little bun to be taken! Momma doesn't know what she would do without you," my mother said gently as she walked over and grabbed me into a hug.

"I am fine mother, I am just...being curious. And I'm not a baby, mom!" I whispered gently as I held my mother.

As she let go of her son, she looked up to him, "I am so happy that I am able to take you here to celebrate my son's 18th birthday. This is a big day..." she said as she began to cry, "every single birthday is so special to me because you are so special to my heart."

"Aw mom... don't cry... please"I said as I gently put my arm around her neck and held her close.

"My 18th birthday is nothing to be celebrating," Xiumin whispered in the back of his mind. "This is where that thought always belonged. I have never cherished or even thought about my 18th birthday, because I knew what will happen to me. I will get some sort of power and have to care for the earth and its people... apparently... at least that's what I was told. But... when is this going to happen and of course I couldn't say no to my mother's birthday present. And what "power" are they are talking about? For all I know, I could bring this whole island into the sea."

"Oh good gosh!" I mistakingly said out loud as I was still holding my mother. "What? Is something wrong?" Xiumin's mother said frantically.

"Oh.... just thinking.... about certain things," I said in a mad attempt to save my deepest secret.

That is one thing about this whole Exo thing that I don't understand. Why is that we can't tell our own parents about this whole ordeal? It would defintely take a load off if my mother knew what kind of possible monster I might become. And what if I fail at controlling this "power" and I kill our whole human race. Well I remember the words that were whispered to me in that dream. Ever since I was born, I always felt like I was waiting for a message to be delivered to me but I didn't know what it was. Then it happened when I was 15, I had a dream of a man telling me that when I turn 18 years old, my lifelong duty will begin and I will have to train myself of this power that I will be receiving.

So the dream pretty much said, "I will be getting a power of some sort. I have to use it to keep the earth rotating and its people safe. But I have to train myself with this power and figure out how this will effect our earth. Wow!

So now I have all day today on my 18th birthday to wait patiently and see what power I could possibly get.

"Xiumin! Xiumin!" his mother yelled, "I have been yelling at you for like 5 minutes. I think you were in a trance."

"No I was just... still thinking!" Xiumin said quietly.

"Tell me, what is bothering you? Maybe I can help you!"

"Exo is something...." Xiumin began to say but caught himself. He quickly put his hand over and looked at his mother.

"Exo? What's Exo?" She said curiously.

Xiumin walked closer to his mother, looked her in the eyes, put his hand over her face then quickly let go. Both mother and Xiumin stared at eachother.

"What... are you doing?" Xiumin's mother said.

Well... my power isn't taking someone's memory away. Darn it!
"Well.... I don't know...." He said as he backed away from his mother.

"Honey... Maybe you need to go lay down... The sun might be getting to you...." She said as she stared at him in a weird manner.

"Yeah... That would be best.... I can walk myself back to the hotel..." Xiumin said, "Please be safe mother. Come back later, I will be waiting."

Xiumin began to walk away toward the direction of the hotel. Which ever way that would be? He began to wander but forgot which hotel was theirs. He had walked a couple of miles lost in thought before he realized he had wandered away from civilization.  

"Oh boy... Just my luck... Why am I always like this?" Xiumin said with a sad face, but as he turned his head to the left, he noticed something he had never seen before. It was a beautiful field full of colorful tulips.

"Oh my gosh, that looks so relaxing," Xiumin said happily as he skipped toward the tulip field. He ran straight for the middle of the field where no human being was in sight. He raised his head to the sky, lifted up his hands and fell backwards in the field.

"I have never felt so calm and comfortable in my life," He whispered to himself, "Other than the fact that I'm freezing on the inside, I am pretty comfortable." 

Xiumin quickly opened his eyes in a panic as he sat up.... With pressure he put his hand on his heart and felt a deep pain, he had never felt before.

"I think I'm having a heart attack," He said frantically as he continued to hold his heart. Then suddenly he felt his heart stop beating....But.... he was still alive and breathing....

Xiumin removed his hand from near his heart area and looked at one brightly purple tulip....

"Is it happening?" He said to himself.

The only comfort he had at the moment was that purple tulip that almost seemed to be hugging his hurt soul.

His gaze suddenly went from the purple tulip to his heart as he raised his right hand and brought it to his heart again. What he noticed, terrified him.

His heart was no longer beating and it felt ice cold. 

"Why does my heart feel cold but I feel so warm on the inside?" Xiumin said.

Yet again, his gaze caught eye of that purple tulip. This purple tulip might be the only comfort during this time but I have no idea why? Xiumin gently began to raise his right hand toward the tulip.

"The best gift I can give you at this time of comfort is my touch on your fragile petals," he said as tears began to roll down his cheeks.

His hand suddenly felt as if it was moving at a slow speed and time had stopped as he hand glided toward this gentle flower. He came two inches from it and whispered, "I'm sorry."

As his hands gently caressd the small purple flower, its petals began to turn blue, then black, but died.

Xiumin continued to cry as he noticed that he froze the flower.

Xiumin continued to hold the dead flower as he began to cry even harder, "Please no! No! No! No! Please! Come back! I'm sorry!" he began to yell.

"Why? Why this one? Why?" Xiumin said as he brought the flower close to his face. He gently set the frost bit flower on the ground where it once bloomed so beautifully.

"Forgive me!" He said as looked toward the resort where his mother was staying, "Forgive me... mother!" he said as he realized the tears on his face that fell to the ground suddenly turned to ice. Xiumin quickly stood up and looked around him and realized that a circular pattern of ice had surrounded himself and killed the tulips around him. The tulips that once beamed with light were all frost bitten.

"It seems I have the power to kill things that were once alive," he said as he stared at the dead flowers, "I pray that there will be a flower that can handle the frost on its gentle petals, that is all I ask from this day forward."


That was my story...5 years ago.. Now I have better control of my cold heart and it's powers. All I wonder at this point... The only people I am waiting for.... is the rest of Exo!


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Chapter 10: YAY update!!
Chapter 7: I really like this so far~~❤️